Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Sleep Apnea with Dr. Joel Gould: Rational Wellness Podcast 125

Dr. Joel Gould discusses Sleep Apnea with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

3:25  Dr. Gould pointed out that rather than referring to it as obstructive sleep apnea, the new teminology is Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB). Obstructive sleep apnea came out of looking at older, obese people who would choke in their sleep and generally all require a C-Pap machine.  But now we are starting to see this in younger people, some with lesser versions of it, called Upper Air Resistance Syndrome (UARS).  And sleep apnea has such a negative connotation that if you try to speak to patients about sleep apnea, they tend to feel like you are calling them a bad person and accusing them of being unhealthy.  Sleep disordered breathing is a broad label that includes on one end, people with very severe apnea, and on the other end, people who are just having sleep issues for the first time, including children. 

Dr. Gould explained that dentists can fabricate a device called a mandibular advancement device, and that’s a mouthpiece that will eliminate snoring and can greatly reduce the symptoms of apnea. This helps to hold the airway open and is a great allopathic treatment for the disease. This is how he first got involved in treating this condition.

6:32  The most common symptoms for patients with Sleep Disordered Breathing are daytime tiredness, insomnia, gastric acid reflux, headaches, and snoring. The signs that can be seen in the dental chair are bruxism, crunching and grinding, and something called scalloped tongue. That’s when the tongue thrusts against the lower teeth all night long, and the tongue gets indentations. Those indentations are a sign that the part of the brain that controls the airway isn’t functioning right. To diagnose this, the first step is to wear a pulse oximeter while sleeping, which can show if your oxygen level drops while you are sleeping. If that shows evidence, then a home sleep study will be recommended.

12:30   Dr. Gould explained that sleep apnea is a lifestyle disease that is multi-factorial.  This disease came up in the ranks as a diagnosis for older men who stop breathing for 10 seconds or longer.  This creates a series of arousals from our sleep.  As we go down into deeper sleep, our body becomes more relaxed and we’re supposed to go into those deep stages of repair.  But our modern lifestyle, like exposure to blue light, which suppresses the melatonin that helps you to fall asleep.  And melatonin is also a very powerful antioxidant, so blue light exposure also increases your risk of cancer.  When your airway becomes too relaxed, your airway may collapse and this sends a signal that the person is choking and it will arouse them. There is a spike in cortisol from the sympathetic nervous system and the person awakes from deep sleep.

15:45  This cortisol spike may raise blood sugar levels and could explain why a diabetic has a morning spike in blood sugar that has nothing to do with what they ate. This cortisol spike would not get picked up by conventional salivary cortisol tests, since it happens in the middle of sleeping. Dr. Gould describes sleep apnea as the disease of modern living.  It is a disease of the autonomic nervous system, the part of the brain that regulates circulation, digestion, sleep, and all of the things that we don’t need to think about.  Sleep apnea will result in premature aging, since your sleep is broken and you don’t get to get into that deep sleep that allows the body to regenerate and refurbish itself.

22:38  Snoring is a vibration of the soft palate and it is results from a primary vitamin D deficiency, followed by secondary B vitamin deficiency, specifically B5, pantothenic acid, which is the precursor to acetylcholine.  Dr. Gould explained that in the brain stem you need to have a high enough vitamin D level to transcribe the enzyme choline acetyltransferase, which an enzyme that makes acetylcholine.  Vitamin D it allows you to up-regulate the transcription of your genes to make the enzymes to stay healthy.  If you lived in the wild, most people would have a vitamin D level of 50 or 60.  When the D level goes down low enough, you no longer have enough energy from the sun to transcribe the most basic and important enzymes, the ones like glutathione, or superoxide dismutase, the enzymes that will detoxify free radicals, and that’s why vitamin D deficiency and health are so linked. Doctors aren’t really necessarily understanding that this one thing, just on its own the vitamin D is a massive issue that humans are literally solar powered animals, and we use that energy from the sun to power our reactions. Vitamin regulates our immune system and if that is shut down and it cannot kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus, it will change our gut bacteria and the good bacteria that promote B vitamin production will disappear. B vitamins are crucial for the electronic transport chain in mitochondrial energy production and for neurotransmitter production, like serotonin, our feel good chemical. B5 is needed to make acetylcholine.

28:43  Whether you breathe through your nose or your mouth is also important.  Humans are designed to breathe through their nose and when you do, your nose filters and warms the air and provides nitric oxide, which causes a vasodilation.  But a lot of us become mouth breathers when we can’t breathe through our nose due to allergies or deviated septum or some other issue that affects our airways. Buteyko breathing and mouth taping can be two strategies to help promote nose breathing.  Dr. Gould said that he sees this mouth breathing a lot in kids–kids who suck their thumbs, kids who wet the bed, kids who have ADHD, these kids are all severely sleep deprived.  Their airways are growing and developing and if they breathe through their mouth, this tends to narrow the palate.  As kids are developing, if they don’t have enough vitamin D3 and K2, the airway won’t grow properly.  With low vitamin D3 you tend to get increased colds, flus, allergies, and with low vitamin K2 you tend to get early calcification of the nasal septum and not enough calcium going into the jaw for proper, normal growth, and the airway’s being compromised.  This was first discovered by Weston Price 80 years ago.  They develop long face syndrome, which is where the palate becomes narrow from mouth breathing and the jaw becomes narrow as well.

34:40  Sleep apnea and disordered breathing increases your risk of heart disease.  This is partially because sleep apnea is such a stressor for the body and you get an increase in the heart rate when you get woken up.  It is also because of the vitamins D3, K2, and B deficencies that are the root cause of sleep apnea.

37:30  When you suspect a patient of having sleep apnea, the first step is to give them a pulse oximeter to wear while sleeping for one or two nights. If you stop breathing while sleeping, you will see a drop in their oxygen saturation, which is measured by the pulse oximeter. You will see the oxygen level drop 3-4%.  After that, if they have severe health issues, then they should go to a medical sleep doctor and have a polysomnography done. If not, then Dr. Gould will have them do a home sleep study.

39:23  After the sleep study, Dr. Gould will often recommend an oral mandibular advancement device. This is a device in your mouth that brings the jaw forwards and increases the size of the airway and makes it harder for the tongue to fall back and block the airway.  By bringing the tongue closer to the top of the palate, it may stimulate the vagus nerve, which may reverse apnea.  Dr. Gould explained that most of the dental profession views it as a structural disease, but he sees it as more related to vagal nerve control of the musculature.  If you can breath while you are awake, then you should be able to breath while you are asleep. This shows that there is no physical obstruction.  But uncontrolled sleep apnea can lead to hypoxia and cause brain cell death, particularly in the cerebellum, which if it goes on long enough, can be permanent.  We need to put the physical barrier in and add in the vitamin D3 and K2 to allow deep, restorative sleep, so the brain can heal.  He may also supplement with a B complex and magnesium.



Dr. Joel Gould is a dentist with an interest in Functional Medicine. Dr. Gould graduated from the University of Western Ontario in Canada and practiced dentistry in rural Canada and in Vancouver for 10 years before relocating to Los Angeles. Dr. Gould’s practice is called Modern American Dentistry and he has practices in Manhattan Beach and in Woodland Hills. His website is https://www.modernamericandentistry.com/

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            This is Dr. Ben Weitz with the Rational Wellness Podcast, bringing you the cutting edge information on health and nutrition from the latest scientific research, and by interviewing the top experts in the field. Please subscribe to Rational Wellness Podcast on iTunes and YouTube, and sign up for my free e-book on my website by going to DrWeitz.com. Let’s get started on your road to better health.  Hello, Rational Wellness Podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, I would really appreciate it if you could to go Apple Podcast and give us a ratings and review. That will move us up on that list of alternative health podcasts, and more people will be able to find the Rational Wellness Podcast.  Also, if you’d like to see a video version, please go to my YouTube page, and if you go to my website DrWeitz.com you can see detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Our topic for today is obstructive sleep apnea and how to treat it, both with a functional medicine approach, along with traditional care.  Sleep apnea is when a person has pauses in their breathing while sleeping, and each pause can last from a few seconds to a few minutes. Such pauses can happen many times per hour per night. It occurs in 1 to 6% of adults, and 2% of children, though I wonder if this number’s actually higher in adults who’ve never been diagnosed.  Sleep apnea may be obstructive in which the airflow is blocked, or central in which breathing simply stops, or a combination of the two. Obstructive sleep apnea is overwhelmingly the most common form. With central sleep apnea accounting for less than 1% of cases. So we’re going to focus on the obstructive sleep apnea today.  Patients with obstructive sleep apnea may not be aware that they have it. Common symptoms of sleep apnea include tiredness during the day, snoring, lack of energy, depression, ADHD and behavioral problems in children. Sleep apnea increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, heart failure, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity, car accidents, cognitive impairment, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

                                Our guest for today is Dr. Joel Gould, who’s a dentist with an interest in functional medicine. Dr. Gould has a background in public health dentistry, and his practice is called Modern Health Dentistry. He has offices in both Manhattan Beach and in Woodland Hills. Dr. Gould is back for his second appearance on the Rational Wellness Podcast, first appearing on episode 17 over two years ago.  Dr. Gould, thank you so much for joining us today.

Dr. Gould:           Oh, great to be here. Thank you for having me again.

Dr. Weitz:            So, as a dentist, how did you come to be interested in treating patients for sleep apnea?

Dr. Gould:           Well, there’s definitely some background that I’d like to discuss with you. We’ve all heard about this syndrome obstructive sleep apnea. I know that your viewers are sort of a little ahead of the average person. I want to help everyone out by upgrading the terminology. We’ve sort of changed. We’ve gone away from OSA, obstructive sleep apnea to SDB, sleep-disordered breathingThe reason is that apnea was something that we looked at 20 years ago where older, obese people would choke in their sleep. That’s where you see them having a CPAP mask, but over time what we began to understand is that many people had a lesser version of this syndrome called UARS, upper-air resistance syndrome. This was basically, we’re starting to see this on younger, healthier people, and the obstructive sleep apnea name, first of all, it’s an accusation of poor health. Every time that I would question my patients, I’d say, “You know, have you heard of sleep apnea?” They’d say, “Oh, no, no. Not me. I don’t have that. I’m a good person. I eat healthy. I eat low fat. I exercise. I would never have that.” Or, “I sleep great.” And it’s really sad because so many people, their sleep has literally failed and they don’t really have any good options.

                                This sleep-disordered breathing is a much more broad label, and it can really bring into the tent everyone who has a sleep issue, because it’s a range. We have people at one end of the spectrum who have very severe apnea, and then we have people who at the other end of the spectrum are just for the first time having issues with their sleep, and this is happening a lot with children. This is something that we needed some more labels for, because apnea is literally Greek for, “Without breath.” This came from the past where we had this disease was initially discovered with basically Fat Joe, not the rapper, this was a character in Dickens’ writings hundreds of years ago where this character was falling asleep, and he was fat and he was eating all the time. This is our archetype for sleep apnea. It was called obesity hypoventilation syndrome.  Basically it looked at fat people and said, “Well you choke and you snore, so that fat and that fat neck is causing this disease,” and it’s exactly the same as what we did with cholesterol and fat and obesity.  We said, “Well, this greasy fat stuff must be making everyone fat.” It’s just basically non-scientific extrapolation.

                                So understanding that apnea is the term that we used to use, and it still fits, but this is a much more modern disease because this is happening to so many different people. Now, I got into this because dentists can help in the treatment of apnea by fabricating something called a mandibular advancement device, and that’s a mouthpiece that will eliminate snoring and can greatly reduce the symptoms of apnea. It’s a great allopathic medical treatment for this disease, is holding the airway open.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, so what are some of the most common symptoms that you might see in a patient coming in your office that would alert you to the fact that they might have this disorder. Would you call it disorder?

Dr. Gould:           Sleep-disordered breathing, yeah.

Dr. Weitz:           Sleep-disordered breathing.

Dr. Gould:           Sleep-disordered breathing, right. Well, I think-

Dr. Weitz:           We need a new acronym–SDB.

Dr. Gould:           Well we have to update it. But you know, it’s a much better term because I think that what these guys… I got into this five years ago because dentistry was saying, “Hey, listen, your patients have this and you can see these signs much more easily than other doctors,” because we’re seeing patients lying flat. We’re seeing them with a bright light shining onto the airway. I can see the tonsils. I can see what the tongue looks like.  The classic symptoms, the ones that people will notice are daytime tiredness. The ones that we see in the dentist chair are bruxism, crunching and grinding, and something called scalloped tongue. That’s when the tongue thrusts against the lower teeth all night long, and the tongue gets indentations. Those indentations are a sign that the part of the brain that controls the airway isn’t functioning right, so a scalloped tongue, bruxism, but we’ll see insomnia.  Generally speaking, patients may complain of heartburn or gastric acid reflux, often headaches. And then there’s the snoring. Snoring is the most common complaint because you know, people will not sleep well, but they won’t really know what the issue is, but if their bed partner is making a lot of noise, that’s an immediate issue, so the snoring is often one of the first signs that we see.

                           Most people who don’t sleep well anymore, they know they don’t sleep right, but I don’t know if it’s an embarrassment, but we don’t have this great set of tools. If you have an issue with your sleep, what do you do? You and I talked about this, I’d asked you if you’d ever had a sleep study, and you kind of you know, you gave me the answer that I knew I was going to hear, and that is, “Well, I kind of don’t even want to know if I have it, because I probably have it, but I don’t want to be wearing the CPAP.”  So what I want to do, is I want to change people’s perspective and let you know that you want to know if you have this. A diagnostic test, either a pulse oximetry or a home sleep study, this is just something that you want to know about. It kind of blows my mind that so many Functional Medicine doctors, they know sleep’s important, and they want to do some stuff, and so much of this stuff that you guys do will help with sleep, but the cool part about a sleep study is it gives you objective data.

                                My whole point and what I want to share with your viewers or a lot of Functional Medicine doctors, is that this is not something that you push aside and say, “Oh, well go see your regular doctor. Go see a sleep doctor.” There are no solutions. There isn’t anyone that’s being referred out to this wonderful doctor who looks at the whole person and says, “Let’s talk about your insomnia, and let’s work through the different stages to get your sleep back.” That doesn’t exist.  What happens is then you know these patients will be sent to a sleep doctor. They’ll wait three months. They’ll go to a sleep facility, get all wired up for the polysomnography, which is the most intensive sleep study. They’ll come home with a diagnosis of apnea and a CPAP, and they’ll put it in their closet, and they’re like, “I’m good.” This is what’s happening around the country, and people aren’t really recognizing the dangers of apnea.

                                You mentioned to me today that you were reading about this, and this is linked to everything. Of course it is, because you spend one-third of your life sleeping. If your body isn’t doing it right, you can’t control that. You’re going to bed, and you’re hoping that you have… You know, the blinds are pulled, the room’s the right temperature. You’ve got a good pillow and you’ve got that great mattress, but now your brain has to go into a complex set of chemical reactions that is supposed to get you into sleep four to five cycles of deep sleep, REM sleep, and all that stuff, but you’re just putting your head down and hoping that it’s going to work.  So we’re at this point where doctor don’t have the tools to fix this, and that’s what I want to do. I want to raise awareness of what this disease really is. This is not something that you get as a punishment. This is not something you get when you don’t take care of yourself.

                                I was diagnosed at age 48 by accident by doing a home sleep study for myself, and I eat well, I exercise five days a week. I take care of myself. Why would I have this disease? I’m a good person. And so it’s really quite different. For you, when you have a patient who has a sleep issue, do you see it on the intake forms that’s something you question them about, and what do you do?

Dr. Weitz:           Oh, absolutely.

Dr. Gould:           All right.

Dr. Weitz:           Well, you know we use various sleep hygiene recommendations. I ask them about do they have a pre-sleep routine, what do they do in the evening? Are they looking at blue light? Are they looking at their computer screens? Are they watching TV? Are they talking about or reading emails related to work or finances?  We go through a bunch of factors that would play a role in affecting their sleep. We’re looking at cortisol. We might do a salivary adrenal cortisol test throughout the day. Some patients have this spike in their evening cortisol, so that’s something we can address. Then I’ll give them a series of recommendations, you know, blue light-blocking glasses if they are doing some computer work, not looking at emails or talking about work or finances, you know, a whole series of things.  Then we’ll consider what they’re eating. Are they eating in the evening? Then there’s nutritional supplements, you know, melatonin, 5-Htp, glycine, magnesium, et cetera, et cetera that may be of benefit as well. So that’s how I approach it.

Dr. Gould:           Okay. Well, it’s great. You have to understand that sleep apnea as a syndrome is a lifestyle disease and it’s multi-factorial like almost everything. I want to go through and just define some things for your listeners so they can understand what apnea really is, and that the way this disease came up in the ranks and that this was a diagnosis for older men through Medicare who have to stop breathing for 10 seconds or more.  How this all works, and why all those things you mentioned are a part of this, is that the sleep apnea syndrome itself is basically a series of arousals. Basically what I mean by that is what’s supposed to happen is that as we go down deeper into sleep, and our body becomes more relaxed, we’re supposed to be able to be paralyzed to go into those deep stages of repair, but still be able to breathe and swallow, okay? So our brains have this incredible system to coordinate this whole sleep and breathing thing. It all works great until we mess it up with all the things that we do in our modern life. Absolutely blue light is one of them.

                                The most simplest way to explain this is that melatonin starts to form in your brain after darkness, about two to three hours of darkness. Now if you keep on putting blue light in your eyes, then you’re basically destroying your melatonin. That’s doing two very bad things. Number one, you’re destroying the hormone that’s supposed to make you tired and put you into sleep mode, but melatonin is a powerful antioxidant, and by decreasing and destroying melatonin literally by the blue light going into your eyes, you’re decreasing your body’s ability to fight through radical damage, which will increase your chances for cancer. So too much blue light in your eyes, especially after the day’s over will increase inflammation and cancer.  So it’s a pretty profound correlation. This isn’t something that we think about. We know this happens. So you definitely want to manage that, but the question is now, you have all the conditions right, and now you’re gearing down for sleep, but what happens is that people’s airways are becoming too relaxed, and the actual sleep program itself, the brain cells themselves are not functioning at optimal level. There’s a couple different reasons why.

                                So once that airway becomes a little too relaxed, in very healthy people it’ll send a signal that the person’s actually choking, and will arouse them. In people who are more sick, the airway itself will actually completely collapse. The tunnel will fall back and block the airway, and the oxygen level will drop until the key motor receptors of the carotid artery and your brain tell you, “Hey, wake up. There’s not enough oxygen,” and that’s when you get the spike or release of cortisol. This is a fight or flight reaction. This is the sympathetic nervous system going into high gear saying, “Hey, this is a threat,” and this is exactly as if someone’s putting a pillow over your face and trying to choke you, except that it’s your own tongue that’s clogging your airway.  This spike in cortisol is called an arousal. It makes you come up out of that deeper sleep, and then you go back and relax and fall asleep again. This goes in cycles. This happens certain times per hour, and that’s how we grade the apnea. It’s normal to have some stoppage or slowing down of breathing in sleep, but we start to record them, then we get to the mild, moderate, or severe. So there’s a threshold of how many times-

Dr. Weitz:            Why don’t we just stop here for a second. On this cortisol, that’s kind of interesting because I mentioned measuring salivary cortisol throughout the day, and we would take those readings four times during the day, the last reading in the evening.  But with this scenario, the patient could have a low level of cortisol, but then because they awake in the middle of the night, that cortisol spikes, and we’re not actually able to record that.  I can now see how this can play a role in the increased risk of diabetes because it’s well known that cortisol causes your blood sugar to spike, and a lot of times when I’m working with diabetics and we’re trying to manage their blood sugar levels, and they’re getting a spike in the morning, I’m thinking well, they must have an evening spike in cortisol, and it could be that they are, but it’s not being measured by that salivary cortisol test.

Dr. Gould:           Yes, and that is correct. Again, so I like to sort of shrink these down to make them simple. This is basically an added stress on your body.  However it happens, basically you’re being attacked all night long. This is a stress to your body. That’s why people get so sick when their sleep falls apart. You can be assured that if there’s somebody in your practice, if they’re over 45 or 50 and they have diabetes, or if they’ve had cancer, they already have sleep apnea.  That’s a foregone conclusion, because these diseases are all related to the mitochondria and energy production. This has to do with the autonomic nervous system itself.  Those are patients, this illness is… I like to consider this all one disease.  This is the disease of modern living, because if we were hunter/gatherers, sleeping on the ground, living as the sun came up and down, eating these whole natural foods, our sleep wouldn’t get destroyed.  There’s multiple things that come together to destroy our sleep.

                            This is literally the disease of modern living, but you have to understand that if the autonomic nervous system, the part of the brain that is regulating circulation, digestion, sleep, all of our housekeeping duties, all of the things that we don’t need to think about, if that system and control system is broken, then whatever it controls is a malfunction. So if the brainstem itself, and we’re looking at two separate parts here. I’m looking at the part of the brain that controls the bulbar muscles, or the muscles of the airway, it’s generally cranial nerve 7 through 12, but the 5th cranial nerve is in there. The muscles of mastication, the trigeminal, that’s my nerve as a dentist. So the brain stem itself as a controller of all these different things, if the neurons or the brain stem themselves are unhealthy, whatever message, whatever they’re trying to control and regulate, it’s a short circuit, and that’s what I see.  So sleep apnea is only one expression of this syndrome, which is a disease of the autonomic nervous system. The reason that we focus on sleep is that your digestion is affected, your circulation is definitely affected, but the sleep becomes obvious right away because you can hear snoring. It’s loud. And you can feel tired. It’s obvious. Your circulation and digestion may not be ideal. You may have a little bit higher blood pressure, but this is what’s going wrong. It’s the controlling neurons of the autonomic nervous system that are supposed to be directing this very specific cascade of neurotransmitter release, and all this stuff that’s supposed to happen really elegantly starts to malfunction, and you can go right to one of the simplest things, and that is snoring. What is snoring, okay?

                            So let me ask you this, Ben: What causes snoring? What’s the root cause of snoring? Because that’s what we’re here for. We can put a piece of plastic in the mouth and eliminate snoring. That’s a great allopathic treatment, and we’ve basically hidden the signs of the diseases, but why is the snoring happening in the first place, and isn’t that the whole goal of Functional Medicine is to address the root cause and let the body restore itself?  This is one of the biggest root causes because every day we stress our bodies and we break it down, and we’re supposed to go to sleep and regenerate and refurbish all the chemicals and really heal. If we are not getting into those deep stages of sleep, we’re going to break down prematurely, and that’s what this syndrome is. It’s literally premature aging. Our bodies are aging faster than our ancestors because we’re not able to repair in sleep, because almost everyone’s sleep is broken. I’ve seen thousands of sleep studies.  You look like you have a question or thought on that. It’s a lot, but that’s what the syndrome is.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah. What percentage of people do you think have at least a mild version of this?

Dr. Gould:           Well, so I have a little package I like to bring when I go to visit a Functional Medicine doctor, and show them a sleep study of a 23-year-old petite female whose Apnea–Hypopnea Index is high. It’s 27.  That’s almost at CPAP.  She’s a petite female.

Dr. Weitz:           What does that mean?

Dr. Gould:           So it means that there are people that you see on the street that look completely healthy that already have very bad apnea.

Dr. Weitz:           What does 27 mean? How does that-

Dr. Gould:           So the correlation we have, basically anything under a 5, and the score is how many times you stop breathing for 10 seconds or more. This is already well into apnea. This isn’t upper-air resistance syndrome where you have reduced breathing. This is somebody who’s stopping breathing. She has the same level of apnea that I had when I was diagnosed, and I was 48. She’s 23 years old and petite, eats healthy, goes to the gym, and she has terrible apnea.  Based on seeing this over and over, these young people who come to me who can’t sleep and they all have terrible apnea, I would say that probably, it just depends on where you’re at, and how people are living, but almost everyone has this to some degree, and especially in kids.

Dr. Weitz:            Ah, okay. That’s kind of what I was thinking.

Dr. Gould:           Yeah. Almost everyone.

Dr. Weitz:            Almost everyone has this to some degree.

Dr. Gould:           Yes. To some degree, yeah. And you know, there’s all kinds of weird stuff that’s happened that doctors aren’t getting. When babies are delivered, they have apnea. They don’t breathe. And what do they do? They put them under a UV light. Okay, and what’s that UV light doing? Well, you and I know the UV light is doing multiple different things, but we’ll go back to the question, “What is snoring?” What do you believe that snoring is caused by, because I’m curious to your thoughts. You’re a well-traveled, educated person. What is the root cause of snoring, and can it be reversed instantly? Aside from putting a mouth piece in. There’s no wrong answer here, so I’m putting you on the spot.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah, you know, I never really thought about it too much.  My own experience with it, it seems to occur sometimes.  Sometimes it doesn’t.

Dr. Gould:           Some people snore when they have a drink.

Dr. Weitz:           I’m assuming the answer is because they’re not getting enough oxygen, right?

Dr. Gould:           No, that’s not the case, which is interesting because it’s all related. So you have to think about what is snoring itself? Snoring is a vibration of the soft palate. That’s it. Okay? And so it doesn’t really matter, you know, everyone has this specific thought. There’s those commercials when they put the bed up and they stop snoring, and yes, there’s a positional component to snoring. If you’re lying on your back, that’s when your palate’s in the best position to flap when you breathe. If you turn on your side, maybe you won’t snore, but some people report they only snore when they drink. Well what does alcohol do? It’s a central nervous system depressant.  So the answer to my question is: That snoring itself is a primary vitamin D deficiency, followed by a secondary B vitamin deficiency, specifically B5, which is the precursor to acetylcholine, which is one of the primary neurotransmitters of the autonomic nervous system.

Dr. Weitz:            And B5 is pantothenic acid.

Dr. Gould:           Pantothenic acid, correct. Okay. So there’s two parts to the reaction. One is that in the brain stem you need to have a high enough vitamin D level to transcribe the enzyme choline acetyltransferase. That’s just an enzyme that makes acetylcholine, okay? Now you know that vitamin D’s really important, and you know that it’s important in absorbing calcium, but no one asks the questions of, “Well how does vitamin D make you absorb calcium? Why is it related to all this other stuff?” It’s because it allows you to up-regulate transcription of your genes. So in a really simple way, when you add more vitamin D, you give your body the energy to allow for more copying of your own genes to allow you to make the enzymes to stay healthy.

                                Now, doctors are looking at vitamin D the wrong way, and you already know this, that most people should have a level of 50 or 60, that’s what we’d see if we lived out in the wild. So when we raise this level up, now we’re finally giving the body the fuel to be able to transcribe all the appropriate enzymes. When your vitamin D level’s low, I like to call it human power saving mode, or permanent winter, because throughout all of evolutionary history when your vitamin D level was low, it was winter. Your body’s smart. It has an adaption to winter, and when the D level comes down, your body no longer has enough energy to transcribe all the enzymes it wants to make, okay?  I’m going to assume that natural selection over thousands of generations has decided as your D level drops, which enzymes am I not going to transcribe? Which ones are not so important? If you’re making $200,000 a year and you’re getting massages and all this fancy clothes, then you start having your salary cut over and over, you start to give up the esoteric things first, but after a certain point, when you’re starting to not have enough money to pay the rents, that’s what vitamin D is like.  When the D level goes down low enough, you no longer have enough energy from the sun to transcribe the most basic and important enzymes, the ones like glutathione, or superoxide dismutase, the enzymes that will detoxify free radicals, and that’s why vitamin D deficiency and health are so linked. Doctors aren’t really necessarily understanding that this one thing, just on its own the vitamin D is a massive issue that humans are literally solar powered animals, and we use that energy from the sun to power our reactions.

                                You know that the vitamin D’s also tied to the immune system, so as soon as that level goes down, our immune cells, our macrophages, all of our blood cells, they no longer have enough energy in the form of vitamin D to transcribe the genes to make the antimicrobial proteins to be able to kill bacteria, fungus, and virus. Now, your immune system is shutting down because we don’t have enough energy to run that, and that changes the gut bacteria.  Vitamin D regulates the type of gut bacteria that you’re going to have, and as that level goes down, the healthy gut bacteria that we like, the ones that promote all the B vitamin production, the ones that keep our muscles healthy and give us serotonin, all the really good chemical products that bacteria make, they disappear, and that’s why we’re really in the depths of power saving mode.

                                As our deal comes back up in the spring and we have those antimicrobial proteins that are bacteria, our colonocytes can now start to filter it and decide what bacteria we want to keep. We’re going to go back to those ones that make the B vitamins, because you know how important B vitamins are. They’re interjected into every single reaction, especially the production of energy, the mitochondria, especially the repair of DNA.  These B vitamins are used by Mother Nature as neurotransmitters, or as the basis for neurotransmitters, as cofactors in enzymes, in electronic transport chain. These are Mother Nature’s helpers, those B vitamins. I think that… You know, you deal with a lot of people who are very sick who need that one-on-one help, but so many of the general public would benefit from just keeping that higher vitamin D level, because it would naturally provide more B vitamins. That’s kind of the equation.

                                So the second part is in the brain, having enough B5 to make acetylcholine is critical, and if you’re D level’s low, and your gut bacteria’s not making B5, you’re not going to have enough acetylcholine, and you’re going to lie in bed, and your brain is going to be racing, reaching thoughts, and you’re not going to be able to shut down for sleep because you don’t have one of the primary neurotransmitters for the sympathetic nervous system to go into the rest and repair phase, rest and digest, and that’s the equation. The vitamin D to make the enzymes, and the B vitamins to be the raw materials that are our transmitters.  You can think about how all these different reactions to B vitamins are so important to cellular production of energy, that if you don’t have enough, everyone’s going to break it down differently. And so the snoring itself, we’ll see this in children, they can stop snoring in two days, three days, four days with vitamin B supplementation. In adults it can happen that quickly, but it depends how long they’ve been snoring for. Is the part of their brain damaged yet or is it just suffering temporary breakdown?

Dr. Weitz:            Now isn’t the way you breathe also play a role in this? For example, whether you breathe primarily through your nose or through your mouth?

Dr. Gould:           Yes. So humans were designed to breathe through their nose. When you breathe through your nose it filters and warms the air. It basically provides nitric oxide, which causes a vasodilation. The lungs can expand fully and bring in more oxygen. We have a whole system, and that system breaks down when we can’t breathe through our nose. And we can’t breathe through our nose primarily because we have some inflammation. It could be allergies, colds, flus. It could also be a deviated septum. These are all issues that happen primarily in our youth when we’re growing and developing, and can affect our airways, so we definitely want to breathe through our-

Dr. Weitz:            And isn’t it very common that a lot of people end up being mouth breathers?

