Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Epigenetics and Cellular Detoxification with Dr. Ashley Beckman: Rational Wellness Podcast 141

Dr. Ashley Beckman discusses Epigenetics and Cellular Detoxification with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

4:42  Epigenetics is the study of how certain mechanisms like diet, lifestyle, and behavioral choices can switch our genes on or off.  We have a lot more control over our future and our genes are not our destiny.  In fact, according to Dr. Beckman, they are our greatest opportunity.

5:50  Cellular detoxification is a detox program specific and targeted to our genetic predispositions and our constitution our detox needs.

7:15  To determine our genetics and our epigenetics, Dr. Beckman prefers to determine our genes with a testing company like Apeiron Genomics rather than using 23andMe or Ancestry, since these companies are generally selling your data and now offer a limited number of genes.  Apeiron Genomics uses a large number of genes and provides actionable reports with recommendations for diet, exercise, supplement, and lifestyle tendencies and it does not sell your data.

12:22  Dr. Beckman explained that her patient who gets tested through Apeiron Genomics receives various categories of their tendencies.  For example, they get an insulin resistance score based upon about approximately 20 genes, which gives them a score of the likelihood of developing type II diabetes.  This can provide motivation for people to be mindful and makes changes in their diet and lifestyle, esp. if they have a high propensity for developing insulin resistance and diabetes.

23:22  Looking at your genetic tendencies can help you tailor your detox program to be more effective. Dr. Beckman said that she had been doing Dr. Schultz’s detox programs since she was a kid and did them seasonally. She eats very clean and uses clean products and doesn’t use plastic and doesn’t buy plastic bottled water, etc., but when she did the Great Plains toxin test, she was one of the most toxic folks they had ever tested. She was in the top 75-95% of the highest levels for 15 different toxins, like BPA, MTBE, and perchlorate.  She also learned from her genetic testing that she does not make or process glutathione much at all. So now her detox program involves precursors for glutathione and also binders to soak up the toxins to get rid of them, like fulvic and humic acids and modified citrus pectin, which are more effective than charcoal. For testing for toxins, she likes to run the organic acids, the mycotoxin, and the environmental toxin tests. She also likes the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-test, which is a combination of serum, urine and hair mercury testing.  She may also run a fuller heavy metals screen.  She may also run a GI Map stool test or a Gut Zoomer test.

34:25  Dr. Beckman combines the genetic testing and what shows up in the labs to tailor the detox program for each patient.  She will do a preparatory phase prior to starting the detox and if the person cannot tolerate toxins well based on the genetics, then this phase will be longer.  She will start patients with certain foundations, like optimizing nutrient levels and making sure their bowel is functioning properly and that they are not constipated and ideally pooping twice per day.  If they are constipated, the toxins will recirculate instead of being eliminated.  Dr. Beckman will also give them some nutritional formulas to support the lymph, the kidneys, and the liver.  She likes CellCore Bioscience products, including their HM-ET Binder product, which contains extracts of humic and fulvic acid, and their Biotoxin Binder, which contains humic and fulvic acid and also molybdenum, broccoli sprouts, and yucca root, as well as some products from Designs for Health and also from Quicksilver.  She likes to get her patients off eating gluten, dairy, and refined sugar.  She also works with her clients on breathing and also with dealing with stored grief and sadness and other emotions, including with acupuncture, meditation, and visualization.  Dr. Beckman works out of offices in both Beverly Hills and Malibu and she can work with clients through the phone and her website is DrAshley.com.


Dr. Ashley Beckman is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and a licensed Acupuncturist and herbalist. She received her doctorate in Healthy Aging and Longevity and wrote her thesis on Epigenetics, the study of how our genes are affected by our diet and lifestyle.  She specializes in healthy aging, epigenetics, pain management, fertility, detoxification, headaches, stress reduction and facial rejuvenation.  She also co-founded Golden Path Alchemy, an organic skincare company based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  She can be reached through her website, DrAshley.com.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness Podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information.  Subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates, and to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello Rational Wellness podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today for another discussion on important functional medicine topic. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to Apple podcast and give us a ratings and review that will help move us up the rankings and help more people find the Rational Wellness Podcast. If you’d like to see a video version of our podcast, please go to my YouTube page and if you go to my website, drweitz.com you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Our topic for today is Epigenetics, and Cellular Detox with licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Ashley Beckman.  Our genetics are the DNA code that we inherit from our parents and these direct the activities of our cells and our DNA code does not change over time. Our DNA code is a sequence of nucleotide basis known as adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. I know that it’s kind of scientific jargon, but it’s the specific sequence of these A, C, G and T bases. This is the code that provides the instructions for our cells to make specific proteins that trigger various biological functions in our body, including the production of insulin, for example.  The definition of epigenetics, epigenetics is a set of triggers and switches that turn our genes off or on, and so epigenetics doesn’t modify the genetic code, but it modifies the expression of our genes. And our genes, our epigenetics is based on a whole series of factors including environmental factors, diet, lifestyle, and our exposure to toxins. Such toxins that have been shown to be drivers of epigenetic processes include heavy metals, pesticides, diesel exhaust, tobacco smoke, bis phenolate, mycotoxins, radioactivity, as well as hormones, bacteria, and basic nutrients. Some of our genes get switched on and get expressed and other of our genes get turned off and do not get expressed.

The other part of our discussion is about detoxification and detoxification is how we get rid of toxins that we’ve been exposed to over our lives and then may be stored in our cells, our organs, and even our bones. This occurs naturally on a daily basis, but we can also stimulate the detoxification process by doing a detoxification program, which often involves some form of fasting combined with taking specific nutrients to support delivery detoxification pathways to support cellular detoxification, and to support the various forms of elimination, including the digestive track and it facilitate sweating another form of elimination such as by using infrared sauna.

Dr. Ashley Beckman is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist and a doctor of Chinese medicine practicing in Los Angeles. She received her doctorate in healthy aging and longevity and wrote her thesis on epigenetics. The study of how our genes are affected by our diet and lifestyle as I just mentioned. She specializes in healthy aging, epigenetics, detoxification, pain management, fertility, treatment of headaches, stress reduction, and facial rejuvenation. She also co-founded Golden Path Alchemy, an organic skincare company based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. Beckman, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Beckman:                     It’s a pleasure to see you and be here today.

Dr. Weitz:                           Good. Let’s start by giving some definitions. I know I’ve gone into it some, but why don’t you explain what epigenetics is?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure. Epigenetics is the study of certain mechanisms such as diet, lifestyle, behavioral choices that we have like exercise and these different factors we have in our different … in the way we live. And basically these can switch our genes on or off. One thing that I really like about this is that we have a lot more control over our health destiny than what we have been known to believe in the past. So many people just believe if something has been passed down to you by your parents, that you’re destined to get this and more likely doomed to get it.  And so people just really focus and are scared for their future. And I love this theory of epigenetics because we really have a lot more control than people had thought before.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right. Our genes are not our destiny.

Dr. Beckman:                     No. And I say they’re our greatest opportunity.

Dr. Weitz:                           Great. The other part of our discussion is going to be about cellular detox. Maybe you could explain what is cellular detox?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure. The word detox gets thrown around all the time and people equate this with a three day juice cleanse that they picked up at a juice bar. And especially as someone coming from Chinese medicine, you really need to tailor things towards someone’s constitution. Even on the detox level, we have to know how the body is and even some genetic predispositions and how we detox, like how our phase one and phase two pathways are wired, so that we can actually tailor a detox specific to that person. Some detox that you pick up, like I said, like at a juice bar or even off the shelf at Whole Foods, it’s not going to be exactly what you specifically need.  And so a cellular detox really we want to get in, make sure that you’re targeting all the areas that really need to be addressed and taking the right supplements. And then kind of what you were speaking about, all the other lifestyle factors that accommodate what is needed in a detox with, from mindset to some fasting, the right foods and the right supplements. Something that’s very targeted and actually effective.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay. With respect to epigenetics, how do we find out what our epigenetics are?

Dr. Beckman:                     Well, so the main way is you basically … what I do with patients is you take someone’s raw genetic data, so you get a test. There are various ones out there. I have utilized raw genetic data that people have already received from somewhere else, like 23andMe or … there’s a various amount of companies now.

Dr. Weitz:                           Ancestry.com, so why don’t we talk a bit for a minute about which is the best one to use?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure.

Dr. Weitz:                           Because for a while I heard that 23andMe was providing the most amount of genes and then they change the way they do their testing, so they actually provide fewer genes. What do you think is the best company to use if we have a choice?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure. I use a company called APEIRON and that’s the company that I’ve actually trained with and studied with. They do not store your data and it’s actually extremely private. Your name is not associated with the bar code on your test. That is something because they will never sell your data. And I think that that is actually one of the most important pieces right now.

Dr. Weitz:                           And you’re referring to the fact that 23andMe and Ancestry, the way they make a lot of their money is by selling your data to be used for research by Big Pharma and others?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes, I believe that that’s accurate. I think a lot of the companies out there are data mining companies and where you get in exchange your raw genetic data. But at the same time I caution anyone who has not done that already to pick another company that does not work in the same manner.

Dr. Weitz:                           Do you mean for privacy concerns?

Dr. Beckman:                     For privacy, and the thing, this whole area is very new and nobody really knows what they’re going to be doing with gathering all this genetic data. I think privacy is of utmost concern. And sometimes I tell people, “If you want a little bit more privacy you could also maybe use a different name when you send it in,” things like that. But at the same time, my number one choice is to tell people to use another company that doesn’t do that and the one that I’m secure with is APEIRON.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay. How do you use this APEIRON to find out about your genetic code and your epigenome?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure. It’s the same as the little swab that you do, and the cheek swab, you send it in and then about six weeks later you’re given your raw text file. And then, so what I do is I take that information and put it through a program and then also go through it with this long Excel sheet that I have that has a lot of different of the expressions and what they can mean and what they’re significant for, for different health reasons. Then I compile this report and I go over that with my clients. And it looks at different factors, so it looks at the foods that you eat, supplements, athleticism, hormones, the way you detox and sleep patterns. Those are main areas of epigenetics.

Dr. Weitz:                           When you take the results from that test, what exactly are you getting? Are you getting a genetic code? Are you getting the epigenome? Can you explain?

Dr. Beckman:                     I’m sure. It’s the genetic data, so it’s your genetic blueprint and it is grouped in certain … it’s put in certain groups to test a variety of the SNPs together. When you’re looking at something-

Dr. Weitz:                           Can you explain what a SNP is?

Dr. Beckman:                     That’s basically just like the single nucleotide morphism. It’s the little genetic codes for each area, but what we do is we look at the ones, so you … Sorry, you need to look in a grouping of things. It’s not that great to single out one genetic code and say, now you have this. You know what I mean? We look at a group together usually-

Dr. Weitz:                           What software do you prefer to use?

Dr. Beckman:                     I use the software from APEIRON. And then I pair that with, like I said, this kind of like long Excel sheet that then I dive deeper into which one is the norm and which one is the exception. And so then it gives you some more probabilities of how this might express in your system. This is all just the genes and then

Dr. Weitz:                           How many genes are you analyzing with this software?

Dr. Beckman:                     Oh, shoot! I would have to look it up. I don’t remember.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay.

Dr. Beckman:                     I’ll look it up so you can put it in the notes though. But it’s very comprehensive.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay. And then how does this help us?

Dr. Beckman:                     For example, one of my favorite areas is it gives an insulin resistance score. This is a probability that you might have, based on your genes, of your probability of having an issue or developing type 2 diabetes. It basically, for me, and especially because I’m very passionate about getting people to reduce their sugar consumption and because I think that it has such long lasting effects, but a lot of these clients have a high insulin resistance score, so … And they might not even know that. They could be someone, though that tends to be eating a lot of starchy carbs and things like that and is not really that cognizant of how much sugar they’re eating.  And so when I see this in someone’s report, to me it’s a really big push for them to start being mindful of that and to change that. Because that’s, as you probably see with your clients as well, prediabetes is so rampant and most people in their 50s and 60s and unfortunately now children are getting prediabetes at much younger ages. And so it’s something we can completely prevent.

Dr. Weitz:                          Which gene or genes are the ones that most commonly code for insulin resistance? Do you know those offhand?

Dr. Beckman:                     I don’t know them offhand, but I have-

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Beckman:                     Do you want me to give? I have them right here. Okay, so the thing about the genes that’s kind of … so okay, this grouping is actually about 20 genes that we use to look to-

Dr. Weitz:                           20 genes for insulin resistance, okay.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. This is one thing that I think is very important and I touched on a bit, it’s these grouping of genes. Often we hear about one specific gene all the time, but it really is how they work together. That’s one thing I really like about this company too, like is that it’s never just one gene and then you create this whole idea around it.  We hear about these famous genes, sort of from certain people and I think a lot is built on that-

Dr. Weitz:                           Some of these genes are now being referred to as diseases. “I have MTHFR”

Dr. Beckman:                     Right, exactly. And there’s actually a kind of a little joke that a friend of mine who’s another Functional Medicine doctor said. He just, it’s kind of like, no one would know that unless you recently went to a Functional Medicine doctor and you were told you now have this terrible disease that you need to change all these things.

Dr. Weitz:                           Or they could have gone to Dr. Google or Dr. YouTube.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes, I know the amount of people actually that talk to me and ask about it, again, I just say actually we look at a bit of a grouping of a lot of genes to see how big of an impact that might be for you.  But that’s just one of them. You know what I mean? There’s a whole lot that are, like I said, they are getting well known.

Dr. Weitz:                           When a patient has … How do you determine how significant these genes are? Let’s say you have one copy, which means you’re … or heterozygous or two copies, which means you’re homozygous or you could have multiple copies of one, multiple versions of one copy of these different genes. How do you know when it really matters? And then do you need to wait until they have positive testing in terms of a fasting glucose and Hemoglobin A1C, et cetera?

Dr. Beckman:                     No. One thing that I like about this is that they give us clues. They give us areas to focus on. There are certain genes that have more weight than others. That’s why these ones, it is true, the ones that are more well known have more weight. But again, it’s still the grouping. Let’s say you have one that is more weighted and more significant, but then you have three that are totally normal. Then that average is your risk down a little bit less than if you were just looking at that one gene, because you do need to look at them together. I mean, the genetic code doesn’t work independently and genes don’t work independently unless it’s something very specific that has a genetic, very specific genetic disease where there’s one …  When you have that switch on one specific thing that it actually creates a very specific pattern or disease in somebody. But those aren’t as common as these groupings creating a probability, if that make sense.

Dr. Weitz:                           Let’s say they have an increased risk for insulin resistance, but they actually have a fasting glucose of 80 and a fasting insulin of three and their Hemoglobin A1C is 5.0. What do you do with that?

Dr. Beckman:                     This is one other thing I love. I love having this and then backing it up with data. I love using even regular lab tests and then Functional labs to basically get a better idea of what’s actually happening right now. Because the genes give you your blueprint and some of your probabilities; your lifestyle, your emotions, your exercise habits. Those are what really can turn things on and off and make significant change. When you have some of these probabilities and then you look and see what their Hemoglobin A1c it’s, it’s steadily creeping up and creeping up, then this person needs to make significant changes so that they can revert back to somebody who doesn’t have those extra probabilities or increased probability of getting the type two diabetes.

Dr. Weitz:                           Does everybody who has some of those genes that code for increased insulin resistance, do they all need to follow a low carb diet?

Dr. Beckman:                     Well, so again, I would say I like to look at them individually. Certain people constitutionally, according to Chinese medicine do better with some starches and grains. A lot of people don’t, especially if there’s some sort of autoimmune issues happening, things like that. I personally don’t think anybody does well with refined sugar. I mean, that’s not any type of news, but my main thing is really getting people just cognizant of how much sugar they’re getting, that they’re not even realizing. Most people never flip something over and read the label.  I tell everybody if there’s double digits, 10 grams of sugar in something, you should not be eating it. And then I give them an amount per day, so a max of 25 grams a day. My goal, like I said, is I don’t want people really having much sugar at all. There’s no benefit of having refined sugar. It actually is just more detrimental. And people, once they get it out, they start to feel better and it has a long reach, I believe in their health span in multiple ways.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right, okay. Give us some other examples of what you get from doing the genetics. And then explain how epigenetics factors in here.

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure. The epigenetics part really is … that is not tested in kind of what you’re getting with the raw genetic data. The raw genetic data shows you what areas you could focus on, so like, which foods would be helpful to silence some genes that might create a problem or the same. It talks about supplements, so sometimes certain supplements would be toxic to somebody if they take too much. But for example, a lot of people were taking a lot of vitamin E for a long time as an antioxidant. It’s one that can be toxic for a lot of people if they take too much of it. It actually shows that-

Dr. Weitz:                          Vitamin E?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes. But it shows that in the raw genetic data. Some of those are pretty interesting. And then also checking the types of the B vitamins to take, for vitamin D. It shows, which is pretty interesting if people can get the benefit from the sunlight and absorbing it or if they’re not someone that actually can absorb much of the D from sunlight. Because I’m sure as you’ve seen with some of your patients, some people can absorb it really well and some people don’t. Even though they’re in the sun all the time, they’re still deficient.

Dr. Weitz:                           I’m amazed in Southern California how many people get exposed to sun all the time and their vitamin D levels are low.

Dr. Beckman:                     Right. Yes.

Dr. Weitz:                           I think it’s more common than not.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. And a lot of people think … they just think that, and actually I was one prior to testing it is I just thought there’s no way I’m in the sun constantly. And you know, the first time I checked, I think I was at 19 and I literally-

Dr. Weitz:                           Very low

Dr. Beckman:                     … always in the sun because I love sun. I’m just not someone that actually absorbs it from the sun, so I need the supplementation. That’s one thing that I really love again is I’m sure you go by this too, is test, don’t guess.

Dr. Weitz:                           Absolutely.

Dr. Beckman:                     We assume all the time these things that we hear and have known for a while, but they’re not always accurate.

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah. We occasionally get people with modest amounts of supplementation that their levels shoot up, but more common, it’s really hard to get the levels up. And sometimes doing modest supplementation, like 1000 or 2000 milligrams of vitamin D doesn’t do anything. And it’s not unusual that we have to go to like 10,000 a day to get up to those target ranges that we’re trying to hit, like 50 to 70 or 60 to 80 or something like that, nanograms per milliliter.

Dr. Beckman:                     Right, yeah. And that’s not something from, sort of, in the natural medicine world, we have not heard that. We just thought, if you’re out in the sun and the right hours of day without sunscreen, you’re fine. And as you know, vitamin D is one of those precursors that it’s implicated in over 200 genetic processes. It’s crucial on so many levels that it’s actually in an optimal range.

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah. And of course we can measure vitamin D receptors and whether people are going to respond and produce vitamin E or absorb the vitamin D that they take in.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yep.

Dr. Weitz:                           How does genetics, how does that change a detox program?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure. I can give an example of myself for one. I’m someone who, since high school had been doing detoxes. I studied Dr. Schultz’s products, got into that. And since you’re from LA, right, or you’re in LA. I’ve been doing Dr. Schultz’s products since I was a kid. I’ve been obsessed with detoxes since I was little and I did them seasonally. All of that.

Dr. Weitz:                           And what did most of these detoxes consist of?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sorry. Okay, so it’s like a bowel, kidney, liver detox with herbs and just raw foods. It was five days, but I would say–

Dr. Weitz:                           For five days you eat raw foods and you take a series of supplements in pill or tincture form?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah, tinctures, pills and tea. And I did this for years. Well, I wouldn’t say I loved it, but I love detoxing. And so I really thought that I was just cleaning everything out. It was great. And then I even did these things for preconception planning. I’m a huge fan of preconception planning, checking for heavy metals, things like that. And I had my daughter almost eight years ago now, but I thought I did all this to clean myself out. I recently did some testing with Great Plains Lab. I love their organic acid tests, their environmental toxin tests. And it turns out on my environmental toxin test, it was one of the most toxic they’d ever seen. No, it was terrible.  And, and I mean, granted, I live in LA, so there’s that factor, which is very big. But I literally have … I don’t use plastic ever. I don’t use any … ever buy bottled water, only grass fed meat. I’m one of the cleanest people that you would come across. Like I said, I even created my own skincare company because I was concerned that a lot of the things were stored in plastic when they had essential oils and-

Dr. Weitz:                           What kind of toxin showed up and where do you think you got these from?

Dr. Beckman:                     Well, basically almost, I think it was 15 out of the ones that they tested were all 75 to 95%. That means that I was in the highest group possible.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right, what kinds of toxins were these?

Dr. Beckman:                     They were still the ones from the plastics, so the Bisphenol A, the ones that have … they are all with the gasoline, very high. And that makes sense because I live in LA.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay. Like MTBE and-

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. The MTBE was very high, the perclorates, high. That again is from the air generally and the rocket fuel, believe.

