Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Lyme Disease with Dr. Darin Ingels: Rational Wellness Podcast 167

Dr. Darin Ingels discusses Lyme Disease with Dr. Ben Weitz at the Functional Medicine Discussion Group meeting.

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Podcast Highlights

6:35  Dr. Darin Ingels contracted Lyme Disease, so he learned first hand about the condition and it took him three years to get his life back.  Lyme is a bacterial infection caused by the Borrelia species with Borrelia burgdorferi being one of the more dominant species and it’s transmitted primarily through the bite of a deer tick.

8:20  In the early 70s there was a mysterious group of cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis in children in Lyme, Connecticut. They thought that it was a Rickettsial infection, which is a different type of infection, so they started sending samples to a doctor named Wille Burgdorfer, who was a Rickettsia expert who worked for the government in Colorado. It took him about 6 or 7 years to isolate that this was not Rickettsia, but an infection caused by a spirochete, which was named Borrelia Burgdorferi, after Willie Burgdorfer.  There are at least five different subspecies of Borrelia burgdorferi and at least 100 different strains of Borrelia in the U.S. alone, and more than 300 strains worldwide.  However if we run a Lyme test through a conventional lab like LabCorp or Quest, they are only looking for one species, one strain, Borrelia burgdorferi, so if your patient happened to be exposed to a different strain, there is a high probability it will miss it on that test.

9:47  Some doctors mistakenly think that Lyme Disease only exists in New England, buy Lyme does exist in Southern California as well as in Northern California and California is the 5th fast growing state for the number of Lyme cases in the US. In Southern California we do have hills, mountains, trees, and we have areas where ticks live. In fact, Lyme disease has been reported in all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii and there’s more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year in the U.S. And Lyme is the number one spreading vector-borne epidemic worldwide. Here is a picture of the Ioxodes tick that causes Lyme disease:


13:00  Lyme is a spirochete, which has a corkscrew shape, so it can penetrate other tissues and cells a bit different than other bacteria, and this results in many different kinds of symptoms.  In fact, there are over 100 different symptoms, so Lyme is known as the great imitator, since it resembles so many other diseases.  Borrelia is a shape shifter, since it can ball itself up like a slinky called a cyst form and there is a cell wall deficient form which looks like a long, straight line. Borrelia’s ability to shape shift allows it to evade the immune system.

14:12  Another interesting thing about Borrelia is that it has a very slow replication cycle. Most bacteria replicate every 10-20 minutes and Borrelia replicates every one to 16 days, which is one reason why Lyme often requires many months of treatment.

15:40  Most of us are unlikely to see patients with acute Lyme disease since this is when the patient is first bitten with the tick and 20-40% end up with a bulls eye rash and Dr. Ingels noted that in California he hardly ever sees a bulls eye rash.  Symptoms can occur anywhere within 3 to 30 days following the tick bite, though many patients have no recollection of being bit by a tick.  Symptoms of acute Lyme include headaches, neck pain, fever, swollen joints or spine pain, fatigue, heart palpitations, and others.

19:37  Chronic or persistent Lyme disease occurs after the acute infection, though the CDC refuses to acknowledge that chronic Lyme exists, even though there’s multiple studies out of Johns Hopkins University showing otherwise, and millions of patients living with chronic Lyme.  Symptoms of chronic Lyme include fatigue, GO symptoms, memory loss, cognitive impairment, neuropathy tends to get worse and spread, burning sensations, feeling of creepy crawlies under the skin, wandering joint pain, light and sound sensitivity, dizziness, vertigo, sleep problems, Lyme carditis, (which can cause mitral-valve prolapse, heart block, heart palpitations, chest pain), balance, coordination problems, newly acquired dyslexia due to a type of brain inflammation, and endocrine disruptions (including hypothyroid, adrenal issues, and menstrual problems).

22:02  Lyme is the great imitator, so it may resemble autism, multiple sclerosis, ALS, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mono, herpes 6, parvovirus, RA, lupus, and pretty much any autoimmune disease.  So if you have been diagnosed with any of the above, you should consider if Lyme could be an underlying root cause.  An autoimmune disease that is triggered by Lyme often looks different and CRP, rheumatoid factor, and ANA may all be normal, whereas we would expect them to be elevated. Some of these patients when they get tested, they will show evidence of Lyme and then you treat them and they get better.

24:07  While we are focusing on Lyme, there are a quite a number of other tick borne infections, including Babesia, which is a blood parasite and a cousin of malaria, Bartonella (aka cat scratch fever), Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Powassan virus, Colorado tick fever, Heartland virus, Tularemia, and Brucella.

25:16  The reason there is a rise in Lyme is because of climate change, which is also leading to an increase in other insect-borne illnesses, including Dengue virus, Zika virus, and Chikungunya virus.  The World Health Organization published a paper and here is a similar paper with the same conclusion: “Ticking Bomb”: The Impact of Climate Change on the Incidence of Lyme Disease.

26:37  The diagnosis of Lyme disease is complicated. The CDC criteria is that you run an elisa antibody test for IgG and IgM antibodies and if it’s positive, then you should run a western blot, also looking at IgG and IgM antibodies. For a test to be positive, you have to have 5 out of 10 IgG bands or 2 out of 3 IgM bands. But sometimes Lyme patients don’t produce antibodies or don’t make an adequate response and for those that do, over time, immunity tends to wane, so it depends upon then their exposure was.  There is no test that measures Borrelia directly in the body. Dr. Ingels prefers to use Medical Diagnostic Labs, because they do very comprehensive tick-borne testing and they bill insurance. IGeneX up in Palo Alto, California is also a great lab, its very expensive and outside of Medicare they don’t bill insurance. Dr. Richard Horowitz has developed a questionaire for Lyme called the MSIDS, Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome questionaire: MSIDS.

32:42  Treatment for Lyme should start with diet and Dr. Ingels prefers to have patients follow a nutrient dense, alkaline diet.  Darin points out that with the exception of the skin, the stomach, the bladder, and for women, the vaginal area, which are very acidic, to protect against outside invaders, by and large, the rest of your body is mostly alkaline.  The enzyme systems work best and cell repair work best in an alkaline state. It’s not about the pH of the food, but how the food breaks down in your body. This has nothing to do with blood pH.  Urine pH should be above 7.2  Dr. Ingels breaks down his dietary recommendations into three categories:

1. Foods that can be consumed as often as possible, including vegetables, avocados, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, some nuts and seeds (almonds, brazil nuts, coconut, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame, chia, sunflower seeds), some grains, legumes, some oils (avocado, olive, coconut, flax, safflower), and some beverages. 

2. Foods that should be restricted to 20-25% of the dietary intake, including some fruits, some nuts (pecans, hazelnuts) some grains (rice, oats, organic soy, rye, hemp), animal proteins like meat, eggs, fish, and some oils (sunflower, grapeseed). 

3. Foods that you should avoid, like dairy, dried fruits, certain nuts (macadamia, peanuts, pistachios), junk food, artificial foods, processed foods, sugar, condiments (honey, jelly, mustard, soy sauce, vinegar), oils (corn, cottonseed, soybean, vegetable, hydrogenated fats), and beverages like coffee, which is very acidic, alcohol, black tea, and fruit juice.  Then you need to get your gut healthy, which can be adversely affected by the long term used of antibiotics. 

39:14  After getting the diet and the gut in order, the next step is targeting the Lyme and the coinfections.  Antibiotics can be very effective following an acute infection, but the longer you are away from the initial exposure, the odds of antibiotics being effective go down. Antibiotics can disrupt your microbiome and can damage your mitochondria and Dr. Ingels has seen patients that come to see him who have been on antibiotics for many years. Dr. Ingels prefers using herbal protocols, which tend to be more effective than antibiotics, can kill Lyme in multiple forms, and they don’t damage your microbiome, are anti-inflammatory, and can also boost your immune system.  The first botanical protocol that Darin likes is the Cowden Protocol, developed by Dr. Lee Cowden, a cardiologist.  Here are some of the botanicals that may be included in the 5 to 9 month protocol that involves changing the herbs each month, that are designed to kill the microbes, support detoxification, and clear heavy metals:

  • Amantilla
  • Banderol-microbial defense
  • Burbur-detox
  • Cumanda
  • Enula
  • Magnesium Malate
  • Mora
  • Parsley-detox
  • Pinella-brain/nerve cleanse
  • Samento-microbial defense
  • Sealantro-metal detox
  • Serrapeptase
  • Sparga-sulphur detox

These herbs are liquid extracts and can be used easily in kids and you can easily titrate the dosages.  The herbs that Dr. Ingels uses most often are Samento, Banderol, and Cumanda and he will recommend 15-30 drops in 1 oz of water twice per day for at least 6 weeks. If the patient has a herxheimer reaction, he may add Burbur.  He may have patients start with 2-4 drops in 1 oz of water twice per day and slowly increase dosage by 1 drop every 3-4 days till they get up to 30 drops per day.  If a patient has a herx reaction, then leave the dosage the same. For severe herxheimer reactions you can give 10 drops of Burbur every 10 minutes. 

45:51  Zhang herbal protocol.  The clinical protocol that Dr. Ingels took to help himself when he was suffering with Lyme disease after being on antibiotics for 9 months that were not helping and he has found to be the most effective for his patients with Lyme is the herbal protocol that was developed by Dr. Qincao Zhang, LAc and it includes the following herbs:

1. Artemisiae
2. Houttuynia (HH Caps)
3. Circulation P
4. Coptis
5. Cordyceps
6. Pueraria
7. R-5081
8. AI-M
9. Allicin

The downside to this protocol is that it is fairly expensive, since some patients are on at 5-6 products and this involves taking 15-20 capsules.  The patient cost is at least $500 per month with Dr. Zhang’s herbs.  Dr. Zhang’s protocol helps eradicate the infections, improves circulation, reduces inflammation and improves detoxification. It is one of the most comprehensive herbal protocols to address each aspect of Lyme Disease.  Dr. Ingels pointed out that he tends to use Coptis for acute Lyme but not as much for chronic Lyme because it contains berberine, which might potentially disrupt the microbiome during long term usage.

49:56  There are other herbal protocols, like Byron White’s. His formulas are based on what you know your patient has. If your patient has Lyme, you use AL-Complex.  If your patient has babesia they get A-Bab and if they have Bartonella they get A-Bart, etc..  These herbs are extremely strong and herxing reactions are very common.  These are tinctures, so you should start with a low dosage, say 1 drop and slowly increase. Stephen Buhner is a well known herbalist who has a very good protocol for Lyme that includes Japanese knotwood, Cat’s Claw, Andrographis, Wireweed, and Yellow Dye Root.

53:30  Breaking down biofilms is another important aspect of treating Lyme.  There are specific enzymes that can help to break down biofilms, including serrapeptase, nattokinase, and lumbrokinase.   Interface Plus is a product from Klaire Labs that has EDTA and serrapeptase in it that works pretty well. Coconut oil contains monolaurin, which can break up biofilms. N-Acetyl Cysteine is an amino acid that breaks up mucus and has been shown to break up biofilms. Long term use of NAC can deplete zinc and copper, so you should also supplement with these.

56:12  Low Dose Immunotherapy can also be helpful for patients with chronic Lyme disease. It was developed by Dr. Ty Vincent and it helps to down-regulate the TH2 dominant immune response.  It’s based on the concept of molecular mimicry. The goal is to promote tolerance to the offending antigen, using homeopathic doses of nosodes.   The antigen we select is really depending on what we think is triggering the symptoms. If we think Lyme is the trigger, that’s what we use. If you’ve got someone, based on stool testing or organic acid testing, if it’s an overgrowth of candida or yeast, maybe you want to do the candida antigen. Maybe you want to do the strep antigen. We probably have about 40 different antigens we use right now, and I know Dr. Vincent keeps expanding that in experiments with different things, and every year it grows a little bit, based on what he and other doctors around the world have been finding.  This is given as a sublingual administration every seven to eight weeks, depending on patient response.




Dr. Darin Ingels is a Naturopathic Doctor licensed in both the state of California and the state of Connecticut. His practice in Irvine, California, focuses on environmental medicine with an emphasis on Lyme disease, Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANDAS) and chronic immune dysfunction.  Dr. Ingels has published three books, including his most recent book, The Lyme Solution: A 5-Part Plan to Fight the Inflammatory Autoimmune Response and Beat Lyme Disease, and his websites are Wellness Integrative and DarinIngelsND.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations, including remote consults via video or phone, specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com. Phone or video consulting with Dr. Weitz is available.



Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Thank you for joining us this evening for our Functional Medicine group meeting on Lyme disease with Dr. Darin Ingels. I’m Dr. Ben Weitz, and I’m so happy that you’ve taken the time out from your busy schedule to join us, and hopefully to participate in our discussion tonight. If you’d like to ask a question, please type it into the chat bar, and we’ll get to it once Darin has finished his presentation. He’s going to speak for about 45 to 60 minutes, and after that, we’ve allotted approximately 30 minutes to Q and A.  Please consider attending some of our future Functional Medicine discussion group meetings, which are going to continue to be virtual through Zoom at least through the end of this year, and probably the beginning of next year. Dr. August 27th, Dr. Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific will be speaking about heavy metal detoxification, and he’s an awesome speaker, so that should really be good.  September 24th, please mark your calendar, another incredible speaker, Dr. Isaac Elias, on the survival paradox. October 22nd, we will do a deep dive into how to understand a GI map stool test, with Tom Fabian of Diagnostic Solutions. And November 19th, Dr. Steven Stanford Lewis will be speaking to us about some GI-related topic, yet to be decided. December we’ll be off, and then we’ll start up again in January of 2021.

                                Please join our closed Facebook page, Functional Medicine Discussion Group of Santa Monica, so we can continue the discussion beyond this meeting. Please check out my rational wellness podcast, which is dedicated to all things functional medicine. You can listen to it on your phone through Apple Podcast or Spotify, or you could watch it on YouTube and video recordings of most of our Functional Medicine meetings for the last three years can also be found on my Weitz Chiro YouTube page.  I’ve now posted over 166 episodes on my podcast, and there’s some amazing information contained in these interviews with many of the top names in functional medicine, including this week’s interview with Dr. Joel Khan on Lipoprotein (a). So, please subscribe and give me a positive review on Apple podcasts. Metagenics is our sponsor this evening, so Kailey Oogaard, my Metagenics rep, is going to tell us about a few Metagenics products, after which I will introduce our speaker, Darin Ingels, and we’ll get started. So, Kailey, let’s see.

Kailey:                 Can you hear me?

Dr. Weitz:            Yep.

Kailey:                 Hi everyone. Thanks Dr. Weitz. As Dr. Weitz said, I’m one of the local Metagenics reps in Southern California. There are about seven of us down here, from LA to San Diego, and I’m happy to put you in touch with your local rep if you would like to learn more about Metagenics, but I’d like to take this time to discuss one of our newer products, which is Hemp Advantage Plus. Hemp Advantage Plus features organic, broad-spectrum hemp extract, and a natural occurring bio-lipid, called palmitoylethanolamide, also know as PEA. PEA is an endocannabinoid-like molecule that interacts with the endocannabinoid systems, and PEA has been the subject of numerous clinical trials and studies, with results that support its clinical potential for safety and for patients with chronic pain and inflammation.

                                Studies have been conducted on chronic sciatic pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and many other inflammatory conditions. If you’d like additional research about PEA, you can log on to the Metagenics Institute website, at www.metagenicsinstitute.com. There are lots of podcasts, research articles, and just hot topics out in the functional medicine world there. You can also contact your local rep to learn more, and if you don’t know your local rep, you can go ahead and shoot me a text. And my number is 310-321-8785. I hope that you all are doing well and I hope I get to see you all in person soon. Thanks Dr. Weitz.

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely. Thank you Kailey. So, our special guest for this evening is Dr. Darin Ingels, and he will be joining us for a discussion on Lyme disease. He’s got a presentation for us. Dr. Ingels is a licensed naturopathic doctor in both the State of California and the State of Connecticut. His practice focuses on environmental medicine, with an emphasis on Lyme disease, pediatric acute onset neuropsychiatric syndrome and chronic immune disfunction. Dr. Ingels has published three books, including his most recent, A Lyme Solution: A five-part plan to fight the inflammatory auto-immune response and beat Lyme disease. So, without further ado, Dr. Darin Ingels.

Dr. Ingels:            Thanks Ben. All right, I’m excited to join you guys tonight. I wish we were all doing this in person, but this is the way life goes, so if you guys have questions, I think it would be best, if you go ahead and just go into the chat box and put your questions. When I get to the end of the presentation, we’ll just answer them all then. It will be easier than trying to disrupt the presentation. So, let me share my screen. Ben, you need to enable me to share my screen.

Dr. Weitz:            Let’s see. What do I do?

Dr. Ingels:           Go into the Zoom preferences.

Dr. Weitz:            Multiple participants can share simultaneously, is that right?

Dr. Ingels:           That should work.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. Did that work?

Dr. Ingels:           There we go.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. Couple people reminded me to record.

Dr. Ingels:            Okay, here we go. Hopefully you guys can see my screen. If there’s a problem, I can’t see the chat box, so just post it and Ben will let me know. Today, we’re going to talk about Lyme disease and co-infections, diagnosis and treatment options. I’ve got about 45 minutes plus of material, and then we’ll do some Q and A afterwards.   Lyme disease is near and dear to my heart. I’m a Lyme patient. I contracted Lyme disease in 2002 and spent three years trying to get my life back, so I know what it’s like for so many of these patients to really have to struggle with what can be sometimes a very debilitating illness. So, to start off, just a little background on what is Lyme disease? Many of you already know this, but it’s a bacterial infection, primarily caused by Borrelia species, Borrelia burgdorferi being really one of the more dominant species, and it’s transmitted primarily through the bite of a tick, specifically the Ixodes ticks, which are the deer ticks.    There are a lot of different ticks out in the world, deer ticks, dog ticks, wood ticks. The overwhelming majority of these cases are transmitted by deer ticks. Dog ticks, wood ticks and other ticks have really not been shown to be major carriers of Lyme disease. They carry a lot of other disease that can infect people and cause problems, but Lyme disease specifically is really more around the deer ticks. There is some evidence that perhaps other insects, such as mosquitoes and fleas, may transmit Lyme as well. To be honest, it’s really speculative. There’s literally just a few studies done in Europe on it. So, again the consensus is that the overwhelming majority of these cases are coming from tick bites.

Dr. Weitz:            Isn’t there a study about a mouse being involved in this too? That the tick bites a mouse, a certain type of mouse?

Dr. Ingels:            Well, ticks can bite any number of animal vectors. Mice are probably the primary carriers, more than the deer itself. We call it the deer tick, but mouse, rabbits, raccoons, any of these furry little creatures can potentially carry these ticks and potentially be reservoirs for Lyme.  So, in the early seventies, there was a mysterious group of cases of RA in children in Lyme, Connecticut. So, if you didn’t know, Lyme disease is named after Lyme, Connecticut. And juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a pretty unusual condition. There were also several adults in Lyme, Connecticut that were also having this arthritic flare-up. So, it took actually several years. They originally thought it was a Rickettsial infection, which is a different kind of bacteria. And then they started sending samples to a guy named Dr. Willie Burgdorfer, who was a Rickettsia expert. He worked for the government in Colorado, and it took him about six or seven years to isolate that it was a spirochete, and the rule is, when you discover the organism you get to name it after yourself. So, that’s why it’s Borrelia burgdorferi, named after Willie Burgdorfer.

                                We know there’s at least five different subspecies of Borrelia burgdorferi and at least 100 different strains of Borrelia in the U.S. alone, and really more than 300 strains worldwide. This becomes relevant, because when we talk about testing, we are generally testing for one species, one strain, Borrelia burgdorferi, that’s pretty much it. So, if you’ve ever run a test through LabCorps or Quest or your conventional reference lab, they are only looking at that one specific strain. So, if your patient happened to be exposed elsewhere and they have a different strain, there is a high probability it will miss it on that test and you’ll get a negative test. Which doesn’t exclude the possibility of Lyme disease, and I’ll talk a little bit more about that when we get to the testing section.

                                And for those of us in California, which is all of us, when I first moved here, I grew up in Southern California and moved away and lived in Connecticut for almost 20 years, and moved back about two years ago full-time, I’ve been shocked at the number of healthcare practitioners, doctors that tell patients, “Oh no, we don’t have Lyme disease in California.” That is the most ignorant statement, uninformed, and if you look at, even according to the CDC, they’ve identified California for the fifth fastest growing state for the number of Lyme cases in the country.  The northern area, the Bay Area, is more endemic than Southern California, but again, we have hills, we have mountains, we have trees, we have areas where ticks do live, and we do see cases here. So, if your patient gets dismissed by another doctor, please be the one to do the diligent work and help identify it. Most of the cases, more than 95 percent, still come from New England and the central part of the U.S. However, Lyme disease has been reported in all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii. People travel, so even if you’re in a state like Arizona, that we don’t think about having really a lot of deer ticks, people in Arizona like to leave the heat, they travel, and they may have acquired it elsewhere, outside of the state they reside.

                                We know according to the statistics, that there’s more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year in the U.S. Remember that’s new cases. That’s not existing. That’s new, every year, so we are literally talking about millions and millions of people in the United States living with Lyme disease, many of which who don’t realize it. And in Europe, it’s about 65,000 cases a year. As you move to different parts around the world, some governments are very cognizant and recognize it. We find most governments are really blind to it and it’s overlooked. But we’ve got cases in Asia, Africa, and other continents outside of Europe and North America.

                                This is just a picture of the Ixodes tick. Out on the East Coast, Ixodes scapularis. Out here on the West Coast, it’s mostly Ixodes pacificus. Honestly, I’ve looked at pictures of both. I can’t tell the difference. They look kind of the same to me. They very much have this tear drop shape to them, with the sort of black back and sort of reddish orange lining. They look significantly different than dog ticks and wood ticks, which have a much rounder body and kind of a hard shell. If you push on a deer tick, their outside is as little softer.  Part of the reason that Lyme disease is so difficult to pick up is these ticks are teeny, weeny tiny, about the size of a poppy seed. Maybe when it’s fully engorged, it’s as little bit bigger. I can remember seeing a tick on my arm, actually when I actually had Lyme disease, I thought it was just a fleck of dirt, and I went to flick it off and it started walking, so small I couldn’t see the little legs. So, it’s a good idea to keep a magnifying glass in your office. It’s rare that you’re actually going to be able to find a tick on someone, but if you do, having something to magnify to really help identify if that’s a deer tick can be really helpful.

                                It is the number one spreading vector-borne epidemic worldwide. So, we see this all over the world. We see more cases in terms of rate than … I mean there’s still more cases of malaria and things like that, but in terms of the rate of infection, Lyme disease is still the fastest growing. And because Lyme is a spirochete, the nature of these corkscrew shaped organisms is that they can penetrate other tissues and cells a little bit different than other regular rods or other types of bacteria. And as a result of that, it can cause many different kinds of symptoms. In fact, there’s over 100 different symptoms that are associated with Lyme disease.  So, we call Lyme the great imitator, the great mimic, because it looks like so many other things. And I think that’s why it gets overlooked so often, because people think it’s an autoimmune disease. They think you have mono. They think you have a bad flu. It’s very easy to overlook it, but when you start to see these symptoms go on and on and on for a much larger period of time than what you would expect for some of these other infections, that’s where the red flag goes up that maybe it’s Lyme or some other tick-borne illness.  So, Lyme itself, Borrelia, is a shape shifter. If you see these pictures, it’s always that long corkscrew shape form. It can literally ball itself up like a slinky, and that’s called a cyst form or round body form. There’s also the cell wall deficient form and what they call an uncoiled filaments form, which just looks like kind of a long straight line. And it’s ability to shape shift allows it to evade the immune system, it allows it to penetrate other cells and tissues, and again, that’s what makes it a little bit more unique than other types of bacteria out there.

                                And the other thing about Borrelia that’s really interesting is that it has a very slow replication cycle. Most bacteria replicate about every 10 to 20 minutes, and to put it in perspective, if you get tuberculosis, microbacteria tuberculosis replicates every 15 to 20 hours, so that is much slower than every 10 to 20 minutes. And if you get TB, you go on a triple antibiotic cocktail for nine to 12 months. Well, if you look at the research on Borrelia, it replicates every one to 16 days. So, for the life of me, I can’t figure out why the recommendation has always been two to three weeks of antibiotics for an organism that may replicate once during that life cycle.  And considering the standard treatment is doxycycline, which actually is bacteria static, it’s not bactericidal, all it’s doing is stopping the organism from replicating, which means it needs to be in a replication phase to work. So, there’s a little bit of madness here that I can’t really get my head around. I don’t understand it, but this is sort of the politics of medicine and the politics of Lyme disease. But just understand that you’ve got an extremely slow-growing organism. So, as we start talking about treatment, that becomes relevant, because these courses of treatment do tend to go long term, often for many months, where it’s not like a sinus infection that you treat for seven to 10 days. Most Lyme patients are looking at many months of treatment.

                                So, I kind of break Lyme down into what I’ll call acute Lyme disease and chronic Lyme disease. This is just for simplification. In reality, there’s a lot of overlap. But your acute Lyme people, you’re probably not going to see very often unless you do primary care medicine, because these people are generally acutely ill. They’re sick. They’ve got headaches, stiff neck, fever, arthritis, neuropathy, muscle pain, fatigue, chills, lymphadenopathy, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sometimes Bell’s palsy. The hallmark of Lyme disease is that classic erythema migrans or bullseye rash.  The CDC says up to 70 to 80 percent of people who get Lyme disease get that rash. If you look at the literature, the literature suggests it’s probably closer to 40 percent, and those of us in clinical practice, who work with a lot of Lyme patients, it’s probably less than 20 percent. So, if you have a patient who has a bullseye rash, do not pass go, do not collect $200. It’s absolutely Lyme. There’s nothing else in the world that causes that classic rash.  The absence of a rash, though, doesn’t exclude the possibility of Lyme disease. Whatever you learned in medical school, don’t let that be your guide about if someone does or does not have Lyme. The rash itself is not a reliable marker, and at this point, since I’ve been in California, I pretty much hardly ever see a bullseye rash. Now there are other rashes associated with Lyme that are not the bullseye rash.   So, when you see a flat rash that’s red and spreading, that would still make me nervous, even if you don’t see the central clearing. I get a lot of messages from people, especially on social media. They take pictures of, is this a bullseye rash? They freak out. Remember when you get bit by a mosquito, you will get a histamine reaction, and histamine reactions do not always cause a uniform redness spreading away from the puncta, so people will often mistake it, because they see a little bit of clearing, thinking it’s a bullseye rash.   Your biggest thing is when you get a typical insect bite, it usually goes away with 24 to 48 hours. At least the redness goes down, the swelling goes down. Mosquito bites, specifically, get raised. Tick bites are generally flat. They don’t get raised. You can usually feel another insect bite, if you get stung by a bee, you get bit by a mosquito, usually you will feel it. Ticks have a little bit of anesthetic in their saliva, so when they bite you, you don’t feel it.

                                So, that’s just a couple of quick, little ticks to differentiate, is it just another insect bite, like a spider bite or a mosquito bite, versus a tick bite? Most erythema migrans rashes are flat, they will spread. When I got bit, my rash spread for almost eight weeks before it started to dissipate. So, that is pretty common.  So, here’s a picture of the classic bullseye rash, red in the middle, central clearing, another red ring. And again, if you were to see it early, it might be small, but it will continue to spread. And again, mine got to be almost 18 inches by the time it was done spreading.