Dr. Gould:           Absolutely. You know, it’s one of those things… You’ve probably heard of mouth taping. People are taping their mouth to force themself, so yeah, and that could be cured for some people who are having sleep and breathing issues itself.  There’s also, you’ve heard of Buteyko breathing, and that’s where you basically-

Dr. Weitz:            I took a bunch of lessons in that to try and improve my nose breathing.

Dr. Gould:           Right, so the only issue is when you fall asleep. How’s that going for you? Can you control that? And so the answer is no, but if you tape your mouth, you’re going to wake up pretty fast if you can’t breathe through your nose. I think it’s kind of a cool technique, and I don’t think anyone’s really put the time and research in to figure out just how much that mouth breathing and nasal breathing effects us. Again, this is a multifactorial issue for some people that can’t breathe through their nose.  It’s very, very important. We see this in kids a lot. Pediatric patients, the kids who suck their thumbs, kids who wet the bed, kids who have ADHD, these kids are all severely sleep deprived. The issue they’re having is now they’re going through their growth and formation of their airway, and they’re breathing through their mouth, which narrows the palate, and it really amplifies the issues that we see. This is a really terrifying syndrome where as children, as they start to grow and develop, if they don’t have the proper vitamins, and that’s a vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 combination, the airway itself won’t grow properly.  With low D3, colds, flus, allergies, low K2 is you have early calcification of the nasal septum and not enough calcium going into the jaw for proper, normal growth, and the airway’s being compromised. That’s what I’m seeing in all the kids these days, is these tiny airways literally from a vitamin D3 and a vitamin K2 combination, this is something that Weston Price discovered 80 years ago and no one listened.

Dr. Weitz:           And this is literally looking at someone’s face that if their jaw’s/face structure is narrow, that’s what we’re talking about, right?

Dr. Gould:           Correct.

Dr. Weitz:           Isn’t it called like long face syndrome?

Dr. Gould:           Well yeah, so long face syndrome is basically when the palate is narrow, and it’s created from mouth breathing, so when you breathe all night long with your mouth open, it puts muscular pressure to narrow the palate, and the jaw itself, the lower jaw takes its growth cues from the upper jaw, and the development to the jaw itself is not pre-programed.  When we start to grow as children, the size of our brain is pre-programed, so our cranial size is going to be already laid out. But the jaw growth itself is reliant on the conditions that we’re in. We see this really profoundly as a concept called epigenetics. Weston Price over 80 years ago discovered that when two substances were removed from the food chain, he saw dental decay, gum disease, a collapsing of the arches, lack of room for all 32 teeth, and illness in general. Those two substances that he defined back in those days turned out to be vitamin D3 and vitamin K2.  It makes perfect sense because vitamin D is your calcium absorption hormone, and vitamin K2 is basically a cofactor that activates proteins that bind calcium in your blood, and take that calcium and put it into the matrix of bone and teeth. We’ll find those proteins in the mouth trying to bind to salivary calcium and put it into our teeth. This was a system, because we’re made so much of calcium, that in the summer when the sun is high in the sky, we’re getting a lot of vitamin D, and the grass is green, when we’re eating the meat and milk of animals that eat that green growing grass, that’s when we’re onboarding all this calcium. We’ll put it into our teeth and our bones.

                           In the winter when there’s no vitamin D, and there’s no green grass, our body’s going to say, “Hey, I don’t have enough calcium. I’m going to go into those bones and I’m going to pull that calcium out and utilize it,” so the D3/K2 was a system of managing our calcium to be able to allow us to be healthy throughout the year through winter. This was our winter… We basically have this whole other setting where we can… You know, in the northern hemisphere when we’re away from the zone of guaranteed sunlight and green vegetation, that we can live off of our storage of the meat of animals, and so the system is really effed up, because everyone as you know has descended into a vitamin D deficient state that I call permanent winter. Kids these days are all really suffering from the syndrome. It was something, again, defined 80 years ago by Weston Price.  I didn’t learn about Price’s work in dental school 30 years ago when I was in school, and today he’s still not taught. It’s quite interesting as to why… You know, we could tear him apart with all of our new science, but unfortunately for the big institutions, his work has been clarified and defined by the new science, so this is all really obvious stuff.  I’m trying to get the message out there that this is the root cause of pediatric sleep apnea, something that can be reversed in two, three, four days, and children having surgeries and wearing CPAPs.  I’ve got eight year olds who’ve been wearing these. You know, this is destroying these kids lives. It’s just a simple vitamin and mineral deficiency. This is a D3/K2 combination.

Dr. Weitz:           Interesting. Fascinating. Great information. Can you explain a little bit about the connection between this sleep apnea breathing problem and heart disease?

Dr. Gould:           Sure. So there’s two different ways that this affects you. The first one is the actual whole sleep apnea syndrome where you’re choking in your sleep. Again, the stress on your body, if you’re a hunter-gatherer out in the wild and there’s a lion or a tiger or something scares you, and you have to run, that was probably relatively common, but this whole syndrome where your body’s having that full-on reaction fight or flight, is happening over and over.  This is a terrible stressor on your body. For people who aren’t healthy to begin with, they don’t know that their basically running this marathon where they’re being chased by an animal all night long and being suffocated. They just wake up feeling terrible. The stress of the hypoxia, lack of oxygen, and the release of cortisol over and over again is very taxing on the body, number one.

                                Number two is these are people who already are not healthy. They already have completely inflamed vasculature, and the stoppage of breathing, and the increase of heart rate that happens after the arousal is signaled, you know after you’re woken up, many of your listeners may have had this where you wake up and you’re sweating and your heart is racing. That’s apnea, guys. If you’ve woken up several times in the night like that, you have some form of apnea. It’s reversible to a certain point. I think it’s reversible all the way, it just depends how much work you want to put into it.

                                The second part of the cardiovascular issue is that the root cause of sleep apnea is a primary vitamin D deficiency with a secondary B vitamin deficiency, and the cardiac cells, the endothelial cells themselves are suffering from an inflammatory process because those cells themselves cannot make enough of the anti-inflammatory enzymes. You can google any of your enzymes that eliminate free radicals, and you’ll see that supplementing vitamin D will increase their production and decrease the overall stress and inflammation of the cell in the body.  It’s complex because the endothelial cells are involved, the cardiac cells are involved, and then we go back to the brain stem. It’s the part of the brain that’s regulating everything cardiac, has issues transmitting the right message in the right way because it doesn’t have the right neurotransmitter mix. The actual signal, the cardiac signal and how you’re whole body’s running, run by the autonomic nervous system isn’t functioning right. It’s coming at us from all different directions.  It’s basically the overall poor health of a person, because it’s just so multifactoral, but when someone has apnea and it’s detectable like that, they’ve been sick for a long time and they have the other markers of inflammation as well.

Dr. Weitz:           So, when you have a patient with sleep apnea or-

Dr. Gould:           Disordered breathing.

Dr. Weitz:           Disordered breathing, right.

Dr. Gould:           Right, very good.

Dr. Weitz:           How do you decide what’s the first step?

Dr. Gould:           Okay. So I like objective data.  Anyone who comes to me, I want to use two different types of monitoring devices.  I like a pulse oximeter.  We send the patient home with that, and it gives us an idea of the severity of their apnea.  If the pulse oximeter shows them stopping breathing, I’m going to immediately recommend a home sleep study.  Now, if this is someone who has serious health issues, they should go to a hospital facility and have a polysomnography done by a medical sleep doctor, because these are the people that have to be on CPAPs, and those are the people that probably aren’t even coming to you.  They’re really sick, and they’re in that paradigm of allopathic medicine.

                                We can detect the apnea and do a sleep study that will show one night, two nights what’s going on, and will show whether this person’s getting REM sleep or they’re getting deep sleep, and are they choking?  What’s going on?  Are they having hypoxia?  Because we’ll see the oxygen level drop 3 or 4%. You cannot hold your breath and do that.  That’s in stoppage of breathing. All right, so this gives us an idea of who has this, and in my opinion, anyone who has had any health issues at all should have their sleep screened, especially if they complain.  Some people will come in saying, “I don’t sleep right.”  Some people, they’ll just be sick and they won’t know.  I didn’t not know that I had apnea, and mine was pretty bad.  It wasn’t on my radar just because I was thinking about an older, heavy person who didn’t take care of themself.  Not me.  Like why would I have it, right?  So, this is something that you can only tell literally, I have children, I have adults. I recently had a 52-year-old woman who was a bit overweight, but she had the best sleep I’d ever seen.  She’d been taking her vitamin D.  She was relatively healthy. So you can’t tell by looking at anyone. You have to really do an objective study.

Dr. Weitz:            So, you do this objective sleep study, this person comes out positive.  What’s the next step?  Do you test them for vitamin D?  Do you measure vitamin B levels?  Do you just try them on vitamins?  What do you do first?  Do you look at diet and other factors?

Dr. Gould:           Right, so as you already know this, different people will have a varying degree of interest. At the most simple level, I’m going to provide all my patients with an oral device if they have a diagnosis of apnea. If they’re health-oriented-

Dr. Weitz:           Is this oral device designed to move their upper jaw forwards to create more space, is that it?

Dr. Gould:           It does a couple of different things.  So the mandibular advancement device, lots of studies showing that it’s effective. Primarily it’s going to hold the lower jaw forward and open, and it increases the size of the airway and makes it harder for the tongue to actually fall back all the way. That’s one thing that it does.  The other thing is that by holding the jaw further forward, in a lot of people it will put pressure on the palate where the vagus nerve runs across, and sometimes that tongue on the palate will actually stimulate the vagus nerve and will decrease the apnea syndrome. I know that this is a very big topic is vagus massage, all different things that will help stimulate that nerve.

                            I believe that there is a component, because I will see some patients who have a profound effect with the oral device maybe more than they should have just by making extra space. I literally see like a change in how their brain is sending out that sleep signal. I don’t think anyone really knows to be honest with you. Most of my profession is still stuck on, “This is a structural disease, that there’s not enough room in the airway.” I want to dispel that myth right now because if you can breathe while you’re awake, then you can breathe while you’re asleep. There’s no obstruction. This is not a physical obstruction. This is a relaxation of the musculature.  I’m glad we got away from the obstructive sleep apnea because there’s no real obstruction. This is a problem with how your brain is regulating the musculature of the airway and the sleep program itself.

Dr. Weitz:            I’ve had patients who’ve had surgery to grind down some of the bones in the back of the throat and create a bigger space.

Dr. Gould:            Sure. Well, it’s sad because people are literally… Some people are going to need surgery, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Surgeons are great. They’re talented. So, this is my thought process: If someone’s willing to go along the ride with me, I will do a vitamin test on the spot. I’ll get their most recent level. I have a protocol that I want to get someone into the right zone, and then the issue really is that when someone comes to me, I don’t know how severe their apnea is, it depends on how long they’ve had it.  Keep in mind that the part of the brain that’s regulating this, day after day of hypoxia causes brain cell death. You know that the cerebellum, in particular is very susceptible to hypoxia because the Purkinje fibers are really big, and they’re the first ones to die. Once this is going on, the system where you’re stopping breathing, you have hypoxia and damage starts.  This goes on for many years until the brain itself, and the different parts of the brain, are damaged enough that no amount of vitamin supplementation is going to fix this. You need to put in a physical barrier to keep that airway open because the brain itself can’t heal. It’s not getting into good, deep restorative sleep.  If we can change the vitamin mixture to provide health, and we can splint the airway open, only night after night of deep restorative sleep….

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, so you’re measuring vitamin D.  Are you measuring vitamin K?  Are you measuring B vitamins?

Dr. Gould:            No, so the K always comes along with vitamin D because you can never get vitamin D without K2. They always came together, should never be. 

Dr. Weitz:            And then you’re using the MK7 or the MK4 and how much?

Dr. Gould:            So, MK7, everyone’s sticking to the 180 to 200 micrograms. No one’s really investigated this any further, but this was all from the Rotterdam Study.  This is a very famous study that’s happened over the years that most doctors who haven’t heard about K2 should look at.  I don’t know that we know the optimal level of K2. I just know that it’s currently known to be a cofactor on 17 different enzymes, and K2 is really… If it’s a cofactor on 17 enzymes and we got it from green growing grass, it’s really important. So there’s no upper limit on toxic dose, and I think that the more you can get the better, but I’d make everyone take 180 to 200 because I’d want to stay within the bounds of what’s accepted science at this stage.   I supplement magnesium. I get the vitamin D levels to 60 to 80 range. K2 daily, and then I go to a B vitamin, and I want to use my B vitamin very judiciously depending on the person.  And this is a personal…

Dr. Weitz:           Do you measure B vitamins?

Dr. Gould:           I don’t. This is the issue, is that if you measure B vitamin, what are you measuring? It’s a water-soluble vitamin. Are you measuring the current state where you’re getting your sample from? What does it look like one hour, two hour, 12 hours? How long do B vitamins last in our system?

Dr. Weitz:           Well, I mean, there’s various things you can measure. Say, B12. You can look at a serum B12, but you’re right, probably not that representative of tissue levels, but then you can measure a homocysteine.  You can measure a methylmalonic acid, so those are more functional measures of B12 status.

Dr. Gould:           Right. Well, B12 is the only one that I can recommend supplementing on its own, otherwise I’ll always want a B complex.

Dr. Weitz:           We also have genetic factors that affect whether or not you can metabolize B12 or folic acid, et cetera.

Dr. Gould:           Right. And that’s what makes this such a confusing syndrome is that there’s all this genetics and epigenetics mixed in here. Medicine has really focused on the genetic components of all these diseases. You know, this is kind of one of the things I joke about is if you go to your traditional doctor and you’re obese and you have high blood pressure, they say, “Well, listen, you have high blood pressure. Cut your fats. Do some exercises. Lose some weight, and then we can maybe get you off medication,” but if you’re fit looking anyway and you go to the doctor and you have high blood pressure, they tell you it’s genetic, and then they give you medication because you’re going to have to take this the rest of your life, because you have this genetic issue.  It’s all nonsense. Your genes are there, but it’s all the environment, so even the people who would have these genetic issues, a lot of them have the issue with B vitamins. They need more B vitamins, okay? But the B vitamins are fascinating because they are parallel to the bees, the insects in our environment. They’re literally under attack by modern living.  You know that bees are affected by glyphosate, pesticides, heavy metal toxicity, radiation, all the same things that are destroying our B vitamins as well, kind of cool that Bs…

Dr. Weitz:            How much B vitamins do you often recommend?

Dr. Gould:           So, it’s going to be on a case-by-case basis, and this is people need to decide. Really what I see, it depends on how long someone’s been sick for, and how sick they’ve been. Most of the are diseases, these autoimmune diseases, they’re have a D deficiency followed by a B deficiency. I have patients who are healthy their whole lives, and one of my favorite patients is a fitness trainer. This guy was fit his whole life, and then he started to put on weight, didn’t know what was wrong, basically got completely unhealthy within six months to a year, and when I came across him, he had complete uncontrolled, untreated sleep apnea. This guy had a rapid recovery and he didn’t need a lot of B vitamins, where someone like myself who I’ve been sick my whole life, I need more B vitamins because apparently most of my illness was related to this having a chronic lower level of vitamin D, being stuck in permanent winter and not having the right amount of B vitamins.  This really did a lot of damage in my life and my illness, so I tend to take more B vitamins, but you know that B vitamins are used up by being in the sun, drinking alcohol, and exercise and activity, so once this happens, once someone’s already become unhealthy, I really work with them on deciding how to take their B vitamins. Do they want to take them in the morning? Do they want to take them before bed? Too much can cause people to have insomnia as well, but for the most part, having a little more B vitamins later in the day can help you with your sleep. Simple as that.

Dr. Weitz:            And I’m assuming you’re using methylated or activated forms rather than straight folic acid and…

Dr. Gould:           Correct.

Dr. Weitz:            B12 versus the cyanocobalamin.

Dr. Gould:           Right. So I spent a lot of time researching B vitamins, and I don’t… I always try… My vitamin line, they’re methylated. There’s such a variety in the vitamins that we buy. There’s no one regulating this, and that’s why I always say, “Go to a reputable company that checks their own stuff.” You buy stuff off the internet and I don’t know what you’re getting. Some of it’s filler. Some of it’s real.  But the real issue is that no one’s really spending the type of money, time, and energy looking into these things, because this is really what our health comes down to. Who has the money to do this? You know that all the research is driven by big pharma, and they’re not interested in these vitamins. This is an organic way to get healthy, and they’re not looking at that. They have not sworn an oath to do no harm. They’ve sworn an oath to their shareholders to make money, and they’re going to make this any way they can.

                                If you’ve seen some of the commercials, they have these new ones where they’re showing this woman and she’s in a hospital bed with dark circles under her eyes, and she’s missing her son’s wedding or something. They’re really playing on our fears of poor health. It’s really terrifying, so no one’s going to be looking into this, and there’s so much research that needs to happen on what these vitamins are doing.  We’re coming to this in different ways. You know, people who are eating a ketogenic diet. We’re coming to all the right solutions, it’s just that this is the Wild West. You have your own system for how you treat people. How often do you test B vitamins? Do you ever supplement more than just, except for B12, do you ever give a single B?

Dr. Weitz:            Sure, or we’ll use specific formulas, like for example, if I have a patient who has an elevated homocysteine level, which we know is an independent cardiovascular risk factor and inflammatory marker, we’ll use a certain combination of B vitamins and certain other nutrients that are specifically targeted to modulate the homocysteine.

Dr. Gould:           Right. Do you worry about… Because those B vitamins are so inter-reliant on each other, do you worry about upsetting upstream or downstream results when you supplement one B vitamin like that?

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, for sure. Usually we’re using mixtures, you know, but I may use different combinations of mixtures. So like, for homocysteine we’re specifically looking at like a B3, B6, B12, B9 combo with certain other nutrients like trimethylglycine and maybe a few other things, specifically to try and modulate that one factor.  We’re measuring it on a regular basis, so we’ve got targets. We intervene and then we retest to see if we’re accomplishing what we’re trying to do.

Dr. Gould:           Great, great. And again, it’s really complex stuff. Now I, looking at this from… As a dentist, I’m looking at macro world here, and the message I want to share with you and your listeners is that sleep is something that’s well within your wheelhouse that you should be monitoring. This is something that you can use as a marker for the improvement of your patient’s health, because I have no doubt that almost every single thing that you’re doing is improving their sleep.  I know your patients probably tell you, “Wow, I’m sleeping better,” when you’re doing all this other stuff. But I think that functional medicine doctors have this incredible opportunity to bring this into their practice. What I recommend is to find a local dentist. You’re going to have a hard time finding a local medical doctor to work with, but there are dentists in the community that want to work with you, that treat sleep apnea, that don’t feel comfortable with this vitamin D stuff.

                                This is recommending a partnership, a collaboration, because dentists have this unique ability to put things into the airway to help with sleep. We are doctors. We have a different perspective, but I think those relationships where you have a patient you suspect apnea, but what are you going to do with this person? If you send them back out into that cruel allopathic world, they will wait three months to go see that medical sleep doctor, and they’re all good people, but their solution is a CPAP for everyone.  I have had patients who’ve had very mild apnea, a AHI score of 7 or 12 or something that’s low, that they have this massive CPAP thing and they’re not going to wear it. There’s a really cool opportunity with these people that are coming to you, they care about their health, is to give them that tool and allow them to have a mouthpiece that can save their marriage with snoring, but it can definitely make everything that you’re doing work better.

                                When you start to see your patients having stable sleep, and not having these arousals, you’re going to see all of their markers change. Their inflammatory markers are going to change. You’re even going to see their vitamin D levels change. There’s a study where they put a CPAP on people, and their vitamin D level came up. It made sense to me because if you’re running from a lion or tiger all night long, vitamin D’s a metabolic hormone, and you’re going to wear it out. You’re doing all these things.  There was no time in evolutionary history where you should get more exercise running around and not be out in the sun. That never happened. So everything that you’re working on is affected by this, and you know, when it comes to your younger patients, you just don’t know why these people are so messed up. This is why a 23-year-old petite female and nothing you could test… The only thing that came up on her study was that she had a vitamin B level of 12. That’s why she had terrible apnea, because who knows how long she had that level for, and then choking in her sleep, it was just lowering it.

                                So there’s patients that you’re seeing that are suffering from this syndrome that you can greatly help by going to a dentist and having some sort of sleep screening. That’s what I’ve done in my neighborhood here. I have pulse oximeters. My local doctors will send a patient over. We’ll do a quick exam and they’ll log out a pulse oximeter, take it home for three nights, and we’ll see if they’re really a candidate, whether they should have a sleep study or not.  So these are things that should be going on in your community with your local healthcare providers.  I think that dentists are more open to this type of stuff than the average doctor.

Dr. Weitz:            No, that sounds great. Great. By the way, if you know of any studies that you have ready access to that you can send me about the connections between vitamin D and vitamin K2 and B vitamins, I’ll throw them in the show notes.

Dr. Gould:           Sure.

Dr. Weitz:           I’d appreciate that.

Dr. Gould:           You got it.

Dr. Weitz:           Good. So I think that about wraps it for today, being that it’s almost 9:00, and I have a 9:00 patient.

Dr. Gould:           All right.

Dr. Weitz:           So how can listeners and practitioners get a hold of you to patients can either see you as a patient, or practitioners who want to work with you on sending patients to you for sleep studies?

Dr. Gould:           Right, so you can reach us at ModernAmericanDentistry.com. We have a location in Woodland Hills. We have a location here in Manhattan Beach. If you have patients that you’re questioning whether they have sleep issues, basically you can email me, you can call, you can just refer people over. What we provide is copies of the pulse oximetry to give you an idea of what your patient’s doing in their sleep, a copy of the sleep study. Then we get a prescription from a medical sleep doctor to fabricate an oral device. We can work with you on the supplementations.  What I’m trying to do is create a protocol and system for dentists to be able to work locally in the neighborhood. That’s what my main focus is. It’s not so much treating the one-on-one patients. I’ve been doing that for a while, but I want to share this information from preventive perspective for children, and for people who are literally struggling today with their sleep. There are some real tools here, and that most poor sleep is literally early apnea.

Dr. Weitz:           Great. Awesome. Thank you, Dr. Gould.

Dr. Gould:           All right. My pleasure. Thank you.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Gut Brain Axis with Dr. Robert Silverman: Rational Wellness Podcast 124

Dr. Robert Silverman discusses the Gut Brain Axis with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

3:17  Dr. Silverman has made the Gut-Brain Axis the focus of his next book, Superhighway to Health, because the gut to brain connection is such an important part of our overall health.  One reason the gut is so important is that 80% of our immune system surrounds our gastrointestinal tract. Your gut is where your macro and micronutrients are absorbed.  The bulk of this absorption is in the small intestine, which is really 90% of the size of our intestinal tract, so it should not be called the “small” intestine. But the small intestine is only a single layer thick, so it is vulnerable to increased permeability if our gut becomes damaged. A damaged, leaky gut then can lead to a cascade of injuries and inflammation and eventually autoimmunity.

3:55  In the Functional Medicine world it’s commonly accepted that the gut is often the root cause of many other health problems, but this concept has not been embraced by the general medical community.  A lot of common medications are adverse to gut health, including antibiotics, opiates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Alleve). The NSAIDs damage the tight junctions, leading to leaky gut. If you have leaky gut, lipopolysaccharide, (LPS), is an endotoxin released by gut bacteria, gets into the blood stream and can lead to systemic inflammation.  If you cut your finger, you put a bandaid on it to protect your barrier.  Because we don’t see our gut lining, we don’t know if we have leaky gut, so we tend to ignore it. 

7:49  There are a myriad of non gut related symptoms, like skin rashes, brain and neurological problems, musculoskeletal pain that can all have their origin in the gut and if you clean up and fix their gut, you ameliorate them.  If you have a leaky gut, LPS and endolethal distending toxin get into systemic inflammation. You get too many toxins feeding through the liver and you damage your liver, you get a higher expression of diabetes, and you get an increase in obesity. You have three times the incidence of having a heart attack. You have more thyroid and other autoimmune problems. 50% of people who have spondyloarthropathies have leaky gut. Leaky gut, leaky brain. Gut on fire, brain on fire.

11:40  The vagus nerve goes from the brain stem, the medulla oblongata, down through the transverse colon. The vagus innervates most of the digestive and abdominal organs (liver, pancreas, intestines, etc.) and it even affects heart rate as well.  The vagus nerve is largely an efferent, meaning sensory, and when it senses dysbiosis, an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut, it stimulates Toll-like receptor-4 and you get a release of LPS. The vagus nerve normally functions as a rest and digest nerve but when it dims, sympathetics go up and parasympathetics go down.  This also affects intestinal motility through the Migrating Motor Complex (MMC). We need nine to 11 peristaltic contractions in our small intestine per day to move our bolus from the small to the large intestine. When we have SIBO, we’re down to three because we have a backlog of the bacteria and it’s not moving through. Many attribute that SIBO to a decrease in vagal nerve stimulation.  Dimming of the vagal nerve may also close the ileocecal valve.  When you have a concussion, you down regulate the vagus nerve, which is why 60% of concussion sufferers get SIBO.  This is why with concussion patients, you need to treat their gut.

14:30  Our modern lifestyle and diet affects our gut-brain axis in a number of ways. Dr. Silverman recommends that we eliminate gluten, dairy, processed foods, sugar, nicotine, artificial sweeteners, and foods that we are allergic to.  We should also eliminate environmental toxins, like BPA, pthalates, food gums, emulsifiers, etc. We also need to manage our stress levels. 

18:45  Pesticides and toxins like glyphosate in Roundup should be avoided, which damage our microvilli and are considered carcinogenics by the Whole Health Organization.  We should eat organic as much as we can.

22:27  Dr. Jeffrey Bland, the founder of Functional Medicine, developed the 4 “R” program for gut healing, but Dr. Silverman has developed the 7 “R” program. 1. Is to Reset your diet and lifestyle.  The best diet should be individualized for each person. It could be it could be a keto, it could be a plant based, or it could be a Mediterranean.  You also need to do some form of exercise and this should include cardio such as walking, some form of resistance training and some form of flexibility work. 2. Remove. Remove toxins. Remove food allergies. Remove bad bacteria with emulsified oregano oil, berberine HCL, garlic, and other antimicrobials. Serum Bovine Immunoglobulins is also very helpful. This should also include some form of detox program.  Bacteriophages can also be helpful, since they can attach to only the bad bacteria and kill them.  3. Replace. Replace stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes, and probiotics, like Saccharomyces boulardi, which is a healthy yeast that functions like a probiotic. 4. Regenerate. Regenerate and repair the gut lining with a plethera of nutrients, including medical foods. Alpha lipoic acid, fish oil, and vitamin D are very helpful for reducing inflammation, promoting biodiversity, and promoting the mucosal lining of the gut. 5. Reinoculate. Use prebiotics and probiotics like Xylooligosaccharide and spore based probiotics like bacillus subtilis.  6. Retest and retain. Dr. Silverman mentioned that he really loves using the Cyrex Tests, including Cyrex Array 2, which tests leaky gut, measuring zonulin and occludin and also measuring LPS. He also likes the Array 22 to diagnose IBS.

33:40  Dr. Silverman treats vagus nerve dysfunction using violet laser light therapy using an Archonia laser for 30 seconds on each side of the vagus nerve from the brainstem down to the colon on both sides.  He also uses a percussor over the ileocecal valve and he will use some performance tape over where the ileocecal valve is.  He also recommends certain nutrients, including omega 3 fatty acids, green tea extract, and 6 or 8 additional nutrients that will be in his new book.

36:54  Dr. Silverman treats concussions with a five part protocol that includes addressing the upper cervical spine with manipulation, including the rectis capitis minor muscle.  He also uses proprioception and balance training. He uses a transcranial laser.  He also uses a nutrient protocol, including Magnesium Threonate, omega 3 fatty acids, turmeric, Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), and liposomal glutathione.  Dr. Silverman explained that the mechanism of a concussion is the shearing of the brain that leads to tearing of the axons that are involved in brain function.  Women are more susceptible to concussion than men, since they have weaker neck muscles and they don’t respond as well.  One way to test for concussion is to give a Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screen to the patient. Dr. Silverman often runs Cyrex Array 20 to monitor the blood brain barrier, but he also recommends testing for Interleukin 6, Interleukin 8, and C Reactive Protein, which are inflammatory markers. Neurofilament light polypeptide is a new biomarker that can be measured in plasma and is an early marker for Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases.

42:25  Chronic traumatic encephalitis (CTE) results from brain trauma but there does not need to be a concussion. It can result from a series of sub-concussions that results in structural damage to the brain that doesn’t show up on CT scans. Dr. Silverman recommended Cyrex Array 20 for the Blood Brain barrier and having the patient do a tandem gait test and some cognitive tests are helpful, as well as the protocols that Dr. Silverman just mentioned for concussion.  Players suspected of having CTE should be given a functional MRI to see if there is a decrease in blood flow to part of the brain.


Dr. Robert Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, international speaker and author of, “Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body,” an Amazon No. 1 bestseller in 2016.  Dr. Silverman has a forthcoming book, Superhighway to Health, which is a complete guide to understanding the gut-brain axis and how it impacts overall health.  Dr. Silverman has a full-time private practice in White Plains, NY, where he specializes in the treatment of joint pain with innovative, science-based, nonsurgical approaches and functional medicine. His website is Dr.RobertSilverman.com.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            This is Dr. Ben Weitz with the Rational Wellness Podcast, bringing you the cutting edge information on health and nutrition from the latest scientific research and by interviewing the top experts in the field. Please subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast on iTunes and YouTube and sign up for my free ebook on my website by going to drweitz.com. Let’s get started on your road to better health.  Hello, Rational Wellness Podcasters, thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to Apple podcasts and give us a ratings and a review. That way more people will find out about the Rational Wellness Podcast. Also, you can go to YouTube and watch a video version, and if you go to my website, drweitz.com, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

                                            Today we’re going to talk about the gut-brain axis with Dr. Robert Silverman. The gut brain-axis refers to the bi-directional, both ways, communication that occurs between the gastrointestinal track and the brain and the central nervous system. The gut microbiota communicate with the brain through the vagus nerve through the production of neuropeptides, through the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA through the immune system and through altered intestinal permeability.   The brain plays an important role in the modulation of gut functions such as motility, secretion of hydrochloric acid, bicarbonates and mucus and the gut immune response. The brain communicates with the gut through the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. The brain also communicates with the gut through the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis using hormones which are essentially chemical messengers to control the digestive process. The vagus nerve is one of the main pathways for nervous system communication between the brain and the gut.