Dr. Weitz:                           Which was dumped into the water and-

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. And that’s the thing, but I-

Dr. Weitz:                           Still found in Colorado River where we get some of our water in Southern California.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. And again, those things aren’t filtered out with filtered water. I mean, not everything can be. I mean, again, it depends on your system that you have, but a lot of the organophosphates from pesticides, things like that. And that’s the thing that was shocking to me-

Dr. Weitz:                            That might be a good marketing strategy. Get your rocket fuel water.

Dr. Beckman:                     I know. And it seeped into the groundwater. I mean, it’s terrible. And you know, you do everything you can, right? I mean, I buy organic products, but then I still eat out at restaurants. And I tell this to patients too. I mean, the meat is not grass fed out. And generally the fruits and vegetables aren’t organic, unless you’re really going for that. That’s the thing is that I know a lot of it is because I live in Los Angeles, but the main factor which came back to my genetics is that I don’t process or make glutathione like much at all.  I had never taken any precursors for glutathione. I’d never taken glutathione. I was doing these traditional detoxes that were still very strong, but they didn’t actually work for my system. I had also gone to the process where I was doing IV glutathione and it made me so sick within about five seconds. I realized that something was … that pushed toxins into my system and they were recirculating and then I felt sick instantly.

Dr. Weitz:                            That’s one of the things that can happen when you do a detox is a lot of these toxins may be stored somewhere in your body. And if you use a strategy that helps remove some of these toxins, they may not get all the way removed. They may come out of storage into circulation and then that can create a lot of detox reactions like you’re describing.

Dr. Beckman:                     Right. And so now the products I use are very different and they go into soak those up so that you basically … my whole goal is to really minimize any detox reactions that people have. And I think a lot of the things that we used before, if your body and detox pathways weren’t prime to deal with that, that’s where everyone’s getting really sick and nauseous and headaches and those are just minimal side effects. It’s really important to do a detox properly and prime the pathways, and have the binders in there that will soak it up properly.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay. So you’re saying your detox now that you’re doing involves binders and what are some of the substances involved in binders?

Dr. Beckman:                     I use some products that have fulvic and humic acids. I like them a lot. The way that they have been described to me is that they are much more effective and powerful at soaking up things beyond an activated charcoal because the activated charcoal does not have enough energy left in it to actually go in and soak a lot of that.

Dr. Weitz:                           Activated charcoal is one of the most common substances being sold as part of a binding product or separately. And in fact charcoal is right now being used in many consumer products. You can find-

Dr. Beckman:                     It is. Charcoal lemonade.

Dr. Weitz:                           Exactly.

Dr. Beckman:                     And charcoal toothpaste is everywhere.

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah.

Dr. Beckman:                     I have changed what I’ve done-

Dr. Weitz:                           Those two, what other substances do you find effective for as binding agents? What about modified citrus pectin?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah, I like that. And it’s-

Dr. Weitz:                           Cilantro.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes. And it just depends the … everyone is a little bit different, so some people can handle one type and other people can’t. Some people are so sensitive and so bound up that they basically really need something super gentle. And sometimes I start people off with the homeopathic detox so I can go drop by drop because there are patients that are that sensitive. There’s a wide spectrum, but I think that it’s really important to prep the body before dumping it, like getting all these toxins just dumping into your system without anywhere to go.

Dr. Weitz:                           How long should a detox program take?

Dr. Beckman:                     I would say always customize the patient kind of, so that’s why I like the testing because we want to see if there’s mold exposure, what the viral load is, possibly what the bacteria situation is, what’s going on with the gut, fungal issues, metals, parasites. So it all depends.

Dr. Weitz:                           How do you determine what testing to do and what testing is … Do you have a standard screen or does it depend on history?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah, it depends on history. I pretty much always run the organic acids test with Great Plains. I love the mycotoxin test if they have anything positive on the oat. I love the environmental toxin test to see what’s happening there. Some sort of heavy metal testing, I use the Mercury Tri-Test a lot from Quicksilver.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, so that utilizes a combination of serum, urine and hair mercury testing?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes. And then still if they need to check for other metals, can do a metals test. Let’s see what else I love. I mean, I add in the genetics so that we can put that piece in there. And then sometimes like a GI-MAP for stool or to see what’s going on in the gut or as a Zoomer test, Gut Zoomer test.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay. Just out of curiosity, what’s the approximate cost of that genetic test you’re talking about?

Dr. Beckman:                     The genetic test varies based on kind of how many areas you want to look at. People can get, let’s see like-

Dr. Weitz:                           Just ballpark.

Dr. Beckman:                     All right. Like $1,000.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay. Now they can get a 23andMe or Ancestry for $100.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes.

Dr. Weitz:                           Is it that much better?

Dr. Beckman:                     Well, I just think that 23andMe is sort of fluff. It’s not actual information that you can utilize much for your health. That’s what I’m thinking, but it has … it’s like, do you turn red when you’re drinking? Do you have-

Dr. Weitz:                           No, but even if you get the raw data, there’s not enough genes there?

Dr. Beckman:                     No. They’ve changed it a bit and there are less, but there … I mean, yes, the raw data on itself is good, but you are giving up your privacy, which I 100% think is not a good idea.

Dr. Weitz:                           I agree. But I doubt there’s any privacy in our society since they’re monitoring every phone call, every email.

Dr. Beckman:                     I know. If someone really needed to, they could link up everything that you … if they were really trying to find that out for you.

Dr. Weitz:                           Your phone is monitoring every place you’re going. Your phone right now knows that you’re talking to me, where you are. I mean, yeah.

Dr. Beckman:                     I know. It’s so scary. You could talk about something your phone’s off and then that’s all your Instagram feed, Facebook feed, you know everything. It’s true there really is no privacy.

Dr. Weitz:                           Absolutely. I got in my car this morning and my phone says it’s 13 minutes to Gold’s gym. How do you know I’m going to Gold’s gym, right?

Dr. Beckman:                     I know. It’s pretty scary.

Dr. Weitz:                          How does the detox program … you were talking about epigenetics changing your detox, so give me a little more meat on the bones there about how you change the detox according to epigenetics.

Dr. Beckman:                     Basically what I do is, I mean I have a program that I use with a lot of people, but what gets tailored is what we focus on first based on what shows up in their labs and then with their genes. If there’s somebody that can process toxins better, then they might not need as much time in the prep phase. Or if there’s somebody who tends to be more sensitive to metals, then we might need to work on that a lot longer.

Dr. Weitz:                           What’s the prep phase?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sorry, so that’s where we … Certain people need certain foundations, so that would be where I would put in certain vitamin deficiencies that they might have or just optimizing some of their nutrient levels so that they’re prepared to start a detox. And then again, and this part is a bit traditional. We still want to make sure that the bowel is functioning really well. If someone’s constipated, you have to get that under control before you start anything.

Dr. Weitz:                           Number one, you want to make sure somebody is not deficient in nutrients. How do you determine that? You do some sort of nutrient panel?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes, I can do a nutrient panel. The organic acid test does have part of that in there utilized as well. There are special tests you can do in addition to just see. The SpectraCell has a micronutrient deficiency panel, which can be good if people like that. I use the organic acid one quite a bit.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, so you’ll beef them up with some nutrients first to get them ready for the detox?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes. Then we look at their bowel and make sure that, like I said, they’re not constipated. Make sure they’re going to the bathroom twice a day as ideal.

Dr. Weitz:                           Because if they’re constipated, they’re going to be recirculating the toxins, correct?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. And that happens a lot with estrogens and different toxins and things like that. And then we make sure we look at the lymph, the kidneys, and the liver. I have special supplements for that as well.

Dr. Weitz:                           How do you look at those?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sorry, not look. I just mean address-

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, so you give them supplements to make sure those are working properly?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes. Yeah. And then we figure out what-

Dr. Weitz:                           What do you give him to make sure the kidneys are functioning properly?

Dr. Beckman:                     Let’s see. There’s some different herbs that, sorry … There are some herbs that I use. I like some homeopathic tinctures too. You mean which specific herbs?

Dr. Weitz:                           I was just curious. You have some kidney formula you like to use in some-

Dr. Beckman:                     I use CellCore products a lot. I really like them. They have a great kidney-liver formula. And then, I mean, I’ve used other ones in the past too. I also use some products from Designs for Health. They have some great detox packets that are super simple and altogether. And then they have some that are spread out, individual products.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay. Yeah, go ahead. So you support lymphatic’s, the kidneys, the liver?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yep. Then we need to make sure too what’s going on with the gut. We need to see if there’s any intestinal permeability to make sure that we’re working on the lining. I check, if there’s someone who has a lot of autoimmune or food sensitivities, we need to make sure that’s a big factor. See if they need to eliminate some foods just temporarily, if it’s making things worse. Often I see a lot of issues with gluten, dairy and sugar. Nobody really likes to hear that, but initially I just ask if they can try to go off things for maybe 30 days minimum to just see if we can get some information down as well from what they’re putting in their body.

Dr. Weitz:                            What’s a specific food regimen you put them on? You eliminate gluten, dairy, and what else did you say?

Dr. Beckman:                     Refined sugar. And then-

Dr. Weitz:                            And refined sugar. Are there other things or just those three?

Dr. Beckman:                     It all depends on the person. If there’s somebody who already has a lot of issues, we need to see what would be specific for them. Some people think they’re totally healthy and they don’t feel anything from food, so they … it’s a big deal for them to just get off of sugar. I work with the client to see where they are too. But if someone who-

Dr. Weitz:                           Get them off of caffeine and alcohol as well while they’re doing the detox?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes. The caffeine is less of an issue for me. If someone can get off all those other things and they still want one cup of coffee a day, usually I say that’s okay. But-

Dr. Weitz:                           Especially if it’s organic.

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. And I then love Purity and Bulletproof Coffee. I at least send them to ones that are mycotoxin free and tested. And just, yeah, it’s all about, to me, making healthier choices and swaps too. If I can get people to just make some better choices in their life, get off the granola and yogurt, they start their day with that has 25 grams of sugar, get them onto something that’s healthier. I think those are all big wins and can take them a long distance.

Dr. Weitz:                           Yeah. Or their Count Chocula cereal.

Dr. Beckman:                     Oh yeah. Or even cheerios. There’s better things to do. There’s all these … We have to pick our battles, right? And food is a really one that people like grip on and hold tight to or they have, again their favorite cup of coffee with sugar and cream. And so if I can get them to switch to a healthier version of that, then I feel like I’ve had a good win. And that they will benefit greatly. Because again, I say to people, we often have to look at our daily habits cause it’s in our daily habits where we see some of these really big things that make a big difference, so we can change those. It’s very important.  And even hydration. Many people still just don’t drink enough water. And these are core foundations that if you don’t have sleep, hydration, good food and exercise and some form of meditation, it’s hard to build a base from that.

Dr. Weitz:                           How do you know if somebody is drinking enough water and how much water is enough?

Dr. Beckman:                     I look at their caffeine intake for sure. A lot of people are drinking way more caffeine than water, so that’s my first area to start with. I still do go by the half your weight and ounces. I know some people say that works, some people say it doesn’t. I think it’s a good barometer just to start with. Most people though are drinking so little water that I tell them to just double what they’re doing. And honestly for a lot of people they’re drinking two glasses of water a day. Then I say, drink four and that seems like a stretch for them, but it’s not a huge stretch. If I tell someone that’s drinking two glasses to then go to half a gallon, that doesn’t make any sense to me, and they don’t do it. Sometimes it’s baby steps and-

Dr. Weitz:                           Try to meet them where they are and get them to make changes that are reasonable.

Dr. Beckman:                     Exactly. Again, those are some of those things that are in the beginning part of a detox and the prep phase, is really just getting their foundation solid and then getting them prep so that we can then start addressing the things that are more pertinent and causing more damage, I guess I would say. Like the gut bacteria, the fungus, any sort of mycotoxins, viruses, bacteria … sorry, parasites and then metals we do last usually.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, so then-

Dr. Beckman:                     It can be awhile.

Dr. Weitz:                           Right, so multi-phases of this program?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah. And it’s based on the lab testing to see what’s there. We want to a lot … for people in general, we have things where basically a big host for a lot of different organisms. And so to think that they’re not all living in us I think is sort of inaccurate. It’s basically something’s high. You know, we have viruses that just lie dormant and then they get activated. Basically if we can create our system to be a good environment, then it’s kind of the best shot we have. And then [crosstalk 00:43:16] up things that are creating damage.

Dr. Weitz:                           Let’s do a couple of sample detox programs. Let’s say the person tests high in mercury. What’s your preferred protocol for that?

Dr. Beckman:                     I do use a lot of Quicksilver products and CellCore products. They have really great binders for pulling out heavy metals. CellCore has something called HM-ET, which I really love. But again, this is the thing. This is all done after months of preparation. You don’t just go in and start trying to pull out heavy metals, which is what everyone wants to do. And that’s where people feel really sick. And another thing is heavy metals can reside inside parasites. If you don’t kill the parasites first, then you could be pulling out all these heavy metals and then you haven’t even addressed the parasites and then you could be releasing more metals that you thought you’d cleaned up.

Dr. Weitz:                            Get rid of parasites and clean up the gut, get rid of nutritional deficiencies, show the body up that way, support the basic organs and then go for the metals and the other toxins?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes. Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                            Do you incorporate glutathione in that detox protocol for mercury?

Dr. Beckman:                     I do. I do use glutathione even earlier in the phase to just start helping support the liver, helping it support what already is there before we’ve really started to detox. Sometimes using a precursor like NAC, just it depends on how the person is and what they can handle. A lot of clients have had so many bad issues with taking really strong chlorella, things like that. I just have to be careful with … I tend to get a lot of patients who are really sick and really toxic, so it’s just seeing what works for them and creating something that has the minimal side effects.

Dr. Weitz:                            How long does it typically take to get rid of mercury?

Dr. Beckman:                     Kind of depends on the levels and it can take a year, but that’s the whole thing. You know what I mean? That’s at the end. I wouldn’t just target mercury and it would be so rare that nothing would come up before then. I mean, that actually wouldn’t happen. Like, you know what I mean? No one would just have a mercury issue. I’ll just say.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay, so what’s your protocol for mycotoxins, which is for mold?

Dr. Beckman:                     Right. Again, I do use CellCore products for that. And so I love the mycotoxin test, because then you can see exactly which ones are the strongest. And again, you still have to really prep the body first, of course, which we talked about. And then in Chinese medicine too, like we want to see what’s happening with the lungs. We want to support. Sometimes I use some other herbs that are kind of like a lung support. Yeah, I know the mold … that’s the thing about mold is it can go everywhere and anywhere, so that’s why it’s extra detrimental. But a lot of people, a big part is from inhalation. I work on a bit with stored grief and sadness with the lungs and we want to make sure just to always addressed the emotional issue of things.  And detox is stir up a lot, because they deal with lungs, they deal with liver, which is related to anger and resentment and depression. A lot of people have some issues with that. We just want to make sure that we’re addressing the emotional side of things as well as the physical.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay. How do you address the emotional side of things?

Dr. Beckman:                     Well, I love acupuncture and if someone’s not local or not getting acupuncture on the side, there’s visualizations with color that support each organ. And as with Chinese medicine and this people know, the emotional side and the physical side, they’re intertwined. When we’re treating a physical condition, we want to also address the emotional aspect of that. One of my favorite things again is acupuncture, meditation, and then some visualization.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay. I think that’s pretty good. Everything is-

Dr. Beckman:                     Yeah, we covered a lot.

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah. I think we covered a lot. Any other specific things you’d like to make the listeners aware of or talk about?

Dr. Beckman:                     No. My main thing is that, and this is what I talk about with my clients every day, is you have a choice every day. You choose what food you put in your body, you’re choosing what products you put on your body, you’re choosing some of the thoughts you have, the way you live or lifestyle. And it’s so crucial for us to be mindful of what we’re doing that everything that we’re doing is either feeding our body or doing something that’s going to make it harder and possibly leading to disease down the future.

We have so much control and I think we forget that. And I see our body as a machine and what we’re doing and putting into it as fuel, and we want to be putting the best quality fuel in it. And you know, we have these beautiful bodies and so we just need to take care of them and you get to do that.

Dr. Weitz:                           All right. How can listeners and viewers get a hold of you and find out … how can they contact you?

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure, my website’s, drashley.com, and that’s D-R-A-S-H-L-E-Y.com. And I always offer a complimentary call if someone wants to just see if we’re a good fit to work together.

Dr. Weitz:                           And so you can work with them by phone?

Dr. Beckman:                     Yes.

Dr. Weitz:                           And if they’re in the Los Angeles area, where’s your practice?

Dr. Beckman:                     I’m in Beverly Hills and in Malibu.

Dr. Weitz:                           Okay, great. Thank you Dr. Beckman.

Dr. Beckman:                     Sure. It’s always fun.

Dr. Weitz:                           Thank you.



Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Integrative Pediatrics with Dr. Joel Warsh: Rational Wellness Podcast 140

Dr. Joel Warsh discusses Integrative Pediatrics with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

2:26  Dr. Warsh sees Integrative Pediatrics as blending the best of Western medicine with holistic and Functional Medicine.  Dr. Warsh got frustrated with the regular system and was frustrated that the only treatment in most conditions is pharmaceutical medications.  He has found that there are many situations where you don’t need a medication and some dietary changes or a nutritional supplement might be better. If the child is sick with a virus, then an antibiotic isn’t going to help and might make them worse, and this is a great time to use a natural approach. On the other hand, if there is something serious going on, your child may need an x-ray or an antibiotic or may need to go to the hospital.

6:07  A cough is a common symptom of a cold or a flu.  The best way to prevent colds and flus is to focus on what Dr. Warsh calls the SEEDS of health: Sleep, Exercise, Environment, Diet, and Stress.  These are the foundations of health.  When your child first gets a tickle in their throat or a low grade fever before they get really sick, that’s a good time to use vitamin D, vitamin C, elderberry, or some essential oils or colloidal silver to help their body fight it off.   

10:27  Dr. Warsh generally finds most herbs to be safe for children and certainly much safer than many pharmaceutical medications.

12:51  Homeopathy is extremely safe for children, as it is for adults, and can be very effective at times.

17:15  Fever has benefits and helps the body to fight off illness and there is not much risk of harming the child until it gets to 104-105 degrees.  Taking Tylenol or ibuprofen should only be done if the child is extremely uncomfortable or has severe ear pain, but not to lower the fever unless it is 104 or higher. Taking these medications will actually increase the length of your infection. It’s also a good idea to double check the temperature by getting a second thermometer, since some of these thermometers can be inaccurate.  If the fever continues for a month or longer, then you should go the hospital for a full workup.

21:23  Diet is important and Dr. Warsh is a moderate on diet and tends to avoid extremes. He feels the focus should be on eating healthy, whether that includes meat or not. You should eat the rainbow of different colored vegetables and remove the sugar, preservatives, food coloring, and crap out of your diet. If you eat meat, it should be grass fed and sustainably produced.  Fish should be wild and not farmed. You should eat as clean as possible.

23:45  Toxins can play a significant role in the health of our children. We live in Los Angeles and we are surrounded by toxins in the air, food, and water.  Toxins lead to inflammation and it’s one of the reasons children are getting more and more sick.  It is playing a role in the rate of chronic diseases, such as asthma, ADHD, autism, rheumatoid diseases, lupus, and eczema, which are epidemic now. According the CDC, 10% of kids have mental health problems, 7% have anxiety, and 3% have depression and toxins are playing a role in these conditions.  You should have an air filtration system in your house. You should get a reverse osmosis filtration system for your water and you should avoid tap water. Avoid using chemicals to clean your homes and use baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils.  It’s good for kids to get exposed to germs and to play in the dirt, since it stimulates our immune system and our microbiome. Kids that play in the mud and live on farms and in rural areas have lower rates of allergies than kids that live in the city.

29:40  We used to have kids avoid peanuts and common allergens when they were young, but the rates of allergies skyrocketed and now it is recommended that we purposely expose kids to peanuts and other common allergens at six months, since this leads to a lower rate of allergies. The thought process has completely changed. On the other hand, with a little older child who has a lot of allergies or asthma or eczema, the first thing to do is to have them clean up their diet and remove gluten and dairy.

32:17  While serum food sensitivity testing can be helpful, it can be difficult to get kids to have blood drawn and it can be a big expense, so tries to work with the diet first and see if using an elimination diet can resolve symptoms.  But in some cases, food sensitivity testing is warranted and can be helpful.

33:51 Dr. Warsh finds that for eczema, calendula, coconut oil, shea butter, and castor oil are all good to use on the skin, and fish oil can be helpful. Vitamin D and E are beneficial and eating some turmeric, such as in a smoothie, and quercetin and bromelain can also helpful. 



Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh is the Medical Director of Integrative Pediatrics and Medicine Center in Studio City in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Warsh is certified by the American Academy of Integrative Medicine. He has published research in peer-reviewed journals on topics including childhood injuries, obesity, and physical activity. He has been featured in documentaries, podcasts, and articles, including Broken Brain 2, Dr. Nandi Show, CBS News, LA Parent, Dr. Taz Show, and many others. You can learn more information about Dr. Warsh by going to IntegrativePediatricsandMedicine.com.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness podcast for weekly updates and to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello Rational Wellness podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness podcast, please go to Apple podcasts or whatever podcast app you use and please give us a ratings and review. Also, if you’d like to see a video version, go to my YouTube page. If you go to my website, drweitz.com you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Today our topic is integrative pediatrics, which means incorporating holistic and functional medicine along with conventional medical care when providing health care for children. This means using nutrition, nutritional supplements, and various natural healing methods and avoiding prescription meds except when absolutely necessary. There is also a focus on promoting health and preventing illness rather than just treating sickness.

Our special guest is Dr. Joel Warsh. He’s an integrative medical practitioner who’s certified by the American Academy of integrative medicine. Dr. Warsh started the Integrative Pediatrics and Medicine Center in 2018 in Studio City in LA County of California. Dr. Warsh has published research and numerous peer review journals on topics including childhood injuries, obesity and physical activity. He’s been featured in various documentaries, podcasts, and articles including Broken Brain 2, Dr. Nandy show, CBS news, LA parent, Dr. Taz show and many others. He has an upcoming pediatric summit and also a online course, so watch out for those. Dr Warsh, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Warsh:           Thanks so much for having me. I’m looking forward to it.

Dr. Weitz:            Great. What is integrative pediatrics and is it commonly accepted by mainstream medicine?

Dr. Warsh:           It’s a great place to start. The first thing is I don’t think there is a specific definition of integrative pediatrics. I think everybody defines it a little bit differently. But to me it’s blending the best of Western medicine with holistic or alternative medicine. It’s not that you’re picking one or the other, it’s doing whatever you think is best on that day.  What got me into integrative medicine in the first place was just being a bit frustrated with the regular system and really only having pharmaceutical medications to treat everything. My wife is very holistic minded and I had seen some of her friends go to natural paths after being adopters for many years and they would get better. I was like, “There’s got to be something else. What else is there to learn?” That’s what really spurred me to start learning about functional medicine and homeopathy and supplements and then blending those two together.

Because what I found is that a lot of times you don’t need a medication. Parents definitely want to do something when their kid is sick. But a lot of times if it’s a virus then really an antibiotic or another medication isn’t the answer and isn’t going to do anything, it might even make them worse. It’s a really good time to see if there’s something natural that you could do.  But also you want to have that Western side as well because maybe something natural isn’t the right thing to do in a situation where there’s something serious going on, you need to go to the hospital, you need an x-ray, you need an antibiotic. That’s where blending those two together are important.

Then for your second question, it’s not very accepted in regular Western medicine yet. I think it’s moving in that direction. There’s definitely more focus and discussion around prevention and some of the natural modalities are starting to be accepted. Acupuncture is probably the best example of that where it used to be woowoo and crazy and now you see it everywhere with the opioid epidemic and you see it in hospitals. Slowly some things are moving into Western medicine, but it’s not fully accepted by a lot of practitioners yet.

Dr. Weitz:            I think one of the issues is that if you’re going to use preventative, nutritional, integrative medical approaches, it takes more time. The current medical model based on insurance companies controlling things makes it very difficult.

Dr. Warsh:           That’s correct. Number one, with the system as it is today, it’s really hard to spend 45 minutes or half an hour or an hour with a patient, which sometimes is really what you need to go through and get an extensive history. It’s oftentimes a lot easier with a cough or a cold to say, well, just take this antibiotic and then you cover yourself and get them out the door. That certainly is a part of it.

But the other part is there’s a lot of training involved and even learning about natural medicine. You really need to have a lot of communication with your patients when you’re using something natural because things can progress pretty quickly. If you have, let’s say a cough for example it’s a really good example. You have a cough, patient comes in and they’re totally fine, then that might be a great time to do something natural, but you have to be in really good communication because that could change really quickly. They could get pretty sick and then the natural remedy isn’t the right tool that time. Might need an antibiotic.  That Western model where you might have four or five, 10,000 patients in your practice or however many you have, it doesn’t necessarily work as well for natural medicine because you really need to have that good communication to know when you have to step up the treatment to something that’s more Western.

Dr. Weitz:            You brought up a cough and that’s a common symptom of flu. Right now we’re in the midst of cold and flu season. What can be done from your perspective in preventing and treating children with colds and flus, besides giving antibiotics, which probably shouldn’t be indicated at all, since these are caused by viruses?

Dr. Warsh:           That’s correct. For me, what I always focus on with patients is the prevention. We always talk about the foundations of health. A term that I coined was the seeds of health. Sleep, exercise, environment, diet and stress. These are the big factors that we really need to think about because nowadays we have almost forgotten about these basics. Whether you look at Functional Medicine or Ayrevedic or all of the other modalities, this is the foundation of all of those but in Western medicine we’ve forgotten a lot about it.  Certainly if you go to the doctor, they might talk to you for 30 seconds about physical activity or making sure you can exercise. But that’s not really what we mean when we talk about the foundations. It’s really setting up a good lifestyle. You might need a 30 minute or hour discussion with a nutritionist or a health coach just about a child’s diet really making those major changes overall.

That’s really where to me it starts and it starts with those checkups or the well visits where you discuss a little bit more about these foundations. Because if you have a good foundation then you’re not as likely to get sick. We know this, this is not woo woo, this is not alternative medicine. This is Western medicine. There’s plenty of studies where they took viruses and they put them into nodes of patients. Some that were stressed, some of them were not stressed, some that were sleep deprived, some of them were not sleep deprived.  Anytime these foundations are not there, you’re much more likely to get sick. That comes into play with something like the flu. We know this because what happens when you have a test and you’re studying? You’re going through, you’re really stressed. Five minutes after you’re done studying and your body calms down after the stress, you get sick. It’s common knowledge.  We just need to remember this common knowledge is things that we used to talk about and get back to the foundations just like diet. Because we’re literally built of what we eat. If we don’t eat healthy and we don’t have the nutrition then our body doesn’t have those building blocks for our immune system to fight off the infection. That to me is the key overall, is really thinking about the seeds of health and the foundations and setting yourself up for success.

Then when you first get sick, before you really know what’s going on, you start feeling that little bit of tickle in your throat or a little bit of a low grade fever, that’s a great time to try to really do some great view and support. It depends what the situation is, but things like vitamin D, vitamin C, elderberry, essential oils, all sorts of things can be helpful that first three, four hours. If you get some of that stuff in your system, then hopefully your body’s able to fight it off a little bit better before you get really sick.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you have a favorite formula? Should we just hit the vitamin C? Should we hit the vitamin C, vitamin D and the elderberry?

Dr. Warsh:           It’s hard because with kids especially, it’s always been… Anybody it’s going to be different and unique to each patient. With kids, every age group is very different. It really would depend on how old the patient is because obviously a newborn or a two month old would be very different than a 15 year old. You’re very limited with the babies and that’s why I think this advice is very cautionary in terms of you really need to speak to your practitioner before doing any of this stuff, especially with a baby. Because it’s a completely different scenario with one month old who is sick than a 15 year old who says, yes I have a little tickle in my throat.  But in general for the older kids, I think a good multivitamin is going to be helpful. Vitamin D will be helpful. Vitamin C, elderberry. Some people like colloidal silver. It depends on what the scenario… But we’re talking about flu and those are some things you can think about.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. Do you recommend a high dose vitamin C for that type of situation?

Dr. Warsh:           Usually. I mean it depends and there’s so many different formulations out there, but I’ve used Metagenics before with patients that I have in my office. It will depend on the age, but I don’t usually… Each patient is different so it’s hard to say what the dose would be. But yes, a good dose of vitamin C at least once or twice is going to be helpful.

Dr. Weitz:            Are herbs safe and effective for children?

Dr. Warsh:           I think so. I think to me this is one of the biggest misnomers out there. I think it’s a little bit funny when having discussions with my Western practitioners about this, because these are things that have been used for thousands of years and we call it alternative, but really Western medicine is what’s alternative. That’s the thing that’s been around only 50 years or a hundred years or however long you want to go back.  Sometimes you hear things like, “Oh, you’re going to get… You’re going to try peppermint oil with a child. That’s so dangerous. How could you do that?” That makes me laugh because comparing it to the Western treatment which… Look, everything has risks, right?

Everything has risks, everything has side effects. Everything could possibly have an allergic reaction. When you have a 10 year old who has a little bit of sniffles and you’re trying a little peppermint essential oil, that versus using over the counter cough syrup, the medication has a list of known side effects this long. We don’t even look at it and it’s like, it could cause death, could cause allergic reaction, all these hundred things.  These are known risks versus maybe one child at some point somewhere had a reaction to some not so good herb that was made improperly or had some contaminant. Which one is at more risk? To me it’s crazy and again there’s certain situations where certain herbs and natural things are not safe for sure. Of course that’s true. That’s where we need good science and we need good research and we need good practitioners to know what are the right things to use when.

But in general, for a child who’s not severely ill, a natural item, a natural herb, a natural supplement is almost always going to be way safer than the medication. There’s so many risks to every medication. For whatever reason we’ve forgotten that because you see on the news that anything bad happens with the essential oil or homeopathic, but realistically, if we use our brains for one second, we know that that’s not true. But that’s why the practitioner’s important. You can’t just use the herb because it might be serious. You have to go see a Western doctor, make sure there’s no pneumonia going on, then that’s a good time to try the natural thing.

Dr. Weitz:            What about homeopathics? Do you like those for children?

Dr. Warsh:           That’s a… It’s an interesting topic and I think homeopathy of all the modalities is probably the most controversial, I would say. Just because it’s not used that commonly in Western society. It’s very commonly used in Europe and in other countries. But it’s not that commonly used here. Philosophy is a little bit counterintuitive to anyone who has a scientific mind.  For those that don’t really know, basically using very small diluted doses, using like to cure like or to work with like and so, if you have something that causes… You have a cough, you give something that might cause a cough or stimulate a cough to try to help the body balance. Some people are extremely into this and think it works amazingly, I don’t think it’s all hooey. I think there’s very minimal risk and if you work with a trained homeopath that knows what they’re doing and it seems to work for you, then there’s no reason not to try it.

It’s far and above the safest modality out there. I think really the big question for most people is, does it really do anything or are you just wasting your money? That’s a question that each person has to decide on their own. But you talk to people who take homeopathics and work with homeopathics and most of them love it. Say it works amazingly, say it works better than most medications.  I think if it’s done correctly with somebody who’s trained in it, then it’s reasonable. Just going to the store and picking up a random homeopathic, is that going to work? Maybe, maybe not. But again, it’s safer and if it helps even a little bit, avoid using a medication, then that’s a good thing.

Dr. Weitz:            I agree that homeopathics are super safe. They’re typically using a product that’s so dilute. All there is is the original energy of the original substance in there. On the other hand, looks like our government is said to be banning homeopathy pretty soon here.

Dr. Warsh:           I mean, there’s always discussion about that. I don’t know… Who knows whether it’s actually going to happen or not.

Dr. Weitz:            Well no. Apparently the FDA now has made a ruling that homeopathics are going to have to be approved as drugs. No homeopathy companies have the money to do that type of study to prove this. Homeopathy has been banned in England. This started in Australia, there’s actually a movement to try to ban homeopathy around the world.

Dr. Warsh:           I mean it’s a tough fight because it’s not the same as Western science and so anything that’s different and that can be proven that way has its issues with-

Dr. Weitz:            No, I think what you’re referring to especially is the fact that when you take a homeopathic formulation and you dilute it another hundred times, it’s considered to be more stronger, more powerful. The more you dilute it, the more powerful it gets supposedly. That’s one of the parts of homeopathy that seems very counter to Western scientific thought.

Dr. Warsh:           It is, it’s very different. But then again, the interesting part to me is things like allergy shots and stuff like that where it’s a fairly similar concept where you’re giving very dilute minute doses of something to help the body and immune system create a tolerance to it. It’s so hard because energy is such a foreign concept and it’s like, oh, this is all crazy we’re talking about energy.  But then again, you talk about the moon and how the moon affects the tides. We’re obviously all made of energy and particles and so there is some definite science there. I just don’t think we’re smart enough to understand everything yet. I think it’s frustrating that we’re not open to these discussions, especially when things are safe. I think we need to spend more time studying these as opposed to just thinking they’re crazy because they’ve been used successfully for so many generations in so many places. Just to ban to me is not the answer, is to study it more thoroughly.

Dr. Weitz:            The reason why it would be getting banned is most likely because it’s competition with medications. Since we’ve been talking about colds and flus, I’d like to bring up the concept of fever. What do you think about the whole concept of fever? Typically parents have a kid with a fever and right away they’re rushing for Acetaminofene or other medications to bring the fever down.

Dr. Warsh:           Sure.

Dr. Weitz:            But fever actually has a lot of benefit. It’s part of the way the body fights off an illness.

Dr. Warsh:           For me, that’s a big part of discussion in my office all the time. It’s probably one of the top three most common messages and texts that I get from parents all the time about fever in their kids. A little bit of is education about it. I think it’s a great topic to bring up because it’s so important to recognize that fever is beneficial. Fever is not the thing that we should be worried about. Fever gives us an indication that our kids are sick or that we’re sick.  A fever in and of itself, unless it’s super high, is not really dangerous. It’s pretty hard to get a fever high enough that it’s dangerous to your brain. Once you’re getting over 105 that’s pretty high. But in general, unless you’re talking about a newborn baby in the first few months, when a child first gets a fever, you don’t necessarily need to do anything about that.

It’s not the fever that the doctor is worried about. It’s the fever and the symptoms. I am much more concerned about a child with a 101 fever who’s lethargic, having trouble breathing than a kid with a 104 that’s running around and playing. If the reason to use Tylenol, Motrin, Acetaminophen and ibuprofen would be because your child is extremely uncomfortable.  If your child has a 102 fever, a little bit of congestion, then the reason your body is raising your temperature is to fight off the infection to make an inhospitable environment for the infection that way it kills it faster. There are plenty of studies out there now that those who take Motrin, Tylenol, it does increase the length of your infection by a little bit as well. Is it really damaging to children? It’s probably not super damaging, but any medication can have side effects.  Certainly over a million kids, one kid takes Tylenol, it’s going to affect that kid pretty severely. But here and there using medication, it’s not going to be a huge issue, but use it when you need it. Just because your kid has a little sniffles in a 101, to me that’s not a good time to use Tylenol. It’s if they’re miserable 104, if severe ear pain, something like that, it’s a good time.

Dr. Weitz:            You’re saying 104 would that be the cutoff for when you think fever might be high enough where it could cause brain damage?

Dr. Warsh:           Based on the research that I have seen and what we learn in residency, it’s above 105 where you start to worry. I mean when you’re getting into 106, 107 that’s when it’s pretty high. But the reality is most of the time when you have a temperature that high, it’s the thermometer that’s off. It’s not actually the temperature that’s that high. If you’re getting a really high temperature, my first advice always parents, get a second thermometer and make sure that that’s correct.  If it is correct and the child is very miserable, lethargic, other symptoms, you get seen right away. There’s no question. If you have above a 103 that getting to a higher fever. You don’t necessarily have to rush to the emergency department unless there’s other symptoms, but if it’s staying above 103, it’s been 103 for a day or two, 103 with symptoms, that’s more indicative of a bacterial infection. Something to get seen for. 100, 101 fever, kids okay. Little cough, a little cold. Usually a virus is going to last three to five days. You can watch that.

If you’re ever worried, always safest to go to see your doctor, go to urgent care. No doctor is going to be upset if you give us a call and say, “Hey, my kid’s got a fever of 101. I’m pretty sure they’re fine, but I just want to get their ear check.” Absolutely reasonable. The only caveat to this whole thing that I’m saying is for a baby. In the first couple of months, two, three months, any baby with a fever, that’s a much bigger deal. That’s something they get seen right away. Especially in the first month to month and a half, you want to be going to the hospital for that because babies get sick much more quickly and they can’t tell you how sick they are.  A little bit of a fever can turn into something very serious very quickly. That’s why standard of care in America is first month, month and a half a fever. You’re going in the hospital getting a full workup.

Dr. Weitz:            You mentioned diet. Right now there seems to be more information about diet than we’ve ever had and yet there seems to be more and more confusion. It seems like the diet debate is as polarized as a political debate. We have the carnivore diet on one side, we have the plant-based folks on the other side and everything in between. So where do you stand on diet?

Dr. Warsh:           For me, I’m in between. I, for the most part when I talk to diet about families is eat whole foods, eat real foods, try to eat as healthy as you can and have a variety. We’re in LA, so there’s lots of people that are vegans and vegetarians and I’m totally fine with that. You can be very healthy and never eat any meat and that’s fine for most people. There are some people that they get fairly sick if they don’t have any meat, they need some other nutrients. That I’ve seen it before.  But in general, for almost every kid, if they want to be vegan or vegetarian, that’s fine as long as they’re making sure to get a very diet for that. But I think the more important thing is not to worry about dieting, it’s to think about eating healthy. Eat your fruits, eat your vegetables, eat the rainbow, all sorts of different colors. Get out the crap out of your diet. Get out the sugar, get out the preservatives, get out the packaged foods, the things with fancy coloring and big logos.

Any of that stuff in the middle of the supermarket is generally not going to be good for you. I’m big on telling my patients to read labels. I think it’s super important for them to learn and for the parents to really turn the box over, look at the back and see what’s in there. If there are words on it that you don’t know, it’s not going to be good for you. Don’t buy that. If it says almonds, peanuts, cashews, coconut oil, it’s generally going to be a lot better for you.  I’m more of a peaceful in between thing where I think a little bit of everything is fine. When you’re going for the meats and fish, if you’re going to go for that, then you just want to think about sustainably produce, grass fed meats, not having farm raised fish, Just as good a quality as you can that you can afford. I don’t know if we’re going to go into talking about toxins next, but I think toxins is a big issue that we’re dealing with. I think trying to eat as clean as you can afford is very useful.

Dr. Weitz:            Sure. Let’s hit the toxin issue. We live in a big city, Los Angeles, and like most big cities, there seems to be tons of toxins in the food, water, air, et cetera.

Dr. Warsh:           Yes. It’s one of the big issues. That to me, the environment piece is where I think about toxins for families. That’s absolutely a core foundation that everybody needs to start thinking about because we are surrounded by toxins and toxins are in everything. Unless you’re planning to move to the mountains or go somewhere way out in the country, this is going to be something that you’re going to have to deal with. The good news is human bodies are amazing and we have great filtration systems. Our liver and our kidneys do a great job for the most part. We can handle a fair amount of toxins, but at some point it overflows.

At some point there’s too much inflammation. That to me is one of the big reasons why we’re seeing children getting more and more sick. There have been statistics that I’ve read up, almost 50%, adults certainly around 50% chronic disease and kids somewhere between 25 and 50%. That number has skyrocketed in the last 50 to a hundred years. Used to be three to 5%. The only thing that’s changed is our environment. Genetics can’t change that fast. I mean maybe they’re small little things, but in general it’s our environment. What has changed? It’s the chemicals that we’re surrounded by all day and all the things that you mentioned.

Dr. Weitz:            When you say chronic diseases, what diseases are you referring to?

Dr. Warsh:           Everything. Asthma, ADHD, autism, rheumatoid diseases, lupus and eczema, everything. We’re seeing more and more kids with something. I mean every other kid seems to have an allergy. Every other kid seems to have asthma. Every other kids seems to have something. I mean there’s also all the mental health diseases as well go into that category as well. I think the CDC statistics are 10% of kids have mental health disease, 3% have depression, 7% have anxiety. It’s staggering numbers of children have something, that has to have some part to do with toxins.

Let’s go through a couple of big ones and talk about some tips and solutions because I think this is a big one. To me, environment with diet are the two big pieces that we have a big ability… We have a huge ability to change those things around us. Not everything, but there are certainly small changes that you can make at home for free today that can make a big difference in your kids’ lives.

Number one, the air that we breathe. Our air. We’re certainly surrounded by in LA, lots of chemicals and toxins. You have some control over your house so you can get an air filtration system. You can put a bunch of air cleaning plants in there, aloe plants, snake plants, things like that. It does make a big difference overall. We’re breathing all day, lots of breaths every day. If you are decreasing the toxins even a little bit, that’s going to make a big difference.

 Second, you have the water in your house. You can get a filtration, reverse osmosis or some sort of filtration system. The water that we get in LA is not the best. If you’re going to drink any tap water, which probably isn’t super recommended, but if you’re going to then filtration system is going to help at least to some degree, in filtering out some of those chemicals and toxins around your home.