                                Symptoms can occur anywhere within three to 30 days following a tick bite. CDC, again, says up to 70 percent of people get the EM rash; as I just mentioned, that’s not always the case. Most people have no recollection of being bit by a tick. These ticks actually like the dark, warm, moist areas of the body. So, behind the knees, under the armpit, the belt line, under the butt cheeks, hairline behind the ears. So, often they go to places that people don’t necessarily see. So, if you’re out hiking in the woods, you like camping, you like outdoor activities, make sure that you do thorough tick checks, particularly if you’ve got kids. It’s very easy to overlook, and remember they’re small, so just make sure you’ve got a place that has good light and you can really do a thorough inspection.  So, I tell parents, if they go camping, strip your kids naked, go through every crack and crevice. They don’t like it, but it’s the safest way to ensure that they don’t get exposed. As I mentioned again, the symptoms are vague, look like a lot of other things, and misdiagnosis is very, very common.

                                So, if people miss that window of getting diagnosed to acute Lyme, it can progress more into what I’ll call chronic or persistent Lyme. As a political note, the government refuses to acknowledge that chronic Lyme exists, even though there’s multiple studies out of Johns Hopkins University showing otherwise, and millions of patients living with chronic Lyme. But their feeling is, three weeks of antibiotics and regardless of how you feel, you’re done. Whatever you’re dealing with, they now call it post-Lyme syndrome, but they don’t think it’s Lyme disease. They think it’s just something else, so kind of odd.

                                So, again, you can get the fatigue, but then you’re going to start getting more gastrointestinal problems, more neurological problems, memory loss, cognitive impairment, neuropathy tends to get worse and spread, sensory distortions, which is really a type of neuropathy, but burning sensations is a very common complaint, or this feeling of creepy crawlies under the skin, and wandering joint pain. Wandering joint pain is another hallmark of Lyme disease specifically. There’s nothing else we know in recorded literature that causes wandering joint pain.  What that means is, one day it’s my left shoulder, then it’s my right knee, then it’s my right shoulder, then it’s my left ankle, and it just seems to keep moving. If you’ve got rheumatoid arthritis or other types of autoimmune arthritis, they tend to be the same joints. Now they can come and go in terms of their intensity, but they tend to be pretty consistent. But with Lyme, it can be completely different joints altogether.  Light and sound sensitivity, dizziness, vertigo, sleep problems, general rheumatism. There is a thing called Lyme carditis, which can cause mitral-valve prolapse, heart block, heart palpitations, chest pain. So, I always send someone I’m suspicious has Lyme or if I know they have Lyme, we’ve already diagnosed it, if they’re complaining of chest problems, I always send them to the cardiologist, get a cardiac workup and make sure they don’t have Lyme carditis, because that can become very serious.  Balance, coordination problems, people say, all of a sudden, I’m clumsy, I trip a lot, I drop things. What I call newly acquired dyslexia, where all of a sudden people start transposing their numbers, their letters, whether they’re writing or typing. The brain has an element of inflammation. I think it is a type of encephalitis that ensues, and that’s what triggers a lot of these neurological problems.  And finally, we’ll see a lot of endocrine disruption, particularly underactive thyroid, hypothyroidism following Lyme is a pretty common occurrence, well documented in the literature. And sometimes we’ll see women having menstrual problems, adrenal issues and so forth.

                                So, as I mentioned, it’s the great imitator, looks like a lot of these things; autism, multiple sclerosis, ALS, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mono, herpes 6, parvovirus, RA, lupus, name any autoimmune disease pretty much, and there is some association with Lyme. And if you look at this list, a lot of these things are descriptions. They don’t really tell you why. Rheumatologists, to their credit or to their fault, can help identify that there’s an inflammatory process going on in the body, but I don’t think they’re terribly good at telling you the why. And these people who get these labels, and say, “Well, I’ve got a diagnosis of MS.” You say to the neurologist, “Well why?” “Well, I don’t know. That’s just the way it is.”

                                Well, it makes a lot of sense, and again, we’ve got as lot of ample literature showing that microbes are major triggers for autoimmune disease, not just MS in particular, but Klebsiella’s a major autoimmune trigger, strep is a major autoimmune trigger, so we have a lot of microbes that can do that, and Lyme just happens to be really effective at triggering autoimmune problems.  And a lot of these autoimmune issues don’t fit the bill of what you typically think of with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  Often, the CRP is normal, rheumatoid factor is normal, ANA is normal.  I often do see the ANA will come in and out of being positive with people if you measure it over time. That’s pretty common with Lyme, but it’s always very low titer, and you do all the follow-up tests and everything comes back negative. So, it doesn’t really point to any one autoimmune problem, but again you will see that with Lyme.    So, again when you see these patients that have these chronic labels without an understanding of really why, it should be probably at least part of your differential diagnosis to test appropriately and just make sure that tick-borne illness is at least part of the underlying cause.  We all practice root medicine, we want to get to the cause of these things, and I’ve been shocked at the number of people I’ve seen who have been to 50 doctors, and nobody ever bothered to test them for tick-borne illness, and then we test and it lights up like a Christmas tree and you treat them and they feel tremendously better.

                                We’re focusing really on Lyme on this talk, but I at least want to mention that a lot of these ticks that carry Lyme do carry other infections. So, here’s just a short list of things that are pretty common. Babesia, which is a blood parasite, it’s a cousin of malaria. Bartonella, which we typically think of cat scratch fever, but it can be transmitted through a tick bite. Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Powassan virus, which has shown up in the last handful of years as a very deadly virus, unfortunately. We’ve seen most of those cases out in New England. Colorado tick fever, Heartland virus, Tularemia, Brucella. Every time I go to a Lyme conference, I swear this list of things that ticks transmit gets longer and longer, and it’s exhausting when you’re trying to do as workup with patients.  So, just keep in the back of your mind that if you’re suspicious of a tick-borne illness, you probably want to test for the gamut. I will tell you I test for the things I see most commonly first. We see what happens, and then I do a second-tier testing. Instead of doing 50 tests at once, let’s take the top 10, the top 12, because those are the most likely ones anyway, and then if we run into a wall, then we can go back and look at all the other ones.

                                So, why is there a rise in Lyme disease? Well again, worldwide, we’re seeing an increase, not just in Lyme, but other insect-borne illnesses. We’ve had more Dengue virus. Remember Zika virus? That freaked everybody out for a long time, and it kind of just magically disappeared. Chikungunya virus in Central South America. Of course now, SARS-COV2. So, we’ve got these different infectious agents, particularly viruses that have been emerging for a number of different reasons, and really the World Health Organization attributes it to climate change.  I didn’t put the list, or the reference here, and I apologize, but if you want to message me and I’ll send it to you. But the World Health Organization published a paper. It was actually pretty good, and basically because we’ve got a warmer climate, that allows, ticks in particular need the cold to get killed off, and New England, the central part of the U.S. has been warmer overall. They’re not getting those cold, cold winters to really kill off the ticks, and therefore the tick population continues to explode. Birds are migrating further away than they used to before, so they can carry these ticks to other places.  [Here is a paper with this conclusion: “Ticking Bomb”: The Impact of Climate Change on the Incidence of Lyme Disease]

                                There was one study, it was done in Canada, where they found that birds in the U.S. can get as high as the Yukon, and so they can go pretty faraway, and therefore, these birds have the ticks on them, they go somewhere else, carry the tick. Now the tick is implanted somewhere else and it just starts a new tick population. So really, climate change is to partially blame for all of this.

                                So, the diagnosis of Lyme, I will tell you this is extremely controversial. The CDC has a very hard line on it, and understand that, when we talk about testing, the testing that is available out there through commercial labs was never designed to be diagnostic, ever. It was designed to monitor people that had known Lyme disease. So, once we discovered Lyme back in the early eighties, they developed a test not long after, and again, they wanted to monitor people who had the bullseye rash, the high fever, all the classic symptoms, and they wanted away to kind of monitor and see how their progress was going.  So, if you go to the CDC’s website, they will tell you today that Lyme is a clinical diagnosis. It’s based on signs and symptoms and particularly people that live in endemic areas, and you kind of have to rule out everything else. You’ve got to rule out autoimmune disease. You’ve got to rule out other neurological issues, if they’ve got neuro symptoms. So, there’s a whole process of trying to pinpoint, is it Lyme? And as best, what these tests tell you is, has your patient been exposed. It does not tell you if they have Lyme disease.

                                I can promise you if we tested everybody in this country, we would find a huge number of people show evidence of exposure who have never had a single symptom. So, it’s kind of like SARS-COV2 right? We’re testing all these people that have no symptoms. I think there’s an analogy between Lyme disease that’s kind of scary, but very, very close, and it’s true for the Lyme testing.  So, as I go through this, I will explain a little bit why that’s so. The typical CDC criteria is you run a screening test, which is an elisa test. It’s just an antibody test, IGG and IGM antibodies. If that test is positive it flexes over to a western blot, also looking at IGG and IGM antibodies. So, to call a test positive, you’ve got to have five out of 10 IGG bands or two out of three IGM bands. And that’s what they call a positive test.

                                And in 40 years of research and understanding more about these antibodies, some being very specific to Lyme, some of them being non-specific, I don’t know why we’ve never changed that criteria, and really just focused on the Lyme-specific antibodies. And the way I think of it, if you’ve got a Lyme-specific antibody, and it’s there and it’s strong, it’s kind of like being a little pregnant. I mean you are or you aren’t. What difference does it make if it’s one or two or three or four? Having evidence you’ve had exposure when you’ve got clinical symptoms is hugely important and relevant. So again, keep that in mind.

                                Some of the pitfalls of this test is a lot of Lyme patients are [inaudible 00:29:06] negative, which means they just don’t produce antibodies. Now, is it because they have an immune deficiency? Is it because they’re so far away from their initial exposure that their immunity has naturally waned with time? There’s any number of reasons that people don’t make antibodies or don’t make an adequate response, and as a result of that, this test might look negative.  We don’t have good technology to date that measures Borrelia directly in the body. There was a lab in Pennsylvania that was doing a Lyme culture for a while. They got shut down by the FDA, so we don’t really have any direct Borrelia testing in the body. And for an antibody to be considered positive, it has to be at least 60 percent of the control. And I was a former microbiologist, medical technologist before I was a doctor. I used to do these western blots for a living, and then one thing that is very odd is that when you run pretty much any lab test out there, if you’re running a CBC or a chem panel, there’s always a low, a medium and high control to represent that there’s a gradation of what represents normal.

                                And with a western blot, there’s not. It’s black-white, yes-no. So, they set this threshold at 60 percent. What that means is that, the CDC’s perspective is that if you’ve got Lyme, you make a ton of antibody. You make a lot of it, and if you were to do this test within maybe a few weeks to maybe a month and a half or so of someone being exposed, you might expect that there would be a decent antibody response. But if you learn in immunology, over time, it’s that immunity wanes. If your exposure was a year ago, three years ago, 10 years ago, I wouldn’t expect to have the same level.   So, it doesn’t reflect the nature of how antibody levels can change, and that’s why I said earlier, if you’ve got Lyme-specific antibodies, I think that’s relevant, in conjunction with a patient in front of you that actually has the clinical symptoms.  So, most conventional labs don’t test for the breadth of antibodies associated with Lyme, so you can also miss people. There was a Lyme vaccine that was available, back in, I think, the nineties. It went off the market. It was out for maybe three years. Anybody who would have gotten that vaccine would test positive for the 31 antibody. So reference labs intentionally leave it off, because anyone who might have had the vaccine, they don’t want to call the false positive. But we now know that A) there’s not that many people who got the vaccine, particularly now, and that 31 antibody can be very specific to Lyme.

                                So, that’s where if you’re using labs that specialize in Lyme testing. I use specifically a lab out of New Jersey called Medical Diagnostic Labs. I like them because they do very comprehensive tick-borne testing, and the best thing is they bill insurance. IGeneX up in Palo Alto, California is also a great lab. They do fantastic testing. The only down side is outside of Medicare they don’t bill insurance, so it just gets to be another out-of-pocket expense for your patients.   It can also take up to six weeks for people to produce antibodies, so depending on when you do the testing, if someone truly, you thought, had acute Lyme, if you test too early, it may just be that you missed that window yet. They haven’t made enough antibodies to show up as positive. So, I generally, if someone has a suspicious tick bite, I will wait at least three or four weeks before I do a blood test, just to make sure we hit the right window of actually picking up a positive.

                                ILADS has a different criteria. I don’t know if you guys know, the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society, they have their own criteria, where again, it’s more of kind of I explained, looking at these Lyme-specific antibodies and not really following the hard line five our of 10 IGG or two out of three IGM antibodies that the CDC sets. And again, really based more on clinical symptoms, but again, you do have to rule out other inflammatory, other autoimmune conditions as part of your process.

                                So, let’s jump in a little bit to talk about treatment. You’ve gone through this whole process. You’ve got this patient who’s got clinical symptoms. And I didn’t put a slide, but I should mention it, Dr. Horowitz, Richard Horowitz is kind of a Lyme guru in the U.S. He has a questionnaire called the MSIDS questionnaire. He has actually validated this questionnaire in clinical studies and found it is a reliable marker on the probability your patient has Lyme.  So, if you have a patient that just can’t afford the testing, or for any reason, maybe that’s not available to them, you can always have them, it’s a free download online, they can take the questionnaire, and if they score high on it and they have the clinical symptoms, you can probably feel pretty good and I think you’ve got some teeth in justifying your treatment, because again, this questionnaire actually has been validated in clinical studies. So, there is evidence that this is a reliable way of identifying those people that have been exposed to a tick-borne illness.  [Here is the Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome questionaire: MSIDS.]

Dr. Weitz:            One more time, the name of that questionnaire.

Dr. Ingels:            It’s the MSIDS.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay, thanks.

Dr. Ingels:            So, first and foremost, I think diet plays a huge role. I know we’re hearing this again with SARS-COV2, that people who are overweight, obese, diabetic, they are some of the highest risk people of getting SARS-COV2. I think these are also the highest risk people of getting Lyme disease. So, getting people to start eating healthy, nutritious, nutrient-dense foods is important. However, we know from the research that eating what I call an alkaline diet, I mean I didn’t start that. There’s plenty of books written about an alkaline diet, but it’s not really a diet, in terms it’s not calorie-restricted. It’s not a diet to lose weight. This is a way of people learning how to eat.  And what I like about it is that it doesn’t restrict calories. It’s not really that restrictive. So, people can actually follow this. Some of the diets out there, like Keto for a lot of people, is really challenging. They can’t stick with it. This is a diet I find people will actually stick with, and the alkaline diet is based on the premise that as you eat certain foods and they break down in your body, they become alkaline-forming. So it’s really about shifting your tissues, your cells to be more alkaline.

                                I mean, with the exception of the skin, the stomach, the bladder, and for women, the vaginal area, which are very acidic, to protect against outside invaders, by and large, the rest of your body is mostly alkaline. So, we know that the enzymes systems work best, cell repair works best in really an alkaline state. So, it’s not about the pH of the food. It’s how the food breaks down in your body.  So, for example, lemons, if you squeeze lemon juice on pH paper, it’s very acidic. However, when you drink lemon juice, it actually breaks down and makes your body very alkaline. We’re not taking about blood pH by the way. I get this from time to time, “Well blood pH is very tight.” That’s stupid. We’re not talking about blood pH. Yes, you’re right, blood pH is 7.2 to 7.4, up or down you’re dead. So, this has nothing to do with changing blood pH at all. This is really about changing cellular pH, and again there’s a lot of studies out there that validate this.

                                So, what I recommend for people when they’re transitioning their diet, just go ahead and buy that pH paper at the pharmacy. It’s really cheap, and 30 minutes after they eat, you have them go pee on the strip, and we really want to see their urine pH above 7.2. Some people like doing saliva pH. I find salivary pH is a bit more variable, because of all the other microbes in the mouth, but if that’s easier for people, that’s another way. But I do like the idea of doing urine pH better.

                                Just talking about some of the diets, I’ve really broken this down to three categories for people. The first category are foods that can be consumed as often as people like. I won’t go through all of these. I’ll let you read through it, but basically it’s mostly vegetables. Most vegetables, thank goodness, and seaweeds, are very alkaline forming. Avocados, the citrus fruits, by and large, sweet potatoes and so forth.

                                Some nuts and seeds, there are some grains, legumes, some oils, some beverages. I deviate a little bit away from the Gundry work about lectins. My personal opinion, I don’t think lectins are as pro-inflammatory as suggested, considering most of the world they’re staple food are high-lectin foods, and yet autoimmune disease allergies are extremely low in these countries. My clinical experience with Lyme patients is that they eat legumes, and outside of the normal farting, they actually do pretty well. So, I think that’s okay.

                                Category two are foods that I like to restrict to about 20, 25 percent of their dietary intake for the week, and you’ll see this is a lot of fruits, some grains, like rice and so forth. It’s all the animal proteins, meat, eggs, fish, some of the oils. And the reason is, when these foods break down is they’re either neutral to even slightly acidic. So, that’s why it’s not that they can’t have it. We just don’t want it to be the bulk of their diet. So, I think if you kind of go back to our true paleo forefathers, we didn’t kill every day. We killed when we could, so we still foraged off the land, ate mostly plant-based foods, and then had some mixed in animal protein, and I think this kind of reflects that a little bit better.

                                And people might say, “Well do I have to do 20 percent? What if I do 30 or 40?” And look, check your urine pH, and if you can maintain your pH in an alkaline state, then it’s fine. This gives you the opportunity for each of your patients to play around with what works best for them. There is no hard and fast rules here. Again, this is just my experience in working with Lyme patients that this works very well. It’s sustainable. It’s nutrient-dense, and it gives them all the things they need to heal.

                                And the last part here is really just foods to avoid. So, these are dairy products. There’s probably a million reasons we could talk about why to avoid dairy products, dried fruits, some of the nuts listed there, any junk food, artificial foods, processed foods, condiments, oils and beverages. The next one that gets a lot of my Lyme patients it coffee. Coffee is very acid-forming. Again, the pH of coffee itself is like two or three right? It’s very acidic.

                                So, I do have some people that will drink a little bit of coffee every now and then. And again, if they’re eating so well with the rest of their diet to balance it, then it’s fine. So, for your heavy coffee drinkers, maybe have them scale back. Someone told me that there is a low pH coffee. I have yet to find it yet. If it exists, great. Again, the easy way is just check urine pH and make sure everything is okay.

                                Beyond getting the diet, get the gut in good working order, the next step is really start targeting the Lyme itself, or some of these co-infections. So, I want to just talk through some of the herbal protocols that I use. I didn’t really talk about it, but I’ll just give you a quick synopsis. Antibiotics early on in Lyme disease can be very effective, and I’m certainly not opposed to it. However, when you get further and further away from your exposure, the odds of antibiotics being effective go down.

                                And I’ve seen patients literally have been on antibiotics for six years, eight years, 10 years, 12 years continuously to treat Lyme disease, and they have not improved. And you have to draw a line in the sand of when do you get to that point when the treatment is worse than the condition? And when you’re on long-term antibiotics, I guess depending on which ones you’re on, obviously you’re disrupting your normal gut microbiome, which you need to have a healthy immune system, and there’s also a greater potential to damage your mitochondria. And we know that Lyme itself can damage mitochondria.

                                So, for your Lyme patients that are tired, have problems with wound repair or tissue repair, if the mitochondria don’t work well, it’s going to be really, really hard to get over that hump, if they’re on hardcore antibiotics. With antibiotics, you’re really just targeting killing the bug or at least stopping the bug from replicating.

                                With herbs, herbs have so many other components in it, that they’re anti-inflammatory, they help promote better circulation, they help boost your immune system. So, we get multiple functions out of herbs that we just don’t get with antibiotics. So, a lot of potential upside, and there’s this myth out there. Let me dispel it very quickly. “Well, they’re not as strong as antibiotics,” and that’s not true at all. There is actually a handful of studies out there looking at herbs compared to antibiotics, albeit in vitro, and across the board, the herbs tend to be more effective than the antibiotics, and can kill Lyme in multiple forms, where antibiotics typically only address Lyme when it’s its uncoiled normal spirochete form.

                                So, the first protocol I want to talk about was developed by a Dr. Lee Cowden. Dr. Cowden here is a cardiologist out of Dallas, and he started working with a company called NutriMedics. They’re based out of Jupiter, Florida, and these herbs are all wild crafted out of Peru, down in South America and the Amazon jungle. So, I like these herbs for a lot of reasons. Again, clinically, they can be very effective. If you guys want to do a little bit more research. There’s a doctor named Eva Sapi. It’s S-A-P-I. She’s at the University of New Haven and she’s published a handful of studies looking at these herbs, specifically in vitro with Lyme against different antibiotics, doxycycline, rifampin, a couple of others, and again, she found that the herbs were actually more effective.

                                So, there’s some evidence that these are effective. Clinically, I’ve been using these for almost 20 years. I find they work really well for patients. These are liquid tinctures, so the other nice thing for your really sensitive people is you can do drop doses, and titrate up to a point where you start to see clinical benefit, without getting any kind of die-off reaction, Herxheimer reaction, or other side effect.

                                Dr. Cowden’s protocol himself, the way that he has it structured is that every month he kind of changes the protocol, the concept being, if we keep confusing the bug, maybe it won’t adapt. We don’t actually have any evidence that this organism can become resistant to herbs. It’s a little bit different than antibiotics, because herbs aren’t used nearly with the frequency of antibiotics. So, that has not been my clinical experience, and when I looked at Dr. Sapi’s work, there was really just a few of these herbs that were doing the heavy lifting in the whole protocol.  So, what I have listed here are all the herbs that he includes in his protocol, and then the ones in bold are really the ones that I use most often.  The combination is designed to, again, kill the microbes, support detox pathways, clear metals, basically make the terrain a more hospitable environment to do what you want to do. It’s a five to nine-month protocol, again of constantly changing herbs and again, they’re liquid extracts, so drop doses are possible. I use this with a lot of my kids, just because they don’t taste horrible, they’re drop doses, you can mix in water or a little bit of dilute juice, and again, it gives us a lot of flexibility to adapt it.

                                This is just my protocol on treating acute Lyme disease. I’ll let you read through the slide, but there is a difference between, if you’ve got someone who’s been exposed fairly recently, versus someone you think has more persistent Lyme. With acute Lyme disease, we basically go in at a fairly high dose to try and hit it hard right off the bat, and we’ll typically do a treatment for at least six weeks. Six weeks is the minimum. Because it’s a slow-growing organism, we don’t want to short ourselves. So, at least six weeks, and at six weeks we re-evaluate, how are you feeling. Sometimes we’re on longer, but really no less than six weeks.

                                For persistent Lyme disease, I just start at smaller doses and titrate up slowly. When people have had it longer, they’re disposition to Herxing or getting that die-off reaction goes up. So, if you just start slow and work your way up, drop by drop, again, it just minimizes that impact. Herxing with this particular protocol is not that common. Maybe 10 to 15 percent of people, where with antibiotics it’s much, much higher. Again, it’s a much more tolerable treatment.   And again, I just have them titrate up one drop twice a day every three or four days. If there’s really no improvement in the way they feel, up to really 30 drops twice a day. They do have one formula here called Burbur or Burbur pinella. This is to help mitigate the detox reaction. If people start to Herx, this particular formula, they can take 10 drops every 10 minutes every hour, as frequently as they need to. There’s nothing toxic about it. It really is to help open up those detox pathways, and sometimes it really helps curtail that die-off reaction.

                                So, the advantages of this protocol, it’s really easy to administer, clinically it works and it’s pretty cost-effective. Those four tinctures I mentioned, for most people, at max dose, 30 drops twice a day will last them about a month. It will cost about $135 for their cost on all that, so it’s not terrible.

                                The disadvantages, again, you can get Herx reactions. As I said, they’re not really that common, but they’re more common than with some of the other protocols. It is a long, potentially long-term treatment. It does require multiple bottles and dosing schedules, so it’s a bit more labor-intensive, especially when people get to the higher doses. They pour their glass of water, and then they grab the one bottle and they count out 30 drops, grab the next bottle, count out 30 drops, and so forth. So, for people who hate counting drops, they don’t like it. But aside from that, it’s actually pretty simple.

                                The other protocol I want to talk about is developed by Dr. Zhang. He is a Chinese medical doctor and licensed acupuncturist in New York. When I had Lyme disease myself, after having been on antibiotics for nine months, I went and saw him, and after being on his herbs for three to four weeks, I was 80, 85 percent improved. So, the proof was definitely in the pudding with me, and I’ve since used his protocol. In fact, it is my primary protocol for Lyme patients, and I’ll talk about, again, the advantages and disadvantages. There is one major disadvantage to this protocol, and that’s cost, but it is the most clinically effective protocol that I use with my Lyme patients.

                                In Chinese medicine, they don’t use herbs singly. These are all formulas, so each one I’ve listed here, even though I’ve listed an herb, like artemisia, it’s actually a formula with artemisia, a formula with houttuynia and so forth. Artemisia is a well-established antimicrobial, as is houttuynia. Circulation P, as the name suggests, helps promote better circulation, breaks up immune complexes. Coptis is an herb they’ve used in Chinese medicine for years, as an antimicrobial. Cordyceps is a medicinal mushroom to help boost the immune system and adrenals. Pueraria is an herb they use a lot, actually, for a lot of sinus infections, but it also helps open up the blood vessels. It’s great for brain fog.  R5081 is to help boost the immune system. BAIM is an anti-inflammatory formula, so that’s for inflammation. And allicin, which is a garlic extract, is also a very potent antimicrobial. I don’t really use the allicin much anymore, only because of the social issue that it makes people reek and smell like garlic all day, and they hate it. So, I used to take allicin and my patient would just look at me like, “Dude, did you just have a pizza in here?” So, there is this social issue around it. If people don’t mind it, it’s very effective, but I don’t use it as much, because most people are still functioning in the world and they don’t like smelling like pizza.

                                The goal of the protocol, again, treat the infection, improve circulation, reduce inflammation, improve detoxification, boost the immune system. I will use actually all of these protocols. All my protocols, I actually give a minimum of two months, especially if it’s chronic. Six weeks if it’s acute, two months if it’s chronic. At two months, if we haven’t seen the needle move at all, then it’s time to move on and try something else. But I tell all my Lyme patients that have had it for a long time, anywhere from three months to a year is normal treatment. Sometimes it’s longer, so just kind of prepare them mentally that they’re in for the long game in most cases.

                                Here’s my protocol for acute, for Dr. Zhang. Again, I’ll let you read through that. And by the way, if you guys want copies of these slides, just message me and I’m happy to send you a .pdf of all these slides.  And then for persistent Lyme disease, with the Zhang protocol, there’s not as drastic of a difference. There’s just a little bit of a difference in the the types of herbs I use. I use coptis initially for acute Lyme disease. I don’t use coptis as much for chronic Lyme disease, because if they’re on it longer, it has a greater disposition to disrupt the gut microbe biome, so that’s really the big difference between the two.

                                Advantages, again, clinically beneficial, Herx reactions are actually not that common. I think those combination of herbs actually work well to offset any potential side effects. The disadvantage is it’s kind of of difficult to administer, because you’ve got to take a lot of capsules. Each formula is one capsule three times a day. Some people are taking five or six of his formula, so 15 to 20 capsules a day. And when they’re already taking a lot of other supplements, it just starts to add up.  So, a lot of people like the Cowden stuff, because at least it’s not capsules, they can drink it. In this case, these are capsules and some people prefer it. So, you can just talk about your patients, and gain, as I mentioned earlier, the biggest downside is just cost.  Patient cost on these herbs run about $500 or more a month. So, for people who might be on a budget, this may not be the best option, but if money is not the limiting factor and they don’t mind swallowing capsules, this is really my go-to protocol.