                                            Dr. Robert Silverman is a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, international speaker and author of Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body, an Amazon number one bestseller in 2016.  Dr. Silverman has a forthcoming book, Super Highway To Health, which is a complete guide to understanding the gut-brain axis and how it impacts overall health. Dr Robert Silverman has a full time private practice in White Plains, New York, where he specializes in the treatment of joint pain with innovative, science-based, non-surgical approaches and functional medicine. And most important Dr. Robert Silverman is the chosen one.  Rob, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Silverman:                    It’s great to be here today.  Thank you Ben, that was a great intro. Thank you so much. I’m excited about it.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, great. Why have you made the gut-brain axis your focus with your new book, Super Highway To Health, which is going to be released in February of next year?

Dr. Silverman:                    For me, I practiced 20 years and I found this may be the key access to our health. I think it was overlooked up to most recent memory and I believe that if we have a strong gut to brain connection that you will see a lot of health conditions quelch. Without question, the gut to brain axis is the topic of 2019 and beyond.

Dr. Weitz:                            In the Functional Medicine world, it’s commonly accepted that the gut is often the root cause of many other health problems, but this is not commonly accepted in the general medical community. Can you explain the impact that gut has on our health?  Can you also explain why the traditional medical community doesn’t seem to appreciate this connection?

Dr. Silverman:                    Let’s go through all the good stuff and then maybe we can get to why they’re not embracing it in the medical field. It’s interesting. Although there are a lot of medical DOs, MDs, DOs that are really coming in and looking at the medicine, functional nutrition model. The gut without question is everybody knows is 80% of our immune cells. I’ll say that again. It’s 80% of our immune cells. What have you done for your guts lately? Do you have the guts to be healthy? Your gut is where your macro and micro nutrients are absorbed. That’s foods, vitamins, and minerals. The bulk of the absorption occurs in a misnomer called the small intestine.  The small intestine is 90% of the size of our intestinal track yet we call it the small intestine. Food, nutrients and water are supposed to be absorbed in the small intestines. A new study just came out that lymph nodes are pointed exactly at that property in the small intestine. Whereas the large intestine, where a lot of bad things can occur, is a much thicker mucosal lining. It’s actually three layers, the mucosal lining in the large intestine. The small intestine is a single layer epithelial cell that if you unraveled it would be the length of a tennis court with the thickness of a paper towel.

                                            What’s most interesting to me is why people don’t look at it. I cut my finger, I put a band-aid on it because I know to protect the barrier. We don’t see the barrier in our gut so we don’t think to protect the barrier. So if our gut is damaged or it becomes leaky, if you will, too permeable, this can send a cascade of injuries, a cascade of inflammatory markers.  And that cascade stimulates and starts outside our gut in our bloodstream. It can be localized inflammation, systemic inflammation, and ultimately leading to, and we’ll go into more detail I’m sure, auto-immunity.

                                             The gut keeps what’s inside your body from actually going outside your body. Everybody right now, the doctors all know this, but every lay person, if you will, think about if your gut is too permeable or leaky, what’s inside your gut is floating around in your bloodstream. Most people when I say that, take a step back and go, “Oh, what do I need to do to keep this healthier?” Now why are the medical fields not taking this? It’s interesting. I went to chiropractic school in 1996 and leaky gut was already coined.  I think that a lot of the medical fields haven’t addressed this because a lot of the medications and a lot their treatments are very adverse to gut health. For instance, antibiotics, opiates. I mean opiates, the word opiate means opium. It has a slight amount of opium in it. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatories like Advil, Ibuprofen, Aleve, all damages the gut. They actually damage something called the tight junctions. Now you and I always use the word tight junctions and they open up and then we call that leaky gut.  Somebody just said … It was actually a patient who said to me, “So those tight junctions open up, I’m going to call them loose junctions.” I’m like, “That’s pretty good. I see you nodding your head.”  I just don’t think they’ve, taken this concept and it’s indisputable about the gut being 80% of the immune cells. For me I’m pausing because it’s so disconcerting, because it’s this constant battle every day. There are actually patients coming in that already say, “Hey, what can I do for my gut?”

Dr. Weitz:                            Right. One of the interesting things is all the myriad of non gut related symptoms that can actually have their origin back in the gut. You can have skin problems, you can have neurological brain problems, you can have a host of other problems that if you clean up and fix the gut, will often ameliorate.

Dr. Silverman:                     Absolutely, I have what they called my Dr. Rob’s gut matrix and it’s one slide and I’ve done a whole weekend on one slide. If your gut is leaky, if your gut is damaged, we can take it to the next step. If LPS, lipopolysaccharide, an endotoxin is expressed, lipopolysaccharide is on the inside of the body holding the outside of the membrane, holding gram negative bacteria there, endolethal distending toxins. If LPS is exposed, it leads to systemic inflammation.

                                            If your gut is too permeable, there’s too many toxins or an excess amount of toxins going into the liver. 75% of the toxins that get fed to your liver gets fed through your bloodstream from your gut. 25% gets fed through your portal vein. Leaky gut, damaged liver, leaky gut, higher incidence of prediabetes, diabetes, obesity because of the inflammation. In addition to that, we’ve also seen three times the incidence of heart attack now, with the expression of LPS. Leaky gut, leaky heart, increased auto-immunity.  Everybody comes in with a thyroid problem, so they think, or some autoimmune problem. Well, let’s trace it back possibly to the gut.  Leaky gut, higher incidence of musculoskeletal pain. 50% of people who have spondyloarthropathies have a leaky gut. You and I started it as chiropractors, we still do chiropractic. People are coming in with back pain, they think I’m nuts. I said, “Hey, I’m going to fix your area of your lower back, your L4-L5, but I got to fix your gut.  The literature is robust on that, in addition, and probably the biggest thing that we talk about is that gut to brain axis. Leaky gut, leaky brain, leaky brain, leaky gut. Gut on fire, brain on fire.  Your gut communicates with your brain within a millisecond.

Dr. Weitz:                            I also think it’s interesting that you were emphasizing the small intestine and in addition to there not being enough focus on the gut, what focus there is has been largely on the large intestine and doing stool samples and analyzing the bacteria there.  But not much has really been focused on the small intestine till all this focus on SIBO started coming in.  But Dr. Pimentel right now is doing a major project to map out the microbiota of the small intestine, which really hasn’t been done to this point.  I think that’s going to be… You will see a lot more focus on understanding the small intestine in the future, or I guess we should probably call it the long intestine instead of the small intestine.

Dr. Silverman:                    The long intestine with loose junctions. Yeah, I mean in a small intestine we know we can have leaky gut and when you think about it, I ask a lot of people, I say, “Where’s your gut leaky?” The question I really ask is, is it leaky in the small, large, or both?  Well, it’s probably both, but it’s probably more so in the small because the large intestine has all these really involved conditions like IBD, IBS, celiac, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis.  Obviously Crohn’s is all the way through the track. The damage to the large intestine, can also backlog to the small intestine.  But interestingly enough, to get back to the gut to brain axis, if the large intestine is going back to the small intestine, it may be damaging the ileocecal valve, the flap or the doorway between the large and the small intestine. And what controls the ileocecal valve other than what you talked about earlier, the vagus nerve.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right?  What are some of the ways that our brain helps to direct the function of the gut?

Dr. Silverman:                    Well, let’s talk about the vagus nerve you mentioned-

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Silverman:                    I’m sorry. Let’s do the vagus-

Dr. Weitz:                           Sounds good.

Dr. Silverman:                    There’s three. Now you really talked about the idea of neurotransmitters and everything. 93% of serotonin is your gut without question, those neurotransmitters are a player.  We forget our blood system.  We’re all interconnected, so it’s definitely going to communicate there. But the fastest way and the thing of most interest because everybody’s playing with it so much is without question, once again, that vagus nerve, that cranial nerve, that bi-directional communicator. The vagus nerve goes from the brain stem, the medulla oblongata, down through the transverse colon. It’s on the outside of the transverse colon, but it innervates the larynx, the pharynx, the liver, the pancreas. It does everything in that area down so it has an effect on heart rate. Now the stimulation of the vagus nerve, just as an aside, is really implicated in the increase in heart rate variability.

                                           You increase your heart rate variability. It shows health. Lot of good blood markers go with heart rate variability. The vagus nerve is 80 to 90% efferent. Now that means it’s a sensory nerve that communicates and the reason it’s a sensory nerve, it’s on the outside of the transverse colon and not on the inside. What is it senses: dysbiosis or the unleveling of good and bad bacteria and it does so and it stimulates something called toll-like receptor 4. Toll-like receptor 4, not to get too technical, is actually an innate immune stimulant on your intestinal, inside your intestinal track. And what stimulates toll-like receptor 4, lipopolysaccharide.  When it does that, the vagus nerve actually dims and sympathetics go up, parasympathetics go down, the properties of the vagus nerve no longer function like it is a rest and digest nerve or your wine and dine nerve. It also relates, you talked about motility, the migrating motor complex or the migrating motility complex. We need nine to 11 peristaltic contractions in our small intestine per day to move our bolus from the small to the large intestine. When we have SIBO, we’re down to three because we have a backlog of the bacteria and it’s not moving through. Many attribute that SIBO to a decrease in vagal nerve stimulation.

                                           Then you have the ileocecal valve that may be open so you get the backlog from the large to the small intestine or it may be closed. You can’t get the small intestine to go to the large intestine. One last parting shot on that before we go into more detail, when you have a concussion, it down regulates your vagus nerve. You’ve got to treat the gut.  60% of concussion patients get SIBO.

Dr. Weitz:                           Interesting. What are some of the ways that our modern lifestyle and the standard American diet affect the gut-brain axis?

Dr. Silverman:                    Well, I tell everybody, and this is in my upcoming book, I share it. I tell them this is my thousand dollar nutritional consult. Everybody got ready, GPS and you’re going to laugh, no gluten, no processed food, no sugar. Take care of your DNA, no dairy, no nicotine, no artificial sweeteners. If you want to add one more thing for your lucky seven, anything you’re allergic to, don’t eat.  We can cover the lectins in that seventh morning if you will. We started with all the bad foods, then we’re talking about the environment. Interestingly enough, the environment, BPA and pthalates, it’s very basic stuff. We get these environmental toxins that damage the integrity of our gut, which we want to keep in a pristine condition. And food, look at all the food chemicals, all the food gums, the emulsifiers. They all damage our gut lining. We just talked about drugs, the different kinds of drugs and everything and let’s not forget being a type a personality, how about stress?

Dr. Weitz:                            Absolutely. Increases stress hormones, adrenaline, cortisol.

Dr. Silverman:                    Yeah. That and now you’re getting from that gut to brain axis as you talked about in your intro to the HPA axis, which is that lateral periphery. That gut to brain is the center, it’s the highway. There’s an exit to get on another road, and that’s HPA.

Dr. Weitz:                           You brought up lectins. It’s a little bit of a side path, but should…

Dr. Silverman:                    Here we go.

Dr. Weitz:                           Should we be scared to death about lectins?  If I eat a lectin, am I going to die? If I eat a tomato, if I eat some other… Hey, if I have a legume that has lectins, is that going to harm me?

Dr. Silverman:                    Again, if we take wheat and dairy out, the amount of people that are showing to be allergic to lectins is much less. Do I think that everything’s lectin and just take every lectin out? I would probably say no to that. I would say that…

Dr. Weitz:                           If I get tested for sensitivities to lectins or to foods that have lectins and I don’t show sensitivities and I’m good.

Dr. Silverman:                    Yeah. Basically my position will be if you take wheat and dairy out and you’re not allergic to lectins, kumbaya. That’s going to be my answer. I think that clearly lectins are direct binders. If you’re allergic to them, they will directly bind to a tissue and damage you. However, if you’re not allergic and you took wheat and dairy out, I think you can eat them. They’ve got a lot of food values. At a certain point, if we’re going to be so restrictive, there’s nothing to eat. We’ll go back to what a famous chiropractor called Jack LaLanne. He said, “If man makes it, I won’t eat it.”

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. But tomatoes grow in the ground, man doesn’t make them.

Dr. Silverman:                    I mean, it’s an interesting thing. I’m a Tom Brady fan being an East coast guy, even though I’m from New York. So that it was nightshades and everything like that. But the reason they didn’t like nightshades was that they found out that insects died from chewing on a nightshade because there was a neurotoxin.  I think were a little bigger than the insects.  I’m not so sure that even nightshades are as deleterious as everybody thinks.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. They’d been part of a healthy diet for a long period of time. I’ve had plenty of patients who eat nightshades regularly and we look for inflammatory factors. We look for… Try to screen them for potential, for chronic health problems. A lot of them don’t show any problems at all from eating lectins. That’s what I’ve seen.

Dr. Silverman:                    Yeah. You know what, I’ll take a tomato that isn’t sprayed versus a tomato sprayed any day.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh absolutely. Yup.

Dr. Silverman:                    That’s a whole other podcast. But basically I’m a big proponent of organic food or quality farm food and everything. That’s one of our biggest problems. Our food nutrient deficiencies are huge and they are without question damaging and ruining us to our gut to brain axis.

Dr. Weitz:                            Absolutely. Pesticides and chemicals. Let that be the next question is what about toxins and what role does that play in our gut health and the gut-brain axis?

Dr. Silverman:                    The toxins may be one of the worst things. Now when we talk toxins, we already did the gluten and the dairy. Two of them are allergic foods. We ought to also cover the environmental toxins and the things. A great one to make sure everybody doesn’t take is Roundup. I mean they just paid a large amount of money because they’re so damning to everybody’s health. They’ve got glyphosate in it. The World Health Organization has called glyphosate a cancer causing property or cancer causing ingredient. It damages the microvilli, which are these little finger projections in our small intestine to grab all our nutrients and they damage them.

                                           Right then and there, obviously we want to avoid the bad soils. Also, and something that I’ve asked a lot of people in the farms is, is the farm or is there shade? If there’s shade, the water doesn’t hit as hard or if it is an organic farm but there’s no regular soil there? Meaning if it’s a full organic farm it’s fine. But if you have an organic section and a regular section when it rains and it rains without trees, so you get all flooding, there’s something called runoff. You run off all the ingredients from one to the other and even though it’s organic soil, you may be getting the pesticides. These are the type of questions that I like to ask, which farm, where’s it going, et cetera. 

Dr. Weitz:                           The water… Organic farming, in my opinion is better, but it’s certainly not perfect. There’s no way to make it perfect because they’re not using purified water. So even if the water didn’t run off from a regular farm to an organic farm, they’re still using water that they’re getting from the river or… And chances are it has some sort of toxins in it as well.

Dr. Silverman:                    No doubt. Understand that organic is only 95% organic which speaks to the idea of you always have to do the best we can. There are certain supplements that we have to take and there’s certain detox and gut helping programs that we should work on all the time. I just did a LinkedIn and we filmed a video and the video said, “Here’s one of the more commonly asked questions in my office. If I eat well, do I need supplements?” Well one, how many people eat well? Almost nobody. But yes, if you eat well you still may need some supplements and without question you want to make sure the gut to brain axis stays in a very strong integrity and making sure it communicates all the time at optimization.


Dr. Weitz:                            This is really an excellent discussion, but I’d like to take just a minute to tell you about our sponsor for this episode. For this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast, we partnered with Headery, a collaborator in university studies on CBD, with their own two unique formulas available to the public. Good Morning and Snooze, designed for around the clock wellness. They feature CBD infused with specific terpene combinations to help you manage negative thoughts and experience clarity throughout the day and night. Visit Headery, spelt H-E-A-D-E-R-Y.com and use the coupon rational for 20% off.

                                                Now back to our discussion.


Dr. Weitz:                              Now Dr. Jeffrey Bland, originally developed the Four R Program for healing the gut, but you have expanded it to the Seven R program in your new book. Can you explain what your Seven R program is and how it helps us heal our gut?

Dr. Silverman:                    Absolutely and everybody knows that Dr. Bland is the father of Functional Medicine and I’ve had some personal time with him. We all wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for his vision. I believe that he’s a visionary, so kudos. I tip my hat to him. The Four R was awhile ago and every time I see him and he sees somebody do a rendition, an expansion of it, there’s a big smile in that man’s face saying, wow, look, here’s the seed and look where the plant’s growing. I’m up to seven right now. Let’s go through the seven. This is all pointed at the gut and the gut to brain axis.

                                           Number one R is to reset, reset your lifestyle. If we did anything, resetting the lifestyle would be without question of the ultimate, utmost importance. Within that resetting lifestyle like a diet like we talked about, it could be a keto, it could be a plant based, it could be a Mediterranean, and we could expand on that if you want a little bit. We have to individualize it for that person. New keto may work for you. Mediterranean may work for me. I’ve got a staff member here and plant-based may work for her. With that being said, we should all exercise, get our steps up, some form of body resistance or weight resistance. We don’t have to squat 900 pounds, but some body resistance, some form of flexibility and now really let’s chill with the blue light and all the technology even though you and I are on our laptops right now. Reset.

                                           Number two would be, remove. This is one of the biggest ones. Remove what? Remove toxins. Remove allergy foods. Now, the real question is, and I don’t know if we can cover it, is do food allergies give us leaky gut or did leaky gut cause the food allergies? Let’s take out the high allergy food as our test at that point. Testing and not guessing is a critical element because that starts our baseline. Now remove. We’re going to remove the bad bacteria very simply by using things like oregano oil and emulsified oregano oil, which removes all the bad bacteria from the upper body and berberine HCL and other things that’ll removed bacteria from the lower body. Garlic’s a great choice. SBI serum, bovine immunoglobulin is a great choice because it actually mops the gut and takes the antigen before it goes through the intestinal tract. My add there is, and it’s a question you and I have talked about multiple times, do we do the gut or do we do detox? Well, I do the detox in the gut. That’s when I do my 10, 15 and 30 day detox, within part two of the removal phase.

                                           Then it’s three, interesting three is to replace. What are we looking to replace? We’re looking to replace stomach acids, pancreatic acids. It’s really pointed at digestion. 60% of the gut is pointed at digestion. Now a lot of people say the next one is reinoculate and I say, “No, that’s not the time to reinoculate because the literature shows that if you have a faulty gut or a torn intestinal track, the good bacteria gets through and your body still attacks any kind of bacteria because your immune system’s on.” At this point from section one, or one through three, I recommend Saccharomyces boulardi. Saccharomyces boulardi is a yeast that functions like a probiotic that helps build the intestinal track. It also decreases your incidence of C. diff.

                                           At this point, our four is to regenerate. Regenerate, repair, or what I like to call heal and seal the gut lining. Use a plethora of nutrients. Some of these are called medical foods, nutrients that enable the gut lining to heal. They do so by promoting a microenvironment that’s anti-inflammatory and specific nutrients that adhere to the mucosal lining and allow it to proliferate and grow. Some other ones asides would be alpha lipoic acid, fish oils. Fish oils are great for the biodiversity in the gut. Fish oils dim the signal of toll-like receptor 4. If you want good gut health, better use fish oils. Vitamin D also helps with the biodiversity.

                                           Number five, obviously then reinoculate and we can go into detail. We can spend all day here talking about the different types of genus, species and strains. Some of the things that I’ve… It’s probiotics and prebiotics. Couple of takeaways that I like is the probiotics, we want diversity. We always want to switch. Some of the hotter ones right now that I like are the endospore bacillus subtilis, it’s an endospore and the prebiotic that I’m leaning towards is not FOS anymore, it’s XOS. XOS has a lot of literature, but the very basic takeaway is XOS feeds the good bacteria, FOS the bad bacteria and the good bacteria.

Dr. Weitz:                           Tell us what XOS is versus FOS.

Dr. Silverman:                    Xylooligosaccharide. It’s a different form of a carbohydrates where we call it fructooligosaccharides. If you guys can spell it, you may be able to beat those 12 year old kids on the spelling bee that got everything right. Good luck. XOS is really the choice right now. Something else that you may want to consider that in a remove phase is something we’re going to hear a lot about this. Bacteriophages, the phages are the choice. 110 years ago or whenever they decided to make antibiotics, antibiotics were made and they decided on it because they were carpet bombers. They killed all bacteria.

                                           The bacteriophages kills one family of bacteria. It’s structure is such that it attaches to the bacteria and it actually goes into the bacteria cell and getting into the bacteria cell, it populates and duplicates and explodes the cell. What it does is, it’s kind of like you have this city with bad guys and it doesn’t kill everybody, it kills all the bad guys and then lets the micro environment of the city, your gut, elevate. Bacteriophages are the thing they’re all going to talk about. There’s a lot of excitement there and they’re used to kill superbugs.

Dr. Weitz:                           I’ve kind of been hearing about that for the last five or 10 years and there’s a few products and then some people say, “Well, look, you can’t just have one product for killing all the different bacteria.” So far not much has really come out of this literature.

Dr. Silverman:                    The literature I’ve seen recently has been really strong, quite robust. It’s something I use. It’s one of my go-tos and like you said, there is no one product.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. I’ve seen one product, but all it does is affect E. Coli, right?

Dr. Silverman:                    No, there’s a few more. Got a whole bunch now. I’d be happy to share them with you when you’re off the podcast.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Silverman:                    Love it. It’s great. I’ve been using them and getting really, really good results. The sixth R is to retain. It’s actually retest and retain. We have to do a baseline, testing is a critical element. We can talk a little about the testing that I recommend and it’s actually retest-

Dr. Weitz:                           What testing do you recommend?

Dr. Silverman:                    I like, you know what, if you’re going to… Without question, you don’t have to put a gun to my head. The tests that I really enjoy are the Cyrex tests. I found them to be quite effective in that they’re great at testing for barrier issues in autoimmunity. The barriers is a problem you want to detect, correct-

Dr. Weitz:                           Explain what you mean by testing the barrier?

Dr. Silverman:                    Okay. Well, there’s specific proteins that you can test for. For instance, let’s take the array 2. The array 2 deals with gut permeability or heightened gut permeability. They’re testing for LPS, which we talked about as an endotoxin. They’re also testing for occludin and zonulin, which are proteins that imply tight junction damage. Then they’re talking back to myosin, which is actually at the intestinal gut level. What they’ve also mixed it with in the real treat is they’re also testing for something called immunoglobulins, IgG, IgA, and IgM. IgG is our most common immunoglobin.  It’s 75% of our immunoglobulins in our body are IgG and it’s the only one that can pass the placenta. IgG implies chronic inflammation.  IgM implies acute inflammation.  IGA implies reactivation.  You’re seeing the damage and the area and the amount of autoimmunity going on. It’s not just showing you damage, it’s also showing you the damage that it can cause because auto immunity is an issue. One aside to the auto immunity is that as a chiro, people still come in for joint pain to me. We all know rheumatoid arthritis is our immunity, osteoarthritis is also, and you need to test the gut.

Dr. Weitz:                           This Cyrex test is a blood test and it’s designed to look for a leaky gut, right?

Dr. Silverman:                    Leaky gut, tight junction damage, that’s array 2 and also damage at the epithelial lining.  People don’t realize that you can have a… Here’s your gut, it’s semipermeable. You have LPS coming through causing a possible systemic inflammation. Interesting thing about LPS is, it doesn’t always have to cause symptomology, gas and bloating. There’s something called now silent leaky gut that Datis Karrhazian has coined brilliantly. He’s talked about, do you have fatigue? Do you have chronic inflammation in your body? Are you getting some forgetfulness? While you may not think it’s attributed to the gut, but it really is. These tests are great markers as a starting point just in the gut. They also have a SIBO versus IBS tests because we know if we have IBS, a lot of people transpose into SIBO and that would be Array 22.

Dr. Weitz:                           What about directly testing the gut by doing stool tests that look for pathogens, look for imbalances, look at, analyze the whole microbiota?

Dr. Silverman:                    I think those tests are great. I think that’s another great test. I know exactly the Genova test that you’re talking about and some other people have other stool tests. The real question is how much testing do we want to do? Do we want to test for food allergies? I’m a big proponent now of testing for genomic markers, trying to see where we are genetically. For instance, can you assimilate fat or do you assimilate carbohydrates? We all know that carbohydrates or improper carbohydrates are not a good choice, but we may assimilate them. We may have to change our macro nutrient content to the individuality of the patient in front of us. So testing, not guessing. That’s actually chapter four in my book.

Dr. Weitz:                           Of course, when you do a good stool test, it should include markers for whether or not you’re breaking down your fats as well because those will come out in a stool undigested.

Dr. Silverman:                    Absolutely. Testing is a critical element without question, even just testing a body fat seeing where somebody has visceral fat that’s indicative of things. I’ve seen visceral fat decrease when we’ve correct the proverbial leaky gut.

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah. For the stool testing, I prefer the PCR based testing.

Dr. Silverman:                    Okay. I love it.

Dr. Weitz:                           Let’s talk about the vagus nerve.

Dr. Silverman:                    All right. Let’s go into-

Dr. Weitz:                           If there’s communication problems, what can we do about it? Is there a way to fix the vagus nerve and make sure this communication functions properly?

Dr. Silverman:                    Well before I started to really work with the vagus nerve, what I read and it’s still there is to gargle, to cough things like that. I’ve never found them to be speedy or extremely effective. There’s…

Dr. Weitz:                           No, what particular symptoms were you looking at that you expected these to have an effect on?

Dr. Silverman:                    I kind of backed down with no pun intended, I was treating so many concussions and not getting the resolution that I needed until I really started to implement and understand the gut to brain or if you will, the brain to gut axis. When I did that, I realized the vagus nerve was the player and then I started to work real hard, gather literature and try things empirically in my office. The thing I found the best to stimulate the vagus nerve, because the problem is it’s dim, we want to stimulate it, has been a 405 violet laser made by Archonia. I have found about 30 seconds on each side to really stimulate the vagus nerve and upgrade that communication with the brain to gut axis. That’s number one 

Dr. Weitz:                           You do it along the neck where…

Dr. Silverman:                    Yeah. I go from the medulla oblongata at the brainstem, down through the transverse colon, each side. Interestingly enough, vagus nerve left side is satiety, right side is mood and behavior. There are some differences. Yeah, there you go and it communicates really quick. Now-

Dr. Weitz:                           Other than this part of the neck afterwards, it’s deep inside the body cavity, right?

Dr. Silverman:                    It is. It’s exposed going through the jugular foramen. There are three nerves that actually go there other than some vessels, but those nerves are spinal accessory in glosspharyngeal nerve. But the vagus goes through there. I patch it up here and I came down and I go through the whole area. Now I’m at the point where I’m using like a percussor where the ileocecal valve is to create tone or increased tone by the transverse colon. I’m taping the space using a performance tape up here and a tape on the ileocecal valve. We’re getting the vagus nerve to go up and how do we know that?  Heart rate variability. We’re also coming out of my book with a vagus nerve nutritional protocol. There are some nutrients that help stimulate the vagus nerve and feed it. We’ve got about six to eight months of literature on that and I’m very excited to share that with everybody.

Dr. Weitz:                           Interesting. What are a couple of the nutrients that stimulate the vagus nerve?

Dr. Silverman:                    Omega-3 fatty acids, believe it or not, are one of the big ones. No real surprise there. Green tea extract is another one. You know what, I’ll give you those two and if you start with that, you’re really going to get going. But I’ve got like six or eight nutrients that are really going to get the vagus nerve to go. You guys are going to love that. Don’t worry, I’ll post it online when the book comes out. If you don’t buy the book you’ll get the post. I’ll write a blog on it.

Dr. Weitz:                           You mentioning how you treat a lot of concussions, can you talk about that? How do you… What’s your treatment protocol for concussions and what kinds of testing do you do and then what types of nutraceuticals are beneficial after a concussion?

Dr. Silverman:                    All right, so concussion is basically injured more from shearing of the brain. Remember the brain is made of a consistency of jello. That’s right, jello. It’s three pounds. It’s a very small organ. Yet it communicates with all the other organs in our body. The shearing from the moving, that’s where the tearing is, and there are some tearing to brain matter, but the biggest tear is the axons which allow you to communicate.

Dr. Weitz:                           And is one of the key factors that the person loses consciousness during the trauma for a period of time or is that not necessary?

Dr. Silverman:                    The loss of consciousness isn’t really a key determinant. About 9.3%, a little less than 10% of people actually lose consciousness. There are different grades, but they’ve kind of moved away from the grades, they’re are looking at the damage. It’s that shear back and forth. Women are more susceptible to concussion than men. They have weaker neck muscles, more impact, more whip, more shear. They don’t respond as well. We can go through that if you like, but some of the testing, very clear, everything’s in the eye so we use a visual ocular motor screen. You can download that. That’s two to four pages. The blood tests I used the Cyrex blood brain barrier. That is array 20. There’s also some standard blood tests now that you can look at. Some of the standard blood tests are interleukin six, interleukin eight and C reactive protein. They’ll show this tissue inflammation.

                                                In addition it’s something new called Neurofilament light. It’s a protein enzyme that the brain gives out. That’s actually an early marker for Alzheimer’s. It can depict Alzheimer’s, depending on what literature you read, from 16 to 23 years. 80% of people who get a concussion who have the APOE for a Leo in Alzheimer’s increases your incent. Something to look for. Those really cover the tests. The achievement are very interesting. It’s a five-part treatment for me.

                                                Number one, upper cervical. Upper cervical in the occipital ridge, the occipital triangle. You really want to go for those muscles, the muscle that’s most implicated is the rectus capatis posterior minor because it has the strongest myodural ridge. Because it has parallel collagen fibers so it gets whipped back and forth with the head. With that being said, any manual therapists, chiropractor would want to go in there and work on that area.