Go through your closets and think about all the things that you use as cleaners. Look at the labels. We’ve been so trained to think about we need to kill 99.9% of bacteria. We need to kill everything and we’re surrounded and we’re made of germs. You probably don’t want to stick your hand in the mud and eat it, but we don’t need to use all these harsh cleaners all the time. You know how grandma’s always used to use baking soda, vinegar, essential oils. That does a great job for the most part, maybe not for some crazy stain, but for your daily cleaners get rid of all that expensive stuff and just go back to the basics.

You don’t have to kill every single thing. There’s a lot of research now in the allergy world where kids that live Brooklyn farms that live in the mud have much lower rates of allergies than kids in the city. The theory is that we’re too sterile, we’re not being exposed to the germs and then that leads us to having more and more allergies. It’s just an interesting theory to think about because we think about sterilization as being best, but it’s not necessarily.

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely, hand sanitizer. What you’re saying is it’s really beneficial for us to get exposed to germs and microbes. It helps prime our immune system and it stimulates our microbiome, which is so important for overall health.

Dr. Warsh:           Think about babies. What do they do in the first couple of months? They put everything in their mouth. That has to be biologically relevant. Otherwise, if we were dying and babies are all dying from touching all these bacteria, then we wouldn’t have this reflex to take every single thing and put in our mouth and put our hands in her mouth. It’s very logical that that’s one of those things that’s been selected for, but you’re touching your environment around you. You’re getting exposed to some of those bacteria, then your body’s getting used to it.  Again, you don’t want to go beside someone with the flu and wipe your hands all over their cough and then put that in your mouth. That’s not very smart, but in general, we’re talking about just your general daily life. We don’t have to be sterile everywhere. This isn’t… We’re not living in a hospital.

Dr. Weitz:            In fact, just the opposite. We’re now seeing this huge increase in autoimmune diseases and a hygiene hypothesis seems to be one major reason why, which is the fact that we’re not playing in dirt and getting exposed to germs and bacteria as much as we used to.

Dr. Warsh:           Right. For just general allergies, when we were growing up, it was don’t eat the allergenic foods. Wait until you’re older. Don’t give them peanuts until they’re one or two. And then allergies skyrocketed. All the new research came out that said, expose your kids to it early. Give them peanuts at six months. Try this because the earlier you do it, the lower your allergies are. Even in the regular Western science, the thought process has been completely changed to exposing things earlier. I think to me there hasn’t been as much research on the other topics. I think you can infer that would apply to everything else as well.

Dr. Weitz:            What is some of your favorite natural treatments for kids with allergies and asthma and eczema?

Dr. Warsh:           For allergies, eczema, anything really with autoimmune disease, I think number one, again, so going back to the foundations, absolutely important. Number two is talking about diet. Thinking about the allergenic foods. We know that the number one and two things always are gluten and dairy. If you’re going to pick one thing to think about, if your kids eat a lot of wheat or dairies, try to pull those out of their diet for a month and see what happens. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but you’re going to get the most bang for your buck. You can always just start there. You can see if you can take that out and see if the symptoms improve. It’s crazy how often they do improve.

Dr. Weitz:            Now do you get skeptical parents saying, “Isn’t this just a scam now I’m supposed to avoid gluten?”

Dr. Warsh:           Sometimes. But honestly I think the information’s been out there enough and there have been enough people who have seen significant benefits that people don’t necessarily think it’s a scam. I think the bigger issue is usually with the toddlers. They only eat this. They only eat bread. They only pasta.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Warsh:           Taking that out of their diet means they’re going to eat nothing. That can be hard but if you really have difficulty, sometimes working with a nutritionist can be helpful to see if you can think about things. But most kids don’t starve themselves. If you don’t have it around or you provide other things, they might not eat for a couple meals, but they’ll usually eat eventually if they get hungry enough.  Sometimes it just takes them some tough parenting to hang in there. You’re doing this for your kid and it’s not easy, but it can be helpful. Sometimes it’s just, okay, well we eat pasta every day, so let’s move it to once a week. You have to meet people where they are. It’s very different working with kids than adults because sometimes you just have to do whatever works. When we’re talking about supplements or anything like that, not every kid is going to take it. You have to be careful about what you use and work with the family to use something that they’re actually going to take.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you ever do food sensitivity testing to have it on black and white paper that they have issues with certain foods?

Dr. Warsh:           Definitely. I think a big thing again is different for kids and adults is you really have to be sensitive to blood work with kids. Because it’s a big deal for some kids to take them, give them a poke and get a whole bunch of tubes of blood and send off testing. You have to really think about what is the utility of this test and is it going to be very helpful or helpful enough to warrant the cost and the poke and everything like that.  In some cases it definitely is warranted. I’m big on trying to do whatever we can do first without doing any blood testing. If it’s not improving, you’re not getting better or something is serious, then that’s a good time to do it. Sometimes patients come to me after they’ve been through the whole medical system and they really want to do it and then that’s fine, then we’ll do it then.

It really just involves a lot of discussion and going through the pros and the cons of doing food sensitivity testing because there’s lots of great testing and information you can get out there, but it’s certainly not perfect. You would just, I think want to make sure that patients understand the utility of it and the benefit of it, but sometimes it can be super helpful.  You might come back and have things you would never think of that you’re sensitive to. Sometimes pulling those things out makes a big difference. Sometimes pulling them out makes no difference. Other times you’d send sensitivity testing and everything comes back normal. It just depends. You have to take it with a grain of salt, but when you’ve tried everything else and nothing’s working, then sometimes getting more lab information can be very helpful to push you in a direction to try something else.

Dr. Weitz:            What are some of your favorite nutritional supplements for allergies, asthma, Eczema?

Dr. Warsh:           That’s a good question. Each of those are a little bit different, but for general inflammation, let’s say which-

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, pick any one of those that you want to address.

Dr. Warsh:           Well for eczema, I would say the rashes, lots of creams and lotions that are natural are great. Calendula cream is really good. Coconut oil, Shea butter, Castor oil, fish oil tends to help with the skin rebuilding. Almost everybody is deficient in vitamin D these days. So you can probably just take some vitamin D and E that’d be safe. Turmeric is really wonderful too. That’s something to consider. I always try to get people to eat it as opposed to just taking a supplement if they can.  If you can get some smoothies in with your kids and maybe throw some turmeric. When you’re talking about allergies, things like quercetin and bromelain can be helpful to that kind of stuff.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, good. You mentioned autism. Do you treat kids with autism?

Dr. Warsh:           Definitely. That’s a statistic that we’re seeing in skyrocketing numbers. Used to be 100 kids with autism, then it was 150, then 140. I’ve seen numbers now as low as 130 to somewhere within 140. It’s becoming very prevalent. Certainly have a fair amount of kids in my practice with autism.

Dr. Weitz:            Why is it becoming so prevalent?

Dr. Warsh:           I don’t think we know. We have no idea why it’s becoming so prevalent. Logically it’s the chemicals, toxins, things we’re exposed to, but they’re… I don’t think there is one thing that is the reason, because I don’t think autism is one thing. It’s a term for a group of diagnoses or a group of symptoms that we give a diagnoses to. I think there are multiple different causes.  My guess and assumption is, because this is becoming so prevalent, we’re going to have a lot more research on this and autism is going to turn into five or six or 10 different things. Because sometimes you’ll see it be a chemical ingestion. Some led toxicity, some sort of toxicity, and you take that toxicity out, the kid gets back to 100%. Other times it’s maybe the environment that they’re in. Most of the time we have no idea.

Dr. Weitz:            Have you used low dose immunotherapy for autism or other conditions?

Dr. Warsh:           Every once in a while I have used it, but in general I send off to other practitioners that specialize in that. We have a pediatric naturopathic doctor in our office and he takes care of a lot of the children that have any developmental disorders. He has a very interesting background history. He’s a toxicologist, he had children that had developmental issues and so he went back to naturopathic school and this is his passion. A lot of the patients will see him for more of their natural medicine and then see me just for their regular medical treatment.

Dr. Weitz:            You mentioned that certain psychological conditions like depression and anxiety are on the rise and really common. What’s your approach for seeing kids like that?

Dr. Warsh:           First thing really is to get a really good history, go back and really see where this stems from, how long has it been going on for, and then to really see how serious it is. For me, anything with mental health, it’s really important to have a good team. I think of myself as the captain of the team and make sure from a medical standpoint we’re not missing anything.  Once you go through the history then thinking about doing the blood work just to make sure that we’re not missing sleep or not missing a vitamin issue. Make sure that their sleep is okay, make sure they’re connected with the right team. If they need a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a nutritionist, whatever it is, having them connect with that team. Then for me, I’m thinking about the medical standpoint and because I’m an integrative doctor sometimes thinking about the integrative health and what we can do from a foundational perspective, and what we can potentially do from a supplement perspective to try to boost that.

It depends because if somebody is severely depressed, that’s not going to be necessarily the right time to do a supplement. They got to go, they got to get their psychology or psychiatry evaluation and then we can work on natural methods to try to help or work in conjunction with the practitioner. To me that’s really important. I think that’s where a lot of people in the natural world don’t do a great job. Is you have to know your limits and stay within your lane and it’s not a good time to start something natural. If something is severe, like someone’s suicidal, that’s not a good time to say, “Okay, well let’s think about some [inaudible 00:38:21].” Or, “Let’s think about some magnesium.” Those are great things to do but maybe not right now.

Dr. Weitz:            Well, how do you work up a kid with say anxiety?

Dr. Warsh:           Usually it will start with… Depends again, because each kid is different so it’s going to be very much dependent on their history and what they’re telling me because some of the tests that we might do would be diet testing, like you said. So sensitivity testing. Sometimes it’s going to be nutrient testing. Sometimes it’s going to be stool testing. Sometimes it’s going to be metal testing. It just depends on when you go through their story, you hear what other symptoms they’re having along with it. Then you think about where do I think is going to be the best bang for my buck.  A lot of times it’s going to be nutrient testing in that case because you’re thinking, maybe there’s a B vitamin deficiency, maybe there’s a D deficiency. Those kinds of things are what goes through my mind with someone with [inaudible 00:39:14].

Dr. Weitz:            Do you have a favorite nutrient panel you like to use?

Dr. Warsh:           I use Genova usually, but they’re-

Dr. Weitz:            [inaudible 00:39:18] NutrEval.

Dr. Warsh:           NutrEval, yes. I like that one. It gives you a lot of information. You get some toxins with it as well. It’s pretty extensive and in general it does a pretty good job of matching up what I’ve seen with other just basic quest or lab quest or lab core workup. It’s not super expensive and generally a lot of insurances will cover at least a portion of it. To me that’s the one I like. They’re easy to use, but there’s a lot of good ones out there.

I think that the bigger key is to think about something that’s going to give you a more broad panel than what you’re going to be able to get from your regular Western lab. I think it’s important to get that a lot of this testing is validated and it’s really good testing, but it’s not something you can necessarily do even from the Western perspective just because… With insurance it’s not medically necessary stuff. They’re not going to cover it. It becomes really risky when you’re trying to run a lot of these tests through your insurance because they usually don’t cover it or they might say they’re going to cover it and then not cover it.

For a lot of my patients, I feel it’s a little safer to say, just go do this test. You know exactly what the cost is going to be and you’re going to get this huge panel. That’s what we do, but not everybody can afford that. Sometimes you just do whatever you can do with [inaudible 00:40:32]. You can do a lot of great stuff through the regular testing too, but you just not going to do nearly as extensive of a workup.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. I think one thing you’re pointing to is this issue with insurance and testing is if you have a patient, you send them to your standard quest or lab core and you do say… You put together say 20 different markers for vitamins and nutrients and they get covered by insurance, fine. If they don’t get covered, the patient could end up having a huge bill. Whereas Genova puts this panel together and say the most it’s going to cost him is 400 bucks and that way you know you’re going to get a lot of info and they’re prepared okay. It’s going to cost me at most 400 bucks. I can handle that or I can’t.

Dr. Warsh:           It’s really important if you’re going to go to your regular pediatrician or regular doctor that you have a discussion about the lab work because it happens all the time where we’ll send… Even just the regular stuff, you send them vitamin D and they won’t cover it. There is… I think people don’t get this. We don’t know. As a doctor, we have no idea what they’re going to cover. You can call them, you can talk to your insurance person. “Oh yes, we’re going to cover it.” Then five months later they send you a bill and say, “Oh, actually by the way, we’re not going to cover it. It’s going to be $1,000 for this one test.” Then the fighting starts.

Usually they can work with the patient and send in a letter or do something with the insurance to fight it and change up the codes or whatever it is. But there is no way, absolutely no way to know. Every insurance is different, every plan is different. Every time it’s different. Basic testing, which should obviously be covered sometimes isn’t covered. It’s just how it is and there’s no way to know that. That’s why when you’re doing these extensive things, as you say, sometimes it’s better just to, if you can afford it just to send the panel because you know exactly what the cost is going to be.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Great. I think this has been a really good discussion. Any additional thoughts or issues? Is there anything you’re really excited about right now in your field of integrated pediatrics?

Dr. Warsh:           I’m really excited that I think people are starting to become savvy to this and are very interested in learning more about holistic and alternative modalities. Kids are getting sicker and sicker and so people are starting to seek this out on their own. Parents are starting to take health into their own hands and to seek out additional information. I’ve seen this when my practice exploded so quickly. We just opened a new practice where I am, I used to be in Beverly Hills and now I’m over here. People are flocking to this because-

Dr. Weitz:            You’re in Studio City as I mentioned.

Dr. Warsh:           Yes. They’re so excited to be able to discuss alternative modalities. They don’t want just that. Most people don’t want just natural, they want both, but they want someone who’s open to that. The more patients that want it, the more practitioners are going to learn it. To me, I just had a baby and I want him to be healthy and grow up healthy. This is one of the reasons why I’m working on so many other projects on the outside. We’re working on a summit, which is going to be hosted… Well, you can find on integratedpediatrics.com.

We’re working on a wellness care which is basically a course that’s going to go through many different modalities like [inaudible 00:43:56], homeopathy and how those work in with Western medicine and also going through the major conditions, things that we talked about. Like asthma, inflammation and talking about both sides and here’s the Western treatments and here’s some of the alternative treatments and here’s some things you can think about.

Because a lot of parents don’t even know, I could go to a acupuncturist or Chinese medicine doctor for this condition. So just making people think a little bit more about it because if that’s the thought process, I think more Western doctors are going to start to learn this because we need to work as a team. We’re all on the same team, us, chiropractors, acupuncturists. We’re all on the same trying to get kids healthy and adults healthy and hopefully practitioners are going to know where their acupuncture and the yoga studio is as opposed to where their cardiologist is. Right now that’s not the case. We know where our GI referrals are. We know where our allergy referrals are, but you don’t know where your health coach is, where your chiropractor is. If we work together, we’re going to have much healthier patients.

Dr. Weitz:            Just for practitioners out there say who are caught up in our current healthcare system. They’re a pediatrician, they’re taking insurance, racing from room to room, they’d love to talk to their patients about some of this natural stuff. How do you make it work? If you don’t mind talking a little bit about how do you make it work financially? You’re in Los Angeles, there’s a lot of rant, you’re taking insurance. We know insurance is not paying very much. You’re under pressure to see a lot of patients. How do you make it work?

Dr. Warsh:           I think it’s a matter of building up the office in a certain way and using technology to its fullest so that you can cut some of the costs that you have. For me, number one-

Dr. Weitz:            You are a provider for most insurance companies?

Dr. Warsh:           We take the major PPOs. I think the one thing that’s been really helpful is being involved in the American Academy of pediatrics in the background of the business side and seeing what a lot of practitioners do. Just having systems in place. It’s a big conversation so it’s going to be hard to [inaudible 00:46:03].

Dr. Weitz:            I understand.

Dr. Warsh:           But just having systems in place that cut out a lot of the redundancy and having a lot of staff so that way it can keep the costs down to a place where you can do things. I do a lot of other projects on the outside too, so it’s a mix of the two together. Just having other practitioners in here as well. So keeping my costs of rent and things like that down because one of the things that I wanted to do was have a integrative practice actually. So we have a naturopathic doctor in here, a nutritionist in here. A lot of them are renting space from here so it keeps my rent really low.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you charge a concierge fee on top of the insurance?

Dr. Warsh:           We have a small one. A lot of the… Whether it’s an integrative or not, most of the many practices now that are private practice are having some small administrative fee. It’s not a huge thing but these are things that are being charged anyways throughout the year. You’re charging for forms, you’re charging for access after hours, you’re charging for things that insurance doesn’t cover.  Whether integrative or not, most private practices at this point are moving to the hybrid model where they have some small fee that covers the little things. 100 bucks, 300 bucks, whatever it is for the year for the family. It just covers those little things so that families don’t have to come in, 20 bucks for this form and 20 bucks for the vaccine form and 20 bucks for this. They just pay it at the beginning. That gives you a big chunk of… a little chunk of change that can sustain you to buy your supplies and then you don’t have to worry as much. Then the insurance covers the rest.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, great. How can patients get ahold of you and find out… be able to see you and find out about your programs?

Dr. Warsh:           Sure. You can either go to integrativepediatrics.com. That’s going to be the website we’re working on that right now to get all of these summit and course together, but my website for the office, integrative pediatrics and medicine.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, great. Thank you, Dr. Warsh.

Dr. Warsh:           Thank you so much for having me. It was a fun time.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Reversing Diabetes with Dr. Brian Mowll: Rational Wellness Podcast 139

Dr. Brian Mowll discusses Preventing and Reversing Diabetes with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

3:08  Type II Diabetes is more a condition or dysfunction than it is a disease, while Type I Diabetes is a classic autoimmune disease, that usually begins in childhood.  Type I diabetics develop auto antibodies against either the insulin producing cells of the pancreas or insulin itself or against some other part of the blood sugar control system leading eventually to pancreatic destruction. They cannot make insulin and need to be on insulin for life. Prior to the discovery of insulin in the 1920s, Type I Diabetics were unable to store energy and they would lose fat and muscle and waste away and eventually die. Insulin is lifesaving for these patients. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that allows us to take excess glucose and store it as energy.  What happens in Type II Diabetes is that the cells become resistant to insulin and our glucose levels in our blood go higher than normal.  The fat levels in our blood as triglycerides and cholesterol also become elevated. Type II Diabetes can cause a lot of damage in the body is the leading cause of adult blindness, lower limb amputation, kidney failure, which leads to dialysis, sexual dysfunction in both men and women, peripheral neuropathy leading to numbness, tingling, and pain in the feet and toes and sometimes the hands, autonomic neuropathy leading to gastrointestinal paresis, and dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.  The term Type 1.5 Diabetes is sometimes used, but there is confusion about this. It is sometimes used to refer to when Type II Diabetics burn their pancreas out and become insulin dependent. Other people use Type 1.5 Diabetes to refer to LADA, which is Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood, which is similar to type I but it happens later in life, tends to progress slowly, and may not lead to total pancreatic destruction. Some LADA patients may not need to be on insulin. There’s another condition called MODY, which is a mutation that leads to high blood sugar that is also sometimes referred to as Type 1.5.

9:20  Some of the reasons why Type II Diabetes is so prevalent today include poor diet, processed and refined foods, including sugar, flour, hydrogenated oils, and industrial seed oils, like corn, canola, safflower, cotton seed, and soybean oil.  These all drive metabolic dysfunction. And then there are all the additives, preservatives, and other chemicals in our food supply, as well as sedentary lifestyles.  Also, stress, poor sleep and toxins can block insulin receptors, leading to weight gain and visceral fat stored around our organs, which can lead to diabetes.  Gut dysbiosis and hormone imbalances can also be contributing factors.

12:58  To properly assess patients with prediabetes or diabetes we should monitor both blood sugar and insulin levels.  Dr. Mowll recommends that patients get a glucometer, such as the Precision Neo by Abbott, and start checking their sugar levels regularly.  Besides glucose, we should measure Hemoglobin A1C, which is a measure of damage to hemoglobin in red blood cells by elevated blood sugar. Most people think of it as a measure of blood sugar over the last three months but it is really a measure of glycation damage to proteins from sugar, which essentially carmelizes them.  When we see damage to those cells, we know there is likely damage being done to the lining of the blood vessels and to the kidneys and to the brain and to the other parts of the body. Dr. Mowl said that he likes to picture creme brulee, which is made by putting some sugar on the top and heating it up with a blow torch, forming a hard crust. That’s what happens to our cells in our brain, in our kidneys, on our blood vessels. And that’s what leads to a lot of the complications of diabetes.  Normal Hemoglobin A1C is below 5.6, but ideally it should be below 5. Hemoglobin A1C at 5.7-6.4 is considered prediabetes and at 6.5 it indicates diabetes. We should also monitor insulin levels because if the body is keeping glucose levels down with high insulin levels, that’s not good either.  High insulin is also inflammatory in the blood stream.  In order for the body to degrade a lot of insulin, it uses insulin degrading enzyme and that’s the same enzyme that degrades amyloid plaque in the brain, so high insulin can increase amyloid plaque buildup in the brain, leading to Alzheimer’s Disease.  While the lab range for normal for fasting insulin is large, such as 0 to 21, the functional range is 2.5 to 6.  If it’s above 6, it is elevated.  We can assess insulin resistance with the HOMA-IR score which is computed by multiplying your fasting glucose times your fasting insulin and dividing by 405 and it should be close to 1.  If it is above 2, that indicates insulin resistance.