                                There are other herbal companies out there. Byron White is an herbalist. He’s developed different formulas. The biggest difference is that his formulas are really based on what you know your patient has. So, if they have Lyme disease they get AL Complex. If they’ve got Babesia, they get A-BAB. If they have Bartonella, they get A-BART. So, each one of his formulas are really targeted towards the bug. He also does have formulas for detox and so forth, so that one is not so much a protocol as you the practitioner picking and choosing what you think is appropriate for that patient. These herbs are very strong. Herxing is extremely common with these herbs, so we use teeny, tiny doses of these herbs. They are liquids; they’re tinctures.  So, again, if you’re going to use these, have them start really small, one drop a day, one drop twice a day. Go up very slowly. Most patients don’t tolerate more than six to eight drops twice a day. So again, it’s very concentrated herbs and they pack in quite a punch. Again, these therapies are really targeted towards the organism and just a little bit different than the Cowden stuff.  Advantages again, clinically it works for some people, very easy to administer, because usually there’s less product, less drops. Disadvantages is Herxing is pretty common. Again, it’s still long-term treatment. And each bottle is pretty expensive. Each bottle to the patient is around $100, so if they are getting multiple bottles, that can add up pretty quickly.

                                Other herbs that I at least want to mention. Steven Buhner has written two excellent books on treating Lyme with herbs. He’s an herbalist. I highly recommend picking up his books if you’re interested in using herbal medicine in your practice and you already don’t. He uses Japanese knotweed, Cat’s claw, andrographis, wireweed, yellow dye root. Hopkins actually published a study earlier this year looking at, I think, it was 17 or 19 different herbal extracts, and just looked to see which ones were most effective in treating Lyme. And Japanese knotweed and cryptolepis were actually at the top of that list. So, good evidence that these herbs work well as well.  The problem with the Buhner protocol I had at least early on is that he never had one company that made all the different herbs, so you, as the doctor and the patient, had to go find different companies that made each individual one and put it all together. So, it was just kind of labor-intensive to get it put together, but now I think there’s a couple companies that make everything. I think Research Nutritionals makes a lot of these herbs and so forth.

                                Beyond Balance is another great company. I use a lot of their herbs. It’s a little bit more akin to some of the Byron White stuff, that there are herbs that are developed by Susan McCamish, who is an herbalist, and there’s one for Bartonella. Actually, there’s I think three for Bartonella, two for Borrelia, three for Babesia. So, there’s a couple of different formulas. A lot of herbs for detox and those kind of things, so I like them a lot. The other big thing with their herbs, to be aware of, is that all of their extracts are in glycerine. Most other companies when they make tinctures, they put them in alcohol. If any of your patients are using disulfiram to treat Lyme, they have to stay away from alcohol. They get really sick, so you don’t want to use any of these tinctures that contain alcohol, if your patients are on disulfiram, but you can use Beyond Balance, because they’re in glycerine and it’s perfectly safe.

                                And there’s a lot of other herbs out there, again, to help support the immune system, have antimicrobial effects. They’re anti-inflammatory, help improve circulation, reduce pain. So again, if you look at the fundamental aspect of what these herbs are doing, there’s a lot of overlap between these different protocols.

                                Breaking down biofilms, another important aspect of treating Lyme, a lot of bacteria in your body make biofilm. That, by itself, is not abnormal. In fact, it’s essential for these bacteria to survive. It so happens that Lyme is exceptional, or Borrelia is exceptional at making biofilm. So by breaking down that biofilm, it’s easier for us to, whatever we’re using as our therapy, plus your own immune system, to actually get to the microbe. And if you look at some of the studies on biofilm, you have to use up to 250 percent the amount of drug to get the same effect when biofilm is in place versus when it’s not in place.   So again, biofilm itself is not abnormal, but we do want to help break it down to make our treatment more effective. There’s a lot of enzymes on the market that break down biofilm. I use a lot of serrapeptase. I use nattokinase. I use lumbrokinase. I know they have different price points. I think if you look at the research on cardiovascular disease and the fibrinolytic effect of enzymes, lumbrokinase is the most effective by about tenfold over nattokinase. Serrapeptase is probably somewhere in between. But lumbrokinase is an excellent biofilm disruptor, and when we think about biofilm, it’s not like popping a balloon. It’s really dissolving, so it’s a different process. When they say biofilm busters, again, we’re not just popping it. It’s just really breaking it down.  I kind of have a discussion with patients about what they feel comfortable with, a bottle of nattokinase is probably $20 and change. Serrapeptase is probably around $40. Lumbrokinase is about $100. So again, if it’s a cost factor, lumbrokinase may not be the best option, but it does work quite well. Interface Plus is a product from Klaire Labs that has EDTA and serrapeptase in it. I’ve used that quite a bit and it works pretty well for people too.  The trick to [inaudible 00:55:24] all these biofilm disruptors is you do want to get these enzymes between meals, so we don’t want them to become digestive enzymes for their food. We do want them to break down their … to get absorbed into the bloodstream without food.

                                Coconut oil itself is actually a natural biofilm disruptor. I don’t ever really give it as a supplement. I just tell them, just use coconut oil in your cooking and use it on your food, and most people can get a decent amount of coconut oil in that case.

                                N-acetyl cysteine, NAC, this is an amino acid that we use a lot to break up mucus in the body. It does help break up biofilm. 200 to 600 milligrams TID. Just be aware if you’re going to use NAC long term, it can deplete zinc and copper, so make sure they’re supplementing with those. And also make sure you don’t ever give NAC to anyone who’s got a stomach ulcer. It will make them significantly worse.

                                Low-dose immunotherapy, this was developed by Dr. Ty Vincent. If you guys haven’t been exposed to LDI, I know there’s a handful of us here in Southern California, I know Dr. [inaudible 00:56:23] has been using LDI. We use LDI, and the concept behind this is that, if your immune system starts treating the organism as an antigen, sorry as an allergen instead of a pathogen, that changes the part of the immune system that gets engaged. And that’s what really triggers these autoimmune reactions, so we want to alter the way the immune system is reacting to these bug. We want to down-regulate, really that TH2 dominant response that drives allergy and autoimmunity. So, we don’t wasn’t to interfere with TH1 that’s going to go right after the organism and eradicate it. And we find that that’s exactly what this does, is it seems to modulate that reactivity.

                                It’s based on the concept of molecular mimicry. There’s something in the molecule that’s similar to our own tissue, so in the immune systems effort to get rid of, in this case Lyme disease, it actually starts cross-reacting with your joints, your brain, your nerves. When I was writing my book, I came across all these references showing how Borrelia targets these different human cell tissues, and it just makes a lot of sense of why we get this broad scope of different systems, because again, it does target those different tissues.

                                So, again, this is a way to try and help modulate that immune response. The goal really is to promote tolerance to the offending antigen, using homeopathic doses of nosodes. So, if you guys aren’t familiar with homeopathy, a nosode is basically a homeopathic microbe. They take strep, they stake staph, they take whatever it is, it’s been irradiated, it’s killed, it can’t reproduce, it can’t cause disease, and then you just dilute it out in homeopathic dilutions. And then we mix it with an enzyme called Beta-glucuronidase, and this enzyme was found actually kind of by mistake, that whatever you mix it with would actually help build immune tolerance to it.

                                LDI stems out of another therapy called LDA or low-dose allergy therapy. It used to be called before that enzyme potentiated desensitization, and it was a way of treating allergies, like food allergies, mold allergy, pollen allergy, dust, dog and so forth. And so, Dr. Vincent had been doing LDA, kind of said, well it makes sense that what’s happening with microbes is very similar to what’s happening with these other allergens. So, he just started experimenting with different nosodes, and found clinically it was working really well, and we’ve now been doing it for six or seven years, and there’s maybe a couple hundred doctors around the country that have trained with him on doing it.

                                Clinically, I have found for a lot of my patients it has been a game changer in their Lyme treatment. If you’re ever interested in learning this, I can get you the information to contact Dr. Vincent. He’s got some online YouTube videos you can watch for free. He does have a training course coming up in September that’s going to be virtual. It was supposed to be in Hawaii, but travel right now is almost impossible, so it’s going to be virtual, and you can go through and get all the details on how to do this in your practice. It’s a fairly easy thing to utilize. There is an art to it, where you’ve got to learn how to figure out where to start people with their doses. Generally, kind of like, if you’ve got a sensitive person, you’re starting them on a drug, you start them on a low dose and then incrementally go up in small amounts until you hit that target dose.

                                The antigen we select is really depending on what we think is triggering the symptoms. If we think Lyme is the trigger, that’s what we use. If you’ve got someone, based on stool testing or organic acid testing, if it’s an overgrowth of candida or yeast, maybe you want to do the candida antigen. Maybe you want to do the strep antigen. We probably have about 40 different antigens we use right now, and I know Dr. Vincent keeps expanding that in experiments with different things, and every year it grows a little bit, based on what he and other doctors around the world have been finding.

                                This is given as a sublingual administration every seven to eight weeks, depending on patient response. So, the nice thing about this too is, they’re doing all these things every day, this is something they don’t have to do every day. It’s really about every two months. And when you hit the nail on the head, often we’ll see changes within 24 to 48 hours. Although it may take longer, in some cases, to see the full benefit, it doesn’t usually take that long to see if we’ve really hit the right dose.

                                Pulse electromagnetic frequencies, I just want to mention. PEMF, we actually utilize this in the office. This is basically a device that helps put a resonant energy that matches your normal human cell vibration, and if you think about pushing a child on a swing, every time you keep pushing the same direction, it moves them further and further. It’s kind of the same thing. So, our bodies get exposed to so many frequencies that are against us, WiFi and cell phones and things of that nature that probably inhibit our own natural frequency. This is a way of kind of restoring that.

                                We’ve got over one million receptors on any given cell, and applying the right EMF can really help stimulate these receptors to alter cell function. The goal is really to find the right frequency that stimulates the body towards better health. We always talk about the chemistry of the body, and we pretty much ignore the physics of the body. I think getting down at that level of intervention, it’s nice, because it’s safe, it’s easy. You don’t have to worry about side effects. It’s a very gentle way to try and help facilitate tissue repair in a very easy way. There are professional devices. There are devices they make for people’s homes that they can do at home.

                                The professional devices obviously give you more options and different ways to treat people, but again, for people who like the therapy, there are plenty of companies out there that make devices you can use at home. The benefits is improved circulation, decrease pain, reduce inflammation, faster recovery after injury, faster healing of skin wounds, and acceleration of nerve regeneration. So much of this is important for our Lyme patients, that again, I’ve found some people do remarkably well with this therapy.

                                Like physical therapy, they do need to do it somewhats frequently. We recommend doing two sessions a week when they come to our office. If they’ve got a machine at home, they can probably do it every other day, but you don’t necessarily need to do it every single day to get the benefits.

                                Germans have published a ton of research on this. There’s literally over 1,600 studies on the use of PMF. These devices are FDA approved in the U.S. So, again, this is something that can be very beneficial for people who have access to it. And in your own practice, may be something worth adding in too, as another tool to put in your tool chest for your patients.

                                Low-dose naltrexone, I like. I’ve been using it for a long time. I’m actually a part of the LDN Trust, which publishes a book and several research studies on their website. And the naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, but at low doses it actually enhances and dodges opioid production. So, basically gets your brain to make its own natural opioids. The short-term block in these receptors for four to six hours leads to an increased level of endogenous opioids for up to 20 hours.

                                So, we typically give this at bedtime for that very reason, so by the time daytime rolls around, those endogenous opioids are already circulating. This is all off-label use. There’s actually over 40 studies using it off-label for cancer, MS, fibromyalgia, autism. Unfortunately, there’s no studies on Lyme disease specifically, but a lot of us in the Lyme world do use this for our patients, particularly those who have pain issues, sleep issues, muscle issues. Here’s just a list of some of the studies that have been published. Again, you can read through that.

                                But again, what I like about it is that the side effect profile is excellent. The biggest side effects you typically see, tend to circle around sleep. Some people will talk about getting wild, vivid dreams, but outside of that, it’s very well tolerated. I’m a naturopathic doctor. I’m supposed to tell you drugs are bad, and I’m telling you, I use a lot of this medication. I think it’s great.

                                The other thing is it’s very cost-effective. We have a compounding pharmacy here in [inaudible 01:04:25] that makes a three-month supply for about $45. So, even for people that are on a tight budget, this is doable. It takes about three months to get the full benefits once you start people on it. So, just tell them, if you’re going to use it, to give it a little bit of time, and we’ll typically start with one milligram at bedtime, and every two weeks go up by one milligram. You can go as high as six milligrams. I find most people, somewhere between three and four and a half milligrams where they hit their sweet spot.

                                If you start to get up to five or six milligrams and they don’t feel any different after two weeks, you’re barking up the wrong tree, and at that point I would ditch it.

                                Just to summarize, our treatment approach, obviously we want to treat the organism if it’s acute. We want to treat these other immune distractors, if they’ve got food allergies, environmental allergies, because it drives that TH2 pathway. We want to promote better detoxification, fix these endocrine problems that get disrupted, make sure they’re sleeping well, get their inflammation under control, get their diet and nutrition under control, help their mitochondrial function if you think it’s been disrupted, get their circulation moving, boost their immune system. These are the fundamental things I think about when I’m dealing with Lyme patients.

                                It’s sort of naturopathic medicine 101, functional medicine 101. A lot of these things you’re already doing in your practice are very easy to apply. But hopefully the things we’ve talked about tonight will give you just a few more tools to add to the tricks. This is the book I wrote called The Lyme Solution. If you guys are interested, please feel free to pick up a copy. The information in it, I think, as a … it was written for patients, but I think as a practitioner, there’s a lot of great information. It goes into a lot more detail about the things we talked tonight, especially the herbs, what they do, why we use them, their chemical action.

                                All the references are in there. It’s a very well-referenced book. I have almost 300 references in there, so it’s not just my professional experience. It’s backed up by research as well. And just conclusion, here’s my information if you need to … if you want to follow me, in my information I talk a lot about Lyme and tick-borne illness. If you’ve got follow-up questions, there’s my e-mail address and phone number. And I think that concludes the talk tonight, so I’m open to any questions.

Dr. Weitz:            That was a lot of information Darin.

Dr. Ingels:            Let me stop sharing my screen here and we’ll turn it back over to the video.

Dr. Weitz:            So, let’s see. Some of the questions that have come in about sharing the slides with me, and I can send it out in an e-mail. Something about weaponized ticks released by the Department of Defense.

Dr. Ingels:            Well, you know, that’s been hearsay. The thing with that is that there’s a little place called Plum Island off the coast of Connecticut, which is a government research facility, so the theory has always been, is that, something got off the island, got to Connecticut, because Lyme, Connecticut is sort of across the pond, the Lond Island Sound from Plum Island. It’s all hearsay, and then Kris Newby came out with a book, last year maybe or the year before, where she interviewed Willie Burgdorfer, seems to suggest that ticks were being weaponized.

                                It’s hearsay. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. At the end of the day, at this point it doesn’t matter. For people who have been infected, that’s what we have to deal with, so we don’t really know. There’s no concrete evidence that that’s a fact at all. She took some of Willie Burdorfer’s words and I think twisted it a little bit to make it sound like it was fact. Look, we know our government does things to weaponize viruses and bacteria. I’m not sure the benefit of weaponizing a tick. Again, that’s not my area of expertise, but to date, we have yet to really see any hard evidence that that’s true, unfortunately.

Dr. Weitz:            Which PEMF device do you use?

Dr. Ingels:            We have one from a company called Lenyosys. They’re based out of Ford Lauderdale, Florida. There’s a lot of good companies. There is another company based out here in Southern California. If you guys are interested, off the top of my head I forget the name of the company, but if you message me I’ll send you their information, a contact with their rep.

Dr. Weitz:            So, is the type of PEMF device you have the one where you lay on a mat, or is it the coils that you put on-

Dr. Ingels:            Yeah, so the one that we have, there is a big mat that you put behind your back. We do it in a recliner chair, and then depending on the protocol we’re using, there’s different leads that’s you connect to their wrists, their chest, their ankles, and so each protocol tells us where you need to connect each lead. What that one is doing is it’s basically getting the feedback through the skin during the protocol, so that one is a little bit different. Some of the coils, you put around your body or on your body. Yeah, so there’s a lot of different variations of PMF devices. Talk with different reps and again, the price ranges are enormous. I had been talking with Lenyosys for years before we actually bought our machine.

                                We bought their professional machine. It’s called the Cellcom. It’s $18,000. A lot of these good ones are about that price range, and then we charge, I think, $75 a session when people come in. Because it’s a set it and forget it. Once you get them set up, you set it and then you walk out of the room. You don’t have to stay in there with them, so our tech, our MA sets them up and then leaves.

Dr. Weitz:            And what’s the main benefit that patients notice?

Dr. Ingels:            With the PMF? Well, it depends what their primary symptoms are. Sometimes it’s improved energy, better mental clarity, better sleep, less anxiety, they feel less stressed. We put an adrenal protocol in all of our Lyme patients, because they’re all stressed. They’re sick, they don’t feel well, and yeah, sometimes circulation. I had a woman who came in, she was a new patients, she came in in a wheelchair. She could walk, but it was very hard for her. She did one session of PMF for about an hour and a half, and she stood from the table, she pushed her wheelchair out. She didn’t get in it. She’s like no, I’m fine, and then she walked out. I’m like, oh, well that was amazing for one session.  So, that’s my N of one, and the asterisk, the result is not typical, but again, for people who are sensitive, that may be enough.

Dr. Weitz:            So, you use your Lyme protocol to try to treat the Lyme. When do you start looking at things like heavy metals and mold and some of these other things? Is that something you tend to look at once the original protocol is not getting the results you want, or is it based on history, or …?

Dr. Ingels:            Well, in reality, we’re talking about Lyme disease. In clinical practice, we’re always looking at everything. If I have someone who, based on their history, has occupational exposure, I may test for heavy metals at the same time. If I know that they’ve been in a mold-damaged building or I’m suspicious, I’ll test them for mycotoxins. We’ll do mold allergy testing. It’s not like we’re only looking at Lyme. We’re looking at the whole person, so I’m doing all this simultaneously.

Dr. Weitz:            But let’s say you find mold and mycotoxins or Lyme and heavy metals, do you treat one and then the other? Is there a certain order? Do you treat them all at the same time?

Dr. Ingels:            I treat simultaneously. If they’re both problems for patients, I have heard other practitioners say, well you have to treat the mold before you treat the Lyme. That makes no biological sense. It’s never the way that I practice. I treat them simultaneously and I find that works perfectly fine. If we’re giving people glutathione to mobilize, which his good for their nervous system and Lyme anyway, and then we’re still using a binder to help pull out mycotoxins, it’s perfectly fine to do in conjunction with a Lyme treatment.  It gets to be kind of a pain, because sometimes people are taking more stuff than I would prefer, but I don’t think it’s fair to patients to make them wait if they’ve got a problem that you’re not specifically addressing. My approach is really just to try and cover as many bases without overwhelming them.

Dr. Weitz:            And how often do you have to work on gut health?

Dr. Ingels:            Always. Yeah, I mean, gut health is an ongoing thing. My feeling is, depending on the nature of what their gut was prior to us working together, I want them to have one to two healthy bowel movements a day, no indigestive food, blood, mucus, easy to pass, they’re not straining. So, if we can get to that point, then I kind of feel like our work with the gut is good. And at that point, they’re maintaining it through their diet and lifestyle. They’re eating good nutrient-dense foods. They’re getting good sleep to promote better peristalsis. They move their body. So, as long as they can maintain it with their lifestyle, then I don’t think we have to keep giving them tons of stuff to keep healing the gut.

Dr. Weitz:            And since Lyme is a chronic disease, do you find that after six months or a year, patients need refreshers or is there sometimes maintenance dose of herbs that people take long-term?

Dr. Ingels:            Well, not unless they’re having symptoms again. Now, I’ve had plenty of patients that get to a point where they’re pretty much symptom-free, they’re doing great, and then some big stressor hits their life, whether it’s a death of a family member, a divorce, whatever it is, and then we’ll see relapse of symptoms. So, I think stress is that one trigger for a lot of Lyme patients that can make them slide back very quickly, even if they’ve been doing well for a very long time.    The patients I’ve seen who really take to task their ability to maintain their diet and lifestyle, even when those stressful events happen, they are less prone to the effects of it. The people who let themselves go a little bit and get kind of lacks on that stuff, are more prone to it. So, yeah, my goal is to get people to the point where they’re functioning at a high level and hopefully symptom-free. It’s challenging, but it does happen. I also tell my Lyme patients, “Don’t ever go on social media.” It’s the worst place for a Lyme patient. Especially these Facebook groups that are Lyme groups. They’re allowed to come to mine, because I monitor it, and if there’s stuff that’s really negative or really misinformed, I either comment on it or I just flat out delete it. So, I think people need to be very wary, because they’re getting so much information off the internet and Facebook, and in the Lyme world, there’s a lot of misleading information.

Dr. Weitz:            Now, it looks like you find a protocol of herbs and then keep the patients on that for quite a period of time, but it’s kind of a naturopathic principle that I hear a lot of practitioners talk about, and I’ve gone back and forth on this myself, but is that, you need to constantly rotate the herbs, because otherwise you stop getting response if you continue to use the same herb?

Dr. Ingels:            Yeah, and as I mentioned, that I’ve never really seen. The reason for me to change a protocol is it’s just not working, or if someone’s having a side effect. They’re just not tolerating it well. But as I said, I give it that two month mark. Again, we’re trying to find what works best for each patient, and that’s a function of what they tolerate, and that’s, of course, factors of their genetics, how well their liver detoxifies, all these other external factors.

                                So, it’s a constant fine-tuning of whatever. We need a place to start, and once we start on that path, as I said, with herbs, we give it two months to give it its full time to really see how it works. Because sometimes, as I said, people will start the first month, there’s not a lot of progress, and people get very discouraged, and then they get to week five, week six and then they turn a corner. I don’t want to keep switching so quick that we can’t say that it really didn’t work. We may not have given enough time, but I kind of feel like I have a good sense of how long each thing should take to get the kind of results we want to see, and if we’re not seeing that, we need to change.

                                What makes me crazy is when I see practitioners that start people on a protocol, they’re not six months into it, there’s no improvement at all, and they want to keep waiting for the corner to turn. At that point, it ain’t going to happen. Give yourself a reasonable timeframe. Make sure you’re clear with your patients that this is what I expect, and if we don’t see the kind of improvement we’d like to see, then we’ll switch gears.

Dr. Weitz:            Is there part of your protocol that’s particularly designed to strengthen immune function or specific supplements that are out there that are specifically to strengthen parts of the immune system?

Dr. Ingels:            Yeah, and some of that is accomplished through the herbs, but I still, it’s really patient-specific. Most of our Lyme patients are Vitamin D deficient, so most of my patients are getting Vitamin D as supplements, and of course, encouraged to be out in the sun. There’s a lot of them taking Vitamin C, some of them take Vitamin A. A lot of them take zinc, so yeah, we’re still doing a lot of things nutritionally to help support their immune system. So, yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you use things like colostrum or bovine serum?

Dr. Ingels:            Yeah, I don’t really use a lot of colostrum, for no really particular reason. It’s just something I’ve never really used in my practice. I tend to use more of the nutrients for those things. Alan Gaby was my nutrition teacher when I was a med student, and he literally wrote the textbook on nutritional medicine, so mine tends to be probably more nutrition-oriented.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Somebody asked, do we need to retest to know that we successfully are-[crosstalk 01:17:52]

Dr. Ingels:            That is a great question. I don’t know who asked it, but thank you for asking that. No, don’t ever retest them again. Honestly, and this is why, I’m not being facetious. The problem is, we know from the research that Lyme antibodies can stay elevated for 20 years after you’ve treated someone, and it will not change your treatment. And what it’s going to do is it’s going to make you and your patient crazy.   I used to test every couple of months, and we’d see antibody levels go up and down, even if the patient was improving or not improving. So, you always feel like you’re chasing these antibodies. The likelihood of getting someone completely antibody free, it’s not zero, but it’s pretty close to it. They will probably have IGG antibodies their whole life and they will come, potentially, in and out of being IGM positive.    I was exposed 18 years ago. I actually did my Lyme test, just for fun, about a month ago, and it looks like I have acute Lyme disease.

Dr. Weitz:            Wow.

Dr. Ingels:            So, don’t use it as a marker. Unfortunately, there’s not a single, reliable blood marker that we can use to tell whether somebody is better or not. Now, if you do your standard chemistries, someone did have a high CRP, maybe we will see it come down. But outside of that, CD57, a lot of doctors like to tout it as being a reliable marker for Lyme. It’s not. And I have yet to see a single person that ever had their CD57 checked before they had Lyme. So, they come in and say, [inaudible 01:19:12], you’ve got chronic Lyme because you have a low CD57. So, yeah, I mean I have not found a single marker that we can reliably use to monitor people’s progress.  This is the slippery part of managing Lyme patients, is that you’ve just got to go with their symptoms. I think having them take that questionnaire periodically is a good way to see how they’re progressing. In my book, I have an abbreviated version of the MSIDS questionnaire. If people want, you can photocopy it if you like and hand it out to your patients, but that’s a really easy way to monitor in between, without doing more complicated testing. Just where are you at?

                                And it’s good for patients too, because they live with themselves. It’s like watching grass grow sometimes. Day to day, they don’t necessarily see the progress, but over the course of weeks and months, you start asking about, well what about your neuropathy? “Oh yeah, I forgot I had that. Oh yeah, I guess that’s gone, because I still have joint pain.”   So, it’s a good way to keep tabs, and it’s also for documentation standpoint. It’s good to have them fill out that questionnaire periodically and just put in your chart as a way of monitoring their progress.

Dr. Weitz:            Is that questionnaire in place of an MSQ or you use an MSQ as well?

Dr. Ingels:            No, it’s different than the MSQ.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. Couple people asked about Rife, and somebody asked about Magnawave.

Dr. Ingels:            I don’t know what Magnawave is. I think the Magnawave, correct me , I think it’s a thing you put on your wrist. I think that’s what it is. You can chime in if that’s what it is.  

                                Rife, I’ve had patients who have used Rife, who have actually reported they feel a lot better. I had one patient I worked with for a long time in New York, and she got marginally better, but not 100 percent. And then she kind of disappeared from my practice, and she popped up in California five years later. And when I first saw her, she was very feeble, she walked with a cane, very disabled. And she walks in next time, no cane, strong, I didn’t even recognize her. And I said, “Well what did you do?” And she said, “Well I stopped doing everything and I did Rife every day for two years.”

Dr. Weitz:            Wow.

Dr. Ingels:            So, again, N of one. Take it for what it’s worth. I have several other patients around here in Southern California who have Rife machines. Again, I think it’s a tool. I don’t think I would rely completely on Rife, but it’s another tool. I think the concept behind it makes sense. The whole thing is you’re putting a frequency in the body to disrupt the organism, much like an opera singer breaking a glass with their voice. It’s the same kind of concept. There’s a practitioner here in Orange County who has been doing Rife for 40 years very successfully.  So, again, it’s not the first thing I go for, but if you’ve got patients asking about it, if they’re interested, I don’t see really a lot of harm to it, and you can buy some of these Rife machines for under $1,000. They’re not super expensive. They’ve just got to learn how to dial in the right frequency.  The FDA doesn’t like it at all. They think it’s nonsense, but I never argue when people tell me they do something and they get better. And I’ve had enough people over a 21-year career telling me that they did it and they felt better, and I’ve rarely ever had someone tell me that they tried it and it made them worse.

