Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Organic Acid Testing with Dr. Jeff Moss: Rational Wellness Podcast 145

Dr. Jeff Moss discusses Organic Acid Testing with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

1:01  Organic acids are chemical compounds excreted in the urine that are products of metabolism. Organic Acid Testing has been validated by the medical community for many years to measure genetic inborn errors of metabolism, such as phenylketonuria, methylmalonic acidemia, and pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, among others. But today we are discussing the use of Organic Acid Testing by the Functional Medicine community to look for possible mold exposure, fungal or bacterial overgrowth, detoxification, oxalates, mitochondrial function, neurotransmitters, nutritional deficiencies, et cetera.

3:25  Organic Acid testing involves measuring acids that are metabolic intermediates.  In order to speed up these metabolic processes in the body, the body uses enzymes and most of these enzymes have vitamin or mineral co-factors. If the conversion of substance A to substance B is happening well, then you will have a normal amount of substance B. If you have a buildup of substance A, then that indicates the metabolic process is not working properly and it could indicate that there is a deficiency of a vitamin or mineral co-factor.  Or it could be that the enzyme is not working as well as it could because of chronic inflammation caused by a gut disorder or a chemical or metal toxin.  So organic acid testing is a way to test chronically ill patients to discover why they are feeling poorly and what we can do about it.

7:50  While organic acids is a nice test to run as a basic screen on chronically ill patients to help discover the cause of metabolic issues and chronic inflammation, it is fairly expensive and not covered by insurance, so it may be better used as a second line diagnostic after the usual diagnostic workup and treatment plan did not work.

9:58  Organic acids testing is a way to identify tissue levels rather than serum levels of nutrients, which is more relevant for assessing patients with chronic diseases, since these patients do not have gross malnutrition. Organic acids is a functional test, since it tells us how well the nutrient is helping the body to function.  Serum levels of many nutrients often do not indicate functional or tissue levels.

14:38   One of the organic acid markers is Formiminoglutamic acid, also known as FIGLU, which is a marker for intracellular folate.  You might have good levels of serum folic acid, but this doesn’t mean that your body can utilize it.  If FIGLU is elevated, it tells us that we need more folate, even if serum levels are normal.  We could be taking in folic acid from fortified foods, but this is not being absorbed and utilized.

17:39  Methylmalonic acid is a well validated functional marker for B12 status.  Serum B12 can be elevated if there’s chronic inflammation. And patients with SNPs like the C677T and A1298C mutations of MTHFR will have trouble absorbing forms of B12 like cyanocobalamin rather than methylcobalamin.

23:28  Organic acid testing for gut health.  While we do now have very accurate DNA stool tests now, like GI Map from Diagnostic Solutions, but the organic acids testing can be a screening tool, for example, that there might be a fungal overgrowth and this points out the need for such a stool test to target if there is fungal overgrowth and what type.  We have markers for fatty acid metabolism like adipate and suberate, which indicate impaired fat metabolism, and markers for impaired carbohydrate metabolism like lactate and beta hydroxybutyrate. The mitochondrial markers like citrate, succinate, fumarate, and malate are metabolites of amino acids. They are significant for mitochondrial dysfunction is they are elevated, but if they are too low they indicate that you are taking in too few amino acids or malabsorbing them.  You may need more protein in your diet or may not be properly absorbing protein, or a combination of the two.

30:24  Intermittent fasting and Beta Hydroxybutyrate.  Intermittent fasting may have some health benefits and too many folks are grazing or continually eating all day now. This results in insulin being secreted all day long, which is not that healthy and inhibits fat burning.  Chronic insulinemia is a factor in many chronic illnesses.  Beta hydroxybutyrate is a ketone body and if it is trending high, it indicates that you are getting good fat burning in a fasted state, which is a good thing. Also consider that this organic acid test is done in the morning after an overnight fast. 

35:06  HMG, Hydroxymethylglutarate, which is a precursor to cholesterol synthesis, can be very high for a patient on statins, which inhibit cholesterol synthesis.  or it could indicate inflammation.  If the HMG is low, it may indicate malabsorption or malnutrition, such as in the anorexic or the bulimic and the tendency for some older folks not to eat much or to skip meals, for a number of reasons. Dr. Moss finds that when possible he will ask the children of an older person if their mother or father is really eating well, since such patients may not be accurate at reporting their eating habits. If their HMG is low, they will also likely be low in CoQ10, since this is the same pathway that produces cholesterol. 

40:03  Neurotransmitters.  Organic acid testing includes markers for neurotransmitter status, such as homovanillic and Kynurenic acid.  These can indicate if patients are overly in sympathetic, stress mode, instead of in parasympathetic rest and relax state.  Neurotransmitters are derived from amino acids and organic acids are metabolites of amino acids like tryptophan such as Kynurenic Acid, Quinolinic Acid, Picolinic Acid, and 5-HIAA and the end points of some of these organic acids are the production of B vitamins. The 5-HIAA tells us how well are we converting tryptophan to serotonin.  But if people are chornically stressed, the tryptophan will be redirected to the kynurenine pathway.  If these organic acids are high, it is an indication of chronic inflammation and is also correlated with behavioral and neurodegneerative  disorders, like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, but most notably elevated kynurenine and the quinolinic acid have been highly correlated with Alzheimer’s and senile dementia profiles.  Another test that can be run to screen for the possibility of developing Alzheimer’s Disease the Alzheimer’s Linx Test from Cyrex Labs that looks for antibodies to see whether your immune system is starting to attack any of the tissues related to your brain function.

46:53  Toxins.  Organic acid testing can tell us about the pathways involved in toxin metabolism, though they are not a direct measure of any toxins. History can tell you a lot about exposure and then you can do direct testing for toxins. The hippurate pathway and the glycinate pathway are indicators of glutathione status and tell us how well we are metabolizing toxins.  If we are having problems making gutathione, this is usually related to not having enough sulfur, which is an underappreciated mineral. Sulfur is found in red meat eggs and if you follow a plant based diet, you may be deficient in sulfur. N-Acetylcysteine, Alpha Lipoic acid, and MSM can all be helpful for adding sulfur.



Dr. Jeff Moss is a former Dentist who became a certified nutrition expert and started and operates a professional line of nutritional supplements, Moss Nutrition Products. Dr. Moss speaks regularly around the world about various topics in Functional Medicine and clinical nutrition, including organic acids. He established the popular online course “Expanded Organic Acids & Amino Acids Testing”.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness Podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates, and to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello Rational Wellness Podcast listeners, thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to Apple podcasts and give us ratings and review. If you’d like to see a video version of this podcast, please go to my YouTube page, and if you go to my website, drweitz.com, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Today we have an interview with Dr. Jeff Moss on Organic Acid Testing. Organic acids are chemical compounds excreted in the urine that are products of metabolism. Organic Acid Testing has been medically validated for many years to measure specific genetic inborn errors of metabolism such as phenylketonuria, methylmalonic acidemia, and pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, among others.

But many in the Functional Medicine community have been using Organic Acid Testing to provide information for patients about possible mold exposure, fungal or bacterial overgrowth, detoxification, oxalates, mitochondrial function, neurotransmitters, nutritional deficiencies, et cetera.  Some use organic acids profiles on all new patients as an initial screening tool, so for example, I like to run on some of the patients Genova’s NutrEval as an initial screening tool to look for nutritional deficiencies and for metal toxicities, but this also includes organic acids as part of the profile.

There’s quite a bit of controversy about the validity of Organic Acid Testing for such uses, since at least some of these markers ranges as to what constitutes normal have not necessarily been sufficiently validated by scientific studies as some routine lab tests have been. To sort out the validity and benefits of Organic Acid Testing as well us to provide us with some interesting pearls about what some of these metabolites mean, and how they can help us manage patients, I’ve asked Dr. Jeff Moss to join us today.

Dr. Jeffrey Moss is a former Dentist who became a certified nutrition expert and started and operates a professional line of nutritional supplements, Moss Nutrition Products. Dr. Moss speaks regularly around the world about various topics in Functional Medicine, clinical nutrition, and including about organic acids.  Dr. Moss, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Moss:             Thank you so much for having me.

Dr. Weitz:            Good. What are organic acids and how are these best measured?

Dr. Moss:             What are organic acids? Number one, they’re exactly what the word says, they’re acids. Many of the people you work with, we work with are familiar with the idea of… and measured in urine, the idea that you check the pH of the urine and for the most part, we’re trying to see if their urine is too acid.  Measuring urine acidity is a quantitative measurement, if you will. What organic acids tell us is, it’s qualitative. In other words, if your urine is too acid, what is it in the urine that made it acid? So you’re basically measuring the acids in the urine that made the acid urine acid. So that’s basically what it is, what an organic acid is.

As you mentioned beyond that, they are metabolic intermediates, if you will. Basically, what the body does in the course of everything it does, millions, maybe billions of times of the day, is convert substances, metabolism. You have substance A and it’s got to be converted to substance B, that’s basically it.  And if you just put substance A in the test tube and let it sit at room temperature, it happens real slow. And so the body to speed it up uses two things. Number one, with an enzyme, and most of these enzymes require a nutrient co-factor, a vitamin or mineral co-factor to speed it up.  So if the enzyme isn’t working properly or you’re lacking the co-factor, the nutrient co-factor or both, you won’t get enough for the A going to B, and so you get a buildup of A. That’s what you’re measuring, is there’s too much of A and not enough B. That’s basically what you’re doing with it.

Also with this ID, if you have too much of A for example, the assumption has been made by the designers of the Organic Acids Test and the profile that I use, is the one from Genova where actually came from Metametrix originally. This is back in the ’90s in the work of Richard Lord and Alexander Bralley, Andy Bralley. They came up with the initial profile, and as you said they basically extrapolated existing literature.  Now, traditional thinking was that you couldn’t convert A to B, it was due to a hardwired genetic defect of the enzyme called inborn errors of metabolism. And when you see this hardwired defect in the enzyme, a SNP, if you will, usually people get very sick at a very young age and sometimes die.

Is it a black and white issue? Can you have varying shades of gray? In other words, yes, the enzyme is working perfectly or no, it’s not working at all, like an inborn error of metabolism, you can have a situation where the enzyme may be working less perfectly, it working at 50, 60, 70% and that you may be lacking in the nutrient cofactor.  And so when they noticed that and the research on that, they said, “Well, there’s a lot of sick people, the enzyme is working, but it’s not working as well as it should–usually due to lifestyle issues and it may be lack of the nutrient cofactor.” But they also know that maybe it’s not working as well as it can because of maybe chronic inflammation caused by some type of a gut disorder, or maybe it’s a toxin, a chemical or metal toxin.  Maybe they’re not eating enough protein, or maybe it’s psychological stress. All of them can affect this enzyme activity.  And so what they devised is a test where we can measure these different acids, the As, if you will, and the Bs, and from that we can get some idea of really why people… mainly chronically old people, why they’re feeling poorly and what we can do about it.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. Do you like the idea of using organic acids as a first-line test? Or do you think it’s better used as a test later on? Or can it be used as either depending upon what you’re looking for?

Dr. Moss:             From a strictly clinical academic point of view, you can use it for either, but there is a practical aspect to it, and that is that the test is fairly expensive and rarely if ever covered by insurance. So there are the practicalities, but dismissing the monetary issues, would it be ideal to run it on every single patient, particularly those who are suffering from chronic illness, they’ve gone from sometimes pharmaceutical type therapies and not getting results, basic nutritional therapies and not getting results.  Certainly, it would be great to do what on every patient to detect as you suggested, are there some nutrient deficiencies that were missed with your usual basic clinical workup that you may have instituted therapies, they didn’t work. So what did you miss from a nutritional standpoint. The NutrEval organic acid is excellent first-line test basically fine tune the nutritional program.

But beyond that it’s also very good for finding these other metabolic issues, chronic inflammation. But from practical standpoint, most of the clinicians that I work with do not do this as a routine test strictly because of the practical aspects. They’ll do their usual diagnostic workup and treatment plan, and then what doesn’t work, they’ll tend to use it as a second-line diagnostic to basically answer the question or the patient didn’t respond, what did we miss?  Was it a nutrient deficiency? Was there some toxin?  Was there a gut problem?  Maybe underappreciated psychological stress?  All that can be found out with the organic acids and used as a second-line test.  You can be use it either way.

Dr. Weitz:            So with respect to looking at nutritional deficiencies, what are some of the advantages of using an Organic Acids Test versus using serum test for vitamins and minerals?

Dr. Moss:             Basically we have to understand the people that we are dealing with is that they don’t have acute illness for the most part, they’re chronically ill and they’re not in a gross malnutrition type situation. We’re not dealing for the most part, although some practices maybe dealing with-

Dr. Weitz:            They don’t have scurvy or beri beri…

Dr. Moss:             Exactly right. And that’s the main value of serum testing is to tell you about gross deficiency. Most of the nutrients do not stay in the serum very long, and so even if they are nutrient replete, it’s very time sensitive in terms when you measure it. And to see gross deficiency, they’d have to be significantly undernourished, which we tend not to see.

Dr. Weitz:            I think the point you’re making right there is that there are a few nutrients like Vitamin D that you can measure serum levels and you get a pretty good idea of what the tissue levels are, but for a lot of other nutrients, serum levels really are not a good gauge of the amount of nutrients that are in your tissues and your real need for those nutrients. For example-

Dr. Moss:             Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            … blood calcium levels are always going to stay in a very narrow range, even if the person-

Dr. Moss:             Exactly.

Dr. Weitz:            … is osteoporotic and definitely can use a lot more calcium. Ditto for serum of B Vitamins, a lot of times the serum levels are not really accurate of what the tissue levels are and what the real needs of the person are.

Dr. Moss:             But there’s another big X factor that is really underappreciated, and that is, as you know that most chronically ill people, what do they share in common? Chronic inflammation.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Moss:             And what we know, the literature is very clear that chronic inflammation will alter a serum levels of virtually every macro and macro nutrient. And so if you’re inflamed, the blood will never be a true indicator of dietary intake, either too much the right amount or too little. And that’s the beauty of organic acids, it’s what we call a functional test.  What we really want to know is… We basically can assume they’re not grossly deficient. What we want to know is are they taking any enough for the particular problem we’re trying to address, and maybe they are taking enough, but the question is, all right, they’ve eaten enough, we know it was absorbed, the question is, did it go where we want it to go?  And healthy people, that’s not really an important question, but in sick people it is an important question, did it go where we want it to go? So we want to know how was it metabolized? And that’s the beauty of organic acids. We call a functional test, it tells us how well the body is functioning to utilize the nutrient. Is it really going where we want it to go to solve the problem and organic acids superior over our blood?

Dr. Weitz:            And also for patients who are coming to us for anti-aging programs, we want to know, not just have they resolved a frank deficiency, but do they have optimal levels to function at their highest level? And this is one way to look at metabolic pathways to see if they’re functioning at that optimal level. Right?

Dr. Moss:             Precisely. Aging itself is going to make people more prone, for example, to inflammation. There’s going to be aging impact on renal function, all of which can have an impact. So just by the fact of aging, you’re going to utilize it, I won’t say not as well, but differently. Are you utilizing it well enough to accomplish what you want to accomplish?  Again, maybe it’s a chronic illness, maybe it is anti-aging, optimizing wellness, we still want to know how well is the body using anti-age organic acids is a superior tool for that.

Dr. Weitz:            When it comes to nutritional deficiencies, one of the markers that I see when we run the NutrEval is formimidoyl-glutamic acid, also known as FIGLU, right?

Dr. Moss:             It’s called FIGLU because nobody-

Dr. Weitz:            FIGLU.

Dr. Moss:             … can pronounce that. Just say FIGLU. We all say FIGLU.

Dr. Weitz:            So this is a marker for intracellular folate.

Dr. Moss:             Yes.

Dr. Weitz:            So how does this correlate with serum folate levels and what is this telling us?

Dr. Moss:             Serum folate is very good for gross deficiency or excess because folate is actually interesting because of food fortification, many people are getting excess intake of folic acid in their diet and there’s a whole body of literature on that excess intake of folic acid.

Dr. Weitz:            Which is different than folate.

Dr. Moss:             Exactly right. And that’s another common misconception, misunderstanding that food folate is what we find in our green leafy vegetables. What we find in processed food is a synthetic compounds called folic acid that happens to act very similar to food folate in small amounts. In large amounts, over 400 micrograms a day, the body can’t metabolize it. You get unmetabolized folic acid, which is considered to be, I guess for lack of better word, a toxin.

Dr. Weitz:            Yes.

Dr. Moss:             It is an enzyme inhibitor. And so a blood can fool us because of that, but what we want to know again, with the organic acids with FIGLU, it can tell us how well the body is utilizing what it’s taking in. And so if we see FIGLU elevated, it tells us, “Oh, it’s not metabolizing folate correctly.” Is it an issue of just the need to eat more?  Maybe there was a malabsorption issue, maybe they’re taking in the wrong kind. They’re taking in too much processed food and not enough whole foods and getting the whole folate. Organic acids can help us make these subtle distinctions on how to proceed.

Dr. Weitz:            And this can also help us with piece into may have problems with methylation issues since-

Dr. Moss:             Exactly.

Dr. Weitz:            … some of us are doing genetic testing and looking for MTHF SNPs, and COMT SNPs, and these can affect methylation and.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah, you bring up another good point. We’re bringing a whole issue of very common SNPs with methylation pathways. In these circumstances, the individual may need more than the usual RDA or whatever it is. And so if this is a functional measurement if we see this SNP, we may have to give larger doses.  Maybe the individual, the patient didn’t respond because we didn’t give enough because we didn’t understand their polymorphism and the SNPs, and organic acids can help us understand those subtleties.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Another marker which I think has been pretty well validated even from medical perspectives is methylmalonic acid, which is a marker for B12 status.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah. When that’s elevated there is an enzyme that converts B12 to what is known as succinic acid and the enzyme is absolutely vitamin B12 dependent. And so if there’s not enough B12, and again, I emphasize enough, either because you didn’t take in enough, it wasn’t absorbed well enough or wasn’t metabolized correctly, the methylmalonic acid will tend to go up. That’s correct. So it’s a good functional indicator for B12 metabolism need issues,

Dr. Weitz:            And really a better marker than serum B12, which is often-

Dr. Moss:             Yes.

Dr. Weitz:            … run.

Dr. Moss:             There’s a lot of interesting research on serum B12 and that one of the risks is not when it’s too low, although that can be an issue, but there’s a lot of information. The serum can go too high mainly due to inflammation. High serum B12, which you see fairly often is a good indicator that there was a chronic inflammation that wasn’t fully appreciated.

Dr. Weitz:            It’s funny, one of the panels we’ll do sometimes include some serum markers and we often see B12 high-

Dr. Moss:             Yes.

Dr. Weitz:            … but even patients who have high homocysteine, meaning that they really need more B12.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah. In this case, they need B12, but there’s also an issue of metabolism of B12. Some of these people already taken large amounts of B12 and not getting results because there was some type of metabolic issue. It may be a SNP, as you mentioned.  There may be inflammatory issues that are going on.  It could be a toxin that can act as a major enzyme inhibitor.  So yeah, you can see even the elevations and stare at B12, even though they’re taking in a fair amount because there’s these metabolic issues.

Dr. Weitz:            Or they could be taking the wrong type of B12-

Dr. Moss:             Correct. Yes, absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:            They might be taking cyanocobalamin which is actually… includes a small amount of cyanide with their B12 in instead of a methylated form of B12, which is easier for people with certain SNPs to be able to absorb.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah, your point is a well made in that we now understand that the old thinking was the synthetic forms of many of these vitamins. They’re good enough, they’re cheap, readily available, and so folic acid, cyanocobalamin, it’s good enough. And maybe it is in healthy populations, but we get into chronically ill populations, aging populations, they really need a supplement that is more, if you will, bioidentical to what’s in the food.  And as you mentioned, a methylcobalamin is a bioidentical to B12.

Dr. Weitz:            Or people who have any of these SNPs that make it more difficult for them to absorb standard B12, and now we’re learning that a huge percentage of people have at least some of these genetic variations that make it difficult to absorb some of these B vitamins.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah, extremely common now. The MTHFR SNP is considered to be about 25% of the general population. In certain populations, there are some very interesting and controversial, research suggested may even higher. The autism spectrum community suggested that it’s even more prevalent, although that’s very controversial, but the research is certainly compelling, if you will.  So yes, very common and really needs to be taken into account for more and more people.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah. I think it’s more common than 25% for them to have at least one of them.  And especially if you run a number of these MTHFR SNPs because there’s one or two that are typically offered, but there’s actually about 15 of them.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah, exactly right.  MTHFR is getting the most publicity, but certainly there can be a lot of different SNPs in these nutrient metabolism pathways. Absolutely, you’re right.  And so these profiles are really giving us a much better idea of what’s going on.



Dr. Weitz:                            I’ve really been enjoying this discussion, but now, I’d like to pause to tell you about the sponsor for this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast. This episode is sponsored by Pure Encapsulations, which is one of the few lines of professional nutritional supplements that I use in my office. Pure Encapsulations manufactures a complete line of hypoallergenic research-based dietary supplements. Pure products are meticulously formulated using pure scientifically-tested and validated ingredients. They are free from magnesium stearate, gluten, GMOs, hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, sweeteners and preservatives.

Among other things, one of the great things about Pure Encapsulations is not just the quality products but the fact that they often provide a range of different dosages and sizes, which makes it easy to find the right product for the right patient, especially since we do a lot of testing and we figure out exactly what the patients need. For example, with DHEA, they offer five, 10 and 25-milligram dosages in both 60 and 180 capsules per bottle size, which is extremely convenient.

                                                Now, back to our discussion.



Dr. Weitz:            So let’s go to organic testing for gut health.

Dr. Moss:             Okay.

Dr. Weitz:            What do you think is some of the most significant things we can learn about gut health from organic acids?

Dr. Moss:             Organic acids right now with… we have to look at it in terms of the newest generation of DNA-based stool tests. The old type of stool testing, which was called culture testing-

Dr. Weitz:            Yes.

Dr. Moss:             … you basically take a stool sample and try to culture out the organisms was okay at best. On those days, what we saw on organic acids was probably the best out there. It was not good enough to help us determine specific organisms that may be overgrowing or in the wrong place, like ESBL, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth situation, but it could give us a good general idea that there may be dysfunction in the gut.  With a new generation of DNA tests, stool tests now, that is the preferred way to really determine the nature of a chronic GI dysfunction. The Organic Acids Test is good for gut, but would I recommend running organic acids for gut?  No, I just say, spend the money on the stool, the newer generation of DNA-based stools test.

Dr. Weitz:            Now on the other hand, if you do an Organic Acid Test as part of your screen and it indicates there might be some fungal overgrowth, for example, then you could do a stool test to really narrow that down.

Dr. Moss:             Precisely, yes. Your point is well made, it’s a good gross screening tool. Is it accurate enough and definitive enough to tell us specifically what needs to be done in terms of lifestyle or recommendations for specific supplementation? Really, no. Yeah. You’d run the stool analysis and that’ll give you a definitive idea of what you’re dealing with so you can be much more targeted on your therapies.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Now, I know there’s certain markers for malabsorption. What do you think about the validity of that? Because that’s not something that you necessarily get from other testing.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah. Many of the markers are good indicators of malabsorption. Certainly, the gut section specifically is suggestive for malabsorption. But I think the sections that are underappreciated are the the mitochondrial sections, the sections that relate to mitochondrial function-

Dr. Weitz:            And so cellular

Dr. Moss:             … which would be the fatty acid sections, adipate suberate, the carbohydrate metabolism sections, pyruvate lactate, beta hydroxybutyrate, and particularly the mitochondrial section. One thing we often underappreciate that was brought up to me about 10 years ago was that all of these mitochondria metabolites are metabolites of amino acids.  And therefore, generally speaking, the thinking has been they are only significant if they’re too high. But if you’re taking in too little amino acids or you’re malabsorbing amino acids, there’ll be too low. And this is an area that I’ve really emphasized in my courses, in my teaching that traditional thinking with a Genova profile was that the low values tended to be insignificant, the first quintile.  The literature suggests just the opposite. When you seek kind of everything trending low, one of the things you have to find out, number one, are they getting enough protein in their diet, and many people are not getting optimal amounts or is there a protein malabsorption issue, which is also very common or a combination of the two?

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, there seems to be a lot of controversy in the nutrition world right now about protein as the plant-based documentaries are proliferating especially all over Netflix and you’re hearing from advocates of a plant-based program that you get plenty of protein in spinach and just eating vegetables, and there’s really no need for concentrated sources of amino acids like from animal products.

Dr. Moss:             My position on that is I understand the need to have generalizations for population recommendations, but I’m a clinician, I deal with one person at a time. And so my mind defaults to what is right for this particular person, and I find I can judge best by checking all my agendas at the door, plant versus animal.  I find some people do better on an animal-based, the right amount. Too much of anything is bad, but optimal amounts, some people do better on animal, some people do better on plant, some people do better on more of a Mediterranean blend of plant and animal. I tend to think of what is right for the individual, and so I find in terms of treating individuals, generalizations I find hurt more than help.

Dr. Weitz:            To be honest, I totally agree. In fact, I think the time for these broad-based generalizations for recommended diets for the entire population, I think we should be past that. The time for biochemical individuality is here and I think we shouldn’t be recommending the one best diet for the whole culture or society.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah. We are on the same page on that, biochemical individuality, everybody is a different, and yes, I think trying to convince one size fits all is really a big disservice to the population.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah. I remember going to Jeffrey Bland seminars 25 years ago, talking about biochemical individuality, but I think the time is really here now, instead of trying to find the best recommended diet for everybody, let’s find what program’s going to be best for each individual.

Dr. Moss:             Exactly right. I was at those seminars and profoundly influenced me, and I’ve really been on that page ever since Bland talked about it, that we have to look at everybody as an individual, not as someone who has to fit into our agenda.