                                                In addition, we’ve got to start looking at the neck. Most people didn’t realize they all looked at you and didn’t realize the neck was holding the head up. I have torticollis so my neck is crooked but it makes my head look crooked so it’s intertwined. We have to look at the neck. Jim McMahon does a phenomenal 30-30. Remember that quarterback from your Chicago bears and your colored hair, crazy guy and he just stands there now looking with sunglasses in a dark room, having trouble articulating, doing puzzles. He went to a chiropractor in long Island, New York and he said that chiropractor was the first doctor who looked at his neck. So neck is a major thing manually, testing it, possibly adjusting it. Yes, medical doctors adjusting it. The literature is very strong on that. That’s the musculoskeletal chiropractic mode. The other modes are balanced and visual gaze. Balance, training, proprioception. Eight weeks of proprioception have shown to increase the size of the cerebellum where the bulk of posture and nerves are feeding.  That’s a great thing. Proprioception and balance and space between your nervous system and the muscular system. Gaze stabilization is a big deal. Your ability for eye-head movement. Dr. Ted Carrick, a chiropractor’s shown some great literature on that. I think it was in last year’s Frontier of Neurology, if you want to see that study. Laser, I use a lot of transcranial laser, 635 nanometers. The takeaway there is 635 and shown to stop cell apotosis, increase BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factors which allow for brain neurogenesis. The takeaway here as in we’ve heard Dr. Perlmutter say this multiple times, the brain can now repair itself because we can’t have brain neurogenesis. Remember neuroplasticity, the ability of our plastic brain, plastic allow to grow nerves. I found the laser to be extremely effective for a great microenvironment. And then I use a nutritional protocol.

                                                I’ll give you the five nutrients. I have 15. Let’s give you the five. Magnesium Threonate. Magnesium L-Threonate has really shown to decrease any kind of injury, decreased brain aging, and up-regulate the ability of available magnesium both in the brain and the spinal cord. Omega-3 fatty acids, great for healing the brain, cell membrane. They actually enable you to avoid concussions. Everybody who’s treating teenagers or college kids or somebody who’s in a contact type sport, Omega-3 fatty acids.  Tumeric is always a great choice. We all know that. Pro-resolving mediators, specialized pro-resolving mediators allow for the resolution of inflammation. I’ll make it really easy. L-Glutathione decreases brain tissue damage by 70%. So Liposomal glutathione is my choice. There’s your big five.

Dr. Weitz:                            Cool. You’re talking about concussion, but we’ve learned in the last number of years a lot of football players and other athletes and even apparently people who don’t engage in athletics undergo some brain damage that is not really defined as a concussion. It’s called chronic traumatic encephalitis. It’s structural damage to the brain that can’t be seen on a normal scan. How do we diagnose that and can some of these protocols be beneficial for those patients as well?

Dr. Silverman:                    Yeah. CTE, they did a study of dead NFL players, 110 out of 111 had CTE, there’s damage to the brain. It’s sort of a sub-concussions can equal multiple concussions. Really the best tests are, for me, in here are tandem gait. What an easy thing, tandem gait. You remember you grew up at a similar time to I did, if you couldn’t walk a straight line you had too many back, back too much. I like the tandem gait. You should also test the blood brain barrier and that’s a hidden thing. I go into great detail in my book that the blood brain barrier is made up of the same protein structures as your gut. It’s a single layer organism of the same proteins. The only thing is I call it the bouncer of the brain.

Dr. Weitz:                            Are you saying that using gut-brain barrier tests from Cyrex array 2 is a way to help diagnose CTE?

Dr. Silverman:                    I won’t say CTE, but I test array 20 for the blood brain barrier and I found out if the blood brain barrier… array 20. The only thing that isn’t protect- The blood brain barrier obviously is what it says. It filters blood, 400 miles of blood to the brain. The only thing that really isn’t encased in the brain, in the blood brain barrier is the pituitary because it has to have direct contact with the blood. But once the blood brain barrier’s open, it’s direct access to neuro autoimmunity in the brain and that’s a lot of CTE and other things that we’re talking about. I’m big on that blood brain barrier. Some cognitive tests work really well and the treatments I mentioned before are treatments that you could use virtually mimicking the same treatments I just mentioned for CTE.

Dr. Weitz:                            Are there any other tasks that correlate with CTE?

Dr. Silverman:                    They’re in now some brain scans and MRIs that are being very revealing. So the brain scans are revealing the MRI, the key to the MRI is structure and function. If they have CTE, they have structural damage. But if somebody comes in your office, you want to ask for an MRI. That structure and function, structure is the structure of the brain and function is the blood flow. Obviously one of the biggest things that occur after concussion is lack of blood flow for the first seven to 10 days. You may want to get an MRI to see and reveal what’s going on inside the main organ in your body.

Dr. Weitz:                           But a standard MRI won’t show it.

Dr. Silverman:                    Standard MRI does not show it so you’ve got to ask for that structure and function. I can tell you so many times where I’ve had to ask and I’ve been corrected even if I’ve had to re-ask for it.

Dr. Weitz:                           What exactly is that called? It’s not called a structured function MRI, is it?

Dr. Silverman:                    No. Well, you know what, it’s a funny thing. My MRI place, if I were to walked there, it’s 10 feet away. I tell them that I want the MRI that reveals the vessels and they’re able to do it. That’s how I word it. Just say, I want to see the blood vessels, I want to see the functional movement of the blood. They’re like, “Okay, we know what to do.” Fill out this form.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Silverman:                    I can put in the comments section what they’re calling it and everything. It’s sort of like… It becomes rote to me at this point.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. Good. I think this has been a good discussion. Do you want to give listeners three things that they could start on tomorrow for better gut-brain health?

Dr. Silverman:                    Absolutely. I’m going to make it really easy adhere to my GPS.  I said it before, no gluten, no processed food, no sugar. Take care of my DNA, no dairy, no nicotine or artificial sweetener. And guess what? Get a good night’s sleep.

Dr. Weitz:                           That’s great. How can our listeners get a hold of you and find out about your books and your programs?

Dr. Silverman:                    Well, great, thank you. My website is drrobertsilverman.com. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Dr. Robert Silverman. I’m very active socially. I’m always posting. I post two to three times a day. It’s a great way to get in touch with me and anybody wants to email me info@drrobertsilverman.com.

Dr. Weitz:                            Awesome. Thank you, Rob.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
SIBO Advanced Concepts with Dr. Allison Siebecker: Rational Wellness Podcast 123

Dr. Allison Siebecker discusses SIBO advanced concepts with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

3:24  There is some confusion about what IBS/SIBO patients mean when they report some of their symptoms, such as constipation and gas and bloating. Different patients who complain about constipation can mean a number of things. Dr. Seibecker has a whole section in her new course about this.

Dr. Weitz’s observation: For some people, constipation means that they haven’t gone to the bathroom in three or four days.  Other people, they’re going to the bathroom multiple times but nothing is coming out. Then some people go to the bathroom and they just sit there for an hour straining. 

Dr. Siebecker:  Constipation is defined by both the texture and the frequency of the stool.  Texture has to do has to do with whether it’s loose, that will be more like diarrhea, or whether it’s formed that’s normal, or whether it’s in these little balls or pellet, which is a form of constipation.  So a person could be having high frequency, so they’re going and sitting down on the toilet and having a bowel movement say 10 times a day, but every time it’s one little pellet. So that’s mixed, that’s a mixture of diarrhea and constipation because then they have the texture of constipation but the frequency of diarrhea.  With respect to diarrhea, the texture there would be loose or watery and the frequency would be more than 3 times a day. So the normal range is 1-3 bowel movements per day. The other way to categorize it has to do with the sensation, whether they have urgency or are straining. If they are straining, this is a form of constipation. A person might have loose texture, but not go very frequently. They sit on the toilet and strain and strain and then out comes water, which another form of mixed, though they might call this constipation.  The other consideration is to look at the Bristol Stool Chart, which Dr. Siebecker has on her pencil holder. 



Type 1 is the small balls characteristic of constipation.  3 and 4 are normal. 5-7 is the diarrhea side of things.  When you have patients with mixed pictures, what matters is not what you call it, but that both you and the patients are on the same page with what they are talking about.

When it comes to bloating, there are two terms–distention and bloating.  Distention is when the abdomen swells out with gas. Bloating is technically the sensation or feeling of bloating, basically of the abdomen swelling out like you get a feeling that your abdomen is swelling, but it may or may not be.  Some patients have the sensation or feeling of bloating, of their abdomen swelling, but it never does.  This relates to visceral hypersensitivity. The sensation of bloating can be very aggravating and some patients need to put on looser pants due to the discomfort.  We must differentiate this from edema, which can occur from water retention, which in women could be related to the menstrual cycle.  If you do a percussion on the abdomen as part of your physical exam, you can hear a hollow tympanic sound when it’s gas and not when it’s fluid or fat.

13:25  When a new patient comes to see Dr. Siebecker, usually they have been to see several other doctors, so her examination and approach is a bit different than a doctor seeing a patient for IBS who has not seen anyone else yet.  Before doing any testing, she usually likes to use first line therapy, including diet and lifestyle. She makes sure they are eating healthily, chewing their food, using stress reduction, fresh air, and exercise.  The next steps are basic supplements and low risk modalities, like digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and probiotics. 

17:52  If the first and second line therapies fail, then Dr. Siebecker will recommend some testing, including a three hour lactulose SIBO breath test, a Functional Medicine oriented stool test, perhaps the IBS Smart serum test, and screening blood work.  Dr. Siebecker prefers using lactulose over glucose, since glucose is primarily absorbed in the proximal portion of the small intestine, so you don’t learn about the rest of the small intestine.  She prefers the three hour SIBO test, since any elevation of methane of 10 ppm or above even in the third hour is considered a positive.  Also, Dr. Siebecker mentioned that Dr. Pimentel uses a cutoff of 3 ppm for methane and Dr. Siebecker also thinks that a cutoff point of 10 is too high and thinks that it should be 8 or perhaps even 6.  Dr. Siebecker also said that while The North American Consensus on Breath Testing says that a positive finding for hydrogen requires a rise in hydrogen of ≥20 p.p.m. by 90 min, Dr. Siebecker considers a rise at 120 min positive for SIBO as well, esp. if there is reason to think that there is slow transit time, such as constipation.  She pointed out that this is the criteria that the manufacturer of the breath test recommends. 

24:42  What has become understood in the SIBO world recently is that methane is now being thought of as a different disorder and not necessarily SIBO. The methane may be in the small intestine, the large intestine or both. Even if they are primarily in the small intestine, since they are not bacteria but archaea, then it is not technically bacterial overgrowth.  Now we also need to consider that they are normal commensal bacteria in certain populations.  But on one level, it doesn’t matter if the methanogens or in the small intestine, the large intestine, or both, since the treatment is the same.

27:24  There is a blood test that Dr. Pimentel developed called the IBS Smart Test from Gemelli that helps to distinguish if the origin of SIBO is due to food poisoning and Dr. Siebecker said that also usually includes this in her initial testing for patients with IBS. This test will tell us if using a prokinetic is an essential part of the treatment.  Cyrex has also developed a similar test but that measures more antibody markers called Cyrex Array 22, but Dr. Siebecker said that she prefers the IBS Smart Test because it has been validated with published studies, while the Cyrex Test has not been.  Dr. Siebecker said that she has run organic acid urine testing, but she may not do it, since you will hopefully find out about fungal overgrowth from the stool test and she will also find out about parasites as well, that the organic acid test will not tell you about. 

36:12  Methane SIBO is so much more difficult to treat than hydrogen and Dr. Pimentel speculated that this may be because the archaea live down in the mucosal layer of the intestine and are harder for antibiotics or antimicrobials to reach. Also, we know that methanogens make biofilms. Dr. Siebecker said that she used to use biofilm busting enzyme formulations and did not notice much benefit, but she thinks that some new products that Dr. Paul Anderson designed may be more effective.  Dr. Andersen says this may be because you have to use stronger right products to break up the biofilms, including a product containing bismuth, which is also in Pepto Bismol.  Bismuth is a heavy metal that has a low level of toxicity and which is used to treat H-pylori bacterial infections and is considered an antidiarrheal agent.  Dr. Anderson has a prescription product called Biosolve-PA, which contains Bismuth and DMPS and also an over the counter supplement called Biofilm Phase-2 Advanced, which contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, bismuth subnitrate, and black cumin. 

40:05  Dr. Rahbar, who spoke at the last SIBO conference, at Los Angeles Integrative Gastroenterology, finds that his methane SIBO patients often have co-infections with viruses or Lyme disease or other parasites or mold toxicity or glyphosate toxicity. He thinks that methane SIBO is partially a form of immune dysregulation.  Therefore, taking IgG products, such as Serum Bovine Immunoglobulins, like ImmunoLin or SBI Protect, can be helpful.  Dr. Siebecker also finds IgG products very helpful for SIBO patients. Dr. Siebecker said she has been taking it and besides its benefits for the gut, it has helped lower her LDL cholesterol, which is genetic.  These IgG products are purified forms of colostrum, which Functional Medicine practitioners have been using to heal the gut for many years.  Also methane is related to TMAO levels, since TMAO, which is the latest marker for heart disease, is mostly manufactured in the colon by gut bacteria.  Higher levels of archaea result in lower levels of TMAO, which has led some to propose supplements of archaea, called archaeabiotics, to help lower TMAO levels.

48:03  Some Functional Medicine doctors have been using peptides to help with gut health, such as BPC 157, and Dr. Siebecker has tried it and she is not sure it is making much of a difference.

49:53  Visceral (gut) hypersensitivity is often a factor in SIBO and curcumin and bifidus infantis, that’s sold as Align, are both effective treatments for reducing this hypersensitivity.

51:38  To prevent recurrences of SIBO you can recommend a low dose of antimicrobials, such as 2 capsules of oregano daily on an ongoing basis. Dr. Siebecker pointed out that if patients are at 80% cured, if you do one more round of treatment, you can almost always get them to 90%.  She recommends prokinetics to prevent recurrence rather than antimicrobials. She said that the natural prokinetics are not as strong as the prescription prokinetics, like low dose erythromycin or prucalopride. These prescription prokinetics are more effective and prucalopride is also neuroregenerative and helps to heal leaky gut and to protect against cancer.  The other thing that patients will do as they are expanding their diet is to use digestive enzymes.

57:19  Dr. Siebecker is very excited about her new advanced course for practitioners to learn how to treat SIBO called the SIBO Pro Course.  It’s essentially a doctorate level course that she teaches at Naturopathic Medical School that she expanded.  It incorporates answers to all the questions she has gotten over the years and it is in a very organized format.  There are 2 versions of it. There is the self-study version that you do it on your own schedule and they she is also running it kind of like a college quarter over eight weeks and this version starts September 28. You watch 2 1/2 hours per week and you meet for office hours and this version includes learning enhancements, optional quizzes and study guides that you can use as you’re watching to help with the learning.  Here is the affiliate link if you would like to sign up the SIBO Pro Course: https://smpl.ro/al/7TEGvvBoGSzFtdoZLL7BGpGM/15770-Ben-Weitz.



Dr. Allison Siebecker is a Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist and she is very passionate about education.  She specializes in the treatment of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and she teaches advanced gastroenterology at the National University of Natural Medicine. She has the most incredible resource of research articles and information about SIBO on her website, siboinfo.com. Dr. Siebecker has a new course for clinicians   To sign up for this course, please use this affiliate link that will include a small commission for me: https://smpl.ro/al/7TEGvvBoGSzFtdoZLL7BGpGM/15770-Ben-Weitz

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            This is Dr. Ben Weitz, with the Rational Wellness Podcast, bringing you the cutting-edge information on health and nutrition from the latest scientific research and by interviewing the top experts in the field. Please subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast on iTunes and YouTube, and sign up for my free e-book on my website by going to drweitz.com. Let’s get started on your road to better health.  Hello, Rational Wellness podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to Apple podcasts and please give us a review and a rating. That way more people will find out about the Rational Wellness Podcast. Also, you can see a video version on my YouTube. If you go to my webpage drweitz.com, you can find complete transcripts and detailed show notes.

                                                Our topic for today is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and irritable bowel syndrome, how best to understand these, what are some of the latest diagnostic methods and gain some insights into an integrative reproach to treating these.  This is the second interview with our special guest, the queen of SIBO, Dr. Allison Siebecker in a few months. I’m regarding this as part two, and I’m mostly going to ask questions, which we did not get to in part one, which is Rational Wellness episode 110; please check that out. To put it in another way, whereas Dr. Siebecker laid some very clear recommendations for understanding hydrogen and methane SIBO, how to treat them, I suspect that this episode will not be quite as clear since I planned to take Dr. Siebecker into some of the murkier waters related to SIBO where answers are not quite as clear cut.

                                           Dr. Allison Siebecker is a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist. She is very passionate about education, and she has a wonderful new program for educating practitioners about treating patients with IBS and SIBO. She specializes in the treatment of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. She teaches advanced gastroenterology at the National University of Natural Medicine. She has the most incredible resource of research articles and information about SIBO at her website, siboinfo.com. Allison, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Thank you, Ben.

Dr. Weitz:                           So there’s a form of IBS and nobody ever talks about. It’s called podcast-induced IBS. Every time I do a podcast even if I’d just been to the bathroom when I’m about ready to get started, I have to run to the bathroom one more time even though there’s nothing there. It’s one of those stress-induced things. I note Dr. Pimentel doesn’t feel the stress is really a factor in IBS, but it’s got to be a factor.

Dr. Siebecker:                    It has an influence.

Dr. Weitz:                           Anyway, have you noticed when speaking to patients about IBS and SIBO that there’s a lot of confusion about some of the terms? When I interviewed Dr. Pimentel, I talked about the fact that there’s a range of different things people mean by constipation.  For some people, constipation means that they haven’t gone to the bathroom in three or four days.  Other people, they’re going to the bathroom multiple times but nothing is coming out. Then some people go to the bathroom and they just sit there for an hour straining. The same thing when we ask patients, “Do you have gas and bloating?”  I think for a while I would just say, “You have gas or bloating,” or they would check it off and I go, okay, that’s it.  Then the more I talk to patients, I realize that there’s a number of things they mean by gas or bloating. Some patients have abdominal distention due to gas. I think there’s some patients that feel bloated because they just ate a large amount of food and they have this thing about not having a lot of food. Some feel if they pass gas, they call that gas or bloating. I even had one patient that we have been going back and forth with. I’m trying to understand his bloating. By the time we’ve been testing him and treating him, I realize a part of it is just that he has a large stomach. He just feels it’s bloat and I think it’s really not.

Dr. Siebecker:                    So you just told me a little bit about this and these stories right before we started. I was like, “Oh, my God. This is so fabulous.” Because I agree completely with the importance of making sure we understand what patients mean that we’re on the same page with how we’re using the words of the symptoms. I have a whole section on this in my pro course, which is… So shameless promotion here. It’s starting September 28, and I invite everyone to join me– 20-hours and there’s a continuing education.  So let’s just go through with some of these symptoms. So for constipation-

Dr. Weitz:                           Hey, Allison, your volume is kind of going in and out a little bit. I think if you lean forward a little bit-

Dr. Siebecker:                    It’s better if I lean?

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah, right there, yeah.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Why don’t I… I’ll just hold my microphone.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    You know what, everyone listening, Ben and I we’re just talking about having terrible IT problems with my webinars lately. So I’m just going to hold it so you can hear me well.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, good.

Dr. Siebecker:                    So constipation is defined by both the texture and the frequency. So when we talk to patients, we have to clarify it. Also, the easiest, really the easiest thing to do is to ask patients what do you mean, tell me more, just start with that, and then you can start in with your clarifying questions. So the texture has to do like texture in amount that has to do with whether it’s loose that will be more like diarrhea, or whether it’s formed that’s normal, or whether it’s in these little balls or pellets. So some people say rabbit pellets or balls or things like that. So that’s a form of constipation.  So a person could be having high frequency, so they’re going and sitting down on the toilet and having a bowel movement so to speak 10 times a day, but every time it’s one little pellet. So that’s mixed, that’s a mixture of diarrhea and constipation because then they have the texture of constipation but the frequency of diarrhea. So it’s weird how these things can all mix together.

Dr. Weitz:                           I tend to think of that as constipation, right?

Dr. Siebecker:                    It is, but there’s… It’s true, it’s more constipation, but they’re having a constant frequency thing.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right.

Dr. Siebecker:                    So then the frequency typically for constipation is less than one bowel movement a day. That is like how it’s defined by the experts in the papers. Now if we go over to diarrhea, I’ll come back to constipation in a minute, but if we go over to diarrhea, the texture there would be loose or watery and the frequency would be more than three times a day. So the normal range would be one to three. Now some people they don’t like three bowel movements a day, but that is considered normal. So it’s when you get above that.

                                           So the other thing has to do with the sensation, so the urgency and the straining. So another way to define constipation would be are they straining. Again, this is where we get into those odd little mixed pictures because a person might have loose texture but maybe they only go once a day. They sit on the toilet and strain and strain and strain and then out comes a whole bunch of water. What is that? That’s probably constipation with fecal loading, but it’s still considered mixed. The reason they came up with this terminology for mixed is to; because this is new, is to include these types of circumstances. Because previously what we have was alternating, so it’s IBS-A or IBS-C or alternating. That’s when you have some of days of constipation and then some amount of days of diarrhea, or sometimes it’s weeks some cycle. These mixed patterns are not that.  It’s odd, odd, joinings of texture, frequency and then straining or urgency. One last thing is the Bristol Stool Chart.  I have it here on my pencil holder.

Dr. Weitz:                           Only you would have the Bristol Stool Chart on your pencil holder.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I also have it on a mug, but I’m not drinking today. I just keep it here because then I can look at it, because I don’t really have it memorized like all these cool gastroenterology people. They’re like are you a type one or are you a type two. I don’t actually have it memorized. So type one is the balls, the constipation. Type four is three… Really four is normal and then up to seven is the watery. So you can just keep that handy and then just to remind yourself.  So that’s basically the thing with diarrhea and constipation. Sorting out the mixed I think is the thing. It doesn’t matter what you really call it or consider it. It matters that you and the patient are on the same page with what they’re calling what. Because I’ve had patients who have very frequent watery stools, but they strained before going, and they call themselves constipated. So like five, five watery stools a day of big volume and they call themselves constipated because they strained beforehand. So this is what we have. It’s like, okay, so sure. Just so long as you know what they’re talking about.

                                                So now the bloating. Technically, there’s two terms here, distention and bloating. Technically, distention is when the abdomen swells out with gas. Bloating is technically the sensation or feeling of bloating, basically of the abdomen swelling out like you get a feeling that your abdomen is swelling, but it may or may not be. So I definitely have patients who have the feeling that it swells out and it never does. It physically does not swell out and they’re terribly bothered by this. In fact, I think honestly the feeling… So this would relate to visceral hypersensitivity. The feeling is probably more bothersome because that’s a level of pain and discomfort. It’s very aggravating. Although the physical distention is also very aggravating because then sometimes throughout the day people have to change their pants. I used to have to do that because I have SIBO. When it wasn’t well, treated and controlled, I would have to bring… I would buy this like bands that go around the belly the pregnant women will wear so that they can open their buttons of their pants and put the band around it and still keep their pants up.

                                                So then I like to bring that to work and then in the middle of the day with the swelling I have to do that. It was terrible. So the other things that we could differential diagnosis with it would be edema, so particularly for women with menstrual cycle changes. Many women will retain water around their abdomen. This you can tell with physical exam. So one of the main things you can do here is; I’m going to put my microphone down for a minute, is just do a percussion on the abdomen in your basic physical exam. When you do this, you can hear a hollow tympanic sound when it’s gas and just compare. Go over your thigh and do this and then you know that’s not a hollow sound-

Dr. Weitz:                          You’re talking about with the stethoscope.

Dr. Siebecker:                    No, this is physically.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh.

Dr. Siebecker:                    This is how you do percussion on the abdomen. So here’s the abdomen. You actually place your fingers right here and you go, and you put your ear next.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    So compare the swollen belly with air to the thigh or something, and you’ll hear that difference. That’s how you can sort of tell what if it’s edema from menstrual cycle or something. Then the other thing would be what if it’s just visceral fat or not even visceral fat, just fat not weight gain. It won’t sound hollow. It’s a distinctive sound. That’s the main way you can tell, is it gas in there, is it fat, is it water. So those are the things we have to pull apart.

Dr. Weitz:                           Great, awesome. So when you have a patient who comes to see you with symptoms of IBS, what’s your full examination, lab testing consist of?

Dr. Siebecker:                     Well, for me, it’s different because I’m a SIBO specialist. All I do is treat SIBO. My neighbor’s dog is starting to bark at squirrels. Can I close the window? Is it annoying?

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah, you better close it.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I’m going to close the window, you guys.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    His name is Bandit by the way. You’ll probably hear my neighbor screaming at him-

Dr. Weitz:                           Bad Bandit.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Did you hear him scream? He’s a cute little thing, but boy he’s naughty, okay. So for me, it’s different because I don’t really have the opportunity to start from the beginning and do a workup. People come, I’m a second and third opinion kind of doc.  So people come after having failed multiple, multiple treatments.  So it’s a little different for me, but I’ll just give you my general recommendations.  Usually what most people do is they’ll start with first and second line therapies.  By the way, again, shameless plug.  This is all in my SIBO pro course.  I go through this in a very organized fashion.  So first line therapy of course is diet and lifestyle. That’s stress reduction, meal hygiene, are you chewing enough, stress reduction, exercise, fresh air and diet. So diet, so there’s a lot we can do to start with diet that’s simple.

Dr. Weitz:                           Before you get into treatment, what about testing?

Dr. Siebecker:                    I’m going to get there.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Then next second line is supplements and low-risk modalities. So here’s where we would try things like digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid and various things like probiotics, prebiotics, all that.

Dr. Weitz:                           By the way, can we take a diversion for one second? You just mentioned digestive enzymes and that’s spurred a question. So I think a lot of Functional Medicine practitioners use digestive enzymes and yet, I remember asking Dr. Pimentel about that.  He thought it didn’t really seem to make sense because there’s very few patients who have pancreatic insufficiency.  We know that pancreatic enzymes help because we’ve seen it and many, many doctors have seen it symptomatically.  So what do you think is going on with pancreatic enzymes?  Is it that the patients don’t have enough or maybe they’re having some benefits despite the fact that they might have adequate pancreatic secretion?

Dr. Siebecker:                    I think a lot of people don’t have adequate pancreatic secretion.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, okay, you think that they don’t.

Dr. Siebecker:                    The reason I think that is from all the years of running stool tests and oh, my God, now I’m forgetting the marker that is the marker for..

Dr. Weitz:                             Elastase.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah, yeah, yeah, and we see it all the time. Also, the other reason why I think a lot of them are not having sufficient enzyme secretion is because hypochlorhydria is very common and that is very well-known. We need acid to stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzymes. So just think about how many people don’t have enough acid, they’re not then having enough enzymes. That’s why we always say hydrochloric acid and enzymes. So it very well maybe what Dr. Pimentel is like, I don’t think he runs a kind of functional stool test we all run. So he’s not seeing-

Dr. Weitz:                            I’m sure he doesn’t.

Dr. Siebecker:                    … the elastase. He might be referring to maybe a more narrow window of what pancreatic insufficiency is more a full-blown disease sort of the functional pre.  Then the last thing would be, it’s just a matter of who even cares. It’s just a matter of, are they helping or are they not?  I find many people are helped and many people aren’t helped.  So this tails right back into what I was saying.  What most practitioners tend to do when someone comes in with IBS is they try first and second line therapies first before testing. They just do very simple measures before even wracking up cost and test to just see if they can make corrections, are you chewing your food, lets like they put you on organic and let’s have you not drink 10 cokes a day. You know what I’m saying here. Then if you move in for more forward, let’s try some enzymes, let’s try some probiotics, whatever.  A lot of people get handled this way.  So then it’s for when those first and second line therapies fail.  Here I’m just describing what most practitioners wind up doing. You don’t have to do it this way, but this is just honestly how it seems to go for most people. Then if those things failed, you move on to testing. So now testing. What I think makes a lot of sense is if someone has IBS symptoms is to run a SIBO breath test because 60 to 70% of IBS is caused by SIBO, so that’s very reasonable, and-

Dr. Weitz:                          Do you always do lactulose or do you sometimes do glucose or do you ever do both?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Let me answer that in a second.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Then stool testing. So I think if you just at least do those and also, sorry also, screening blood work, which I can tell you some of the things I think are good to look for. If you just do those, you’re checking for so many things. So let me just answer your question now. I always do lactulose and it’s because, the reason why is, it assesses the entire small intestine. So if I’m choosing one test only, I want to choose the one that assesses the whole organ. Glucose is primarily absorbed within the first three feet [of the small intestine]. Some might go lower especially if somebody has fast transit or malabsorption issues. For the most part, that’s what I want to do.  I think in the best of all worlds because no one test is perfect, you do want both. I haven’t found I need that. What I think is good is when the lactulose and if you’re not sure about something, maybe you think there is a false negative, you could run a glucose as a sort of a backup, because there’s cost and the time and everything like that.


Dr. Weitz:                            I’ve really been enjoying this discussion, but I’d like to pause for a minute to tall you about our sponsor for this podcast. I’m proud that this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast is sponsored by Integrative Therapeutics, which is one of the few lines of professional products that I use in my office. Integrative Therapeutics is a top tier manufacturing of clinician design, cutting-edge nutritional products with therapeutic dosages of scientifically proven ingredients to help our patients prevent chronic diseases and feel better naturally. Integrative Therapeutics is also the founding sponsor of TAP Integrative. This is a great resource for education for practitioners. I’m a subscriber to TAP Integrative. There’s videos. There’s lots of great information constantly being updated and improved upon by Dr. Lise Alschuler who runs it.

                                                One of the things I really enjoyed about TAP Integrative is that it includes a service that provides you with full copies of journal articles, and it’s included in the yearly annual fee. If you use a discount code Weitz, W-E-I-T-Z, you’ll be able to subscribe for only $99 for the year. Now back to our discussion.



Dr. Weitz:                            By the way, I’m assuming you do the three-hour test, that’s what everybody seems to be doing.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Oh, God, yeah. It’s absolutely for me essential because it helps so much with your methane diagnosis and figuring out what you’re going to do for treatment.  It really makes a difference and-

Dr. Weitz:                           Well, can you explain why that is?  Because anything past 90 minutes we ignore, right, because that means it’s in the colon.

Dr. Siebecker:                    God, no. No, no, no, no.