Dr. Weitz:            Somebody asked about CellCore, it’s another line-

Dr. Ingels:            Yeah, it’s another company. I’ve not used their products, in particular, but if you look at the ingredients, again, there’s a lot of similar concepts behind the products in there. Again, I don’t have any experience using their particular products. I’ve got about eight other companies I work with and they all work well, so I’ve never had to deviate to try something new. But yeah, if you’ve used it and it works, then I think they’re fine.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. So, I think that’s a wrap.

Dr. Ingels:            That’s a wrap. Well, thank you guys very much for joining us tonight, and as I said, if you guys are interested in getting a copy of the slides, just e-mail me and I’ll be happy to send those to you. Absolutely.

Dr. Weitz:            And if we want to contact you, what’s your website?

Dr. Ingels:            All that is on the last slide. Well, my website is just DarinIngelsnd.com. And all of my information is there if you’re interested.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. And your book is available through Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Dr. Ingels:            The book, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, not that you can go anywhere to buy a book anymore.

Dr. Weitz:            Thank you Darin.

Dr. Ingels:            All right. Great. Thanks Ben.



Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Lipoprotein (a) with Dr. Joel Kahn: Rational Wellness Podcast 166

Dr. Joel Kahn speaks about Lipoprotein (a) with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

4:18  Lipoprotein (a) is a particular type of cholesterol particle that can be measured on a blood test.  We know that only 50% of those people who have a heart attack have elevated conventional cholesterol levels, so there must be some other risk factors and elevated levels of Lipoprotein (a) is one reason in some of those cases.  Lipoprotein (a) has at least three dangerous properties: 1. It is called the sticky cholesterol because it promotes blood clotting. 2. Lipoprotein (a) causes atherosclerosis and it may be found in the plaque that closes your carotid artery, your heart arteries, your sexual organs or your kidney arteries. 3. Lipoprotein (a) causes inflammation. All three of these properties promote heart disease and Lipoprotein (a) is found in one out of every four Americans.  A celebrity case is Bob Harper, the trainer from The Biggest Loser television show, who was in tremendous shape and yet suffered a major heart attack. It turns out that Lipoprotein (a) was his main risk factor.  In fact, elevated levels of lipoprotein (a) increases the risk for coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, thickening of the aortic valve, and even heart failure.  If you have elevated lipoprotein (a), you are 2 to 4 times more likely to have a stroke, heart attack, or scarring of the aortic valve. It causes inflammation and foam cells and plaque.

12:04  Since we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, having elevated levels of Lipoprotein (a) is liable to increase the likelihood of a more severe case if you get infected.  It would be interesting to know if actor Nick Cordero, who had severe blood clotting and who died from COVID-19, had elevated Lipoprotein (a).

13:31  The clotting associated with Lipoprotein (a) seems to be an evolutionary disadvantage, so why would it be there?  There must be some evolutionary advantage for it to be present in so many people, which was hypothesized by the late, great Dr. Linus Pauling.  It turns out that 40 million years ago we developed the ability to produce Lipoprotein (a) at about the same time we lost the ability to make vitamin C.  Most animals can make vitamin C, except humans. Perhaps we were eating so many leafy greens and fruits that we just didn’t need that enzyme to make vitamin C. If you are deficient of vitamin C, you can develop scurvy.  And you’re going to bleed in your skin and your gums because your collagen and your tissues are super weak, including your arteries. Well, it turns out that lipoprotein (a) tries to prevent breaking down clots. So if you had weak arteries 40 million years ago from scurvy or something close to scurvy, it might be an advantage to have lipoprotein (a) when you have a baby or when you got cut chasing a saber tooth tiger because this would keep you from bleeding to death.  Lipoprotein (a) is considered elevated when it is over 30 mg/dL, though some labs measure it in nm/L where the normal range is less than 75.

18:57  If a patient has elevated Lipoprotein (a), you should listen to their heart with a stethoscope to hear if there is a murmur from the aortic valve.  You might want to get a heart calcium CT scan (Coronary Calcium Scan) to see if there is any calcified plaque in their cardiac arteries.

22:55  What can you do if you have an elevated Lp(a)?  For one thing, statin medications do not lower Lp(a) and they may even raise it.  CoQ10 and ground flaxseed can both help to lower Lp(a) 5-10%.  L-carnitine might drop Lipoprotein (a) 20-25%. (Impact of L-carnitine on plasma lipoprotein (a): A systemic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.)  If a woman goes on hormone replacement therapy after menopause, that can lower Lipoprotein (a). The most significant supplement is Niacin, vitamin B3, which can lower Lipoprotein (a)  by 20-80%.  Niacin will lower overall LDL cholesterol, raise HDL, and also lower triglycerides.  The downsides are the patient may get flushing. It could elevate blood sugar.  It could raise liver enzymes. It could increase risk of gout. The recommended dosage is to start with 500 mg twice per day and you can slowly up the levels if needed, up to 3,000 mg per day.  But these patients should be monitored carefully.  If you take the niacin with applesauce, it will lower the flushing due to the quercetin in the apples.

26:27  The average Primary Care Physician or Cardiologist is often skeptical of using niacin because of two questionable studies that showed no benefit with niacin. The AIM-HIGH Study tried to raise HDL in patients with almost normal lipids and another study that used an odd combination of niacin and a drug that blocked the flushing, so it did not test niacin alone.  Unfortunately, since niacin is an over the counter, inexpensive vitamin, nobody is going to come up with $80 million to do a three year study looking at its effect on the carotid arteries.  So the large, long term studies with it have not been done.

29:17  There’s a study that showed that a whole food, plant based diet can modestly lower Lipoprotein (a)  (Consumption of a defined, plant‐based diet reduces lipoprotein(a), inflammation, and other atherogenic lipoproteins and particles within 4 weeksDrinking coffee can also slightly lower Lipoprotein (a) levels.  A small company called Akcea Therapeutics has developed something called antisense oligonucleotide, which can drop Lipoprotein (a) by about 80% with a once per week injection. One study in patients with existing heart disease was published in the beginning of 2020 and a five year study will be started soon. (Lipoprotein (a) reduction in persons with cardiovascular disease.)  The injectible cholesterol drug Rapatha does help to lower Lipoprotein (a) but at a cost of $6000 per year. There is also a treatment called lipopheresis, where your blood is removed and filtered and then placed back after about 3 hours and this must be repeated every few weeks.  It definitely removes Lipoprotein (a) and it decreases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and all the important measures.

33:27  Dr. Linus Pauling hypothesized that since Lipoprotein (a) helps your body when your collagen is deficient, then by supplementing with vitamin C and Lysine, the two essential components to make strong collagen, then Lipoprotein (a) would be neutralized. This was shown in a mouse study conducted by his protege, Dr. Matthias Rath published in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease in 2015:  Hypoascorbemia induces atherosclerosis and vascular deposition of lipoprotein(a) in transgenic miceSupplementing with 2-5000 mg of vitamin C per day along with 1500 mg per day of lysine will keep the Lipoprotein (a) from causing harm to your arteries, though the level of Lipoprotein (a) will not go down and there is really no way presently to know if this strategy is working.

35:07  Low dose aspirin or natural anti-clotting agents like Nattokinase or Lumbrokinase might be beneficial due to the increased tendency for clotting that is associated with elevated levels of Lipoprotein (a).



Dr. Joel Kahn is an Integrative Cardiologist, internationally known speaker, and best selling author.  He has a weekly podcast, Heart Doc VIP and he’s written 7 books, including Your Whole Heart Solution, Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses, The No BS Diet, The Plant Based Solution, and Lipoprotein (a): The Heart’s Quiet Killer. Dr. Kahn’s goal is to prevent heart disease by promoting a plant based diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. His website is  DrJoelKahn.com   

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations, including remote consults via video or phone, specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com. Phone or video consulting with Dr. Weitz is available.



Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, This is Dr. Ben Weitz host of the Rational Wellness Podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates, and to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me. And let’s jump into the podcast. Hello Rational Wellness Podcasters, Dr. Ben Weitz here. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the podcast, please go to Apple Podcasts, give us the ratings and review. If you’d like to see a video version, go to my YouTube page. And if you go to my website, drweitz.com, you can find detailed show notes and a complete transcript. So today our topic is lipoprotein(a) with Dr. Joel Kahn. So we are going to talk with integrative cardiologist Dr. Joel Khan, about a very specialized factor that increases your risk of heart disease. This is a specialized lipid particle that is not often measured but, can be seen on a specific blood test.

                                We’ve all heard about cholesterol as a major risk factor for heart disease. Most of us have also heard about LDL, the so called bad cholesterol, and HDL the so called good cholesterol. And you may have even heard about triglycerides, but you likely have not heard about this specific particle. And it’s unlikely that your primary medical doctor or cardiologist has even measured it. The conventional medical way to think about lipoprotein (a) is that it’s determined by genetics and there’s no prescription drug that can lower it.  So what’s the point of measuring it.  At least that’s what I’ve been told by some primary care doctors and conventional cardiologists but, from a functional medicine perspective, from an integrative perspective, there are some natural strategies that can lower lipoprotein(a). And it’s very important to know if you have this respect, we’ve known for years that a sizable percentage of patients who have heart attacks actually have normal cholesterol.  So there must be some other factors that account for why they have this heart attack. And lipoprotein (a) is one such factor.  There’s a famous example that’s been in the news a few years ago.  One of the trainers from The Biggest Loser, Bob Harper, who was in incredible shape, and yet he had a massive heart attack and almost died.  And he had essentially normal risk factors, normal cholesterol but, he had very high LP little a lipoprotein levels.  And so elevated levels of lipoprotein (a) increases the risk for coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, thickening of the aortic valve and even heart failure.

                                Dr. Joel Kahn is an integrative holistic cardiologist, internationally known speaker and best selling author. He has a very popular weekly podcast Heart Doc VIP, that I listen to regularly. And he’s written six books. At least six including; Your Whole Heart Solution, Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses, The No B.S, The Plant-Based Solution, Young at Heart by Design. And his newest book, an Amazon best seller, Lipoprotein(a) The Heart’s Quiet Killer. Dr. Kahn, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Kahn:             You need an ice cold water for all that incredible, kind both very appropriate introduction. And then the kind words. I was at a podcast recently as a guest and I did write a book called Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses, how to survive your career without the arc. I was introduced as the author of Dead Exes Don’t Get Bonuses which, if I write a divorce book would also be a… So, you nailed it buddy. 

Dr. Weitz:            I remember the golfer, John Daley wrote a song called All My Exes Have Rolexes.

Dr. Kahn:             That’s very funny, a little play on Willie Nelson there.

Dr. Weitz:            So what is lipoprotein (a)?

Dr. Kahn:             And this is authentically. I’m so happy to share this with your audience. Nothing about me, it’s about their health, your health, our ability to make a dent in the number one killer of men and women in the United States. That rolls off your tongue; number one killer of men and women. That means 39 year olds die of heart attacks. And 44 year olds have bypassed and 51 year olds have stroke. And we’re also going to talk about a valve in the heart called the aortic valve, which doesn’t get as much press but, creates a couple 100,000 procedures that some people make it through ad some people have complications. So it’s just what you said. We learned way back in the 1960s. Why would I go there? If you smoke, do you have diabetes? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have a high cholesterol?  Do you have a mother, father, sister, brother with an early heart attack, early death from heart disease? These so-called Framingham risk factors. Your doctor sits down with you and might pull out a little app on the phone, on their laptop. “Hey, you’re in really good shape. Your numbers, your history, you’re at low risk.” That does help us define a one-to-one patient. Are you a really high risk patient or low risk patient?  Do you need medications?  Do you need lifestyle?  If you do your best job at that, it’s still missing about 40% of the people that go on to have heart attack, strokes, drop dead or in this case also aortic valve surgery. That is called residual risk. Just as you said, we should care about identifying 50% to 60% of the explanation. You’re a root cause guy, I’m a root cause guy.

                                Your cholesterol, your blood pressure, your blood sugars up. It’s not just a prescription.  It’s diet, fitness, stress environment, chronic infection, toxicity and all the rest. We should be searching why don’t we reach more than 50%, 60% of explaining heart disease.  Lo and behold, 57 years ago, 1963, a Scandinavian researcher found a new cholesterol particle in the blood. And now there’s several thousand research papers. And we know which gene and we know what RNA. We’ve characterized it completely. It got the name, It’s not a good name. That’s the biggest problem. It’s like the Pinto. If you go back long enough for a Ford car, it never was a good name; name a car after a bean. This was named Lipoprotein-little-a. Some people call it the sticky cholesterol. Can you imagine if all the research called it the sticky cholesterol? That has Madison Avenue attraction, because we just got to get it unstuck.  But, what we’ve learned, I’ll be brief, is you go to your doctor, you have your annual physical. You go to a wellness fair. You go to a corporate wellness fair at your business. You get your finger poked or a full blood draw. And your doctor says cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, blood sugar, blood pressure, all those things. They’re great to know but, they did not measure this cholesterol particle that was found 57 years ago. Although it is simply a blood test, you can’t do it as far as I know from a finger prick.  Any lab; Quest lab, LabCorp, any hospital in LA, anywhere for about $30. So what have we learned? We have learned that this cholesterol particle does three things that are just awful.  It causes atherosclerosis. It actually may be found in the plaque that closes your carotid artery, your heart artery, your sexual organs, your kidney arteries, leg arteries. It may be found in the plaque more than the one we talked about a lot, LDL cholesterol. There’s a reason, I’ll tell you in a minute. So it causes plaque. That’s bad. Plaque causes people to lose quality of life and quantity. Number two, it causes inflammation. It has some really unusual attachments called oxidized phospholipids. You teach your patients about inflammation as a root cause of many chronic diseases. This particle is pro-inflammatory. And the third thing so unique is it actually promotes clotting of the blood, is prothrombotic.  Even LDL cholesterol doesn’t do all that. Some people have said, imagine LDL cholesterol, has cholesterol in the middle, has some things called phospholipids on the outside.  And then it has, it’s called apolipoprotein B.  It’s something you can measure in the blood. I don’t want to get too technical. People say LDL is like a baseball and apolipoprotein B as the stitching holding it all together. So it can float through the blood either back to the liver on its way to tissues on its way to your arteries. Lipoprotein(a) has the LDL, then it has a little, it’s called two sulfurs, a little bridge. And then it’s got this unique tail and people say, imagine a baseball, the pitcher is throwing at you with huge spikes all over the place. God forbid you get hit by that sucker. You’re going to have a lot of damage. That’s just an analogy. But, that’s the difference between LDL, which is already a problem if you have it in excess.  Potentially, getting under your arteries, responding, it’s called the retention of the cholesterol in your arteries to drive the plaque.  And now we’ve got these spikes all over the place. So lipoprotein (a) is a nasty little beast. And this is the magic. You said the word genetic. Okay. I learned when I was a cardiology fellow in Dallas where a Nobel prize in medicine was awarded to two of my professors. When I was there about LDL cholesterol in the pathways, one in 500 people, maybe one in 250 from their parents inherit a high LDL cholesterol purely on genetic. Eat sprouts, go to the gym. Be thin, still got a cholesterol of 400 that’s genetic. It turns out this lipoprotein (a) is the new kid on the block in terms of what most people know about it. One out of every four people, not one out of every 250, or one out of every 500. That means right now how many people are listening to this very valuable podcast?

                                One out of every four, you got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. It’s a lot of people. That’s 90 million Americans and those 90 million Americans from the time they’re one years old have this triple threat particle in the blood and slowly, slowly, they might, It’s not inevitable. Like these risk factors, you can have a high cholesterol and not end up with a heart attack but, you’re at risk. You end up about two to four times more likely stroke, heart attack, valve scarring; the aortic valve gets scarred. And need heart valve procedure.  And Doctors scratch their head and say, “Bob, Sue, why did you have a heart attack? You’re numbers look so good; your lifestyle, your diet.” You know, “Mr. Jones, you just said your heart valve up. We have no idea why you developed this problem but, we’ve taken care of it.”  Well, it turns out very frequently. It’s lipoprotein-little-a that drives all this. That’s the broad picture. Would you want to know that you inherited one out of every four people? It could be one pair. You could get the double jeopardy of both parents on chromosome 6, there is a gene in one out of every four people. And there’s a whole lot of discussion, why do we have it? When did we get it? What can we do about it? But, it will become in the next five years routine. You’re hearing it now early, five years. So now there’ll be an expensive drug that the pharmaceutical industry will be sure every healthcare provider in America knows to check lipoprotein (a). They do it in Europe but, God bless America, great country, or sometimes a little slow to adapt new science, like 57 years a little slow.

Dr. Weitz:            How about adding this to the risk factors.  Here we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, which causes clotting.  What’s the likelihood that somebody with elevated lipoprotein (a) if they get coronavirus is liable to have a worse prognosis?

Dr. Kahn:             You are like a visionary.  That is a theory.  There’s very few people in the country that are studying lipoprotein-little-a.  There’s not a lot.  And some of them have brought up this question.  Could it be if you’re at UCLA or you’re at USC, and you’re sick in the ICU. Like Broadway actor Nick Codero has been in the news in Los Angeles. So 39 years old, and he’s still 90 days later, clotting has taken one of his legs. And I hope that God doesn’t take his life.  Could it be since it’s one out of every four, that ICU bed, that one, that one, no clotting, clotting here. It’s been hypothesized that it could be somebody needs to draw the blood and run the numbers and see if it correlates. And tries to explain this monster problem in COVID-19 of apparently blood vessel damage and clotting which is a real deal. It’s become even more in the focus of the media to some degree, the science community to some degree. We got to get the word out and then we can play with it. Let me talk to you about the clotting for a minute, because it’s a question. Why do we have things in the blood that seem to be all a disadvantage? What is the reason?

Dr. Weitz:            Right. It’s got to be an evolutionary advantage if it’s there.

Dr. Kahn:             And so it turns out the only species on the planet that have the ability to make lipoprotein (a) in the liver. It’s not made like LDL. That is made in the liver. This is a whole different factory. Now, GM and Ford, totally different. About 40 million years ago, we may have developed the ability, one out of every four people to produce lipoprotein (a). Well, why would we do that? This is a little complex but, it’s really interesting. And it’s going to fit with your emphasis on nutrition for sure. That, also about 40 million years ago, humans lost the ability to make vitamin C and very few people know that your dog and your cat make vitamin C whatever amount they need from glucose. Actually glucose can be converted to vitamin C. Humans lost the enzyme. It’s believed maybe we were in the jungle and eating so many leafy greens and fruits and such that we just didn’t need an enzyme pathway anymore. And maybe there was an advantage that whoever lost that gene had some super power that evolutionary, favored their survival.

                                Dr. Linus Pauling, who wanted to know about prizes into some people, they immediately would say the vitamin C guy, yes, he’s passed away. But he was the vitamin C guy.  He hypothesized when we lost the ability to make vitamin C, if you have the gene for lipoprotein (a), you had an advantage.  Let me just run you through this.  If you are deficient of vitamin C, you can develop scurvy.  And you’re going to bleed in your skin and your gums because your collagen and your tissues are super weak, including your arteries. Well, it turns out lipoprotein (a) tries to prevent breaking down clots. So if you have weak arteries 40 million years ago from scurvy or something close to scurvy, might be an advantage to have lipoprotein (a) when you have a baby. When you got cut, chasing a saber tooth tiger, if that’s the right term. I haven’t said that word in a while.  It might’ve been an advantage in terms of excess bleeding by favoring clotting. It is similar to something in our body called plasminogen.  Plasminogen breaks down clots.  Here’s a competitor that interrupts that process.  Very complex idea to think about it but, it’s interesting and when you talk COVID-19 all of a sudden, it might just be the factor that’s a disadvantage by promoting clotting and not allowing breakdown of clots. Interesting theory, more traditionally it’s an issue with just clogging your arteries. And if you have carotid surgery and you take the plaque and look at it under a microscope, you can find a ton of lipoprotein-little-a structures in the plaque.  Same with if you have bypass surgery and they take out some of the tissue of the heart arteries and look at a very dense concentration. So it’s in the plaque. It’s not some window dressing. It gets under the endothelium. It gets retained. It causes inflammation and foam cells and plaque. And it does it on the heart valve too, which is really unusual. One out of every seven aortic valve surgeries in the United Sates are believed to be due to the constant from the time your one year old irritation, inflammation and a thickening of the valve from lipoprotein-little-a. So it’s just a monster to deal with clinically that we haven’t even addressed really.

Dr. Weitz:            So when you see it on a lab, what level do you consider significant? A couple of the labs that we typically use, usually say anything over 30 milligrams per deciliter. Some people say 50, I’ve heard other people say, “Well, it should be as low as possible.”

Dr. Kahn:             So it turns out, and I want to stress as again, this is just a lab test. This is $30. We’re not talking about needing to have a bone marrow biopsy to determine this. Tomorrow at your doctor you can have your blood drawn for this or at any lab. There’s two ways unfortunately like pounds and kilograms. They both describe your weight. There is a unit milligrams per deciliter, less than 30 is normal. And over 50, just an arbitrary cutoff is felt to be the higher risk group. But, that can go 50 milligrams, a hundred milligrams per deciliter, 200, 300, 400, 500. I’ve got patients who I practice that are 400, 500 plus.  Not much more than that. You’re not going to see a thousand. And again, one out of four is over 30 but, a substantial number is over 50, 60, 70, 80, I think. But, two or 3% of people are over 100. There is another unit called nanomoles per liter. Quest Lab now reports in nanomoles per liter. Other labs report… It doesn’t really matter. They’re the normal range there is less than 75 is normal. Over 125 is considered high risk. They’re pretty similar. I think pretty soon we’ll stop doing the milligrams per deciliter. But again, there’s no real issue about one more accurate than the other, or ignore one. Pay attention either way it’s measured. Simple, simple lab tests.

Dr. Weitz:            So, if a patient has an elevated LP little a, how do you work them up to see if they’re having any negative effects from it?

Dr. Kahn:             So for the past 10 years, if you do find lipoprotein-little-a mentioned in the guideline, the American Heart Association might come out with somebody about prevention, the National Lipid Association. A group that really deals with complex pharmacology and pathophysiology. They might tell you if your family history is strong for early heart attack, early stroke, early valve problems, calcified aortic valve, ask your doctor if it’s reasonable to measure the lipoprotein-little-a. Again, blood tests has been available for over a couple of decades but, not a routine test has been recommended. That’s starting to change in November 2019 pretty recently. In Europe, it’s called the European Society of Cardiology. They’re equivalent. They came out with a new guideline that said, “We not believe it’s prime time.” Everybody once, should have the level measure. If you’re normal, you don’t need it again. You don’t have the genes that are actively reducing lipoprotein-little-a. And if you’re elevated, well, it fits in the risk factor profile.

                                It may explain some of the risks that your standard approach hasn’t identified. So the workup is take out a stethoscope if you have one as a healthcare provider, make sure there’s no murmur from the aortic valve. Make sure there’s no noise. And then that [inaudible 00:20:27]. And make sure they’re not describing anything that suggests blockage like shortness of breath or chest tightness or chest pressure. Look at the other numbers; blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, waist circumference, inflammation, maybe homocysteine and the other cholesterol panel. My approach, I think it’s consistent with the general approaches. If you’re 40, 45 and you’re really a health seeking individual, and now you’ve checked your lipoprotein-little-a and it’s abnormal, you might want to get a heart calcium CT scan. You have no symptoms.

                                That’s a quick five seconds CT scan. It costs about a hundred dollars at UCLA, at Cedar Sinai, at Good Sam. Some of the best places in America where they’re done. No injection, no IV. And it takes a quick look at your heart arteries. And if it comes back really good and your blood pressure’s good and your other numbers are good, okay, you’ve got no risk factor. Eat a little better exercise a little more and do the whole program of heart disease prevention with maybe a little more incentive to really do it well because you identified it. If you knew you were prone to kidney cancer, if you knew you’re prone to breast cancer. There’s some measures, you might not be going to Arby’s and McDonald’s every day.

                                So lipoprotein (a) to me is a good platform just to get people on a good place. But, if there is known disease, “Doc, I had a stent last year and nobody checked my lipoprotein-little-a. And now you’re telling me it’s 300 milligrams per deciliter.” Or if they’re silent but, by calcium scoring or a murmur, you identify there’s a disease process that isn’t yet overt. There’s room to consider what do you do about it? And before we dive into that, you always treat all the other stuff.  You want your blood pressure to be at its best, use all the approaches, standard and natural from yoga to acupuncture, to breathing, to sleep. And the whole thing that your audience knows so well from your good work. Now you want your cholesterol to be in range and do it with diet, you watch your blood sugar. But, do you specifically address the lipoprotein (a)? And in 2020, there’s a divergence of opinion. And to tell you the standard opinion is, use it as a risk factor but, there’s no way to deal with it just as you said at the beginning of the podcast, I disagree with that but, that’s the standard approach.

Dr. Weitz:            So, why don’t we start with the nutritional supplement approach?

Dr. Kahn:             Sure. And thank you. Let me just say what doesn’t work right off the table; Lipitor Zocor, Crestor, the statins. What’s your doctor’s going to ask you to consider taking if your cholesterol is very high and certainly if you’ve had an event like a stent, they do not lower… Again, the production of lipoprotein (a) in the liver is totally different than LDL cholesterol. Your LDL cholesterol will fall with a statin almost always. But, it actually doesn’t address lipoprotein (a) and it’s sometimes raises it. That’s the disconcerting part. “Doc, my lipoprotein (a) was 180 milligrams per deciliter. We went on Crestor and you just told me it’s up to 207.” I’ve seen that dozens of times. Now, some would say don’t reject it. The reason you started Crestor was to lower the LDL, lower the C-reactive protein, be consistent with a lot of studies in somebody with known heart disease. But, don’t expect your lipoprotein (a) to go down.  That’s the main prescription drug. Back to natural. There’s been an adequate number of studies to look at some issues, Coenzyme Q10, a great heart supplement, it goes down a little; ground flaxseed, might go down a little [inaudible 00:24:17], 5%, 10%, nothing substantial and nothing in the range that’s really felt to really move the needle a lot in terms of better outcome. There are no large long term studies. There is the supplement your well aware of, L-Carnitine. That isn’t a lot of energy drinks. Even it’s in Red Bull or Monster but, that’s not where I’d prefer a patient to be getting their L-Carnitine. It’s obviously comes from red meat. So the carni of carnitine but, you can take a capsule or a powder with L-Carnitine. You might drop your lipoprotein(a) 20, 25%. A little more substantial. If a woman’s perimenopausal and chooses to go on hormone replacement therapy, lipoprotein(a) tends to go up a little at menopause and it’ll come back down maybe substantially with hormone replacement therapy if they find a practitioner that does that.