24:51  The Glycomark Test is another type of calculation that estimates insulin resistance using triglyceride levels along with fasting glucose.

26:03  Insulin resistance is when our cells stop responding properly to the hormone insulin. Under normal circumstances, when we eat glucose and other carbohydrates, it triggers insulin release. But even fat and protein will stimulate some insulin release, though nowhere as much as carbohydrates. Insulin stimulates us to store extra energy in the liver, in our muscles as glycogen, and in fat cells.  What happens in insulin resistance is that if the muscle cells don’t respond to the signals from insulin to store glucose as energy, then glucose will build up in the blood stream, hyperglycemia, which is the hall mark of diabetes.  The vegan community claims that fat in the diet causes insulin resistance, but that is not true. Fat in the blood stream, in the liver, and in the muscles, which results from eating too many carbohydrates, is completely different than fat in the diet.  If somebody were to eat only a thousand calories per day of only fat, they’re not going to build up fat in their organs because they are going to use all of that fat as fuel. Fat in the organs (not fat in the diet) is one of the causes of insulin resistance, along with chronic inflammation. When we eat a lot of carbs, we secrete a lot of insulin and that down regulates the insulin receptors. Also, toxins, such persistent environmental pollutants, can cause insulin resistance.

32:23  Dr. Mowll recommends for most patients with diabetes or prediabetes to follow a low carb, though not necessarily a high fat, diet.  Even the American Diabetes Association, which has tended to promote a lower fat, higher carb diet with a focus on vegetables, whole grains, and fruit for diabetes over the years, says that carbohydrates by a long stretch have the greatest impact on blood glucose levels and blood insulin levels.  For the first time this year, the ADA even recommends that taking a lower carb approach is a viable option for diabetics.  Dr. Mowll recommends that his diabetic patients start with 75 grams of carbs per day, which is about 300 calories from carbohydrates per day, which usually ends up being 10-15% caloric intake.  Dr. Mowll means net carbs, which means that if a food has 15 gms of carbs but if 12 of those grams will come from fiber, then there is only a net 3 grams of carbs.  Fiber doesn’t really have any net effect on blood sugar.  The rest of the diet will consist of protein and healthy fats.

39:09  Carbohydrate foods that are lower on the glycemic index, slow burning carbs, are better for blood sugar control.

40:37  Intermittent or prolonged fasting can be helpful when implemented into a nutrition program at the appropriate time.  Dr. Mowll said that he does like his clients to eat a meal within an hour and then not eat again till the next meal, say 3-5 hours later and not eat in between. This period of not eating allows your system to reset and your glucose and insulin levels to fall back into line.  He does not find that grazing works well for most clients. When Dr. Mowll starts with a new client he does like them to eat a small meal within an hour of waking up to help with blood sugar regulation.  A 24 hour fast can also be helpful at some point in their program,  but it can be tricky if the client is taking medication or insulin and it is best to heal any thyroid or adrenal problems prior to doing this.

44:30  Dr. Mowll has developed some specific subtypes of Type II Diabetes, which facilitate different treatment strategies. Type O is over insulinized and these are patients that produce too much insulin and they’re insulin resistant and tend to be overweight and have an apple shape.  Type I is the insulin subtype and these patients are under insulinized. They tend to be normal weight or thinner and they don;t produce as much insulin as they’re supposed to when they eat. Type S is the stress type and this stress can come from lack of sleep, from gut dysbiosis, from mental or emotional stress, from chronic pain, from hormonal or other imbalances, or from chronic infections.  Type H is a hormone imbalance that affects blood sugar and that can be sex hormones or thyroid or adrenal hormones.  These categories can help guide the patient care.

48:42  There are various nutritional supplements that can be helpful with patients with prediabetes or diabetes.  Some of the most beneficial supplements are things that we find in our food, like omega 3 oils, vitamin D, chromium, zinc, and magnesium.  It is best to get these from our food, though supplementation can be helpful as well to get the optimal amount.  There are also herbal, botanical based supplements, like cinnamon, berberine, and turmeric or curcumin that can be very helpful.  EPA and DHA, which are omega 3 fats from fish oil, should be at a dosage of one and six grams per day. Eating fish is helpful, though there is risk with fish due to the mercury and other toxins contained.  Dr. Mowl recommends a vitamin D level of between 40 and 70 ng/mL, so typically it means supplementing with 5,000 IU per day and sometimes up to 10,000 IU per day. For people with diabetes, there’s a clear connection between vitamin D and insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation.  It is also a good idea to add some vitamin K2 with higher dosages of vitamin D.  Dr. Mowll also finds chromium picolinate or polynicotinate important for glucose regulation, so he recommends a supplement of between 200 and 1000 mcg per day. Dr. Mowll also likes to use vanadium at 20 mg for a short period of time since it can have insulin-like effects on the cells and he has seen it helpful for blood sugar regulation, esp. in patients who don;t make enough insulin.  Magnesium is beneficial. Berberine is an alkaloid compound found in goldenseal and other flowers and it acts in several different ways to improve glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity.  Berberine has many of the same mechanisms of action of metformin and can be used synergistically with metformin and allow a lower dosage.  Too high a dosage of metformin can be stressful on the gastrointestinal system and it can deplete vitamin B-12 and CoQ10, which doesn’t happen with berberine.  Dr. Mowll like green drinks and chlorella, which can be very detoxifying and energizing.



Dr. Brian Mowll is the founder and medical director of SweetLife Diabetes Health Centers. He is a master licensed diabetes educator and is certified to practice Functional Medicine by the Institute of Functional Medicine. He organizes the highly successful annual Diabetes Summit and consults with clients worldwide as The Diabetes Coach and you can find more information about the Diabetes Summit and his Mastering Blood Sugar course and you can down his free Blood Sugar Manifesto at his website, DrMowll.com.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness podcast for weekly updates and to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me and let’s jump into the podcast. Hello Rational Wellness podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness podcast, please give us a ratings and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Our topic for today is the prevention and treatment of diabetes. 90 to 95 percent of those with diabetes have type two. Diabetes and prediabetes are epidemic and the prevalence continues to increase in the United States and around the world. 9.4% of adults in the U.S. are diabetic, as many as 15% in some of the states, and this equates to approximately 30 million Americans ,and 87 million people in the U.S. have prediabetes with some estimates quite a bit higher, especially since many people do not know that they have this since at this stage there may not be any symptoms. And rates are especially climbing among children and teens. At least one out of three, and possibly as many as one out of two Americans have diabetes or prediabetes.

And diabetes is a particularly nasty disease.  It significantly increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease and kidney failure, and it accounts for 60% of all lower limb amputations. Diabetes frequently results in diabetic retinopathy, which can cause vision loss and blindness. Diabetes also increases the risk of various other eye problems including glaucoma and cataracts. One of the most common complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy, whose symptoms include tingling, numbness, and or pain in the extremities, especially in the feet and legs. Diabetes also significantly increases the risk of cognitive decline as well as the risk of falls in older people. And the biggest tragedy is that diabetes is largely preventable.

Dr Brian Mowll is the founder and medical director of SweetLife Diabetes Health Centers. He’s a master licensed diabetes educator and certified to practice functional medicine by the Institute of Functional Medicine. He organizes the highly successful annual diabetes summit and consults with clients worldwide as a diabetes coach. Dr Mowll, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Mowll:           Thank you so much for having me. Excited to be on the podcast.

Dr. Weitz:            Excellent. Can we begin by explaining … Perhaps we can begin the discussion by explaining what type two diabetes is and why is it so prevalent today?

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, that’s a good question. You just did a good job of laying out some of the statistics and facts and some of the scary things about diabetes. You’re right, it is the leading cause of adult blindness, lower limb amputation, kidney failure, which leads to dialysis, causes sexual dysfunction in men and women, leads to other hormone imbalances. There’s common issues with thyroid disorders and we see other complications like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and, as you mentioned, both peripheral and autonomic neuropathy, so that leads to gastrointestinal issues from the autonomic neuropathy and we see lower limb, even sometimes in the hand, usually in the feet and toes, numbness, tingling, pain, sometimes very severe pain, resulting from diabetes and the difference between type one and type two, which will help me to kind of talk about what type two is, is really night and day. They’re a totally different disease.

In fact, I oftentimes wish they didn’t have the same name. Type I is a classic disease. It’s an autoimmune condition where usually sometime in childhood, I’ve seen as young as under a year to as old as late teens, they will develop auto antibodies against something in the blood sugar regulation system. It could be the insulin producing cells of the pancreas or enzymes that are involved in insulin production or insulin itself, but some sort of auto antibody against the blood sugar control system often leading to pancreatic destruction. The pancreas, the organ that makes insulin, which controls blood sugar, gets destroyed, and therefore people with type one diabetes need to be on insulin for the rest of their lives. Before insulin was discovered in the 1920s or at least isolated and formulated in the 1920s, there was no cure or even treatment really for type one diabetes.

And what happens there is people waste away. Essentially, they can’t store energy, so they lose all their fat, they start to lose all their muscle mass, they become almost like cachectic like a cancer patient would, and eventually wither away to nothing and their organs start to malfunction. In those cases, insulin is life saving and they need to be on insulin for the rest of their life. Type two diabetes, completely different. Type two diabetes is more of a condition or a dysfunction than it is even a disease. And what happens in type two diabetes is we make plenty of insulin, but our cells become resistant to it. Again, insulin is a hormone made by particular cells called beta cells in the pancreas, which helps us to store energy, in particular glucose. We release insulin when we eat or when our glucose levels in our blood start to get higher than what is considered normal, and we take that sugar and we store it away for later use.  And that’s the role of insulin. When the cells don’t respond to that hormone anymore, though, we can’t store away that extra fuel, so the glucose levels in our blood go up. Also the fat levels in our blood typically go up, so we see high triglycerides, which ultimately leads to high cholesterol. We see high glucose, which leads to all sorts of problems, and damage that we talked about earlier.

Dr. Weitz:            I guess there’s even a diabetes type 1.5, I was talking to another doctor about.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, type 1.5 is kind of a slang term, but there are other forms of diabetes. So I try to steer away from that, because there’s not a lot of agreement on what it actually is.

Dr. Weitz:            Oh, okay.

Dr. Mowll:           Some people use type 1.5 to describe people who have type two diabetes and their pancreas burns out, and then they become insulin dependent, which I would call insulin dependent type two diabetes, but other people use it to describe what’s really known as LADA, L-A-D-A, Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood, and that is a condition where it’s similar to type one, it’s an autoimmune manifestation that affects the blood sugar regulation system. Again, there’s about four or five different antibodies that can be affected here and different mechanisms within that, but oftentimes leads to destruction of the pancreas. The difference is it happens later in life, so typically past the age of 20, and it’s much more slowly progressing and may not lead to total pancreatic destruction. We have a lot of LADA clients, for example, who don’t need to be on insulin. You can just maintain good blood sugar with a low carb diet and exercise and so forth. But that’s oftentimes described as type 1.5. There’s another thing called MODY, which is a sort of a mutation that leads to high blood sugar. And there’s other things that sometimes people call type 1.5, but I think the big one is this LADA condition, which is an autoimmune diabetes that instead of affecting kids, affects adults and shows up just a little bit differently.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, cool. And so why is diabetes so prevalent today?

Dr. Mowll:           Well, yeah, that’s a good question. And let’s say type two diabetes, for sure. I think type one diabetes is probably on the rise slightly as well, but not nearly the epidemic that we see in type two diabetes. And again, if we, I like to look at type two diabetes as a spectrum. We look at it almost like a spectrum dysfunction where we can put along that spectrum obesity, we can put along that spectrum metabolic syndrome, which is elevated blood sugar, elevated lipids, high blood pressure, overweight, and there’s other factors that can be looked at as well. Then I would say even dyslipidemia, which is just elevated cholesterol or triglycerides or abnormal lipids. PCOS, which is polycystic ovarian syndrome, is also related to this. Prediabetes and type two diabetes. To me, that’s a spectrum there and it doesn’t necessarily … You don’t necessarily get all of them and it doesn’t necessarily progress that way, but to me these are all a cluster of problems that are related to the same thing.

And ultimately, type two diabetes is the pinnacle of that. It’s sort of the ultimate metabolic disaster, where our lifestyle and our environment come together to create this perfect storm, which leads to metabolic breakdown. If we want to get more specific on that, poor diet, processed, refined foods, including sugar and grain-based foods as well as fats. We see things like hydrogenated fats, which have kind of been phased out, but most of us grew up eating a lot of those. And we still see refined vegetable oils, quote unquote vegetable oils, industrial seed oils, like corn, canola, safflower, cotton seed oil, soybean oil and so forth, these are highly processed, refined fats that can drive metabolic dysfunction. And then all the additives, preservatives, and other stuff that’s jammed into our food, we see more sedentary lifestyles.

People aren’t moving the way that we used to move. We have more sedentary jobs. We don’t get as much physical activity as we used to get in our evolutionary history. We have more stress, we’re getting poor sleep, we have more toxins in our environment, which end up blocking insulin receptors and leading to weight gain and visceral obesity or fat stored around the organs, which can lead to diabetes. We have gut dysbiosis and dysfunction hormone imbalances, and the list goes on and on. All of these things are part of this group of contributing factors and causes that lead to this metabolic sort of perfect storm, which ultimately can put us along that spectrum of gaining weight, becoming insulin resistant, which I mentioned earlier we can talk more about, and then ultimately leading to prediabetes and type two diabetes.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, cool. Which lab tests do you think are most beneficial for patients to screen for potential diabetes or who already have existing diabetes?

Dr. Mowll:           Well, there’s really two problems in prediabetes and type two diabetes. The first is high blood sugar, but the second one is high insulin levels or hyperinsulinemia. For sure, you should be checking your blood sugar, and I actually recommend that everybody goes out and gets an over the counter blood sugar meter. I recommend one by Abbott called the Precision Neo, N-E-O. It’s relatively inexpensive, you can get it at any drug store. You don’t need a prescription and you can check your blood sugar whenever you want, after meals, first thing in the morning, before you go to bed, and it gives you some realtime feedback. It’s a great tool. I always say it’d be nice if we could measure every test that way, if we could check our thyroid function with a pinprick, if we could check our cardiovascular markers with a pinprick, it’d be, and it was cheap enough, affordable and easy to do, we’d have a lot more awareness when it comes to biomarkers.

So anyway, we have that with glucose, so let’s check it. Secondly, there is a test called hemoglobin A1C, which is sort of the … Becoming the standard, not quite the standard yet, but becoming the standard in type two diabetes management. It’s not a perfect test, but it’s a really good test, and essentially we describe it as sort of an average of your glucose over the past three to four months. What it really measures is damage to red blood cells, hemoglobin, done by elevated blood sugar. There’s a certain of these A1C receptors on hemoglobin and red blood cells that can be glycated, and when it gets glycated, it means there’s sugar molecules bound to them. And when it gets above a certain percentage, we know that the sugars are running too high, actually causing damage to those cells.

And the problem is when we see damage to those cells, we can extrapolate that and say, “Well, good chance there’s damage being done to the lining of the blood vessels and to the kidneys and to the brain and to the other parts of the body,” which are at risk when it comes to high blood sugar. Hemoglobin A1C is a much more stable marker. Normal, if anybody wants to go get one, is 5.6 or less, 5.6% or less. We like to see it around five. Most of our clients will end up with an A1C between 4.8 and 5.5 percent. Diabetes is diagnosed at 6.5 or greater, and prediabetes is 5.7 to 6.4, so that’s the hemoglobin A1C. As far as …

Dr. Weitz:            I’ve heard you describe the glycation, which not everybody is familiar with, as caramelizing the proteins.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, so glycation is what the hemoglobin A1C test measures on the red blood cell, but other cells can get glycated like brain tissue, like the lining of our blood vessels and you’re exactly right. What happens is that high, that sugar, that elevated glucose circulating around the bloodstream acts as an oxidant and your audience has probably heard of oxidative stress, which is like rust on a bumper or the browning of an apple when you take a bite out of and leave it on the counter, that oxidation glycation is similar, but instead of oxygen, it’s glucose doing the damage. It binds to certain protein molecules along, in those cells. And yeah, caramelizes it like we like to picture creme brulee, they put some sugar on the top and heat it up with that little blow torch and it forms that hard crust. That’s what happens to our cells in our brain, in our kidneys, on our blood vessels. And that’s what leads to a lot of the complications of diabetes.

Dr. Weitz:            That’s pretty scary.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, pretty nasty.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you recommend a glucose tolerance test where you challenge them with sugar and then measure the glucose again?

Dr. Mowll:           It’s an interesting test and I think it can be really helpful. If people have diabetes already, I don’t recommend doing it typically because, essentially you’re … It’s like somebody who you know has celiac disease saying, “Well, let’s have you go eat a whole loaf of bread and a bowl of pasta and just kind of see what happens.” It’s kind of mean, right? So I don’t typically recommend it for people who have diabetes, but if you are in the prediabetic range or your blood sugar, let’s say you go in and have a fasting blood sugar test, and normal by the way is around 76 to 92. Mid-80s is kind of perfect, so let’s say you come back and the test is 99 or 103 or something like that, then you may want to consider going and having a glucose tolerance test done. What you do there is take about a, it’s usually a 75 gram load of glucose, which is like a sugar syrup that you drink, they check your blood sugar before and then they’ll check it at intervals after that. Usually it’s 60, 90, 120 minutes.

You can also check insulin. So I mentioned a few minutes ago the other thing that happens with type two diabetes and prediabetes is elevated insulin levels. You can also check insulin as part of a glucose tolerance test. It’s called an insulin response test. And you would, again want to check fasting and then you can see what happens to your insulin levels. Sometimes the glucose levels look okay, so fasting glucose is okay, maybe it goes up a little bit too high after that glucose syrup. The threshold to diagnose diabetes at that point is 200, so that’s really high. If you do the glucose syrup and your blood sugar goes up to 180, they say you’re prediabetic, not type two diabetic, but that’s still very, very high. Maybe it goes up higher than it should and then comes right back down. You may not know you have a significant problem, but if you check the insulin, sometimes what you’ll see is maybe fasting, it’s normal, but when you take that glucose load, it shoots up super high. The insulin post glucose challenge should not really ever go above 30, and sometimes we’ll see it go up over a hundred …

Dr. Weitz:            Wow.

Dr. Mowll:           After a glucose challenge, and so what’s happening there is the body’s keeping the blood sugar down, but it’s doing it by releasing like a surge of industrial strength insulin in order to keep the blood sugar down, and that’s not okay, because that insulin causes us to store fat, particularly around the organs and in the liver, it causes us to, it’s inflammatory, so it circulates in our bloodstream inflaming the blood vessels. High insulin levels needs be degraded and it’s degraded by an enzyme in the brain that also degrades amyloid plaque. When we’re degrading all that insulin, we don’t have that enzyme to degrade amyloid plaque, so we get plaque build up in the brain, which is one of the main links to Alzheimer’s disease. High insulin, even without high blood sugar can be a huge problem. And so that’s why, if you’re going to do that test, I would also test insulin at the same time.

Dr. Weitz:            And when we look at fasting insulin, what is the optimal level? Because the range is actually pretty big for the normal, quote unquote.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah. The way I explain it, a lot of people don’t realize, but that test is not a functional test. Most doctors will not order an insulin test to evaluate metabolic health or diabetes or prediabetes. They’re essentially ordering it when they order it, because they suspect an insulinoma. And insulinoma is basically a tumor on the pancreas that causes the excess release of insulin. That reference range is really tied to insulinoma, not to functionally healthy insulin release. We have to apply a functional range to that. And we do this in other things too, like thyroid. Sometimes there’s a functional range. We do the same thing with triglycerides. When people, when doctors evaluate triglycerides, they’re oftentimes evaluating for cardiovascular risk, not metabolic health. We have a functional range with triglycerides as well. But the functional range for insulin fasting is 2.5 to 6. That’s the range that we use.  And so when it gets above 6, that’s elevated. There’s a calculation you can do called HOMA-IR H-O-M-A-I-R. It stands for Homeostatic Model of Assessment of Insulin Resistance, and you multiply your fasting glucose times your fasting insulin and divide it by 405, and what happens there is it gives you a number, it should be close to one. Once it gets up over two, it’s starting to get elevated and what you’ll see is if you have a fasting glucose of 85 and a fasting insulin of 5, that puts you pretty much right at 1. Once that starts to grow, either the glucose or the insulin, your HOMA-IR score goes up and that’s what many researchers use to assess insulin resistance in research studies.