Dr. Weitz:                           So if there’s a spike at 120 minutes, you don’t consider that positive for SIBO?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yes, let’s talk about this.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    The second reason why we need the lactulose is to diagnose hydrogen sulfide.  Now Pimentel is coming out with a new test, but it’s not out yet.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, yeah. He’s been saying that for a while.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I know. Also, so you have to see the third hour. So we can go through that. Also, even when that test comes out, it’s going to be offered by one lab. So it’s going to be years before people have that machinery and technology, so we’re still going to need to do three hours and look at that.  So let me go back to the methane.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    So the diagnosis for methane is not just in the first two hours. It hasn’t been for years, for years and years. So I think it was the second SIBO symposium that I put on, in 2015 Dr. Pimentel said he uses three, a methane of three and the whole three hours of the test.  So since 2015, that’s been out there and that’s what all of us have been doing.  All of us meaning all of us who put on the SIBO symposiums, my colleagues who had SIBO center and all that. Absolutely that is what I would recommend.  Now I have to say I hardly ever see a case where it’s positive after, like in the three-hour, after the two-hour mark so after 120 minutes only. Occasionally, where you’re trying to see that is when you’re doing retests. Now you see proximal clearing and then you see some left down there and then you still work on that because you’re doing your retest.  Let me tell you what the actual diagnosis levels are. So three and above… So basically it was 12 and above was SIBO, right, for years. Then when Dr. Pimentel said he uses three, what we wound up doing was using three to 11 with constipation would be positive. Because basically what the lower level is indicating-

Dr. Weitz:                           Now that’s more liberal than the North American-

Dr. Siebecker:                    I’ll get there.

Dr. Weitz:                           … Consensus?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah, I’ll get there.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Hold on. Because basically what the lower level is showing is methanogen overgrowth and constipation, not necessarily SIBO. So that’s why we wanted to-

Dr. Weitz:                           Wait, wait, wait.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I’ll get there. Just let me continue. By the way, I have this laid out beautifully in all my slides in the Pro Course in a lovely organized fashion, so, okay, so. Then what happened was they all convened and they voted to, the experts, to bring it from 12 down to 10 and Pimentel tried to get them to bring it to three. They didn’t feel there was enough evidence so they brought it to 10 and that’s very, very good.  In my clinical experience, I knew 12 was too high. I think 10 is too high.  I’m absolutely sure about eight.  I’m absolutely sure about that from all of the tests and symptoms that have correlated. I’m not absolutely sure about three. So now it’s the same thing I described except it’s the 10.

                                           Now amongst all this discussion, what has come out is methane is now being thought of as a different disorder and not actually SIBO and that what they’re figuring out is the methane could be in the small intestine. The methanogens producing the methane could be in the small intestine, okay, then it’d be SIBO. If they could be in the large intestine only, then it’s not SIBO, and/or they could be in both the small and the large intestine. When Dr. Pimentel did culture studies, he found lots of methanogens in the small intestine.  It’s just that they might not be in a certain case and so this is why we need the whole three hours of the test.  We cannot go by just 90 minutes, absolutely not.  I don’t even use 90 minutes, I use 120 let me talk about that, so that’s the thing.

                                           Now does it matter that we’re distinguishing SIBO versus, or if they’re in the small intestine or not?  Well, one way you can kind of distinguish that is if you actually see the rise of the breath, of the gas in the small intestine time and then coming back down and maybe even another peak like a classic double peak.  Honestly, I see that a lot so I know that people are having their methanogens in their small intestine. The key thing here is that it doesn’t matter whether they’re in the small or large intestine or both.  The treatment is the same.  It’s just that the concept of it is changing and I think it’s good. It’s like they don’t want to call it SIBO anymore because first of all they are not bacteria. They’re archaea, so the B doesn’t fit, right?  Then they might not be in the small intestine.  Also, they want to change the name overgrowth because that means something different to the gastroenterologist.  It actually means small intestine only.  It doesn’t mean that to any other discipline out there so it kind of irritates me.  How come they get to make a name that just works for them but for the largest amount of people? I think it should be methanogen overgrowth. I like-

Dr. Weitz:                           By the way, there’s also methanogens in the mouth in some patients.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I think in other places actually as well.  They are normal commensal bacteria in certain populations.  So what I think is good about this is that we’ve always known that it’s very hard to treat and that it needs different treatment, and then we … Okay, right. Well, that’s because they’re archaea, they’re not bacteria.  So certain antibiotics are not going to work on archaea.  We have to find the ones that do.  Also, the main underlying cause is probably different. The main underlying cause for diarrhea and mixed type is food poisoning, not necessarily for methane.  So go ahead, I’ve talked about it.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, yeah. Because of that blood test that Dr. Pimentel developed that measures the antibodies, do you order that test frequently.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I used to. I’m on hiatus right now, well, on somebody’s project. I did it all the time. The way I used it… Oh, I should have mentioned. That’s also an excellent test to consider right upfront, so breath, stool, screening blood work, and the IBS blood test so ibs-smart, because it can tell you so much right away. The way I used it was to investigate underlying cause of SIBO so that I would know did somebody get it from food poisoning, and what that did for me was a couple of things. First, it would be that I know that their migrating motor complex is deficient because that is an indirect test for that if it’s positive. So then I know their physiologic underlying cause and then I know that prokinetics are absolutely essential part of treatment. While I always probably already knew that, then we could get into patient compliance. So when they have that test and then they know, now they know they need to keep taking their prokinetic and not stop it and they’re convinced why they need it.

Dr. Weitz:                           Do you usually use the ibs-smart test from Gemelli or have you used the Array 22 from Cyrex?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Well, that one has not been validated the way that Dr. Pimentel’s has. He spent years and years validating, so.  I want to use the one that I know for sure is validated.  However, what I like about the Array, the Cyrex one, is that it has some markers that that’s what Cyrex always does, right?  They always have alternate markers like their test for celiac with tTG.  They have two and six.  So I like that it could catch people that the other one might have missed, but I haven’t run it.  What I really need to do is run dual, side by side and see do they catch everything that ibs-smart is catching basically validated against the validated-

Dr. Weitz:                          By the way, the data that I saw from Cyrex is that they are able detect a larger percentage of patients with methane on their test.

Dr. Siebecker:                    That’s interesting. So I think at this point I wouldn’t feel comfortable. This is just me. By the way, I love Cyrex and I love Dr. Vodjani who created it.  I’m just talking as a practicing practitioner here.  I would use ibs-smart and then I would run Cyrex secondarily if a patient can afford that and start checking the validation.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. Just since we’re on testing, one more question. Do you ever do organic acid urine testing?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yes, I used to do a lot of that and that is another test that a person could consider running. I’m not sure I do it all at once in the very beginning. I think small intestine check and your large intestine and your screening blood work and take it from there. I think one of the other things is one would hope that the stool test would show if there were parasites and yeasts, because that’s such a big differential-

Dr. Weitz:                          Right, yeah, and that’s one of the things we got out of urine testing is evidence for candida or fungal overgrowth.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Not the parasites, so it’s like that’s why at least if you do the stool test you’re getting kind of both, so.

Dr. Weitz:                          The stool test, you get some other stuff too like you were talking about the enzymes. You can see if there’s fat in their stool, which means they’re not breaking down fat and maybe have bile insufficiency and-

Dr. Siebecker:                    Both of those are markers of SIBO actually that SIBO could be causing but could be caused by other things, too.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right, and inflammation as well.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I didn’t explain the hydrogen sulfide and the testing, but basically you just need to see the whole three hours for your methane. Not only that, but what if the methane in the beginning is three, eight, 10 and then towards the end in the third hour it’s 155. It utterly changes your treatment protocol, utterly, utterly. So you might choose a whole different treatment mix based on that.

Dr. Weitz:                            What if you have a patient, they’re very symptomatic, you’d swear they have SIBO, you run the breath test, everything seems to be normal and then right at the 120 minutes shoots up, do you ever say, “You know, I know technically it’s not elevated by 90 minutes but I know this patient has SIBO.”

Dr. Siebecker:                    Well, yeah, now first of all, I don’t use 90 minutes. I use 120.

Dr. Weitz:                          You do?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah. So I always go to 120, that’s the manufacturer’s standard and I go by that. I’ve seen that proven time and time-

Dr. Weitz:                          The manufacturer’s standard, okay. Because most of the-

Dr. Siebecker:                    The actual maker of the breath test machine goes by two hours.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah, so if individual-

Dr. Weitz:                          That conflicts with the North American Consensus?

Dr. Siebecker:                    It does.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Absolutely, it does. So I have a whole discussion on this, too in the Pro Course, we can get into it. Basically just it’s not a black and white. This is an art, not a science. I’ve seen so many times where… Now this is a judgment call if you’re going to between 90 minutes and 120 because of the breath test consensus. Before that, it really wasn’t. It was really two hours, but now I’ll call it a judgment call. I will say most often patients are positive by 90 minutes. Most often they are, so it’s going to be more rare cases where you have to think about it. Now but your question was nothing goes up until after, right, until-

Dr. Weitz:                          Right at 120.

Dr. Siebecker:                    … right at 120.

Dr. Weitz:                          It starts going up a little bit at 90 and then at 120 bam [it shoots up].

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah, this is often SIBO, often, and so it’s a judgment call. Now one thing you’d want to think about here is, is this a constipation patient, because they probably have slower transit and the lactulose didn’t more through as fast. So this would be hmm and you have to think about it. You take into account the history and symptoms and the whole picture, because that’s the art, right?

Dr. Weitz:                          Right, exactly.

Dr. Siebecker:                   The differential, well, I mean maybe are there other things positive, maybe you treat those first.

Dr. Weitz:                          By the way, you mentioned motility there. I wanted to try to get clarification. Is there a difference between the neurological and specific structural mechanisms involved in the cleansing waves that occur that we refer to as the migrating motor complex and the peristaltic activity that happens when you eat food? They both involve this rhythmic contraction of the intestines. They both involve increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, bile, digestive enzymes. I remember asking Dr. Pimentel when he came to our Functional Medicine meeting. He said basically they were the same thing except one happens when you’re eating and one happens when you’re not eating.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Wow, okay. So I don’t really know the answer, but I think the interesting thing for me would be how involved are the ICCs, the interstitial cells of Cajal and in food peristalsis. Is it the same exact mechanism it sounds like? Dr. Pimentel is saying it is. The other thing is what’s the rhythmic pattern, because the rhythmic pattern is very different. We’ve got phase one, two, three, sometimes four with migrating motor complex and I don’t think it’s that at all for peristalsis. Other thing is we have-

Dr. Weitz:                            Right, and by the way, that’s one of the reasons why if patients are taking motility agents especially nutritional ones; I assume for the prescription once as well. We want them to take those at night or in between meals and not during a meal.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Absolutely, because it’s during fasting. Such a good point, yeah. I was just going to say with peristalsis, there’s sort of these two aspects. One is this segmentation thing where it’s basically mixing and churning the food so that it gets presented to the walls where all the enzymes are and everything and then, then it moves down. It only moves down like this, a couple of inches. So I don’t know the actual physiology. It’s a great question.

Dr. Weitz:                           Hey, one more question. We were talking about the methane. This is funny. We were talking before are we going to have anything else to talk about in this?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Forever, we have so much.

Dr. Weitz:                          Dr. Pimentel was speculating that maybe one of the reasons why methane is so hard to treat is because the archaea are sort of down in the mucosal layer and harder for the antibiotics or antimicrobials to reach them.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Right, so this brings up the whole anti-biofilm issue, right?

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Siebecker:                    We know methanogens make biofilms. Of course, we know that. I think where I’ve seen the best effect is with anti-biofilms that actually use bismuth. I don’t know if you know the work of Dr. Paul Anderson. Have you heard him talked about this?

Dr. Weitz:                            I’ve heard of him.  I heard you talked about bismuth on the interview with Ruscio about the hydrogen sulfide.  I know that bismuth is part of the protocol for H. Pylori, the triple antibiotic thing.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Right. Well-

Dr. Weitz:                           By the way, what is bismuth?

Dr. Siebecker:                    What a good question. Heavy metal basically, I don’t know.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. I mean, we can have bismuth toxicity in your brain.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Good question. I didn’t look up safety studies before I ever started prescribing it. There’s good safety data for the dose ranges we use and the time period we use, but still it’s a thought. That’s probably, I don’t know. It’s probably not a heavy metal. I just said that. I don’t what it is. I don’t want people… Sometimes I make joking comments or off comments and then because we’re on a podcast. People take it a gospel or something like that. Sometimes I make a joke and people didn’t know it was a joke. God, I guess my funny bone is not good enough but anyway, so, okay.

                                                So basically, Dr. Anderson… I had terrible trouble seeing that anti-biofilms helped any kind of SIBO, methane or not. I tried it for years. So I talked to him about it and he basically suggested that maybe the standard products that we use aren’t good enough. They’re not strong enough and those are basically digestive enzymes and NAC and EDTA. So he then suggested this method. So he had a prescription formula that he made that I used called Biosolve-PA. Then he now made one it’s in supplement form. It’s a priority one or something like that, advanced and so I tried. I tried the prescription version and I saw some difference. So it might be that we need a stronger anti-biofilm.

Dr. Weitz:                           Interesting. So bismuth is an anti-biofilm agent.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah. In his prescription formally, he uses… There was BMPS also.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, wow.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah, if I’m not mistaken. I could look it up.

Dr. Weitz:                           Which is a heavy metal chelator.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah, I could look it up. Sorry I don’t remember-

Dr. Weitz:                           You put the bismuth and then you take the heavy metal chelator to get rid of the bismuth.

Dr. Siebecker:                    It is so. So I do think that that could be helpful, but I don’t think that the standard anti-biofilms were helpful. I tried, this patient had one, this patient didn’t, on and on. Myself, my colleagues, even Dr. Ruscio, we never saw any clinical difference in relapse rates or how fast we could get a test negative. Dr. Pimentel [Dr. Siebecker intended to say Dr. Ruscio] had an unpublished study he presented on where he saw that there was a slight reduction in hydrogen actually, but it was only on… It was statistically significant so he could say it, but it was a small amount. There was no clinical difference like the symptomatology didn’t change, it wasn’t.

Dr. Weitz:                            One more thing on the methane I wanted to point out. Dr. Rahbar, who is here in LA, he finds that his methane patients often have co-infections with viral infections and Lyme disease. He thinks that methane SIBO is partially a form of immune dysregulation.

Dr. Siebecker:                    He could very well be right. I was just telling you this that he presented in the spring on his thoughts of why methane is hard, basically one of the underlying causes of methane and I’ve included that in my course; we can go over it right now. He says Lyme and TMAO metabolism, which is new to me, and mycotoxins, so mold and mycotoxin exposure, general immune dysregulation high glyphosate; Paneth cells is quite interested in that, and parasites. I have several colleagues who believe that parasites are probably one of the first places you should look when somebody has methane especially if it’s hard to treat. Not all methane is hard to treat. Some people you give a round or two and it resolves when it gets troublesome. I think the two things that I’ve heard the most from my colleagues speculating on underlying causes with methane are Lyme and parasites.

Dr. Weitz:                            It’s interesting that we describe methanogens as this other thing. Normally anything we see in the gut that’s not a bacteria or virus, we call a parasite. So technically methanogens could be described as a parasite, can we?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Well, we have their whole own classification as archaea. So when you look at it, is it phylums? I don’t remember. When you look… Even if you’re in museums and you look on their wall display, it’s bacteria, archaea, and one other grouping.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    They have their special own classification.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. I know that Dr. Rahbar told me that when he gets a case of methane SIBO before he does any other treatments, he might start with supporting the immune system and using a IgG type of formulation.  I heard Ruscio talking about using IgG and that seems to be getting more attention now, including that one non-dairy product that’s available out there.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I absolutely love this idea. I, myself, have gotten into it again. I heard about it years ago from Dr. Weinstock. He was having excellent results. He’s published… He had great cases resolved particularly when diarrhea was really hard to treat, and so it’s the serum bovine immunoglobulins. Actually, everybody who offers it no matter what brand it is, it’s a patented formula so it’s all the same actual formula. It’s called ImmunoLin. ImmunoLin is the item.

Dr. Weitz:                            Oh, okay.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Various people put it in their own label and put it in powder, so. I’m really pleased with it. I’m loving it for myself. It has so many benefits, leaky gut. I have genetic high cholesterol and it actually has helped to reduce that.

Dr. Weitz:                           Wow, interesting.

Dr. Siebecker:                    There’s actually a study on it reducing cholesterol. So it’s been very hard to budge because it’s genetic, so.

Dr. Weitz:                           So what particular marker did you see change? Was it your LDL-P or did your LDL particle size change, and what about Lp(a)?

Dr. Siebecker:                    It was LDL and total because of that. I can’t remember if I had the band size on my recent test. I don’t remember it. My type is type two-A so I have always high HDL so I always have that, but LDL was high. Something else was high, can’t remember I’m sorry, right now but anyway. It’s wonderful so I love that idea. For people who-

Dr. Weitz:                           By the way, this is kind of the newest version of colostrum, which Functional Medicine practitioners have been using for many years for digestive disorders.

Dr. Siebecker:                    This is just what I was going to say, for people…

Dr. Weitz:                           Great minds think alike.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Every time you ask a question, I was going there. Well, you know what the saying is, great minds think alike, and so do ours. Anyway, so for people who are vegetarian, there’s colostrum. There’s actually one brand that has the equal amount of the IgG in it, in its colostrum. Not all brands do and that’s NuMedica. It’s called PRP… I can’t remember the whole thing. It’s about NuMedica and it basically has a lot of IgG in their colostrum. So I have to say, I used colostrum for years in my patients, years and years, because it was kind of my number one leaky gut treatment because it has epithelial growth factors in it. I have to say I don’t think the results were as good as IgG, direct IgG, which is really actually surprising to me because IgG is purified out. I would have felt the whole colostrum it has so many things.

Dr. Weitz:                           It could be at the same maybe was helping the dairy was creating irritation to the gut.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Could be, absolutely good thought.

Dr. Weitz:                           Now you mentioned TMAO levels and TMAO is the latest marker for cardiovascular disease risk. Dr. Stanley Hazen from Cleveland Heart Labs developed this and he is testing it in the serum. TMAO levels are… TMAO it is contained in fish, but mostly it’s produced in the gut. It turns out that when you have higher levels of archaea in your colon, you have lower levels of TMAO. They actually are considering supplements of archaea which will be called archaea biotics-

Dr. Siebecker:                    Oh, my goodness.

Dr. Weitz:                            … as a consideration for this. I’m very dubious of this TMAO thing because if this hypothesis is right, I know this Stanley Hazen has a bunch of data on it, but it would mean that eating fish increases the risk for heart disease as well as consuming choline and L-carnitine. There’s so much data that those are so beneficial.  I think that one of the things that’s happened is there’s politics in nutrition like there is in everything.  We’ve got people who are trying to promote a certain way of eating as the way and so this another tool in the arm of those promoting a plant-based way of eating and so you hear that a lot.

Dr. Siebecker:                    That’s very interesting. I had never heard of it before. I heard Dr. Rahbar discussed some of his mixed theories and thoughts surrounding methane. So I was very glad for you to explain it because I look at it briefly and I’m like, “Wow, okay.”

Dr. Weitz:                           I talked to Dr. Bob Rountree about this. He actually thinks that TMAO is a marker for not having enough choline and it all has to do with the liver, but that will take us down another road. Have you used substances called peptides? These are basically strings of amino acids that are not long enough to be considered proteins. It’s really become a hot topic now especially in the integrative and anti-aging communities. One of the peptides is something called BPC 157 or Body Protective Compound 157 and some Functional Medicine practitioners are using it as part of their protocol to heal the gut. Have you used that before?

Dr. Siebecker:                    I got so excited about it. I heard a whole bunch of podcasts, webinars on it. I just got so excited and so I want to try it, but right now I’m not with patients. So I’ve tried it. Some of my colleagues are trying it and some of my friends and family members have tried it. So far in the people that I’m talking to, I’m not seeing any difference, but I just don’t think that you should listen to me. Because small of a sample size and not enough time, it would be really different if I’m in there with patients trying it. One of the problems is that it is fairly expensive. So it’s an expensive experiment, but I sure love what I’ve been hearing about it, really I do. I know that at our SIBO com, you and I were both there in the spring. We had two doctors presented. They’ve been using it, Dr. Rahbar and Doctor… What’s her name, Kristine… another doctor.

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah, I can’t remember.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I’m so sorry. So people are starting to experiment with it and I’m sure we’ll hear more. I think it’s very exciting and I don’t know yet.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, one more thing that you mentioned. You mentioned gut hypersensitivity.  I saw a paper showing an herb called curcumin, which I’m sure you’re familiar with, down regulates gut hypersensitivity. I’ve started experimenting with using curcumin in some of the SIBO protocols and I think it’s having a benefit. Have you looked into and somebody at SIBOCON talked about gut hypersensitivity as well.

Dr. Siebecker:                    We had a whole presentation on it by my former student, fabulous doctor, Dr. Megan Taylor. She did the whole presentation on giving treatment options; curcumin is one. Another one is actually bifidus infantis that’s sold as Align. That’s been studied for visceral hypersensitivity. We have a whole bunch of stuff we can try. Curcumin often helps people. It’s a fabulous anti-inflammatory. Then there’s a subgroup of people that just really tolerate it poorly and it often causes vomi

Dr. Weitz:                           Exactly.

Dr. Siebecker:                    It’s so incredible. I think a lot of times liquid and lipid forms are often well absorbed and do well with that. By the way, I have about five, seven more minutes.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, okay. So in terms of preventing SIBO from coming back or what about… How about this? You have a patient and they’ve gotten 80% better. They feel a lot better. They still have a little bit of symptoms. Do you ever put somebody on or recommend that they do a little bit of an antimicrobial say they take one or two capsules of Oregano just every day for a long time, and they say it sort of seems to improve the way they feel?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Is this something you’re doing? You have some experience?

Dr. Weitz:                           I have been doing this with some patients.

Dr. Siebecker:                    So it’s working well.

Dr. Weitz:                           It’s interesting. I mean it seems to go against cycling and everything else, but-

Dr. Siebecker:                    So tell me how you’re doing it, you’re doing just two pills a day or something like that.

Dr. Weitz:                           Exactly, exactly. This kind of started because, as you know, you put patients on a certain diet and you go, okay, now we’re going to go. We’ll start broadening the diet. They’re like, no, no, no, no. I feel so good. I don’t want to eat anything else again for the rest of my life and I don’t want to stop doing anything that I’m doing and it’s like, no, no, no.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I think that that is so smart to just give them a little bit of antimicrobials, calm their fears. It takes care of any little bleeps of they tested, if they tried a food, tested it and didn’t work well. I know lots of practitioners that do that. I just wanted to say that if someone is at 80%, so I like to always try and get to 90%. The reason why is because I found that when patients weren’t 80% and this is their report, right? They’re saying they weren’t 80%, although we talk it through and kind of decide together. If I would do one more full round, I can almost always get people to 90%.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, cool.

Dr. Siebecker:                    I just wanted to mention that. Because 80% was sort of the gastroenterologist standard, but I just began finding usually you can get people to 90%. So this idea of the antimicrobials, it’s so funny because I have a whole section on this exactly.  Again, shameless plug for my course, a whole section on basically prokinetics versus ongoing antimicrobials for relapse prevention.  You can do it either way.  I think prokinetics can do the same thing.  Honestly, they really can. I think one of the problems that I’ve seen is that the natural prokinetics, the over-the-counter herbal ones, so we’ve got Iberogast, ginger and all the ginger-containing formulas; I think there are six now, prokinetic ginger-containing formulas [Motilpro, Motility Activator, SIBO-MMC, etc.] and that and LDN are often not strong enough especially for the more difficult cases. Sometimes they are strong enough, but they’re not always strong enough. So I think what I’ve seen is that a lot of practitioners were let down by prokinetics that wasn’t really doing the job so they returned to antimicrobials.  See for me, I can prescribe so I would use erythromycin or prucalopride, which are stronger prokinetics.  So I didn’t need the antimicrobials because they actually do work better.  They are more effective and I almost always will start with the natural ones because sometimes that works, also just depends on where someone’s went or when they’re coming in to me.  If they’re coming in to me and they’re terribly chronic, we just go right to the prescriptions.  So I think it’s interesting.  I also think there are practitioners that just either don’t know enough about prokinetics or just really don’t like the idea of them.  I sense a general distaste of prokinetics out there in the community and-

Dr. Weitz:                           Well, certainly they’re going to have a distaste for low dose erythromycin.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah, because it’s a low-dose antibiotic. However, it doesn’t have antibacterial effects at that level, so-

Dr. Weitz:                           There’s also a lot of patients will tell you, oh, I took antibiotics and ever since then I’ve had problems, so they don’t-

Dr. Siebecker:                    They’re afraid of it, of course. Just like then they’re afraid to use rifaximin even though it’s so beneficial and isn’t like a normal antibiotic. We have to educate our patients, of course. Well, prucalopride actually regenerates nerves, so it’s neuro-regenerative. It’s neuro-protective. It heals leaky gut. It protects against cancer and tumors. So there should be no concern there.  Erythromycin, yeah, there can be distaste and concern. Honestly, I felt that way too in the beginning. I stopped feeling that way when I generally, I mean in principle I feel that way. Generally, I stopped feeling that way when I saw how much it helped the patients. The whole reason we use it is for this effectiveness. I just wanted to sort of make the point that it’s an interesting thing to think what’s worse even… Let’s even take the worst-case scenario of low-dose erythromycin that actually has no antibiotic activity. What’s worse? That, or something that keeps pounding the microbiome. It’s very interesting like prokinetics are meant so that you don’t have to keep doing antimicrobials. Do we really want to keep doing that?

                                           This is all me saying after I liked your idea. I’m just pro-ing and con-ing it here and that’s what we need to do as practitioners. It’s not like a life. There’s no answer and cases are different in each one in front of us. The other thing a lot of people would do if people are extending their diet and feeling nervous is they will use digestive enzymes as well and certainly some of the natural prokinetics like some ginger and things like that.

Dr. Weitz:                           Great. So can you tell everybody about your new program?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah. By the way, the reason I keep saying shameless plus is because I used to listen to Car Talk. Did you ever listen to Car Talk? That was on NPR radio and it was two brothers.

Dr. Weitz:                           Oh, maybe two guys talking about cars?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Yeah. They were very funny and they would always say shameless plug for whatever, so that’s why I’m saying that. Here we go, shameless plug. Yeah, it’s called SIBO Pro Course. I’m so happy that I’ve spent so long working on it. I mean, I think over a year and a half. I’ve given this course. It’s a course that I created and teach at Naturopathic Medical School, so it’s a doctorate-level course, but it’s shorter there. It’s a six-hour course. Over the years that I’ve given it, I’ve given it a couple times outside of the school to practitioners and I’ve just listened to all the questions. As you can see, pretty much everything you brought up I have in the course. So I’ve listened to all the questions, what if people really want to know and I’ve put it right in the curriculum. I’m very organized that’s just my thing. I think good leaning is when everything is very organized. So I present it in hopefully a flow that helps a person understand and retain the material. So anyway, you can go to… Well, you’ll have a link here, right?

Dr. Weitz:                           Yes.

Dr. Siebecker:                    It’s The SIBO Pro Course [here is the affiliate link to sign up for it: https://smpl.ro/al/7TEGvvBoGSzFtdoZLL7BGpGM/15770-Ben-Weitz]. I’ve got two versions of it, my self-study just in case you just want to have it on your own, do it on your own schedule, and then I’m running it kind of like a college quarter where it’s over eight weeks and I’ve pasted out what the schedule, about a two and a half hours per week that you would watch. It’s optional. You can do it how you want, but I’m giving you a schedule and then we’ll meet for office hours. On that version, I’ve included learning enhancements, optional quizzes and study guides that you can use as you’re watching through, just to all to help with learning.

Dr. Weitz:                           Cool, that’s great.

Dr. Siebecker:                    So I hope everyone will join me. It’s just a wonderful course, I think. I think I did a good job.

Dr. Weitz:                           When this it start?

Dr. Siebecker:                    Oh, yeah that’s important. It starts September 28. It opens September 28.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, cool. Okay, awesome. Thank you, Allison.

Dr. Siebecker:                    Oh, you are so welcome. It’s so fun talking with you, Ben.



Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Anti-Aging with Dr. Sandra Kaufmann: Rational Wellness Podcast 122

Dr. Sandra Kaufmann discusses Anti-aging strategies with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

5:52  Dr. Kaufmann, in her book The Kaufmann Protocol, Why We Age, and How to Stop It,  breaks down the concept of aging into 7 different physiological pathways or tenets of why we age.  Dr. Kaufmann took the analysis of the aging process down to the cellular level. 1. Tenet one is DNA alterations. The ends of your chromosomes, referred to as telomeres tend to get shorter as you age and this is a major problem. Also, epigenetic modifications of your DNA tend to occur with aging. 2. Tenet two is your mitochondria and energy production. Important factors here include free radicals and nicotinamide deficiency3. Tenet three has to do with various pathways related to aging, including the AMP kinase pathway, which is activated by caloric restriction and fasting. These tell your body that you are starving and it puts yourself in a state of hibernation. And you can take agents that fool your body into telling you that you’re starving.  There are also 7 mammalian sirtuin systems. There is also the mTOR pathway that controls catabolism and metabolism, the breakdown and the building of tissues. 4. Tenet four is what she calls Quality Control, which refers to DNA and protein repair mechanisms, which also includes autophagy, which is the recycling of organelles.  5. Tenet five is security, which is your immune system, which can go waywire as you age. 6. Tenet six is individual cell needs. 7. Tenet seven is waste management, because glucose is an issue.  And you may get an accumulation of lipofuscin over time. Some anti-aging experts are obsessed with fasting and AMP kinase or with mTOR or with stem cells. But Dr. Kaufmann points out that if you don’t address all 7 categories of aging, you will fail. We need a more comprehensive program.

10:50  Dr. Kaufmann is involved with a project with Dr. Bill Andrews to sort through 400 different lab markers to figure out which ones are the most important to analyze where a person’s biological aging level is, to help target an anti-aging program.  On a previous episode of Rational Wellness, Dr. Russell Jaffe went through which predictive biomarkers he recommends to assess a person’s aging level in episode 100, Predictive Biomarkers with Dr. Russell Jaffe.  Dr. Kaufmann does think that the Telomere length test is one way to assess the level of our biological aging, though results may vary depending upon which company runs the test.  On average, we lose between 47 and 67 base pairs per year.