                                The big one though is niacin. Niacin, plain old $10 a month. Get a big red hot flush face from taking vitamin B3 will lower LDL cholesterol. Nice. We’ll raise HDL cholesterol often. We think that’s good. We don’t know. Will lower triglycerides. Nice. Will lower overall cholesterol but, it actually can lower lipoprotein (a) pretty predictably and variably 20% to 80%. So you can sometimes, if you choose to use niacin, you got to tell a patient about the flushing, about rash, about watching your blood sugar, your blood enzymes, gout. But, it’s been around for 50, 60 years. You can buy a big bottle of good natural niacin for $30 to last three, four, five months.  So it’s not been studied though. I mean the big drawback from the academics, like if you go 90 miles south where you live, and UCSD has the leading academic physician. And he won’t publicly blast out use niacin, because where’s the thousand patient 10 year study that identifies you just drop that person’s risk of heart attack or stroke. Privately, and in certain publications he uses niacin too, because we know it’s on a limited range of therapeutics. It works. And now there’s new stuff. We’ll talk about that, one second.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah. The average primary care doctor who doesn’t really study this stuff a lot, who’s not really up on supplements. The few things they’ve seen about niacin is, “Oh, niacin doesn’t work. It might even be harmful, forget it.” They basically have a negative view of niacin but, that’s because of a couple of studies that weren’t really valid, right?

Dr. Kahn:             Yeah. The idea of people that had an almost normal lipids trying to raise the HDL, called the AIM-HIGH Study and another study with a very odd form of niacin that had a combination drug. So, for many years we used just plain old niacin or prescription niacin and saw good results in the blood work and had reason to believe we saw some benefits in the arteries but, never has there been a substantial study; a hundred people, 500 people. So it’s untested. Problem is that  niacin’s cheap and niacin’s generic. Who’s going to come up with $80 million to do a three years study looking at carotid arteries. It’s a hot potato. The exciting news but, it’s not…

Dr. Weitz:            By the way, what dosage do you find you need with niacin? Do you get results with 500, how much do you have to take?

Dr. Kahn:             I will start a person and I’ll say the name of a brand. It’s not my company. I use a over the gutter brand called Endur-Acin, E-N-D-U-R-A-C-I-N. It’s been used for decades. It’s inexpensive and I will start 500 twice a day, warning the patient about flushes, rash, take niacin with applesauce so you don’t get as much rash, or with a nonfat yogurt. Typically, they don’t complain that much but, I will try and work them up based on labs to 1500, maybe 500 or more than a thousand a night, off into a thousand out of a thousand. You can go higher: 3000, 4,000 but, you really got to watch that patient. The flush isn’t bad. I take niacin a lot just for the fun of it.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah the apple contains quercetin and that’s what we need to help counter the flush. So you might be taking quercetin now as part of your immunity programs, So you can probably…

Dr. Kahn:             Exactly. That’s a study Merck should have done. They did niacin with a noble prostaglandin inhibitor. And the study gave niacin a bad name. You should have done the niacin with applesauce study. And we could have probably been much more optimistic. Now, just recently, I don’t know, five years, there’s been a growing emphasis. We need a pharmacologic approach. I will say exercise, please. If your lipoprotein (a) is found to be high, exercise. It’ll improve all your other risk factors. It doesn’t do much to move lipoprotein (a) though. You can drop your cholesterol substantially with exercise and weight loss. There’s one distressing study, if you lose weight, your lipoprotein (a)  goes up. Oh my God but, exercise anyways. There’s a 2018 study that a whole food plant diet healthy, bright colored may lower lipoprotein (a) but, it was a modest amount. It’s not the kind we expect with…

Dr. Weitz:            In your book you mentioned coffee.

Dr. Kahn:             Yeah, coffee a little bit. It could lower it. So there’s a lot of reasons to drink coffee rather than Coca Cola or Mountain Dew.

Dr. Weitz:            That can be the new marketing campaign for Starbucks.

Dr. Kahn:             That’s right. Coffee for your lipoprotein(a). We may even put niacin in coffee beans and we could corner the market. But, a little company called Akcea came up with something called antisense oligonucleotide, ASO. This is not a word we say too often but, as the gene for lipoprotein(a) produces RNA, this thing binds and mimics what should happen normally to stop. So you don’t make lipoprotein (a) it’s an antisense oligonucleotide. It’s actually an injectable once a week product.  And about 280 people with high lipoprotein (a) and some sort of vascular disease, completed a study published late 2019, very little side effect injecting this once a week.  And about an 80% drop in lipoprotein (a). The company, I’m not sure if it was bought or merged with Novartis. One of the giant pharmaceutical houses. And so this spring there was supposed to be a 7,600 patient study moving forward now; placebo, the same drug, high lipoprotein(a), vascular disease. Because you can’t get FDA approval nowadays.  Dropping lipoprotein(a) doesn’t get you FDA approval. You got to show heart attack, stroke, safety measures and all the rest. With COVID-19, I’m sure recruitment and follow up has been very, very difficult. So we can only hope they can get that study really quickly going and enrolled. So by 2024, that was the original estimate, we’ll get some data. I’ll say two others actually to be thorough because your audience is sophisticated. There is a very bizarre therapy. You inherited the other kind of genetic cholesterol. Your cholesterol was 700 and at 32 years old, you had a stent.  There are people out there, one in 250, one in 500.  And it may be very difficult to get your cholesterol down with lipitor and other drugs in the market.  There’s a procedure that’s like dialysis. It’s called lipopheresis.  They stick a needle in your vein.  They take blood out for two, three hours.  It filters but, the filter doesn’t get rid of kidney products. The filter gets rid of cholesterol. Your plasma goes back in your body. Three hours later, you got a bandaid, you can go home and two weeks later you come back and do it again. So your LDL cholesterol, if you have that problem can fall 95% in three hours and it’ll slowly go back up and do it again.  That has been shown in the United States, in Europe and it’s insurance covered for the right person to decrease your risk of heart attack, stroke, and all the important measures.   It’s also approved for lipoprotein(a), very few places doing, Germany’s a hot hotbed. They got thousands of people with cholesterol disorders that use that approach. And you might find that Cleveland Clinic and perhaps UCLA or Cedar Sinai, you’ll find one or two programs in the state if they’re a densely populated state. Lastly, there’s an injectable cholesterol drug that is FDA approved called Repatha. And probably it turns out they’re very powerful lowering LDL cholesterol but, they modestly lower lipoprotein-little-a. They’re just not approved for that. So if I submit to insurance, my patient Charlie needs to get his Lp(a) down and I want to use… That’s the other name for lipoprotein(a), Lp(a). I want to use Repatha at $6,000 a year. They’ll tell me that’s not appropriate. We can only use it to treat LDL cholesterol. So, you work around that and help to get a patient on that if they meet the criteria.

Dr. Weitz:            And then there’s the Linus Pauling thing with vitamin C.

Dr. Kahn:             Oh, so good you mentioned that, which goes back to what we said 40 million years ago. We’re dependent on vitamin C exogenously. That’s called food usually because our collagen production is dependent on intake of vitamin C. So he hypothesized, he wrote an article in 1990 and then he died in 1994. He was like 95 years old. So he’s 91 years old writing original research. I think there’s lipoprotein(a), vitamin C thing is real. And if people would just take in more vitamin C and lysine. The two essential components to make strong collagen, and then this lipoprotein(a) thing would be neutralized. It would circulate in the blood but, it wouldn’t be able to actually harm arteries. That was a theory till 2015, when his protege a guy named Matthias Rath, did a mouse study. And the mouse study confirmed the theory. There’s still no human data.  What’s the bottom line. I have a lot of patients with high lipoprotein(a). What’s the harm to take in two, three, four or five grams of vitamin C powder or capsules. Certainly to eat the foods rich in vitamin C.  And what’s the harm to add 1500 milligrams a day of lysine as a powder or capsule.  But, you won’t see the blood level necessarily go down.  There really isn’t a way of objectively to monitor it. So I have to tell my patients it’s faith based therapy until the definitive study is done that shows we blocked lipoprotein(a) from being the sticky cholesterol. That’s the idea and makes it not so sticky to your arteries. Cool stuff.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah. I think you mentioned a low dose aspirin as well.

Dr. Kahn:             Well, because of the vascular risk you might argue. You could talk about Nattokinase, Lambrokinase.

Dr. Weitz:            I was just going to ask about that.

Dr. Kahn:             There has been a study suggesting in a high lipoprotein(a) patient. And certainly if you have abnormal calcium score, or if you find a center that does carotid ultrasound medial thickness. If you have plaque, you’re probably going to want to be on a 81 milligram aspirin anyways.

Dr. Weitz:            I saw an article that showed EPA from fish oil had some benefit as well.

Dr. Kahn:             These are all… That’s the problem. Other than niacin, carnitine, modest, HRT, hormone replacement, modest. CoQ10, flaxseed and Omega 3, really modest. There’s been an estimate that you really need to drop lipoprotein(a) something like 50 to 60%. It was a modeling thing to expect that you’re going to see a significant drop in event. So it’s important to get to that point. The future is some sort of gene editing and I’m not a world expert on gene editing. There’s a new company I would call Verve Therapeutics, bright people and a lot of money right now. And they just announced in an animal model that they were able to cut out and turn off an LDL cholesterol gene and a triglyceride gene and successfully dropped blood levels of those markers, provocateurs of vascular disease significantly.  Nobody’s yet got to that point to do it for the lipoprotein(a) but, with 90 million people in this country alone, somebody is going to get hot on the trail of finding out how to do that. That may be the next five to 10 years. It’s very hopeful. It raises all out of other questions. You’re a 54 year old man or woman at your doctor, and they tell you your a lipoprotein(a) is high. What do you say to your 25 year old kids? Because there’s a chance your spouse may or may not have lipoprotein(a) as a genetic inheritance. But, your kids may or may not. Should they know at age 20,25 that their smoking habit is double jeopardy and their cheeseburger habit is double jeopardy. I would argue why wouldn’t you want to be fair with the data and not scare but, educate. American Heart has something called the simple seven on, or it should be the simple eight. Do a little bit more if you’ve inherited Lipoprotein(a). It doesn’t have to be the scariest conversation in the world.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah. Everybody thinks about heart disease for people in their fifties and sixties. But, they’ve done autopsies on 17 and 18 year olds like I think in Vietnam. And a lot of them had atherosclerosis that had already started then. So this is long term process…

Dr. Kahn:             Very slow progressive deterioration on blood vessels, that is detectable in your teens, twenties and thirties but, we just don’t have a system that encourages that. So, yeah. I would want my kids to know. I happened to have had… You really only need the blood test once and if you’re normal, you’re done. And I’m normal and my wife’s normal, so our kids not going to have a high level, assuming they’re my kids. You never can really be sure. But, if it was a different situation I would want them to know.  Just the BRCA gene, a lot of conversation about that.  And we’re getting a little better at measuring pancreatic cancer genes and other disease states.  You can tailor your life a little bit in favor of avoiding the disease.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Great. So I think that pretty much wraps it.

Dr. Kahn:             Yeah. I’m trying to think of there’s any wow factor.

Dr. Weitz:            We talked about diet a little bit. Anything else about diet?

Dr. Kahn:             Now, there was originally a paper 20 years ago that a high… I don’t want to get into diet wars. There’s a bunch of ways to eat poorly. And there’s a bunch of ways to eat in a healthier pattern. There was a study some 20 years ago that a higher saturated fat diet may lower lipoprotein(a). It was also modest. Subsequent studies haven’t confirmed it. In fact, there’s an acute feeding study, take humans, measure their lipoprotein(a) for six hours. When you feed them a diet high specifically it’s called palmitic acid and stearic acid, the long chain saturated fatty acids find the meat in animal products. You really get a spike in lipoprotein(a). It actually has a little bit of cool studies have been done that… And this gets into why we have in our blood, if I take you to the cath lab and do an angioplasty and stenting, which is part of my history and training.   And you measure lipoprotein(a) for a few hours, it spikes up for a while and then it falls back to baseline. It has called an acute phase reactor. And the idea there is perhaps we don’t want plaque to form. That it’s fighting with plasminogen, it’s kind of reacting to this activated balance of clotting and unclotting. There are some little neat factors in some of the studies that have come up. But, I just want to emphasize again, the biggest challenge will be your listener has a annual physical scheduled next week after July 4th or after [inaudible 00:40:40] whatever it is, goes to the doctor and says, “I heard this really interesting podcast, and I want you to check my blood.” And the doctor’s going to say, “I don’t think our lab does it. I’ve never really heard about it.” Because doctors who’ve been in practice for a while are smart and wonderful and good meaning people by in large for sure.

                                But, no pharmaceutical reps coming by right now. No grand rounds lectures coming by right now. It’s in the medical literature. Anybody can just go look it up. There is a nice site, lipoproteinafoundation.org. A woman who had a heart event in her thirties. I love people that take their personal problems and turn them into a passion to help others. And the woman that’s behind Lipoprotein(a) Foundation is one of those women. It could be a man but, everyone I know who’s done it is a woman. And it’s a very informative website. It’s a little conservative. They don’t encourage niacin. They’re waiting for definitive trials. Their board of academic advisors are good academic doctors that like to see big outcomes studies. I honor that but, real people right now are challenged by their levels. And so one-on-one, you can be a little bit creative with people.

Dr. Weitz:            Right? And then we talked about exercise, right? Exercise obviously is beneficial for anything related to lipids.

Dr. Kahn:             You better believe it. And changed particle size and particle number and insulin resistance goes away. And you can’t depend on some pharmacology that might come down the road in four to five years. So you’ve got to do the hard work but, consistently we see over and over the lifestyle, the avoidance of smoking, the regular fitness, the real food diet, the emphasis on sleep, stress management, optimal weight is the pathway that has been shown recently to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease type 2 diabetes, inflammatory diseases. And it’s the heart program. I mean, body reacts, you know it; oxidative stress and inflammation. I know it can damage all the organs or if you play your cards right and do the hard work, it can avoid damaging all our organs.

Dr. Weitz:            Excellent. So how can our listeners get a hold you, find out about your book?

Dr. Kahn:             Yeah. I mean the books and all the online sellers of course it did spend March as the number one heart book on Amazon, which is always a treat because I didn’t have a whole big press team behind me. I tried to blab about it. Some, because I really want people to know about it. I’m at drjoelkahn.com, D-R-J-O-E-L-K-A-H-N.com. And I see patients and I do a lot of interviews and I have a podcast. And like you said, it was very kind of give me a shout out. I just like to educate and like you, if I’m going to educate, you got to read, you got to study, you got to learn. So it’s the best of medical practice when you’re fired up about bringing people new stuff. So you do a great job of that. And I appreciate you letting me share this time with you.

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely. And I thank you for joining me today.

Dr. Kahn:             So what’s the other thing we learned today? Don’t wear a denim checked shirt on a [crosstalk 00:43:58]. I started with that before we went live and it looked like some kind of electric Kool-Aid, 1960s experimentation. So I feel down to a simple green shirt.

Dr. Weitz:            I was listening to one of your recent podcasts and you were talking about fish oil and some people have kind of been maligning fish oil because there was a couple of studies that maybe fish oil might lead to prostate cancer risk.

Dr. Kahn:             Right. But, nutrition science is tough. [crosstalk 00:44:36].

Dr. Weitz:            It turns out that both of those studies that were authored by [Borowski 00:44:40], both of them were based on levels of DHA and EPA in the blood. Neither study were patients given fish oil.

Dr. Kahn:             Right. That is an issue you can see on meta analysis that included people that got a hundred milligrams of EPA DHA in the same database that got 2000 milligrams, which is probably a much far reasonable and therapeutic level but, you lump them all together and you dilute out the good studies with studies that may have been dramatically under-dosed. And who’s the group you’re studying, it goes on and on. That’s the challenge. That’s why once in a while the Cochrane database will come out with a statement that most people feel is of higher quality on a nutrition topic. And no one study changes everything forever with very rare exception. You just got to put it all together and say where does this fit in the big picture?

Dr. Weitz:            Exactly. Awesome, Joel.

Dr. Kahn:             Thank you.

Dr. Weitz:            Thank you. Talk to you soon.

Dr. Kahn:             I hope you have a wonderful summer.


Kiran Kirshnan discusses The Microbiome with Dr. Ben Weitz and the Functional Medicine Discussion Group.

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Podcast Highlights


Kiran Krishnan is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 20 years, including hands on involvement in university research.  Kiran is a Co-Founder and the Chief Scientific Officer at Microbiome Labs, a leader in microbiome and probiotic research. He is a frequent lecturer on the Human Microbiome at Medical and Nutrition Conferences.  He is currently involved in over 18 novel human clinical trials on probiotics and the human microbiome. Kiran is also on the Scientific Advisory Board for 7 other companies in the industry. Kiran has published clinical trials in peer-reviewed, scientific journals and several global patents in his name.  The new stool test he has helped developed is the Biome FX

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations, including remote consults via video or phone, specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com. Phone or video consulting with Dr. Weitz is available.


Podcast Transcript

Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Endometriosis with Dr. Lara Briden: Rational Wellness Podcast 165

Dr. Lara Briden speaks about Endometriosis with Dr. Ben Weitz.

[If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, so more people will find The Rational Wellness Podcast. Also check out the video version on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/weitzchiro/]


Podcast Highlights

2:50   It has been thought that endometriosis occurs because of retrograde menstruation, which is when the menstrual fluid flows backwards out the fallopian tubes, thus letting the endometrial cells to get into the peritoneal cavity, where they can sometimes grow. A lot of experts in endometriosis now do not endorse this theory about why endometriosis occurs.  There’s some evidence that some of this endometrial tissue was laid down from birth and some evidence for this is that endometrial lesions have been observed in fetuses and also occasionally in men.  So there is a paradigm shift that is occurring in thinking about endometriosis.  This disease can cause debilitating, life-destroying pain for some women that prevents them from working or having a normal life.

5:40  Endometrial lesions are hormone sensitive tissues, but Dr. Briden does not feel that these lesions are caused by hormones and common treatments that involve suppressing estrogen like Lupron and other hormone suppressing drugs or birth control pills are not a great solution.  The common conventional medical approach is to give birth control pills, which shuts down your natural hormones, which is potentially harmful, since women need their hormones. Shutting down estrogen has a cost.  Dr. Briden’s approach is to dial down the inflammation and the immune dysfunction that’s driving the disease.

7:45  Estrogen metabolism and the ability to excrete estrogen plays a role, but this should not be seen as the main focus of treatment.  It is also interesting that endometrial lesions have progesterone resistance.  Normally, progesterone has a downregulating effect on endometrial tissue, prescribing progesterone can play a role in treatment for endometriosis.

9:18  Endocrine disrupting substances like BPA, pesticides, teflon cookware, fire retardant chemicals, and dioxins can play a role in the cause of endometriosis.  These estrogenic substances are epigenetic triggers and switches that determine whether your genes get turned on and expressed or turned off and not expressed. And even these epigenetic switches can get passed on for up to four generations.  They can change the genetic expression of progesterone receptors and of immune system function. 

12:43  There has recently been a paradigm shift in our thinking about endometriosis from focusing on the lesions, why they got there, and removing them or to suppress the estrogen that causes the lesions to grow.  Even the diagnosis in the traditional paradigm is via surgery, since a typical ultrasound exam cannot rule out endometriosis, since these endometrial lesions are difficult to detect.  The new thinking, the new paradigm is to focus on the immune dysregulation that has led to the inflammation that is facilitating the growth of these lesions.  If you have the celiac genotype, the HLA-DQ2 genotype, that puts you at risk of celiac, but it also puts you at risk for endometriosis.  The Functional Medicine approach is well suited to helping to find the root causes to modulate the immune dysregulation that underlies endometriosis. 

19:12  Because of the new paradigm, there has been effort into finding a biomarker for endometriosis so that young women do not have to go on the operating table to diagnose their condition.  To recap, first there is the genotype, such as the celiac genotype that puts you at risk, then compound that with epigenetic changes that creates an immune environment that is primed for this to happen. Then you have the lesions, whether laid down before birth or retrograde menstruation, and there has to be estrogen present, which is why children don’t typically have endometriosis.  The presence of gram negative bacteria in the pelvic microbiome is also a factor, including that women with endometriosis have six times the level of LPS in the pelvic cavity and in the menstrual fluid. This is referred to as the Bacterial Contamination Theory.  One study showed that antibiotics could reduce endometrial lesions, though this was an animal study.

23:12  Given the factors we just mentioned that promote the growth of endometrial lesions, the first tow steps of the treatment should include: 1. Strictly eliminate gluten, 2. Dial down those gram negative bacteria with anti-bacterial herbs, and repair gut integrity.

24:37  Nutritional deficiencies can trigger inflammation, including zinc and vitamin A, both of which are often low in vegans.  Dr. Briden mentioned that vegans can lack the following nutrients: 1. zinc, 2. preformed vitamin A, 3. Omega-3s, 4. B12, 5. Iron, 6. Iodine, 7. choline, 8. selenium, 9. activated B6, 10. B2, and 11. taurine. 

27:17  Food sensitivities can be triggers for the immune system for endometriosis. Besides gluten, cow’s dairy, particularly A1 casein is similar to gluten in that both create an opioid type molecule that upsets the immune system.  Eggs can sometimes be an immune disruptor.  Soy is another common sensitivity. And then there is the issue of histamine and mast cell activation.

30:02  While you can’t eliminate histamine containing foods, a low histamine diet might be beneficial if there are signs of excess mast cell activation, such as hives, urticaria, headaches, congestion, nasal congestion, swelling, and especially if they’re a cyclic pattern to that, because histamine will usually check up with estrogen.  Improving the gut will improve histamine levels over time.  You may not need to avoid avocado and high amine foods.  You can take DAO enzyme and vitamin B6 to help clear histamine. And progesterone has an anti-histamine effect.

31:42  Dr. Briden may recommend oral natural bioidentical progesterone for women with endometriosis, though she does not like the synthetic progestins. Progesterone can help to down-regulate the endometrial lesions and reduce the pain, as well as help with mood, sleep, and hair.

34:02  Nickel sensitivity can make endometrial lesions worse. Nickel is present in the soil and can get into certain foods, like wheat, high coco chocolate, and foods that come in cans, like tomatoes.  There is also nickel in some jewlery.  Mercury is another heavy metal that can also be very damaging to the immune system.  Zinc, N-Acetyl Cysteine, curcumin, and selenium are nutrients that can help with detoxification of heavy metals like nickel and supporting immune function. NAC has also been shown to help patients with endometrial lesions actually shrink. Dr. Briden recommends taking 1000 mg twice per day of NAC.



Dr. Lara Briden is a Naturopathic Doctor with more than 20 years experience and her practice is in Christchurch, New Zealand.  She is a period revolutionary–leading the change to better periods.  Dr. Briden is the author of a best selling book, Period Repair Manual, which is a manifesto of natural treatment for better hormones and better periods and provides practical solutions using nutrition, supplements, and natural hormones. Her website is Larabriden.com.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations, including remote consults via video or phone, specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com. Phone or video consulting with Dr. Weitz is available.



Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, this is Doctor Ben Weitz, host of The Rational Wellness Podcast. I talk to the leading health, and nutrition experts, and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting-edge health information. Subscribe to The Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates, and to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com.  Thanks for joining me, and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello, Rational Wellness podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again. For those of you who would like to see a video version to this podcast, please go to my YouTube page. If you go to my website, drweitz.com, you can see detailed show notes and a complete transcript. For those of you who enjoy listening to The Rational Wellness Podcast, I would certainly appreciate it if you could go to Apple Podcast and give us a ratings and review.

                                Today our topic is, endometriosis, and this is when endometrial tissue, the tissue that lines the uterus, grows outside of the uterus. Most commonly on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, or the intestines, though it could occur anywhere in the body. It affects one in 10 women in the United States. The most common symptom is pain, especially in the pelvis or the lower back region. Endometriosis can also be associated with bladder problems, gut problems like diarrhea or constipation, and bloating, sounds very much like IBS or SIBO, headaches, menstrual irregularities, and infertility. There can also be pain during sex, or during urination. The conventional medical treatment typically consists of contraceptive pills, surgery to remove the endometrial tissue, and pain medications.

                                Doctor Lara Briden is a Naturopathic Doctor with more than 20 years of experience. She’s a period revolutionary, leading the change to better periods, in fact, the best periods ever. In fact, Lara will be having a huge rally in Oklahoma just so she can make women great again. Just kidding.  Lara is a passionate communicator about women’s health, and alternatives to hormonal birth control. In her book, Period Repair Manual, is really a manifesto of natural treatments for improving hormones, and periods, and providing many natural solutions, including the use of diet supplements and natural hormones. Thank you so much for joining me today, Doctor Briden.

Dr. Briden:          Hi, Ben. Thanks for having me.

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely. So when we think about endometriosis it’s hard to understand how endometrial tissue ends up in another part of the body other than the uterus, until I read that retrograde menstruation occurs in up to 90% of women. Perhaps you can explain how that occurs.

Dr. Briden:          Well, the menstrual fluid flows backwards out the fallopian tubes, into the pelvic cavity, and as you said, that’s a pretty standard, common thing to happen.

Dr. Weitz:            If that’s really the case, how come a lot more women don’t have endometriosis?

Dr. Briden:          Well, that’s probably the fatal flow of the retrograde menstruation theory of endometriosis, which a lot of experts now do not endorse, so that was the theory that … it’s almost 100 years old now. The surgeons who first described endometriosis decided that’s how the disease came about, that it just happen to flow back out into the pelvis, and that was the origin of the disease, of course as we’ll talk about today there’s a lot more to the story. In terms of how the lesions actually get there with endometriosis sufferers, the consensus seems to be it’s probably a combination of reasons. Some think maybe it was from retrograde menstruation, and there’s some evidence that it can be laid down before birth, that tissue, that type of tissue is laid down as a fetus, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily going to turn into endometriosis. One of the bits of evidence of that, endometriosis lesions have been observed in fetuses, and actually men can have endometriosis as well. It’s very rare, but you can get, there’s been a few cases in the literature of men having active endometriosis lesions, but they have-

Dr. Weitz:            Oh, interesting.

Dr. Briden:          They have no retrograde menstruation.

Dr. Weitz:            Fallopian tubes.

Dr. Briden:          No. So there’s a lot more to the disease than the standard model. I think it’s fair to say that this disease is undergoing … well, not a bit, but a paradigm shift. You can’t have a bit of a paradigm shift, can you? It’s an all or nothing thing. A paradigm shift is coming for this disease. I think we’re just on the tipping point of that actually, and that will be looking beyond just the presence of the lesions, and really thinking more broadly about what’s going on that could allow such a terrible disease process to take … to begin. It can be terrible, I mean, terrible is not a hyperbole for this disease, it can be mild for some women, but for some women it can be life-destroying, as in just pain, debilitating pain that prevents them from working or having a normal life. It’s very sad when that’s the case.

Dr. Weitz:            So what role do hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone play in endometriosis?

Dr. Briden:          Well, this is probably the paradigm shift. The lesions are definitely sensitive to hormones because they’re hormone-sensitive tissues, so by definition they’re affected by hormones of course. But the the position I take, my reading of the literature is that the disease, and the lesions are not caused by hormone imbalance. So they’re affected by hormones … once the lesions are there, and it’s active disease it’s affected by hormones, particularly by estrogen, which is kind of like petrol or gasoline on the fire. Once there’s a fire you put estrogen on that situation, and that can make it a lot worse. So that’s why the conventional treatment, in addition to surgeries, the conventional treatment of the lesions, the conventional treatment has been, and still is to suppress estrogen. The problem with that approach, as you can imagine, is that women actually need their estrogen, so estrogen … It’s not great for anyone to just shut that all down, whether that’s with Lupron, like the MediTropin suppressing drugs or even just hormonal contraception. Shutting down estrogen has cost, and I would argue it’s actually not really the right tool for the job for this disease anyway.