Dr. Weitz:            Give us some pearls about energy metabolism and mitochondrial status from organic acids.  What are a couple of tests that and what steps can we take to optimize a person’s health on the basis of that?

Dr. Moss:             Sure. I think right now where I have been most influenced, like many of us, I’m sure you’re familiar with what is known as intermittent fasting.

Dr. Weitz:            Sure.

Dr. Moss:             The idea not so much of what you eat, but when you eat it.  And the idea is that to maintain optimal health, we have to have two basic energy periods.  We have what is known as the postprandial right after the meal, which is what we call insulin mediated. In other words, we eat something, maybe a carbohydrate, but any food and we have a shot of insulin, which is designed to stimulate conversion to various factors such as pyruvate…

Dr. Weitz:            By the way, when you say a shot of insulin, this is not something you’re drinking.

Dr. Moss:             No, no, no. You’re right. The body makes that-

Dr. Weitz:            This is something being secreted by your pancreas.

Dr. Moss:             Right. No, no, exactly. This is already… I don’t want to give the wrong info… Basically, you get a little squirt of insulin from your pancreas literally. And the food is metabolized, and this is what is known as postprandial metabolism. But then we are supposed to have a period, what they call fasting metabolism, where fat is broken down, protein is broken down, including muscle, and those are converted to energy also.  Now, if that goes on too long, we’re going to lose too much fat or lose too much protein, but then we have the next meal. So it’s supposed to be this continual ebb and flow, but what we see in many people of course, is they’re grazing, they’re continually eating, constantly secreting insulin.

The one indicator that we look at in terms of is that eating too much, if you will., there’s an indicator called beta hydroxybutyrate, it’s a ketone body. Now, this is a fasting test. It’s a fasted test.  In other words, you stop eating and then you take the urine sample, the first thing the next morning.  In a healthy situation, we want good fasting, fat burning metabolism, and so we want to see that beta hydroxybutyrate trending high, trending high, so we know that we’re getting good fat burning because that’s the… 

Dr. Weitz:            By the way, this is the same thing that people are measuring when they’re doing a ketogenic diet and they want to see that they’re actually burning ketones.

Dr. Moss:             Yes, exactly right. And so the beta hydroxybutyrate is a ketone. It’s an excellent measurement if you’re burning fat well. So right now in terms of two things, number one, are you burning fat well, but also, if your beta hydroxybutyrate is high, that means the insulin is not high. If you get excess insulin production, you’re going to get production of energy and other pathways, the lactate will tend to be high. The pyruvate will tend to be high, the beta hydroxybutyrate will tend to be a little bit lower.  And now this chronic elevation in insulin called hyperinsulinemia is now considered to be a primary factor in all kinds of chronic illness, a tremendous amount of research is going on now looking at what happens when we’re eating all day, constantly stimulating insulin production.  So right now I’d say in terms of a general health, dietary recommendations, I’m looking at that beta hydroxybutyrate and if I see it not a little bit high, I’m wondering if you’re eating too much, not having a long enough fasting period.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. And what about any of the other markers for energy metabolism? What can you tell us about… And by the way, do any of these markers for mitochondrial function, has there been research to correlate these with like muscle biopsies to assess mitochondrial function? What kind of validation has there been for some of these markers?

Dr. Moss:             Good point. These specific mitochondrial markers on the profile, citrate there are several of them. Lord and Bralley in their book looked at several different scenarios. And from a practical clinical standpoint, the scenarios can be they’re so numerous and so confusing that it’s really hard to apply them clinically in my experience.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Moss:             So I’m looking for trends. I’ve looked at the literature and when you tend to see all these mitochondrial markers trending high, you’re thinking about chronic inflammation, not making conversions properly. They’re being inhibited usually by inflammation. Trending low, I’m thinking about deficiency or a malabsorption issue of amino acids.  Now, there are some specific markers that can be looked at for other scenarios. The HMG, which is a precursor to cholesterol synthesis, that can be very high on a person on statins because it inhibits cholesterol synthesis.

Dr. Weitz:            Oh, interesting.

Dr. Moss:             So that can be a useful. Citrate, we need a certain amount of citrate in our urine to-

Dr. Weitz:            One more time on the HMG because that’s one I’ve never really paid any attention to it-

Dr. Moss:             Okay.

Dr. Weitz:            … if I happened to be looking at NutrEVal here. So say it again. HMG is a precursor for cholesterol synthesis …. and what’s being blocked by statin drugs. Right?

Dr. Moss:             That’s exactly right. And so if you’re taking a statin drug, they can’t make the conversion, the HMG will tend to go up. So if you see high HMG, you want to rule out statins, that’d be one clinical pearl certainly.

Dr. Weitz:            Or red yeast rice.

Dr. Moss:             Yes, correct. Typically, red yeast rice, when taken the in the correct dosages is more metabolically kind, if you will. It doesn’t have that gross effect that a statin drug would. But yes, if they’re not using it correctly, you could see it with red yeast rice.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. And then if it’s low.

Dr. Moss:             If it’s low, again, you’re thinking about this issue of deficiency of precursors, malabsorption, malnutrition. Very often the people I encounter, either my patients in my small practice or people who are referred to me from my customers are older patients where malnutrition… Shouldn’t say mal, sub optimal nutrient intake or malabsorption is incredibly common.  Older people for many reasons are not eating well, they skip meals for a variety of factors.  One of the things I find that’s often missed when they analyze diets, they’ll take a look at the nutrient content and very often the nutrient content will be excellent. What they forget to do is ask how much did you actually eat? And sometimes you have to ask the kids. “Yeah, I know what you put on the plate, how much on the plate did mom actually eat? Add it up.”  And so this is where we get fooled very often older populations, the quality is good and we know there was enough but on the plate, but they aren’t finishing their food and they get into a malnutrition issue, which can be exacerbated by malabsorption, very common in older populations.  And so if we see mitochondrial indicators trending low and I asked the question, “Oh, tell me about your diet.” And, “I’ve already done that,” and I hear about the high quality, the broccoli and the fish, I hear about all that. But then my next question is, “How much did you eat?” And the patient, “Oh, I eat fine.” And then if available, I ask the kids, “How well does your mother eat?” “Oh, she doesn’t eat at all.” She’s always skipping meals.

Dr. Weitz:            And of course that HMG, and so now we’re talking about the anorexic, the bulimic, the undernourished… 

Dr. Moss:             That’s what I find the mitochondria indicators most valuable for is these general trends.

Dr. Weitz:            And so that HMG pathway, which produces cholesterol is also the pathway that produces coenzyme Q10-

Dr. Moss:             Yes, 

Dr. Weitz:            … so if they don’t have enough HMG, they’re not going to produce CoQ10, and that’s a super important mitochondrial nutrient.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah, very good point. Very misunderstood, underappreciated is the need for coenzyme Q10 and the body makes it. And yeah, we need these nutrient precursors, and again, it’s underappreciated that certain populations, suboptimal intake is extremely common.

Dr. Weitz:            So if that HMG is high though and they’re not taking a statin, and they also have high cholesterol, then that would be a clear correlation of something going on, right?

Dr. Moss:             Sure. Something is going on. Again, the most common thing in the ailing population is going to be looking for a chronic inflammation. They can’t make the conversions, the inflammation is a major enzyme inhibitor. It’s a common thing, and the next thing would be a chemical or metal toxins acts as enzyme inhibitors.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Now organic can also be markers for neurotransmitter status.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            What can we learn about this?

Dr. Moss:             Oh, this is a really one of the most important sections for me mainly because when I were trying to help people who are not responding, one of the things we tend to under-appreciate or sometimes the patient can hide it is the impact of psychological stress, worry. Well, just thinking about stuff all day and this kind of PTSD type scenario where just everything reminds them of something bad. And so-

Dr. Weitz:            Being in sympathetic mode the whole day.

Dr. Moss:             Exactly right. And so-

Dr. Weitz:            Not spending enough time in parasympathetic rest and relax state.

Dr. Moss:             Right.  You’re right.  And so the indicators the homovanillic, there’s a couple of other indicators out there.

Dr. Weitz:            Kynurenic acid.

Dr. Moss:             Yes. They first two indicators in that profile are indicators of catecholamine metabolism, and in many people they tend to be on the high side and that would indicate, oh, we were dealing with a stress situation, the sympathetic nervous system is just being turned on too often, most often due to chronic worry, and thoughts, and negative thinking.  The other section, the other indicators and there relate to the serotonin mediated pathways or more precisely the tryptophan meted pathways. Almost all the neurotransmitters are derived from amino acids. The catecholamines are from the essential amino acid, phenylalanine, and we’ll see how well they’re converted, but the others the kynurenine, quinolinic acid, picolinic acid, 5-HIAA, these are all tryptophan metabolites.  Now the 5-HIAA tells us about how well are we converting tryptophan to serotonin. Now, tryptophan actually can go in two major directions and it has to do both for good health. We all know about the serotonin direction. We want some tryptophan to go to serotonin. Serotonin is like the life is good neurotransmitter. Everything’s fine, no problems.

The problem is people chronically stressed, they’re inflamed, they’re worried or they have other stressors such as poor diet, or toxins, or whatever, the body is in a stress response scenario, and so the body says, “Well, life is not good.” So the body says, “Well, we’re not going to take tryptophan over to serotonin and melatonin because it’s not time to sleep. We’re worried, we’re stressed. We have to get into the reaction phase, the worry phase.” And the tryptophan is redirected to what is known as the kynurenine pathway.  And there’s several indicators on organic acids that can tell us about this is how much the tryptophan is going down this other pathway. Now, it’s not a bad pathway, it’s supposed to be there. The end point of the kynurenine pathway is the production of niacin, B3. So it’s supposed to be there.

But with chronic stress, toxins, et cetera, we can get too much going down this pathway, and the big one we’re looking at is the quinolinic acid because this is not only an indication of inflammation, it’s an also a good indicator of neuro-degeneration. It’s a neuroexcitatory metabolite and that has been highly linked with virtually every behavioral and neurodegenerative disorder you can think of from depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease, but most notably elevated kynurenine and the quinolinic acid have been highly correlated with Alzheimer’s, senile dementia profiles.

Dr. Weitz:            Wow. Interesting.

Dr. Moss:             Somebody says, “My father got Alzheimer’s disease at 60 and I’m 40. Is there any way that you can tell me that I’m more prone to heading in that direction?” This is a good early screen. Now it’s not 100%, but it can basically say, “All right, you’re heading down this pathway and…” but most people think, oh my God, just write your will, it’s all over.  No, this pathway tends to be elevated because of lifestyle issues. And so this is one of the things that is misunderstood. Alzheimer’s disease is not a hardwired genetic disease. Maybe 5% of the population is hardwired genetic. The research is clear, this is mainly a lifestyle disorder.  So we see the elevated kynurenine and the elevated quinolinic acid, all right, you’ve got a tendency, but if we can change your lifestyle, good self meditation, exercise, stress management, we can easily change this to a more health producing pathway, most health promoting scenario.

Dr. Weitz:            So what particular factors are these quinolinic acid and kynurenic directly related to in terms of lifestyle diet?

Dr. Moss:             They go up because of inflammation.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Moss:             So anything that’s causing inflammation and everybody’s different. Somebody, it may be due to a poor diet, somebody it’s due to a toxin. Infection is a big factor. What are the things that we often miss is we understand the infections like Lyme disease and viruses we’re all hearing about now, but some of the infections that are most underappreciated are the infections that we get in our gut.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Moss:             Chronic low grade dysbiosis, chronic pathogens are often due to over use of antibiotics, and this can be immensely pro-inflammatory. And so we see this elevation, one of the things you may want to check out, did we miss something in the gut?

Dr. Weitz:            Right? And this is where a good stool test like the GI Map from Diagnostic Solutions can be helpful.

Dr. Moss:             A big fan of that test.

Dr. Weitz:            You were talking about what can we do to screen for the possibility of Alzheimer’s and I wanted to mention that Cyrex Labs has an awesome test called the Alzheimer’s Linx Test that looks for antibodies to see whether your immune system is starting to attack any of the tissues related to your brain function.

Dr. Moss:             Oh yeah. Cyrex is great, these antibodies are really wonderful. And certainly if we see these trends on a basic organic acids screen, yes, we’d want to go ahead and do additional testing to gain more information, and we’d do that with Cyrex. Absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Now the last area I’d like to touch on, you mentioned toxins and organic acids can give us some information about toxins as well. So can you talk a little bit about what we can learn about exposure to toxins from an organic acids test?

Dr. Moss:             Sure. What we measure in the organic acids is not the toxins per se, but the enzymes and, I should say, the pathways involved in toxin metabolism. And for many people, this is really more important than knowing the toxins. For most people, what do we know about toxic exposure? That for most people it’s the same as everybody else, we live in a toxic world.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. We’re all getting exposed.

Dr. Moss:             We’re all getting basically the same amount, but this particular person for whatever reasons seems to be less able to handle the load that everybody else can handle, and what do we-

Dr. Weitz:            This person gets sick where somebody else is exposed to the same thing as him.

Dr. Moss:             The soap everybody else uses with no problem, this person reacts to the soap, they get headaches from the perfume. Why are they reacting to something that most people don’t react to?

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Moss:             And what we’re learning-

Dr. Weitz:            You have mold in a household and one family member gets really sick and so many other family members don’t.

Dr. Moss:             Right. So why are they reacting is the key question. Obviously, practicalities aside, it would be great if we can just eliminate all the toxins, but from a practical standpoint, it’s just not going to happen. The world’s not going to get any cleaner anytime soon. And to tell people, “You’ve got to completely rip out all your dry wall, repaint, new carpeting, $10,000 filtration system,” not really practical for most people.  So we want to focus on how can we better and help them improve their ability to metabolize of the toxins. And so the indicators, these glutathione indicators, we can look at these… this one is a hippurate pathway, glycinate pathway, all help us, tell how well are they metabolizing these toxins.  Now, history is very important. Very often if we’re dealing with an occupational situation, occupational exposure, that’s entirely different, they work with it. A dentist working with mercury, people who work in beauty parlors, nail salons, these are occupational exposures where history is going to be an important indicator.

But for the person we can’t find any obvious source of excess exposure, organic acids will tell us, “All right, you’re having a problem with metabolizing.” Is there a nutrient problem? Are you getting enough sulfur in your diet, which mainly comes from protein. Maybe they need some supplementation for that.  There is the other amino acid pathways that are underappreciated involved in detoxification, known as the glycine pathway. Very important in this pathway particularly-

Dr. Weitz:            What role does the glycine pathway play in detoxification?

Dr. Moss:             That is involved in detoxification of key solvents such as taurine in particular that taurine type compounds are very common solvents in cosmetics for example. Now, this is one of the things that I know very often female patients don’t want to hear about, but sometimes we have to talk about this is that I’m sick, we’ve ruled out the usual things, so I like to ask about the unusual, and I ask the question.

I know they don’t want to hear, “Tell me about your hair dyes and your cosmetics,” which commonly have these solvents in there. So if I see elevations of the hippurate pathway, the glycine pathway, I’m thinking about, are we getting excess exposure from solvents that can be found in things like hair dyes and cosmetics.

Now obviously to tell a woman, “You can never do that again.” That’s impractical and on harsh. We don’t want to be cruel. So what can we do to maybe create more reasonable utilization, but along with improving lifestyle supplementation to improve these detoxification pathways so that to a certain extent they can use the things, these cosmetics they’re used to, but at the same time get better health. That’s how [crosstalk 00:51:18]-

Dr. Weitz:            How can you promote the glycine pathway? Is that through taking glycine or?

Dr. Moss:             It’s interesting, the body makes glycine. It’s a non essential amino acid and so it’s been virtually ignored because the body makes it, but the literature is now is showing in certain selected individuals, particularly those who are having a toxic challenge, they’re not making enough. And so yes, using a glycine supplementation has been very impressive in the literature for these detoxification pathways. Sure.

Dr. Weitz:            What other supplements can be beneficial if we see problems with detoxification pathways?

Dr. Moss:             The big one that we see, the alpha hydroxybutyrate and the pyroglutamate, these are indicators for glutathione. And the big thing with glutathione is that we’re not getting enough sulfur. Sulfur is really an underappreciated mineral. Traditionally, according to the literature I saw was basically ignored by the research community for the simple fact sulfur is very common in red meat.

And in the early days when they were doing the research, nobody ever thought you could ever be too low in sulfur because everyone’s seeing too plenty of red meat. But now we’ve gotten people to stop eating red meat and we’re seeing more and more sulfur deficiencies because there’s not a lot of sulfur in a plant-based diet. And what is in there is very hard to digest and absorb.  So sulfur deficiency is becoming much more common, so we’re looking at the supplements in this case like N-Acetyl Cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) can be very helpful in this situation.

Dr. Weitz:            Interesting. So I normally think of NAC as a precursor for glutathione, but you’re saying it also supplies sulfur, which helps with that whole detox pathway as well.

Dr. Moss:             Absolutely. Yeah, it certainly is great for building glutathione. And many of these people have two… There’s two indicators there; one, the alpha hydroxybutyrate tells us how well they’re making it, and the pirate glutamate… Glutathione basically you use it, what known always reduced unused glutathione, the GSH and the body converts that to oxidized or used glutathione.  And what the body is supposed to do, it wants to conserve it. It’ll take that used glutathione and convert it back to unused, the GSH converted, and there is an indicator called pyroglutamate. If that’s too high it tells you’re not recycling glutathione very well, so you’re not using your sulfur well.  And the other extremely important indicator is the urinary sulfate, which is often too high in the chronically ill people, and what that tells you basically is you’re peeing out all your sulfur. Certainly you want to do things to help improve metabolism, with these indicators, it tells us we’re probably going to need more sulfur supplementation and a diet that is a more replete in healthy sulfur resources.

Dr. Weitz:            And what would be the healthy sulfur sources?

Dr. Moss:             Number one, I know I sound [crosstalk 00:54:36] politically correct, but a meat-based or an animal-based diet. Too much of anything is bad, but good quality variety of protein sources. When I say red meat may be good, I’m not saying every day, and not saying go to your fast food restaurant. What I’m saying is if you can-

Dr. Weitz:            Live a carnivore diet.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah, a good quality source. If you go to the farmer’s market and they have these grass-fed cuts of meat, the local and eat that maybe once or twice a week, and maybe a couple of meals a week or a couple times a week, you’re going to have a plant-based diet, and then a fish-based, and then eggs, so variety.  Eggs are a very good source of sulfur. That’s a really good way to get good sulfur in your diet without getting into any overload situations. And then of course the supplementation is very helpful.

Dr. Weitz:            Why wouldn’t somebody recycle their glutathione?

Dr. Moss:             The big X factor, I keep on coming back to it is because it’s underappreciated, inflammation.

Dr. Weitz:            Inflammation.

Dr. Moss:             Inflammation is such a massive enzyme inhibitor, virtually every enzyme you can think of so why… And again we know they’re inflamed, our job is to do is that why, why are they inflamed? What did we miss? Was it a toxin? Were they worrying too much? Are they getting enough sleep? Are they spending up to 2:00 AM on the computer? All pro-inflammatory, we just have to weed that out and make proper recommendations.

Dr. Weitz:            That’s interesting. So maybe we’ve done a CRP and that’s normal, but this is still telling us that there’s inflammation that’s not being picked up by the CRP.

Dr. Moss:             Yeah. It’s been thought that C-reactive protein is kind of like a universal indicator and very sensitive. And the high sensitivity hsCRP is more sensitive, but yes, you will see many people who have excess inflammation due to other pathways, and that’s where the Cyrex testing for example, could come into play.  Very often we know they’re inflamed, but the C-reactive protein is negative, what are the other sources or indicators of inflammation? Cyrex testing can be very helpful in that regard.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, good. I think those are the questions that I had prepared. Are there any other things you’d like to talk about?

Dr. Moss:             I guess I would finish up by saying that the test is… there’s so many people who are just, they’re discouraged, and they’re confused, and they’re depressed because they’ve been suffering, and everybody is trying to throw supplements at them, “Take this, take this, take this, take this.” Most of these people are searching its cart before the horse. The issue right now at this point is not which supplements to take, it’s not a treatment challenge, it’s an assessment, it’s a diagnostic challenge, what’s wrong with them?  We’ve done the usual, we’ve done the usual blood tests, where can we turn to on cost-effective basis to answer that question to this patient. What’s wrong with me? Organic acids is a great gross screen to answer that question, what’s wrong with me?

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Great. Can you tell us about your organic acids course and about your Moss Nutrition supplements?

Dr. Moss:             Yeah. The organic acids course basically came from a need I felt to really look at organic acids as more than just a simple test to determine micro nutrient deficiency. I started reading the literature and I noticed, boy, there’s just so much information here related to inflammation, all the things that I’ve talked about and I really wasn’t seeing any good information geared towards the practitioner where they could basically get this in one place.

So I decided, well, might as well do it myself. And so I created a very in depth, a series. It’s 15 parts where I go into each section for basic an hour, hour and a half, using this idea of what did you miss? And look at each section in terms of what information can you gain to answer that question, what did I miss?  It’s a 15 session course and to learn about it, you can go to our website or give our office to call. In terms of our Moss Nutrition line, it is a practitioner [crosstalk 00:59:09]-

Dr. Weitz:            Hang on one second. I just wanted to give a plug for your course.

Dr. Moss:             Thank you.

Dr. Weitz:            It’s very well organized, very well in depth and Jeff keeps using this sort of format that sort of reminds me of the IFM course is to organize information in terms of the different types of problems like toxins, and et cetera, and keeping us focused on the patient and how we can use the information to help the patient rather than getting too focused on the course, which I think is very, very helpful. So-

Dr. Moss:             Yes, it’s very patient-

Dr. Weitz:            … I do recommend his organic acids-.

Dr. Moss:             Thank you.

Dr. Weitz:            … course.

Dr. Moss:             It’s meant to be very practical and very patient centered.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. And what’s the cost of that right now?

Dr. Moss:             Right now, what are we offering it? I think it is… my goodness. I don’t even know off the top of my… It’s right around in the $200, $250 range.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Moss:             My wife keeps track of all of that. I can’t even tell you what we’re charging for it now-

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Moss:             … but it’s in the $200 to $300 range.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. And then about your Moss Nutrition line.

Dr. Moss:             Our Moss Nutrition line, it’s a practitioner baseline. It’s geared towards practitioners and I emphasize that. You will not find our product line on amazon.com or any major retail sites. We do allow practitioners to sell our supplements on their own websites to their patients, but the idea is, is we want to have a product line that is geared specifically towards the needs of chronically ill individuals answering this question of what’s wrong and what tools can we use specifically to help them metabolically to get to better health?

We’ve designed products specifically for that and in particular addressing some of the very underappreciated metabolic imbalances. Certainly, we have a lot of good products for example, for gut health, but one of the areas that’s grossly underappreciated is loss of muscle mass, very common in older populations.  One of the things that’s underappreciated is that most glucose receptors sites are on muscle so that type 2 diabetes is not a disease of the pancreas. That’s end-stage diabetes. Early onset is a muscle disease. And so building muscle is incredibly important in maintaining muscle, so we have products like SarcoSelect that are specifically designed, particularly older patients to help them build and maintain muscle.

Acid alkaline imbalance, grossly underappreciated. And of course this is an issue of electrolytes. When we think electrolytes, we all know about sodium, and chloride, and magnesium, but what’s the big one that it’s under appreciated that you never hear about in the seminars? Potassium.  So we talk a lot about potassium, we have a very bio available form potassium, Potassium Bicarbonate. We have the pH strips to look at first morning urine pH. We talk about how to assess serum potassium, and it’s one of our foundational products. And we’ve heard so many good reports how people don’t believe, how could this complicated problem nobody could solve got resolved by electrolytes, potassium?

Well, we hear about it all the time, so we’re back to basics. That’s the other aspect of Moss Nutrition. We’ll address complexity, but we like to bring things back down to simplicity and basics, and very often for many of these people, everybody assumed it was complicated and so they never looked at the simple stuff. We look at the simple stuff at Moss Nutrition. That’s the heart of our product line. Simple answers for complicated problems.

Dr. Weitz:            Excellent. Thank you, Jeff.

Dr. Moss:             Thanks Ben.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Plant Based Diet for Diabetes with Dr. Cyrus Khambatta: Rational Wellness Podcast 144

Dr. Cyrus Khambatta discusses how A Plant Based Diet Benefits Patients with Diabetes with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

3:12:  Dr. Khambatta was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes when he was 22 years old and he developed 3 separate autoimmune conditions within a 6 month period of time.  Dr. Khambatta developed Hashimoto’s hypthyroidism, Type I Diabetes, and Alopecia universalis, which is why he has no hair.  He followed his doctors’ recommendations to follow a lower carbohydrate diet with 100-125 grams of carbs per day.  He started eating more peanut butter, eggs, chicken, fish, olive oil, and reduced his intake of carbohydrates, including fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains.  Not only was he having trouble controlling his blood glucose, but his insulin use was gradually going up as well, from the mid 20s, to the mid 30s, to 40-45 units per day.  He decided to try a plant based, high carb, whole food, low fat diet, with the help of Dr. Douglas Graham.  He started eating 5 to 6 times the number of grams of carbohydrates per day and his blood glucose fell within the first 24 hours and he cut his insulin use by 40%!  This led Dr. Khambatta to get a PhD in Nutritional biochemistry from UC Berkley in order to understand what was going on in his own body.  He claims to have dug up over 100 years of information from scientific researchers that document how a low fat, plant based, whole food diet can help maximize insulin sensitivity and enable people with both Type I and Type II diabetes and prediabetes to get the same results. This led him and Robby Barbaro to see up the Mastering Diabetes coaching program to educate people about the benefits of the plant based diet for diabetes.