Dr. Weitz:                            I’ve really been enjoying this discussion, but now, I’d like to pause to tell you about the sponsor for this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast. This episode is sponsored by Pure Encapsulations, which is one of the few lines of professional nutritional supplements that I use in my office. Pure Encapsulations manufactures a complete line of hypoallergenic research-based dietary supplements. Pure products are meticulously formulated using pure scientifically-tested and validated ingredients. They are free from magnesium stearate, gluten, GMOs, hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, sweeteners and preservatives.

Among other things, one of the great things about Pure Encapsulations is not just the quality products but the fact that they often provide a range of different dosages and sizes, which makes it easy to find the right product for the right patient, especially since we do a lot of testing and we figure out exactly what the patients need. For example, with DHEA, they offer five, 10 and 25-milligram dosages in both 60 and 180 capsules per bottle size, which is extremely convenient.

                                                Now, back to our discussion.



Dr. Weitz:            Are you familiar with the GlycoMark Test and is that a useful test?

Dr. Mowll:           I like it too. That one uses triglycerides and glucose, so if you don’t have a fasting insulin test, you can do that one. I can’t remember the exact formula or the reference ranges, but it’s similar. I think there’s a multiplication then you do like a, you have to use the log function I think on the, on your, on your scientific calculator, which most smartphones have, but it’s pretty cool and it’s, yeah, it’s good. I like it. And basically, it’s a similar theory. The difference is instead of looking at insulin, you’re looking at triglycerides, which is kind of a surrogate for insulin resistance. What we find is the more insulin resistance, the higher the triglycerides go. Most of our clients, after they do some care with us, their triglycerides are down between like 40 and 70, and if they have triglycerides in that range and a glucose under a hundred, they’re going to have a good GlycoMark. Once that triglyceride level starts getting up around a hundred or higher, that GlycoMark’s going to get elevated.

Dr. Weitz:            You just mentioned insulin resistance several times. Can you explain what insulin resistance is.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, so I mentioned it earlier, but I didn’t really dive into it too much. We make this hormone insulin, which actually is an energy preserver really. When we eat food, if we eat extra calories that we can’t necessarily burn or utilize at this time, we store them. And insulin is the hormone that’s largely responsible for that storage. What happens is in the presence of when we eat food, glucose in particular triggers the biggest insulin release, but fat will at some level, protein will at some level. When we eat those foods, we release this hormone insulin, it kind of opens up storage. Storage in the liver, storage in the muscle, storage in the fat cells, for extra energy, and we take whatever we can’t burn or use at the time, we sock it away for later use, so to speak.

And what happens in insulin resistance is for one reason or another, and we can get into some of those reasons, our cells don’t respond properly to that hormone. We describe it as like insulin is a key that opens the door that would allow the glucose to get into the cell, if we’re talking about glucose, and if that key doesn’t open the lock, like somebody stuck some gum in there or it’s an old lock and it’s just jammed, then the glucose can’t get into the cell through that door. It has to go look for another door, and fortunately there are many doors on the cells, but the more and more insulin resistance there is, the less doors open and the less we’re able to get glucose into the cell. Eventually it starts to build up outside the room, in this case, and that’s high blood sugar, hyperglycemia, and a hallmark of diabetes.

There are many causes for that insulin resistance. And one of the things I like to caution people is you’ll hear a lot, this is the cause, that is the cause. From the vegan community, we often hear, “Oh, it’s too much fat in the diet. That’s what causes insulin resistance.” Well, that is just absolutely not true. What they’re doing there is conflating this idea of elevated fat and fat in the liver contributing to insulin resistance, which is very much true with fat in the diet. And they’re two totally different things. Fat in the bloodstream and fat in the liver and fat in the muscles is completely different than fat in the diet. Somebody who eats, let’s say somebody were to eat a thousand calories a day of only fat, they’re not going to build fat in their organs, they’re not going to have extra fat floating around in their bloodstream, because they’re going to use all that fat to fuel their body.

It’s not fat in the diet, it’s fat stored in the organs and fat stored in the muscles and fat floating around the bloodstream, which can be one of the causes of insulin resistance. We also have to look at chronic systemic inflammation. That is in fact I think the main driver of insulin resistance. There’s too much insulin. My friend, Dr. Jason Fung uses this as his main cause, which again, I think that I have a little bit of a problem looking at it as the cause, but it is a cause, when you over consume carbohydrates or just over consume food in general, we release these surges of insulin and the way he described it as like an alcoholic becomes desensitized to alcohol, somebody who smokes becomes desensitized to nicotine, drug addicts become desensitized to whatever drug they’re doing. We become desensitized to insulin, and that does happen.

There are studies showing we down regulate insulin receptors when our insulin levels are high, so that’s a cause. We have to also look at toxins. Certain toxins, environmental pollutants, POPs and other chemicals that are found in plastics, in our food supply, in our water supply, in our air, will actually interfere with insulin signaling at the cell level. There’s a lot of different things that can cause insulin resistance, but the bottom line is that lock gets gummed up, the key doesn’t open the lock, the glucose can’t get in to be burned for fuel and it builds up in the bloodstream.

Dr. Weitz:            Interesting. Yeah, I’d like to touch on the toxin thing, but I just wanted to mention, I just opened up an email from Tom O’Bryan and he’s speaking at a diabetes summit and I thought, oh, it must be Dr. Mowll’s diabetes summit and it’s called the Mastering Diabetes Summit. I started looking at it and there were a number of talks about how the ketogenic diet is the worst thing in the world, and I thought, I don’t think that’s his summit.

Dr. Mowll:           Not mine. No, no, no, no. Those are, they’re friends of mine who run that, but they’re heavy duty vegan advocates. Basically they teach plant-based, ultra low fat diet, keep fat grams under 30 a day, which is basically no fat, and eat a lot of fruit. I found that that doesn’t work very well. I’ve had a lot of clients who have tried that and failed spectacularly with it, so it does help some people. There are certain genotypes, phenotypes, whatever, that seem to respond well to a low fat diet. But the large majority of our clients, and I don’t teach a high fat diet by the way either, but the large majority of our clients seem to do really well with a low carbohydrate approach and avoiding processed, refined foods, moderating protein, moderating fat, and getting plenty of exercise, and then supporting the body systems to make sure the body’s functioning optimally.

Dr. Weitz:            When you talk about a low carb, what is the best diet for most people with diabetes?

Dr. Mowll:           Again, I found that a low carb approach makes sense. Carbohydrate foods, in particular, starch and sugar, drive the production of insulin, which is known as a fat storing hormone. I mean, even the ADA and the American Association of Diabetes Educators say throughout their information and they’re very, very conservative, that carbohydrates by a long stretch have, or by a long shot, have the greatest impact on blood glucose levels and blood insulin levels.

Dr. Weitz:            But traditionally, the ADA has tended over the years to promote a whole grain type of lower fat approach until recently.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, I’m not saying that they’re pushing low carb, but they do say that carbohydrates have the greatest impact on blood sugar. There’s a little bit of a disconnect there. They have, you’re right. In recent years, they have started to warm up to low carb. This year, in fact, they’re even saying it’s recommended as a viable path, but they tend to go with this idea that diabetics deserve to eat what everybody else eats. That’s sort of their general mission or general approach to nutrition when it comes to people with diabetes. And so they look at it as there’s medications, so there’s no reason for you to suffer and not get to eat cheesecake just because you have diabetes. As ridiculous as it sounds, that’s their general approach. But getting back to the main question, I’ve found, doing this for over 15 years, that …

Dr. Weitz:            By the way, what do we mean by low carbs?

Dr. Mowll:           Right. Carbohydrate foods are foods that are higher in starch and sugar. All foods have carbohydrates, fat, and protein, so there is no one … Even a white potato is not purely carbohydrate. There’s a tiny bit of protein in there and a little bit of fat. They all have all three, but like a white potato is mostly starch. Starch is long chains of glucose. If you’ve ever seen a lap pool and those lane dividers, they have those little buoys that are all chained together, that’s kind of like if you imagine those as glucose molecules, that’s what a starch molecule looks like.  And that’s what’s in a potato, that’s what’s in pasta, that’s what’s in breads and things like that.  When we eat those foods, we have an enzyme called salivary amylase in our mouth that immediately starts to break those apart into sugar molecules, into glucose molecules.  Sugar, on the other hand is a simple molecule and there are different types of sugars, but table sugar, like white sugar, that people sometimes put in their tea and coffee or honey, for example, is basically a combination of fructose and glucose.  Glucose is what we measure in the blood when we measure blood sugar. Fructose is an altogether different molecule that does not raise blood sugar, but gets shuttled to the liver and ultimately, typically stored as fat in the liver. When we eat table sugar, we’re eating about half fructose, which goes to the liver and gets converted to fat, and about half glucose, which gets absorbed into our bloodstream and either gets used in the cells for fuel or gets stored. And again, the hormone that’s in control of that is insulin. Anyway, what’s a good amount of carbohydrate?

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, like for example…

Dr. Mowll:           You measure carbohydrate in grams, right?

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, I saw one recent paper where they were recommending a low carb diet that had 45% carbohydrates.

Dr. Mowll:           Right, exactly. So, a 2000 calorie diet, 45% is what like I don’t know, 800 calories, that’s 200 grams of carbs. That’s a lot of carbs. And the average American consumes about two to 300 grams of carbohydrate a day, and sometimes more, sometimes up to four or 500, so the average American is eating a lot of carbohydrate. And so you can see why we get these problems, because it creates these surges of insulin, leads to insulin resistance, fat storage, and all sorts of other things. We usually start at about 75 grams of carbohydrate, which is about 300 calories from carbohydrates a day. That ends up being around 10 to 15 percent of caloric intake and oftentimes will go lower. It’s really, we talk about eating to the meter. We have our clients check their blood sugar. We’ll dial in their macronutrients, starting with about 75 grams of carbs. We put together a protein recommendation and then fill the rest in with healthy fats and, then we do it in a way that’s healthy, non-refined, non-processed as much as possible, and make it accessible and doable for people.

But 75 grams is probably a good starting point. One last thing I’ll mention on carbs is there’s some confusion around net carbs, diabetic carbs, and so forth. We do recognize net carbs. Net carbs is, they’re still listing fiber as a carbohydrate on the labels, I believe. And so if there’s a, let’s say there’s 15 grams of carbs in something like an avocado, but 12 of those grams come from fiber, fiber doesn’t really have any net effect on blood sugar. Maybe a little bit, but not much, we generally subtract those out. An avocado, if it’s got 15 grams of total carbs, but 12 come from fiber, we would call that three net carbs. And that’s how we would count that food.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you find it helpful to look at glycemic index or glycemic load of carbs?

Dr. Mowll:           A little bit. I mean, if you’re eating a lot of carbohydrates, yes. If you’re maybe in the prediabetic range or you’re sort of like pre prediabetes and just, it’s on your mind a little bit or you’re like a marathon runner or an athlete that where you’re eating a fair amount of carbohydrates for fuel. I do think it’s best to eat slow carbs, so carbs that break down more slowly don’t raise your blood sugars quickly. Those would be things like …

Dr. Weitz:            Legumes…

Dr. Mowll:           Or like, yeah. Legume … Beans and legumes, certain grains, if you want to eat grains, like barley, for example, is lower on the glycemic index than something like rice would be, although I generally recommend steering away from grains. There are certain fruits like berries which are considered low-glycemic. Even apples are lower glycemic if you stick with a smaller apple or a half of an apple. You can probably get away with that. Grapefruit and some citrus lemons and limes are low-glycemic. They don’t have a ton of sugar in them. And there’s other foods like that, so you can pull up a glycemic index chart. I generally recommend sticking with the low-glycemic category, not the moderate or high glycemic categories.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. What about intermittent fasting or fasting? And I know that for years we were preaching everybody needs to eat within an hour of waking up and then you should have a small meal or snack every three hours throughout the day, and now it’s really popular, especially in functional medicine, anti aging and wellness circles to do some version of intermittent fasting, and frequently this involves skipping breakfast.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, I just saw today that Dr. Oz is recommending everybody skips breakfast in 2020 now, so you know it’s hit the mainstream at this point. But yeah, intermittent fasting can be an effective strategy, and there’s many different ways to do intermittent fasting. It doesn’t just have to be skipping breakfast, but it can be a very effective strategy. When I start a new client, we actually have them eat something within an hour of waking up. I’m not a big fan of grazing, unless you’re like a vegan and you’re eating just a ton of leaves and plants and that’s the majority of your diet, like a gorilla. A gorilla will eat actually a high protein diet, but they get most of their protein from leaves, but they’re just eating like pounds and pounds, like 50 pounds of spinach a day, you know?

If that’s what you’re doing, then great, but other than that, I recommend eating all your food within an hour and then having like eating blocks. You might eat from 8:00 to 9:00 AM and then from noon to 1:00 and then 7:00 to 8:00 or 6:00 to 7:00 or something like that. And then don’t eat in between. That’ll allow your system to reset itself, your insulin levels can fall, your glucose can get back in line, your body can function normally for a little while and then you can eat again. There is a time and a place for intermittent fasting and I do recommend it a lot once we get deeper into a treatment plan with our clients, and it can be very helpful to allow insulin levels to come down. It probably is not really going to have significant longterm benefits.  Like I haven’t seen a lot with stimulating autophagy and cell repair and things like that on a, tacking on four hours to nighttime fast, but it can help with hormone fluctuations and can help to resensitize our cells to insulin when you’re kind of early in the process. I think a longer term fast can be even more beneficial, and after you fast for about 24 hours …

Dr. Weitz:            Like 24 hours or 48 hours or …

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, 24 hours, you’re going to kind of burn through all your glycogen stores, so you’re going to deplete all your stored sugar, and so that’s when you really start to tap into your fat stores. The body starts to release more growth hormone after 24 hours, which helps to maintain lean body mass and starts to upregulate fat burning. You really start to gain some additional benefits past the 24 hour mark. Of course, a lot of our clients are on medications, they’re injecting insulin, so having them do a long fast can be really difficult in the beginning, so we don’t typically do that right out of the gate, but at some point along the way we do. And for someone who’s a little bit healthier, someone who has maybe the early signs of prediabetes or something, doing some extended fasting can be really helpful. The only time I don’t recommend doing that is so there’s a known thyroid issue that’s not being managed well or adrenal fatigue or adrenal dysregulation, those people fast, like long fast, can put a lot of stress on the body and so I think it’s best to heal those areas before we do long fasting.

Dr. Weitz:            I understand you have come up with some specific subtypes of type two diabetes as a way to change, modify your treatment strategies.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, so I know we’re a little short on time, so I’ll run through it pretty quickly, but there are four subtypes essentially of type two diabetes, and the first is a type O, which is over insulinized, and those are the people that we’ve mainly talked about today. They produce too much insulin, they’re insulin resistant, we can test insulin levels, it’s high, they tend to be overweight, maybe not obese, but at least overweight or have some visceral adiposity, like that apple shape. That’s the most common of the subtypes, but there are three others. The second one is I, which is the insulin subtype and it’s under insulinized. These are folks who have type two diabetes, it’s not type one, it’s not LADA, there’s no autoimmune issue here, but they’re under producing insulin, and there’s a variety of reasons for why that can happen.

They tend to be either normal weight or thinner, on the thinner side, and we check their insulin and it’s actually low and we do an insulin response test like we talked about earlier, and they don’t release insulin as much as they’re supposed to when they eat. Those folks either need to be on a little bit of insulin or oftentimes we can help to sort of revive the pancreas to make more insulin again, and there’s different strategies that we use for that. There’s two other subtypes which are almost completely ignored. The third one is a type S which is a stress type. A lot of people don’t realize the connection between stress and high blood sugar, but it is a very potent connection, and that stress can come from lack of sleep, it can come from gut dysbiosis, it can come from mental, emotional stress, it can come from a loss of a loved one or divorce or separation or move or some other type of major life stress, major life event. It can come from chronic pain. It can come from a hormone or a number of other imbalances in the body, like chronic infection in the blood. These types of stressors will cause our adrenal glands to make extra cortisol and adrenaline, which raises our blood sugar. And that can ultimately lead to adrenal dysfunction, but in the meantime, we get a prediabetes and oftentimes type II diabetes.

And so we have clients where their insulin is normal, their blood sugar is high, but it doesn’t look like a normal diabetes case. What we find out there, they’ve dealt with a tremendous amount of stress or they’ve just got this chronic pain that’s just always nagging them, driving stress into their system, and once that’s handled, oftentimes their blood sugar will come back down into the normal range. The last type is type H, which is a hormone imbalance, and that can be sex hormones like testosterone or estrogen, progesterone, or more commonly, it’s related to thyroid and adrenal hormones. Not to be confused with type S, this is where the adrenal dysfunction is the primary thing. It’s not that there’s chronic stress or there’s something that we can pinpoint there that we can handle, it’s actually the hormone imbalance itself. Hypothyroidism is oftentimes at the root of this, but we see adrenal dysfunction as well, and other things. There are a few other things that can show up like mitochondrial dysfunction and toxins as we mentioned, but those are the main four subtypes that we classify. And when we sort of look at a new client, we’ll sort of think about those four as we create a care plan for them.

Dr. Weitz:            I can see how those could be really useful. We are a little bit short on time. I’d like to make the last question about which nutritional supplements can be beneficial as part of an adjunct to your care for patients with diabetes or prediabetes.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, great question. And I break supplements into two categories. So we look at nutrient based supplements and botanical, herb based supplements. The nutrient based supplements are things that we would normally find in our food, things like omega-3 oils, vitamin D, chromium, zinc and so forth. And then magnesium. And then there are herbal or botanical based supplements, which are things like cinnamon, berberine, turmeric, curcumin and others. For me, the nutrient based supplements are kind of a cornerstone. We want to eat a good diet, we want to use food as medicine, and then sometimes we can supplement to sort of fill in the gaps. Most people I think need and can benefit from some omega-3 support. We just don’t get those healthy omega-3 in our diet as much as we should. And there’s risk with fish today, even though I recommend eating fish.

So good omega-3 supplementation I think is important. Somewhere between one and six grams of combined DHA and EPA per day. And you can check the label, the bottles. If the bottle doesn’t tell you how much EPA and DHA there is in the fish oil, then don’t use it. Make sure it tells you how much is in there and then add those two up. EPA plus DHA, DHA, excuse me, and those should add up to a thousand or more per day. And there are certain ways of tweaking that depending on what we’re trying to accomplish. I also recommend vitamin D for most of our clients. You can check, obviously vitamin D, 25 hydroxy on a blood test, it should be around 40 to 70, maybe a little higher is okay, and if it’s not at least up in that range, then supplement with some vitamin D3. Typically we’re doing 5,000, I use per day, sometimes up to 10, and sometimes as little as 2, but somewhere in that range, I think is really helpful. For people with diabetes, there’s a clear connection between vitamin D and insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation.

Dr. Weitz:            Use vitamin K with the vitamin D?

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, especially if we get up into the higher doses, I think it’s important to do some K2 in particular. You can get vitamin K1 through a lot of foods, but vitamin K2 is hard to find. If we’re up over 5,000 units of D, we’ll definitely add in some vitamin K2 as well.  I like chromium. Chromium is important for glucose regulation and glucose tolerance.  Most people don’t get enough chromium in their diet, so you can supplement anywhere between 200 micrograms up to a thousand micrograms, if you’re trying to really make an impact on your blood sugar of chromium per day, I think that can be helpful.

Dr. Weitz:            And in which form?

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, either picolinate or polynicotinate. Both of those have good research behind them and seem to be effective.

Dr. Weitz:            And do you like vanadium as well?

Dr. Mowll:           Vanadium is a little trickier. It’s a metal salt and it can be toxic at certain levels, so I use that one short term. I’ll use maybe 20 milligrams of vanadium short term. I think it’s milligrams, milligrams or micrograms. I can’t remember, but we’ll use that one more short term. I’ve seen supplements with 50, 100, I think it’s milligrams of vanadium and that …

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, I think it’s milligrams.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah. That, I think there’s some caution there. So I’d be a little bit careful with pushing the vanadium up too high, but vanadium sort of has insulin like effects on the cells, and there are some studies that show vanadium supplementation can sort of act as insulin and help to reduce blood sugar. I’ll use vanadium more in people who don’t make enough insulin and it can be helpful in some cases. Magnesium, really important for many, many reasons. Good blood sugar health is one of them. And then on the herb front, berberine can be really effective. Berberine is a alkaloid compound found in golden seal and other flowers. It acts in several different ways to improve glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity. And it’s one of the most effective compounds we have. Cinnamon can be good as well, especially if you’re eating carbohydrate and you want to lessen the impact of carbohydrate on your blood sugar system, taking some cinnamon at meal time can be really helpful.

Dr. Weitz:            Berberine is kind of a natural form of metformin and can also be used synergistically with metformin, correct?

