1. Chiropractic Journals
    1.  Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT)
    2.  Journal of Chiropractic Humanities
    3.  Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (formerly Chiropractic Technique)
    4.  Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Org.
    5.  Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics



  2. Chiropractic Web Sites
    1.  The Chiropractic Resource Organization
    2.  American Chiropractic Assoc. Press (books and monographs for chiropractors)
    3.  Chiro Web–Dynamic Chiropractic’ site
    4.  The Chiropractic Page by John Wiens, D.C.
    5.  International Chiropractic Pediatrics Organization
    6.  Mantis (formerly Chirolars):Index to peer reviewed journals from the chiropractic, osteopathic, and homeopathic literature.


  3. Sports Medicine Sites and Journals
    1.  American Journal of Sports Medicine
    2.  British Journal of Sports Medicine
    3.  Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine
    4.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (Official Journal of ACSM).
    5.  The Physician and Sports Medicine
    6.  International Journal of Sports Medicine


  4. Rehab and physical therapy
    1.  Physical Therapy in Sport
    2.  Manual Therapy
    3.  McKenzie method of diagnosis & treatment of spinal problems.
    4.  Manual Therapy Journal 
    5.  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
    6.  Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy


  5. Nutrition      
    1.  Food and Nutrition Information Center
    2.  National Institute of Health–Office of Dietary Supplements.
      Includes the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS).
      This is a   database of research on dietary supplements from scientific journals that is compiled by both the NIH and the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA).
    3.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
    4.  Clinical Nutrition
    5.  International Journal of Sport Nutrition
    6.  The Best Reference on Glycemic Index (Mendosa.com)
    7.  The Second Best Reference on Glycemic Index (Jenny Brand-Miller’s site,  glycemicindex.com)
    8.  Linus Pauling Institute 
    9.  Metagenics
    10.  Center for Science in the Public Interest– publisher of Nutrition Action Newsletter
    11.  The Herb Research Foundation


  6. Health and Fitness

    1.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
    2.  Sports Science News
    3.  Sport Quest: (Information about sports, including the Sport Discus database–index for articles in the  sports science literature.)
    4.  Paul Chek –innovative strength and rehab training/seminars.
    5.  Bill Pearl–Bodybuilding and Fitness
    6.  Santa Monica Personal Training–Jason Kozma
    7.  Cyberpump!–home page for High Intensity Training
    8.  Ironman Magazine
    9.  The American Running Association


  7. Medical sites and journals   
    1.  MEDLINE searching (National Library of Medicine)
    2.  JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)
    3.  Annals of Internal Medicine
    4.  Archives of Internal Medicine
    5.  New England Journal of Medicine
    6.  The Lancet
    7.  Spine
    8.  Science
    9.  Scientific American
    10.  Nature
    11.  The Merck Manual Online
    12.  Science News Online
    13.  Journal of Biomechanics
    14.  Medscape
    15.  Literature and Medicine. This journal showcases the creative and critical work of renowned physician-writers, leading literary
      scholars, and medical humanists.


  8. Online Drug Information (Dosage, Clinical usage, Side effects, etc.)
    More Detailed Prescription Drug Information
  9. Miscellaneous sites of interest
    1. Statsoft: Downloadable Electronic Statistics Textbook
    2. The mind-body connection
    3. Baloney Detection by Michael Shermer
    4. Carl Sagan’s Baloney Detection Kit
    5. Critical Thinking: reflectively questioning common beliefs and explanations in an attempt to filter out those beliefs that lack adequate evidence or rational foundation.
    6. Evidence Based Medicine:  “Evidence-based medicine is the
      conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.”  (Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC , Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS. Evidence-Based Medicine: What it is and what it isn’t. BMJ 1996; 312: 71-2)