                                My approach is to, as we’ll get to, to try to dial down the inflammation and the immune dysfunction that’s driving the disease, and so therefore a woman can have … can enjoy the benefits of her own cycling hormones. I think one thing it’s fair to say is, it’s in the literature, and what I’ve seen with my patients, most women with endometriosis do not … their hormones are okay, as in their hormone balance can be pretty normal, they could be having pretty regular cycles, going through the normal estrogen and then progesterone, it’s just that they’re being affected by those hormones.

Dr. Weitz:            What about the estrogen metabolism, their ability to excrete estrogen, and what pathway, does that play a role?

Dr. Briden:          I think it could play a small role, yes. I think definitely with an estrogen-sensitive disease you want to optimize how well your body clears estrogen, and don’t have any inflammatory … as few as possible inflammatory estrogen metabolites around. I think that can be part of the treatment strategy, but it’s not the only one, and it’s really not even the most targeted part of treatment, but it’s … Yes, I think there’s a role, certainly a place for trying to promote healthy estrogen metabolism.   The other thing just to say on hormone balance, is there’s pretty strong evidence now that endometrial lesions, endometriosis has something called progesterone resistance.  Normally, hormone progesterone should have a down regulating effect on endometrial tissue, that’s the normal response, but endometriosis lesions don’t experience that as well as they should. The situation could be a woman is who’s making progesterone, the beneficial hormone progesterone, but the progesterone is not managing to suppress the lesions. Then, of course there’s a whole strategy of coming in onboard with treatment with either a progestin drug, which is actually quite different than progesterone, or even using real progesterone as part of a whole treatment strategy to try to suppress the lesions, and there’s a place for that as well. I’m sure you get the feeling, people say it’s a complex disease and it is.

Dr. Weitz:            What about the role of so-called environmental estrogen or endocrine-disrupting substances like BPA and pesticides, and non-stick cookware chemicals, and fire retardants, and all those lovely chemicals?

Dr. Briden:          Well, there’s definitely a role. You know what, Ben? I think some of the role of those environmental toxins, particularly dioxins, that’s where a lot of the research has been around endometriosis, are epigenetic. What that means … There’s some research, I call it kind of troubling research, I mean, troubling in the sense that it just is sad to think it’s happened a couple of generations ago, but there’s some evidence that dioxin exposure creates epigenetic change. Do your listeners knows what epigenetic, what I mean by epigenetic?

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, yeah, it’s the sets of triggers and switches that determines whether your genes get expressed or not.

Dr. Briden:          Right.

Dr. Weitz:            Whether they get turned on or turned off.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah, turning on and off genes that is inheritable. Right, inheritable, so you can-

Dr. Weitz:            Right, the genes are inheritable, yeah.

Dr. Briden:          Well, and the epigenetic changes-

Dr. Weitz:            I guess-

Dr. Briden:          The epigenetic changes as well.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          This is the radical thing about epigenetics. We used to think with every new generation, every baby they’re just kind of a clean slate, these genes are just waiting to be turned on or off, but now we know from studies of epigenetics, which is really less than 20 years old, that expo … not just exposure to environmental toxins, but any kind of environmental influence to one generation can switch on and off genes, alter gene expression that they can then pass on to subsequent generations, for generations. Potentially what some of the research … these are animal studies, but what some of the research are showing for some models of endometriosis is for example dioxin exposure to a woman, especially maybe with a daughter in utero alter some epigenetic expression of genes both in the immune system, and probably in hormonal receptors as well, particularly progesterone receptor. That is then passed on to the next generation, and then passed on to the next generation.

                                So potentially you have a situation of where one of the reasons that we’re seeing … starting to see quite a sharp uptick in cases of endometriosis, in severity of endometriosis, it wouldn’t surprise me at all through my lens, or I’m just looking at the literature that some of these is a lifetime delayed effect from, say toxin exposure two generations ago, in the 1950s or something. What this means for women who suffer the disease is … I think it’s important to say it also means it’s not something, it’s not a lifestyle disease. It’s not something they brought on themselves by eating wrongly, or having … or necessarily even poor estrogen clearance, or anything like that. There was something in the blueprint both genetically, potentially epigenetically that set them up for this disease. I think that’s important that you feel like it’s not your fault, it’s definitely not your fault.

Dr. Weitz:            But even though some of these epigenetic changes are passed on, still there is an opportunity for us to modify our epigenetics by our diet and lifestyle.

Dr. Briden:          But there’s still the opportunity to modify genetic expression through diet and lifestyle, and some other strategies as well, so yes. On the one hand, you can say that this is something that happened maybe out of your control, two generations ago, plus, but at the same time it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. You can still, especially because we’re mainly going to be talking about the immune system, and immune dysfunction with endometriosis, then there are ways we can access that. In fact, in many ways natural medicine is better set up to … were better positioned to influence or modulate immune function arguably that some parts of medicine right now, because they don’t … we just have some tools in our tool box that are quite useful particularly for this disease.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Certainly we have the capability of being able to modulate immune dysfunction as opposed to just turning it off or turning it on the way some of the heavy-hitting pharmaceuticals do.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah. I might just describe, because I’ve used the word paradigm shift, so I might just describe for your listeners what I mean by that in a nutshell. The old paradigm is that the problem is all about the lesions themselves, probably presumably from retrograde menstruation. You get these bits of endometrial tissue that lands in the pelvis, and then there’s kind of a to be expected sort of inflammatory response. Everyone knows it’s an inflammatory disease, but in the old paradigm the problem is these lesions shouldn’t be there, therefore this inflammation ramps up. Therefore, the treatment is to remove the lesion, or to suppress the estrogen that causes the lesion to grow, so that’s the old paradigm.

                                I think obviously the new paradigm is best described as the problem is the immune environment, that would permit these lesions, and not even permit, but promote the growth of these lesions, that probably got there by a variety of mechanisms, maybe by retrograde menstruation. But the interesting thing about endometriosis lesions compared to normal endometrial utero lining tissue is they’re not the same, they’re similar but they’re not the same. For example, endometriosis lesions have a nerve supply, which the endometrial tissue does not, so there’s some things going on, and there’s an active … with endometriosis lesions there’s an active, what’s called angiogenesis, its invasive characteristics to them, which is actually quite similar to a lot of autoimmune diseases, which is why there’s been a controversial part of this conversation is to discuss endometriosis as an autoimmune disease.  Eight years ago I had gotten into a lot of trouble for saying that, quoting the literature that was saying that, at that time it was a lot more controversial. A few years on, I think it’s still controversial to say it’s autoimmune, at the end of the day I don’t think … We don’t necessarily need to designate it as autoimmune to state quite clearly that it has many aspects of immuno dysfunction, and it looks very similar to other autoimmune diseases, particularly inflammatory bowel disease, and celiac, and rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, the celiac genotype, or as you know the HLA-Q genotype, immune system genotype, basically if you have the genes that encode for that kind of immune system that puts you at risk of celiac disease, but also at risk of endometriosis.  There’s a lot of overlap, in fact, there was a reproductive immunologist, Jeffrey Braverman, who did … he never published his research, which is a real shame, he only published it casually, but he tested the haplotype, HLA haplotype of all his endometriosis and subclinical endometriosis patients, and found that something like 95% of them had the celiac genotypes. So it’s hard to get a picture emerging of what kind of immune system you need to develop this disease.

Dr. Weitz:            It’s interesting. I mean, it’s kind of been a big trend in, especially in medicine in the last 20 years, is so many diseases now have an autoimmune origin. We just had a discussion with Dr. Mark Pimentel, and there are just autoimmune story about the origin of IBS, which is the most common GI condition. We always distinguish between the autoimmune conditions like IBD and IBS, which wasn’t, now that has an autoimmune origin, and a lot of heart disease now seems to have autoimmune origin, so that seems to be an increasing story about health and disease.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            So if endometriosis is related to immune dysfunction, how do we analyze this? What kinds of things are affecting the immune system?

Dr. Briden:          In terms of treatments or in terms … Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, in terms of diagnosis, and essentially we want to look for the underlying triggers and causes. We have, for example, food sensitivities, right?

Dr. Briden:          Sure. Let’s talk it through. So in terms of diagnosis, I’ll just touch on that first because this is … we’re 2020, but the diagnosis of endometriosis is trapped back in the Middle Ages somewhere, and the diagnosis is by surgery currently, which is …

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          Bizarre, like kind of-

Dr. Weitz:            You have these lesions, so let’s cut them out. They shouldn’t be there.

Dr. Briden:          Well, and also the only way to definitively diagnose a lot of the time is with surgery, which is really … anyway, that is changing a little bit. There’s a new research about using a really specific type of ultrasound, or the old technicians have to be very trained to look, to try to see, and even then you can’t see all endometriosis, but to be able to try to see something on ultrasound. Just for your listeners, having had a normal ultrasound finding, like your run-of-the-mill ultrasound, pelvic ultrasound cannot rule out endometriosis. You could still totally have the disease, and [crosstalk 00:19:04].

Dr. Weitz:            Is there any other imaging technique that can look at it? MRI?

Dr. Briden:          No. Well, laparoscopy. So surgery, but the other … Because of the nature of the disease, that it is arguably a disease immune dysfunction, there should be a biomarker. There’s been a lot of, well, not a lot, but there’s been some research the last few years trying to find other blood tests, or a test of menstrual fluid or something, a marker that you could start to measure the presence of this disease. It would be really helpful for young women who don’t want to have to go on the operating table just to try to … so there is that in terms of diagnosis. Now, in terms of treatment, I guess, and what sets up for the difference, I want to talk about the cascade of things that need to happen.

Dr. Weitz:            Sure, let’s do that.

Dr. Briden:          To develop the disease. Because back to … We had read the role of estrogen, tons of women have high estrogen, and poor estrogen clearance who never get endometriosis, like you could have extremely high estrogen and endometriosis is just never going to happen for you because you don’t have that immune system. We’ve got top of the cascade, if you will, is having the genotype, probably the celiac genotype that puts you at risk, compound that with probably some epigenetic changes that happened either to your ancestors, recent ancestors, or to yourself, that creates an immune environment that is already kind of primed for this to happen, but still may not happen. Then you have the presence of the lesions, you had to get those somehow, whether laid down before birth or retrograde menstruation, somehow the lesions get there, but then that’s not even enough.

                                Then there has to be some estrogen present, which is why children don’t typically have endometriosis, but it can kick in as soon as puberty hits, so then estrogen has to come on the scene to start, not just in creating the lesions, but altering immune functions into … pushing immune functions to more of a potentially autoimmune state. But that’s the final, fifth ingredient, that I think is pretty important, and is something we can access and treat, which is the presence of gram-negative bacteria in the pelvic microbiome. As you know, E. coli, gram-negative bacteria are present in the gut, and they produce something called LPS, micro polysaccharide toxin, which is highly … it’s a part of their cell wall, it’s a bacterial … bit of a bacteria, which the immune system can go a bit crazy when it sees that. It really doesn’t like to see bits of gram-negative bacteria floating in the body, somewhere in the bloodstream or in this case in the pelvic area.  There’s pretty fascinating research called the Bacterial Contamination Theory, where they’ve … a few things they’ve done, they’ve measured that women with endometriosis have … it’s not small, it’s six times higher level of LPS in the pelvic cavity, and in the menstrual fluid, compared to women who don’t have endometriosis. Then there’s evidence that certain types of antibiotics can reduce the size of endometriosis lesions, although that was an animal study. The mechanism is proposed to be translocation from the gut to the pelvis. In other words, intestinal permeability but not to the bloodstream, and not just to the bloodstream, but actually into the pelvis, and then you get this combination of … There was an animal study that I’ve quoted a few times, where they had animals with epigenetic changes progesterone resistance, and with dioxin, combined with estrogen, combined with LPS toxin, and the lesion just went crazy basically. That is the perfect storm for how to create an active inflammatory disease in the pelvis. If you understand that, and think about it through that lens then, well, the first step would be … Well, the first two steps I’ll just say off the top are strictly-

Dr. Weitz:            Fix the gut.

Dr. Briden:          Strictly eliminate gluten, particularly if you have that gluten genotype, and dial down those gram-negative bacteria. Either do kill them off, I use anti-microbial herbs, not permanently, but knock them back, and yes, work on repairing gut integrity. This link with gut is why we see so much extreme overlap between irritable bowel, and inflammatory bowel disease, and endometriosis. It’s like 95% overlap or something like that, and in terms of endometriosis sufferers, 90% to 95% of them have pretty serious hardcore gut issues going on. It used to be thought, “Well, the endometriosis affects the gut,” which is true, but I think a lot of it is the gut is affecting, driving endo.

Dr. Weitz:            From a functional medicine perspective, how many conditions are not related to the gut? It’s amazing.

Dr. Briden:          True. It’s true. It should be no surprise, and ultimately it’s all right there in the same area. I mean, I think there’s something to be said for anatomical proximity, the gut is right there, and it can become quite an inflammatory environment.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. So what are some of the other things that trigger that inflammation?

Dr. Briden:          Well, nutrient deficiency, because the immune system is very nutrient hungry, like it has some requirements for, particularly I would argue zinc, and Vitamin A, these are simple nutrients, but are pretty darn important, and I mentioned them … I mentioned zinc, and preformed Vitamin A for any of your vegan listeners. I don’t know how many you have, but I would say pretty please, if you’re exclusively plant-based you need to think about some zinc, and Vitamin A because you can’t get it from plant-based diet. Your immune system requires that. Your gut integrity requires that. Yeah, gut integrity.

Dr. Weitz:            People don’t often mention that for vegetarians. They usually talk about the need for Omega-3s, and B12, and iron, but they usually not talk about-

Dr. Briden:          I would say iodine and … iodine and choline, and selenium, I mean, on one of my blogs I have a list of about 20 nutrients that I think-

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          Anyway, but staying on the topic of … staying on the topic of-

Dr. Weitz:            No, no, that’s good. Why don’t you mention those real quick? So besides B12, and iron, and Omega-3s, you just mentioned zinc-

Dr. Briden:          Zinc.

Dr. Weitz:            And then preformed Vitamin A, which is only found in animal foods, right?

Dr. Briden:          Correct.

Dr. Weitz:            Can they get a vegetarian form of Vitamin A?

Dr. Briden:          That’s a really good question. I believe so. I mean, most Vitamin A supplements are derived from fish oil, so you would have to … a fish liver, so you’d have to kind of source that. I’m not a 100% sure.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          Then the other nutrients that would be missing on a vegan diet arguably, hopefully we’re not making too many people angry right now, but choline, iodine, activated B6, Vitamin B2 to some extent, taurine, which is a … this is a little bit off topic of endometriosis, but taurine is actually considered a non-essential amino acid, but it’s actually really essential for women’s health. Estrogen increases a requirement for taurine, it’s a neurotransmitter. It’s a common neurotransmitter for the brain. Again, I would argue if you don’t eat meat or don’t eat animal products you just take taurine, although I’m personally telling I think it’s often derived from animal products, so you kind of get into confusing territory around that, but yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. So we got these nutrient deficiencies.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah, and also, I guess carrying on with in terms of endometriosis and other things, yes, you mentioned food sensitivities in general, so there’s going to be some individual … I think gluten is across the board almost, and it has to be strictly. There’s no such thing as being partially gluten-free for an autoimmune disease, right?

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          Unfortunately, you can’t just mostly do it, because unfortunately my experience is you might not get any benefit at all, which is really frustrating. In terms of other food sensitivities the big ones I see for endo would be cow’s dairy, particularly A1-casein normal cow’s dairy. It’s pretty similar to gluten, as you probably know they both create this opioid type molecule that could be very upsetting the immune system. Sometimes eggs, not always but eggs can be an immune disruptor in some people, and sometimes soy, and then of course there’s going to be sometimes, there’s going to be people who have another food sensitivity, but again, if you have a really long list of food sensitivities then you can’t just kind of accept that that’s going to be your life forever. I think a lot of that then goes back to fixing the gut, repairing gut integrity, so that you can then tolerate some of the other foods, some of the other offending foods. I mean, I guess the other thing to mention is the role of histamine, and mast cell activation in a lot of conditions, in a lot of women’s health conditions that definitely-

Dr. Weitz:            Maybe you could briefly explain mast cell activation.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah. So mast cells are part of our immune system, they’re the primitive part of our immune system, their strategy … They’re not making antibodies and targeting things, although that probably happens with endometriosis as well, but the mast cells are … if they get upset about something, and they just blow, they just send inflammatory cytokines everywhere, including histamine, and heparin. That kind of histamine response is quite inflammatory, and there are ways to try to stabilize that, including … I would argue avoiding casein, back to dairy, casein, A1-casein can be quite a strong mast cell activator in some people, not everyone. Also, for some women with endometriosis, avoiding foods that are really high in amines and histamine can help to reduce the pain. Foods like that would be fermented foods, smoked fish … Your listeners might be familiar with histamine intolerance or high histamine foods.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          But you don’t have to eliminate those completely, because you can’t for one thing, and they’re not like … they’re different category than gluten.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you recommend a low histamine diet?

Dr. Briden:          It depends. That would depend on the patient. So I would look for signs of histamine intolerance or mast cell activation, particularly hives, urticaria or hives, headaches, congestion, nasal congestion, swelling, and especially if they’re a cyclic pattern to that, because histamine will usually check up with estrogen. So if you get those kind of allergic symptoms during your high estrogen phases of your menstrual cycle, then that can be a clue, for example. Then I think that can be part of the strategy. Even then with improving the gut, even the histamine mast cells side of things should improve over time, so you won’t necessarily always need to avoid avocado and high amine foods.

Dr. Weitz:            Are there certain natural substances you can take to manage or down-regulate histamine and mast cells?

Dr. Briden:          Yeah. Well, yes, and I’m sure you had mast cells experts on your podcast before, I mean, I’m not fully situated as an expert in that whole field, but I’m happy to answer a little bit, but I can say for example the enzyme, DAO enzyme, it helps to clear histamine, that is dependent on B6. So B6 can be quite helpful for that. Having a healthy gut in general can be quite helpful for clearing histamine, reducing mast cells activation. Progesterone itself, the hormone progesterone generally has an anti-histamine effect. It’s another argument potentially for bringing some progesterone on board.

Dr. Weitz:            So will you, maybe use progesterone even if women say, seems to have somewhat normal progesterone levels?

Dr. Briden:          Yes. So in chapter nine of my book, Period Repair Manual, I would refer to this. There’s a patient, so there’s stories throughout my book, so chapter nine the patient story is Hannah, and she ended up with pretty severe endometriosis. She’d get gluten-free, and some of the things we’ve already spoken about. She also … she’s been on a progestin called, brand name called [inaudible 00:32:11], which have sort of down-regulating effect on the lesions. She switched to oral micronized progesterone on natural progesterone capsules, as that component of her treatment, and did quite well. The advantage of progesterone, real progesterone over, versus a progestin drug is usually progesterone is a lot more friendly to the mood, sleep, and hair, and also it’s a nicer thing to take than a progestin.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you prefer oral progesterone over topical?

Dr. Briden:          Yeah, generally yes. Mainly for a few reasons, but mainly because it actually … The first [inaudible 00:32:50] can be good because it generates a lot of, something called allopregnanolone, which can be quite good for mood. But just staying on the topic of histamine activation, mast cell activation, progesterone for many women, not all women should have a stabilizing effect on mast cell and histamine, so that can sometimes relieve those migraines, hives, kind of premenstrual histamine symptoms, and at the same time, help to manage or control endometriosis.  The goal for endometriosis is not cure, because we all … most people agree that there is no cure for the disease, but the term I use is remission. I think a lot of patients can reach a point of if not no pain, no pain would be great, but if not no pain, then close to no pain, at least very much reduced pain, and that would be arguably a state of remission where the disease is not active. The disease is not invading, it’s not progressing, it’s not causing pain.

Dr. Weitz:            I saw you write about certain heavy metals like nickel in particular. I saw that article where you wrote about nickel. That’s kind of interesting.

Dr. Briden:          It is fascinating. The nickel-

Dr. Weitz:            Now, is this somebody who is high nickel, like you’re on heavy metal panel, and they’re high in nickel?

Dr. Briden:          No.

Dr. Weitz:            No.

Dr. Briden:          No.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Briden:          It’s not heavy metal toxicity. It’s not heavy metal toxicity, it could be another … sure, I mean, that can affect the immune system, so that’s probably, that’s a separate issue, but this is … Now, this didn’t make it into my book because I only learned about it … there was a study that came out last, maybe six months ago. What they found is pretty mind-blowing. Some people have nickel sensitivity, immune system that reacts badly to nickel, and you know that, the test for that is jewelry allergy. If you try to wear earrings that aren’t pure gold, if there’s any nickel basically in your jewelry, and you get a rash from that, you have nickel allergy.  The problem is that a lot of foods have nickel. So some foods contain it naturally, particularly high coco chocolate, some of the ones that make me … I don’t have a nickel allergy, but still I was feeling for my patients, it’s like, “Oh, that’s sad.” But also any canned foods are going to be high, particularly canned tomatoes because they pick up a lot of the nickel from the can.

Dr. Weitz:            Is there a way to test for this? I’ve never seen nickel on a food sensitivity test?

Dr. Briden:          Well, the test is the jewelry sensitivity. I think there’s some other skin tests they can do, where they actually just rub some nickel, and see if you get a rash, but I think the jewelry sensitivity is a pretty … When I posted that on my Instagram … So I’ll finish explaining what the situation is. So they’ve known for a while that nickel can play a role in IBS. So nickel foods can contribute to the inflammation, the dysfunction of the gut for some women, and that by removing nickel, you can’t remove them entirely, but dialing them down, reducing nickel intake can relieve IBS symptoms. Then there was a research paper about six months ago that found that endometriosis is the same, that women … I forget the details of the study, but basically it was that four people who have a nickel allergy, that allergy itself in the presence of nickel can worsen endometriosis, not cause it. Because as we said the cause is multifactorial, but can aggravate it.   So when I shared that on my Instagram I got maybe a couple hundred women with endometriosis saying, “I have a nickel allergy. Oh, that makes sense. I have a nickel allergy.” I’m sure probably there are some endometriosis sufferers who don’t have a nickel allergy, but I haven’t encountered them yet, so it does seem to be … I think the underlying thing is the immune dysfunction. It’s not normal for the immune system to get upset about nickel.

Dr. Weitz:            So is nickel … it’s in the soil, and it gets … is that how it gets to some of the food?

Dr. Briden:          Yes. So it’s in the food, within cans. So it’s in the soil, so it’s just present in some foods that [crosstalk 00:37:07].

Dr. Weitz:            Right. Okay. So foods that you buy in cans.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah, so canned food is a big part of it, and the confusing thing about it is there’s actually been an overlap with other things, like FODMAPs and gluten. There’s quite high nickel in wheat. So then the question is … Okay, using wheat as the example, so wheat seems to be quite a problem for endometriosis for a lot of people, is it the nickel? Is it FODMAPs, because it’s aggravating SIBO or IBS? Is it gluten? I suppose it can be all three sometimes. I would argue probably it’s gluten, and truly gluten a lot of the times, but as you know not everyone who reacts badly to wheat has a gluten sensitivity. It can be those other things, it could be FODMAPs.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. I think Alessio Fasano has taught us that virtually everybody is going to get some gut irritation or tendency towards loosening of the mucosal membranes, leaky gut from eating gluten, so we’re probably best avoiding it.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah, all that he said that my two cents would be, I mean, yes, I’m very familiar with his observation that gluten does create some level of intestinal permeability for everyone, but I think for the majority, because for example I’m not gluten-free, so I don’t think every single person needs to be gluten-free. I think … I think it’s important to demarcate those people who do, and particularly if you have an active inflammatory disease, and then particularly if you have that haplotype HLA, celiac haplotype, then I think even if you’re not a confirmed celiac I think the writing’s on the wall that gluten is highly problematic.

Dr. Weitz:            Right. What about other metals?  Is nickel the only one?

Dr. Briden:          Well, in terms of allergy type reaction, I believe so, but in terms of other metals that’s going to be more insidious. As you know mercury is an immune toxin, it’s nerve toxin as well, but I’d say immune toxin is one of its more stronger aspects.  So we don’t want a lot of mercury as to how big a player that is for someone. I don’t know. That remains to be elucidated, discovered.

Dr. Weitz:            Do you find any … Have you found use of detox protocols have some benefit for patients with endometriosis with active symptoms?

Dr. Briden:          I don’t call it detox. I still don’t use that word. I don’t know why. I just … I start with the gut, and like I said I usually start with an anti-microbial, which is often kind of part one, phase one of detox things. I address SIBO if it’s there. Give the nutrients that are required for repairing intestinal permeability. A lot of it has a natural detox effect. For example, zinc helps with it, just getting your zinc back online helps promote … protect your body from heavy metals, and promote the active excretion of heavy metal. So anything you do to help the immune system also helps the detoxification system, and you know this, but they’re quite closely related actually, the detox and immune function. There’s some upstream signaling molecules like NR2, if your listeners are familiar with that, but it switches on and off genes, both involved with both immune function, and detox.  As soon as you start supporting that system you’re going to be getting detox. You’re going to be getting … because we’re supposed to be detoxing everyday, like eliminating pesticides and heavy metals, and at the same time, yes, it always, in any scenario makes sense to try to minimize your exposure to any of those things.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, I guess when I think of detox I’m thinking about particular the nutrients that support the liver, pathways that facilitate detoxification.

Dr. Briden:          For example, one of the best studied nutrients, a couple of the phytonutrients that are … well, one is a phytonutrient, one is just an accessory nutrient that are studied for endometriosis. One is n-acetyl cysteine, which has a reputation as being a detox nutrient, it’s also an immune modulator.

Dr. Weitz:            That’s an all-star nutrient [inaudible 00:41:28], and so many purposes.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah, so it … there had been a … Well, there was one pretty famous clinical trial using NAC or n-acetyl cysteine for endometriosis. It was years ago now. It was in 2014 or something, and I was so … and of course they were recommending that this be followed up, there’d be more trials, I’m not aware if there  have been many more trials, which is kind of sad, probably it’s because NAC is … Who cares? No one’s going to make money on NAC, but in that trial, it was an Italian study, and it was about a 100 women or something like that, and their results were astounding. Not to hyperbole, not to overstate it, but there were women who had surgery, women who became pregnant, women who had surgeries plan to remove endometriomas, which is quite a large mass of endometriosis, whose endometriomas shrunk to some degree, who canceled their surgeries just from that one intervention.

Dr. Weitz:            What was the dosage of NAC?

Dr. Briden:          It’s a really good question. I tend to give 1000 milligrams twice a day. In the study, off at the top of my head I don’t know what they use. It’s in that range?  So that’s one.  Another one that is, probably borderline superstar for endometriosis is curcumin or turmeric, which you can imagine that works by modifying, modulating so many aspects of the immune function.

Dr. Weitz:            You have your favorite form of curcumin?

Dr. Briden:          I don’t. I’m always asking my supplement reps, “What’s the … I know there’s all different forms. It is true that some are better than others, the question is, how much-

Dr. Weitz:            The supplement companies are always coming up with a new, greatest form of curcumin.

Dr. Briden:          The interesting thing about it … Some of the questions they will have you need to be able to absorb it, which is probably true, but also we know now that curcumin exerts a lot of its actions in the gut itself, healing probably, probably having an effect in the microbiome, healing the intestinal permeability. So even if you’re not absorbing, and I think it’s exerting benefits.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          Curcumin is also a natural aromatase inhibitor, so it can help to dial down estrogen a bit more. So those are a couple of the big ones. Arguably, lots of different modalities or nutrients could be brought on board to try to heal endometriosis. The other one I’ll just mention is selenium just because it’s such an important immune-modulator. For people who live in a selenium-deficient region, and this is interesting because … I don’t know. I think it depends where you are on the state, it depends where your food supply is coming from, but down under, down here Australia, New Zealand, the food supply is very low in selenium, so I feel very confident that everyone needs it, eating food grown down here. But I think it’s going to vary a little bit [crosstalk 00:44:09].