Dr. Mowll:           Has many of the same mechanisms of action as metformin, yeah, absolutely. Metformin does not derive from berberine. It’s a different chemical structure altogether, but they do have similar mechanisms of action.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah. And they can actually be used concurrently, right?

Dr. Mowll:           It can, yeah. You have to be a little bit careful. Usually what we’ll do is sort of balance, like if somebody is maxed out on metformin, we’re not going to max them out on berberine also, but oftentimes we’ll do like a little transition where we’ll work with their doctor to back down on metformin and increase the berberine and that can help them, it can be less of a stress on the kidneys and less stress on the gastrointestinal system.  Metformin is really hard on the GI track, it depletes vitamin B-12, it interferes with vitamin B-12 absorption and interferes with the production of coenzyme Q10, so I don’t like to see people maxed out on metformin for too long if we can help it, even though it’s a pretty safe drug.  If we can help to replace some of that with berberine or something else, it can be helpful.

Dr. Weitz:            Great. Any other herbs?

Dr. Mowll:           Well, I like green drinks and I like chlorella.  Chlorella is a, basically an algae that’s pretty high in iron. It has some protein. By weight, it’s high in protein, and it’s very detoxifying.  It’s very energizing, it’s got a lot of chlorophyll.  I like to do some chlorella and I love to do green drinks, which is like basically powdered vegetable and fruit extracts. Usually they’re very low carbohydrate, very low calorie and can give you a nice burst of energy. And I actually like to use those as sort of a multi, because they … It’s kind of plant medicine. It’s got all sorts of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, phytochemicals that we don’t even, necessarily haven’t even identified yet and certainly haven’t put into pills. I like to use food as medicine whenever possible and a green drink is a great way to do that.

Dr. Weitz:            That’s great. Awesome. I think we’ll wrap there. Can you tell our listeners how to get a hold of you and find out about your programs?

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, so probably the best way, I have my own podcast called Mastering Blood Sugar. I’d love to have you on there doc, maybe sometime here in the future, but Mastering Blood Sugar, you can check out Apple, we’ll be starting … Or iTunes, we’ll be starting our next season here relatively soon, and for other information, just go to drmowll.com, that’s D-R-M-O-W-L-L.com. I have a resource on my website called the blood sugar manifesto, which is free to download and it’s basically got all my best advice in there, some information about supplements, diet, exercise, stress management, sleep management, all those things are included. If you want to get some good free information, go to drmowll.com and download that blood sugar manifesto.

Dr. Weitz:            This has been a great podcast doc. I got a lot of good information. I have a ton of additional question, so if you’re up to it, maybe we could do a part two at some point in the future.

Dr. Mowll:           Yeah, I would love to do that. Maybe a little bit of a deeper dive. It’d be great.

Dr. Weitz:            That’d be awesome. Thank you so much.

Dr. Mowll:           Okay, doc, thanks for having me on.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Men's Health with Dr. Matthew Cavaiola: Rational Wellness Podcast 138

Dr. Cavaiola discusses Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Men’s Health with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

3:47  To understand what a low testosterone level is, we need to look both at lab tests and at patient symptoms. The symptoms that a male patient with low testosterone may present with are fatigue, libido problems, difficulties putting on muscle mass or losing body fat, sleep disruptions, as well as a variety of others. Then serum total and free testosterone levels are run and we look first at total testosterone levels. But the lab reference ranges usually huge, with normal being from 150 or 250 to 1100.  Because of this huge range, Dr. Cavaiola feels that many men are undertreated.  If a patient has a total testosterone level of 250 or even 400 and they have many symptoms, then there can still be a justification for treating with bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy.

6:38  Free testosterone may be even more important than total testosterone, since it is the bioavailable proportion of testosterone that can be utilized by the body. The free testosterone is that portion of the testosterone that is not bound up by carrier proteins like Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) and albumen or that has not been converted into other substances, like estrogen or dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  Therefore, we need to measure both total and free testosterone and we also need to have adequate levels of free testosterone. But after we put a man on testosterone replacement therapy, it’s not as accurate to measure free testosterone any more, so it is more important at that point to mostly monitor levels of total testosterone.  However, Dr. Cavaiola does still measure free testosterone along with total testosterone, as well as estrogen, DHT, and SHBG.

9:58  Dr. Cavaiola monitors estrogen levels in men because of the negative side effects that can result from higher levels of estrogen. He usually focuses mostly on total estrogen levels (combination of estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3)) and he wants to see that level below 100 but above 30.  In fact, a small amount of estrogen is important for bone protective effects, for libido, and even for erectile function.  Dr. Cavaiola pointed out that estrone is partially a measure of exogenous estrogen exposure from pthalates in plastic and other environmental toxins that have an estrogenic effect.  He does not focus as much on progesterone levels in men.

14:40  Let’s take the case of a young man, say 35 years old, who comes to see Dr. Cavaiola complaining of symptoms characteristic of low testosterone levels but does not want to take testosterone.  After taking his history, examining him, and measuring all his hormones, Dr. Cavaiola will start with diet and lifestyle and usually wants to clean up the gut first.  He will often run a complete stool analysis through Genova and food sensitivity testing through Great Plains Lab. Leaky gut and dysbiosis of the microbiome can have a negative impact on hormone levels.  From a lifestyle perspective, men should not smoke, not drink to excess, and minimize exposure to environmental toxins.  Smoking marijuana is not favorable for testosterone levels, so you should minimize this. Exercise is beneficial for raising testosterone levels, esp. strength training.  Dr. Cavaiola also recommends such men follow an anti-inflammatory diet, which avoids dairy, gluten, sugar, corn, and soy.

23:05  Dr. Cavaiola has found that some of the commonly recommended nutritional supplements, like tribulus and maca, do not appreciably raise testosterone levels.  However, he has found American ginseng to be helpful in raising testerone levels.  Boron has good research that it can lower Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and unbind it from testosterone.  SHBG levels tend to rise with age in men.  Stinging nettle root may also be effective for lowering SHBG and also DHT levels.

26:35  Let’s take the case of a 35 year old with low testosterone who is willing to take a pharmaceutical approach but does not want to start taking testosterone replacement.



Dr. Cavaiola is a Naturopathic Doctor who also holds Master’s degrees in both Human Nutrition and Acupuncture. He specializes in men’s health and testosterone replacement therapy and his practice is Conscious Human Medicine in Santa Monica, which he shares with his partner, Dr. Hashemi. His website is ConsciousHumanMedicine.com.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness Podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field, to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates and to learn more, check out my website drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello Rational Wellness podcasters, thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who are enjoying listening to our Rational Wellness Podcast, I would certainly appreciate it if you could go to Apple Podcast or whatever podcast app you’re using and give us a ratings and review. That way more people will find out about the Rational Wellness Podcast. Also, if you go to my YouTube page, you can find a video version and if you go to my website, drweitz.com, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

                                                Our topic for today, is the use of bioidentical hormone replacement for men, with Dr. Cavaiola. As men age, their testosterone levels tend to decline, approximately 1 to 2% per year after age 30 or 35, depending upon the study. Though it’s not clear that is inevitable, since some older men do not experience this decline. We’re also seeing a society-wide decrease in both testosterone levels and sperm counts in the US.  Much evidence points to the cause being endocrine disrupting substances in our environment, like bisphenol A, phthalates, PCB, pesticides, glyphosates, as playing a role in reducing these male hormones.

                                                A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2007, found that lower levels of anabolic hormones, which includes testosterone, DHEA IGF-1, in men over age 65, is associated with increased mortality over a six year period. [Relationship between low levels of anabolic hormones and 6-year mortality in older men.However, it’s controversial these days whether having higher IGF-1 levels is better or worse for longevity. There are some studies recently, that have shown that having lower IGF-1 levels, is associated with improved longevity. [ROLE of IGF-1 System in the Modulation of Longevity: Controversies and New Insights From a Centenarians’ Perspective]  Men with low testosterone levels may have a number of significant symptoms, that are associated with a lower quality of life. Including decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, reduced strength, reduced muscle mass, reduced bone density, insomnia, and cognitive dysfunction among others.  The question we would like to answer today is, should such a man be prescribed androgen hormones like testosterone and DHEA? And what are the possible negative and positive consequences of taking male hormones like testosterone, besides the ones your body naturally produces.

Our special guest is Dr. Cavaiola, who is a Naturopathic Doctor. He also holds a master’s degree in both human nutrition and acupuncture. He specializes in men’s health and testosterone replacement therapy and his practice is Conscious Human Medicine in Santa Monica, which he shares with his partner, Dr. Hashemi. Dr. Cavaiola, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Cavaiola:             And thank you for having me, very much appreciated.

Dr. Weitz:                  Excellent.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Great introduction.

Dr. Weitz:                  I appreciate that. So let’s start by defining, what do we mean by low testosterone levels?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So those testosterone levels, there’s basically a clinical definition and more of a symptomatic definition. So when a male patient comes in and sees us in our clinic, essentially, we evaluate the patient. First of all, understanding what’s happening with the patient overall, symptomatically, right? And again, you mentioned some of the symptoms that oftentimes are associated with low testosterone. The picture that they might present with is, I have fatigue, I have difficulties with libido, difficulties putting on muscle mass or fat deposition or weight gain, those types of things.  Sleep disruption, a whole variety of other things. So when they come and see us, it’s important to first of all, understand the root cause.  As Naturopathic Doctors, it’s important for us to get to the root cause of people’s problems.  So that is important for us, so okay, let’s understand the symptom picture and at that point in time, you may recommend some lab work.  And so once we run lab work, the labs can come back and the lab values, the reference values range for total testosterone, from 250 to 1,100.  So that’s a huge, huge range, so a lot-

Dr. Weitz:                 So these are serum levels, you typically do serum-

Dr. Cavaiola:             Correct, yes. So there are different measures of testosterone, there’s different applications, there’s different lab methodologies that you can use to evaluate testosterone.  Serum probably is the gold standard and one of the best, and kind of the most easily used for insurance purposes as well.  So we typically use serum levels and when a total testosterone level comes back between 250 and 1,100 it’s a huge range.  So part of the problem that we’re running into, is that a lot of times men, depending on where they fall along that scale, they’re being undertreated.  And a lot of times because as long as you’re above 250, if you’re 251, you’re considered normal, right?

Dr. Weitz:                  Sure, and some of the labs say the bottom range is 150 or it changes sometimes for age ranges.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yes, exactly, so really, we need to be looking at the entire picture and that really is the key. So if a patient comes in, their levels are 400 and they feel like, they just feel awful, then there is a potential clinical reason for using testosterone for that patient. So we both look at the lab values, which again, the lower end of the scale is 250. So clinical definition of hypogonadism or low testosterone is anything below 250. Although we need to be looking at the clinical picture, plus the labs for the majority of our patients.

Dr. Weitz:                  Okay, so what about free testosterone levels? Are lab measures accurate? I know there’s some controversy about that.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, I mean, I think free testosterone levels are accurate and that free testosterone, if people listening out there don’t understand the differences between total and free testosterone. Basically what you have is a total pool of testosterone that’s being released from your testes essentially, and also to a lesser degree, your adrenal glands, which we’ll talk about, I’m sure, in a little while. But your free testosterone basically is the proportions of your testosterone that is not either bound up to carrier proteins, one of the major ones is called sex hormone binding globulin, HSBG, albumen or being converted into other things.  Things like estrogen, things like DHT, those are the primary things that testosterone oftentimes is converted to interest blood stream. So the free testosterone is basically the bioavailable proportion of testosterone that can be utilized by the body. It’s very, very important, so although you may have a normal total testosterone, whatever considered normal is, you can have a lower proportional level of free testosterone. And that’s problematic because that really is what’s doing the magic in the body. So we want to have adequate levels of free testosterone, so we need to measuring both total and free.

                                  So what there is, there is controversy about free testosterone because if we do put a man on testosterone replacement therapy, which we’re going to talk a lot about today, free testosterone increases, at that point in time, it’s not as accurate to measure. Basically, at that point in time, we want to be just looking at the total testosterone because essentially, we’re increasing exogenous levels, endogenous levels of testosterone by injecting testosterone. So it’s the free testosterone levels are going to go up.

Dr. Weitz:                  Okay, so you’re saying, looking at free testosterone levels is not as helpful, why is that again? I don’t quite understand, so-

Dr. Cavaiola:             So free testosterone is important when you first running it-

Dr. Weitz:                  Oh, after you start adding testosterone.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Right, so essentially what’s happening is, if you’re injecting or using some other type of application of testosterone, you’re taking in hormones into the body, right? So it’s asking the body to raise both your total testosterone and your free testosterone levels. So you’re not getting an accurate representation of really what’s happening inside the body. So really at that point in time, the free testosterone is relatively negligible in terms of measuring, we do it anyway, just to kind of see what’s happening overall, with the entire picture, but not as important at that point in time, rather than the collecting of the baseline numbers.

Dr. Weitz:                  Right, unless of course, you don’t see an increase in free testosterone because a lot of it’s getting bound up.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Absolutely, yes, bound up or being converted to other things. So yes, in that case, like I said, we do want to see the entire picture holistically and as people who don’t just prescribe testosterone and get them in and get them out of our practice. We really want to understand what’s happening overall with the hormone picture. It’s really, really important for us to understand what’s happening with estrogen? What’s happening with DHT? What’s happening with SHBG? And then what’s happening with the patient overall?

Dr. Weitz:                  And do you also look at estrogen and progesterone?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, absolutely, estrogen more so than progesterone. There’s some docs out there that really love to run progesterone levels, haven’t found-

Dr. Weitz:                 Yeah, I’ve even heard some docs prescribe progesterone for men in certain circumstances.

Dr. Cavaiola:             A few of them do, yeah and really from a clinical standpoint, we’re always more concerned about estrogen because of the negative side effects that it can have. There are less side effects associated with progesterone in men and maybe necessarily not as many men need progesterone compared to women.

Dr. Weitz:                 Right, so when you look at estrogen and you basically focused on the estradiol or do you into total estrogen?

Dr. Cavaiola:             We look at total estrogen in our practice and really, it’s really important. Some people just look at estradiol or estradiol alone. And what we’re seeing actually is, estrone (E1), is a relatively potent form of estrogen. For your listeners out there, there’s basically three types of estrogen. You have estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol, which is E3. And essentially, estriol is negligible, it pretty much doesn’t exist, it’s in very, very small amounts. Estrone and estradiol in the body, they both have similar effects in men and women. Obviously women have more estrogen than men and vice versa. So essentially, what we want to be seeing is not very high levels estrogen total. And you had mentioned earlier the fact that we are taking in more and more exogenous, meaning outside of our body, estrogen nowadays, right?

Dr. Weitz:                  Right.

Dr. Cavaiola:             We’re being bombarded by it all throughout our environment, it really is scary. And so estrone sometimes is a measure of, not estradiol, of our exogenous estrogen exposure. So for instance how much plastic water bottles we’re drinking out of. So plastic of course contains phthalates, that we’re taking into our body, we’re ingesting orally and then basically, get trapped into our body, so-

Dr. Weitz:                 And by the way, it’s almost impossible to avoid plastic, you can avoid plastic water bottles and then you have some fish and find out it’s got microparticles of plastic in it.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Absolutely, everything, we’re turning into a plastic society, unfortunately and there’s no, about one person on this earth at that point in time, who doesn’t have plastic in their body.

Dr. Weitz:                 Absolutely, and you pick up a cash register receipt, it’s coated with bisphenol A, which is one of the hardeners for plastic and yeah. Do you look at DHEA levels?

Dr. Cavaiola:             We do, so as part of our routine baseline analysis for our patients, we’re looking at total and free testosterone, both types of estrogen, DHT, DHEA, cortisol, SHBG. Those are the primary things we’re going to be looking at for our patients. So yes, we look at both DHT, dihydrotestosterone, which is a by-product of testosterone and DHEA. Now DHEA is interesting, it’s an adrenal hormone, by cortisol and DHEA is interesting because I mentioned earlier in the podcast that basically, you have two major sources of testosterone from the body. It’s from your testes and also a little less from your adrenal glands. And you are going to get a little bit of production from adrenals in the form of DHEA converting into some of the other androgens kind of systemically.

Dr. Weitz:                  Right, on the estrogen levels, isn’t it important that the estrogen stay at a certain level? Like if the estrogen gets too low, that’s not ideal and then-

Dr. Cavaiola:             Absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:                 What level are you worried about? What’s the range you like to see the estrogen at?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Very good, it’s a great question. And what we like to see is, the total estrogen, that’s the combination of both estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2), being less than 100. That’s our kind of cut off point, our more a danger zone if you will, I suppose. But like you mentioned, if estrogen goes too low, we can also have effects. So men need estrogen, men need a little bit of estrogen for bone protective effects, actually for libido a little bit. We need some estrogen for natural libido and for our erectile function. So estrogen shouldn’t be lowered and bottomed out, in fact, I’ve seen clinically, when we do that, men run into problems down the line. So we want the estrogen between roughly I would say probably 30 total and 100, that’s kind of our cut off points.

Dr. Weitz:                 Okay, that sounds good. So, let’s start with how you would handle a younger man, maybe a 30-year-old, maybe 40-year-old, who comes into your office and has symptoms of lowered testosterone. Let’s say you evaluate him and maybe in one case they have low total and free testosterone and what would tend to be your approach in handling this patient?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So first of all, I will just back up and I think it’s important to mention to your audience that we are seeing younger and younger men coming into our office with low testosterone. It is no longer an old man’s problem. We really are seeing men in their 20s, 30s and 40s, who have low testosterone. So although our testosterone relatively peaks in our 20s and starts to decline after, like you mentioned around the age of 35, we are seeing men who have low testosterone at a younger and younger age. Again, primarily due to environmental factors. However, when a patient comes in during their 30s or 40s, how we approach the patient is, first of all understanding again, the hormones in totality.  Let’s understand all of the hormones, what’s going on from a holistic perspective? And then saying to a patient, “These are the options, we can start you on testosterone replacement therapy, we can start you on something that might be helpful in raising your testosterone levels outside of testosterone, or some combination thereof.” And then I’ll also explain to the patient that if they are interested in fertility, testosterone has the capabilities of lowering your fertility levels. So we can talk more about that in a little while, but basically, if you take exogenous testosterone, essentially it shuts down your own production of sperm and testosterone, so-

Dr. Weitz:                  So let’s take the case of a guy, 35-year-old guy and he says, “Look, I don’t want to take any testosterone. I don’t want to take any pharmaceuticals.”  What’s your diet and lifestyle approach?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So diet and lifestyle is crucial. Obviously we want to be cleaning up the gut, a lot of times as Functional Medicine practitioners, we start with the gut, we start with diet. It is so, so vitally important to look at the gut as the root cause of so many problems that we have.

Dr. Weitz:                  How do you analyze the gut and how do you clean up the gut?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Great question, so a lot of the times, we look at a stool analysis, look for particles and look for things that might lead us to believe that there’s what we consider intestinal permeability. We also do food sensitivity testing in our office as well, which can give you clues as to what’s happening internally.

Dr. Weitz:                 What type of stool test and food sensitivity testing do you tend to use?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So are you asking for brands, or are you asking for-

Dr. Weitz:                 Sure, yeah, you can talk about brands or-

Dr. Cavaiola:             So typically, I don’t know it’s allowed in this podcast or not.

Dr. Weitz:                 Yeah, there’s no CEUs.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Right, right, so a lot of times we’ll run a Genova stool analysis, comprehensive stool analysis, CSA. And then we really like Great Plains food sensitivity test.  And so what’s important is getting these clues as to what’s happening.  If the gut is permeable, what we are seeing nowadays and also looking at the microbiome to some degree, we’re seeing more and more correlations between microbiome health and also hormone levels in the body and if you can clean up the gut by repairing the holes that had been punctured into the gut, I suppose you could say, tightening things up, so proteins are not leaking into the blood stream.  And also, improving the microbiome, improving the health of the microbiome, that can actually help hormones levels long term. And then from a diet standpoint and a lifestyle standpoint. First of all, lifestyle, it’s important that men do not, they don’t drink to excess, they do not smoke, they minimize their environmental exposures because that really is a key nowadays, more so than a lot of other things and-

Dr. Weitz:                  What about smoking marijuana?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So smoking marijuana is controversial, there’s some people who say it does lower testosterone and some people who say it doesn’t.  I’m in the camp of, if we can do whatever we can to maximize our hormone levels and kind of what the research says, then we should be doing that. I would say, if you do that, don’t do it to excess.  How much are you doing to begin with?  I think that’s part of the battle.  If you’re drinking every single day, you’re going to have lower testosterone levels, most of the time, right?  If you’re smoking every single day, a pack a day or a half a pack a day, it does cause lowered testosterone levels. So those are things we can be doing from a lifestyle standpoint, an actually-

Dr. Weitz:                 Yeah, I tend to think that the marijuana, I’ve seen enough evidence that it certainly, there’s a fair chance that it may lower testosterone levels.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yes and there’s actually a new study out and kind of there were studies before this too, but actually it linked it to testicular cancer as well in men. So that’s not favorable for marijuana unfortunately. But yeah, and then the other thing, exercise is another thing that’s very, very important to help to raise testosterone levels. There’s a lot of I guess you could say, controversy in terms of understanding what the best types of exercise are for men to raise testosterone levels. And we don’t really know what the gold standard is at this point in time. As long as guys are getting out there and moving their bodies and doing strength training. Strength training has been shown to raise testosterone levels, it doesn’t matter-

Dr. Weitz:                  Wait, hasn’t heavy resistance training been shown to be the most beneficial?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, I mean strength training, heavy strength training has been shown to be beneficial, as has mixed training as well. So resistance, as well some kind of cardiovascular aerobic training. And one thing that I really love recommending for patients is HIIT training, high intensity interval training, which has actually been shown to be very helpful. Not only to raise testosterone levels, but also to essentially help with a lot of cardiovascular, metabolic parameters too. And from a diet standpoint, we always start, obviously we only have a certain amount of time for our podcast, we could go on and on and on about diet and nutrition. But I think starting with an anti-inflammatory diet would be the best way to go for the majority of people.