11:55  The recommended diet for those with both Type I and Type II diabetes can be quite similar, according to Dr. Khambatta. There are three components to a plant-based diet that are beneficial for those living with diabetes: 1. Low fat, 2. Plant based, and 3. Whole food.  Dr. Khambatta recommends that no more than 10-15% of calories should be consumed as fat because low fat will improve insulin sensitivity.  You should eat as much plant material as you can, but you should avoid processed and packaged food products, even if they are plant based. You should stick with whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes and avoid plant based burgers and soy ice cream and crackers and chips, etc.

14:26  Insulin. If you consume too many calories, insulin will signal your liver and muscle to store the excess energy as glycogen and then as bodyfat.  Insulin is a very powerful anabolic hormone that has many other effects, including to signal amino acid uptake from protein and fatty acid uptake from fatty acids. Insulin can signal cholesterol uptake.  Insulin can also promote DNA synthesis, DNA repair, RNA synthesis, and glycogen synthesis. 

16:39  It is important to avoid consuming too many calories if you have diabetes, since excess calories will tend to be stored as fat.  But if you avoid refined carbohydrates and you eat a whole food plant based diet, it is very rich in fiber and water and this creates bulk, which fills you up and makes it hard to eat excess calories. Fiber is very important for slowing the breakdown of the food into sugar, for creating bulk in our stool, and helps feed our microbiome and promotes the production of butyrate by our microbiota.

18:21  People who are overweight usually tend to overeat carbohydrates, but these are usually refined carbohydrate foods, like chips and cookies and crackers and pastas and cereals. Such foods are made hyperpalatable that tend to encourage overeating, whereas whole food plant-based carbohydrate foods, like potatoes are filled with fiber and water and tend to fill you up.

20:58  Eating carbohydrates with proteins or fats does slow the absorption of the carbohydrate into sugar in the bloodstream.  But if you eat in a way that promotes insulin sensitivity with a high carb, low fat, whole foods, plant-based diet, then the glucose molecules from the potato you eat will get inside of your muscles, which will keep your blood glucose from going high.

25:10  If you eat too many carbohydrate calories, more than your caloric needs, then you can have your blood glucose spike and start storing some of those carbohydrate calories as fat in the liver and in adipose stores. But if you eat a low fat, whole food, plant-based diet without refined carbohydrates, then you are less likely to eat excess calories and you are likely to be sensitive to insulin, so the glucose will continue to be shuttled into the muscles and liver and your blood glucose will not be high.

30:37  The Glycemic Index, which rates carbohydrate foods based on the rate that they are turned into sugar, matters, but not so much if you are insulin sensitive due to eating a low fat, whole food, plant-based diet.

36:04  Insulin resistance is a complex topic, but Dr. Khambatta feels that the research shows that eating both fat, esp. saturated fat, and/or protein increase insulin resistance, as compared to eating carbohydrates. Saturated fat appears to be the most significant contributor to insulin resistance, according to Dr. Khambatta.

39:57  Dr. Khambatta recommends eating a fruit-centric meal in the morning and if you exercise in the morning, which he recommends, this can give you a lot of energy for your exercise. Such a meal could consist of a bowl with two bananas and a mango with a tablespoon of flax seed oil dripped on it or you can have oatmeal with fruit. If you are a Type I diabetic, it is best to eat and then exercise and under-dose your insulin a little bit so you don’t get hypoglycemic with exercise.  If you have Type II diabetes, then it’s fine to exercise first in a fasted state and eat your fruit after you exercise.  Lunch could include some starchy carbohydrates like potatoes, squash, corn, or some whole grains.  In the evening would be a good time to have some green leafy and non-starchy vegetables with some legumes.

44:50  Nutritional Supplements.  Dr. Khambatta recommends a supplement containing Indian gooseberries, Amla Green, which contains Amla berries with green tea.  He also noted that there are some effective anti-diabetic medicinal herbs, including cinnamon, berberine, fenugreek, gymnema sylvestre, and bitter melon, but he does not see them as a core component of the natural managing diabetes approach.

46:08  Exercise.  It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of exercise six days per week with 50% being cardiovascular exercise and 50% resistance training.  Exercise should be intense enough that you cannot talk or answer a phone call or sing your favorite song while exercising.  Exercise is a powerful insulin sensitizer and has many benefits for your glucose management, your brain, your bones, your muscles, your thyroid, and your mental health.


Dr. Cyrus Khambatta has a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry and he has coauthored a number of peer-reviewed scientific papers and he is the co-host of the annual Mastering Diabetes online summit.  He is also the co-author of a new book along with Robby Barbaro, Mastering Diabetes, which was just released on 2/18/2020.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness Podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest and cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates. And to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me, and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello Rational Wellness Podcasters, thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to our Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts and give us a ratings and review. Also, if you’d like to see a video version, go to my YouTube page, and if you go to my website, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Today our topic is, The Prevention And Treatment Of Diabetes With A Diet And Lifestyle Approach.  Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition that usually starts in childhood or in the teenage years and is marked by damage to the ability to produce insulin, and requires taking insulin injections for the rest of their lives.  But 90 to 95% of those with diabetes have Type 2, and this is a condition that results from diet and lifestyle and is entirely preventable. One of the biggest questions is, which diet and lifestyle factors are the most effective for this task? For example, is it more effective to follow a lower carb diet, which as Dr. Brian Mowll recommends, who we spoke to in episode 139?  Or is it more effective to follow a higher carb, lower fat program such as Dr. Cyrus Khambatta, our guest today advocates? This is a very important topic because diabetes and prediabetes are epidemic and the prevalence continues to increase in the United States and around the world.  9.4% of adults in the US are diabetic and at least 87 million people in the US have prediabetes and rates are climbing, especially among children and teens. Dr. Cyrus Khambatta has a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering from Stanford university in 2003 and a PhD in nutritional biochemistry from UC Berkeley in 2012. He’s coauthored a number of peer-reviewed scientific papers. He appeared on the Forks Over Knives’ documentary and he’s the co-host of the Annual Mastering Diabetes Online Summit, and he’s coauthored the soon to be released book, Mastering Diabetes With Robby Barbara. There you go. Is it available right now?

Dr. Khambatta:                 It’s available for pre-sale right now and it’ll be available on February 18th for everyone.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay. And he’s also a nutrition and fitness coach and he’s been living with Type 1 diabetes since 2002. Dr. Khambatta, thank you for joining me today.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Thank you so much Dr. Weitz. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here today.

Dr. Weitz:                          Excellent. So maybe you can start by telling us about your personal experiences living with Type 1 diabetes and eating a plant-based diet.

Dr. Khambatta:                 For sure. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was 22 years old, I was a senior at Stanford university at the time and I was just trying to graduate and move on with my life, and I started to feel really thirsty, like incredibly thirsty where I was drinking about one to two gallons of water per day, and my energy levels were just terrible, very little energy. So I picked up the phone and I called my sister and she’s a doctor of osteopathy and I said, “Hey Shanaz, here are my symptoms, what am I experiencing?” And she said, “Cyrus, you are explaining Type 1 diabetes to the T, go to the health center right away.”  And I was like, “Shanaz, I don’t have Type 1 diabetes. What are you talking about?” And she said, “I don’t have time to explain, just go.” So I didn’t know anything about biology, I didn’t know anything about medicine at that point. I just thought that diabetes literally had something to do with old people and cake. That was it. So here I am, I’m like 22 year old guy, I’m athletic and I’m like, “I’m not overweight. I don’t understand what’s happening.” So I checked myself into the health center and while I’m there, they checked my blood glucose and it’s over 600. My brother goes, “Anybody’s blood glucose is supposed to be between 80 and 130 on a given day.” And mine was basically six times higher than it needed to be. And I didn’t know what that meant, but they basically looked at me and they said, “We’re taking you to the ER right now.”

So we go to the ER together. When I checked myself in there, they basically put me into a room. They gave me an IV of saline in one arm to hydrate me, and then they also gave me an IV of insulin into the other arm and they started to control my blood glucose and bring it down using insulin. While I was in the hospital for 24 hours, they pieced together my health history, and they helped me understand that I now had developed, not one, not two, but three autoimmune conditions within a six month period. So the first autoimmune condition was Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. So I developed Hashimoto’s about six months prior and I was taking a synthetic thyroid supplements, was taking Synthroid and that was supposed to solve that problem.  Then a couple of months later, I developed alopecia universalis, which is why I have no hair, I have no eyebrows, I had no eyelashes, I had no ear hair, no hair, nothing, I’m gone. And then in addition to that, I developed Type 1 diabetes. So all of those setting within a six month period and all three of them were autoimmune. So the doctors looked at me and they were like, “We’ve never ever seen somebody that has these three conditions before.”

Dr. Weitz:                          But actually autoimmune conditions do tend to group together. Having one autoimmune condition increases your risk of another.

Dr. Khambatta:                 No questions asked, you’re absolutely correct. And I’ve gone on to learn over the course of time that there’s actually different types of autoimmune conditions that cluster together. So Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, Type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, they all cluster, but I didn’t know that at the time, all I knew was that I’d felt thirsty and I needed some help. And the doctors were basically telling me, they were like, “Well we kind of know what to do and we kind of don’t know what to do.” So I got discharged from the hospital 24 hours later with a blood glucose meter, test strips, two different types of insulin, syringes, carbohydrate counting guide and a life alert bracelet that basically said, “If something happens to me and you find me passed out on a field, call 991.” So I got really nervous really quickly because-

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, that’s pretty scary.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yeah, exactly. So I followed the advice of my doctors at the time and they basically said, “Listen, we know how to treat Type 1 diabetes because it’s pretty classic and there’s a safe way to treat it and that is, to eat a low carbohydrate diet.” So I said, “Great. Let’s do this.” So I started eating more peanut butter, more eggs, more chicken, more fish, more olive oil, and I was trying to reduce my intake of carbohydrate rich, anything, whether that was fruits or starchy vegetables or whole grains. And by doing so it was supposed to make my blood glucose more controllable and it didn’t. It definitely did not.

So maybe I did a low carbohydrate diet terribly incorrectly, but I was trying to control my carbohydrate intake to be about 100 to 125 grams per day, which falls within the low carbohydrate classification. And not only was my blood glucose hard to control, my insulin use was going up over time, started out in the mid-20s, and then it creeped up to the mid-30s, and before I knew it, it was 40 to 45 units per day. And then in addition to that, I also just started to feel very tired and my joints and my muscles were starting to hurt and I couldn’t be as athletic as I wanted to be. And having grown up as an athlete, a soccer player, weightlifter, and just like generally, very active, as soon as my mobility got compromised, I got really frustrated.

So I started looking for more information, I got introduced to this idea of eating a plant-based diet and I said, “Heck, I’ll try it out. Let me do it.” So under the guidance of a nutrition professional named, Dr. Douglas Graham, he helped me transition to a plant-based diet, literally overnight, cold turkey. Now, I don’t really recommend transitioning cold turkey overnight, but I happened to do it just because that’s the situation I was presented with. So I switched over to a plant-based diet and Dr. Weitz, I can’t even tell you how incredible it felt for the first week. Within 24 hours, my blood glucose went from being relatively high and difficult to control, I hit six hypoglycemias within 24 hours. So my blood glucose began to fall and it began to fall rapidly.  And as a result of that, I had to back off on the amount of insulin I was giving myself so that I wouldn’t drive myself more hypoglycemia. Over the course of one week, I’d cut my insulin use by 40%, which is mind boggling, but the beauty was that I was doing it by eating five to six times the number of grams of carbohydrate per day. So that was really where this light bulb went off in my head when I was like, “Wait a minute, I had been told up to this point that carbohydrates equals more insulin, but now I’m eating way more carbohydrate energy and my insulin use is going down, so there’s like they’re moving in opposite directions. How is that possible?” So that’s when I got really interested in studying it at the PhD level, so I went to UC Berkeley. I enrolled in a PhD program there and I got to try and understand what was happening inside of my own body because it was a fascinating experiment.

Dr. Weitz:                          Well, it certainly is counter intuitive.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Oh, it’s fascinating. Yes, absolutely perfect..

Dr. Weitz:                          We basically, carbohydrates, pick a carbohydrate, rice is essentially a long chain of glucose molecules together. And when you eat a carbohydrate like rice, it gets broken down over a period of time, faster or slower depending upon the carbohydrate, into glucose, and if the issue is glucose, it certainly makes sense that eating more carbohydrates is going to raise your blood glucose.

Dr. Khambatta:                 That’s exactly So the overall philosophy of eating more carbohydrates equaling more glucose, equaling more insulin, it makes perfect sense. From like if you step backwards and draw it out on a piece of paper, it makes perfect sense, but my personal experience went exactly opposite to that. And so that’s where I either thought to myself, I was like, “Either I’m a fascinating “N” of one experiment, and what’s happening inside of my body is I’m a genetic anomaly or what’s happening inside of my body is actually applicable to other people living with Type 1 or maybe even other people living with any other form of diabetes.”

So that’s why I went to school and that’s why I tried to educate myself about it so that I could answer that question. Then while I was there, I was able to dig up almost 100 years’ worth of information, from the 1920s and beyond of experiments that scientific researchers have run that mimic exactly what I had gone through myself. And there’s a whole collection of information that really highlights the power of a plant-based diet, especially a low fat, plant-based whole food diet in helping to maximize insulin sensitivity and really enable people living with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes to see the exact same results, which is higher carbohydrate and take less insulin demands, less insulin biological requirements.  And that’s when I started to say, “Oh, wait a minute, I’m not special. I’m really not special. I just happened to be one person that experienced something that has already been documented for over 100 years.” And so we set up the Mastering Diabetes coaching program to teach people living with all forms of diabetes, how they can also transition to a plant-based diet so that they can achieve incredible similar results.

Dr. Weitz:                          So how should a diet for somebody with Type 1 be different than somebody with Type 2 diabetes?

Dr. Khambatta:                 It doesn’t necessarily have to be that different. At the basis of what we teach, and the basis of all of the scientific investigations that I’ve been involved in in the past 15 years, is that there’s three components to a plant-based diet that are really going to be beneficial for people living with diabetes. Number one, low fat. And when I say low fat, I basically mean approximately 15% of total calories as fat or maybe even a little bit less, somewhere between 10 to 15%. Number two, plant-based, meaning eat as much plant material as you possibly can. You don’t have to go 100%, but it does the further you can increase your plant intake, the better.  And then number three, whole food. And I want to put a focus on whole food too, is very important because as you know yourself, there’s a lot of plant-based packaged products that are now available on the market. There’s plant-based burgers, there’s soy ice cream, there’s crackers, there’s chips, there’s cookies, there’s enchiladas, there’s burritos, you name it.  And we don’t actually recommend eating more of those products even though they’re technically plant-based.  We’re talking about literally eating more fruits, more vegetables, more whole grains and more legumes.  So when you eat a low fat plant-based whole food diet, what ends up happening is that in a low fat environment, when the total quantity of that is quite low in your diet, that enables glucose metabolism to function very efficiently and then enables insulin to become very effective at signaling glucose to enter tissues.

And so to answer your question, you say, “Well, how would a diet for somebody with Type 1 be different than a diet for somebody with Type 2?” The answer is, it doesn’t necessarily have to be. As long as you’re eating a low fat, 10 to 15% of your total intake as fat, plant-based, whole food diet, then what we find is that people with Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, people with prediabetes, we’re all doing the same thing under the surface.  And that same thing is we are maximizing insulin sensitivity.  And when you maximize insulin sensitivity, then effectively you allow insulin to do its job very effectively.  So small amounts of insulin can then usher or signal large amounts of glucose to get inside of tissues and that helps keep your blood glucose controlled very well.

Dr. Weitz:                         Isn’t the amount of calories really significant? Isn’t insulin essentially the hormone that allows us to store extra energy?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yes.

Dr. Weitz:                         In other words, if we consume more calories, calories being a measure of energy, than we need, then we can store some of that energy as glycogen or as fat, and that insulin helps to stimulate that, right?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yes. So insulin is actually a pretty misunderstood molecule, and what you’re saying is actually very true. So think of insulin as being basically the single most powerful anabolic hormone in your body. And when I say anabolic hormone, I mean, anabolic is a term given to like growth. It stimulates synthetic processes. So insulin is more powerful at stimulating synthetic processes than is testosterone, than is estrogen, than is growth hormone, than is IGF-1, you name it. So insulin’s role in your body, its primary function in your body, is to signal to tissues that glucose is available in your blood.

So when insulin is present, it’s a high energy signal that basically says, “Hey, liver, Hey muscle, would you like to take this glucose up? There’s glucose in the blood, go get it.” And then glucose, if the tissue say, “Yes, okay, no problem,” then glucose can get inside of those tissues. But insulin also has a number of other effects. Insulin can signal amino acid uptake from protein and insulin can signal fatty acid uptake from fatty acids. Insulin can signal cholesterol uptake.  Insulin can also promote DNA synthesis, RNA synthesis, glycogen synthesis. It can stimulate DNA repair. I mean, it’s literally endless what insulin is capable of doing.

But everything that insulin does is synthetic by nature or building by nature. And it also shuts down catabolic processes, meaning it shuts down the oxidation of fatty acids, it shuts down the oxidation of glucose. So it’s basically simultaneously turning up synthetic processes and minimizing or impairing catabolic processes, etc. So to answer your question, if you eat excess calories, does that stimulate an excess insulin production and then increased fatty acid synthesis or increased glycogen synthesis? The answer is absolutely, no questions asked.  So it’s very important for somebody living with any form of diabetes to be very cognizant of the amount of calories they’re consuming and to not over-consume calories.

And one of the things that’s actually very beneficial about a plant-based diet in particular that I’ve learned over the course of many years is that, when you eat a plant-based diet, it’s actually relatively challenging to overeat on calories, just naturally. And the reason for that is because when you’re eating a whole food plant-based diet, the whole food plant-based diet is incredibly fiber rich and is incredibly water rich. And if you add fiber and water together, you end up creating this thing called bulk, this substance called bulk. And there have been many experiments that have been performed over the course of time. And there’s a woman named, Barbara Rolls, who’s the pioneer of this branch of biology.  And what she has shown is that the single most satiating aspect of food, of all food is bulk. So when you consume foods that are fiber rich, that also are pre-packaged with a ton of water, then it’s actually, it fills you up quickly, and as a result of that, you don’t take very many bites before your digestive system signals up a neurological signal to your brain that says, “Hey, I’m getting full, slow down.” And as a result of doing that, you end up not actually taking on too many calories, it’s a natural break to prevent you from taking on excess calories.

Dr. Weitz:                         It doesn’t seem to match with my experience.  From what I’ve seen, people who tend to be overweight, tend to overeat carbohydrate foods. Rarely do people gorge on chicken or eggs–they’re eating bowls of pasta and chips and bagels and those are the typically the foods that lead people to be overweight.

Dr. Khambatta:                 The types of carbohydrate that you’re talking about are actually refined carbohydrate foods. You’re talking about chips and cookies and crackers and pastas and cereals and carbohydrates, sorry, carbohydrate-rich food that has gone through a manufacturing process in order to become a thing that you buy at the grocery store. And you are absolutely correct.  Refined carbohydrate foods can be very addictive because food manufacturers play games with those foods and when they put them into a package, they add natural flavorings to them such that they make them hyper palatable and it makes it much more likely that as soon as it hits your tongue, it sends a dopamine signal into your brain, sorry, your brain generates dopamine, which then gives you a happiness signal, which then makes you want to eat more.  So the nice thing about eating a whole food plant-based diet is that when you’re eating potatoes, potatoes don’t have that same hyper palatability, they’re tasty, and they’re filling and they’re filled with fiber and water. And as a result of that, they fill you up without making you feel like you’re addicted to wanting to eat more and more and more.



Dr. Weitz:                            We’ve been having a great discussion, but I’d like to take a minute to tell you about the sponsor for this episode. I’m thrilled that we are being sponsored for this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast by Integrative Therapeutics, which is one of the few lines of professional products that I use in my office. Integrative Therapeutics is a top tier manufacturer of clinician designed, cutting edge nutritional products, with therapeutic dosages of scientifically proven ingredients, to help patients prevent chronic diseases and feel better naturally.

                                                Integrative Therapeutics is also the founding sponsor of Tap Integrated, a dynamic resource of practitioners to learn with and from leading experts and fellow clinicians. I am a subscriber and if you include the discount code Weitz, W-E-I-T-Z, you’ll be able to subscribe for only $99, instead of $149 for the year. And now, back to our discussion.




Dr. Weitz:                          Now, don’t carbohydrates break down into sugar more quickly if they’re consumed alone versus if they’re consumed with protein and/or fats because the proteins and fats take longer to digest, you’ll get less of a blood sugar response from eating that meal, isn’t that the case?

Dr. Khambatta:                 I’m very glad you asked me this question because this is a highly misunderstood topic and the answer is true but also true but. If you eat a carbohydrate-rich food, like let’s take for example, sweet potatoes. You eat sweet potatoes and you also eat the sweet potatoes with a protein-rich food. Give me an example of a protein or fat-rich food.

Dr. Weitz:                          Salmon.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Perfect. You eat it with salmon. So you eat the two of those foods together, they basically go in your mouth, they travel down your esophagus, they get into your stomach and then they get into your small intestine. Now, once they get into your small intestine, the lipid soluble components are actually absorbed into your lymph system quickly. So effectively, what that means is through the walls of your small intestine, the lipid soluble components being fatty acids plus cholesterol, they get absorbed through the walls of your small intestines, they get put into your lymph and then they get put into your blood and they circulate as chylomicrons.  These chylomicrons basically are just delivering fatty acids, “Here, you want this fatty acid, go for it. Take it, take it, take it.” Once that lipid absorption starts, that lipid absorption process has a whole bunch of complex signaling mechanisms back up to your brain that then signal back down to your digestive system. So there’s a two way neurological pathway that happens as soon as lipid-rich food gets into your mouth.  So one of the things that happens is that your brain gets a signal from your digestive system that there’s lipid present in the food, and your brain then sends the same signal back to your stomach and it slows your gastric emptying rate.  So it actually slows down the rate at which your stomach passes food into your small intestine. So there’s a pyloric sphincter at the base of your stomach and that pyloric sphincter basically just like closes and its harder to open.  So as a result of that, you actually have like a small, a minor traffic jam of chyme or undigested food material inside of your stomach.  And that’s actually a good thing because what it does is like you said, it slows down the absorption.  So carbohydrates is slowed down as a result of that, and it basically evens down blood glucose response. That is a true statement.

Well, let’s do the opposite now, suppose you just ate the sweet potato by itself and there wasn’t any salmon to come along with it. Does that mean that the glucose from the sweet potato would be present in your blood and it would cause a blood glucose spike?  And the answer is, yes and no, depending on the situation.  So I’ll give you two different scenarios.  If you were to eat a sweet potato and you ate that sweet potato and it went into your small intestine and it got absorbed through the walls of your small intestine and the glucose is put into your blood.  If the glucose cannot get outside of your blood and into tissues, then it’s going to get trapped inside of your blood and you’re going to see a high blood glucose value and you’re going to see that quickly.   The reason that that would happen is if you already are living with insulin resistance, if you’ve eaten the diet that has made you insulin resistant such that your liver and muscles are not accepting of glucose. So if you’re already insulin resistant to begin with, you eat that sweet potato, if you check your blood glucose and it’s going to be high.  If you had eaten yourself into insulin sensitivity and you’ve reversed insulin resistance using your diet, then as soon as the glucose molecules from that sweet potato get inside of your blood, they have an exit route and they can get inside of your liver and they can get inside of your muscle, and that’s going to prevent your blood glucose from going high. The glucose will get inside of your blood and it’ll get out of your blood very quickly and that will keep your blood glucose from going too high.

Dr. Weitz:                          But let’s say I don’t have insulin resistance, but because I’ve been eating a lot of carbohydrates, I have plenty of carbohydrates, my muscle glycogen, my liver glycogen is filled with as much glucose stored as glycogen as it can handle, so I have plenty of glucose and now this is an excess glucose that can’t go anywhere.

Dr. Khambatta:                 There’s a couple of things to think about.

Dr. Weitz:                          In other words, can’t it be the case that it’s not just that we’re not sensitive enough to insulin to utilize it, but that there’s just an excess of glucose.

Dr. Khambatta:                 I mean, sure. You can always eat a diet that has an excess amount of carbohydrate and/or glucose energy, that is absolutely possible. And that is most likely going to happen when you’re overeating calories, period, end of story.  But if you’re not overeating calories and you just happen to be, let’s just say your calorie requirement for a daily basis is 2,500 calories, just for the sake of argument.  Let’s say you’re eating a diet that contains 2,500 calories, so you’re not overeating.  If the majority of your energy was coming from carbohydrate. And when I say the majority, I mean, like 70% or sometimes even more, does that mean that you run the risk of glucose overload, of carbohydrate overload and that’s going to cause your blood glucose to go up?  And the answer is, it depends.  If you are insulin sensitive, if you truly are insulin sensitive, then you can eat a dramatically high carbohydrate intake, 70 to 80% or even higher, and you will not get glucose overload.  Glucose will not get trapped inside of your blood, it’ll easily get imported into glucose, sorry, into your liver and muscle, and that will prevent against high blood glucose values.

Dr. Weitz:                          But can’t my liver and muscles have all the glucose they can use? Can’t they be filled up?

Dr. Khambatta:                 The answer is yes. Yes and no. Glucose is present in your blood at all times, and glucose gets inside of your liver and gets inside of your muscle.

Dr. Weitz:                          But there’s a limit to how much glucose you can store, right?

Dr. Khambatta:                 There’s a limit to how much glucose you can store, absolutely. There’s no question about that.