14:47  Dr. Kaufmann has a rating system for judging potential anti-aging compounds based on which ones affect which of the 7 tenets of aging, so each agent got a 7 digit rating. When we look at a given compound, we ask is it an epigenetic modifier, does it affect your genes, does it affect your mitochondria, etc. If it had no affect on that category, then a given agent got a 0 score. If it had a very significant effect on that category, then she gave it a 3.  Does it work in a test tube? Does it work in a small animal? Does it work in humans?  If it does all those things, then it gets a 3 in that category. Resveratrol is a very important anti-aging compound and it has a good rating number in most of the 7 categories and it activates most of the sirtuin pathways. Unfortunately, resveratrol has poor bioavailability because the half life is only one hour.  Dr. Kaufmann says that option one is to use Pterostilbene from blueberries, which is a cousin of resveratrol and it has better bioavailability.  However, resveratrol looks like its better if you have high cholesterol.  Dr. Kaufmann recommends that option two is to use a more bioavailable form of resveratrol, like a liposomal form with properly constructed nanomicelles.  Or you could take resveratrol in the morning and pterostilbene in the evening.

20:16  Astaxanthin is one of Dr. Kaufmann’s favorite anti-aging molecules.  It’s a carotenoid that comes from algae and its the strongest, naturally produced free radical scavenger we have.  She also recommends it to athletes, since they create so many free radicals, esp. if they are outside in the sun.  Astaxanthin will help protect your skin from the sun as well. 

25:50  Senescent cells are normal cells that accumulate DNA damage and go into shutdown mode.  One of three outcomes occur: 1. the cell is so damaged that it can’t fix itself and it commits cell suicide, 2. the DNA is fixed and the cell goes back to normal, or 3. we have these grumpy, senescent cells that are somewhat damaged but they start up again. These sensescent cells change shape and don’t function as well and produce evil cytokines. These grumpy, old cells accumulate over time and create more inflammation and pathology. There are xenomorphic agents that change how a cell acts and there are xenolytics that kill these cells and a lot of regenerative medicine can be focused around xenolytic therapy.

28:20  Dr. Kaufmann recommends taking nicotinamide riboside to stimulate NAD production.  She also pointed out that the seven sirtuins cannot function without nicotinamide, so NR is necessary to stimulate the sirtuins.  Nicotinamide is also necessary for DNA repair 

33:55  Curcumin is also an important anti-aging nutrient. Curcumin is a potent epigentic modifier, it helps mitochondria, it’s a free radical scavenger. It helps activate some of the pathways. It helps with DNA repair and it helps with lipofuscin accumulation. Over time, our mitochondria get beat up and when you make new mitochondria, your body squishes down the old mitochondria and extracts out the reusable pieces and what it can’t use, it squishes it in the back of the cell. Over time you get more and more accumulation of this gunk, which is lipofuscin.

36:47  Carnosine is also very important for anti-aging, which is a dipeptide of alanine and histidine.  It’s a acid buffer in our muscles and it’s a free radical scavenger. And its a transglycosylating agent, which means it plays a role in glucose control. When sugar combines with proteins and fats, they are referred to as advanced glycation end products.  You end up with sticky proteins and once a glob sticks to collagen you get destruction of anything that’s collagen-based in your body, which includes your skin, your heart, your blood vessels. This is one reason why caloric restriction and fasting are so beneficial. Dr. Kaufmann pointed out that in Europe there is an AGE reader that you place your arm in and it tells you how much glucose has been glycosylated into your arm.  This device which could be the future of tracking diabetes.  Dr. Kaufmann also recommends carnosine eye drops to reduce the risk of cataracts.

43:28  Dr. Kaufmann recommends taking Metformin, a drug prescribed for diabetes, for anti-aging purposes.  Metformin helps with controlling mTOR, which he calls the youthful pathway.  She does not recommend taking Rapamycin, which is an extreme blocker of mTOR, (which stands for the mammalian target of rapamycin), but it is a chemotherapy agent and has a lot of possible side effects.  The mTOR pathway is responsible for building tissue and turning over cells and if you block it, you put yourself in a state of preservation.  But if you block all growth and turnover, that can be problematic and you may become sarcopenic and if you don’t turn over your hippocampal cells, you will have trouble with memory.  There are many tissues that you want to turnover, like muscle, bone, and skin.  Dr. Kaufmann does not feel that berberine is a good substitute for metformin because while berberine helps with blood sugar regulation, it does not do a lot of the other things that metformin does, such as epigenetic modifications, it reduces the risk of cancer in diabetics, it reduces weight, it helps with menopause, it helps with PCOS, it stimulates AMP kinase, and it reduces inflammation.  Because metformin is a partial mTOR inhibitor and can result in muscle wasting, so she recommends that people also take leucine, one of the branch chain amino acids, or just take a branch chain amino supplement, and also take a B complex, since it reduces B vitamin absorption from the gut.

50:44  There is a product that is highly touted for anti-aging purposes, Astragalus TA-65, which is extremely expensive, but it can activate your telomerase to make your telomeres longer.




Dr. Sandra Kaufmann is an ND with a speciality in Pediatric Anesthesia. She is the Chief of Pediatric Anesthesia at the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. Dr. Kaufmann has an avid interest in Anti-Aging Medicine and has published an excellent book on Anti-Aging, The Kaufmann Protocol: Why We Age and How to Stop It  and her website is Kaufmann Protocol.com

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            This is Dr. Ben Weitz, with the Rational Wellness Podcast. Bringing you the cutting edge information on health and nutrition from the latest scientific research, and by interviewing the top experts in the field. Please subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast on iTunes and YouTube, and sign up for my free e-book on my website by going to drweitz.com. Let’s get started on your road to better health.  Hello, Rational Wellness Podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to Apple podcasts and give us ratings and review. That way more people can find out about our Rational Wellness Podcast. Also, you can watch the video version by going to YouTube. And if you go to my website, drweitz, D-R-W-E-I-T-Z.com, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Our topic for today is anti-aging medicine, with Dr. Sandra Kaufmann. While there is a debate in the scientific community whether there is a limit to the human lifespan, it is generally thought to be 125 years, with only 48 people in recorded history making it to 110, and one recorded person making it to age 122.  In the US today, there are approximately 80,000 centenarians. Some anti-aging specialists distinguish between the lifespan and the health span, with the health span being the number of years the person is healthy. Others make a distinction between chronological age, which is the number of years you’ve been alive, and biological age, which is the measure of your physiological age of your functional and health status. And some experts feel that this can be measured with the telomere test or other tests. In the scientific community and the medical community, anti-aging refers to the slowing, preventing, and reversing of the aging process. Part of this means detecting, treating, and preventing the diseases associated with aging, like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

                                                But anti-aging medicine can mean different things to different anti-aging medical clinicians. For some anti-aging specialists the focus is on restoring the body’s hormones to the level of a 25-year-old, by taking bio identical versions of these hormones, like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, and even growth hormone in some cases. There’s been a lot of research in both animals and humans showing that caloric restriction may prolong life, 30 to 50% caloric restriction. But who wants to live longer and be miserable for most of that time? So, recent research has looked at fasting, and intermittent fasting, and even the fasting mimicking diet, all of which seem to promote some of the same anti-aging pathways as caloric restriction.   Others have explored the use of caloric mimetic substances, which might give us some of the benefits of caloric restriction without calorically restricting, including substances like resveratrol. For other anti-aging specialists, it means researching the reasons why aging occurs, and finding interventions, whether they be changes in diet, lifestyle, exercise, procedures like cryotherapy, infrared saunas, hyperbaric chambers, or the use of medications or nutritional supplements to positively impact these biological pathways and processes.

                                                Dr. Sandra Kaufmann is our special guest today. And she has a Master’s in tropical ecology and plant physiology, with a focus on cellular biology, and an M.D. degree with a specialty in pediatric anesthesia. She is the Chief of Pediatric Anesthesia at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, and also at Sheridan’s Health Corporation. She also has an avid interest in anti-aging medicine, and has published a book on anti-aging, The Kaufmann Protocol, Why We Age, and How to Stop It. It’s a very well-organized way of categorizing the most important molecular and physiological pathways of aging, and an analysis of some of the most efficacious, nutritional, and pharmaceutical compounds that can positively influence these pathways. She also has an app, and she constantly updates all of this information on her website, kaufmannprotocol.com. Dr. Kaufmann, thank you so much for joining me today. Dr. Kaufmann?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Absolute pleasure. That was a fantastic introduction. Well done.

Dr. Weitz:                          Thank you, thank you. So, as a pediatric anesthesiologist, how did you find your way into the antiaging field?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Well, people ask me that all the time, and the reality is, there’s absolutely zero correlation. I take care of kids every day. However, because I was a cell biologist and I spent a lot of time learning human physiology, and pharmacology, and all the -ologies having to do with medicine, I looked at myself, and I decided I didn’t want to age anymore. I decided that all of the information out in the literature when I started this project seemed like mumbo-jumbo. And I thought there had to be a way to look at it scientifically and clearly, and organize it and then make it practical. So, the reality is, it has nothing to do with being a pediatric anesthesiologist.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. So, in your book, you break the concept of aging into seven different physiological pathways, or tenets of why we age. And then you talk about how we can slow down or reverse that aging process. Can you explain what these aging mechanisms, pathways are?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Absolutely. And I know you’ve read the book, so feel free to stop me if I’m skipping anything that you found interesting or important.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   But to back up just a little bit, people, when they think about aging, they think about their skin, or their heart, or their organs. As a cell biologist, I took it down to the cellular level. And, whereas all cells are not identical, they generally function roughly, the same way. So, if you look at a cell … I looked at all the reasons that a cell ages, and separated them out. People argue that you can’t really separate them all out. If you think of a Venn Diagram, you’ve got seven overlapping circles. Sometimes you can pull things apart, and sometimes you can’t. So, some of my ideologies may be a bit of a stretch, but I think it simplifies it to make it easier to understand.

                                          So, that being said, so, tenet one, I call DNA alterations. People probably are already aware of this, but telomeres and such get shorter as you age, and that’s a huge problem. The other category in the DNA issues have to do with epigenetic modification. I don’t know if people are aware of that, but epigenetics changes. And that dictates what sort of DNA gets processed over time. The good news is, both epigenetic and telomere issues can be altered in a positive way if you know what you’re doing. So, that’s tenet one.

                                          Tenet two has to do with any energy production, which basically, boils down to your mitochondria. Rate limiting issues in this category are free radicals from the oxygen issue, as well as nicotinamide deficiency. Issue three is pathways. And I talk about innumerable aging pathways, and different people have their favorites. You referred to caloric restriction in your opening comments, and that’s basically activating your AMP kinase pathway. And that’s by telling your body that you’re starving, it puts yourself in the sort of state of hibernation. And that’s how caloric restriction works. And you’re absolutely right, we can take agents that fool your body into telling you that you’re starving, which essentially, just activate your AMP kinase. But there are also seven mammalian sirtuin systems. These are my particular favorites, because they do really cool things. And there is also the mTOR pathway, and that sort of controls catabolism and the opposite, which is building of tissues. Gosh, I’m losing my words today. I’m quite sorry.

Dr. Weitz:                          That’s okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Let’s see, the next tenet I call quality control, which is DNA and protein repair mechanisms. Because over the course of time, things break, and we have to fix it. I throw autophagy into that category, which is the recycling of organelles. The fifth category is security, which is your immune system. Your immune system goes haywire over the course of time for several reasons. The sixth category, I think of as individual cell needs. What does a red cell need, versus a liver cell, versus a brain cell? And I also have recently thrown the senolytics in this, because it’s become a more active topic, and I just wrote a huge diatribe about that. So, we can talk about that more. And the last category is waste management, because glucose is an issue. And then you can get an accumulation of something called lipo fuscin over the course of time. And I know that’s a heck of a lot of stuff to swallow at one time, but those are the seven tenets of aging. I’m so sorry.

Dr. Weitz:                            No, that’s okay. There’s a ton of stuff in this book, really good stuff. And I know all we can do is hit some of the highlights. But interestingly, it seems like a lot of people are talking about number three. A lot of people are talking about the AMP kinase. We’ve had a number of discussions on the podcast about the ketogenic diet, which supposedly hits some of the same pathways as fasting does. And a lot of people are talking about mTOR, and how to block mTOR. And that’s, for some reason, seems to be where a lot of the recent discussion in anti-aging and the functional medicine world that I’ve been hearing.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, without a doubt. And I think what happens is people, especially the experts, focus on what they know. I call it the silo effect, of course. Some people are obsessed with, you’re right, the mTOR, they’re obsessed with rapamycin. Some people are obsessed with caloric restriction. Other people are obsessed with stem cells. And my take on the thing was, you’re going to age for seven categories. And if you don’t attack each of the categories, you’re pretty much spinning your wheels. And I don’t care if you starve yourself until the end of time, you’re still going to have issues with glucose, you’re still going to have sirtuin issues, your mitochondria are still going to fail. So, I like to think of it as the need to have a more comprehensive program.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right. So, is there a way to analyze sort of, where we’re at? How would a given person … Is there a series of tests that they could do? You talk about glucose, I’m thinking about hemoglobin, A1c.  Is there sort of a panel that you can do to sort of get an idea of where you are?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That is a very excellent question, and we’ve been striving for that for many, many years. And if you go to readily available anti-aging clinics, they all have their favorite labs that they test.  What’s very interesting is, a lot of them mean absolutely nothing.  And I don’t want to pick on any one in particular, but what was very interesting is, I was recruited about a year ago.  I don’t know if you know who Bill Andrews is.  He is sort of, the telomere God. And I’m working on a project with him.  And one of the pieces of the project was to put together the most comprehensive list of anti-aging markers. So, between he, I, and a few other folks, we have a list of probably 400 markers.

Dr. Weitz:                          Wow.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   And we are initiating some studies to try to figure out which ones are the most efficacious.

Dr. Weitz:                          So, I was just asking you about, are there any tests so we can get a sense of where our level of biological aging is, and you were talking about the fact that you’ve been working on and looking at 400 different tests to sort of whittle down which are the most important ones. And I was just mentioning that I interviewed Dr. Russell Jaffe, and he felt that the eight most important ones were hemoglobin A1c, HsCRP, homocysteine, he had his lymphocyte response assay, which is his sensitivity test, and first-morning urine test for pH, vitamin D, omega-3, and 8 Deoxy-guanine.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Well, that’s quite a nice list. I can tell you, I mean, everyone has their favorite list. And they’ll probably tell you exactly why. The reality is that no one knows quite yet. But I will tell you that based on my seven tenets of aging, and all the biochemical things I talk about in the book, I created a hierarchy of things to look for. So, it started at the cellular level. For example, we could measure DNA destruction rates, right?

Dr. Weitz:                          Wait, how do you measure that?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, there’s a chemical with an extremely long name, 8 OH, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah that I won’t bore you with, that you can actually measure DNA destruction rates.  So, the question would be, “Can you change that over the course of time?”  You can measure levels of sirtuins, you can measure mitochondrial rates, you can measure amazing things at a cellular level.  If you bump it up to an organismal level, right, what can we measure, in terms of GFR for your kidneys, for your lungs, for your heart.  We can measure all of those factors.  On a more systemic level, then you’re looking at CRP’s and that sort of thing.  And then, when you get to the higher level, you’re actually looking at full body function.  So, we have a huge unbelievably full list of labs. And as soon as we figure out what really is important, I will let you know.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. What do you think about the telomere test?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I think the telomere test is fantastic. I think it depends on who does it. It’s not the same from the different companies, because we’ve tested a few different companies, and the answers sort of range from place to place. But I think it does give you a very good indication. As you know, we lose between 47 and 67 base pairs per year, which is horrifying. And so, it is an extremely important test. Is it absolutely linear as we age? No one really knows yet.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. So, you have a rating system for judging potential anti-aging compounds. Can you explain what that is?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, gosh, yes. And I’m going to bore your audience to death, here. I am so sorry.

Dr. Weitz:                          No.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   This is called geeky science. No, so what I did is, I decided, for whatever reason, that these seven tenets should never change order. And after I figured out, or decided that this is what causes you to age, I started looking up every agent that anyone said had any anti-aging properties. Because everyone has their favorite. Uncle Schmo takes this. And what does it really do, right? Because this is the way people approach anti-aging. So, I would look up agent X, whatever it was, and I did a huge literature search in every category. Was it an epigenetic modifier? Did it affect your telomeres? What did it do to your mitochondria? etc. I mean, this took me an extremely long period of time.

                                          And it started out as a simple chart on my desk with pluses and minuses, and it got to be a little confusing. So, it turned into a numerical rating system. So, in any one given category, if an agent did nothing, for example, for your DNA, it got a 0. If it was amazing, it got a 3. And people say, “That’s kind of nonspecific.” And the way I sort of did this is, I call it the hierarchy of evidence. So, theoretically, does agent X work in a test tube? For example, a trans-glycosylating agent. Is there evidence that it works in a test tube? If there is no evidence, then it’s not going to do anything anywhere. If it works in a test tube, great. Does it work in a small animal model? Does it work in a culture? Those two things are backwards. And finally, does it work in humans? And if all of those things were true, it got a 3 in that category. Means it’s very efficacious, it’s awesome, right? Lots of evidence to support it.

                                          So, what happened, because there’s seven categories, each agent got a seven-digit rating number. So ultimately, these numbers became, I decided, additive, or synergistic, such that when you wanted to create a program for yourself, you would line up whatever agents you thought were reasonable, add up the numbers, and then it became clear that some categories would be over-represented and some would be under-represented. So, it serves as a good guideline to determine what each individual should be taking.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. So, let’s go through some of these more important compounds, starting with resveratrol.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Okay. So, don’t expect me to have remembered all of the numbers for all of these, because there’s 30 or 40 of them…

Dr. Weitz:                          No, no. Forget about the numbers. So, for resveratrol, I remember regionally reading about it years ago, and I think David Sinclair found that it would mimic caloric restriction. And he was researching the sirtuin pathways, and it was going to be the big key to anti-aging.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, absolutely. And in fact, it is one of the keys of anti-aging, because it does many things. And the rating number is very good in each of the categories, for the most part. But the highlight is, in fact, what it does to your sirtuins. It activates most of the one through seven of the sirtuins, which is extraordinarily important. The issue with resveratrol, which is sort of unfortunate, is the bioavailability is very poor.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   And this is what has baffled people for a long time. So, there are two options. Option one was to alter the plan and go to something called pterostilbene, which is, I call it a cousin. Very closely related, higher bioavailability, it’s in blueberries instead of wine. I always laugh that it’s way less sexy, because who wants to talk about blueberries. But it is more bioavailable. There are some information coming out lately that if you have high cholesterol, maybe you should stick with resveratrol, over pterostilbene. I think that’s still in the beginning stages of understanding all that.

Dr. Weitz:                          Interesting.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   But certainly, I’ll direct one or the other based on your cholesterol status. If you do, however, decide to take the resveratrol, I think you need to make sure you’re taking something that’s more bioavailable than the standard. Because the reality is, is the half-life is about an hour, and you need it way more than that in your system.

Dr. Weitz:                          So, what’s a more bioavailable form?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, they put things in nanomicelles, which is my favorite way of taking these. There are a few companies that do this. And I don’t want to cite any companies on a podcast, because then I get busted by other companies. But, if you’re looking for something, you look for something that says bioavailable. Nanomicelles, nanomicelles, there’s a variety of different ways to package it.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah. I mean, when I hear of nanomicelles, I usually think of Quicksilver.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Yeah, but … Yeah, that’s very true. But Rev Genetics does it, a variety of companies do it. It makes it a whiff more expensive, but it’s worth it.

Dr. Weitz:                          And then, what’s the kind of dosage you need for resveratrol?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Well, it’s sort of depends on which one you’re taking, right? If you’re taking a regular one, you’re going to need more. If you’re taking one that’s more bioavailable, you need less. The half-life is probably about six to eight hours. So, if you really want to get a jump start, you could take it twice a day. Because daily dosing is based on half-life of the drug. It works in regular drugs, and it works for this, as well

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Some people, covering their bases, they take resveratrol in the morning and pterostilbene in the afternoon.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   It’s a little zealous, but it just depends on what people want to do.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. And astaxanthin is one of those on your list.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, astaxanthin is my favorite. I love astaxanthin. It’s ridiculous. I have a love affair with the molecule. It’s really quite sad.

Dr. Weitz:                          Is basically, a carotenoid that comes from seaweed, right?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   It comes from algae, yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                          Algae, yeah.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Algae. My kids like to call it angry algae. It’s silly, it’s the slime that you see in birdbaths. And when that slime gets stressed out in any way, as much as you can stress out algae, it makes this orangey-red substance. And the stuff is amazing. And basically, it helps the plant survive, or it helps the algae cells survive. And it helps us survive via the same mechanism. It’s the strongest free radical scavenger that we have at the moment, at least naturally produced.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. And I saw in your book you also recommended it for athletes.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, 100%. So, athletes create more free radicals. Generally speaking, in your mitochondria, as you probably know, or as most people know, when you’re looking at the electron transport change, oxygen is the final receiver of the electron. So, that’s why you need oxygen. Unfortunately, for normal resting folks, 1 to 5% of that oxygen becomes radicalized. And that’s bad. In the world of good and bad, that’s bad. So, in athletes, you’re using more oxygen, so more oxygen gets radicalized. So, you’ve got more free radicals floating around. And experts that are lazy use this as a reason not to exercise, which is ridiculous. But athletes need more free radical scavenging, especially if you’re outside. Because it also protects your skin.

Dr. Weitz:                          On the other hand, some of the studies show if you take too many antioxidants, you may reduce the benefits of exercise.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, what people don’t understand as well, and Ben Greenfield, I love him dearly, but it’s hard to understand, exercise and aging are two very separate things. What’s good for one may not be good for the other, right? Some feedback of free radicals does, in fact, help your body work better. It does.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   But there’s truly no way to get rid of all of the free radicals. So, I think that’s a little bit ridiculous. But the example sort of holds true, as well, when you’re talking about the mTOR system, right? To not age, we want to shut down the mTOR system. To be an athlete, we want to activate the mTOR system.  So, you need to know what you want to do before you plan how to get there.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, when I work with athletes, we usually try to time the antioxidants and not have them, say, if they’re exercising in the morning, not have them take it right around the time they exercise, and say, have them take it in the evening.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. That’s perfectly reasonable. Absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:                          Because there have been several studies seeming to show that when you take these antioxidants, they blunt some of the benefits of exercise.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That’s absolutely true.  But you need to also keep track of what type of athlete it is, right?  Is it a resistance-type problem? Is it an aerobic-type problem?  For example, my daughter, and I talk about her frequently, is a tennis player.  She is out in the Florida sun all the time. She’s a redhead, and she burns.  When she takes her astaxanthin, she does not burn.

Dr. Weitz:                          Cool.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   You know of course she forgets all the time, and then she turns into a beet. So, we know that it works, because we’ve done this controlled study now. So, it just is sort of … Again, it depends on what your absolute goal is.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. It’s interesting, a lot of the focus in anti-aging medicine these days is all about cleaning up dead older cells, and putting your body in this mode in which it thinks it’s starving to death, so it starts eating up the old dead cells, autophagy, which is something that exercise also does, whereas, a lot of the focus 20 years ago in anti-aging was about doing things that increase your potential for growth. And so, a lot of the focus was more on giving testosterone, and growth hormone, and various strategies sort of that increase  growth. Because, as we get older, our cells break down and need to be replaced. So, I think there’s this kind of yin and yang between having your body being in growth mode and being in the opposite mode.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I think that’s completely true. I think you’re mixing a whole lot of subjects there, so I’m going to try to tease out what I think is important. And I don’t mean that in a bad way at all. I think before 15-ish years ago, we didn’t know a whole lot about not aging. I really don’t. I think we do now. But people do have various opinions. And when you talk about all of the hormones, I think it’s … and people are going to hate me for this … I think it’s a little crazy, to be perfectly honest with you. Our bodies work on feedback loops. So, if you’re a young man and you take testosterone, your body perceives that testosterone, especially if it’s bioidentical, and says, “Oh, I don’t need to make anymore because I have enough.” So, it shuts down. So, you’re not going to end up with any higher levels of testosterone. And in fact, you’re going to hurt yourself over the course of time.

Dr. Weitz:                          Sure.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I generally tell men, “Get the levels tested. As you are getting older and they fall, it is not unreasonable to replace them.” But trying to jack yourself up when you don’t need it is, I think, horribly painful. I mean, I think it’s just a bad thing.

Dr. Weitz:                          Oh, absolutely.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, I don’t believe in any of that. The other thing that you mentioned is clearing out the bad cells. And now, this is a huge new topic. And what you’re talking about is senescent cells. And I just spent months, and months, and months digging into this, so I could bore you to tears. But in general, a senescent cell is a cell that was a normal acting cell, and it had some DNA damage, and it decides to go into a shutdown mode, right? And the shutdown mode does then … The outcome is one of three things. Either one, the DNA damage is absolutely horrible. The cell can’t fix itself. It commits cell suicide. Call it apoptosis. It just sort of disappears.

                                          Or, the DNA is fixed, and then the cell goes back to doing what it should do. But in the middle, we have these things called senescent cells, where the cell starts again, but it’s not exactly the same as it was before. The analogy that I like to use is the grumpy old employee at a factory, right? He used to be young and vivacious, and now he’s the fat guy in the corner, right? So, these senescent cells, they change shape. They become larger, their organelles change shape, their production change shape. And what they do is, they produce something called an SASP. Basically, they put out what I call evil cytokinins. It’s a senescent associated secretory phenotype, for those geeks out there.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   But it’s actually, essentially, they’re just bad, evil, grumpy cells. But they accumulate over time. And they create a localized inflammatory issue. We think originally, they did this to bring in immune cells to get rid of those cells, but it doesn’t exactly work that way. And as you get older, these cells accumulate. And they cause more pathology, and more inflammation, and more damage. I’m not completely sure of this, but I developed a graph, where while you are still young, you have some senescent cells, and the increase is very small. As you get older, the slope of that increases. And then beyond some point, sort of, when people just feel old, it becomes moderately exponential.

                                          So, the question is, how do you get rid of these cells? And so, we’ve been looking at drugs. There’s xenomorphics, which change how a cell acts. And the good news is that there are xenolytics, that actually kill these cells. And it’s been shown in animal models that if you can kill these cells, where the cell was gets replaced by normal new cells. So, a lot of regenerative medicine can be actually focused around xenolytic therapy. So, I think that’s a really cool thing.

Dr. Weitz:                          Absolutely. So, another substance that you highlight is nicotinamide riboside, to stimulate NAD production.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Ah, another one of my favorite subjects.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, a lot of people talk about this. And then there is some controversy over which of the various compounds that are available are best to take, whether you’re going to take nicotinamide riboside, or whether you’re going to take NMR, or whether you’re going to take NAD, etc., etc.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Yes. So, first we’ll start off with what it is and why it’s important, and then I’ll tell you what I feel about the other stuff.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, nicotinamide is important, because number one, it is very active in the electron transport chain in the mitochondria. So, as you get older and you have less nicotinamide, and we’ll talk about why that happens in a sec, you make less energy. You just do. Your mitochondria just don’t function efficiently, which is why a lot of older people just don’t have the energy they should have. So, that’s problem number one. Problem number two is that it is a necessary co-factor for sirtuins. So, the aging, or not aging pathways, the seven mammalian sirtuins, do not function without nicotinamide. So, you can take as much resveratrol or pterostilbene as you want, but without nicotinamide, you’re not doing anything. So, that’s number two.

                                                Number three is that, when you have DNA damage, you’ve got a big glob missing in your DNA chain, your body takes the nicotinamide molecule, chops it into pieces, and puts part of it back into the DNA so it fixes it. So, again, if you don’t have enough nicotinamide, you don’t repair your DNA, then you get cancer. And then, lastly, and this one’s hard to sort of quantify, serves as a communication device between your nucleus and your mitochondria. So, four reasons that you need more, because you have more damage, you need more energy, blah, blah, blah.

                                          So, as you get older and you have less, you, by definition, need more. So, the supply/demand chain makes it very difficult to keep up, which, you can actually get your nicotinamide levels measured. But it’s extraordinarily hard to do. We have tried to do this. There is one company in LA, I believe. We measured a gentleman’s nicotinamide, and it had to be immediately spun down, put on dry ice, and hand-driven to their company to do it. So, at the moment, it’s not exactly commercially available.

Dr. Weitz:                            And niacin levels are no reflection of that?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Not at all. Completely different, completely different. My kids always tell me that, why can’t you just smoke a cigarette, because isn’t that the same thing? And the answer is, gosh, I hope not. And I hope other people don’t think that, either.

Dr. Weitz:                          Because nicotine, being a similar compound?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Well, the word sounds kind of the same.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   And so, people think, “Oh, well, I smoke. I’ll be fine.” And the answer is, “Not exactly, actually not at all. And you’re making the problem way worse, because now you’ve got more DNA damage.”

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. So, the question then goes back to, “How do you know that you’re short?” And the answer is, “Probably anyone over the age of 40.” People that say, “You know, I just don’t have the energy I used to,” that is probably nicotinamide deficiency. Do you really know? Not really. But it’s just likely. And then, of course, which one do you take, right? There’s no way of knowing, because there’s no way of measuring it. People are touting NAD infusions, and I think that’s kind of crazy, because I’ve worked in a hospital a really long time, but no one’s ever come in, in a stat nicotinamide deficiency. It just doesn’t happen, right? And giving something extremely quickly that’s going to get metabolized, and then it’s going to disappear, I’m not convinced that’s great for you, just from a pharmacological standpoint.  What I think you do need is slowly filling the deficiency, which you could do obviously, with oral supplementation, which then, boils down to, you’re right. Is it nicotinamide riboside or the NMN? And the answer is, we don’t know that either. There’s never been any head-to-head testing. There’s been a lot of studies that show that NR is very efficacious. They’re catching up on the other side. I think this is a war of companies. Because they both have their trademark compounds. We know that you need it in some form, and someone ultimately, is going to win. I wish they would do a head-to-head study, because people asked me all the time which is better. And the answer is, “I really don’t know. I wish I had an answer. But taking one of them, I think is crucial.”

