Entries by drweitz

Pain Relievers Are Not The Answer

A recent Los Angeles Times article (3-29-2013) reports the rising rate of death from prescription drugs in the United States, specifically from overdose due to pain relievers like Oxycontin and Vicodin.  Deaths due to overdose of these drugs rose 3% in 2010 and preliminary data from 2011 show that this trend is increasing.  While such […]

Chiropractic Care For Sciatica

What is Sciatica? This refers to inflammation of  the sciatic nerve and it can cause significant pain in the lower back and down your leg. The nerve starts in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the leg to the foot. It provides nerve impulses for all the skin of the leg, as […]

March 2013

Quality Excellent I always thought it was strange when people told me that they feel tired after waking up – until it happened to me!  Gradually it got so bad that laying down did not offer relief, not one of my pillows felt “right” due to the pain on my neck and left shoulder-and I […]

March 2013

Dr. Weitz is my chiropractor.   He is very knowledgeable.  He is a former body builder.  He is smart, funny, and is very good at what he does.   He is very strong but he is not rough; he is gentle.  He is able to treat me properly.  He does adjustments and massages to loosen me […]

Organic is Best

You may have heard that organic is not worth the extra cost because the nutrient content is not much different and organic is not 100% organic anyway.  It’s just a scam, so just buy your vegetables and fruit from Costco or Wallmart in bulk for less money.  I will explain why it really is worth […]

What About the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo diet (aka, the Caveman diet or the Stone Age diet) is very popular these days, esp. among the nutritionist/nutritional doctor community and there are lots of articles and books out promoting this way of eating as the healthiest.(1,2,3)  We are told by supporters of the Paleo diet that we would do best if we ate […]

Nutrition Benefits Cancer Patients

A recent study(1) has found that cancer patients who received individualized nutritional counseling while undergoing conventional treatments had a higher quality of life, less radiotherapy toxicity, and a better long term prognosis.  Patients with colorectal cancer were assigned to three groups and then followed for an average of 6.5 years.  Group 1 received individualized nutritional counseling without […]

To Cheese or Not to Cheese, That is the Question

To cheese, or not to cheese, that is the question: Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of saturated fats, Or to take Arms against a Sea of carbohydrate troubles, There has been a recent trend in the nutrition world towards recommending eating cheese as part of a healthy diet. […]

Strength Training Recommendations for Older Individuals

  Strength training has many benefits for older aged individuals and it is often recommended by experts in the field, including the American College of Sports Medicine.(1,2) Weight training can help the elderly to improve their health, delay the aging process, and increase their functional capacity. We will discuss in detail the benefits, the precautions […]

Boost Your Brown Fat

Brown fat is fat that is metabolically active and helps your body burn more calories.  It is typically found along the neck and upper back region.  We used to think that it only existed in infants, but we have learned recently that it is also found in adults.  This is in contrast to the typical […]