Dr. Weitz:                          And after that, it turns into fat, right?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Well, let’s think about it this way. Glucose can get inside of your liver and it gets inside of your muscle and it can get stored as glycogen. And on average, you have approximately about 1800 to 2000 calories of glycogen at any given time. So let’s say for now, you ate a dinner that was carbohydrate rich and you topped off your glycogen stores inside of your liver and muscle, and you’re full of glycogen and that’s it. Then you go to sleep, you wake up in the morning, your glycogen stores are now less than they were when you went to sleep. So you’re actually burning glycogen in the middle of the night while you’re sleeping.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay. But let’s say I wake up and my glycogen stores are still full.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Okay. My point is that that doesn’t happen.

Dr. Weitz:                          It doesn’t happen?

Dr. Khambatta:                 No. So glycogen is a temporary storage tank that you can always fill. You can put more glucose into the glycogen repository, but it’s not like glycogen is a stagnant structure and that as soon as you put stuff in, it’s full and then it stays full for 24 hours. Glycogen is constantly being depleted at all times, 24 hours a day. Right now, you are going through your glycogen stores and so am I. We’re sitting in a chair, we’re not doing anything because glycogen is a fuel tank. It’s just that like if you were to go exercise, you would burn through your glycogen stores much quicker.  Right now your glycogen stores are decreasing, so that means the next time you go eat a glucose-rich meal or a carbohydrate-rich meal, you now have some space to put more glucose back into that glycogen storage tank. So I think what you’re trying to get at is-

Dr. Weitz:                          Let’s say I have this much space but I take this much glucose.

Dr. Khambatta:                 For sure. So you can have a small amount of space and you can take on an extra amount of glucose and yes, that can be a problem. But the question really becomes, is that clinically relevant? And the answer is, if you’re eating a refined carbohydrate diet, you will find two things that are happening. Number one, glucose gets into your blood much quicker than it would if you’re eating whole foods, no question. Number two, it can actually create insulin resistance inside of your liver in particular. So you’ve got hepatic insulin resistance, and as a result of developing hepatic insulin resistance, now you have a traffic jam of glucose that’s present in your blood so your glucose can go higher.  And then like you said, also some of those glucose when it gets inside of your liver, if it’s insulin resistant, boom, now, all of a sudden your liver says, “You know what, let me convert this into fatty acids.” And then it does this conversion of glucose into fatty acids, DNL. However, DNL is actually, it’s a last resort mechanism and it doesn’t really happen as efficiently as most people believe. So we can go into that in detail in a little bit.

Dr. Weitz:                          This is also why you often see people who overeat refined carbohydrates have fatty liver.

Dr. Khambatta:                 No questions asked. Absolutely, 100%. So you’re on the ball about the fact that refined carbohydrates are not healthful foods by any stretch of imagination. So you don’t recommend eating them, I don’t recommend eating them, nobody from the functional world, the plant-based world, we all agree, everyone’s like, “You know what, refined carbohydrates is not an ideal option.”

Dr. Weitz:                         How much does glycemic index matter?

Dr. Khambatta:                Ooh, good question. The glycemic index is important-

Dr. Weitz:                         By the way, for the listeners who are not aware, the glycemic index is a measure of the rate at which a carbohydrate food gets converted into sugar in your system.

Dr. Khambatta:                Exactly right. It’s the speed at which a carbohydrate-rich food gets converted into glucose.

Dr. Weitz:                         You get a big spike or is it a slow gradual release.

Dr. Khambatta:                So the glycemic index is important for people, let’s say you’re eating a plant-based diet and you tend to be eating high, you’re on the glycemic index.  Does that mean that that’s bad for you?  Does that mean that it’s going to-

Dr. Weitz:                         You’re having a lot of white potatoes?

Dr. Khambatta:                 The answer is if you are living with insulin resistance to begin with, if your liver has accumulated a sufficient amount of insulin resistance over the course of time, if your muscles have accumulated a significant amount of insulin resistance over time, then when you eat high glycemic index foods, those high glycemic index foods will get absorbed into your blood, the glucose is going to get into your blood quickly. And it’ll get trapped inside of your blood and it will absolutely cause the glucose spike. If, again, the name of the game is reversing insulin resistance. If you have or have become insulin sensitive through many lifestyle factors, including a low fat plant-based food diet, including frequent movement, including maybe some intermittent fasting.

If you do all those and you do those on a daily basis and you have become tremendously insulin sensitive, then when you eat a high glycemic index food, your blood glucose does not spike, absolutely does not spike. One other thing that I also want to say about the glycemic index and I think is slightly deceiving is that, the glycemic index is basically a measurement of how quickly an individual food metabolizes to glucose inside of your blood. So white potatoes as an example have a higher glycemic index and then does beet-

Dr. Weitz:                          Sweet potato.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Or a sweet potato. Now, when you put a meal together, generally speaking, you’re probably not eating just one food in isolation. Some people might do that, but if you’re putting together a meal, you might have a little bit of salmon, you might have some white potatoes, you might have some broccoli, you might have some wild rice in there. So the glycemic index of each one of these foods matters.  And then when you actually eat the meal together, you’re getting a combination of glycemic indexes, which is going to slow down the rate of absorption of all material that comes from that food.  So the glycemic index is important in isolated situations when you’re living with insulin resistance or when you’re only eating one food at a time.  And the glycemic index is also something that you can change literally, by changing the way you cook a food or by changing the temperature at which it’s served.  So it’s a helpful indicator, but it’s also slightly not that helpful.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. For example, if you were to cook those white potatoes and then you were to eat them cold, you get an increase in the resistant starch.

Dr. Khambatta:                 That’s exactly right. So the glycemic index then gets lowered as a result of that, even though it’s still the same white potato.

Dr. Weitz:                          Is that something that you employ in some of your strategies?

Dr. Khambatta:                 What? To lower the glycemic index in particular of a certain foods?

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah. Using say, resistant starches or, you know.

Dr. Khambatta:                 We don’t directly employ that because we don’t necessarily find that it’s necessary. So we are a huge fan of resistant starch because resistant starches, very helpful at blunting of glycemic response, no questions asked. But people can get resistant starch also from eating slightly unripe bananas, they can get it from. Tell me, what other foods are high in resistant starch that you know of?

Dr. Weitz:                          Jerusalem artichoke.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yup. I think certain types of beans are also high in resistant starch if I’m not mistaken.

Dr. Weitz:                          I think so.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yeah. So they’re helpful for sure.

Dr. Weitz:                          And then we got the fiber. That’s another big factor in this whole release of carbohydrates, right?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Exactly right.

Dr. Weitz:                          If you talk about whole food, whole grains, you’re talking about foods that are higher in fiber.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Absolutely. Fiber is such an important molecule for a bazillion reasons, but at the upper end of your digestive system, the presence of fiber slows down the rate at which glucose enters your blood. So it blunts your glycemic curve after you eat a meal. By the time fiber gets into your large intestine and then becomes a food for your microbiome, your microbiome can secrete cellulase, break it down into cellulose, and as a result of that… Sorry, break down the cellulose into glucose, and as a result of that, they can metabolize those glucose units and use them to create short chain fatty acids like butyrate, which is going to help not only your small intestine, but other tissues as well.  And then also fiber tends to block your stool, which is a good thing. So yes, fiber is a magical molecule in 1,000 different ways. And again, when you’re eating a plant-based diet, especially if it’s coming from whole foods, then you can dramatically increase your fiber intake without even trying.

Dr. Weitz:                            So insulin resistance seems to be a very complicated and confusing concept when you really get into it. I read several recent papers and it seems like even the top researchers are a little confused about exactly what results or how it results in changes in insulin resistance.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yes. So over the course of time, insulin resistance has become a more complex topic than I think, even researchers had once believed it to be. And so as a collection of medical professionals, I think the answer is, we don’t know everything that contributes to insulin resistance, but we absolutely do know certain components of food and certain nutrients that are more influential in creating insulin resistance. And we know certain types of nutrients can also reverse insulin resistance at the same time. So if you really look at the types of… What we’re trying to understand here is very simple. Are there specific components of your food that block the action of insulin? That’s what it boils down to.

So are there certain nutrients that you can find in either animal-based foods or plant-based foods or both that when you eat them, the action of insulin is decreased? And if the answer is yes, then those foods are going to contribute to the development of insulin resistance because insulin resistance is at its core, a reduction in insulin signaling and an inability or reduced ability of insulin to do its job. So the question really becomes, well, what nutrients in food are impairing the insulin signaling pathway inside of your muscle and out of your liver. Now, there’s been investigations as far back as 1920s to try and answer this question, and they’re still ongoing today.

And what many of these investigations have found is that, lipids as a general class of molecules are definitely, they can impair insulin signal. So lipids refer to like fat rich molecules, but not necessarily all fat rich molecules are going to impair insulin signal. The most problematic are saturated fatty acids. Now, what ends up happening is that when you eat a food that’s rich in saturated fatty acids, the saturated fatty acids, they can get inside of your liver and they can get inside of your muscle and they can directly slow down the action of insulin inside of those exact cells. So there’s a whole collection of intracellular mechanisms that are initiated when cells uptake saturated fatty acids, and that leads to insulin receptors that are less functional than they were before the saturated fatty acids came in.

So if you have a meal, there’s just some, actually some phenomenal research here that’s been done in Type 1 diabetes in the last couple of years, that takes individuals and they feed them either a meal that’s high in saturated fatty acids or a meal that’s high in protein or a meal that’s high both. And what they find is that over the course of the next three to five hours, insulin signaling is impaired dramatically. And as a result of that, people with Type 1 diabetes who eat either a fat-rich meal or a protein-rich meal or both end up with an increasing need for insulin as much as 65% increased need for insulin over the course of the next five hours.  And that is an indicator again, that saturated fat as one type of molecule can impair the insulin signaling pathway and can alter the biology of your liver and muscle to make it such that those tissues have a difficult time responding to insulin.

Dr. Weitz:                            Do you recommend eating the same types of foods throughout the day or do you recommend for example, eating say, less starchy carbohydrates at night, or maybe more fats, having nuts or things like that?

Dr. Khambatta:                 We have found that over the course of time, that eating certain types of foods at certain times of the day can be very helpful at controlling your blood glucose. So I’ll start out with the morning. In the morning hours, we recommend eating a fruit-centric meal, for a number of reasons. Number one, fruit-centric meals at the beginning of the day, can actually… It’s easy to prepare for breakfast, they don’t require much preparation from like a logistical stand-

Dr. Weitz:                         What would a fruit-centric meal look like?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Suppose I were to put together a fruit bowl that contains two bananas and one mango. That’s it. Two bananas and one mango, or it could be two bananas, one mango with a tablespoon of flax seed drip on top of it. Very simple. If you were to eat that in the morning hours, what we find is that number one, it keeps your blood glucose nice and controlled. Again, assuming that your overall diet has made you insulin sensitive to begin with, and if you are insulin sensitive, then metabolizing that fruit rich meal is very simple. Number two, it keeps you full for two to three hour period until lunch rolls around.

And number three, we also recommend people to exercise in the morning hours, if they can make that happen because it’s a simple way to get your day started and it makes sure that you do it. And so having fruit bracketed with your exercise either before, during or after, is something that’s very helpful at giving you a ton of energy so that you can actually go perform exercise.

Dr. Weitz:                          Do you recommend eating the fruit and then exercise or vice versa?

Dr. Khambatta:                 It’s a personal choice at that point. It depends on the type of diabetes you’re living with, to be quite honest. For people living with Type 1 diabetes, we absolutely recommend eating something before you exercise, and then giving yourself like under-dosing on insulin just a little bit, to have a little-

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah. You don’t want to take a chance of hypoglycemia.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Exactly, right. For people living with Type 2 diabetes, they have a choice. If they want to eat breakfast before they exercise, go for it, if they don’t want to eat before exercise, they can exercise in the fastest state, it’s no problem. Now, some people choose not to have a fruit-centric breakfast and they instead want to eat something that’s a little more savory. So in that situation we recommend having something that’s containing either beans or quinoa or some rice and some vegetables. So if they want to go for a more savory dish, totally fine as well, both of them are going to give you a good glycemic response.  Then when it comes to lunchtime, lunchtime is our favorite meal for increasing the intake of starchy carbohydrates.

Dr. Weitz:                          It’s interesting. I would say, the most calming carbohydrate-centric meal, you hear people eat is oatmeal with fruit.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yeah. Oatmeal with fruit, that’s a great example. You can absolutely eat oatmeal with fruit. We’ve got no problems with that.

Dr. Weitz:                          Okay.

Dr. Khambatta:                 How was that? So when lunch rolls around, that’s your opportunity to eat slightly more starchy carbohydrates. So we recommend eating, you can either eat potatoes or squash, you can have some corn at that meal, you can have some more fruits at that meal if you want. You can even eat some whole grains at that meal as well. And we find that people who do that in the middle of the afternoon or for lunchtime are able to keep themselves full for a three to four to five hour period until dinner rolls around, which prevents them from overeating and trying to eat more refined carbohydrates. And their blood glucose response is actually because starchy carbohydrates slow down the glucose response and not necessarily get you a high blood glucose size, it takes time for that to unfold.

So if you put the starchy meal in the middle of the day, then over the course of three to four or five hours or so, you get a nice distribution of glucose coming into your blood, feeding your brain properly and keeping you energized. Then by the time dinner rolls around, we actually recommend eating things that are more what I would consider to be fluffy. When I say fluffy, I mean, more green leafy vegetables, more mushrooms, more non-starchy vegetables. And then having some legumes as well. At that time of the day, we don’t necessarily recommend starchy vegetables, because we find the people who’d start your vegetables in the evening hours sometimes can find their blood glucose to go high and/or stay high in the middle of the night, and then that can be problematic and it can drive your A1c value higher.  So it’s like fruit and/or whole grains in the morning, starch and whole grains in the middle of the day, and then more vegetables and fluffy material towards the end of the day. It’s a simple way to think about it.

Dr. Weitz:                          Are there nutritional supplements that can help patients with diabetes?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Nutritional supplements that can help patients with diabetes?

Dr. Weitz:                          Are you not a supplement guy?

Dr. Khambatta:                 No, not a huge supplement guy. Truth be told, we sell a tea, it’s considered a supplement, I guess you’d call it, and it’s made of this stuff called amla, which is Indian gooseberries, and Indian gooseberries have tremendous anti-diabetic properties. And so that’s something that we encourage people to incorporate into their diet as well. So ours is called Amla Green because it’s basically amla berries mixed with green tea. But it’s not required by any stretch of imagination, so something that’s very helpful.

Dr. Weitz:                          What about herbs like cinnamon or berberine?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yeah, for sure. There’s plenty of anti-diabetic medicinal herbs. So there’s cinnamon, which is like controversial as to whether it actually helps blood glucose management, then there’s berberine, then there’s fenugreek, then there’s gymnema sylvestre, then there’s bitter melon. And we love all of these things. Sometimes they can be hard to find. And so again, if people want to incorporate them into their diet, green light, absolutely love them, but they’re not necessarily required, it’s not necessarily a core component of the natural managing diabetes approach.

Dr. Weitz:                          What is the best type, amount and frequency of exercise for patients with diabetes?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Okay. 30 minutes per day, six days a week. And when I, when I want you to exercise, I’m asking you to do a couple of things. Number one, I want you to get a good distribution of cardiovascular movement versus resistance movement. So when I say that, it’s hard to put specific numbers on it, but if I were to tell you to distribute your activity between approximately 50% cardiovascular movements and 50% resistance movements, that makes sure that your cardiovascular system is in check and that makes sure that you’re also putting a significant stress on your muscles to keep your bones strong over the course of time.

Dr. Weitz:                          Is it okay to do an hour of exercise a day?

Dr. Khambatta:                 For sure. 30 minutes minimum. Absolutely. Sorry, didn’t mean to confuse. 30 minutes minimum, no question. And then I also want to make sure when you’re exercising, that you’re exercising significantly hard enough and fast enough that you cannot talk to someone else, that you cannot answer a phone call and that you cannot sing your favorite song.

Dr. Weitz:                            Some level of intensity.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Exactly right. What types of recommendations do you have in general for exercise?

Dr. Weitz:                            I like to seem amount and frequency. I think it’s best for diabetics to exercise every day as you just mentioned. I think seven days a week if possible to help regulate your sugar and your insulin in accordance with your exercise. I think resistance training and cardiovascular exercise are equally important as well as incorporating some stretching and balance training even though those are not necessarily for blood sugar control, they’re still beneficial for health.

Dr. Khambatta:                 No doubt. 100%. And exercises is… I think in this world of nutrition, we’d like to talk about food a lot of the time. And I’m actually glad you brought up the exercise topic because exercises is something that is, it’s such a powerful insulin sensitizer. It’s hard to put into words, exercise has so many tremendous benefits, not only for your glucose metabolism but also for your brain, for your bones, for your connective tissue, for your muscles. It can improve the health of your thyroid gland, it can improve your mental health. It’s endless what exercise can do. And teaching people how to move their body on a daily basis is something that I think can become very addicting and something that we are huge proponents of.

Dr. Weitz:                         What about the effects of stress on blood glucose?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yeah. Stress can be a doozy on your blood glucose. When you get stressed either like in a traumatic situation or whether there’s some baseline chronic stress, that can increase your cortisol levels as one type of hormone. And that cortisol can go signal to your liver and it can basically, it can significantly impaired glucose metabolism. And as a result of that, if you’re living in a high stress environment and that’s chronic, blood glucose can absolutely go up and it can make it such that your medication requirements can increase. And simply by, just like you’re saying, literally stretching your body, taking a mindful practice, relaxing, going outside and going for a walk, these are all simple things you can do that have a physiological effect on your blood glucose level.

Dr. Weitz:                         Yeah. If you’re having trouble with that morning fasting glucose number and it’s higher than it seems like it should be based on their diet and everything else, definitely look at stress

Dr. Khambatta:                 For sure. No questions asked.

Dr. Weitz:                          Do you ever address adrenal function or measure adrenal function as a way to look at salivary cortisol levels?

Dr. Khambatta:                 No, actually we don’t. Feel free to educate me on that. I’d love to learn a little bit more.

Dr. Weitz:                          You can measure your cortisol levels through the saliva and you can just spit into little tubes and you can measure them multiple times a day. What’s common is a four-part cortisol test. And now we have the cortisol awakening response where you’re actually measuring your cortisol as soon as you wake up and then 30 minutes later after you get out of bed, and then three other times during the day. And then you plot it out, you get a plot as to what happens with your cortisol curve.

Dr. Khambatta:                 That’s phenomenal. And where can you get these cortisol kits from?

Dr. Weitz:                          Oh, there’s a number of companies. Genova is a common popular company that people use. Great Plain labs, Dutch Lab testing, but-

Dr. Khambatta:                 Very cool. Yeah, I think that’s actually a very important component of monitoring your diabetes health because, even if you don’t have diabetes we live in the modern environment, which we live in, it’s stressful.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Whether you’re sitting in traffic, whether your internet connection went down, whether your phone is working, whether your boss is breathing down your neck, these are all mildly stressful enough. And when they count down one on top of the other, before you know it, you now are living in a state where you’re like, “I’m exercising, but how come my chronic disease went up? How come my hypertension is gone high? How come my cholesterol’s gone high?” And sometimes the answer is stress.

Dr. Weitz:                          Chronically high cortisol levels, or you can reach a point of burnout and then you have chronically low cortisol levels. A cortisol flat line is correlated with the worst prognosis for cancer and other chronic diseases. So, those are important. Yeah. And then of course we have sleep.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Yes. There’s this interesting statistic that losing one night of sleep… I’m sure you’ve heard this. It says something like losing one night of sleep puts you at the functional equivalence of somebody who’s had, I think it’s like four beers. So if you don’t get sleep one day and then you go try to drive a car in the next morning to go to work, you’re effectively driving with the same level of mental capacity as if you had four beers. As far as diabetes is concerned, losing even one night of sleep, it has a dramatic effect on insulin resistance in the next morning. You can measure it.

You can actually see how your blood glucose levels are rising and how insulin has become less effective. So imagine if you’re in a position where you’ve become an insomniac or maybe you’re not sleeping enough or maybe the quality of your sleep has gone down. You’re doing everything else, you’re getting a plant-based diet, you’re exercising frequently, you’re doing a mindful practice, but yet you’re not sleeping properly. That unto itself can cause blood glucose to go up and it can frustrate you.

So addressing sleep is something that’s absolutely important and there’s many specific techniques that you can utilize to try and get yourself to go to sleep and stay asleep. And that’s something that’s there’s this research actually that’s actually linking sleep deprivation over the course of many years to cognitive decline, so increased risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Dr. Weitz:                          Absolutely.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Right. And so sleep has profound effects not only for diabetes but also just for your brain health, for your heart health, for kidney health, you name it. All of these tissues require sleep in order to fully function at their optimal.

Dr. Weitz:                          Absolutely. Just as important as unregulated blood sugar is for brain health and Alzheimer’s risk.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Absolutely. And type three diabetes, no question.

Dr. Weitz:                          Right. Good. Okay. Any final thoughts for our viewers, listeners?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yeah, I would say in this world of nutrition, it’s easy to get caught in between different ideologies. One nutrition expert can say go eat a ketogenic diet, the other nutrition, “Oh, I listened to that guy, he told me a plant-based diet. Oh, I listened to that guy who told me to eat a paleo diet.”

Dr. Weitz:                          No, I mean, we are so polarized in the nutrition world, it’s kind of like our politics. You’ve got carnivore diet and then you’ve got the complete opposite.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Exactly right.

Dr. Weitz:                          Yes. More information and people are more confused than ever.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Than ever before. Exactly right. So the thing that I like to focus on is, rather than like spending your time getting frustrated by the differences, try and find the commonalities because there are some serious commonalities that I think unite every single health professional or most health professionals, and those are the commonalities that are really important. So just like you said, number one, sleep. Please go to sleep, stay asleep and improve the quality of your sleep. Number two, move your body. Please move your body on a daily basis.  Number three, do whatever you can to minimize your stress levels because chronic stress is a real doozy and it can increase your level of chronic disease. Everybody’s going to agree on this. Number four, vegetables are good for you. Everybody would agree that eating vegetables is good for you. Eating vegetables isn’t sexy. People aren’t like, “Oh, I can’t wait to go home and eat lettuce and broccoli.” Right?

Dr. Weitz:                          Yeah. Not everybody’s going to agree quite as much on unlimited fruit, but definitely vegetables.

Dr. Khambatta:                 That’s exactly right. People will not agree on unlimited fruit, that’s what we have seen and the research that we’re privy to. And our results show that it’s not about unlimited fruit, but about fruit is not your enemy. Right? And so increasing the quantity of fruit in your diet is something that can be tremendously beneficial for many tissues in your body, and it can help you control and reverse insulin resistance. And then another thing that we would all agree upon-

Dr. Weitz:                          And you also don’t think it matters if you… because you mentioned having bananas, it doesn’t matter if you have berries versus bananas versus grapefruit.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Yeah, it does not matter what type of fruit you eat. And there’s this common misconception that like bananas as an example are a high-glycemic fruit. Bananas are actually not a high-glycemic fruit. Just as one example, bananas are actually medium glycemic. There’s only really one fruit that’s high glycemic, and that’s a watermelon. All the other fruits, pawpaw, mangoes, strawberries, peaches, pears, plums, nectarines, you name it, those are all medium to low-glycemic even though-

Dr. Weitz:                          Part of it depends on how ripe they are.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Even in the ripest state, a banana as an example, a ripe banana is not technically considered a high-glycemic food, which is crazy because if you look at its placement on the glycemic index, you’ll actually find that it’s in the medium category. But point being is that no, we don’t differentiate between the types of fruits because again, your ability to eat fruit is dependent on if you are eating an insulin sensitive diet, an insulin sensitizing diet. But to get back to what I was saying, one thing that we all agree upon as well is that packaged and processed refined foods, there’s not a single health professional that I know that’s saying go eat more refined foods.  You would agree, I would agree, every single health professional says, “Okay, fine, let’s eat more natural foods because that’s actually going to improve your overall health.” And then another thing that we would agree upon, this could be the final one is that there are many ways to eat to reduce your dependence on pharmaceutical medications. And the goal is not to eat a diet that enables you to take a pill to live, instead, we as a community of healthcare professionals, regardless of our ideology, are trying to help you use food as a substitute for pharmaceutical medication.

And if you approach food from that perspective, then I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised by what you find and that whether you’re going high fat, low fat, high carb, low carb, high fiber, low fiber, like you can experiment around to find something that feels good for you and it gets you good results. But the goal is to try and minimize your dependence on pharmaceutical medications and live as free of pharmaceutical medications as possible, and do it in a way where you’re eating real food as much as possible, and that’s going to have lasting, lasting benefits for every single tissue in your body.

Dr. Weitz:                          Awesome. How can our viewers find out about you and your programs and your book?

Dr. Khambatta:                 Cool. Thank you for asking that question. We wrote this book, Mastering Diabetes, hopefully you can see it on the screen here. And so this book basically is 400 pages long with 800 scientific references inside of it. And we’ve scoured the literature to really understand what is insulin resistance, and how can you wrap your head around it. And it also has a go-to manual for exactly what you can do today to start improving your health and become the most insulin sensitive that you’ve ever been.  You can get it on Amazon, you can get it on Barnes and Noble, you can preorder it right now. It’s going to go live on February 18th.

Dr. Weitz:                          I’ll make sure to put a link in the show notes.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Thank you. Thank you for doing that. And then if you’re also looking for more information, we have a coaching program for people with all forms of diabetes, go to masteringdiabetes.org. You can learn about it there and you can see if this approach is something that resonates with you. And we have tremendous success with our clients and we’d love to be able to help you out if diabetes is something that you’re dealing with.

Dr. Weitz:                          Awesome. Thank you.