Dr. Weitz:                          So, if you take nicotinamide riboside, what dosage do you like?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That’s a good question. I think it depends on how old you are. I think it depends on how deficient you are. Just many, many things. For example, if you’re already 50, you’ve got some catching up to do. So, I recommend a higher dose. You probably would take maybe, two weeks to three weeks to catch up. When your energy levels sort of level off-

Dr. Weitz:                          What would would that higher dose be?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I would say, it just depends on the bottle, too. I think it’s … They usually come in 250’s, I believe.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right, I think they do.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, I tell people, “Take two of them. Spread it out, one in the morning, one at night, for two to three weeks, until you feel like your energy levels are good. Back down to once a day. And if you still feel good after a month or so, take it every other day.” Because having too much isn’t good, either. This is not a, “who gets to have the most in their body wins” sort of thing. You need the right amount, but not too much. And the only way to do that is judge it by energy levels.

Dr. Weitz:                          Curcumin. That’s one of my favorite nutritional compounds. And I know that’s big on your list.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, I love it. Yes, absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, we love curcumin as an anti-inflammatory, as an anti-everything, cardiovascular, cancer prevention, etc., etc.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Absolutely. And I used to think that it was really crazy that one thing could do all of those things, but if you boil it down to the seven tenets, it does. It is a very potent epigenetic modifier, right? So, everyone should be on it. It helps your mitochondria, because it’s a free radical scavenger. It helps activate some of your pathways. It helps with DNA repair. It does everything it’s supposed to do. I won’t bore you with the details. Although, one of my absolute coolest favorite thing is, it’s the only thing that actually been demonstrated to help with lipofuscin accumulation.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   There’s a great rat study that looked at old rats, and medium old rats. And if they were on curcumin, not only did they not get a lot of, or get the same amount of lipofuscin accumulation, some of it was actually reduced, which I think is incredibly amazing. 

Dr. Weitz:                          Can you explain what lipofuscin is?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Absolutely. I call it the kitchen drawer phenomenon. You probably read that in the book. It’s sort of a goofy analogy. So, when a long-acting cell responds to the environment, it changes the number and type of organelles it has. So, for example, over the course of time, your mitochondria get beat up, and your brain cell says, “You know what? I really need to make new mitochondria.” Squashes them down, extracts out the reusable pieces, and takes the rest that it can’t use, and squishes it in the back of the cell. And then over the course of however old you are, 90, 80, however old you are, every time you’ve recycled these organelles, you get more, and more, and more accumulations of just gunk sitting in the back of your cells that you can’t use.  And it really doesn’t do anything, it’s just a space occupying problem. And what I think is really cool is, you can age lobsters by lipofuscin accumulation. I mean, not that that’s really important to anyone, but it’s just really cool. It’s the most accurate way of measuring crustaceans. And the same with us, you cut open our brains when we are old, you can probably look at it and go, “Aha, 90- some years old, or 100, or however old we are.”

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. So, when you were talking about NAD, I believe a lot of people talk about it as a factor that affects mTOR, right? Is it a bio-blocker for mTOR?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   NAD should not be, no. Metformin is. That’s what you’re referring to.

Dr. Weitz:                          Oh, okay. Okay, we’ll get to that in a minute. Okay. So, next, we have carnosine.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Aha, carnosine.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   You’re hitting my top favorites here. This is great.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, so, most people probably don’t know carnosine. They know carnitine, and carnosine is a little bit different.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   It is different. It is a dipeptide. It is alanine and histidine, So that’s a very simple peptide. The Russians are very, very fond of this. They gave it to all of their athletes behind the Iron Curtain, and honestly, they kicked our butts in the 80s. And I think it’s because of the carnosine. It does two major things. Number one, it’s a buffer in your muscles, and it’s a free radical scavenger, which is why athletes like it. But I’m in love with this because it’s a trans glycosylating agent. So, all of the glucose that we take in our system needs to get stripped, and it’s one of those things that can actually suck the sugar off of you, and you just excrete it, and you’re all the better for it.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay. Yeah, we know that blood sugar, insulin resistance are major factors in antiaging. And we need to try to manage those. And I think that’s one of the benefits of caloric restriction, fasting, and probably of ketogenic diet, as well.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, without a doubt. Glucose control is extremely important. Obviously, we need glucose. It’s just like oxygen, we need some, but we all have far too much.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Glucose falls into my waste management category, just because it’s everywhere. I tell people, “It’s sticky on the outside, it’s sticky on the inside.” You get glycation everywhere. I talk about AGE’s in the book a lot. One of my favorite abbreviations, it’s advanced glycation end products.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Glucose sticks to protein, it sticks to DNA, it sticks to lipids. And it causes several problems. It causes the things that it sticks to, to lose function. And then the glob sticks to collagen. And once a glob sticks to collagen, you get basically, destruction of anything that’s collagen-based in your body. Your skin, your heart, your blood vessels. So, I think it’s one of the huge reasons that you age. So, by calorically restricting yourself, as well as taking less glucose, obviously, you’re causing fewer of those problems than you could normally.

Dr. Weitz:                          And when we measure hemoglobin A1c, we are measuring one of those glycosylated proteins, right?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That is correct. So, basically, you’re measuring the amount of glucose stuck to a red cell. Red cells take about three months to turn over, so, it’s a transient snapshot of your glycation level. If you really want to know how coated you are, there’s a great machine, is called an AGE reader. They have it in Europe.

Dr. Weitz:                          Really?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Absolutely. If I had a private clinic I would get one, but I don’t, so I haven’t.

Dr. Weitz:                          And AGE reader, wow.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Is called an AGE reader. You stick your arm in it, and it tells you how much glucose has been glycosylated into your arm.

Dr. Weitz:                          Wow, fascinating.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I think that’s the future of tracking diabetes. It just hasn’t made it to this country yet. It’s on our list of antiaging markers, so we’ll get to play with it. Is just not a popular item yet.

Dr. Weitz:                          You know, I’ve talked to some anti-aging doctors. I talked to Sarah Gottfreid recently and she likes to wear a continuous glucose monitor, just to continuously see where her glucose levels are. What do you think about using something like that so you can really fine-tune your glucose levels?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I think it depends on your level of OCD. I know that sounds terrible. I mean, some people are very, very into this. And I applaud that. My whole plan of this whole thing was to live a normal life, and not to be too crazy. So, I think that would just drive me to drink, to be perfectly honest, which wouldn’t be good, either.

Dr. Weitz:                          Well, you’d get plenty of resveratrol, as long as you had red wine.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, absolutely. And there’s quercetin in white, so we’re covered either way. So that’s good.

Dr. Weitz:                          Oh, there you go.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   No, but … So, the way I approach it is, I block glucose going in, metformin. There are seven steps to glucose coming in AGE, and there are innumerable substances that serve as blocking agents. And then once you do have an AGE, there are several agents that can trans glycosylate to get rid of it. So, I don’t actually care what my momentary glucose is. I go on my Haritaki holidays, and I … Maybe I’m kidding myself, but I like to think that I’m sort of taking care of the problem.

Dr. Weitz:                          Cool.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   You’ve nothing to say to that, do you?

Dr. Weitz:                          Well, I just had something pop up on the screen that, Zoom sent me this note that, “We’ve just eliminated your 40-minute limit.” So-

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, great.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, there’s this weird thing, that if you have two people on a meeting, you get unlimited time. But if you get a third person, because you switch computers, it limits you to 40 minutes.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, no.

Dr. Weitz:                          And you didn’t see it, I guess. It said, “We eliminated that.” It’s like, “Thank you.” Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oops.

Dr. Weitz:                          So, you mentioned carnosine eyedrops. I never heard of that. That sounds really fascinating, as a way to reduce risk of, I think you said cataracts?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. So, again, this carnosine falls under the expertise of the Russians. And there’s some extremely zealous Russian dude with a ridiculously long name that I could never pronounce. And he loves carnosine. And he decided that cataracts, and I think by extension, presbyopia, had a lot to do with glycation in the lens. And interestingly enough, he formulated NAC, So, it’s N-acetylcarnosine. And he gave it to, I don’t know, 50,000 Russians. And they all said their vision got better.

Dr. Weitz:                          Wow.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, amazingly enough, it’s over-the-counter. There’s probably 17 versions of it on Amazon.

Dr. Weitz:                          I looked online, because I read about this on your website. But, what do you think is the best one to take?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, that’s a very … I tried a whole bunch of them, and I don’t know why some of them burn and some of them don’t. I get this one, and it’s … This is the most ridiculous ad ever. But it comes in a little metal bag. How about that? If you’re looking for it online, it comes in a little foil bag.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I know that’s really silly. It says NAC. It’s a tiny bottle. I wish I could tell you exactly who made it. I can work on that, and I can send you a link.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. So now, in your list, most of your list of compounds are supplements, but yet metformin, which is a pharmaceutical drug, is-

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Wait, wait, wait. I have to interrupt you there, because this drives me absolutely nuts. Okay, so a supplement technically, is something that you already have in your body, and we are adding to it, right? And add you vent is something that your body’s never seen before, right? Then there’s vitamins, and then there’s minerals. So, I call them molecular agents, because everything falls into a different category.

Dr. Weitz:                          How about if we use the term nutraceuticals?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That’s fine. We can use that.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   But see, metformin, the only difference of metformin is that somehow, it became controlled by pharmaceutical companies. As far as I’m concerned, it falls into the same categories.

Dr. Weitz:                          I’m sorry, that makes it evil.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   It does not make … well-

Dr. Weitz:                          I’m kidding.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   The only good news, it’s been around for a zillion years, so it’s extremely cheap.

Dr. Weitz:                          So, metformin helps with controlling mTOR. What about rapamycin? I’ve heard some anti-aging experts, I think Peter Attia, talk about, I think he’s been experimenting with taking rapamycin.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. So, the mTOR pathway, I call it the youthful pathway. It’s about building.

Dr. Weitz:                          By the way, mTOR stands for mammalian target of rapamycin.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Yes, yes it does. Yes it does. And I should’ve said that. In my world, that’s sort of a given, so I apologize. What the mTOR pathway does is, it builds. It builds muscle, it builds tissue, it turns over cells. It’s a very active system. It’s anabolic, right, versus other things that are catabolic.  As you get older, however, the system becomes obsolete.  And if you block it, you put yourself into a sort of state of not growing.  And that helps to preserve you, right?  Therefore, rapamycin is extremely potent, and it can do this, which is why we use it … It truly is a chemotherapy agent.  We use it and stents, so that you don’t regrow tissue in a coronary artery.  We use it to block issues after kidney transplant. It’s a heavy-duty medication.

                                        And if you block all tissue turnover, you may preserve yourself, however, I spent a ton of time looking into this. And the problem is that you block tissue that you need to turn over. For example, you tend to become sarcopenic, right? Because you’ve got muscle wasting, because you’re not turning over your muscle. And the other thing that’s a little bit worrisome is that you have to turn over your hippocampal cells to make memories. And, at least in experimental animals, if you block that ability, you’re not going to remember anything. So, I don’t necessarily agree with the rapamycin bandwagon.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   And other people will say different things, but that’s sort of my take on the situation.

Dr. Weitz:                          So, just practically, how would … You’re an MD, I’m a chiropractor. I can’t recommend pharmaceutical drugs anyway, but even if I were to suggest a patient take Metformin for anti-aging, I mean, practically, what are they going to do, go to their primary care doctor and say, “Hey, Doc, I want to live a long time. Can you prescribe Metformin”?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, the answer is yes. A study came out many … Four or five years ago by now, and it looked retrospectively at three groups of people. They weren’t diabetics on metformin, diabetics on sulfa ureas, and non-diabetics on obviously, no diabetic drugs.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   And retrospectively, the diabetics on metformin did extraordinarily better. The morbidity was lower, the mortality was lower. So, clearly, people realize that metformin was doing something to help with not aging. And it certainly was not just the glucose. So, a lot of money and time has been dumped into figuring out why metformin does this. It does many things. It’s a epigenetic modifier, it activates your AMP kinase, and helps with glucose issues, it’s an anti-inflammatory. We know it reduces the risk of cancer in diabetics. It reduces weight. It helps with menopause. It decreases issues with PCOS. It is an extremely potent useful drug. And people are realizing that in a risk-benefit ratio, it really is a great thing to take. And I’ve actually gotten calls from a lot of primary care specialist saying, “People are asking about this. What should I do?” And I say, “You know what? Give it to them. Absolutely give it to them.”

Dr. Weitz:                          Well, there are studies showing that a natural compound, berberine, has been shown to be equally effective to Metformin in some situations. Could we take berberine instead of metformin?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, the answer is sort of. That plant, or that chemical, does actually help with glucose reduction. But it doesn’t do a lot of the other things. So, what you would have to do in order to substitute that is go to my numerical chart and find agents that helped in the categories that you are now not using from the metformin. So, this goes back to my idea that you don’t have to be on everything, but you have to just make sure all of the categories are covered.  So, for example, if you’re going to use berberine for glucose management, you need to use something else for the AMP kinase, or the inflammatory issues.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. Interesting.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   The caveat, and I just like to say this, because people run out, and then they buy metformin, or they talk someone into it. Because it is a partial mTOR inhibitor, you can get muscle wasting over the course of time. So, I recommend that people take leucine, one of the branched-chain amino acids, to try to prevent it.  And then secondly, you get decrease in vitamin B absorption in the gut from it.  So, I suggest people take sort of a generalized B.  People love B-12 for some reason, but you really need all of the B’s.

Dr. Weitz:                          Interesting. So, leucine.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. Weitz:                          There is some controversy about amino acids playing a role in aging, and some specialists, anti-aging folks, feel that certain amino acids like methionine, in particular, are contrary to an anti-aging perspective. What do you think about that?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   I think it goes back to what we talked about before. You have to define what you really want to get to, right?

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Absolutely, amino acids cause you to build muscle.

Dr. Weitz:                          It’s one of the arguments for a vegetarian diet, in say, having anti-cancer effects.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. And I get that. But again, you have to pick your battles. If you’re going to protein starve yourself, you’re going to become extremely sarcopenic, right?  And if you’re an aging athlete, you don’t want to become sarcopenic.  So, I tell people not to take all of the amino acids that you see in those big giant bulk cans for the bodybuilders.  But if you want to maintain some lean muscle, so that you’re not frail as you get older, the only one that you really have to focus on is leucine.

Dr. Weitz:                          So, you take the branched-chain aminos?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That’s exactly what I do.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right, okay. So, we can’t go through every one of your compounds, even though they’re all fascinating. But I wanted to mention that Astragalus TA-65 compound that I’ve seen at some conferences advertised. And I’ve read some of the literature on it. I know it’s an extremely expensive one. Can you talk about that, and how efficacious is that as an anti-aging compound?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. So, it is extremely important to activate your telomerase to make your telomeres longer. And the question, of course, is how do we do that? The natural agent, astragalus, as you mentioned, has pretty potent powers. Compared to the ones that we’ve concocted in the lab, it’s pretty weak. TA-65 is pretty good. You can thank Bill Andrews for those, because he invents them at Sierra Sciences, and then passes them along. The 818 is even better. But again, these things are ridiculously expensive. So, for those billionaires out there that really don’t care about cost, it is a great thing to do. It really is. For a regular human that just wants to stop aging, it probably is not going to be very affordable. I personally, stick with astragalus. Do I expect phenomenal things to happen? No. But the other really cool thing about telomeres, and I actually just learned this recently from a very brilliant scientist from Spain, is that as you exercise and you become transiently hypoxic, you actually activate something called your-

Dr. Weitz:                            What was that?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   When you are exercising, right?

Dr. Weitz:                            Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   And you feel that acidotic burn.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   You’re getting transient hypoxia in those areas, okay?

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That activates the-

Dr. Weitz:                            So, not enough oxygen in those muscles.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. Contrary to what a lot of people think, more oxygen is not good for you. Sitting in an oxygen chamber, unless you’re a diabetic, is not so good for not aging.

Dr. Weitz:                            Because it’s reactive oxygen species, right?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Yeah, for innumerable reasons, yes. Our stem cells like [crosstalk 00:52:32]

Dr. Weitz:                            … what’s good is bad, too, right? So, that’s why people use hyperbaric oxygen and ozone, because it’s inflammatory, but then it stimulates the healing, right?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right. I mean, again, you have to figure out what your endgame is to figure out what your therapy’s going to be.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   And what’s good for one person is not necessarily good for someone else.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That being said, when you transiently become low in oxygen in your muscles as you are exercising, it activates something called the HIF Alpha factor. It also gets activated when you’re climbing mountains and you’re hypoxic. And that, through a series of enzymatic reactions, actually activates telomeres. So, simply by exercising, you are actually activating your own telomeres. So, that’s probably the most important thing that normal, reasonable people can do.

Dr. Weitz:                            Now, I think that there’s been studies showing a whole series of things about lengthening your telomeres, including multivitamins, fish oil, on, and on, and on. And so, I think it’s why some people would be a little skeptical about you telling me your hypothesis.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Well, I think it boils down to, telomeres are much like epigenetic modification. Whatever your mom said was good for you, probably is a positive epigenetic modifier, and it probably helps your telomeres, right? And the other thing you have to realize is that all of your telomeres in every cell of your body are not going to be identical all the time, right? So, if you looked at a telomere from your brain cell, it’s going to be different than a telomere from your white cell, or from your red cell, right? It’s not an absolutely homogenous population. So, it’s just, you have to realize that once you have your telomeres measured, it may be different if you took a different specimen, you know what I’m saying?

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah. So, the telomeres in the bloodstream may not reflect the telomeres in the brain versus the telomeres in the liver or in the muscles.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Right, right. But, going back to what your mom said, right, clearly she said, “Don’t eat Twinkies.” We all ate Twinkies as kids. Twinkies are clearly negative epigenetic modifiers, and they certainly cause a lot of stress on your body. Stress causes decreased telomeres. So, again, all of this is what I like to think of as a giant overlapping Venn Diagram, where you can’t necessarily say, “This does this, but it doesn’t do that.”

Dr. Weitz:                            So, how do we put together a list? How would I put together a list, let’s say, for myself or for one of my patients, using your system? Bam. What’s the list of six, eight compounds I would come up with?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Ah, excellent question. So, the first thing I do is, how old is someone, how zealous do they want to be, what medical problems do they have, right? Someone says, “You know, I’m middle-age, don’t really have too many medical problems, my back hurts, I’ve got disc problems, and I don’t have any energy.” I immediately put them on the panacea. And conveniently, it’s the panacea, because I rearranged some letters at some point, and kind of misspelled panacea on purpose, and it kind of worked. But it works.

                                                So, for the P it’s pterostilbene. A is astaxanthin. N is nicotinamide. And then, you throw in two C’s, which is curcumin and carnosine. And then for some people, I throw in the EGCG’s from green tea, because it helps a lot, as well. So, to a basic program, that’s a great place to start.

Dr. Weitz:                            Cool.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   But if you want to be fancy, right? Some people go, “I have a lot of immune problems.” Then you add more agents that score well in that category. Or if you’re a diabetic, pre-diabetic, like to eat a lot of junk food, then I add up a lot of things that score well on the waste management category. So, there is actually an app, and unfortunately, people are angry at me right now. My developer is kind of … It gets stuck on the subscription page. So, please don’t have anyone do it until I absolutely get it fixed, because I’m getting tired of getting hate mail. But, what it does is, you put in all of your personal information, and then an algorithm, based on what I have done, sort of tells you what you should take, and then where to get it. Trying to make it easy for people.

Dr. Weitz:                            What about the role of … We’ve been talking about supplements, and … Not supplements. We’ve been talking about nutraceuticals.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, there you go.

Dr. Weitz:                            But what about the role of diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction techniques like meditation, for antiaging benefits?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   All of those things are good, right? The question would be, why? Well, exercise is good, right? We talked about telomeres. It actually activates your sirtuins, increases your circulation. It does a variety of fantastic things, right? You need aerobic, you need anaerobic, everyone knows it’s good for you. And I actually rated it at one point, to figure out exactly what it did in each category. It scores pretty well. Scores pretty well. Foods are important, because they’re epigenetic modifiers. They really are. And what’s really interesting is, if you take twins and you watch them grow up, they get more and more different as they age. And the reason is, it’s all epigenetic modification.  It’s their diet, or are they around polluted areas? Do they smoke? What do they do? So, you could absolutely do great things, right? Meditation and all those things, they reduce stress levels. Stress level reduces stress on cells. Cells work better, i.e., you’re not aging as much. So, it all ties together. You just have to boil it down to what exactly it’s doing to your cells.

Dr. Weitz:                            Cool. Awesome. So, I think that’s all the questions I have. I thought that was a lot of really good information to help us with aging better, and hopefully living healthier. How can our listeners get a hold of your programs, and your information, and your book?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Excellent question. So glad you asked. And so, we’ll start from the beginning. As you well said, I am not an antiaging specialist, per se. I don’t have an office. This is a hobby.

Dr. Weitz:                            When is that office opening?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   That’s a very good question. This is really starting to not help my day job. I run an operating room, and every now and then I’ll get a phone call and they’re looking for me. And I’m, “Can I help you with an anesthetic?” And they’re, “No, I don’t want to age.” And then I’m sort of moderately perplexed, because it’s hard … anyway, whatever. So, what I do do is, the book is available. It’s on a regular book, it’s on an e-book. So hopefully, people can sort of get through that. The app … Don’t get it yet. I’ll tell you when. There is a website, kaufmannprotocol.com. It explains all of these things that I’m talking about.   I will be sending out updates. I’m sending out my … So actually, Bill Andrews is reviewing my diatribe on senolytic cells right now. He’s on a trip back from Japan. Assuming I get has blessing, that’s going to go out on the websites. I’m on Facebook, it’s Sandra Kaufmann. I’m on Instagram @ Kaufmann Antiaging.

Dr. Weitz:                            Is that a book or a paper?

Dr. Kaufmann:                   You know what? It started to be a paragraph, and it turned into 30 pages.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   So, I don’t exactly know what it is. It was all the information that I thought was important. My next project, I actually have a playbook for athletes, a specifically anti-aging playbook, or anti-aging for athletes, which is sort of interesting. And I’m working on a book for skin, because your skin ages for nine reasons instead of seven reasons. So, hopefully that will be out shortly. [crosstalk 00:59:47]

Dr. Weitz:                            I was very excited to do that pinching thing, and my skin didn’t-

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Uh-oh.

Dr. Weitz:                            It went back immediately. I didn’t have any line at all.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, fantastic. Then you’re doing well. Doing great.

Dr. Weitz:                            And I’m 61, so-

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Fantastic, fantastic. So, the really big question here is, what do you take?

Dr. Weitz:                          Oh, I take about 30 different things, yeah. I take a lot of these. I’m big on … A multi, curcumin, fish oil, I take vitamin E, vitamin C. I take the gamma tocopherol, vitamin E, I take C, I take berberine. I use that as a natural blood sugar control agent. I take astaxanthin, I take nicotinamide riboside, I take [inaudible 01:00:44]. I alpha lipoic acid.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Excellent.

Dr. Weitz:                          And that was before I read your book.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Oh, good. So you’re probably then, agreeing with all this crazy stuff, thinking, “Yeah, that’s why I do it.”

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, when I get up in the morning, I add a green powder, red powder. I put fiber, I put probiotics, I put modified citrus pectin. So, yeah, I do a lot of stuff.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Perfect. That’s awesome.

Dr. Weitz:                          I take way more stuff than I would ever ask a patient to take.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   Well, you and me both. If people looked at my list, they’d probably have a heart attack.

Dr. Weitz:                          Absolutely. Okay. Thank you so much, Dr. Kaufmann.

Dr. Kaufmann:                   It’s been a pleasure. Thank you.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Hormones with Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read: Rational Wellness Podcast 121

Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read discusses Bioidentical Hormones with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

4:20  Perimenopause is the period during a woman’s life when her hormones start to decline and her period starts to become irregular. She may start to feel tired and moody and some women become miserable. Not only do her ovaries start to produce less hormones but her thyroid as well. Low thyroid function can lead to weight gain, sleep issues, moodiness, and anxiety. Progesterone is really the first hormone that starts to decline during the perimenopause. There are some natural methods to balance your progesterone, including eating yams and taking some nutritional supplements, including Vitex or Chasteberry, omega 3 fats, and also evening primrose oil.

9:00  During menopause some women have a very tough time and some women sail through menopause with very manageable symptoms. Genes play a role. In some parts of the world, like Africa, women don’t know about menopause.  The stress of our society tends to make menopause worse. Our stress hormone, cortisol, can interfere with progesterone.  Menopause is often a time of upheaval in a woman’s life.  Her kids may be leaving for college or moving out.  Such family changes are stressful and can add to how a woman feels. Dr. Fradin-Read said that she notices that women who get good support from their husband tend to do better.  Also, a poor diet and lifestyle can make going through menopause worse. 

11:46 After menopause, women do not produce very much estrogen. A small amount is produced by the adrenals. During the perimenopause a woman can have too much estrogen and be in estrogen dominance and they will have breast tenderness, feel bloated, have trouble sleeping, and feel anxiety. She likes using a supplement during perimenopause called DIM Detox from Pure Encapsulations, which contains DIM and broccoli extract and other nutrients to promote the detoxification of estrogen. 

13:50  Dr. Fradin-Read said that she does not prescribe hormones to women. She explains the benefits and the risks and lets the patients decide. She always believes in using the lowest dose possible. She knows that breast cancer is the biggest concern with taking estrogen, but she has never had any of her patients get breast cancer with the dosages that she recommends. Also, taking estrogen topically is much safer to reduce the risk of clotting and cardiovascular disease. Oral estrogen increases the risk of clotting. She screens her patients for clotting problems and also counsels them about diet, exercise, sleep, and stress relief. She provides a comprehensive approach to using hormones.

16:10  Dr. Fradin-Read tends to recommend bioidentical hormones. She likes to use a mixture of estriol and estradiol.  She never prescribes estrone, which has a much higher risk of breast cancer.  If a woman has a lot of hot flashes, she will tend to recommend a slightly higher dosage. If patients prefer the ease of an estrogen patch, she is also ok with that. She does not like pellets, because is the dosage is too high, you can’t take the pellets out. She likes women to be their own boss as to how much hormone they need on a given day. If they have breast tenderness, that means they need to decrease the dosage.

18:35  Dr. Fradin-Read will sometimes prescribe progesterone in a rhythmic fashion and sometimes she’ll use it daily since it helps so much with sleep, which is what she does for herself.  On the other hand, too much progesterone can cause depression and it can increase the risk of high sugar and insulin resistance, so for patients with a weight issue, doing progesterone for two weeks at a time per month may be favorable.  But it can bring back a woman’s period.  She has a few patients on the Wiley protocol where you try to mimic a woman’s natural cycle of hormones. You start low with the estrogen. You go progressively up to day 12, so just before ovulation. Then, you add progesterone at that moment at a relatively low dose, and you go up, up, up until day 20, 21. Then, both of them, you are done through the end of the cycle. It does involve a higher dosage of hormones and this tends not to work as well in women that are heavier, because they store estrogen in their fat cells.

23:26  There are various ways to test for hormones, including blood, urine, and saliva. Dr. Fradin-Read tends to do blood testing for hormones. She may test on day 3 or 4 to see the resolve of eggs with FSH at that time, on day 12 or 13 to see how to go with estrogen levels, and on days 19-21 when we are the highest with progesterone. Sometimes for women taking hormones topically she may do saliva testing.  On the other hand, for women not taking hormones, saliva testing does not make sense and can yield unusual results.

26:40  When Dr. Fradin-Read recommends hormones for her female patients, she tends to prefer Biest, a combination of estradiol and estriol, which is a less potent hormone. For women who have a lot of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, she might recommend 80% estradiol and 20% estriol. If a patient wants to take hormones who has a family history of breast cancer, she might recommend 80% estriol and 20% estradiol.

29:00  In order to reduce the risk of blood clots from taking hormones, Dr. Fradin-Read screens her patients for genetic clotting risk, like Factor Leiden V.  She asks about their history of blood clots and stroke and their family history of clots and stroke. She cautions her patients to drink a lot of water. The biggest risk factors are if they fly long distance, get dehydrated, or if they have an injury or sickness and are resting in bed for a while. When you go on a long flight, Dr. Fradin-Read recommends taking a baby aspirin, drinking a lot of water, and using compression stockings.

31:35  The best diet for menopausal women is the modified Mediterranean Diet that is lower carbs than the traditional Mediterranean Diet, but is rich in colored fruits and veggies. She sometimes uses a ketogenic diet for a short period of time with her patients, but it increases your cardiovascular risk because it has so much animal, saturated fat. She likes the pescatarian diet, which she uses for herself. 

34:02  Men sometimes have low testosterone and Dr. Fradin-Read does treat men as well as women. The first thing Dr. Fradin-Read looks at is their BMI and their belly fat, which if it is high, will reduce their testosterone levels.  She also asks if they are exercising and if they are sleeping well. Men make their testosterone when they sleep at night, so if they are not sleeping well, they can’t make as much testosterone.  Men also need to make sure they consume enough protein to make testosterone. A lot of alcohol can also decrease testosterone levels. If men are under too much stress, cortisol will lower testosterone levels. The first supplement she will look at this DHEA, which is a precursor for testosterone. There is a medication, Clomid, that can help with testosterone levels. Also, HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is an injectible drug that can increase testicular production of testosterone and it may also help them to drop some fat. She may prescribe bioidentical testosterone get or cream that you rub on your shoulders. But some men prefer the injectible testosterone and she may recommend 50 or 100 mg per week. If men take too much testosterone, it could increase PSA and increase their risk of prostate cancer.  Dr. Fradin-Read also pointed out that she monitors the red blood cells in men taking testosterone, since they will tend to produce more red blood cells and this can lead to clotting, so she monitors this (red blood cells and hematocrit)  regularly.



Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read is an Integrative Medical Doctor in Santa Monica, who is board certified in Preventative and Anti-Aging Medicine. Her clinic and website is VitalLifeMD and her office phone is 424.325.3368.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            This is Dr. Ben Weitz with the Rational Wellness Podcast, bringing you the cutting edge information on health and nutrition, from the latest scientific research and by interviewing the top experts in the field.  Please subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast on iTunes and YouTube, and sign up for my free eBook on my website by going to drweitz.com. Let’s get started on your road to better health.  Hello, Rational Wellness Podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today, and for those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to  Apple Podcast, no longer iTunes, Apple Podcast and give us a ratings and review. That way, more people can find out about the Rational Wellness Podcast. Also wanted to make sure everybody knows that if you want to see the video version, you can go to my YouTube page and search for Weitz Chiro or the Rational Wellness Podcast, and there’s a video version on the YouTube page, as well as videos of a lot of our functional medicine meetings that are not included in the podcast. Then, if you go to my website, drweitz.com, there will be show notes and a complete transcript of every episode. I also just wanted to make sure the listeners know that I am currently open to accepting new patients in my functional medicine practice.