Dr. Weitz:            Our commercial farming techniques in the United States, and the overuse of commercial nitrogen-based fertilizers, and the overuse of pesticides, and glyphosate, and the way our food is so processed, our foods here are pretty much deficient in many things.

Dr. Briden:          Arguably, yes.

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it’s interesting, some of the same nutrients that could be potentially beneficial in this arena can also be part of your anti-COVID program to support immune function. You mentioned NAC, that’s all-star for COVID, and zinc, and Vitamin D, Vitamin A, selenium, curcumin, those would all be great in that arena too.

Dr. Briden:          Probably true. I won’t weigh into that conversation, but yes, yes, probably.

Dr. Weitz:            Well, not a problem for you.

Dr. Briden:          No, New Zealand, we always-

Dr. Weitz:            New Zealanders.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            Great. So thank you for this discussion.

Dr. Briden:          Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:            Any final thoughts you have for our listeners, viewers? Tell us about how they can get a hold of you, and get your book.

Dr. Briden:          Sure. Well, I guess my final thought in endometriosis is just to take heart, there is a lot more … there are more options than you might realize. There’s stuff out there you can do, and I’ve seen in patients, and colleagues, lives, just be transformed. You can … even if you think all hope is lost, and you’re different, and your situation is way worse, you can always be better than you are. So I would look at it … like I said, I have a couple blog posts about endometriosis, one is called Treat The Immune System, something like that, Immune Treatment for Endometriosis. I have chapter nine in my book, Period Repair Manual, it’s about that. So my blog is larabriden.com, all my social media is at Lara Briden, I’m the easiest person in the world to find, and my book is Period Repair Manual. I have a second book coming out next year about menopause.

Dr. Weitz:            Oh, wow.

Dr. Briden:          Pausing menopause, so it’s a slightly different topic that we could-

Dr. Weitz:            Oh, that’s great. Okay, and then it will be out when?

Dr. Briden:          Not ’til early next year.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Briden:          It’s just being edited right now, fact-checked and all that.

Dr. Weitz:            There you go. Awesome. So you’re keeping yourself busy. Thank you, Lara.

Dr. Briden:          Yes, thanks for having me.


Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Bone Health with Dr. Lani Simpson: Rational Wellness Podcast 164

Dr. Lani Simpson speaks about Bone Health with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

3:30   The standard American diet and our sedentary lifestyle significantly contribute to risk of osteoporosis. Dr. Simpson explained that she has osteoporosis and was diagnosed in her mid 40s, while she is now age 71.  We build up 80% of our lifetime bone bass by the time we’re 18 and Dr. Simpson was not leading a healthy lifestyle at that time.  She started smoking at age 12 and she was drinking and doing drugs but at least by age 21 she stopped doing those things and started living a clean life and eating well, which is probably why she has never sustained a fracture.  Not only are these early years very important for building up bone, but women can also lose 20% of their bone during the first 5-7 years after menopause, so it is crucial for these women to have good levels of vitamin D and not have a lot of digestive issues as well.

6:53  The bone density test (DEXA scan) is a type of x-ray that measures the density of the bone, specifically in the hip and the spine and possibly also the forearm.  Dr. Simpson pointed out that she often includes the forearm in the bone density tests that she usually orders for her patients.  During a bone density test, the patient lies on a table and should be properly positioned with their hips internally rotated 15 degrees. If the hips are not properly positioned there can be a 7% difference in bone density and this can makes the difference in the recommendation for taking a medication or not.  If the person has a lot of arthritis in the spine, it might appear to be more bone density due to the calcium in the bone spurs.

13:49  A patient with osteoporosis is defined as having a T-score of -2.5 or less, which means that they have 30% less bone than the average 30 year old.  When you get your bone density measured it is important to go to the same lab and make sure the lab uses the same machine, since the results can vary.  It’s also best to place the hips in a 90 degree angle when measuring the spine, since this will flatten the lumbar spine and prevent viewing L4 overlapping L5. 

20:02  When analyzing a DEXA scan report, the T-score is comparing that person to a 30 year old bone density, whereas the Z-score compares their bone density to an age matched group. In general, a T-score of negative 1 to negative 2.4 is considered to have osteopenia or low bone density, while a T-score of negative 2.5 or less indicates osteoporosis. For women post menopause it is recommended to focus on the T-score, while for women prior to menopause, you should focus on the Z-score. For men after age 50, focus on the T-score, whereas prior to age 50, focus on the Z-score. To measure bone quality, when they get their DEXA scan we can also order a Trabecular Bone Score that measures bone quality, typically for an additional $150 or so.

26:04  If you see a loss of bone on a conventional x-ray, that’s osteoporosis, not osteopenia.  It must be a significant loss of bone to be seen on x-ray.

27:05  Lab testing for bone health should include a metabolic panel, CBC, urinalysis, Vitamin D, 25 hydroxyvitamin D, and 1,25 hydroxyvitamin D.  Full thyroid panel including TSH, Total T4, Free T4, Total T3, Free T3, Reverse T3 and the thyroid antibodies.  Bone markers, including C-telopeptide (CTX) is the best one to look at osteoclastic activity, while P1Np and Osteocalcin both give you a sense of bone buildup, of osteoblastic activity. Urinary NTX is the least valuable bone marker to measure. 

34:17  If you have a patient with severe osteoporosis, say a negative 3, 3.5, or 4 or they have cascading fractures in the spine one after another, they may need medication and Dr. Simpson prefers the use of Forteo over the bisphosphonates like Fosamax.  Forteo upregulates both osteoblasts and osteoclasts, so you are going to lose and gain bone, but you will definitely end up with more bone. And Forteo has a very short half life, either seconds, minutes or a few hours at most. 

36:43  Bone is like muscle in that we are constantly in a process of losing and gaining bone. Osteoclasts break down old, broken down bone, osteoblasts build new bone and the key that the proper balance be maintained. Bone gets broken down from the course of normal life, strain, etc., and the osteoclasts clear this out, so we can build new, stronger bone. That’s how our bone quality stays good.  The most popular drugs for osteoporosis are the bisphosphonates like Fosamax and Actonel, which act by inhibiting osteoclasts.  You get more density and for some patients in the right dosage and for the right period of time, these drugs can be helpful, but they tend to get a buildup of junky bone, so the bone quality tends to go down and that’s why some patients suffer unusual fractures, such as of having your femur snap in half.  Dr. Simpson prefers drugs like Forteo or Tymlos, but some patients can’t take them, such as if they have had breast cancer,  So if patients do take Fosamax or one of the bisphosphonates, they should be followed with the bone turnover markers and they should only take them for as long as they are effective and no longer, preferably for as short a period of time as possible.  The common recommendation is just to take these bisphosphonates for 5 years and bone turnover markers are usually not followed.



Dr. Lani Simpson is a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Certified Clinical Densitometrist and Bone Health Expert. She is the author of Dr. Lani’s No Nonsense Bone Health Guide: The Truth About Density Testing, Osteoporosis Drugs, and Building Bone Quality at Any Age and of Dr. Lani’s No Nonsense SUN Health Guide: The Truth about Vitamin D, Sunscreen, Sensible Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer. Most importantly for us, Dr. Simpson is the most knowledgeable doctor I know about bone health and osteoporosis and her website is LaniSimpson.com.  The following is a special discount code to get Dr. Simpson’s book for only $15:   15 book   A discount code will get you a discounted fee on Dr. Simpson’s masterclasses for only $25:   25 special

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations, including remote consults via video or phone, specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com. Phone or video consulting with Dr. Weitz is available.



Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:                            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz host of the Rational Wellness Podcast. I talked to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting-edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness Podcast for weekly updates and to learn more, check out my website drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me and let’s jump into the podcast.  Hello, Rational Wellness Podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to the Rational Wellness Podcast, please go to Apple Podcast and give us a ratings and review. If you’d like to see detailed show notes and a complete transcript, please go to my website, drweitz.com and if you’d like to see a video version of this podcast, go to my YouTube page Weitz Chiro.

                                                Our topic for today is osteoporosis and bone health. Our special guest is Dr. Lani Simpson. Osteoporosis according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation literally means porous bone. It’s a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced. As bones become more porous and fragile the risk of fracture greatly increases. The loss of bone occurs silently and progressively and often there are no symptoms until the first fracture occurs. Worldwide, 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 and 1 in 5 men will experience osteoporotic fracture sometime in their life.   Osteoporosis and low bone mass are currently estimated to be a major public health threat for almost 44 million US women and men age 50 and older. Overall, 80%, 75%, 70% and 58% of forearm, humerus, hip and spine fractures occur in women, especially women over the age of 65. A 10% loss of bone mass in the spine could double the risk of spinal fractures and a 10% loss of bone mass in the hip can result in 2-1/2 times the risk of hip fractures. Breaking a hip can be particularly disastrous as 24% of those who break a hip will die within the next 12 months.

                                                Dr. Lani Simpson is a doctor of chiropractic and a certified clinical densitometrist. She’s the author of Dr. Lani’s No-Nonsense Bone Health Guide, The Truth About Density Testing, Osteoporosis Drugs and Building Bone Quality at Any Age, which is going to be the focus of most of our talk today. If Dr. Lani’s No-Nonsense SUN Health Guide, The Truth About Vitamin D, Sunscreen, Sensible Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer. By the way, after this podcast gets posted, any of the listeners if you go to the show notes there’ll be a discount to purchase both of these books.  Dr. Lani is also the co-founder of the East Bay Menopause and PMS Center and of the East Bay Osteoporosis Diagnostic Center. Most importantly, for us, Dr. Simpson is the most knowledgeable doctor I know about bone health and osteoporosis. Thank you for joining us today.

Dr. Simpson:                    It’s great to be here. It’s great to see you too.

Dr. Weitz:                         Good. Good. Good. How much does the standard American diet and our sedentary lifestyle contribute to our risk of osteoporosis?

Dr. Simpson:                    A lot. Just to give you a little brief in terms of my own situation and why I ended up with a diagnosis of osteoporosis. I was diagnosed in my mid-40s. I’m 71 now. I’ve never taken a bone drug. Why is that? We have to look at a lot of things. But one of the reasons I ended up with osteoporosis was not what I was doing in my 40s but what I did and didn’t do in my teens. Because we build up 80% of our lifetime bone mass by the time we’re 18 and there’s still some building that goes on until we’re around 30 years old.   I didn’t do that time well. I started smoking at the age of 12. I was drinking, doing drugs. I mean I did a lot of things. In fact, it’s amazing my bones are as good as they are. But I stopped all that nasty stuff by the time I was about 21 and I got a clue. Now, I’ve never sustained a fracture. Why is that?   I have osteoporosis. I’ve had it for years, still do. The reason I haven’t fractured, some of its genetics, some of it is just the fact that I’ve also been eating really well since the age of 21. My bone health I think has been pretty darn good because I eat well. I have nuts. Don’t eat inflammatory foods. Don’t drink alcohol. I mean I live a really clean life now. That helps boost bone quality.  There’s two things in terms of this… Well, there’s a lot of stuff is involved with the strength of bone. Again, genetics plays a role. Having good density and also bone quality. So, quality means there’s still some flexibility. I’m very athletic at my age. I took a very bad fall a couple of years ago where I wrenched my ankle worse than I ever have. I thought for sure I’d fractured it. It didn’t fracture.   It just says that there’s a lot to this bone stuff. I work with people every week. By the way, I have a group over on Facebook that’s a free group. It’s called Dr. Lani’s Osteoporosis Myths and Facts. I have about 1000 people over there. But I deal with fractures every day. It’s so preventable. If I may just say one more thing. One of the things I’m trying to really educate people about is the loss of bone. That women are going to incur at menopause.  Their doctors don’t tell them, and then I end up, they end up coming to me in their late 50s and all of a sudden they’ve lost an additional, sometimes 20%. Women can lose 20% of their bone density in that 5-year, 5 to 7 years post menopause. Then, let’s say you add to this Dr. Weitz a vitamin D deficiency and going through menopause or digestive issues and going through menopause. Those are going to be the high losers. Diagnosis of osteoporosis doesn’t mean you’re losing. We can talk about that in a minute actively. But I can tell you during that time, for women, they are actively losing bone.

Dr. Weitz:                        Now, one of the things you mentioned which is that bone density which is one of the main tests to assess bone health is a measure of the amount of bone. But it doesn’t actually tell us that much about the bone flexibility or the bone quality.  It’s too bad that I don’t believe there’s really a good test for that… 

Dr. Simpson:                    No. There is. Let me tell you about that.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. There’s bone density and if we’re talking T-scores here because that’s how it’s measured. If you got a T-score negative 1, negative 2-

Dr. Weitz:                         So, maybe you can explain what a bone density test is.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. Okay. Go ahead.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay. No. A bone density test is you go in and they take some… Well, why don’t you explain exactly what a bone density test is?

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. It’s very simple as you’re about to point out. You go in, there’s no… Because a lot of times people think it’s something invasive, it’s not. They’re on a table and it takes about 20 minutes to do a bone density. Typically, doctors order the spine, and when they do order the spine they only are getting L1 to L4. The reason for that is is because the lower spine doesn’t have ribs over it and the pelvis over it so you can get a clear shot. That’s why we do L1 to L4.    Then, they do the femur or what’s known as the hip and in two areas. They’ll look at the neck of the femur and what we call the total hip area which is more of an area. Any one of those areas, you’re diagnosed with osteoporosis. You have osteoporosis. Okay. It’s not like you have osteoporosis in one area and not another typically. Sometimes you can have it in say an arm from a disused thing or something like that. But typically, it’s systemic.  You can also do the forearm. I always order the forearm, by the way, doc, in addition to the hip and the spine. Now, the other test for the bone quality-

Dr. Weitz:                         What’s the advantage of ordering the forearm?

Dr. Simpson:                     Well, there’s a lot of information I can get. When I’m looking at bone densities, I’m looking at nuances. I’m looking at the images. It’s kind of like a small x-ray and all that. What the forearm gives me is the wrist measurement and the diagnosis though for osteoporosis in the, or bone density in the forearms and mid-forearm. That’s compact bone.    Now, compact bone up until you’re 65 should be good. Everyone uses their arms, right? I had a case this week she had a negative 3.5 which is, if we’re just looking at numbers… I’ll talk percentages. About 45% less bone density didn’t have as 30-year-old. She shouldn’t have that. This woman is athletic. Why did she have it? Because she has a condition called primary hyperparathyroidism.   What does that do? It goes after compact bone. But also this is another area for me to look at a combination bone.  Mostly cancellous bone. Let’s say, for instance, you’ve got arthritis in the spine. You’re going to have a false negative reading.  Meaning, it’s going to look like you have more bone density in the spine because you have osteoarthritis. 

Dr. Weitz:                         Because you have the bone spurs and-

Dr. Simpson:                     Yeah. That’s right. For me, when I’m analyzing a case, when I’m looking at bone, I’m looking at very carefully at bone density. I can tell you that frankly they’re wrong most of the time. There’s errors I find almost on every case. It’s stunning but people do not have to be trained and be in these facilities, even the doctors. It’s just-

Dr. Weitz:                         So, you say in their report that comes with the bone density test is not giving you the most accurate information all the time?

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, in fact there’s two videos that are on YouTube about this. I’m saying to you and especially the hip. The hip measurement is commonly incorrect. Here’s where we get into troubles when you do comparisons because just the rotation of the hip can cause a 7% difference. Then, the doctor says, “Oh my god. You’ve lost 7% in the last year. You need to do a bone drug when they haven’t actually lost.  There’s a lot about this bone business, but I want to go back from them just to tell you about the bone quality test. It’s called trabecular bone score. Now, that means cancellous bone. What they’re going to be doing is looking… They can do this, it’s done on a bone density machine. But not very many places have it. Kaiser doesn’t have it. We’re in California and they don’t have it. The reason they don’t is because it costs $10,000 to buy the software to give them this information.   There’s also a video on YouTube that I did where I interviewed the Swedish doctor who developed the software. What I can tell you, Dr. Weitz, is that when I look at bone density, I take history. I question thoroughly about fractures if they’ve had them. I look at that bone quality. Then, I feel prepared to make decisions.   You got a lot of people in the gray area. Does someone need a medication or not? The answer to that is medications are needed by some people for sure, and then which ones? I mean, again, there’s a lot to think about and a full lab workup is very extensive.



Dr. Weitz:                            I’ve really been enjoying this discussion, but now, I’d like to pause to tell you about the sponsor for this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast. This episode is sponsored by Pure Encapsulations, which is one of the few lines of professional nutritional supplements that I use in my office. Pure Encapsulations manufactures a complete line of hypoallergenic research-based dietary supplements. Pure products are meticulously formulated using pure scientifically-tested and validated ingredients. They are free from magnesium stearate, gluten, GMOs, hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, sweeteners and preservatives.

Among other things, one of the great things about Pure Encapsulations is not just the quality products but the fact that they often provide a range of different dosages and sizes, which makes it easy to find the right product for the right patient, especially since we do a lot of testing and we figure out exactly what the patients need. For example, with DHEA, they offer five, 10 and 25-milligram dosages in both 60 and 180 capsules per bottle size, which is extremely convenient.

                                                Now, back to our discussion.



Dr. Weitz:                        You want to talk about what a full lab workup is for a patient [crosstalk 00:13:54]

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. Well, of course if somebody comes in… Well, everyone pretty much who finds me has osteoporosis. They’ve had a bone density they come to me, right? Beyond bone-

Dr. Weitz:                         On a bone densitometry test that’s a T-score of minus 2.5 or greater?

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah or lower you would say, actually.

Dr. Weitz:                         Or lower. Okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    Negative 2.5 that each standard deviation is about 12%. You’re looking at about 30% less bone density than an average 30-year-old. Somebody could live their entire life with that. It depends on bone quality. It depends on a lot of things. But now let’s say you have a negative 4. That is a whole different story. You are not going to reverse that despite what you see on the internet about OsteoStrong or a lot of these companies that are putting out false information. You are not going to be able to reverse that.   You’ve got a 60-year-old person. You don’t have the advantage of bone building hormones that are happening all the time. You got a 60-year-old person, you’re not going to reverse osteoporosis at that level. You can maybe halt it. Here’s who I can halt it in. People who are having what we call normal age-related loss, which I don’t really like that term but that’s 0.5 to 1% a year. But you think about this. Dr. Weitz, just add that up over 10 years. So, this somebody is not exercising because they just don’t or they can only do some what because they’ve got a foot problem or a knee problem. I mean you get my point here.

Dr. Weitz:                         Oh, I’ve heard that plenty of times. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                         Just talking to patients everyday.

Dr. Simpson:                    They will lose and especially the small women. They are going to lose.

Dr. Weitz:                         By the way, I think maybe before we get to the lab testing, since we’ve been talking about bone density test, why don’t we go over some of the issues with bone density test first?

Dr. Simpson:                    Sure you want to go there?

Dr. Weitz:                        Well, because you were mentioning like the positioning area. What are some of the important things about the way the person gets positioned about the bone density test?

Dr. Simpson:                    I advise people get my book and in the book it tells you what to say when you go in to try to get the best bone density. I mean one of the things I tell people to say is my doctor suggests that you really make sure you’ve got that hip rotation right. You put them on and then, “Oh, somebody’s paying attention.”

Dr. Weitz:                         They’re positioned on a table and their legs are supposed to be against something, and then their feet are supposed to be rotated a certain degree, right?

Dr. Simpson:                    If you can. Sometimes you can’t rotate people. But, yeah. Again, this all pictured in my book and I’ll highly recommend it. You’re not going to get that whole picture from this discussion but that’s it. Yes.

Dr. Weitz:                         Do all the labs have that positioning?

Dr. Simpson:                    They have it. Do they use it?

Dr. Weitz:                         Oh. Okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    If you’re doing things quickly, a lot of times they don’t use it. Here’s the thing, again, to really get the technicians must often have not been trained. It’s not required. The doctors are not required to be trained and even the radiologists who do this lack training. They don’t even know how to interpret.

Dr. Weitz:                         I believe you said that the hips are supposed to be like internally rotated 15 degrees. Yeah.

Dr. Simpson:                    15 degrees. They have a little thing that you put your feet in. When you’re on your back, although a lot of places don’t do this. I prefer it this way. But depends on the type of machine. There’s GE Lunar, there’s Hologic, there’s Norland. Most common is Hologic and GE Lunar but I like it best and Hologic typically does this when they put your knees, your lower leg up so that your legs are like that.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right. 90 degree angle with the hips-

Dr. Simpson:                    That’s what flattens the spine to the table. That’s going to get a more… Because a lot of times when they don’t do that, what you see is the lumbar vertebrae.

Dr. Weitz:                         [crosstalk 00:18:13]

Dr. Simpson:                    The lumbar vertebra half the size because it’s overlapping L5.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    Then, let’s say the next time they have a bone density test the person didn’t do that. The density is going to, the comparison’s wrong. See my point? Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                         There’s a lot of very subtle positioning differences that can change the results. The results will change if you’re in a different machine. Therefore, going to the same lab but even if you go to the same lab they might put you in a different machine.

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, you want to ask, good question. Yes. Kaiser does this a lot. When you go in say, “I’d like to be put on the same machine.” They may have it right in the room and still not put you on the same machine. Because when you are not on the same machine, you can have 2% to 3% to 5% difference just based on the machine itself. How often it was-

Dr. Weitz:                        Calibrated?

Dr. Simpson:                    Calibrated. Yes. Finish my sentences at any time.

Dr. Weitz:                        Thank you.

Dr. Simpson:                    I do actually… I used to hate people like that. Now, they’re my best friends. Yeah. You’ve just got to kind of do the best you can with getting through this. Again, our bones, we all have to get through this lifetime with pretty good bones. I mean that’s the name of the game. I mean you want physical independence that’s what we want.  As you point out, those hip fractures change a person’s life. It might not kill them but you know that a lot of times the hip, the leg lengths may be different, a lot of different things can happen.

Dr. Weitz:                        When you’re looking at the report, the analysis of the dexa bone scan, the T-score is comparing them to a 30-year-old, correct?

Dr. Simpson:                    Yes. That’s correct.

Dr. Weitz:                         Then, what is the Z-score and how important is a T-score versus the Z-score? I’ve kind of been trained to just look at the T-score but-

Dr. Simpson:                    No. That’s correct. Except, okay, so women post-menopause regardless of age, you look at T-score. Women prior to menopause, Z-score. Men after the age of 50, T-score. Before that, Z-score. I don’t always pay attention to those hard lines because I know how to look at all this stuff. But the reason they have it like that is because that’s what’s been studied.

Dr. Weitz:                         We just described what the T-score is, what’s the Z-score?

Dr. Simpson:                    It’s age matched. It’s still the same difference, but you’re now looking at age matched. Then, a lot of people say, “Oh, well, it makes much more sense to do an age matched. I’m 60 years old. I’m not 30.” Well, I don’t want to be measured up against a average 60-year-old. I want to see how far I’ve come from an average 30-year-old.   Now, let me give you another interesting tidbit. I’m 5’6 but my wrist size is 5 inches. I have tiny bones. My wrist size is not an average 30-year-old. That’s about six inches, okay? Some of my bone density as what we call false positive. I didn’t lose it. This is why I’m saying earlier, having a diagnosis of osteoporosis does not mean you’re actively losing. But anyway, I didn’t gain this because my bones are smaller. That’s about maybe 8% to 10% of my case.   That said, smaller bones are at higher risk for fracture because there’s just smaller. I can jump just for a moment to the lab tests if you want me to do now because we’re talking about active bone loss.

Dr. Weitz:                         Yeah.

Dr. Simpson:                    You want to finish up or you have any other questions there?

Dr. Weitz:                         On the bone densitometry. Well, let’s see. What else do we want to talk about? What does the Z-score, and so Z-score, you’re comparing someone of the same age.

Dr. Simpson:                    Correct.

Dr. Weitz:                         What if there’s a discrepancy between the T-score and the Z-score?

Dr. Simpson:                    It depends on the age but you’re not going to see much. A lot of times like say if the woman is 30. You look at the teen and see it’s going to be pretty similar. But, again, as we get older that shift is going to happen between that T-score is going to be lower than the Z-score. If you have a 60-year-old woman, the Z-score could look normal. But if you look at that T-score, it’s going to show her well into osteoporosis.

Dr. Weitz:                         So, anything greater than minus or less than minus 1.5, we consider low bone density or osteopenia and then-

Dr. Simpson:                    Osteopenia is a misnomer. It’s kind of. It was never meant to be a diagnosis. So, negative 1 to negative 2.4 is osteopenia. If you want to use that term.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. Or low bone density. Now, I did a whole webinar just on this topic of gray area. Because I also have a lot of patients, Dr. Weitz that have normal bone density and fracture and what does that say? That says several things that it could just be their bone quality is that poor. Some people can have good density but the quality of it, it’s like a piece of chalk. It can break. It’s dense. But it can break.  But that said, the most typical thing I see when people start breaking and is low bone density and low, and often they’re going to have poor bone quality in the TBS score if I can get it. Because look, in California, we can typically find a place. But it can be hard to find.

Dr. Weitz:                         So, essentially, when we send them for the bone density scan, we ask for… What do we ask for to get a quality test?

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, first of all, the doctor has to be on board and a lot of them aren’t. A lot of them do not value the TBS score. I can tell you that tide is beginning to shift. I’m in a group of a hundred, probably more than that, top bone doctors in the country, and boy, did they use it as they have it. Because it just adds to the picture.

Dr. Weitz:                        If the patients have to pay extra for it, how much would… Is it an expensive addition?

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, you’re still going to have to order it. It’s not covered by insurance. It’s up to maybe $150.

Dr. Weitz:                        Okay. Yeah. I ordered a bone density test over here.

Dr. Simpson:                    Now, here’s another thing for people to know. If you don’t have insurance, don’t get a bone density test at a hospital. They can cost you as much as 1200 bucks. In other places it’s 300.

Dr. Weitz:                         Oh, so go to an outside lab rather than the hospital.

Dr. Simpson:                    An outside imaging facility. You might want to ask, “Are you ISCD certified?” Probably not but that’s my governing body, the International Society of Clinical Densitometry and if they’ve been trained that way, you’re likely to get a better technique. It doesn’t mean you’re not going to get someone that’s pretty good because if they’re really good they’ve actually studied what they’re doing and read the book. You can see it. It’s right there in the books, but training helps as you know. I mean it’s sort of like learning chiropractic from books. It’s different.

Dr. Weitz:                        Now, if you get a patient who has a conventional x-ray that shows a loss of bone, what does that mean?

Dr. Simpson:                    Oh, that’s osteoporosis. It’s not osteopenia. For you to see that on x-ray and that’s a very good point. Anytime on x-ray the word osteopenia is on the diagnosis. That is not osteopenia. It’s osteoporosis. Because you can’t see… In order to see anything in terms of bone on an x-ray you have to have about 40% if not more, less bone density, notice I’m not saying loss, but less bone density to be able to see it on x-ray.  It’s missed on x-ray a lot. But that term is as you know has been used since we were in school but it doesn’t reflect really what the truth is.