Dr. Weitz:                 Which basically, is what?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So an anti-inflammatory diet would primarily be things-

Dr. Weitz:                 There’s many diets that people prescribe as anti-inflammatory.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, absolutely, so if somebody out there is listening, who has never started on any kind of dietary program before, what we oftentimes recommend is avoiding the four or five big guns. That’s what we call them. So something like dairy, gluten, sugar, absolutely, notice how close I got to the camera. Sugar and corn and depending on who you are-

Dr. Weitz:                            Soy, yeah.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yes, absolutely, so soy has been show to essentially kind of mimic estrogen in the body and to also unfavorably lower testosterone levels. So that would be a good starting point.



Dr. Weitz:                            We’ve been having a great discussion, but I’d like to take a minute to tell you about the sponsor for this episode. I’m thrilled that we are being sponsored for this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast by Integrative Therapeutics, which is one of the few lines of professional products that I use in my office. Integrative Therapeutics is a top tier manufacturer of clinician designed, cutting edge nutritional products, with therapeutic dosages of scientifically proven ingredients, to help patients prevent chronic diseases and feel better naturally.

                                                Integrative Therapeutics is also the founding sponsor of Tap Integrated, a dynamic resource of practitioners to learn with and from leading experts and fellow clinicians. I am a subscriber and if you include the discount code Weitz, W-E-I-T-Z, you’ll be able to subscribe for only $99, instead of $149 for the year. And now, back to our discussion.



Dr. Weitz:                  Besides doing those things, you’ve cleaned up the gut, you’ve got their diet doing better, they’re doing exercise, are there any specific supplements that you have found to be beneficial?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, I mean, there’s a ton out, there’s a gaggle of products out there, that claim to raise-

Dr. Weitz:                  Which ones work?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So things like tribulus, that has gotten a lot of press. Tribulus, Maca, some of these things. And having covered this a bunch of times in presentations and research, they don’t have any real benefit in men on raising testosterone levels. It may help from a libido standpoint, from a symptomatic standpoint, but they don’t really cause any major bumps in testosterone levels. Now, one herb that I very much like, is ginseng. I talk about it all the time, I used to teach at Bastyr University in California and my students would just get sick and tired of me talking about ginseng because of great it is for raising testosterone levels.

                                                But it also really is an all healing kind of thing, that’s what the prefix ANX means to begin with, all healing. It has really, really great effect on the human body. I would like American ginseng from the perspective of raising testosterone levels. Korean ginseng and Siberian ginseng can also be helpful as well, but American ginseng is really, really great for raising testosterone levels.

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah, I personality have found Maca to be beneficial, especially if they get sufficient levels. I think just taking a couple of capsules is not enough, but if they can get a substantial amount, like several tablespoons. And then what if they have reasonable of decent total testosterone, but low free testosterone? Let’s say it’s related to high sex hormone binding globulin.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, so interesting question, there are some things out there that we’re recommending now, to be able to… What we’re trying to do is we’re trying to encapsulate the testosterone from the SHBG. SHBG as opposed to something like albumen, which is another carrier protein in the blood. SHBG, once it binds onto testosterone, it does so very, very strongly. It doesn’t want to let it go. So as men get older, believe it or not, their SHBG level goes up and that really is a problem because it binds on more to free testosterone.

                                                So that’s a problem, so what we want to do is, we want to encapsulate that, we want to get that SHBG off of the testosterone. And so, to do that, one mineral that’s been shown to be able to do that is boron. Boron has some pretty good research on helping to basically kick off the free testosterone from SHBG. And some other minerals, magnesium, zinc and then of course, a good diet and exercise have also been shown to do the same thing.

Dr. Weitz:                            Dr. Geo Espinosa, who’s an expert on men’s health, I had a personal communication with him, he recommended stinging nettle root and I’ve been trying that on some patients and we seem to see some effectiveness.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Great, great, also a great product and it also can actually help to possibly lower DHT levels in men too, so that’s-

Dr. Weitz:                            Oh, okay, good, good, good. So now take the same 35-year-old, who’s willing to try some pharmaceuticals, but maybe doesn’t want to get on testosterone because he’s thinking about having a family.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Ah, got you, yeah, so very important factor. First and foremost, I will say that if a man, even in their 30s starts on testosterone replacement therapy and wants to have a family at some point in time, testosterone replacement or the effects of testosterone replacement on fertility are reversible. So it is not permanent, it does take three to six months, roughly speaking, to basically get the body to start doing its own thing again, from a sperm production. However, it is reversible. Now, there are some things you can do to come back at, let’s say if the guy is on testosterone, what we’ve also been shown to be helpful is something called HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, it’s a mouthful.

                                                HCG, it’s actually a hormone that’s typically found in highest amounts in pregnant women. Both men and women have some, to a certain degree. What’s interesting about HCG is it basically is an LH agonist, meaning that, LH is a hormone produced by your pituitary gland and LH is the signal to your testes to produce testosterone. So the sub units of HCG look like LH to a certain degree and it actually causes your body to produce a little bit of its own.

                                                And in doing so, helping to raise sperm levels. So HCG can be used in combination with testosterone to help to improve fertility. That being said, if the guy says, “No, I don’t want to do either one of those things.” You can take HCG solo to raise testosterone and help with sperm production, or there are some pharmaceuticals out there, something like Clomid, which has been shown to be helpful. A lot of docs are becoming privy to Clomid, to be able to raise testosterone levels and sperm counts, so interesting.

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah, I know Dr. Howard Elkin, he was discussing this with me and he often will recommend for that type of patient a combination of Clomid and HCG.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, good.

Dr. Weitz:                            When they use HCG, how long do they use it for before they see an effect?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So it’s not going to be as immediate necessarily as testosterone. It’s going to take a little while longer, but at the same time, and it’s not going to be to the same degree that testosterone works. You’re going to get a small bump in your testosterone levels as opposed to taking exogenous testosterone. It just doesn’t work as well, but you can usually notice an effect probably in about a month, a month to a month and a half I would say.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay, since we talked about these endocrine disrupting substances, do you ever try to get rid of those with some sort of a detox?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, absolutely, so detox is crucial. Especially if we find that your estrone levels are high. We’re like, “Well, there probably is some kind of exogenous estrogen coming into the body, right? So how do we get this out of the body? That’s crucial, and I’m sure you practice and work with your patients a lot in terms of detoxing. And a lot of people think of detox as this weird, magical fufu kind of thing. And it’s not just about drinking juice on a daily basis, it’s really about purging the body of harmful chemicals. And especially if there’s, you basically have four main ways of getting rid of stuff from your body, whatever that is.

                                                Sweating through your skin, poop, through your intestines, getting it purged from your liver, and also through your breath, and through your urine, five major ways. So you have to get it out of your body. So first of all, you need to mobilize and then you need to get rid of it as well. So if you have, let’s say you have a bunch phthalates stored in your fat tissue. First, you need to purge it from that fat tissue, you need unglomp it from your adipose, so one of the main ways to do that is heat. And we use Far-infrared sauna in our practice, to be able to do that.

                                                So it heats at a deep level, Far-infrared sauna and purges those phthalates out, to be able to be excreted through your feces or your urine. So you need to make sure those, what we would emunctories are open, so that you can get rid of them, right? So you need to be pooping properly. You need to be urinating, you need to be drinking water, which a lot of people just do not drink enough of. I would say 80% of our patients come in and they don’t drink enough water. So water and making sure that you’re eliminating properly are really crucial for getting rid of that stuff once you’ve unlocked it.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay, do you ever consider the factor of sleep in terms of testosterone levels?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Absolutely, so sleep is crucial for so many things in your body. And one of the major things is helping to recharge. Recharge the battery once you’re sleeping, that’s what sleep is all about. And what we oftentimes see is patients who are chronically sleep deprived or who work night shifts and people who just are stressed out to the max. Why that’s important is that basically, it’s a stress on your body. Any kind of stress like that prevents you from basically recharging when you’re sleeping and secondarily, it kills your adrenal glands. And the adrenals are, like we mentioned earlier, a portion of the testosterone that you’re going to release on a daily basis. So we need to make sure that your adrenal glands, and you’re sleeping properly, absolutely. So eight hours sleep a night or whatever it is that you use as your litmus test for the amount of sleep that you need, is really crucial to be able to heal.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay, so now you have a man, who has hypogonadism, i.e. low testosterone and he’s interested in taking the recommendation to get on testosterone. What’s your preferred type of testosterone you like to utilize?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Great question, so first and foremost, we use something called bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. So bioidentical, meaning it’s like the hormones that are found in your body, so what’s great about bioidentical hormones as opposed to synthetic hormones, is that your body takes them in and recognizes them as cell. So it doesn’t really have to do anything with it, doesn’t have to synthesize it or be overly processed by your liver, takes it in and can utilize it right away. It’s like, “Oh, thank you so much for these extra hormones, they’re very much appreciated.” And so there’s different applications that you can use of testosterone, we’re going to typically prescribe something called testosterone cypionate, C-Y-P-I-O-N-A-T-E. Cypionate, that’s derived primarily from soy and yam, mostly yam, not as much soy, which is a problem for some people. And so what we do is-

Dr. Weitz:                            And this is something that you take by injection.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yes, so there’s different applications, there’s injections, there’s creams, and then there’s pellets. So we found that creams are helpful to a certain degree, it is in daily application, so getting people to be compliant on it is always a problem and making sure that people are doing enough of it, is also a problem. And making sure there’s no transference where there’s kids in the family, or transferring to a partner is not going to be a problem. So they work relatively well, but again, you need to be doing enough of it to make sure that you get a benefit.

Dr. Weitz:                            And where do you tell them to apply it?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So typically, you can apply it twice a day or mostly at night time.

Dr. Weitz:                            And to which part of the body?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So you’re going to apply it to non hairy skin. It’s just best easily absorbed when it’s on non hairy skin. And there are some doctors out there, that say to apply it to the gonads, to the testes, please don’t do that. It’s just you’re applying testosterone to an area that’s very androgen sensitive to begin with and we’ve seen a lot of people end up with prostate problems or further atrophy in their testes because of it, so don’t do that. And so the other thing is, we can also do pellets as well, pellets are a small little amount of testosterone and plant it under the buttox of the skin.

                                                It’s a minor surgical procedure and essentially, we’ve seen that unfortunately, it should last between three to six, depending on how much they put in. And we see a lot of times what ends up is that men get a lot of huge dose at the beginning and not as much at the end. So they feel great at the beginning, or they actually have too much onboard at the beginning and they kind of have some negative side effects and then not as much in the beginning, they feel like crap.

Dr. Weitz:                            So you had [inaudible 00:35:27] testosterone cream, what particularly product do you like to use, AndroGel, do you use compounded products?

Dr. Cavaiola:             That’s a great question, so some of the pharmaceutical derived testosterone products out there, first and foremost are messy, they’re expensive and they oftentimes don’t work because they don’t have very much in them. So you need to use gobs and gobs of it to get clinical benefit. As opposed to something like a compounded version of testosterone that we get from a compounding pharmacy, where we can specify how much testosterone we want per milliliter or per gram. So that we can make sure the patients are getting enough, that really is crucial.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay, so what about AndroGel?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So AndroGel, I’ve had patients who have been on it and they come in and they say, “This doesn’t seem to be working.” And when you run the lab test, it verifies that. Their testosterone levels are not, they’re not really seeing a large increase in their testosterone level, nor are they getting any better. And that really is the worst thing, it’s a double whammy. So what we oftentimes recommend is bioidentical form of testosterone, that we can better control and the patients get more of a clinical benefit.

Dr. Weitz:                            So what percentage of your patients are on topical versus pellets versus injections?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So patients who come see us, the majority of them, 90%, 95% are on injections, about 5% are on creams.

Dr. Weitz:                            How often do they inject?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Injections typically vary depending on who the person is. If they have very, very low levels of testosterone, sometimes they’re injecting weekly, most of the time they’re injecting weekly. And if they are somebody who utilizes it very quickly, you can only really understand this if you start a patient on testosterone, they don’t really notice a benefit or they’re bottoming out towards the end of their injection cycle. Meaning six days or seven days. We sometimes do injections twice a week, which does help a lot of patients. So it’s typically twice a week to weekly.

Dr. Weitz:                            Does taking testosterone increase or decrease cardiovascular disease? I saw one paper that showed increased coronary artery plaque that resulted from taking testosterone from one year. This was a JAMA article.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, that JAMA article and unfortunately, the JAMA article was, I think you’re speaking of the article in the for frail older men. And so this was the study that came out and there was a subsequent study that came out as well, that kind of had a similar finding. And what we’re seeing is, that was in frail, older men, who were people in the VA system, VA healthcare system. And you are partially correct, the research says that there’s a slight uptick in the risk of having a coronary artery event, if during the first part of testosterone replacement therapy in older, frail men, I will just say that.

                                                Now, there’s been subsequent studies that have come out, that have completely debunked this and basically said, “Uh, uh, not true. Basically, yes, there is a small uptick in your risk at the start, but overall, testosterone has a positive benefit for cardiovascular health. And it’s a positive benefit for metabolic health and its positive benefit for so many other things, including like you mentioned earlier in the introduction, for lowering all cause mortality. That is the key, and improving quality of life as you age.” So the study, if you really break it down, and look at the percentages, actually, what they showed was, the men who were in the testosterone replacement group, was a smaller group than it was the non.

                                                And actually, the proportions were actually lower than for the people who had cardiovascular events. It was actually lower in the testosterone replacement group. So you need to know how to crunch the data, you need to look at the data and really analyze some of these studies a little bit closer, so you can understand what’s happening and we don’t want this to get a bad rep and it did, unfortunately. For three to five years testosterone was all over the place, there was lawyers, who were having a field day with this. There’s commercials on TV of, “Did you have coronary artery disease, have you been on testosterone replacement?” So it really scares people and we need to kind of put the positive spin on things to say, “This was in one population group only.”

Dr. Weitz:                            There’s actually an interesting relationship between testosterone and cholesterol, isn’t there?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Absolutely, so there’s been so studies that have come out, looking at this. The fact that testosterone improves cholesterol markers, just by doing that and that alone, not even dietary modification, testosterone lowers LBL, it raises HDL levels and it can lower total cholesterol as well, so-

Dr. Weitz:                            And actually, if you lower your cholesterol levels too low, cholesterol is actually the backbone molecule that your body uses to make testosterone.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Absolutely, so all these would come see us, who have been chronically, they’re put on statin medications and they’ve been on them for five, 10, 15, 20 years even. Oftentimes we see these guys with low T and low thyroid function and low everything production because cholesterol, like you mentioned, is the backbone, it’s making virtually every hormone in the body. So it’s really, really important.

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah, now we know that testosterone increases red blood cell production, so hematocrit levels go up. So how do you handle this?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Great question, and so really, I would say this doesn’t happen to every single patient and-

Dr. Weitz:                            How often does it happen?

Dr. Cavaiola:             I would maybe 10% of the time. One out of every 10 patient you’re going to run into some kind of difficulties with this. And really, it-

Dr. Weitz:                            And what hematocrit level, is it hematocrit that you monitor for this?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yes, yeah, I don’t know the exact values right now, while we’re speaking. But what I would say, is making sure that it’s within the reference range, that’s really important, right? And of course, monitoring things over time, that’s why it’s really important for us to understand the patient to begin with, what are their hematocrit levels to begin with, baseline, and then measuring every three, six months, so we can understand what’s happening with the patient. We want to do our due diligence, we want to be ethical, we want to make sure the patient’s safety is protected at all times.

                                                So when, and this does happen, there is a risk for hematocrit causing the blood to become sticky. When it becomes sticky, there’s a risk of cardiovascular events, that’s what we’re concerned about or throw in a clot, that’s basically what can happen, right? And so, what we do in these particular cases, is basically have the patient undergo a routine phlebotomy. Have them give blood and usually their hematocrit levels come down pretty quickly.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right, does taking testosterone increase or decrease the risk of prostate cancer?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Well, it depends on who you are. If you have preexisting prostate cancer, testosterone replacement therapy is not necessarily the best idea for you, that preexisting. However, how many men out there know that they even have prostate cancer to begin with because it’s such a low grade, slow growing cancer, that oftentimes we just don’t even know until it’s clinically diagnosed or diagnosed by a biopsy. However, the research basically shows that testosterone actually has a prostate protective effect, than it does causing prostate cancer.

Dr. Weitz:                            So let’s say a man comes in to see you and as part of your screening, testing, you do PSA levels, what level PSA would you be concerned about whether or not you should put him on testosterone?

Dr. Cavaiola:             So I don’t want to speak on behalf of every single patient who comes in because of course you always want to look at [crosstalk 00:43:48] patient, right? But I would say anything less than four, which is kind of the cut off point, would be kind of worrisome at that point in time.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right, let’s say you had a guy a three and a half.

Dr. Cavaiola:             I wouldn’t be concerned probably, and again, given if there was no symptomatology and you did a prostate exam and everything was normal, there was nodules or masses found, we’d be less concerned.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay, and so you have a man with prostate, chronic stage, would you ever consider administrating testosterone?

Dr. Cavaiola:             I would highly consider it, yes. Would I necessarily do it all the time? No. I mean, I think there may be some other ways that we can raise testosterone levels, rather than doing testosterone replacement therapy.

Dr. Weitz:                            Would you ever do it?

Dr. Cavaiola:             I think this is something to kind of consider on a case-by-case basis, with each particular patient, depending on the severity of the case. If it’s a stage on or in C2 kind of situation, you’re probably not going to be as concerned than it was if it’s metastasized to the bone, that’s just not a good sign.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right, when you administer testosterone, do you ever recommend certain supplements at the same time to make sure that the body processes the testosterone optimally?

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah, I mean, in the way of preventing side effects or…

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Okay, yeah, I mean, certainly there are some products out there that can be used. For instance, there’s a product called Chrysin, which is essentially derived from the plant passionflower and that has been shown to be helpful to lower estrogen levels. So sometimes we do Chrysin alongside of testosterone replacement to help to mitigate the effects of estrogen on the body.

Dr. Weitz:                            Okay, good, excellent. So I think that’s a wrap for today.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Wonderful.

Dr. Weitz:                            Any final thoughts you have, and then give us your contact information, so patients out there can find out about you and your services.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Thank you so much, yes, so I think what I would say to wrap it up is, if you are struggling with the symptoms of low testosterone or if you think you have it, do not be afraid to talk to somebody about it. I think so often it’s the case where we, as men, do not go see doctors because we’re afraid of what we’re going to find out. We’re going to think that we’re less of a man if we have low testosterone or we’re scared of doctors. Whatever the reason is, please go see somebody about it, go see somebody, who’s going to look at you and understand your case and really take the time to listen to you. That really is crucial and that’s what I would leave you with today. And so, don’t wait before it’s too long, before it’s too [crosstalk 00:46:44]. Okay, so if you are interested in kind of more of our services, you can visit our website at www.concsioushumanmedicine.com C-O-N-S-C-I-O-U-Shumanmedicine-

Dr. Weitz:                            How did you come up with that name?

Dr. Cavaiola:             It’s really important to us, if you kind of look at, break it down in terms of the name, of course medicine stands by itself. But we are passionate about all of us becoming more aware of who we are as human beings and our health. Being conscious, being present and it’s important for us, as well, as practitioners to be conscious. We don’t want to just blindly see people, who come into our office and just give them supplements and send them on their way. It’s about a two-way street, it’s about having great relationships with our patients, being human.

Dr. Weitz:                            Excellent.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                            Thank you Dr. Cavaiola.

Dr. Cavaiola:             Thank you so much for having me today, very much appreciate it.

Dr. Weitz:                            Excellent, I’ll talk to you soon.