                                                Our topic for today is hormones and our understanding of what happens with hormones throughout life, particularly during perimenopause and menopause in women and in men during andropause, and then, what are the most effective and safest interventions especially for functional medicine-oriented practitioners to take with their patients.  Menopause is when a woman’s body is shutting off its reproductive capabilities. There’s a decrease in estrogen and progesterone production by the ovaries, which often results in a host of symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog, mood swings, depression, weight gain, vaginal dryness, hair loss and fatigue. The long-term effects of menopause include risk of osteoporosis and of cardiovascular disease. Testosterone and DHEA also decline, but in contrast, they decline with … They also decline with age, but in contrast, not as precipitously with menopause as estrogen and progesterone do.

                                                Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read is board-certified in Preventative and Antiaging Medicine. She was born in France and started her medical practice in Belgium. She moved to the US in 1999 and did an internship in Internal Medicine at Loma Linda Medical School, Loma Linda University Medical School, and she’s currently an assistant clinical professor at Loma Linda Medical School. Dr. Fradin-Read has an integrative medicine practice in Santa Monica. Dr. Fradin-Read, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               My pleasure. It’s a pleasure to be here with you, Ben, and with your audience.

Dr. Weitz:                          Can you explain what is a hormone, and why are hormones so important to our bodies?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Well, hormones play a crucial role in various, various functions and various organs in the body. They are very small molecules, tiny little molecules secreted by various glands in the body, and they have targets, so they go to different organs, and they bring messages to these target organs. The organs will respond upon what that hormone tells them to do, so that’s why hormones are so important. They are messengers of good health.

Dr. Weitz:                          Great. What is peri, the perimenopause, and what happens to a woman’s hormones during this period?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Perimenopause is the period where you are not fully, fully done with your ovarian function. There are still some eggs in your ovary, but they might not be as good qualities as the one you had when you were 25, and they are not doing the good job of having a regular cycle every month and helping you feel vital, healthy, young, full of life. Your brain is functioning well, so you have all kinds of decrease in functions in all these target organs I was talking about, so you start having mood issues. You start having some irregular periods because your uterus is not supported in the same way it used to be. You start feeling tired. Your thyroid might be a bit off too because they talk to each other with the harmony of your body that is a little bit imbalanced. It is a period where some women are miserable. They come to me crying and tell me, “What I can do, doctor? What can I do to feel better?” That’s an important period of their life too to help those nice women.

Dr. Weitz:                          How is thyroid involved in the perimenopause? How is that affected?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Thyroid is often involved by a lower function. When we get older, all these hormones, they tend to go down, so low thyroid function is going to cause being tired, putting weight on in your midsection, sleeping issues, mood issues. Anxiety is a big one. Some women come to me and say, “I don’t know. I’m so anxious. I’m anxious about things that I was never anxious before. What’s going on with me?” I tell them, “Don’t worry. It’s not you. It’s your hormones. If you fix your progesterone that talks to the thyroid,” because they are all, again, in harmony, “You will feel better, and we have to adjust the thyroid, of course.”

Dr. Weitz:                          Progesterone is the first hormone that tends to decrease during the perimenopause?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Actually, the first part of the changes in hormones in women, it’s a low luteal phase. The luteal phase is the second part of the cycle after ovulation. Most women still have some eggs, as I can see, that are there waiting to be expelled, but it’s hard. The ovulation is delayed, and you don’t have progesterone before ovulation comes, so if you are not ovulating very well, your progesterone goes down. Progesterone is the feeling good, feeling rested, feeling calm hormone. It’s the very, I would say, calming hormone among the two, so now, you’re on estrogen dominance. You’re going to be nervous. You’re going to be excited. You’re going to put weight in your midsection, so that’s why it’s very important to balance out your progesterone to the level that it should be at that moment of your life.

Dr. Weitz:                          Are there natural methods that we can use to balance our progesterone?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Absolutely. There are some natural supplements, or eating a lot of yams can be a good thing in your diet. You can start with the diet. Then, there are some supplements that are going to help directly and some a bit indirectly. The one that I like are things like Vitex. I don’t know if your auditors know about Vitex.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, I think we often refer to it as Chasteberry.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               That’s it, beautiful, and also, we have the evening primrose oil that does a really good job, okay? Make sure they have enough EPA DHA. That means Omega, they’re the good pills because Omegas are helping your hormones get at a good place. Make sure that you eat enough fruit and vegetables who have fibers to also eliminate some of the toxins that would interfere with your hormones, okay, so a good diet.

Dr. Weitz:                          What are the dosages of Chasteberry and evening primrose oil that you think are necessary to be effective?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               These are good questions. I would not answer directly because it’s very much patient-dependent.

Dr. Weitz:                          Well, just give us a range-say.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Well, I would say 120 to 300, okay, for the evening primrose oil.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               The Chasteberry will be, I’m not sure. I’ll have to check on that one, okay? I will check.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. Okay, so what happens? Let’s go into menopause, and why do women often have very different journeys? Why do some women have a horrible time? Why do some women sail through menopause with not very manageable symptoms?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Good, so first of all, there’s definitely a genetic component of it, okay? There are families where a woman goes through menopause with actually, with no issues, and you know families that’s the opposite. There would be women who suffer a lot, and it could be in good genes, but it could be also the way we were raised. When you heard your mom complain about menopause some years ago, you are more prone to focus on that and see what could happen to yourself, okay? We know also that civilization. Women who are away from civilizations make menopause much worse. In Africa, in other countries, in South America, they don’t know about menopause. They go through it with no complaints, nothing. Trust is a big one. In our civilization, we are running all the time. We are in the traffic. We are worrying about our kids, so this is definitely a big component because it implies the action of cortisol.

                                          Cortisol is the hormone of choice, which interferes with progesterone. It also is linked to the diet. As we were talking, your diet that help with lessening the symptoms, and your diet that make it worse if you have wasteful diet with a lot of fat and saturated fat and a lot of sugar, you are more prone to have symptoms. Lifestyle is a big one. Genetics plays a role. Environment, support from your environment. You know, I had noticed that when women are supported by their husband, for example, they do better. Hormones is there. Understand that their wife might go through a bit of challenge, and often, you know, I had a husband one time calling me, “My poor little wife, she’s going through the challenges. Can you help her?” “Of course, I will, but if you are close to her and nice with her, that’s the best support you can give her.”

                                          It’s not your fault if you’re having mood imbalances. On top of that, it’s the moment of life where this woman, they go through a lot of challenge in their family. The kids are leaving for college. All of a sudden, their life changes drastically. If you have hormone imbalance and all these challenges, no wonder you’re going to feel not yourself and feel bad.

Dr. Weitz:                          Do some women produce more estrogen during menopause than others? Then, what role also do environmental estrogenic substances play?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Yeah, so in postmenopause, when it’s really done, normally, we should not have that much estrogen. In general, you might have a little bit to your adrenals. I had one day, today, I’m sorry, one patient today who still had a little bit of productions, but it’s really minimum, okay? We are not talking in that period of change before we go in full menopause, the perimenopausal, so some women have tons of estrogen, and this is the problem because as I said, when the progesterone is down, and now, you’re in estrogen dominance, so breast tenderness, feeling bloated, not sleeping at night, being anxious, being nervous, always on the go. These are some symptoms of estrogen dominance. We need to have that estrogen dominance go down. There are supplements that can help and balance out the progesterone.

Dr. Weitz:                          What supplement can help with that estrogen dominance?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Well, one that I like is called the DIM, D-I-M, okay? I have one that is actually DIM Detox that I really like. They have a very good lab, which has also some broccoli extract, so everything that’s going to help detox the body. You are gaining too, so recommend that maybe we change the diet a little bit, okay? Women that abuse soy sometimes might have a little bit too high estrogen. Phytoestrogen can increase, or in some culture, we recommend estrogen yielding isoflavone. I tend to be a bit careful because that can make it worse, that period of perimenopause. It’s good after menopause but not before.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. What can we do if … First of all, is it safe for women to take hormones after menopause?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               That’s a very good question. Again, I need to say it depends on the patient. I don’t have a rule like for example, one does fit all does not apply, okay? Each patient is different, and we are going to talk to a patient with all the information that, that patient needs to do, to have, to receive to make their informed decisions. I do not prescribe hormones. I suggest, and patients decide. That’s always the way I practice here. If we stay at a reasonable dosage, the menopause society in America says start with the lowest dose possible. You lower the dose. We are talking about one major estrogen, and nobody … Sorry, everybody knows it’s basically breast cancer, so that’s the big thing. I’ve never had any breast cancer among my patients. I’ve been practicing that kind of medicine for years, and I have to tell you, with the dosage I recommend, so far so good. We never had any issue, so reasonable dosage, that’s one thing.

                                                The second thing, the kind of estrogen and the form that you’re using. We have tons of studies that show that through the skin, the estrogens are much more safe, much safer in the sense that they do not increase the cardiovascular way, so that’s the second risk that we are talking about. The risk of clotting. If you take estrogen by mouth, it goes through the liver. It increases the risk of clotting. Through the skin, it’s almost no risk or very little, except if you have thrombophilia. That, you need to diagnose before. Then again, it’s a question of putting the prescription in a global approach. I’m not giving just a prescription for hormones. I need to talk about diet, talk about exercise, talk about sleep, talk about stress relief. You have a comprehensive approach to hormone, not just a prescription that you give to the patient and bye, bye, see you next year.

Dr. Weitz:                          What type of … You’re talking about topical estrogen like creams and patches?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Yeah, yeah, so we have different options, you know? We have, of course, the bioidentical hormones that are similar to the hormones that the body produces. Basically, the estriol and the estradiol, I never prescribe the estrone. The estrone is an old prescription that some doctors still prescribe. I avoid that one because the risk of cancer is too high. With the two others, in the good mix, something that is called, be estrogen biest, you can really manage most patients at a very low dose. Then, you increase as needed, okay? Some patients need more because they have a lot of hot flashes, a lot of symptoms. Some can stay low.

                                          If patients prefer to have a patch, that’s still very good because a patch is still bioidentical. It’s a bit more synthetic. It’s made by pharmaceutical companies, but it’s a good way to balance out a hormone and be very regular in the diffusion. Sometimes, if you apply a cream, morning and night, you can have some, I would say, more risk, or you won’t have enough in your body. If the patch is there all day, it’s a better coverage for the some women, okay?

Dr. Weitz:                          What do you think about pellets?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               The pellets, I personally don’t like them too much, okay? I know that some of my colleagues use them. I have the experience of woman that have put a pellet in, and they come to me, and their hormones goes super crazy high, so what do we do? Do we take the pellet out? Do we let them suffer with high estrogen and high testosterone until the pellets is gone? You don’t have much liberty to change. For me, what is important then is to have my patients be their own boss. I educate them. I tell them, “You are going to be the one deciding how much hormones you need today, so they know breast tenderness means I need to decrease a little bit. I feel a little bit down with my mood, maybe I’ll up a little bit. They have a prescription, and they are not going to use the same dosage all the time. They will balance out, like I do for myself and figure out what is best for them that one day.

Dr. Weitz:                          Do you like prescribing progesterone in a rhythmic fashion like have them take it two weeks in a month?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Yeah, so it depends. Progesterone is excellent when patients cannot sleep well, so for those patients I will use progesterone as a sleep aid, and I would probably prescribe the whole month, okay? I do that for myself because I know that my progesterone is a good hypnotic, natural, never took any pill for sleep myself, but my progesterone is very, very important, so for those patients, you want to have a continuous dosage of the hormones, progesterone in particular. For those who are sensitive to progesterone, some woman get depressed on progesterone, so yes, you try to cycle them and you tell them, “You take two weeks hormones, okay?” You warn them, “You might have a little period, okay, because now, we are making a little bit of cycle, okay, in a way,” so they can have a bit of spotting, of bleeding. That’s normal when they do only two weeks per month.  It all depends on how the patients react and how much they need. We know that too much progesterone can increase the risk of high sugar and insulin resistance, so those patients with a little bit of weight issue, I sometimes prefer only two weeks per month because it limits the risk.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. Now, what about the concept that doing it rhythmically mimics a woman’s natural hormone cycle?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               I think you are talking about the Wiley Protocol here.

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Yeah, so I have a few patients on the Wiley, okay, and what we do, we do exactly a mimicry of what happens with our cycle. You start low with the estrogen. You go progressively up to day 12, so just before ovulation. Then, you add progesterone at that moment at a relatively low dose, and you go up, up, up until day 20, 21. Then, both of them, you are done through the end of the cycle. That’s really copying, mimicking the woman’s cycle. Some women are able to do that, but it’s a lot of risk because you have to look at the package that you receive, and look each day how many lines of your syringe you need to apply on your body, so it works for some women. It doesn’t work for others. Also, I know very well Suzie Wiley. I like her, and her idea is great. The only thing, it’s a little bit on the higher end for these hormones in her protocol, so sometimes, some woman have some overload of these hormones and are not doing so good with the Wiley. Others do fantastically well.

                                                I have quite a few people on the Wiley Protocol, okay, and they like it, and they love it. Most of the times, these are women that are not overweight, okay, relatively thin. Then, they need a higher dose of hormones because they don’t pile the estrogen in their fat cells as others do, okay? We have that at a disposal, and I use it whenever it’s in demand or if I think that’s a good candidate for it.



Dr. Weitz:                            I’ve really been enjoying this discussion, but now, I’d like to pause to tell you about the sponsor for this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast. This episode is sponsored by Pure Encapsulations, which is one of the few lines of professional nutritional supplements that I use in my office. Pure Encapsulations manufactures a complete line of hypoallergenic research-based dietary supplements. Pure products are meticulously formulated using pure scientifically-tested and validated ingredients. They are free from magnesium stearate, gluten, GMOs, hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, sweeteners and preservatives.

Among other things, one of the great things about Pure Encapsulations is not just the quality products but the fact that they often provide a range of different dosages and sizes, which makes it easy to find the right product for the right patient, especially since we do a lot of testing and we figure out exactly what the patients need. For example, with DHEA, they offer five, 10 and 25-milligram dosages in both 60 and 180 capsules per bottle size, which is extremely convenient.

                                                Now, back to our discussion.



Dr. Weitz:                         How do you test for hormones? Do you use serum, urine, dried urine, saliva?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Good, so that’s one question that I like because to tell you the truth, testing is important, but medicine is an option, okay? I think the experience of a physician with dealing with hormones and the instinct, what I call the clinical instinct, when you have a nice lady coming to see me, I need to say, “Tell me your story.” I’m not going to start taking their blood, okay? “Tell me your story. When did you have your first period? Do you have kids? How did you do with birth control pills?” Those kinds of questions. Then, we come to that moment of their life, “What are your symptoms now? Do you have hot flashes? Do you sleep good at night? Are you anxious,” are all the questions that I ask so that I see the clinical picture. Then yes, I do labs to help me, I would say, confirm or comprehend a little bit better what I have identified as a problem. Most of the time, the labs are just going to be a tool to confirm what I thought, okay?

                                                I do different testing. I usually do a blood test because it’s easy, and again, with clinical experience, a blood test is usually sufficient. You have to do the blood test at the right moment of the month, okay? You want to do a blood test sometimes on days three or four to see the resolve of eggs with an FSH at that time, the follicle stimulating hormone that tells me how far advanced we are in the changes. You need tools, so maybe do a blood test around mid-ovulation, on day 12 to 13 to see how high we go now with estrogen, for example. Then, we do a blood test at the 19, 20, 21st when we are the highest with the progesterone. Then, you have the full pictures of the blood test, and that usually is sufficient.

                                                For some women, I like to do saliva tests because essentially, once they are on treatments, it tells me how the skin absorbs the creams because sometimes, if you use creams, they go in your tissues and not necessarily in your blood, so you might miss a little bit of the evaluation if you do only blood. What I found really not helpful and a little bit ridiculous, to tell you the truth, is some patients, unfortunately, that’s not their fault, but they come to me with blood tests, with saliva tests and they are not even on hormones. The saliva test is going to show, sometimes, things that are a little bit erroneous. I have one recently. She’s not on hormones. She had high progesterone. What do we do with that? That’s her normal way to be, and she was told, “You have too much progesterone,” but it’s her own production. What is necessary to test like that when it’s not necessary. You just have to … Something like high progesterone does not really exist in the normal way to test, okay?

Dr. Weitz:                          You were talking about estrogen, and you were saying you don’t like to use estrone, and I think you were saying that you like to use a combination of estradiol and estriol. Is that correct?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               That’s what I like. It’s called Biest.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right, so do you use like the 80:20 version? Which one do you use?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Again, I’m not going to answer that question because it really depends on the patient, okay? If a patient needs a little bit stronger estrogen, I will go more with the estradiol. It’s a more potent estrogen, okay, and less with the estriol, which is less potent. If you have tons of hot flashes, you might need an 80:20 but 80 of estradiol and 20 of estriol. Now, if you have a past history of breast cancer in your family, but you really want to go on hormones, and you do not have too much risk yourself, I might suggest, “Why don’t we stay on the conservative side, and I will give you 80 of estriol, the protective one.” We have studies in Europe that estriol may protect against cancer and a little bit less of the estradiol, the E2 that is more cancer risk although it’s not super high in cancer risk.

Dr. Weitz:                          We were talking about testing. What about, is there value in doing the urine testing so you can see the metabolites?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               It is. I will be honest with you. Every doctor has their favorite, okay, and what we learn in medicine is, do well what you know and stick to something, okay? I have not gone too much in the urine testing. I use urine testing maybe more for cortisol, for adrenal issues. That helps to see if you are in adrenal fatigue or adrenal exhaustion, these kinds of things, but the 24-hour urine cortisol, things like that. I am not using urine for the hormonal balance of the sex hormone. I personally do not find it the most useful in my practice, but it’s a personal opinion.

Dr. Weitz:                          Do you use the salivary cortisol testing?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Absolutely, that’s my favorite, okay?

Dr. Weitz:                          Oh, okay.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                          Let’s see. How do we make sure that women decrease the risk of blood clots that could possibly be increased from taking hormones?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Okay, so first of all, most of my patients, if I put them on estrogen, I test them for what we call Thrombophilia. Thrombophilia are a group of genetic changes in your DNA that can increase your risk, so the most known one is the Factor Leiden V, okay? Factor Leiden V, it’s rare, but still all are likely present. I had recently two young ladies that were diagnosed, so I know these ladies will never go on birth control pill. I had one 52-year-old that just turned into menopause, and she came to me with hormonal response of symptoms, and she’s a Factor Leiden positive, so I know with her, I will be very, very conservative. I gave her a baby dose of estrogen through her skin because I know that through the skin, again, the risk is lower, okay? That’s one thing. It’s to test first to see what is your population at risk. You also ask, “Have you had any clot in the past?”

                                           One of my patients had a clot because she had surgery, and after the surgery, there was some lacking treatment with any kind of anti-clot medication, and she had a thrombus. That’s also another risk that you have to take into consideration. Then, if everything is clear and clean that women are okay, you decide to give them advice. Drink a lot of water. Hydrate yourself. When you are on the plane, maybe take a baby aspirin before flying. That’s what I do myself each time I go long distance. I fly to Europe quite often. I take my baby aspirin. Sometimes, I take one over Greenland because it’s a long, long trip, okay? I tell them, “Put compression stockings.” I always have a hard time putting them on when I travel, but I put my compression stockings because the moments at risk are essentially when you fly long distance, when you get dehydrated, if you have an injury and you’re bed resting for quite a while, so those moments at risk, you have to prepare the patients to take all the precaution. In your everyday life, if you’re active and you exercise and you work, it’s not that big of the risk.

Dr. Weitz:                          What is the best type of diet for menopausal women to follow?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Good. Well, I am very partisan. I mean to be honest with you, the Mediterranean diet has been proven to be the one with the longest longevity. I don’t know if you read the recent studies, but in France, you will live until 82 if you’re a woman, 83 if you’re a man, which is more than most civilized countries, and we use the Mediterranean diet. The one little difference that I do with the full Mediterranean diet, I tend to recommend a low carb Mediterranean diet because some of those, you have bread, you have couscous if you are in the Mediterranean Sea. You have a lot of potatoes if you are in the northern part of France. I think that a modified Mediterranean diet, if you have a little bit of higher lipids, high cholesterol, be careful with berries, for sure, okay?  Go with low fat yogurt. Don’t abuse any creams and any half and half but tons of veggies, tons of fruits, calored diet. The most colored diets you can, that’s the better, okay? Try to, of course, avoid any processed food. try to avoid too much sugar. It’s basically an anti-inflammatory diet.

Dr. Weitz:                          It’s very popular right now to recommend the ketogenic diet, which is a super low carb diet. What do you think about recommending that for menopausal woman?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               I use it on a short period of time, Ben, okay? I am very careful with women who have a tendency to have high cholesterol and high lipid because as you know, the full keto is basically a lot of animal fat, saturated fat, and it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in women because at menopause, our LDL goes up, okay? The reason being that our LDL is not used for our hormones anymore, so all of us, we have a little risk to have higher cholesterol when we go into menopause. What I like, what I call the pescatarian.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Okay, that’s my favorite. I think I do that for myself, actually.

Dr. Weitz:                          You treat men in your practice as well, don’t you?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Absolutely. Most of the time, it’s the husband that comes to me when the wife tell him to come.

Dr. Weitz:                          When you see a man and he has a lower total and/or free testosterone, what’s the first thing you’ll do?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               First of all, I see their BMI. I look at their belly fat, and I ask them, “Are you exercising? Are you sleeping well?” I look at all the reasons why a man would have low testosterone. Men make their testosterone when they sleep at night. Most of men do not know that, so if you don’t sleep well, if you party too much, the young ones, if you travel a lot and you’re often in jet lag, you might have very low testosterone just because you don’t sleep well. Second, “What is your diet?” If you have a lot of alcohol, if you like beer, you have these parties where you can drink quite a bit with your friends during the NFL or the NBA viewing, okay, so that’s going to decrease your testosterone. If you’re under stress, your cortisol impacts your ability to produce your testosterone. Do you go to exercise regularly? Men make more testosterone when they exercise.  Proteins are crucial. Some men do not realize that they need one gram of protein per kilo minimum just to keep their testosterone where it is. If you want to increase it, you need more proteins. All these things are going to be important elements to evaluate before I can judge what needs to be done.

Dr. Weitz:                          Are there supplements to raise testosterone levels or to raise free testosterone level? Do you tend to see more men with low total testosterone or free testosterone or both?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               I think it’s a combination of both, okay? Sometimes, men have a high binding, sex-binding protein that can decrease, of course, the …

Dr. Weitz:                          SHBG, sex hormone-binding globulin?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               That’s exactly it. Yeah, thank you. That is part of my patients, but when patients have low testosterone, the Low-T Syndrome, it’s usually both of them that go down, honestly, in majority, okay? We need to enhance the global prediction of it and free as much as we can because the free testosterone is the one that is available in your tissues, of course.

                                                In terms of supplements, the first thing, also, we need to look at is your DHEA, the Dehydroepiandrosterone. It’s basically a hormone. It was discovered in France by Dr. Baulieu when I was in first year medical school, if you don’t know. Dr. Baulieu was my professor, and he thought that it was the fountain of youth, the hormone that could repair everything in the body and rejuvenate the body.  DHEA is actually important.  It’s maybe not the fountain of youth, but it’s very important as a precursor of the testosterone. DHEA goes down when we are under stress. It’s a hormone that helps with stress. If you have low DHEA, of course, you cannot make your testosterone. One thing that I often do, push the DHEA a little bit if it’s down with supplements. You can buy supplements over the counter for good sources, of course, so write prescriptions for company pharmacy if you need a bit of a higher dosage. That, sometimes, suffice in young men to bring their testosterone up.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay, so you find taking DHEA helps raise testosterone levels?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Yeah, yeah, in some men, not in every man, okay?

Dr. Weitz:                          Right.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               It depends on the ability of their testes to make it, to make the testosterone, okay? If they are in testicular dysfunction, okay, or a little bit weakness, we need to help differently. We have ways to push through the Clomid. I don’t know if you know what Clomid is. It’s a medication.

Dr. Weitz:                          I do.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Yeah, of course, and it’s basically something that is made to help with your testicular function produce more testosterone. Some men respond very well to HCG, the human chorionic gonadotropin. It’s a little injection that you have to give to yourself three times a week, it’s not a big deal, underneath the skin, and it helps also with the production of testosterone. It helps also with weight loss. HCG can also help with those men who have a little bit of belly, and they want to loose a bit of weight. Then, we have thos emen that need to have testosterone replacement because they are in testicular failure for different reasons, their testes is not responding.

Dr. Weitz:                          When is it appropriate to prescribe testosterone for men?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Well, two categories. I would say some young men that, for any reason, have some important decrease in their production and you have tried all the natural approaches that I mentioned before. You have tried them on HCG or Clomid and they do not respond. That means that for a reason, sometimes, you find the reason. Sometimes, you don’t, but they need to have substitution. It’s important because they are young. They need their libido to be at the highest level. They need stamina. They need to preserve their muscle mass. Then, the one part of men that we definitely need, it’s like we female. Men go through something that is called andropause later than us female. Usually, 10 to 20 years later, okay, and they will have no more production in their testes. At that point, if they want to have some support, they need substitution.

Dr. Weitz:                         What type of testosterone do you usually recommend?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Again, in wanting to be a bit varied if you ask me a question like that, because it depends on the patient. Some patients are not at all ready to inject themselves. They want something that is easy to do, so we have some gels and some bioidentical testosterone, I would say, formula that we can prescribe for them, and you rub that on your shoulders in the morning so that it gives you energy during the day. Some men tell me, “Give me the big game. Give me the big game. I want to go right away to the injections. I’ve heard about that. I’ve seen that on TV, the Low-T Syndrome.” Those men are going to have injections. Again, the dosage will depend on their needs. Sometimes, you give 50 milligrams a week. You give 100 milligrams a week. Sometimes, you give more depending on the patient’s need, and it’s a self-injection. We teach the patient to inject themselves. It’s pretty easy to do, and I have a lot of patients who are on self-injections weekly.

Dr. Weitz:                          Is there any worry about prostate problems arising from taking testosterone?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               When I treat a patient, my patient will know that they need to do a blood test at least three times a year, okay? Sometimes, I have to call them and say, “Hey, where are you? You need to come for your blood test,” because we need to look at various things. First of all, you have said it right, the prostate can be an issue. In majority of the men, it is not, okay, but a few cases in the past have raised their prostate specific antigen, which can be a sign of prostate enlargement in general, benign, but we need to be careful not to overdo the testosterone because that could [inaudible 00:42:20] increase also the risk of prostate cancer, okay?

                                           I had a man who went for a trip in Armenia recently, and he felt a little bit week, so he doubled his testosterone. He comes back. The PSA has doubled. I say, “Oh, let’s be careful.” Now, I’m always tracking his dosage until the PSA goes down. I want to retest him in six weeks from now. Then, we have basically other tests that need to be done, okay? It’s not just the prostate. You need to look at the red blood cells because as you know, some athletes use testosterone to enhance their testosterone, and not only the testosterone but their red blood cells, so that they have more oxygen, and they could climb the alps better. I’m not going to name anyone, but we know we are talking about.

Dr. Weitz:                          Can you say Neil Armstrong, Lance Armstrong?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               That was one of them, okay? I think they were all doing it, and the poor guy was taken on the spot, but definitely, it raises your red blood cells. If it raises your red blood cells too high, you are at high risk of clotting. It’s called polycythemia. You don’t want to go that high, okay? I look at my patient’s red blood cells three times a year just to make sure we are good. We need to look at the liver. Normally, testosterone would not increase the liver risk, but in certain cases, especially if men drink a little bit too much, that could have an impact on their liver, okay? I test their liver three times a year, okay? I also look at their liver to makes sure that they are not going to go crazy with the injection, to tell you the truth, okay?

Dr. Weitz:                            Great. I think those are pretty much the questions that I had prepared for today. Are there any other thoughts you want to leave our listeners about hormones?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Again, thank you so very much for having me on board here, and I’m so happy to talk to you about the topic. The one thing I would like to summarize, we physicians, we are here to first do no harm. That’s our medical oath, so I’m not going to give you your health back as when you were 25.  I need to help you stay young and healthy, full of vitality but in a safe way. That’s very important. You talked about Loma Linda. I really love the logo, the motto that we have over there. It’s first, “Make man whole.” Again, a comprehensive approach to health, look at all the various thoughts of the health you can improve and not just jump on the prescription of hormones. That’s not the goal. It’s try to rejuvenate the body, your mind, your emotions, everything in a harmonious way.

Dr. Weitz:                          Great, so how can listeners get a hold of you and find out about … How can they contact you? Should they go to your website?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Oh, actually, we do your website. We have a brand new website, I think, next week, to tell the truth, maybe a little bit more full of life because the previous one was a little bit, I would say, esoteric and very intellectual, so I had some counseling, and its going to be a bit more vital.

Dr. Weitz:                          Which website address?

Dr. Fradin-Read:               It’s basically www.vitalifemd.com.

Dr. Weitz:                         That’s great.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               You’re welcome.

Dr. Weitz:                         Is your practice open to seeing new patients?

Dr. Fradin-Read:              Absolutely. Listen, sometimes, I tend to say, “Wait a second,” or maybe overload with patients, but it’s not true. I select a little bit. I have to tell you, I have patients coming from all kinds of things. Gastroenterology issues, I can deal with that. I’ve done in the past, but I really want to focus on hormone and anti-aging and help my patients. The most important thing for me is to keep them healthy as they get older, add vitality to your life. That’s my motto here. Those kinds of patients, I will see them myself.  Other patients who want to have an integrative approach can see my assistant.  I have a wonderful nurse practitioner. Her name is Carley Cassiti, and she is fantastic, very well-trained.  She takes, probably, the patients that are a bit less into hormones.

Dr. Weitz:                          That’s great. Thank you, Dr. Fradin-Read.

Dr. Fradin-Read:               Thank you so much, Ben, and have a good day. Thank you for all your audience who are listening to us.

Dr. Weitz:                          Thank you.