Dr. Khambatta:                 Thank you.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
How to Heal From a Traumatic Brain Injury with Dr. Kabran Chapek: Rational Wellness Podcast 143

Dr. Kabran Chapek discusses How to Heal from a Traumatic Brain Injury with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

2:17  Dr. Chapek just published a book, Concussion Rescue: A Comprehensive Program to Heal Traumatic Brain Injury, which he wrote partially while riding public transportation to and from work each day, so he dedicates this book to bus route 532.

3:07  Traumatic Brain Injury involves a blow or jolt to the head and minor traumatic brain injury is actually a major cause of mental health issues that is often overlooked as a cause. A concussion is a form of mild traumatic brain injury where there is a loss of consciousness.  The standard protocols for treating such injuries have not improved at all in 20 years.  There are many others who have a brain issue, such as dementia, memory problems, depression, anxiety, etc. and this can be due to a past brain injury.  Mild traumatic brain injury is one of the silent causes of mental health issues and nobody knows about it.

4:40  Even the National Football League, which is supposedly focused on reducing head injuries with their current concussion protocol, but they are not doing anything about the many minor slaps and blows to the head that do not involve a concussion but that are cumulative and can result in Chronic Traumatic Encepalopathy (CTE).  CTE is the condition highlighted in the movie Concussion and it cannot be diagnosed with a CT scan. This has even led some football players to retire early to avoid permanent brain injury.

8:37  A whiplash car accident can result in a brain injury without ever hitting your head.  This is because the skull has many sharp, bony ridges and the brain is soft as butter.  During a whiplash accident, you can have a shearing of the neurons between the cerebrum and the brain stem as the heavier cerebrum slushes forwards and then backwards in relation to the brain stem. and you also get a secondary injury from the cascade of inflammatory mediators and oxidative damage that results from this. A chronic inflammatory state can result, leading to damage to the brain over months and even years.  Dr. Chapek sees patients coming to see him at Amen Clinic with complaints of depression or ADD and a SPECT Scan finds that they have structural damage to their brain and sometimes it takes repeated asking (up to 10 times) during the history taking till the patient recalls hitting his head or some other trauma to his head.  Once this is determined, the patient is placed on a program involving diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplements to heal the brain and the depression and other symptoms often resolve.  Even though it may be years later, you can still heal your brain.

15:38  Dr. Chapek, as part of his evaluation of patients, besides taking a careful history, will use an online cognitive tool, WebNeuroIt measures attention processing speed, memory, and then emotional states of depression, anxiety, emotion identification, and it’s simple and somewhat objective. It is validated and correlated with MRI.  At Amen Clinic they also do SPECT imaging, which is like 3D imaging of the brain. 

20:27  If a patient has had an acute head trauma, then they should go to the hospital and get a CT scan to rule out a brain bleed or major damage.  Most of the time this will be negative. MRI is best for looking at the brain vasculature and for looking for amyloid plaque in dementia.   After a head injury or concussion, it is good to do a CT or MRI first to rule out severe injury and then if it is negative, do a SPECT scan to pick up mild traumatic injury.  Here is a good paper explaining the utility of doing both types of scans: Clinical Utility of SPECT Neuroimaging in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review.

22:00  Dr. Chapek also likes to do some lab testing including looking at nutrient status. He likes to assess serum zinc, RBC zinc, copper, vitamin D, B12, homocysteine, inflammatory markers, hs-CRP, and lipids (cholesterol).  If any of these nutrients are low, it is harder to heal from a brain injury.  He does not like total cholesterol levels to go below 150, since a healthy brain needs plenty of fat and cholesterol.  The medical profession is a bit overzealous now trying to drive LDL levels down as low as possible using statins and the new PCSK9 inhibitor drugs and this may be sacrificing the brain for the heart.  Having a good vitamin D level is important for healing from a brain injury.  Vitamin K is also important.  Dr. Chapek also measures the Omega 3 index and the Omega 3:6 ratio.  Hi likes his patients have at least 3 gms per day of EPA and DHA.  Dr. Amen completed a study demonstrating the benefits of omega 3s and other nutrients for NFL players after head injuries and had them take 3 gms of Omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil), Gingko, Vinpocetine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine. NAC, Alpha-Lipoic acid, Huperzine A, and phosphatidylserine in a formula and also a multiple vitaminReversing brain damage in former NFL players: implications for traumatic brain injury and substance abuse rehabilitation. They experienced a 70-80% improvement in cognitive symptoms. 

31:41  25 to 50% of people with brain injury have damage to the pituitary gland, your master hormone gland.  Thus various hormone levels can be affected in head trauma, such as thyroid, adrenals, growth hormone and testosterone in men, and estrogen and progesterone in women.  Dr. Chapek said that we can measure IGF-1 and IGFBP3 levels first thing in the morning in order to monitor growth hormone levels and he said that a good target level for IGF1 is over 200.  This is very controversial now in the anti-aging community where lower levels of IGF-1 are considered better for anti-aging purposes, according to Dr. Valter Longo and others.  But Dr. Chapek feels that there should be a balance between lowering IGF-1 levels with fasting and raising IGF-1 levels for growth and regeneration purposes for the neurons in the brain.

36:59  In Dr. Chapek’s book, Concussion Rescue, he talks about a first aid kit for the brain.  There’s a study of active service members in the battlefield who were getting exposed to IEDs. Those who were immediately given N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 86% recovered within a week, whereas only 42% of those who did not get NAC (received a placebo) recovered within a week.  Amelioration of Acute Sequelae of Blast Induced Mild Traumatic Brain Injury by N-Acetyl Cysteine: A Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study  NAC is a precursor to glutathione.  In this study, the soldiers were given 4 gms immediately and then 2 gms twice per day for 4 days. Then 1.5 gms twice per day.  This is why NAC is one of the ingredients in Dr. Chapek’s Concussion Rescue first aid kit.  Vitamin D (5000 mg) and vitamin C (1000 mg)  are also part of the program.  We can also use liposomal glutathione under the tongue and even topical glutathione is worth a try, such as to the back of the neck. Curcumin (500 mg) from turmeric is also part of the first aid program.  Omega 3 fats. MCT oil powder or capsules to enhance the brain’s utilization of ketones for fuel.  Branch chain amino acid powder.  Infrared light to the back of the neck can also be helpful.  Exogenous ketones can also be helpful.

43:01  They used to use IV corticosteroids for spinal cord injuries until the CRASH trial published in 2005 study showed it increased mortality, so they stopped doing this.  Inflammation is part of the way the body heals and it is best to dampen but not shut down the inflammatory process.  It is not clear if icing the brain is helpful or not.  Check out the article CRASHING Down on the Use of Steroids for Traumatic Brain Injury. 

45:48  The ketogenic diet appears to be the best diet for healing the brain after trauma. It has been shown to help with other neurological conditions and Dr. Chapek’s clinical experience is that the keto diet helps the brain to heal.  He recommends no more than 30 gms of carbs per day, which requires eating a lot of fat with each meal by adding mayonnaise, avocados, and coconut oil, and by eating those fat bombs.   It can be difficult to digest this much fat, so taking some ox bile can help with digesting them. 

48:50  Sleep is also very important for brain healing, but patients after head trauma often have trouble sleeping and getting into deep sleep.  You don’t necessarily need to do eight hours of sleep straight. But you need at least a four hour chunk to get several cycles of REM sleep to get that restorative sleep. Growth hormone is released during deep sleep.

50:53  Dr. Chapek pointed out that high intensity interval training is another way to increase growth hormone production. 

52:14  Brain training can also be very helpful, including meditation, which strengthens the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain.  Neurofeedback can also be helpful. And there are online brain training games like BrainFitLife that was developed at Amen Clinics, where Dr. Capek works.  There is also Brain HQ, Cogmed, and there are many other brain training programs available. But it is important to train different areas of the brain, so if you’ve been doing cross word puzzles for 30 years and you are really good at them but you are not so good at math, then do some Sodoku.

54:50  The structural alignment of the cranial bones and the spine is also very important to insure the cerebro-spinal fluid flow through the spinal cord and brain, as well as insure blood flow and neurological flow to the brain and spinal cord.  This is where Chiropractic and Osteopathic medicine can play a role in brain healing.

56:00  Hyperbaric oxygen can also be very helpful to push oxygen in for healing of the brain and for the brain to be more metabolically active.



Dr. Kabran Chapek is a Naturopathic Doctor and a staff physician at Amen Clinics and the author of a new book, CONCUSSION RESCUE: A Comprehensive Program to Heal Traumatic Brain Injury. Dr. Chapek is available to see patients at Amen Clinics Northwest in Bellevue, Washington and the phone is 425-250-9564. Amen Clinics has a website where their custom nutritional supplements are sold, BrainMD.com.  Dr. Amen offers a number of online courses for both patients and practitioners at Amen University.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz host of the Rational Wellness Podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field, to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates. And to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello Rational Wellness Podcast listeners. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please give us a ratings and review on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. Also, if you’d like to see a video version, go to my YouTube page. And if you go to my website drweitz.com, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Our topic for today is Healing From Concussions and Other traumatic Brain Injuries with Dr. Kabran Chapek. Our focus will be on using a functional medicine approach to help patients heal from either resent or a past traumatic brain injuries.  A traumatic brain injury, which may or may not include a concussion is caused by sudden damage to the brain, caused by a blow or jolt to the head. Common causes include car or motorcycle accidents, falls, sports injuries, and assaults among many other types of trauma. According to the CDC, there are over two million new head injuries in the US per year. Dr. Kabran Chapek is a naturopathic doctor and a staff physician at Amen Clinics and the author of a new book, Concussion Rescue-

Dr. Chapek:        Hey, there it is.

Dr. Weitz:            … A Comprehensive Program to Heal Traumatic Brain Injury. Dr. Chapek uses a functional and integrative approach to the treatment of patients with traumatic brain injuries, Alzheimer’s and dementia, PTSD and anxiety disorders.

Dr. Weitz:           Dr. Chapek, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Chapek:        Oh, it’s my pleasure and an honor to be here.

Dr. Weitz:           Excellent. So I’d like to start the interview by asking, how did taking a bus to work help you write this book?

Dr. Chapek:        No one’s asked me that. That’s awesome. I’m a busy guy. And also, it’s there’s always something you can do. So riding bus route 532, from Edmonds to Bellevue just is like, I had the time and it’s focused time. It’s like I get the most done. And so I devote this book to bus route 532.

Dr. Weitz:           Soon, we’ll be able to do that when the driverless cars come in. We’ll get to sit back and read and work on our-

Dr. Chapek:        Can’t wait.

Dr. Weitz:           Good. Okay, how many more books will get published?

Dr. Chapek:        Right.

Dr. Weitz:           We’re just going to get people reading them.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:           So can you explain what traumatic brain injuries are? What’s the difference between a traumatic brain injury and a concussion? You refer to traumatic brain injuries as a silent epidemic in your book.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, so concussion is just a form of mild traumatic brain injury. So when we talk, we’re talking TBI, traumatic brain injury. A concussion is all the treatments are going to be pretty much the same, as far as this is concerned. Of course, severe brain injuries like life fighting to the hospital. That’s a severe brain injury and needs a different approach than what’s in this book. Really, the book is targeted for those who have had a concussion and haven’t gotten better. And those people who have some other brain issue whether it’s dementia, memory problems, depression, anxiety, and it may be due to a past brain injury, you just didn’t know about it. So those are the two.

And then, in my past 12 years working in mental health, one of the major causes of mental health issues is mild traumatic brain injury, and nobody knows about it. And that’s why I call it the silent epidemic because like you said, there’s millions of Americans going to the ER every single year, the number has actually gone up, even though death rates have gone down. The number of people suffer, and part of it, there’s more people, but the solutions haven’t gotten better. The standard protocols haven’t changed a bit in past 20 years. Well, not much.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. And we can look at the NFL as an example of this because everybody knows about concussions but really, the movie Concussion came out, it talked about a condition called traumatic … Was it chronic?

Dr. Chapek:        Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, CTE.

Dr. Weitz:            Encephalopathy, exactly. And so this is a condition that doesn’t require a concussion. It can occur from a series of lower level blows that lead to damage to the brain that actually was only discoverable after slicing the brain up and looking at it with a microscope and conventional CT scans didn’t show anything. And so therefore, even current NFL protocols, which are all focused on when the patient has a concussion are still not really addressing some of these milder forms of brain injury that become chronic and overtime get worse and worse.

Dr. Chapek:        Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, absolutely. I think that’s the key that we had. Brain injuries are cumulative, whether it’s from a concussion or subconcussive hits to the head. There’s a study done on football or high school football players, these kids and just playing high school football showed cognitive changes and brain injury on fMRI, functional MRI. It’s like, oh my God.  So these bright, young future leaders and contributors to society are damaging their brains by playing high school football, most of them are not going to become professionals and even if they do, some are actually starting to not say, you know what, I can’t remember who it was but there’s a really talented I think he’s a 49er. He decided not to go on because he didn’t want to suffer brain injury.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah, I remembered he like retired at age 25 or something like that.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah. And so this is starting to happen. Pop Warner, parents are pulling their kids out. And I think it’s really smart because they’re recognizing damages cumulative these … we’re seeing these retired athletes, these heroes who are now some of them, like Dave Pear, publicly said, “I regret ever playing football,” even though he missed his career and because he had dementia at age 50.

Dr. Weitz:           Wow.

Dr. Chapek:        The rest of his life totally changed. He has anger problems, memory problems, depression. And that’s like a delayed reaction. So some people think that’s one of the common myths of brain injury that I had this car accident. I was fine and then a month later, why is did this person change?  Why are they angry now?  Couldn’t have been the car accident because it was so far away. But actually, it was a delayed like, swelling slowly increases. There’s chronic inflammation that is under the hood, like you can’t see it.  Inflammation under the skull. That’s part of why it’s the silent epidemic because, just President Trump not to take politically into this, politics into this, but then.

Dr. Weitz:           Talk about a brain injured person.

Dr. Chapek:        Oh, my God. Don’t get me started there, but that’s not what I meant. I meant like he made comments about minimizing. Did you hear about that? Minimizing the veterans who had–had there was a missile strike?

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah. He said they just had a headache or something.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, he said, “Just a headache.” These are valuable. These are service men that are putting their lives on the line. So what if it might have been, might not have been? Let’s at least take it seriously and assess them. And let’s not take a chance with their precious people, our brains like that’s who we are, God.

Dr. Weitz:           Absolutely.

Dr. Chapek:        So it’s frustrating.

Dr. Weitz:           We mentioned car accidents. Isn’t it the case that you can have a whiplash injury, never hit your head on a window and still have a brain injury?

Dr. Chapek:        Yes, exact great point. You can have injury from it’s just it’s acceleration deceleration. And it’s horrible, think Shaken Baby Syndrome. Severe brain injury lifetime of disability potentially or death from just shaking a baby. Their brain is so soft. This is why, it’s as soft as butter. The skull has many sharp bony ridges and it’s really hard. So there’s nowhere for the swelling to go.  And it’s like, you can look, you can Google this. But brains if you take a brain out fresh brain, put it on the table. It’s a pile of goo in a few hours.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Chapek:        So the brain is very vulnerable. We’re not designed to hit our heads, in the movie Concussion, rams, they have some spongy bone, woodpeckers, there’s some shock absorber. But humans, no. We’re like the last people to-

Dr. Weitz:            And part of what happens in a car accident is the car is moving at a certain rate of speed and then suddenly stops. And so what happens with the neck is that the body moves forwards the head stays back because it doesn’t weigh as much. Then the body stops and the head moves forward. So you get this deceleration acceleration, injury that occurs at the shearing of the muscles and deaths etc in the cervical spine. But within the skull, you also have this differential between the weight of the skull and the weight of the brain. And you can also get this shearing between the … with the cerebellum and the cerebrum and the brain stem, which is fixed. And so you can get this diffuse brain injury that can occur from a whiplash without any damage that had.

Dr. Chapek:        Great description. Yeah, perfect. Exactly. And so that’s the primary injury, damage to the neurons, breaking of the tissue, stretching of the axons. And then there are secondary injury, and that’s like the cascade of inflammatory mediators, the oxidative damage. It’s like rusting from the inside out, free radicals are produced, Calcium is released, exciting mitochondria, they burn out is what happens and become very … There’s like this glucose spike and then drop and so there’s this metabolic deficit. This hungry organ, this brain that uses 20 to 30% of calories in our diet all of a sudden has less glucose and it’s damaged. So that’s secondary injury, that chronic inflammatory state. It’s like a fire that hasn’t been put out. It continues to smolder for months and sometimes years is where we want to intervene.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. And sometimes patients come into your office, and they don’t even realize it. They’ve had a brain injury.

Dr. Chapek:        Right. That’s key to assess them thoroughly. Now, four out of 10 patients who come to Amen Clinics, because we do brain imaging, we can see that they’ve had an injury, but they’re coming for some other reason. They’re coming for ADD, depression.

I had a patient, we’ll call him Jeremy. And he was 21 when he came in, he’s this jazz drummer, this really bright kid. But on the inside, he was suicidally depressed every single day of his life from age 14 to 21. He’d seen some great therapists, tried every class and medication and was still suffering. He was referred by one of really good therapists in Portland. And he’s been smoking pot every day just to feel better, bad relationship. He was dating a girl who was borderline and a lot of difficulty. And so when we came in, came in from depression, treatment resistant depression. We scanned his brain and he had clear evidence of brain injury. Damage to his left temporal lobe, left frontal lobe.

And it was asymmetrical the type of imagery we do is called SPECT, S-P-E-C-T. It’s functional, looking at blood flow versus MRI, which is structural. We showed him the scan and nowhere on his history had he listed a brain injury. So I said, “Jeremy, have you ever …” This is what you have to do is think back so we minimize it. “Have you ever fallen out of a tree? Have you ever dove into a shallow pool? They were falling off a log? Fallen off your bike? Ever been in a fight?” “No, no, no.” “Have you ever played contact sports?’ And his mom was there said, “Oh, remember you started playing football and you’re about 13 years old. And you’re matched up against the coach’s son who was already six feet tall and you were the scrawny little kid whose got pounded every day and would have headaches.” At that time he was diagnosed with ADD, started having trouble in school and started having depression, which started the next year.  And so by putting him on a program to help him heal his brain, he started to feel better within the next several months, the depression lifted and he’s about to graduate from the Berklee School of Music in the next, this is two years later and broke up with the girl, not smoking pot, doing good.

Dr. Weitz:            That’s great. I saw where in your book you described asking patients sometimes up to 10 times during their initial consultation if they’ve had some sort of brain injury because patients so often don’t remember or don’t connect the dots.

Dr. Chapek:        Right? We think if I didn’t go to the ER, if I didn’t lose consciousness, it must not have been that bad.  It couldn’t be contributing, so that’s one why people don’t and also there’s amnesia.  And we just forget and so it’s like the same with when you’re looking for mold in a home while doing functional medicine you have to ask specifically, or if you are looking for toxicity, because we tend to not think about it. This is the same for brain injury, it’s really helpful to ask your patients or to think back in your life. Okay.  Have I actually and as I started working at Amen Clinics, when I first scan my brain didn’t look so good.  I was like oh crap. Don’t show Dr. Amen my scans.  I need to get this, I need to heal this.  And what must have happened oh, I did fall.  I never lost consciousness.  But I did fall off my skateboard a few times. I fell out of trees, the real active kid. And I can tell you my story about how hoping to heal and improve my brain and re-scanning later, but it is possible to actually improve even if it was many years later, you can actually heal from that fact.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. So we were talking about history, which is first part of a workup for somebody with a traumatic brain injury, or one of these other conditions like ADD.  Does your initial paperwork include some assessment of cognitive function?

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah. Great. In addition to the history, yes we do. We use WebNeuro. This is a cognitive tool. It’s web based and can be repeated. We like that so-

Dr. Weitz:           You logon to the internet and a patient goes out the questionnaire online?

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, measures attention processing speed, memory, and then emotional states of depression, anxiety, emotion identification, and it’s simple and somewhat objective so that can be repeated three months later how are we doing?  Six months later, how are we doing? And it’s less invasive.

Dr. Weitz:           Why do you like that questionnaire better than so many others?

Dr. Chapek:        It’s validated. It’s also correlates with MRI.

Dr. Weitz:           Okay. 

Dr. Chapek:        They have it correlate to a database. There’s other good ones out there. But the other reason I like it, it’s not just cognitive function, it also does affect or take into account emotional states.

Dr. Weitz:           Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        Because sometimes it’s hard to tell if the memory problems or attention problems are actually due to depression or anxiety or how much is playing in there and that can get missed.

Dr. Weitz:           Right? Good. If you can send me a link to that, I’ll put it in the show notes.

Dr. Chapek:        Happy to.

Dr. Weitz:           And then so we have history, we have some this form of cognitive testing, and then do you typically do an MRI or a CT scan?

Dr. Chapek:        Sometimes. We like SPECT imaging for picking up more subtle changes. We actually have the SPECT scanners in all of our clinics.

Dr. Weitz:           Now what exactly is a SPECT scanner? Do you use an MRI or it’s a completely different machine?

Dr. Chapek:        It’s more like a CT scanner.

Dr. Weitz:           Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        How it works is a patient is injected with a little bit of radioactive isotope.  We use technetium.  It’s about equivalent radiation to a head CT scan. So think about the difference, and then so they’re injected, then you lie on the table and it’s not really a die but the technetium goes to the brain to the most active parts and gets fixed there and then emits a signal which is picked up by the camera as it spins around their head. So a CT camera radiation in taking a picture. This is like the brain emitting a signal and picked up by a camera that spins around the head. So there’s no tube that you go in like an MRI, it’s more just goes around the head and it’s … Most hospitals have some form of SPECT imaging for heart studies and for brain studies. It’s similar to PET differences being PET is much more radiation and is mostly looking for amyloid and different glucose metabolism in the brain.

Dr. Weitz:           Amyloid would be more beneficial for a patient with Alzheimer’s?

Dr. Chapek:        Right. And we say yes or no for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, but the thing is with PET, it’s none. It’s less specific. It tells us less about what else is going on. Yes, it answers a question beta amyloid. So if it’s negative, that’s very reassuring and helpful.  But if it’s positive, that could be amyloid due to past brain injury, could be due to Alzheimer’s dementia. It’s based on history, where a SPECT imaging, you can see it’s like a 3D image of the brain. And you can tell, “Okay, the temporal lobes damaged or the frontal lobes damaged?  Is it the cerebellum? Is it the limbic system? Is there a lot of depression associated with limbic activity?” And in that way, for example-

Dr. Weitz:           Can you do it without the contrast material?

Dr. Chapek:        No, not the SPECT.

Dr. Weitz:           Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        So that’s that. If people can’t do radiation or get a needle, an injection, then it’s very small needle but still, some people have needle phobia.

Dr. Weitz:           I just worry about that stuff. I know there was a report that the MRI contrast with gadolinium that the gadolinium tends to build up in the brain.

Dr. Chapek:        Yes. So this is radiation. So in 150,000 scans, no reactions.

Dr. Weitz:           Oh, okay.

Dr. Chapek:        Because it’s just radiation and sailing. There’s no actual die, although it feels like that. So that’s hopefully helpful.

Dr. Weitz:           That’s good. Okay. So typically at a hospital, they’ll do a CT scan, what are they looking for there?

Dr. Chapek:        So if you’ve had a concussion, you do want to go to the hospital, go to the ER, make sure there’s no brain bleed, especially after concussion. If you have slurred speech, can’t stay awake, you keep passing out. There’s many warning signs, but and you’re looking for brain bleed. So Liam Neeson, his wife, Natasha Richardson. She was skiing on the bunny Hill at Mount Blanc, a couple of years ago and fell, hit her head waved off the emergency personnel said, “I’m fine, I’m fine.” But then the next day she had a massive brain bleed. So I think it was a subdural hematoma and died, so sad.  We need to we need to rule out the worst. CT scan is still important for that. But basically it’s just looking for a brain bleed or major damage. It’s mostly negative and it’s not sensitive at all picking up mild traumatic brain injury.  In fact, there’s a study done in the journal PLOS One in 2013, I believe that looked at 2400 patients who compared SPECT to MRI and CT and found that SPECT imaging picked up mild traumatic brain injury and 94% of the cases that was missed in MRI so it’s more sensitive, but MRI is useful and looking at vasculature and dementia. And the two together is actually a helpful combination.  Clinical Utility of SPECT Neuroimaging in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review.

Dr. Weitz:           Cool. So what type of lab testing can be beneficial and working up patients with traumatic brain injury?

Dr. Chapek:        Love doing labs, love doing labs looking for nutrient deficiencies because oftentimes there are like zinc deficiency, vitamin D. And if you’re low, it’s been shown in many studies it’s harder to heal.

Dr. Weitz:           How do you test zinc deficiencies? Do you do one of these nutrient panels like the NutrEval or the micronutrient test, are you doing serum or red blood cell?

Dr. Chapek:        We just do serum because there’s more research on serum. But I like if I’m really concerned, I’ll do serum and RBC zinc, red blood cells zinc too, because serums outside the cell, RBC is inside the cells. It’s nice to know both. And if someone’s low in serum zinc, they’re low, for sure. But I do like the other panels as well. It’s just for screening, we’ll do serum zinc and we want the levels to be closer to 100 or above. And that copper ratio we want copper to be around 100 or below high copper associated with inflammation although you do need some copper as well. And we do, so we look at nutrient deficiencies.

Dr. Weitz:            You look at the zinc copper ratio?

Dr. Chapek:        Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, zinc copper ratio.

Dr. Weitz:            And you want that to be what?

Dr. Chapek:        I think greater than 1.3. But I don’t calculate it. I want serum to zinc to be around 100 or above and copper around 100 or below, essentially.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        So I keep it simple. And then I look at vitamin D, zinc, copper, B12, homocysteine, inflammatory markers, hs-CRP, look at the cholesterol. Actually want cholesterol to not be too low. High cholesterol is associated with heart disease, low cholesterol associated with brain disease.