Dr. Weitz:                        So bottom line if you see an x-ray of the spine or whatever it is and you see a loss of bone. That’s really significant. There’s no way it’s just a small minor-

Dr. Simpson:                    Oh no. It’s a big deal.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay. Let’s go into the lab testing for a full workup for somebody with osteoporosis or bone loss.

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. Well, we could be here for a long time.

Dr. Weitz:                         okay. So maybe some of the highlights.

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. Again, there’s a whole chapter about this in my book but basic would be I’m going to get a comprehensive metabolic panel. CBC, the basics. Now, let’s say I’ve got somebody who has… It really depends on how severe the case is and what’s going on. Let’s say the person has digestive problems. I’m really concerned that this probably potential loss and also they’re just not absorbing right.   But if I’ve got a case, I’ve got one bone density, it’s negative 2.5, I don’t know when that happened. Maybe it happened like me in my teens. I didn’t gain. Therefore, I’ve got to order more lab tests to determine whether or not active loss is occurring.   A lot of people think, and I remember when I was diagnosed. I thought I was peeing out my bone every day. I just freaked out. I wasn’t actually losing at that time. I do the comprehensive metabolic panel 14. That’s the one I ordered. CBC, I do basic urinalysis, and then everyone’s going to get this, a vitamin D test, the 25 hydroxy vitamin D. Typically, by the way, I also… Because my new book is a lot about vitamin D. But I also order the 125 vitamin D and you have to know how to look at that. But the point is, I do order that on my osteoporosis patients.  I’m going to order parathyroid test with calcium. It’s called intact parathyroid intact with calcium.

Dr. Weitz:                        So, analyzing calcium levels that’s something at [crosstalk 00:29:09]-

Dr. Simpson:                    I’m going to get back to that in a moment. Let me [crosstalk 00:29:10]

Dr. Weitz:                         … different point. Okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    Then, depending on what they say to me in terms… Because I take like a seven-page history along, have them write down everything they eat for a week and all that depth and forms. What I may do next? I might be thinking that person has thyroid disease. Because what people have to understand is that everything affects the bone. I’ve got to do a comprehensive evaluation. You’re smiling because you know what I’m talking about.

Dr. Weitz:                         Yeah. It’s what we call functional medicine.

Dr. Simpson:                    There you go. Okay. I have to look at all systems. As you know, in thyroid testing, they’re only going to do the TSH and the total of T4. I’m going to do free T3, free T4, TSH, total T4, total T3, and then I’m going to do reverse T3. Although I rarely find that by the way. I’m going to test the-

Dr. Weitz:                         Antibodies.

Dr. Simpson:                    … the thyroid antibody test. Because it’s that important. The third time in a woman’s life where she’s most likely to present with thyroid because puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause that’s when women express and so much more common in women. But I catch it with men too because I look for it, right? Because it’s not often looked for men anyway. Thyroid is one, parathyroid, I’m going to look at the kidneys. I’m going to do a 24-hour urine. That’s a basic test.

                                                Then, I’m going to do bone markers. There could be a whole bunch of other tests. These are the basics I’m giving you. But bone markers are critical. You’re going to read or hear some doctors say, “Oh, I don’t order those. They don’t mean anything.” BS. I am so tired of hearing that. I can tell you that no top doctor who’s really evaluating bone doesn’t use them that I’m aware of, okay?  That would be the C-telopeptide or CTX is the best one to look at osteo classic activity in terms of bone breakdown. But we’re really looking at bone turnover. The P1NP, so those two are always going to, and osteocalcin, I’m always going to order those. Osteocalcin is also, gives us a sense of buildup, P1NP does also. But you know what? If Osteocalcin is high… Well, let me just go to, I have to explain too much.   The P1NP if that’s elevated or high end of normal, a lot of docs just used that. I don’t agree with that. But that typically is used to also follow anabolic medication such as Forteo and Tymlos because it’s showing osteoblastic activity. What I want to look at is bone turnover. The minimum I would order with bone markers would be the CTX, P1NP, and the only reason I might not order osteocalcin on the other ones because they can’t afford it. But osteocalcin would be in there and also an NTX, which is the least valuable but that’s what everybody orders. Often, they’re the one.

Dr. Weitz:                         The NTX is usually by urine, is that the one?

Dr. Simpson:                    There’s three. There’s a 24-hour NTX, don’t do that one. There’s a blood NTX, don’t do that one. The one to do is the random second catch. Now, a lot of doctors think it’s the better one but they say, “Well, some…” A lot of women this is true, you have to think about your patient may have trouble actually getting the second catch.  If you’ve got somebody who has Parkinson’s, you’ve got somebody who has problems with, they might not be able to get the second catch, then do one of the other ones. But what I like to do is look at all of those together. That gives me an inside look that day of the workings of the bone. They’re not 100% accurate. But let’s say that CTX comes in at 700D and the NTX comes in on that high end also. Then, I know, I’m looking at active loss.

Dr. Weitz:                         Basically these markers of bone turnover are telling you, first you found out that you have some bone loss and now they’re telling you, right now are you in the process of losing, gaining or staying the same as far-

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, they don’t typically look at that. If you go to Kaiser, what you’re going to get is a diagnosis of osteoporosis, none of this kind of testing other than maybe the metabolic panel. You’re going to be put on Fosamax for five years and told to come back for a bone density test in five years. That’s absurd because in three months if somebody does require medication or let’s say they’re borderline. You say to yourself, “Well, this person’s borderline. They’ve never had a fracture. Their bone markers are a little high. I think I can handle this with this patient because they’re willing to work on nutrition and supplements and exercise. Let’s see if we can bring it down.” I do it all the time with people.

Dr. Weitz:                         Of course.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. But let’s say we have somebody who’s a negative 3, negative 3.5, negative 4 becomes different. But there’s never a time where the foundation of what I do with patients is always nutrition, gastrointestinal health, exercise, and anything else that’s going on. Then, when medications are needed, the right medication and they’re … I can just tell you and I used to be anti-medication but medications when… I’ve seen people who are in what we call cascading fractures in the spine one after the other. It’s a scary situation and Forteo will stop it.  You have pregnancy osteoporosis or women are fracturing giving birth. I get these patients. I see them.

Dr. Weitz:                         Forteo, you just mentioned is a medication that increases osteoblastic activity?

Dr. Simpson:                    It’s an amazing medication. But, again, and I want to say this. This is after a full evaluation has been done with somebody because if secondary causes are not fixed, those are the people who say, “Oh, I took Forteo. It didn’t do anything for me.” Well, they didn’t maybe fix the thyroid problem you have anyway. But, yeah. Dr. Claude Arnaud, who wrote the foreword to my book was my mentor for 20 years. He developed Forteo. Principal developer of Forteo.   So, I was back there actually in the ’90s when this was being tested. Everyone was just blown away by what it was doing because it has short half-life. Fosamax has a half-life of 12 years. Forteo, we used to think had a half-life of seconds. But it can be minutes or hours. But the point is it has a relatively short half-life. It goes through the body and up regulates osteoclasts and osteoblasts, both of them.  You’re going to lose bone and gain bone. But the osteoblasts are going to win out. But what the end result is going to be is that it’s gone after the old bone, got more, with more damaged bone and laid down new bones. It does a remarkable job with that. Yes. You’ve got to follow up with other things. I mean, again, all these areas are huge conversations.

Dr. Weitz:                         For patients who might be listening or practitioners who are not aware of these as we go through our life, it’s not just a question of you gaining bone up to a certain age, and then after that you just lose bone. Bone is like your muscles, we’re constantly in a process of losing and gaining bone. It’s more of a question of the balance. At any one point in time, we have osteoclasts breaking down bone that’s been damaged from the course of life and strain and et cetera.  Then, we have osteoblasts that are building new bone. It’s really a question of that.

Dr. Simpson:                    Wait. That’s how our bone quality stays good.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    By getting rid of old bone laying down new bone. That was a mistake when they were giving the bisphosphonates like Fosamax and the other drugs that we [crosstalk 00:37:39]-

Dr. Weitz:                         Yes. So, bisphosphonates is the most common category of prescription pharmaceutical drugs for improving bone density. As you mentioned, Fosamax and Actonel and there’s a whole series of these drugs and maybe you can explain what they do and what the problem is with these drugs.

Dr. Simpson:                    What we discovered was back in the ’90s, they were giving it out like candy. They were giving it as a prevention. I have a really good video with Dr. Jennifer Schneider who’s an internist and here’s her story. She was on a subway in New York, she’d been taking Fosamax for a long time. She’s having some thigh pain. She was on it for maybe five years and how when you stop on either a BART train or like in a subway, you kind of [inaudible 00:38:39] but her femur snapped in half.

Dr. Weitz:                            Wow.

Dr. Simpson:                    Now, after many of those started showing up they started getting a clue. But I’ll tell you something, doc. I predicted this back in the ’90s and I don’t think it’s because I’m that smart. It’s because I know that what they do is go after the osteoclasts and the osteoclasts are there for a purpose, to get rid of old bone. So, if you are too successful at suppressing those, you do it for too long and you’re not following bone markers… I’m going back to bone markers again. You overly suppress that bone. You’re not following bone markers because you don’t know what the hell you’re doing and what’s going to happen for a small percentage of people, but it still happens, they’re going to have more fragile bones.       Why is it though and I’ll say this too, I’ve seen people who’ve been on it for 15 years, never had a fracture who come to me and I might freaked out. I’ll get them off. Help them get off of it. But-

Dr. Weitz:                            Because the current protocol is you should only be on a bisphosphonate for five years, is that correct?

Dr. Simpson:                    No. Well, that’s not my protocol. The current protocol should be with any medication what the bone markers tell you. You follow people with bone markers. The same thing even when you’re doing Forteo or Prolia, which I’m not a fan of. I’m just saying. Prolia injections, it does the same in a different way. But it goes after osteoclasts primarily.  The recommendation by the companies do it every six months. Well, that’s lazy. No. Do the bone markers. Give the injection when the bone markers and maybe it’s nine months it starts, the turnover starts. But I’m not a huge fan of that. But also I might say too that and bisphosphonates and even Prolia. The first year, you’re going to have a kick in osteoblasts, and then you’re not going to have that. But there is a kick that does happen kind of through the backdoor in a way.  I did want to mention that because a lot of people are unaware of that. Fosamax, I’ve learned that there are appropriate times for it. If you’re watching bone markers and you’re careful if that patient, it just depends. Maybe they can’t take Forteo or Tymlos because they’ve had breast cancer. Again, you’ve got a lot of things to think about.

Dr. Weitz:                        Your favorite drugs for patients with osteoporosis after you’ve done your nutritional protocol is Forteo and-

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, if it’s clinically appropriate. That my favorite drug is the one that is needed for that patient. It could be a bisphosphonate, even Reclast which is the yearly infusion. But there’s a way to get to that point. I would never like to see anyone just start on Reclast. I just had a patient the other day, negative 2.5. They’ve recommended the heavy-hitter without doing any bone markers or anything. I’m like, “This is ridiculous.”   There’s a place for it. Again, it’s a longer conversation. But there’s a whole chapter of that in my book too, about medications that you can get a pretty good, a few of.

Dr. Weitz:                        But, in general, it sounds like you would prefer not to use a bisphosphonate unless that was absolutely necessary.

Dr. Simpson:                    In my perfect world if somebody, it’s not contraindicated to do an anabolic. I would prefer doing anabolic first because, let’s say you do it the other way around. Someone’s on Fosamax. Then, they got put on Forteo, it’s not going to have as big of an effect. Yeah. In my perfect world I’d want to build up the bone, help that bone stay there. You’re going to have to give them Fosamax or something or even hormones, by the way, bioidentical hormones for about a year.

                                                Watch the bone markers. Make sure they stay stable. Then, you have to just watch bone markers over time. You may have somebody because you have these patients where you can’t correct a digestive problem. They have malabsorption really or they have horrible anxiety that just that you do your best, right? We have those patients.

Dr. Weitz:                        Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    Those folks may need more medication because they’re just unable whatever reason, physically or otherwise to handle what’s causing the bone loss. The stress and anxiety is a huge, huge impact on bone.

Dr. Weitz:                            We’re on lab testing and one of the things a lot of people would like to know is do I have enough calcium? Then, sometimes the patients will say, “Well, I had my serum calcium done and it says that’s normal. So, I don’t need calcium.”

Dr. Simpson:                    Oh, boy. Can we do another hour on this? No. Okay. In my new book I tackled this a lot more because I don’t think anyone should be taking vitamin D over 2000 and they even would question that honestly without taking the calcium level too. That’s because primary hyperparathyroidism, maybe I could argue well before early and 30 is fine. Because it comes on more as people are aging, parathyroid issue. But some people are, and the other big reason and I can tell you, I’ve had a lot of these people.  When they take vitamin D and they’re over 50 ng/ml. Okay. The blood measurement nanograms per milliliter or in animals, it’s too tight. I’m not going to give the how to do the equation.

Dr. Weitz:                        Yeah. We’ll stick with the nanograms per milliliter.

Dr. Simpson:                    Nanograms per milliliter. Their blood calcium level will go up. You don’t want that blood calcium to be on the high end of normal. I don’t like high circulating calcium. I like to see it around 9.5 or 9.3, 9.5 is my sweet spot. I don’t want to see these people running around with 10. I interviewed one of the top bone, excuse me, repair thyroid surgeons in the country. We compared notes. If you’ve got someone let’s say a high end to normal calcium. That is never good. Never good.   You cannot give people more vitamin D if they have that. You have to see, is it vitamin D causing it or is it primary hyperparathyroidism? Because she says anyone over 60 with high-end and normal calcium 10 is highly suspect of having an adenoma. They’re not cancerous but they are small tumors or enlargements of this very tiny parathyroid gland, which there’s four of them in the neck. So can be either that or can be high serum calcium in addition to that.  By the way, I also order ionized calcium. That’s a basic order for me. So, ionized calcium because it’s that free and available calcium. It’s just a little different.

Dr. Weitz:                         Yeah. I’m familiar with that ionized calcium. But I noted in your book, you also talked about possibly a 24-hour calcium-

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. The 24-hour urine.

Dr. Weitz:                         24-hour urine calcium.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. That’s an interesting one too. Sometimes I will order three of them. I also interviewed one of the top nephrologists in the country about this and sometimes I have to order three of those to get what’s really going on. I might order the first 24-hour urine not change anything. Don’t tell them to go off calcium supplement is nothing. See what it is. Comes back 500 or 600. Whoa. Yeah. There’s a problem or they’re taking way too much calcium.   Then, you want to do the next one where you have them not calcium for, calcium supplements or high calcium foods to make sure it’s not a kidney problem.

Dr. Weitz:                         Now, what you were just saying about vitamin D I didn’t quite get. You’re saying you think it’s dangerous to take too high a level of vitamin D for what reason?

Dr. Simpson:                    I’ve completely changed my viewpoint about vitamin D and how to correct a deficiency, number one. But it’s a hormone as you know. It’s in the androgen family. It’s a [inaudible 00:47:24] hormone. It’s a powerful hormone. Let’s say somebody’s been deficient for 30 years, which is likely in North America.   Now, all of a sudden you’re giving him 10,000 a day. A lot of alternative doctors do. What’s the freaking hurry? What’s going to happen when that six week hits to two months and it becomes active? Oh my goodness. It’s just like, “Let’s have that flood of calcium come in.” Well, if you haven’t corrected the inflammatory issues in the diet and everything else that patient can end up in trouble as far as I’m concerned.  I go more slowly with people. If they’re deficient I give him 2000. So 1000 should increase the blood level 10 nanograms per milliliter. Again, this is just me and a lot of people still feel very differently about it.

Dr. Weitz:                            I have to say I get a lot of patients and they’ve gone to their MD and had their vitamin D levels measured and they were 20 or 25 and they took 1000 and they went up to 26, really did nothing, maybe they took 2000. I find until we get them up to 5000 or 10,000, we don’t really see those vitamin D levels go up to the [crosstalk 00:48:42]-

Dr. Simpson:                    No. That’s not true.

Dr. Weitz:                            … range.

Dr. Simpson:                    That’s not true. Here’s the problem. They have to take it with fat.

Dr. Weitz:                            Right. I understand.

Dr. Simpson:                    Then, they have to have no problems with digestion. I’ve done this for so long that I’m utterly convinced that either they’re not getting a fat meal with it or the vitamin itself is incorrect. By the way, this vitamin D, the measurement in that, what’s in the bottle is commonly incorrect.

Dr. Weitz:                        Really?

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. I can’t remember the doctor’s name right now. I’ll remember it after we get done. But one of the most notable cases, you’d know him if I could remember his name. Instead of 2000 I used, there was 2 million.

Dr. Weitz:                        Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    You know I’m talking about?

Dr. Weitz:                         Yeah.

Dr. Simpson:                    But-

Dr. Weitz:                         Gary-

Dr. Simpson:                    N. Starts with an N.

Dr. Weitz:                         Yeah.

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. You know what? But the point is that’s how it can be wrong. So, there are many things I think about with vitamin D. But if you give somebody 5000, that would get them to 50 because if they’re 20, it should get them to 70. So, unless there’s something wrong with the supplement or their digestion or fat, it should raise it.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay. 2000 vitamin D, what about taking calcium? Does calcium cause cardiovascular disease? How much calcium do they need?

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. I wrote an article on that. It’s in Huffington Post and that came out years ago when my position’s still the same. Here’s what the doctors are saying to patients [inaudible 00:50:17]. “Get all your calcium from your food. Get all your calcium from your food.” “Well, I don’t eat dairy. Am I getting all my calcium from my food? Do I really want to drink green smoothies that are full of oxalates?” We can go way into a lot of different content here. But I take calcium citrate. I do it in powder form and when I do, when you do take calcium, you only do it in small amounts.  When they look back at those meta-analysis, Dr. Weitz, they’re looking at high dosing of calcium carbonate, which is the wrong one, we both know it.

Dr. Weitz:                         Yeah.

Dr. Simpson:                    They were giving it to them all at once. They never tell… So, could that be the reason that it showed that some people and they didn’t remove inflammatory diets. It’s not a functional medicine approach shall we say to be nice about it.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right. What’s a moderate dosage of calcium? 200, 500-

Dr. Simpson:                    No. It’s individual. In my case, I do… Because I do non-dairy. I eat a small amount of food. I don’t really don’t take in a lot. I’m a small person. A lot of the people come to me that way so it depends on the person. But what you want to think of and how I get my patients to think because I teach them is that you want to get about 12,000 a day of calcium.   Now, if they have Crohn’s disease, if they’ve got something else, we might have to up it. Again, you got to look at all the different factors for each person. But around 1200 from all sources is good. If you are taking it, I try to keep it at around 200.

Dr. Weitz:                            [crosstalk 00:51:57]

Dr. Simpson:                    At a time. I take 600 so I’m taking it… I get a calcium citrate, put it in water and I drink it.

Dr. Weitz:                         Do you add magnesium at the same time?

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, that [inaudible 00:52:08].

Dr. Weitz:                         Two to one or what?

Dr. Simpson:                    I’m going to turn the tables on you. I’m going to turn the tables on you. Okay. There’s always that question, should you take… Do the two cancel each other out if you take it together? In other words, calcium and magnesium or do you take it separately?

Dr. Weitz:                        They help each other, don’t they?

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, depending on who you’re talking to and I’m in kind of in agreement with you. But I see it written a lot both ways and I’ve talked to a lot of chemists about this. They said, “No. Really. I mean to some extent it does.” But if you also look in nature other than dairy, you look at nettles, you look at oat straw, you look at a lot of different herbs that have a lot of calcium. They always have magnesium also.  One of the biggest problems and I know you know this because we become gods to some patients. Patients who have suffered so much constipation because they have no magnesium and they are just blown away than in a week, we can cure that, and more water. I mean a lot of people it’s that simple, right?

Dr. Weitz:                            Yeah. Vitamin K.

Dr. Simpson:                    Okay. So, and K2.

Dr. Weitz:                            Can we measure vitamin K? By the way, should that be part of your lab panel?

Dr. Simpson:                    That test doesn’t really work. I interviewed also the woman who wrote the book. I know Kate something. I can’t remember. The vitamin K book she wrote that. Yeah. So that test doesn’t turn out to be that great. But osteocalcin is a bit of a marker because vitamin K increases osteocalcin activity. Honestly, I don’t worry about any of that. I just want people to take it.  Why do I want them to take it? Because vitamin K has been shown in multiple studies at this point, not enormous studies but there’s enough I’m convinced that, and vitamin K2, MK7, MK4, I’ll talk about the two. Basically, and this is just people in the audience but basically helps bone take up calcium. This could be the missing link when you’re talking about people gobbling, taking high doses of vitamin D, they’re increasing calcium absorption by 50%, and on top of it they’re taking calcium. But they’re also not taking vitamin K.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    Eating, again, inflammatory foods. Is that a set up for heart and artery problems?

Dr. Weitz:                         Right. Because one of the things that vitamin K does is reduces the potential for arterial calcification.

Dr. Simpson:                    Right. By the method I just said-

Dr. Weitz:                         Right. About regulating osteocalcin. Yes.

Dr. Simpson:                    The interesting thing about osteocalcin is the discovery that osteocalcin, that that was occurring in bone makes bone actually part of the endocrine system. It’s a gland. It’s a rigid gland. When you think of it that way, I mean I have such a respect for bone. It does so much and most people just think it’s just kind of sitting there. But it’s so active. I mean it’s really amazing. But then we have MK7 and MK4.

Dr. Weitz:                         Most of the supplements have MK7, but apparently most of the studies were done with MK4, right?

Dr. Simpson:                    That’s right. MK4, you’d be doing, by the study, about 670 milligrams of MK4 three times a day because it doesn’t stay in the system long enough. So, MK7 came about and got promoted a lot through the Canadian writer. She wrote the book, I just wish I could remember her name because I want to promote her book. Vitamin K, MK7 came along, it has a longer tail on it and it lasts longer in the system.  Now, that’s in micrograms. So, when you ever see MK4 in micrograms, it’s not doing much. I mean it’s like not much. But MK7, minimum 100 milligrams a day or up to 180 for some people. But here’s the interesting thing. For some people it can cause insomnia. I have heard it enough and I just had a case last week where the patient was like, “I just can’t sleep. My skin is crawling. I cannot sleep at night.”  We went back and forth with the MK7. It was definitely MK7. I’ve heard it enough. I’ve not seen studies show this and Kate said this too. The woman who wrote the book. She says, “I’ve seen it enough too that I think in some people that’s happening. So, if you’re taking MK7, do it early in the morning.” I’ll tell you something, in the near future I’m doing a whole webinar on the MK case myself. I’m leaning more towards MK4, again, as a treatment.

Dr. Weitz:                        On the other hand, MK7 has a lot of cardiovascular benefits.

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, they both do.

Dr. Weitz:                         But I think MK7 has more data on the cardiovascular.

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, MK4… No. They’re doing the same thing by the osteocalcin.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    It’s the same route. But MK4, and MK4 by the way, we actually produce it and interestingly enough in our large intestine too.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right. Gut bacteria.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. It’s kind of interesting. Not much. I mean it doesn’t do that much but MK4 as you point out has been the most studied and my view might change on it in the near future. I have to kind of go back every now and then, as you know new stuff comes out. I got to go back and look at everything. Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                         So, let’s say you have somebody and you have them on a nutritional protocol and just to finish up the supplement and I know once, again, everyone these topics we could talk another hour-

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah, and I got to stop in about five minutes so…

Dr. Weitz:                         Oh, okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                         If there were one or two other supplements besides taking vitamin D, vitamin K2, calcium and magnesium, what would those be?

Dr. Simpson:                    Sometimes a protein supplement depending on the person. I’ll tell you something. I see quite commonly in my demographic of small women. Now, I get those are the prime. The osteoporotic patients I get are typically not diabetic. I get the small women who read, who are really in… Not that the diabetic people don’t read. I’m just saying I get a certain demographic.   Small people don’t eat as much. They just don’t. So, sometimes they need a protein something. Okay? Boron, 3 to 6 milligrams a day. I want to have a full range of the B vitamins. I mean I think you should do. You and I are both going to go over diet, try to get as much as we can, people to look at diet and to get as much as they can from diet, and then we supplement from there.   I mean there’s so many things you have to discover about bone. But, for instance, B12 is another one. B12 is important for them. B12, we now also know that if it’s too high is not good for bone. I keep learning that one too. So, I’d like I like to see B12 kind of in the upper three-fourths of the range, not high anymore.

Dr. Weitz:                         I have to say when we do serum B12 and B6, I’m seeing a lot of people high.

Dr. Simpson:                    Me too. B6, by the way, I’m glad you mention that. Because we now know that B6, you’ve got to go off of all B6 for about three or four days before you get tested for thyroid as well as that CTX.

Dr. Weitz:                         Got to go off of B6 before you take thyroid testing?

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah, and also CTX. Now, the thyroid we thought about, that was true for a long time but Quest just came out with this in terms of the CTX test it’s influencing that. I tend to take people off of supplements unless it’s really important for them to be off of it for a couple days at least anyway because I just don’t want anything to influence the test if possible.

Dr. Weitz:                         Oh interesting. Before lab testing.

Dr. Simpson:                    Make sure that they drink water the day of the test because people think fasting, they’re not drinking. You have to drink water or the tests can be off.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah.

Dr. Weitz:                         I don’t know what to touch on next because I know we got a minute or two. Strontium, fluoride, those are two substances that-

Dr. Simpson:                    I’m not a fan of strontium.

Dr. Weitz:                         Not a fan of strontium. Okay.

Dr. Simpson:                    I’m not and for a couple… Well, for a lot of reasons. But one is this that it gives false readings with bone density, much higher false readings than we thought. You can’t really trust bone densities once somebody starting strontium. The question is how good is the fracture reduction? Because that’s really what you were always looking at.   There’s other issues in terms of heart potential and some other things with strontium. I just don’t see the need when I feel I’ve got much more data on the other medications when needed. I mean somebody’s borderline, I don’t see the need for anything. I see the need for nutrition and a lot of other things. Yeah. I just wouldn’t use it.

Dr. Weitz:                            [crosstalk 01:01:56]

Dr. Simpson:                    [inaudible 01:01:56] that’s what’s typically-

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay. What do you think about fluoride?

Dr. Simpson:                    Yeah. Don’t take fluoride.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay. I’m not a great fan either.

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, fluoride, natural-occurring fluoride. Fluoride helps bone. I mean to some extent, a tiny amount would get in foods and all of that helps bone.

Dr. Weitz:                         It just replaces the calcium, right?

Dr. Simpson:                    Well, so does strontium by the way. That’s what it does.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    Replaces calcium. So, you better think that’s a good idea and that’s how what I always say. You better think that fluoride or strontium is better than calcium in the bone. I just can’t go there with it.

Dr. Weitz:                         Right.

Dr. Simpson:                    No. I’m not a fan.

Dr. Weitz:                         Okay. I guess that’ll be a wrap. Any final words and best where get in contact with you to [crosstalk 01:02:49] about you and your programs?

Dr. Simpson:                    I do have a master class. People can join that. I do webinars that are strong teaching thing. I have slides and the whole thing. I’ll be doing a mentoring program in the fall. I hope that people go. They’re going to get a discount because you’re going to send them that in terms of my books. I also have videos over there like on fractures, individual things that are I think very high quality teaching tools.

Dr. Weitz:                        What’s the website?

Dr. Simpson:                    Lani, L-A-N-I, Simpson, S-I-M-P-S-O-N.com.

Dr. Weitz:                        There you go. Thank you, Lani.