Dr. Weitz:            Right, so what level cholesterol is associated with brain disease?

Dr. Chapek:        Below 150.

Dr. Weitz:            This is for total?

Dr. Chapek:        Total. Thank you. Total cholesterol below 150 is associated with suicide and homicide.

Dr. Weitz:            And what about LDL? Is there a cut off for that as well?

Dr. Chapek:        I don’t know the answer for that one. I just don’t total. It’s a good question.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        But usually the LDL is what makes it go a little higher or too low.

Dr. Weitz:            What I’ve seen LDL below 60 I think is problematic with lowered brain function.

Dr. Chapek:        Perfect. Now, thank you for telling me that. It’s good to know. And it’s like their brains are 70% fat by dry weight.

Dr. Weitz:            Yes.

Dr. Chapek:        And we need that fat the brain loves it, it loves cholesterol. So it does well with cholesterol so a higher fat, lower carbohydrate diet.

Dr. Weitz:            And I do think in cardiovascular medicine today there’s, we’re a little bit too overzealous in trying to drive that LDL as low as possible. And now that we have some of these new PCSK inhibitors that can be added to statins, people are celebrating getting the LDL down to 40. And I think we’re overzealous on that not looking at some of the negative effects of that.

Dr. Chapek:        Yes, sacrificing the brain for the heart.

Dr. Weitz:            Exactly.

Dr. Chapek:        That’s so sad. Well, sometimes I can get cardiologists and primary care Doc’s to lower the stat and if we talk about the brain and the heart, and it’s like, tell them hey, we need I understand risk factors. And there’s more benefits beyond just cholesterol lowering effects of statins that are preventing heart attacks. But come on, do we really need it to be 100 total cholesterol, can we just go up to 150, 160 and see if memory improves at that point because a lot of people are having memory problems from too low cholesterol.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah. And vitamin D is very important, right?

Dr. Chapek:        Oh my gosh, it’s a real key, like it’s going to be hard to recover from brain injury. If vitamin D is deficient. There’s certainly studies to show this. If your vitamin D levels are low prior to injury, then you’re going to have more post concussive symptoms. These are animal studies, but I think they do apply to humans because there’s a number of human studies. Giving vitamin D after injury helps in the recovery process, especially progesterone and vitamin D or other things with vitamin D, because it’s neuro anti-inflammatory.

Dr. Weitz:           Right, and essentially, vitamin D is a hormone, even though it’s not often referred to as that and the interesting thing is, a common recommendation is just go out in the sun and it makes a lot of sense that our body make vitamin D from the sun, but my clinical experience is even practicing in Southern California where we have plenty of sun and even patients who are going out in the sun, often present with very low vitamin D levels.

Dr. Chapek:        Fascinating. So even I was hoping maybe at least you’d have good vitamin D patients but not the case.

Dr. Weitz:           It’s amazing. You would think nobody would be deficient in vitamin D in Southern California and they are. And by the way, for most patients, it’s not easy to bring their levels up to what I consider most functional medicine doctors consider a therapeutic level which is say 50 to 70 or 60 to 80 nanograms per milliliter and we often find we have to go to five or 10,000 units per day to that level.

Dr. Chapek:        You have to work hard at it. I agree with you. Vitamin D is key. Vitamin D is key. Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:           We’re big on vitamin K too.

Dr. Chapek:        Vitamin K is important. Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:           That works synergistically with vitamin D, uses arterial calcification, important for bone and …

Dr. Chapek:        Are you checking Omega-3 index?

Dr. Weitz:           Absolutely. Yeah.

Dr. Chapek:        I think that’s a great one. And we’ve been doing that I think it’s also helpful because, you can actually measure your Omega-3 to 6 ratio course. And Omega-3 is important anti-inflammatory but also helping heal the the cell membrane and the neurons. So that’s another key aspect.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah, they’ve been some really good studies on the higher dose Omega-3s for brain injuries right?

Dr. Chapek:        Absolutely, yeah.

Dr. Weitz:           What dosage level do you like for Omega-3s?

Dr. Chapek:        Minimum of three grams, EPA DHA calculated not just total Omega-3, but EPA DHA three grams a day. That’s what we used in the NFL study. So we had 30 NFL retired players, we had them take three grams of Omega-3, they took Ginkgo fossa title searing Acetyl-L-Carnitine. NAC alpha-lipoic acid, Huperzine A, and anthocyanins in a formula with a multiple vitamin. That’s it for supplements and three grams of Omega-3.

We had them exercise, lose weight if they needed to. They ate a … they were treated for sleep apnea, many of them had sleep apnea. And some were given hyperbaric oxygen. And then after six months, believe it was 70 to 80% improvement in cognitive symptoms. So again, that testing before and after attention, memory, processing speed, less anger, less depression, and their brains look better. We could prove this, we could actually document on their scans terrible, and then better.

Dr. Weitz:           Wow! Awesome. When was this study published?

Dr. Chapek:        This was in I believe, 2013, 2014.  I’ll find it and you can put a link if you want to on that.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah, that would be great.  I’d love to do that.  So I know we’re going to get into supplements in a few minutes a little more, but since we’re on the Omega-3 thing, some practitioners recommend focusing on DHA when it comes to the brain.  And there’s a number of supplements on the market now, including a prescription one that’s mainly DHA. What about using more DHA than EPA or you find the balance better?

Dr. Chapek:        I find the balance better because and I think a little bit of it depends on where you’re at in the process. If it’s acute brain injury, a higher EPA, chronic brain injury you’re trying to rebuild, probably more DHA. My rule of thumb is at least three grams total EPA/DHA, higher EPA to DHA, but at least 1,000 of DHA because that’s what’s been shown in many of the studies for memory and dementia.

Dr. Weitz:           And is there a target you like to hit on either the Omega-3 index or the Omega-6 to 3 ratio?

Dr. Chapek:        We try to shoot for eight to 10. In the studies in around the world, there’s less schizophrenia, less depression if the Omega-3 index is higher like in Japan, so that’s where we’ve shoot. What do you shoot for?

Dr. Weitz:           I like eight to 10 as well. I like to try to get the six to three ratio below four ideally below two. Two is really difficult.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, I haven’t seen that very often.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah, I keep mine below two but I have to take six to eight grams of EPA/DHA.

Dr. Chapek:        Wow, that’s awesome.

Dr. Weitz:           So hormones are often affected by brain injuries. Why is that?

Dr. Chapek:        25 to 50% of people with brain injury have damage to the pituitary gland, your master hormone gland, and it’s because it’s like an upside down ice cream cone. It’s very boldness at the bottom and is surrounded by the sella turcica this very bony ridge, so same idea with this-

Dr. Weitz:           This is inside the skull?

Dr. Chapek:        Deep inside the skull. And so with that acceleration deceleration injury, or a hit to the head and especially a concussive blast injury which many veterans come back with, it can penetrate and damage and hit that pituitary gland. So especially it happens in concussive blast injuries, but also in our football players.  They damage the pituitary fully or partially and if that pituitary is damaged, we will have deficiencies in thyroid hormone, there’s less TSH produced, growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone in women, low adrenal function. The top two being growth hormone and testosterone in men, estrogen, progesterone in women. And these hulking guys, these football players 20 to 30% of them have deficiencies in testosterone and growth hormone.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah.

Dr. Chapek:        I was trained by Dr. Mark Gordon endocrinologist out in your neck of the woods, who’s really done a lot of good work with the veterans and military folks on how to assess and treat for hormonal deficiencies and that really enhanced healing for people. It’s like we need the nutrients for decreasing inflammation. We need the hormones for growth and healing and really accelerating that. Putting the brain into a healing environment where it can heal.

Dr. Weitz:           How do you assess growth hormone levels?

Dr. Chapek:        IGF-1 and IGFBP3.

Dr. Weitz:           Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        First thing in the morning. That’s really the best and if there is a-

Dr. Weitz:           What the target for IGF-1.

Dr. Chapek:        Over 200.

Dr. Weitz:           Over 200?

Dr. Chapek:        Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. Weitz:            Interesting.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah. According to quoting, Dr. Gordon and there’s this debate between IGF one right.

Dr. Weitz:            I was going to bring that up right now for people don’t know. Actually in a functional medicine in anti-aging world, we have Dr. Valter Longo from USC. And he’s been finding that lower IGF-1 levels are associated with greater longevity.

Dr. Chapek:        Mm-hmm (affirmative). It’s like a tug of war. Of which it’s low. Oh, no, it’s high. So that growth hormone folks, anti-aging folks, high levels, and then it’s the low calorie diet folks, low levels. And I think it’s like there’s this in between, that’s-

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely.

Dr. Chapek:        It’s like the same in the bones osteoblasts and osteoclast. You don’t want too much. And then the brain there’s APP gene. So this is the Dr. Dale Bredesen’s work and this is his whole theory cannot condensed into the APP gene.

Dr. Weitz:            Right, exactly. We have this just like in the bone where you have this balance of osteoblasts cells that are producing new bone and osteoclast cells which are clearing away, broken down junkie volume and you need this balance. Same thing in the brain, we used to think you had all the neurons you were ever going to have for the rest of her life. And it was just a question of holding on to as many as you can. But now we’ve learned that there’s a turnover of neurons throughout our life, and that we have this neuro, we have production of more neurons and a breakdown of neurons and we need that balance as well.

Dr. Chapek:        And what it’s not one thing that causes that to shift. It’s putting all of them together. It’s the diet, the supplements, the hormones, no toxins, healthy thinking, and that’s what will create that healthy balance between the two verses tons of growth hormone or really low calorie diet. We need to put them together to actually … It is not one thing that heals the brain, it’s a multitude.

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely. And just to add something to this discussion, because right now you go to an anti-aging conference and it’s pretty much all you want to lower growth factors, you want to lower IGF-1.  The first study that actually showed a reversal of the aging time clock….  That’s one of the new things in anti-aging medicine, it’s they have these biological methylation time clocks.  So Dr. Horvath from UCLA and some other doctors have come up with these ways to measure longevity.  And the first study that was actually shown to show a reversal of one of these aging clocks was utilizing growth hormone and DHEA.

Dr. Chapek:        No kidding. There you go. You get on these tracks and-

Dr. Weitz:           There’s got to be a balance and I totally agree with you on that. In your book, Concussion Rescue, you talk about a first aid kit for the brain. When someone sustains a head injury. Can you talk about what that is?

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah. So I got to tell you about a little bit of science to help it make even more sense.

Dr. Weitz:           Lot’s of science, we love the science.

Dr. Chapek:        Theodore Roth is this undergraduate student at Stanford, and he got to implant an intracranial microscope into the mouse skull. And watch what happened when he hit these poor little mice and cause a concussion and never been seen footage. This is in the journal Nature 2013 where you actually saw oxidative damage, saw the microglia the resident macrophages are immune cells in the brain swell and try and eat up the the damaged tissue, fill in spaces and gaps, saw the tearing and ripping of the vessels and permeation of fluid where it shouldn’t be.  And he didn’t stop there, though. He then applied glutaraldehyde to the mouse skull, which is thinner than the human skull, and saw if applied immediately, there are 67% less cell death. If applied, within three hours, there was 50% less cell death. So there’s this window of time in which to act. And so why are we just standing on the sidelines watching and hoping players get better and in your car, you have a car accident? I hope I get better. Why aren’t we doing something immediately?

In the journal PLOS One 2013, there’s a double blind placebo controlled trial with 81 active service members, they were in the battlefield and an IED would go off, they’d run to the medic or be carried to the medic and then immediately give them either NAC or placebo and the group that got NAC, 86% of them recovered from concussive syndrome after a week, whereas 42% recovered after a week.  Amelioration of Acute Sequelae of Blast Induced Mild Traumatic Brain Injury by N-Acetyl Cysteine: A Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Study

Dr. Weitz:           That’s amazing.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, just NAC. N-acetylcysteine precursor to glutathione.

Dr. Weitz:           That’s one of the most amazing traditional compounds.

Dr. Chapek:        Isn’t it? There’s so many studies on it and we need to be using it. So I can tell you the dose that they used in this study. Four grams immediately they met it gave them four grams, and then days one through four, they were given two grams twice a day. Days five through seven they were given 1.5 grams twice a day. Pretty pretty high doses, and then they stop.

Now, if it was my patient, or my family member or myself, I would take it ongoingly 1.5 twice daily after that, it wouldn’t hurt and I would take vitamin D, I would take vitamin C. This first aid kit outlines all of those and the specific doses.

Dr. Weitz:           Changing glutathione being being used topically on the back of the neck?

Dr. Chapek:        That would be cool. If it penetrates and gets in, the back the neck makes sense when carried in.

Dr. Weitz:           That’s what you put in your book, right?

Dr. Chapek:        Yes.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah.

Dr. Chapek:        Uh-huh (affirmative). And also light therapy to the back of the neck.

Dr. Weitz:           Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        Possibly, too.

Dr. Weitz:           So is that you are talking about like infrared or what type of light?

Dr. Chapek:        Red light, infrared light. I think that’s helpful.

Dr. Weitz:           Though, is that helpful by itself or it works synergistically to help get the into the glutathione into the tissues?

Dr. Chapek:        It’s just by itself, it would work. So both glutathione and red light. Topical glutathione is worth a try. I would always do topical plus oral NAC because we still don’t know. There’s various companies out there. Is it good what you’re taking or not and it’s not widely available. But if you can get some good quality glutathione topically or IV even better, or nebulized, I would do it.

Dr. Weitz:           And of course now we have Liposomal glutathione and it’s available for oral usage.

Dr. Chapek:        My kids hit their head, Liposomal glutathione under the tongue immediately. I give them NAC, vitamin D. I just carry this around with me.

Dr. Weitz:           So go through your whole first aid kit. So it’s NAC, glutathione, go ahead. What are the rest of them?

Dr. Chapek:        Curcumin because turmeric from turmeric it’s from the spice and it’s not only anti-inflammatory, it does something special, it opens up the aquaporins so when there’s swelling, there’s nowhere for the brain to go against inside of the skull so that can cause damage and sometimes it delayed damage. So that is an important one. Vitamin C doesn’t get enough respect, antioxidant vitamin C.  Vitamin D of course. Omega-3 fatty acids. MCT oil, because like I said there’s a spike and then drop in glucose metabolism. And so MCT oil will help feed into the ketone production and then provide an alternative fuel source. There’s a study where they had a patient in a coma, either gave them IV glucose to just try and overcome that low glucose metabolism, or not.  And if they gave them IV glucose, their utilization of ketones for fuel from their brain was 16%.  And it went to zero.  So they were actually their brain was trying to use those ketone bodies.  So we want to enhance utilization of ketones for fuel into the brain by MCT oil and branched chain amino acids useful for recovery after I go for a run, but also for healing the brain from brain injury.

Dr. Weitz:           Cool. Awesome. I know for spinal cord injuries, they’re still protocol where they use IV prednisone.

Dr. Chapek:        Yes. Great point.

Dr. Weitz:           Haven’t they also experimented with like, ice water in the veins or something like that.

Dr. Chapek:        Yes. Right. Now this is a great, great point. And as I’ve been thinking about this, and trying to understand how best to approach healing the brain from brain injury, I looked at the literature, and there were many failures. There’s been over 35 large scale trials that have all failed to find the one thing that cures a brain from brain injury. They used to give corticosteroids which makes sense, lower inflammation throughout the body. This was done for 30 years, up until 2005 when they did the CRASH trial, and they said, “Okay, what is this actually helping?”  More people died who were given corticosteroids.  So they stopped. It was a standard of care until 2005.  We don’t want to just totally slam down inflammation.

Dr. Weitz:           Right.

Dr. Chapek:        The brain is more complicated and has many other mechanisms that are trying to heal.

Dr. Weitz:           The inflammatory process is part of the way the body heals. It’s sending those those immune cells to the area, and we want to dampen it down, but we don’t want to stomp it out.

Dr. Chapek:        Exactly. Well said. The ice water thing, I just was talking to someone the other day about this certainly saves lives. In surgery, they cool the brain in the body so that they can decrease the swelling and edema and that now there’s those caps like the ice caps, possibly to help with healing. And I don’t know.

Dr. Weitz:           Those for chemo to reduce hair loss.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, and when I was writing the book, I’m open to looking at new literature. But when I was looking into this, all of the studies showed it didn’t help.  It didn’t help.  And I don’t know if it’s maybe too powerful like the corticosteroids it actually decreases inflammation too fast and too much or maybe they’ve done more research and figured out maybe it is helpful.  Maybe I need to relook it.  I’m open to that.  But at least when I looked at it before, wasn’t helpful.

Dr. Weitz:           You mentioned MCT oil. What do you think about the exogenous ketones?

Dr. Chapek:        I think they can enhance the ketogenic diet really well, and I think they should be used. I mean, they should be part of the first aid kit. All right, put those in mind KETO//OS, and I have those little packets, and that’s what I’m going to do if I ever hit my head or my family members, because at least the brain will be getting some ketones.

Dr. Weitz:           Right.

Dr. Chapek:        Your listeners probably know.

Dr. Weitz:           Which brings up what’s the best diet for healing from a brain injury?

Dr. Chapek:        The ketogenic diet’s really popular right now.  It’s a fad, but it has been around a long time since the ’20s for seizure disorder. And it’s essentially restricting carbohydrates to less than 30 grams a day net carbs, which isn’t much.  A couple of apples.  And so if you restrict that the body will be forced to burn fats for fuel, which can get into the brain much easier. There’s fewer steps to use for fuel ketones, and that’s why it’s called a ketogenic diet. And so it’s been studied for various neurological problems, brain injury, there’s a few studies they’re working actually right now, on a study in humans with the ketogenic diet, which is going to be done this year. It’s certainly safe.  And it’s been studied for other neurological conditions.  And I think it really helps.

I had a patient who was an airline pilot, who had been knocked out in a bar in Australia and couldn’t fly back, cognitively impaired and he wasn’t able to work for two years. So I was working with him ongoingly.  He’s now able to go back to work just this year recently, which is awesome.  But for a while there, he just was overwhelmed and many people with brain injury can’t take something well, many of our patients, they get overwhelmed by the protocols. He’s like, okay, what’s the one thing I can take? I can’t do all this.  And I said, Let’s forget the supplements let’s do the ketogenic diet.  And so he got into that.  His energy improved, his sleep improved, he started feeling better and then he could add in the supplements again, and now like I said, he’s going back to work now.

Dr. Weitz:           That’s awesome.

Dr. Chapek:        I was a key for him.

Dr. Weitz:           Yeah, so your keto, your recommendations for the ketogenic diet is 30 grams of carbs?

Dr. Chapek:        Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, 30 grams of carbs a day. I recommend doing it for three months and reassess. Is it working or not, give it a good try. It’s hard.  I did it myself after recommending it for people. It took me three weeks to figure out what the heck to eat and to get it figured out.

Dr. Weitz:            It’s actually hard to get the level of fats up.

Dr. Chapek:        Mm-hmm (affirmative). It really is, and a couple tricks that I tell people, you do have to push the fats, you have to add fat to each meal. It’s not just like eating a fatty steak or eating eggs that have fat you have to add fat to each meal, mayonnaise, avocados, coconut oil, eat those make those fat bombs. And I had a hard time digesting all that fat.  Honestly, I got a little nauseous.  So I took Ox Bile, bile salts, and that helped me be able to digest all that fat and then I did much better.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Yeah, it’s true. Our bodies enzyme systems are adapted to the types of foods we need. If we change that diet and suddenly add a bunch of fat. It’s not ready for that.

Dr. Chapek:        Mm-hmm (affirmative). Exactly. That makes sense.

Dr. Weitz:            So you mentioned sleep, what part does sleep play and healing from brain injuries?

Dr. Chapek:        It’s hard to heal without good sleep. I would say it’s nearly impossible to fully recover without good sleep. Sleep is needed for the brain to restore and heal is when you’re in deep sleep, there’s like lip channels that open and help the brain detoxifying.  In deeper stages of sleep, you produce those hormones that you don’t otherwise like growth hormone, testosterone. And also the brain just needs to get into those deeper stages to really heal and restore. And it’s one of the curses of brain injury that nearly 30 to 70% of them, people with brain injury have sleep problems, and that’s what they need to heal, but they can’t sleep and they’re tired. Oh, it’s like the lights are flickering, and they’re like the neurons are on but not all the way on. They’re firing and not firing. So during the day, they’re tired at night, they can’t sleep. And a lot of people can relate. A lot of people have sleep problems.

One of the recommendations in the book and that we talked about will help anyone to see problems whether it’s turning off the screen an hour before bed. That’s a big one. Not having light in your room, turning the clock around, making sure it’s dark and quiet and cold just for sleep and sex, only the bedroom is just for sleep and sex only.  And that’s not that you have to sleep eight hours solid or doesn’t count. You can do chunks at time. But ideally like a four hour chunk, at least once a night is what I recommend, because you need a couple of REM cycles to really get that restorative sleep. And then you can go pee or wake up, whatever, but go back to sleep. So take away some of that stress and pressure and perfectionism around perfect sleep, doesn’t have to be that but just getting good rest waking up feeling somewhat rested.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, and one of the things you point out is growth hormone is often released during deep sleep. And that’s one of the reasons why sleep is so helpful.

Dr. Chapek:        Right? Absolutely. It’s very hard to produce growth hormone without deep sleep. And interval training is another way if people are trying to increase their growth hormone, you can increase it almost 500% if you do really intense interval training, and that will last for a couple of hours.

Dr. Weitz:            For people aren’t familiar, what it what exactly is interval training?

Dr. Chapek:        Oh yes. So interval training is in a nutshell going fast then going slow, sprinting and then moderate pace, sprinting and moderate pace. One easy protocol actually learned from Dr. Mercola was you do a 90 second warm up 30 second sprint 90 second moderate, 30 seconds and you repeat that eight times 20 minutes and you’re good and so a sprint can be doesn’t have to be running. It can be I often do the recumbent exercise bike on the gym or you can run you can go run a block, jog a couple blocks, run a block, jog just fast even walking fast walking slow walking.

Dr. Weitz:           I heard Peter Attia on his podcast and he was saying he likes to use 10 seconds blasts. He says you can really only go run all out for 10 seconds.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, that makes sense. It makes sense.

Dr. Weitz:           Anyway, I think as long as you get that intensity up, and-

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, that’s the key.

Dr. Weitz:           … your weekly routine, you’re good.

Dr. Chapek:        Intensity is key.

Dr. Weitz:           So what about brain training as part of the recovery process?

Dr. Chapek:        Brain training is a real key and I like to think about it in stages. So first we reconnect the wire, so to speak. So we’ve got the chemistry right with the nutrients, the diet, the sleep, structural integrity, and then retraining the brain, so we can do meditation. There’s a pilot study showing that an eight week meditation training course improved fatigue quality of life in patients with brain injuries, which is huge because it’s so hard for anyone to meditate, myself included is the most hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it really strengthens the frontal lobe and the temporal lobes, which is focus and memory. And also-

Dr. Weitz:            It really should be the simplest thing. It’s really just calming your brain.

Dr. Chapek:        I know, but it’s frustrating. It’s so simple, but so hard and it’s so good for the brain. And then there’s more advanced brain training, like neurofeedback, where you have wires connected to your brain to understand the electrical activity, you work with a coach who can coach you on areas that specifically for you that are weak that need to be strengthened and doing a series of this. So you can do brain games on like an app. So we have BrainFitLife at Amen Clinics, which has brain training games, there’s brain HQ, there’s cogmed, which you work with a psychologist on, there’s many programs improve working memory. There’s lots of different brain training programs out there. Any of them are good, some are better than others. And part of it’s cross training, training areas that you’re weak in. So talk with dementia patients about this a lot like, you’ve been doing crossword puzzles for 30 years, you’re really good at them. But you’re not so good at math. So let’s do some Sudoku.

Dr. Weitz:            No, I find the same thing with patients coming in with musculoskeletal complaints. And the ones who are like super flexible, love to do yoga all day long. And they hate doing strength training, which is what they need.

Dr. Chapek:        That’s exactly what they need.

Dr. Weitz:            Usually you’ll find what you’re really good at is what you’re not going to get much benefit from. And you’re not as good at. If you’re super flexible, you’re probably going to do better at focusing on more strength training. And if you’re super tight and have very low flexibility, you’re probably going to get a lot more benefit out of yoga, which you probably don’t like to do because you’re not good at, but that’s an indication that that’s what you need.

Dr. Chapek:        I’d love to talk with you about the structural piece, because that’s an area that you’re more of an expert in than I am, but I recognize the importance of early on because, a in Naturopathic Medicine. Philosophy is looking at the whole person treating the cause and making sure that structural alignment is there.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Chapek:        I did miss this for a while. It’s like we have to have structural alignment so the cerebral spinal fluid and blood flow can be going to the brain and so in the book I talked about NUCCA or Upper Cervical Chiropractic, Atlas Orthogonal and Dr. Scott Rosa’s work, functional neurology, neuro cranial restructuring. It’s like little balloons up the nose. So just making sure that craniosacral, making sure that the that the bones are in alignment, the tissues in alignment, so that everything works properly because you can’t supplement that away, right.

Dr. Weitz:           Absolutely, yeah. No, it’s probably an under discussed part of the Functional Medicine approach.

Dr. Chapek:        Cool.

Dr. Weitz:           So let’s see. One more thing you also mentioned the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen.

Dr. Chapek:        So that’s something that I recommend people do either early or late. And I like to layer it in because of the cost and the time involved. But hyperbaric oxygen is essentially a chamber, like you’ve seen divers go into after they go deep and then they have the bends to push oxygen in and push nitrogen out. The same idea can be used for stroke and brain injury and other conditions, but essentially, you’re under pressure, oxygen is pushed to the deeper structures and it can help the brain to become more metabolically active and to heal.  And so you need to do a series of treatments 40 at least to start all in a row if possible. And 1.3 to 1.4 atmospheres, so that’s the pressure in the chamber, it doesn’t have to be a ton. That lower pressure over time that seems to really help heal. And if I had one magic bullet, the one thing that I could do to help people heal from brain injury, it would be hyperbaric oxygen.

Dr. Weitz:            A lot of the athletes are using it. I know LeBron James has one that he uses regularly.

Dr. Chapek:        Oh, he does.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah. What do you think about ozone, which is another way to add deliver oxygen to tissues?

Dr. Chapek:        I’m not as familiar with ozone. I guess I’ve thought of it mostly for treating Lyme, infections and things like that. It’d be interesting to look at though, interesting.

Dr. Weitz:            I mean, if hyperbaric oxygen works, and essentially it’s adding the oxygen into the brain, I would think that ozone would be beneficial as well.

Dr. Chapek:        Yeah, There’s NAD, IV NAD would be-

Dr. Weitz:            Yes.

Dr. Chapek:        So a lot out there.

Dr. Weitz:            Nicotinamide riboside.

Dr. Chapek:        Right. Energize into the … especially if there’s almost all patients with brain injury have fatigue, some element of fatigue.

Dr. Weitz:            Mitochondrial support, yeah.

Dr. Chapek:        Exactly. Their mighty mitochondria, those energy producing cells, and they need some help. So there’s ketogenic diet, antioxidants, NAD, hyperbaric oxygen. The key really is not just one thing, but putting the pieces together.

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely. And from a functional medicine approach, one more thing I would suggest is gut health because of the gut brain connection, which is crucial.

Dr. Chapek:        Absolutely agree with that. And a lot of people actually will start having food allergies after brain injury. And it’s like, why is that? The brain is injured the Vegas nerve can be … there’s less peristalsis, there can be constipation and leaky gut. And so it makes sense what you’re saying that we need to have healthy gut so that there’s less inflammation in the gut, there’s less inflammation in the brain. So …

Dr. Weitz:            Great.

Dr. Chapek:        Love it.

Dr. Weitz:            Thank you Dr, Chapek. It’s been a great discussion, any final thoughts you have for our listeners? And then if you could tell us how patients can get ahold of you and find out about seeing you or finding out about your programs and as well as your book.

Dr. Chapek:        Great. No, it’s been an honor to talk with you. Really, it’s been great. And the one thing I’ll leave you with is that it’s never too late to heal the brain from injury to at least try. Even if it’s been many years. It’s never too late. And three, go back to the drawing board. Your brain is your most precious asset. Let’s really optimize it. So whether it’s think back, have you had any head injuries? Have you had any concussions? Could that be contributing to your issues today, or your patient’s issues? Or have you not recovered from an injury? Those are the two things to think about, and that it’s not too late for you. Even if you’re in your ’60s, ’70s, ’80s we can always improve our brain. And that’s so important because that’s who we are. Our brains are who we are and that’s so precious.

So that’s why I wrote this book and you can find it on Amazon. Wherever books are sold. There’s an Audible version and we’re coming out with the program next week. We filmed me doing a set of the video series on the book Concussion Rescue, which people can watch.

Dr. Weitz:            Cool.

Dr. Chapek:        And that’s it. BrainMD, which is where we sell supplements and stuff and also Dr. Amen’s books. And there’s Amen University is what it’s called.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Chapek:        Where I’m at Amen Clinics Northwest. So you can just Google that. Amen Clinics, Northwest, we’re in Seattle. And we see patients from all over the country. People come in from Idaho, Alaska, California, wherever, and I do collaborate with other Amen Clinic doctors. So someone does an evaluation in New York with Dr. Sood or Dr. Grin, I will sometimes do a consult with their patients if they need me to, so happy to help.

Dr. Weitz:            Awesome. Thank you Dr. Chapek.

Dr. Chapek:        My pleasure. Great to meet with you.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Challenging the Low FODMAP Diet with Angela Pifer: Rational Wellness Podcast 142

Angela Pifer Challenges the Efficacy and the Research Behind the Low FODMAP Diet with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

This discussion with Angela Pifer is based on the following two articles that she wrote and which were published in September and October 2019 in Today’s Practitioner that critically assess the benefits and the research that supports the low FODMAP diet for patients with SIBO: 

Part 1: The Pervasive Misunderstanding of What The FODMAP Diet Does And Does Not Do

PART 2: The Pervasive Misuderstanding of What the FODMAP Diet Does and Doesn’t Do


4:00  Today Angela Pifer is going to set the SIBO community straight about the low FODMAP diet and what the studies actually show about it.  There are a number of problems with this diet, including that patients get stuck on it for too long a period of time. 

IBS is a chronic gastrointestinal condition that is marked by abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhea (IBS-D), constipation (IBS-C), or alternating of the two (Mixed IBS). 

SIBO refers to an overgrowth of the bacteria in the small intestine and it is usually secondary to another condition, such as hypothyroidism reducing motility leading to bacterial overgrowth.

The low FODMAP diet is a diet low in fructo-oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.  It reduces the fiber and starches in food that tend to cause an increase of water into the small intestine and bloating and distension. The low FODMAP diet was created for people with IBS and the SIBO world adopted it and it does tend to calm symptoms in patients with SIBO.  But it’s supposed to be an elimination diet and not a long term diet.  It’s best to start challenging the patient with the different FODMAP groups after the first month or so to see which foods they can tolerate and which foods they react to.   

10:26  The low FODMAP diet is supposed to help starve out the bacteria from the small intestine by not providing the food that these bacteria need to eat.  But the studies don’t actually show this and when you look at before and after lactulose breath tests with these patients, the test results do not change.  We do not see patients with SIBO have their SIBO go away after being on a low FODMAP diet for months.  We have to learn from that.  Studies that look at patients who are positive for methane SIBO based on a lactulose breath test and symptoms and we put them on a high FODMAP diet, say 50 gm of FODMAP, and the methane does not go up and when we place patients on a low FODMAP diet, say 7-9 gm of FODMAP per day, and methane levels conversely do not go down.   In fact, Angela asserts that if a patient has methane and constipation, then such a low fiber diet, like the low FODMAP diet, should be contraindicated because it will make them more constipated.  She pointed out that it is a bad idea to just put everyone with SIBO or IBS on a low FODMAP diet.  It is more restrictive than many patients need.  While it is likely that all patients with IBS or SIBO will need to modify their diet in some way, this low FODMAP diet is too extreme for what most patients need.  But if you have a patient who has severe symptoms and can’t tell what they are reacting to, it can be a good idea to put the patient on low FODMAP for 3-4 weeks to settle things down and then challenge each of those food groups separately and see what you can add back.

18:00  There are three studies that showed a reduction in breath hydrogen with a low FODMAP diet, but these studies were poorly done. They didn’t perform the lactulose breath test the proper way.  There is supposed to be a proper low fiber diet the day before followed by a 12 hour/overnight fast.  Then you are supposed to drink the lactulose solution with the SIBO breath test and then breath into tubes every 15-30 minutes for 3 hours, during which time you are required to be fasting. Any increase in hydrogen or methane gas after 100-120 minutes is considered to have occurred in the colon, where you are supposed to have fermentation of fiber leading to gas production and this is not considered indicative of SIBO, which is a condition that occurs in the small intestine. These studies did not have the subjects do the proper test prep and in some cases the subjects involved performed the lactulose breath test all day long and they were eating while they were doing the test, which makes the results completely invalid.

20:18  There are three studies that showed a change in hydrogen gas on the breath test, but there were a lot of problems with these studies.  When you really look at these studies, you see that they didn’t use the lactulose breath test in the way that it was validated for. The first study is called, “A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects.” The group that were described as eating the high FODMAP diet were not really eating high FODMAPs, but were on a low FODMAP diet with the addition of taking an oligofructose supplement. The low FODMAP group were supplemented with maltodextrin, which is a starch made from corn, rice, potatoes, or wheat, and which should not be included in a low FODMAP diet. Essentially, rather than testing low FODMAP vs high FODMAP, this study compared low FODMAP plus maltodextrin vs low FODMAP plus fructans in healthy subjects.  The participants in the study were normal and were not suffering with SIBO or IBS, which are the group of patients we are interested in. The subjects did not fast for 12 hours or follow the proper food prep the day prior to the breath test that are needed for the SIBO breath test to be considered valid. 

23:05  A second study that found a change in breath hydrogen is Randomised Clinical Trial: Gut microbiome biomarkers are associated with clinical response to a low-FODMAP diet in children with the irritable bowel syndrome. This study only had the children follow the low FODMAP or the high FODMAP for 2 days. And the breath test was conducted over 8 hours rather than the 3 hours that is the standard way to conduct the test.  To insure that the hydrogen gas is being produced in the small intestine, there must be a positive result in an increase in breath hydrogen or methane gas within the first 100-120 minutes.  And they were eating while conducting the breath test, which also violates the recommended test procedure.  The results from this study cannot be considered valid.

24:39  The third study that found an increase in breath hydrogen gas with the low FODMAP diet is Manipulation of dietary short chain carbohydrates alters the pattern of gas production and genesis of symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome.  In this study, the subjects only followed the low or high FODMAP diet for two days, which is too short a period of time to really determine if there could be a change in the level of bacteria in the small intestine.  But the food they fed them was incredibly unhealthy. The low FODMAP group were fed rice flakes, lactose free milk, tea, rice, bread, margarine, orange juice, an orange, rice, pasta and lemonade with sugar. They were also given snacks of hot chocolate with lactose free milk, and chocolate muffins.  This is not representative of a healthy version of the low FODMAP diet.  But they didn’t do the proper food prep required for the breath test to be considered valid and they collected data for the lactulose breath test over 14 hours while they ate instead of over 3 hours while fasting. The results cannot be considered valid. The high FODMAP group was also given high fructose corn syrup soda and gum with sorbitol, a sugar alcohol.  And there is a study that shows that if you combine sorbitol gum and high fructose corn syrup, it exacerbates symptoms by swiftly delivering malabsorbed carbohydrates to the colon.

28:36  There is one other study that is often quoted that saw a change in breath hydrogen, which was by Mcintosh et al. called FODMAPs alter symptoms and the metabolome of patients with IBS: A randomised controlled trial, published in Gut in 2017.  They claimed to have seen a change in breath hydrogen levels when comparing baseline data to post intervention data, but while there was a very small difference but it did not reach statistical significance.  So at this point we do not have a single valid study that demonstrates that a low FODMAP diet lowers hydrogen or methane levels in patients with SIBO using a lactulose breath test.

30:31  If you have been on a low FODMAP diet for a long time and it has helped to manage your symptoms, that’s great. But even if you still have SIBO, then it doesn’t make sense to continue to have such a restrictive diet that negatively affects your microbiome and provides a lack of nutrients.  You have to understand that if you eat something and you have a symptom flare, it doesn’t mean that your SIBO is growing or that it is getting worse.  You should pick your five favorite foods, other than garlic and onions, and see if you can try a tablespoon of something and slowly build up your ability to tolerate these foods again. Your enzymes that enable you to digest these foods have become down-regulated because you haven’t eaten them in while.  This is where adding some digestive enzymes, like Intolerase by Vita Aid, can help to break down those starches and indigestible fibers.  You should go slow and trickle the foods back in.  You have to get past the mindset that because you have SIBO you have to be on such a restrictive diet, with all the anxiety and food disorder type of behavior that accompanies it.

37:07  If the low FODMAP diet has not been shown to be effective for curing SIBO, are there any other diets that have been proven to be effective for SIBO, such as the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) or the GAPS diet?  Angela said that GAPS has a lot of fermented foods, so it is not good for SIBO and while SCD has some research behind it’s efficacy, it is more for Ulcerative Colitis that it is for SIBO.  Angela prefers to find the food groups that the patient is reacting to, like fructans (onions, garlic, leeks), or fuctose, or lactose, or sucrose, and see which is the most problematic and pull these out for 3-4 weeks and then test them back in. Restricting our diet down to 7 to 9 grams of FODMAPs per day is not going to starve our SIBO out.

41:25   Angela suggests that doing a more conventional elimination style for 3-4 weeks for SIBO patients rather using a highly restrictive low FODMAP diet and then testing back those foods will likely to be more effective.




Angela Pifer is one of nation’s foremost Functional Medicine nutritionists in Seattle, Washington with a focus on Gastrointestinal Disorders like SIBO and IBS. Angela is known as the SIBO Guru. Her website is SIBOGuru.com and she has launched a gut prescription recipe site, Simply SIBO and a FODMAP-free line of bone broths, Gut Rx Gurus Bone Broth.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts, and researchers in the field, to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness podcast for weekly updates, and to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me, and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello, Rational Wellness podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you enjoying listening to our Rational Wellness podcast, please give us a ratings and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to the podcast. Also, if you’d like to watch a video version, go to my YouTube page. And if you go to my website, drweitz.com, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript.

Today our topic is the low-FODMAP diet with SIBO Guru, Angela Pifer. The low-FODMAP diet is often touted as a beneficial diet for patients with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, commonly found in 60% to 80% of patients suffering with irritable bowel syndrome, one of the most common gastrointestinal conditions. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is marked by stomach pain, gas and bloating, constipation, diarrhea, alternating of the two, as well as a host of other symptoms. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is a condition marked by having higher concentrations of bacteria in the small intestine than normal, and treatments often include a low-FODMAP diet or a similar diet such as a specific carbohydrate diet, a GAPs diet, or Nirala Jacobi’s SIBO biphasic diet, in order to starve the bacteria. Since these bacteria eat fiber as their food. Some studies, Angela is shaking her head now, some studies, and some practitioners are claiming at a low-FODMAP diet, may be all the treatment that’s needed for six patients. Of course, Angela is going to set them right today. Or they may combine the low-FODMAP diet with antimicrobials, motility agents, probiotics, and other treatment protocols.

Angela:                 Yes. Which I wholeheartedly agree with. Yes. And not to starve them out with a FODMAP diet. 

Dr. Weitz:            Our guest today, Angela Pifer has recently published two articles warning that we may be mistaken about what the research shows about the low-FODMAP diet, but the benefits of the low-FODMAP diet are, and what are the dangers of the low-FODMAP diet, especially followed for a long period of time. Angela Pifer is one of the nation’s foremost functional medicine nutritionist with a practice in the state of Washington and her practice is focused on functional gastrointestinal disorders, especially SIBO and IBS. She is known as the SIBO guru and she’s launched a gut prescription recipe site, GutRX Guru and a FODMAP free line of Bone Broths, GutRX Gurus Bone Broths, of course, if we don’t need the low-FODMAP diet, I guess we don’t need-

Angela:                I know. We’ll talk about that in a second.

Dr. Weitz:            But that’s great.

Angela:                The take home message is I know FODMAP, I think I’m going to switch with that.

Dr. Weitz:            Angela’s recently published two articles, part one and part two. The pervasive misunderstanding of what the FODMAP diet does and does not do. And these are the basis for the discussion we will have today.

Angela:                Yes, please.

Dr. Weitz:            Angela thank you so much for joining me.

Angela:                Of course. Of course. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.

Dr. Weitz:            So today we’re going to set the SIBO community straight.

Angela:                We’re going to set anybody that thinks about the FODMAP diet straight, and the use of FODMAP and what the studies actually show because, oh my gosh, the amount of conjecture. And I think wishful thinking that is happening online and even how some people are implementing this in their clinic leaves a bit to be desired. I think people are getting stuck on this long term. It’s causing a lot of anxiety. Just taking a group of people who already have IBS or SIBO that are dealing with chronic presentation symptoms feeling socially isolated already because they can’t just go eat whatever they want and they have to deal with that.

Now they’re on an even more restrictive plan, which causes more anxiety and stress. And we’ve got to figure out as clinicians why we’re so quick to jump to this study, when, excuse me, sorry. Why we’re so close to quick to jump to this diet, when we start to really dissect the studies. I think it’ll make a little bit more sense. But we’ve got to be mindful that we’re not just putting people on this as we’re thinking clinically, Oh, I’m going to starve out the organisms or I’m going to drop histamines or I’m going to favorably alter the microbiome, because none of those have been proven. In fact, they’ve all been disproven, as we start to look at the studies. So-

Dr. Weitz:            So, just to make sure everybody’s on the same page, including people listening who are not that familiar with IBS or SIBO. How about if we define some terms, can you basically define what is IBS? What is SIBO? And what is the low-FODMAP diet?

Angela:                Yeah, absolutely. So IBS, there’s multiple presentations within IBS, but it, depending on, there’s ROME criteria for actually diagnosing it, but it’s a chronic nature of symptoms in irritableness, diarrhea or constipation or a mixed presentation. And there’s very specific criteria that somebody would look at for diagnosing that. Oftentimes it’s a diagnosis of exclusion. Everything else has been cleared off. It’s not that, here’s what you have. Sometimes it’s been perhaps used as a catchall. You’ve got chronic symptoms, but we haven’t figured out what it is, you have IBS.

SIBO is a small intestinal, I like to say, bowel overgrowth because it’s not all bacteria that can be overgrown, but basically SIBO is an overgrowth of a microbiota within the small intestine.  And for people moving through life and trying to consume a normal diet, some of what they are eating might ramp symptoms up and cause bloating and gas. And sometimes it can be debilitating if it is ramping up another condition that they have, somebody has a hyperthyroid condition, which might slow motility, which might affect the microbiota and build up in the small intestine. All of that is kind of making things worse than that feedback. So it’s a very complex condition, it’s secondary, it’s never a primary, so it’s always there because of something else that’s happening.

And when we look at something like the FODMAP diet, which the FODMAP diet is fructo-oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, they are the fibers and starches within the foods that we eat that are known to cause an osmotic shift if eaten in larger amounts within the small intestine so they can cause water movement and fluid moving into the intestine, rapidly moving things causes some bloating and distension and not feeling so great.  And then with SIBO, as it moves through, not only can you get the osmotic shift.  But if you have an overgrowth of organisms in the small intestine, you can have those organisms be able to break down some of those indigestible fibers and consume them.  And they basically off gas and that fermentation produces gases. And now we’ve got a bloat going on as well.

So when we look at the FODMAP diet, the FODMAP diet was really created to help people with IBS.  And the SIBO world, shall we say, readily adopted it because pretty much everybody with, most people with SIBO, also have IBS symptom presentation. And so it can very quickly for, I’d say the majority of people with SIBO, calm symptoms down. The problem is, is that as we look at the FODMAP diet, the way that it is supposed to be used is as an elimination diet.  It’s not meant as a, oh, you have IBS or SIBO, here’s your diet, thank you for coming. They should not be stuck on this long term. There should be a three or four week elimination diet where you ramp down the loads of all those FODMAPs and then on the end of that you’re going to start challenging the different FODMAP groups to see which ones you react to. That’s how it’s supposed to be used. It’s not being used that way. So I’ve been in practice about 16 years now. Long time… I can say, maybe seven, eight years focusing on SIBO. I am as guilty as all the other clinicians. As all of this kind of came into being, we use the FODMAP diet. When I first started, everybody who went on that had SIBO, and that’s just what we did.  As a matter of fact, when somebody walks through the door, we can calm your symptoms down. People feel better at least from getting that calmed down. But the longer and longer you’re in practice treating SIBO, the more and more people you see that have been on the FODMAP diet for two months, six months, two years. I had somebody a month ago come to me, that came to me that had been on it for seven years. And more often than not, when you run a SIBO test and you have a test back when to compare it to, their numbers are similar. So if you’re on a diet that’s supposedly starving out anything like the FODMAP diet is supposed to, a lot of people think that it’s going to starve out the organisms because you’re not sending those fibers that they can break down and consume and produce that gas with…

Dr. Weitz:            Logically it makes sense, you have this bacteria, the bacteria eat fermentable fiber, if we eat foods that are high in fermentable fiber, it’s going to feed the bacteria, the bacteria will grow and we’re trying to get rid of the bacteria, so.

Angela:                 It makes sense. But unfortunately, or fortunately, as you look at it, when you actually look at the studies, it’s not what the studies are showing. And clinically, as we step back. If we ignore the studies. As clinicians, again, we’ve all seen the person that had been on this for two months, six months, two years, seven years, and they still have SIBO. So if the diet treated, if the diet starved anything out, wouldn’t that be all they needed? Wouldn’t that be the fix? It might take them longer to start things out, but that’s not what we see clinically. In fact, I would love any practitioner to talk with me about, oh I just put somebody on a low-FODMAP diet for six months and their SIBO test is negative, here we are. We just don’t see it. So we have to learn from that and we have to look at the studies as well.  So when we actually look at the studies around the lactulose breath test and using a FODMAP diet. So the lactulose breath test, would you like me to explain that one for just a second?

Dr. Weitz:            Sure.

Angela:                 Just to make sense for people. So basically what we’re trying to figure out is, do you have too much gas production in the small intestine? Thereby we can identify SIBO. That overgrowth in the small intestine. What we have is, studies where they put people on a high FODMAP diet, and they put people on a low-FODMAP diet and then they tested their breath test prior to putting them on it and after they put them on it. And we’re starting to, are there any changes? So when we look at methane production. It’s really interesting because as we start to think about, this makes sense, if we put somebody in a low-FODMAP diet, it’s going to start things out.

We should see after someone’s on a FODMAP diet, we should see methane go down. We should see hydrogen go down. So when someone has SIBO and they have an overgrowth of organisms in their small intestine, the gas production is hydrogen, methane or hydrogen sulfide. Right now we have the ability to test for methane and hydrogen. The hydrogen sulfide test is in the works. Hopefully it will be here soon. When we look at the test, when somebody with SIBO is put on a high FODMAP diet and that’s going to be 50 grams of FODMAP a day, to understand where the average person, is basically going to consume around 20 to 24 grams of FODMAP a day. So at least twice what the average person is consuming. You take somebody with SIBO, you give them 50 grams of FODMAP a day in a diet for three weeks or six weeks, depending on the study.

Methane does not go up. So what we know of methane is that when methane is present, transit time slows down. So if we’re feeding more and more FODMAP, that should be feeding more and more methanogens or the archaea that actually produce methane, which means we should see more and more slow down. We should see a bigger niche created for those organisms to grow up to larger numbers producing more methane. We just see that go up and we don’t. So three weeks on a high FODMAP diet or six weeks on a high FODMAP diet and methane doesn’t go up. Conversely, on a low-FODMAP diet on seven to nine grams of FODMAP a day, which is extremely low, methane doesn’t go down at all. It’s not statistically significant.

Dr. Weitz:            Now could this be?

Angela:                What?

Dr. Weitz:            Could this be because what happens with methane is you have these methanogens and the methanogens eat the hydrogen. So it’s a secondary factor. So if the low-FODMAP diet reduced the food for the hydrogen eating organisms, couldn’t it just take a longer period of time before the methanogens were secondarily affected by starving out the hydrogen organisms? In other words, could it be that you just need a longer period of time and could that correlate with why practitioners sometimes see that treating methane SIBO is more difficult and often takes a longer period of time?

Angela:                 I don’t see that for methane taking a longer period of time. I think you just have to be really specific about how you’re treating it and from the start support motility. I don’t wait until after treatment to add in motility support. And there’s other things to do with that I think to make that a little bit more effective. What I would say is that we need longer studies. We need standardized-

Dr. Weitz:            And we need better studies.

Angela:                 … longer studies. But feeding studies are incredibly difficult because how do you control for population, feeding them all the same thing. It’s incredibly expensive. What would be the benefit? Some of the studies looked at a FODMAP diet for two days. What are we supposed to do with this?  So, we definitely need longer studies. I would say clinically when we see patients come in that have been on a low-FODMAP diet for, again two months, six months, two years, they still have SIBO.  Methane does not go down.  In fact, I find, and many practitioners find it’s, and it just is, the FODMAP diet is actually contraindicated. If somebody has methane because you’re basically likely going to make them more constipated by pulling the fiber that’s keeping them regular. So, putting somebody on a low-FODMAP diet is probably not a good idea when somebody has methane production. And I’ll, if we could back up for a second, because I have a bone broth company that has, it’s low-FODMAP ingredients. People who have SIBO and people who have IBS, will likely need to adapt their diet in some way.

What I’m cautioning people about and downright saying don’t do it, is that everybody with IBS and everybody with SIBO does not need to go on this diet full force, even as an elimination diet. Where this diet shines a bit more is when somebody has symptoms that are so deep irritating all over the place, they don’t know what they’re reacting to. And then, great, let’s do the elimination diet three to four weeks, settle things down, challenge each of those groups separately and see what you can add back in. That’s a really good use of that diet, but blanketly going out and saying everybody has to be on this and then insinuating, perhaps with all the info that’s online that we just can’t get away from at this point, or even clinicians still doing it, saying, well, we need to starve things out with this.  And it makes people really worried. Really freaked out about anytime they eat and they get a symptom, SIBO’s getting worse. But when we look at methane, if you produce, or if you, pardon me, feed them, 50 grams of FODMAP a day for three weeks or six weeks, nothing doesn’t go up.  SIBO’s not getting worse. So we need to look at these studies to gather that info. There’s actually three studies that showed a change in hydrogen, but when you really look at those studies, they didn’t use the lactulose breath test in a way that it was validated for. So, well actually-

Dr. Weitz:            I was amazed to read your article where you broke this down. Anybody who’s treated patients with SIBO, anybody who’s had SIBO who’s seen a reasonable practitioner, especially somebody in the functional medicine world, knows that there’s a specific protocol you have to follow before you take the lactulose breath test, you do it for two or three hours. It’s very specific in it. The timing is very important because you want to make sure that if there is gas that it’s being produced in the small intestine. And these studies, it’s amazing how poorly they were done.  They were doing, having them do the breath tests like all day long. They were eating at the same time. It’s unbelievable.

Angela:                 It really is. So they’ll actualize the breath test. I mean, basically you can see lactulose, as the substrate, this fermentable sugar that we don’t really absorb and you breathe out a tube at 15 or 20 minute intervals over a three hour period. And as that moves through the small intestine, if there’s an overgrowth, you’re just going to have a little bit of production because your small intestine is not sterile.

But as that moves past the overgrowth, you’re going to get a larger fermentation reaction, more gas production, and that’s going to cross your intestinal track into the bloodstream. Exchanges in your lungs and comes out your breath. It’s fascinating. But the crux of it is, it was only validated when you do a 12 hour food prep, basically eating chicken and rice, reducing the fermentation that is always going on in the large intestine so you can get a clear read in the small intestine and then you follow that 12 hour food prep with a 12 hour fast basically, again, to decrease the colonic fermentation. When we’re looking at the test time range, to diagnose you. But we’re looking at the 100 to 120 minute mark with the task, not three hours in, because it’s in the colon at that point.

So the three studies that looked at this, I mean one was so interesting, it’s called “A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects.”  So first of all, healthy subjects, they ate their habitual diet, their regular diet for seven days. They were provided 24 hours worth of food, which is a standard package.  So at least they’re all doing the same thing.  Right?  It wasn’t low-FODMAP. They did the lactulose breath test the next day and then they took the group as a whole, divided it in two.  The low-FODMAP group, they were given maltodextrin, which we see repeated in other studies where maltodextrin is basically a starch made from corn, rice, potatoes, or wheat.

Dr. Weitz:            Why do they add that?

Angela:                They’re just calling it a control, I guess they feel like, basically it’s a polysaccharide if we’re worried about the FODMAP diet that would be in there. But basically they’re considering that as a control. Nobody really knows why. We’ve seen it in other studies. It doesn’t make any sense issues.  So I don’t even know that it’s a comparison. And then the high FODMAP diet group was on a low-FODMAP diet, but then supplemented with oligofructose, which is basically a fiber supplement. So they weren’t even put on a high FODMAP diet. And then they follow that. And then the whole group was given 24 hours worth of food, which was low-FODMAP, and then they did a lactulose breath test. Just at that point, I don’t even know what we’re testing. Like none of this makes sense. But what the problem is, is that when you read the study title and even if you probably look at the summary on PubMed, it all looks like a low-FODMAP diet is responsible for reducing breath hydrogen.

But when you actually look at the study, you can’t even compare the baseline because it wasn’t low-FODMAP. They didn’t do or implement the instructions for the test that made it a validated test. So to speak to that, when we start to look at actual studies on FODMAP diet, some of them actually offer a high FODMAP diet versus low-FODMAP diet just 50 grams in and around for a high FODMAP and seven to nine grams in and around for the small, excuse me, for the low-FODMAP. And then they compare them over a period of time. That’s really the right way to do it. Others, they basically put everyone on a low-FODMAP and put them on starch or FLS or GOS, which is fiber. Or they basically do a low-FODMAP and a high FODMAP, but then add more fiber, there’s nothing standardized within it, it just doesn’t make a lot of sense.  The other study that saw a change in hydrogen was called Randomized clinical trial: Gut microbiome biomarker, excuse me.  My goodness. Gut microbiome biomarkers are associated with clinical response to a low-FODMAP diet in children with the irritable bowel syndrome.  So they looked at 33 kids, and they basically had them follow the diet for two days. Then they did a wash out period for five days and then they cross them over and it was typical kid diet or a low-FODMAP diet just two days.  But when they did the lactulose breath test, they actually sampled for over eight hours. And then some of the kids up to 15 hours while they ate.  So again, we can’t really draw a lot of conclusions from these tests. We have a third study that kind of hits something very similar.

Dr. Weitz:            Completely invalid.

Angela:                Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            And this comes to scientific studies and people can cite scientific studies and a lot of times people are trying to make a point, maybe they’re just repeating a citation that somebody else cited and they never went and read the actual paper. And at most they looked at the summary and this goes to show you how just looking at the abstract or the summary of the study is often not accurate. So if you really want to be scientifically accurate, you’ve got to read the whole study and look at how it was done to see if it’s really valid.

Angela:                 And I think this next study that I’d like to talk about really speaks to that because you have to dig a little bit deeper to figure out a couple of items here, which I, once I found the study, another study on this, I thought it was just fascinating. So the third study that showed a change in hydrogen is Gut microbiome biomarkers are associated with clinical response to a low-FODMAP diet in children with the irritable bowel syndromeThis is one of the studies by Shepherd, the two Shepherds out of Australia. She’s basically the creator of the FODMAP diet. And then Monash University, she had an association with them and they’ve got a great app for FODMAP.  So to give them a bit of a shout out there. This study is cited so often. I see this all the time. So basically they had 15 healthy subjects, 15 people with IBS, and they either ate a low-FODMAP diet, nine grams a day, or a high FODMAP diet, 50 grams a day for two days only. This is why it’s like, who looks at anything for two days?

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, two days, so short. Two days.

Angela:                 So they followed a seven day washout period where they ate their normal diet, and then they cross them over and did the two day diet intervention, which is, you want to have a crossover, make sure there’s no differences between the groups. Food was provided, which is fantastic because then you really get the standard effect. Everyone has fed the same thing. What do we see? So for the low-FODMAP diet, they fed them rice flakes, lactose free milk, tea, rice, bread, margarine, orange juice, an orange, rice, pasta and lemonade with sugar. So really not healthy. Who’s going to stay on that long term? Incredibly whites, nothing, where’s the fiber? Where’s the vital nutrients? Where’s, nobody got an orange in there.

Dr. Weitz:            By the way, I read your article and then I read this study, it’s even worse than that. On top of all that, they gave them snacks containing hot chocolate with lactose free milk, and chocolate wheat muffins.

Angela:                 Yes.

Dr. Weitz:            To both groups.

Angela:                 Yes. Yeah. Really not healthy. Really not healthy, right? So what they found was that there was a change in hydrogen. So what’s interesting, so both groups have higher hydrogen levels and response to the high FODMAP diet. So this is healthy in IBS groups, but the IBS group had higher levels than the controls. So as you did deeper into this, they didn’t do a proper food prep and they didn’t fast for the lactulose breath test. They collected data for the lactulose breath test over 14 hours while they ate. And then they also didn’t control for timing of the meal, so they didn’t feed everybody the same thing at the same time. So I thought that might’ve just been a little bit of an outlier. But what’s so interesting about this that the high FODMAP group was given high fructose corn syrup soda.  And they were also given sorbitol gum with sugar alcohols. And there’s a study that actually shows if you combine sorbitol gum and high fructose corn syrup, it exacerbates symptoms by swiftly delivering malabsorbed carbohydrates to the colon. There’s a study on this.

Dr. Weitz:            Wow.

Angela:                 I know, so you can’t, so for the group and the high, people with IBS are already going to be sensitive to that osmotic shift, probably more so than the healthy individuals. And now you give them high fructose corn syrup and sorbitol gum in there, quicker to malabsorb, quicker to have bloating and excess gas and shift things and kick things up. So again, it’s not just the study, but you have to really get in, look at the point by point. Well, what did you feed? What’s different here? What do we have to question?

Because we can’t just take this at face value at all. There’s one other study that saw a change in hydrogen and that was, which we’ll probably talk about a few times here because the study again is one of those that cited everywhere. It’s FODMAPs alter symptoms and the metabolome of patients with IBS, a randomized controlled trial. And that was by Macintosh et al. They claim to have found a difference with hydrogen levels. But when you actually look at the study, there’s no statistical significance when comparing baseline data to post side intervention. There’s none. So we’re done. They went on to have a big discussion about it, but there’s no statistical significance. So I don’t know why they kept talking about it.

Tell you how I really feel. I know. So at this point right here, we have no study that backs up a low-FODMAP diet, lowering hydrogen levels or methane levels and people with IBS or people with SIBO. None. It’s not even controversial, there’s just none there. If you actually look at those, they didn’t do the lactose breath test right. There’s no data to confirm. That’s all we have.

Dr. Weitz:            It may or may not work. We just don’t have proof that it does.

Angela:                Yeah, and so far it’s pointing towards no, clinically we don’t see it. And when we actually look at the studies where they implemented it properly at three weeks and six weeks, there’s no change to hydrogen and there’s no change to methane.

Dr. Weitz:            And because this diet removes lots of healthy foods like broccoli, avocado, we could go on and on about all these healthy foods that are being removed from your diet.  And because we know that there’s a negative effect on the microbiome, then what you’re saying is we should all stop using the low-FODMAP diet in patients with SIBO.  What about the ones who say they’ve gotten results with it?

Angela:                I’d say this, if you have been on a low-FODMAP diet for a long time and your symptoms are managed with it, I get it. I really get it. What I want to connect with that person with, because I have so much empathy for people not feeling well.  On one hand, obviously there’s some things to figure out because they still have SIBO with SIBO, otherwise they wouldn’t be reacting that way or there might be some other things that we can add to support them that isn’t just restrictive diet.  Additionally, for that connection piece, if we know from the data and again, seeing people on this forever not getting better, in terms of lowering the hydrogen and methane loads on a breath test.

When you eat and have a symptom flare, I know it’s not fun, but it’s not SIBO growing in a Petri dish.  SIBO’s not getting worse.  So what we want to do is basically, pick your five favorite foods that aren’t garlic and onion because those ones are hard to include back in, and see if you can try a tablespoon of something. Really the unfortunate part of expanding off of a really restrictive diet is that you have to do it really slow, and methodically and it takes time. Rebecca Coombs, love her, she shared a story one time where, it took her, I think about four months to introduce pumpkin again, where she would try a tablespoon of pumpkin, did not go well. Waited a month, tried it again, did not go well and it took her until the third month or fourth month for finally for her system to say, all right, it’s not so bad.  So, I think that’s kind of the unfortunate part. This isn’t somebody on, reacting a little bit to dairy and gluten and they eat it on occasion and they don’t quite get a flare up. These are people that if they have, and for a lot of them, if they have a cup of potatoes are going to be down for three days with their symptoms flaring up.  So for some people just depending on where they’re at, they’re going to have to go very slow with the reintroduction.

Dr. Weitz:            What’s happening? Why can’t they tolerate these foods anymore?

Angela:                So, what I consider is that when we were back as hunters and gatherers and running around and looking at things seasonally, we’re going to upregulate or downregulate digestive enzymes based on what we’re consuming on a regular basis. So seasonally, because it doesn’t make sense to me to make a bunch of digestive enzymes to consume certain plant foods that aren’t going to be, if they’re not around all the time.  So, when we’re really pairing somebody down, and having them consume little variety and a lot less food, it takes a little bit to start to reintroduce foods to get their body to start to acclimate to that a little bit. I think there’s some support out there that we had that can really help them introduce things a little bit more easily. There’s some really great, Intolerase by Vita Aid is a really great digestive supplement that was made for SIBO that can help with all those different starches and indigestible fibers to help break those down a bit more. So, I think too, maybe to explain it too, if you haven’t had, let’s say non-SIBO people, just healthy individuals running around.

If you haven’t eaten beans in a year and a half and you go have a cup of beans, you’re going to have probably some gastric distress from the gas production. But if you eat beans on a regular basis, your body will get used to it and acclimate.  So I see that with FODMAP, like the more and more we restrict, the first couple of forays into expanding foods.  If they do it too fast, they react.  So we just go really slow as we trickle that food in, as we start the expansion.  But it’s also getting past the mindset because the mindset has been, I have SIBO, I have to starve this out.  Every time I have a reaction, it’s SIBO growing in a Petri dish and I’m making this worse. I’m never going to get better. I need to restrict.  And that whole mindset, I mean that’s why I basically, there was a whole, at the SIBO symposium last year, there is a full tract on anxiety and food related disorders based in and around SIBO.  Because everybody’s restricting a lot. And I think unnecessarily for a big degree.

Dr. Weitz:            I wonder if we could make use of low dose immunotherapy in such a situation to start getting your body be able to tolerate some of these foods.

Angela:                Possibly. Possibly. I think. 

Dr. Weitz:            It’s interesting how these enzymes are really specific to the exact types of foods that we consume.

Angela:                And that’s where I think something, honestly, like Intolerase comes in. It’s a really broad spectrum, covers a lot of bases in terms of some of these ingestible fibers and stuff. We can do that. If we can go, tablespoon worth the food. Give it a couple of days, double it, give it a couple of days, double it. If all that’s going well, then we can start to increase some of those loads for people and just start to get their body used to it a bit more.  And breed some confidence for the person too, which I think is really important. Cooking grains longer, adding more water, cooking them longer, understanding that if you cook something like rice.

Dr. Weitz:            Using a pressure cooker.

Angela:                I love it.

Dr. Weitz:            Soaking grains, overnight-

Angela:                All of that can help.

Dr. Weitz:            The lectins.

Angela:                Yes, yeah, I think that can help. I’d say also-

Dr. Weitz:            The deadly lectins.

Angela:                Mm-hmm, I’d say that also if you’re, so some people know too, if you cook rice as normal in water on the stove when you boil that and then cool it, you create resistant starch. And so you might do fine as you eat that cooked initially, but if you keep it in the fridge day after day, the more you heat and cool that the more resistant starch is created and that might be a little bit of a key that person reacting more and more as they introduce that.  There’s different types of white rice too. If you don’t do well with Jasmine rice, it doesn’t mean rice is out. There’s different rices and you might do well with another type.

Dr. Weitz:            Depending upon whether they’re higher in amylopectin or-

Angela:                Yep, exactly, exactly.

Dr. Weitz:            If the low-FODMAP diet hasn’t been proven to be effective, are there any other diets that have been proven to be effective for SIBO?

Angela:                No, not to date.  So, basically we’ve got the low-FODMAP diet, we’ve got the SIBO specific food guide, which basically combines the FODMAP and SCD, and then the Bi Phasic is implementation of the SIBO specific food guide, where the groups of foods are phased in at different times. So we don’t have any studies. 

Dr. Weitz:            So really no research to back up the Specific Carbohydrate diet or the GAPS diet, either one of those.

Angela:                Gaps isn’t often used because gaps has a lot of fermented foods in it. And so I think people shy away from that a little bit with SIBO, a lot with SIBO. Who am I kidding there? They really shy away from it.

Dr. Weitz:            But Specific Carbohydrate?

Angela:                SCD actually has some fairly good studies behind it, but not for this.  It’s more related in and around to ulcerative colitis and some other things, but not specifically for SIBO. So and I’ll say there’s, different practitioners have a different way of getting a patient from A to B.  I’m not trying to get in the way of that. I’m trying to have a discussion on what we’re trying to do with the low-FODMAP diet.  And I see so many patients come to me having been on this for so long and it’s almost like you see their shoulders go, huh, when you say, I give you permission to eat, please go eat.  Because I’ve even had people come to me and they said, “Oh, you’re probably going to, I’ve been cheating, you’ll probably going to tighten up my diet.”  And I’m like, “Go eat whatever you want.”  Of course it’s going to be healthy and we’re going to work on it, but I give you permission to eat.  What are the next five foods you want to try?  Let’s do it methodically with purpose. Let’s start to expand.  Give them something to look forward to. So many people expanded with their diet and they’re better for it. They’re not worse.  SIBOs not getting worse. They’re better for it because they have better endurance, they get better emotionally. They’ve got more nutrition coming in.  It’s all positive.  It’s not ever going to be a negative with that.  So we just have to look at this from that perspective.  I’d say again, if you’re working with a practitioner and you’re listening and they really love the SCD, or they really love a FODMAP or the SIBO specific or Biphasic, and they have an in and out plan, that’s fine.  But the in and out plan is three to four weeks. It’s not, you’re going to be on this for four months or five months or this is just the diet you do because you have X, Y, and Z.

So I would challenge the practitioner you’re working with and ask them why they’re choosing this diet, how long you’re going to be on it, what is the plan and when are you going to start expanding your diet? If you can get all of that in writing, the three to four weeks of a regroup could be fine based on what they see. I think it’s, again, the elimination diet as a whole for a FODMAP diet to me is really reserved for people that just cannot figure out what they’re reacting to and through conversation with your clinician, we’re not able to pick it out off the top of their head because it sounds like you’re reacting to everything. Great case for an elimination diet, but for the rest of the groups, then we look at fructose and lactose and it’s just the sucrose, even for some, we reverse engineer it. You don’t have to pull everything.  Fructans are probably the one, like garlic and onion and leeks. Those are the ones that usually are suspect. And the problem is of course, is they’re looking, onion is in everything. If they’re trying to eat out and that would be the first thing that we look at and have suspect about for people reacting and then fructose and lactose.  So it’s not that you have to just pull everything.  We might learn a little bit from the FODMAP diet and what people are less likely to react to, and what we can gravitate towards.  That’s great.  But the whole idea that we have to restrict down to seven to nine grams of FODMAP a day and stay on that to starve something out is ridiculous.

Dr. Weitz:            Essentially, you’re suggesting that we do something like a conventional elimination diet. We just pick two, four, six, eight foods, something like that, eliminate it for a specific period of time, and then try to test them back in and bring those foods back.

Angela:                 I am suggesting that, but that’s also what the studies are suggesting.  Time and time again, the studies are suggesting this is a three to four week diet plan. This is not a long term diet. We need longer studies on this. This should never just be put, have somebody put on long term. So this is the study, is in their commentary and summarizing their investigation study after study after study, says this is a three to four week plan.  So I am suggesting that for people that have more deep irritating symptoms, that from this three to four weeks as an elimination diet pull everything, and then there’s really good, Kate Scarlata has info on what to challenge.  There’s people online that have found what to challenge. You can get that info for free. I really recommend that you do this with a practitioner.  However, not only that, all the effort you put into doing this over a month, if you’re not realizing, oh, X, Y and Z are actually high in FODMAP, they’re just not on any list. You want to make all your efforts count. So work with somebody as you do this because it’s fairly restrictive.

Dr. Weitz:            It’s pretty much what I do. But I typically do it for four to eight weeks rather than two to three weeks, but.

Angela:                Three to four weeks is usually the timeline that is recommended within the studies, and enough time to let symptoms settle down because again, this isn’t food sensitivity. We all learned the elimination diet way back when as pulling gluten, corn, soy and wheat, eggs, all of that. And then some, but that was more sometimes a month, sometimes two months. It was more like a month, month and a half.  But we’re calming down the immune response as well as we challenge that.  We’re getting kind of a reset button on that.  So for this, this is really more what’s ramping up symptoms, osmotic shift and maybe the bloat response from that fermentation piece. 

Dr. Weitz:            And isn’t it interesting that gluten and dairy and soy are some of the same foods in the low-FODMAP diet too that you take out.

Angela:                Yeah. Yup. It definitely is. Definitely is. The other thing I would say I think is really interesting and maybe to make the point here. I’m in the clinician group on Facebook for SIBO and we’re often discussing cases and points and it comes up time and time again that if there’s a pediatric case of SIBO, you completely throw the SIBO test out, ignore it, and you basically fix the foundational parts, clean up the diet, probably dairy and gluten free.  Support the child nutritionally and see and try to figure out really what’s stirring up the emotional piece, what’s adding, where’s the stress coming from.  We ignore it because we don’t want to over-treat and that’s that. I mean that’s said by everyone, Mona, Lisa, Shiva, everyone. So as we start to look at all this, which I will heartedly, I don’t work with a ton of pediatric cases, but I wholeheartedly agree with that. But I feel like we should have also be doing that in adults. So if somebody comes to me with five SIBO tests in a row, I still set them aside.  We look at everything else.  What else could it be?  Let’s start with the basics.  Let’s clean things up.  Let’s settle things down.  Let’s work on motility.  So many people aren’t doing that and then wrap back to that and see if we even need to treat.  So, I think we just don’t want to jump the gun.  I think we get again this, when you have a way of testing for SIBO, that’s fairly easy, fairly affordable for some or most, and you get these test results back and you’re like, aha, that’s it.  Well, it’s secondary. You still haven’t figured out the root cause of it and you can very quickly throw an antibiotic at it or herbals at it and put them on a low-FODMAP diet, which might make them feel better, but now they’re stuck on the low-FODMAP diet and SIBO’s maybe not fixed. So, we still want to look at what set this up and treat from that perspective. The other thing that I think is very interesting to me about the FODMAP diet and how quickly people are quick to jump on it and talk about it online and use it, is that we’ve got this idea that if you put people on this low-FODMAP diet, it’s going to cherry pick and reduce the specific species that are causing IBS or SIBO.  And again, in the studies that’s just completely unfounded.

There was one great study that found that a low-FODMAP diet made the microbiota more dysbiotic and I loved what they said in their work because the way that they said it is it, it made the microbiota more dysbiotic in a group that already has been shown to have a dysbiotic microbiota. So it’s another study, dysbiosis is causal and IBS, although there’s no direct evidence to support this, being kicked around so much in the studies, then the effect of a strict low-FODMAP diet might be counterproductive. So what are we doing? It’s just really interesting. The one study I mentioned earlier about the hydrogen, altering hydrogen where they didn’t see any statistical significance in pre and post data, FODMAPs alter symptoms and the metabolism of patients with IBS, a randomized control trial.

That study again is one of those foundational studies within the SIBO rule that’s been cited so much. And they found no statistical significance when comparing their baseline data and their posts, diet intervention data with the microbiome.  But again, they had a page and a half of summary because then they went on to actually just compare their post intervention data.  So we can’t, we’ve got to look at these studies and this is the one study that actually kicked my whole, wait a second, what the hell is happening?  You got to be kidding me, moments because this one study again that everybody talks about, it’s always cited wherever on everybody’s stuff is they found no statistical significance with hydrogen. They found no statistical significance with the microbiota. They actually said alpha and beta diversity were the same when you compare the pre and post test.  They also, and this is the study that kicked off the whole conversation around histamines because what they claimed in their study was that there was an 8 fold decrease in histamines when people follow the low-FODMAP diet versus the high FODMAP diet. And I was looking at that to write an article off of it and there’s an asterisk on the data for the histamine piece.  And I was like, wait, what?  You can do that?  You can put an asterisk on stats.  So if you read it, what they had to do to get a correct… the statistical significance was that basically I think they started out with like 37 people. They went down to 34 people when they were looking at histamines. That didn’t tell us why a few people were discarded.  And then there was no difference between pre and post data for histamines.  So they only looked at the post data for low-FODMAP and high FODMAP and they had to adjust that subject group down four more times for age and gender, and IBS subtype to actually see a difference between a couple of people. And so-

Dr. Weitz:            Wow.

Angela:                I know, and then you back up and you kind of, you look at what they actually did to test histamines and they did a single point. You’re in test first thing in the morning, which for histamines, for urine histamines we look at a 24 hour collection because histamine is up and down all day long. So they didn’t test it correctly.  There was no difference in pre and post data. That citation is in 50 other studies that the low-FODMAP diet alters histamines.  And then whenever you look at those other studies, they make that citation and go into everything that’s happening with the immune system because we know that it lowers histamine.  It’s all complete conjecture because that study didn’t show it. So it’s really, it was absolutely interesting. I sent it to all my colleagues. I sent it to a friend who’s a colleague who’s a gastrointestinal doctor. Like am I seeing what I think I’m seeing? And he’s just like, “Oh my God, this makes no sense.” So it’s just interesting. It’s interesting, it’s really sad, I mean if you go online and search for FODMAP and histamine, you get a hundred thousand plus results. It’s just everywhere. And it’s, I don’t know what to say.  And when we actually look at the study, it doesn’t show it.

Dr. Weitz:            And its being recently embraced by conventional gastroenterologists now too?

Angela:                 Yes.

Dr. Weitz:            The ones who are involved with diagnosing and treating SIBO.

Angela:                 Yes, and that’s where, I think it’s really, it’s like it’s fortunate unfortunate. I saw the about shift with the GI docs. It was like at the front of, maybe it was like two years ago at the start of the year.  They all thought SIBO was crazy, at the end of the year. I don’t know what conference it was presented all of a sudden SIBO exist, and the FODMAP diet is great.  And that’s not for all of them.  I’m sure there’s lot of them that still think it’s crazy.  But enough of them are treating that, it’s just here’s the test, here’s the antibiotics, here’s the FODMAP diet.  Thank you for coming.  And your GI doc is not who you see on a regular basis. I hope it’s not.  That means you got a lot of gut stuff going on.  Ulcerative colitis patient, you’re going to see your GI doc a lot.  It’s just is what it is.  But for the most part, that’s not where you go for primary care.  And so, are you going to even see them again in six months?  Now you’re stuck on that diet because you’re supposed to follow this.  There’s not a lot of follow through or follow up with that.

Dr. Weitz:            I think Dr Pimentel’s research has been very influential and we know that IBS is the most common gastrointestinal condition. And though, I’m sure a lot of GI docs feel like, wow, we’ve got all these patients with IBS and we don’t really have a lot of tools right now. And so, maybe now we have a strategy that makes sense.  We have a diagnosis, we have a drug that goes with it, and we can throw in a diet too.

Angela:                 Yeah, yeah. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. And then they again, in the IB, and the study is looking at FODMAP and IBS, they’re showing that about 40-45% of people will improve on a FODMAP diet, again, as an elimination diet.  So it’s not everybody, but that’s a pretty big chunk that somebody can make a difference with a handout.  But then, how long are they following it, and what issues come from that?

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, awesome. Thank you, Angela.

Angela:                Yeah, of course.

Dr. Weitz:            We’re going to shake up the SIBO world a little bit.

Angela:                I hope so. I hope so. Thank you for having me. It was a great conversation, and I hope to continue it.

Dr. Weitz:            Good, good, good. And so how can listeners get a hold of you and find out about your programs and your products?

Angela:                Best site to reach me through is my website, siboguru.com. And then my bone broth is definitely out there, a gutrxbonebroth.com and everything’s linked for my website, so you can just come through me and find info there.

Dr. Weitz:            Awesome. Thank you.

Angela:                Thanks Ben.