Functional Medicine meeting Announcement 11-17-2015
I hope that you can attend our next Functional Medicine Discussion Group meeting on Tuesday November 17 at 6:30 on the Prevention and Reversal of Alzheimer’s Disease, and other Neurological Problems. Metagenics will again be sponsoring some food.
Degenerative brain diseases, like Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), are on the rise today, especially in women. What do we know about these and what can we do about them? One thing we know is that diabetics have a much higher rate of AD, and in fact some experts refer to AD as Type III diabetes. The literature shows a connection between sugar intake and insulin resistance and AD. Muscle cell insulin resistance leads to brain cell insulin resistance and this leads to the inability to get the sugar into the brain cells (neurons) and eventually neuronal death.
But insulin resistance is certainly not the only factor in degenerative brain conditions. Dr. Dale Bredesen from UCLA lays out a series of possible underlying factors, including vitamin D levels, B vitamins, zinc/copper ratio, antioxidants, DHA, hormones, inflammation, heavy metal toxicities, exercise, sleep, and stress in the attached paper. Please also listen to the mp3 of him being interviewed by Dr. Bland on the February 2015 Functional Medicine Update.
I have also attached a recent paper on how Taurine leads to regeneration of brain cells in rats. Other good sources to read if you have time (ha, ha!) are Dr. Perlmutter’s Grain Brain, Brain Maker, Chapter 14 of Dr. Perlmutter’s The Better Brain Book, and Why Isn’t My Brain Working by Datis Kharrazian. In Grain Brain, Dr. Perlmutter talks about the relationship between gluten and casein proteins and increased intestinal permeability and AD. Leaky gut can lead to leaky brain. You might want to look at this Mercola article about Perlmutter’s writings, including a short interview with Dr. Perlmutter:
***I hate to keep changing the dates, but I have decided to move our December meeting to Thursday Dec 10 in order to accomodate Dr. Lise Alschuler, who has agreed to join us from Arizona by Skype. The topic will be antioxidants and cancer and Dr. Alschuler is one of the top cancer experts in the country and the author of The Definitive Guide to Cancer. I have not used Skype before, but I’m curious to see how it will work.
***I asked Jeffrey Bland’s company to give our group members a discount if we wanted to subscribe to Dr. Bland’s monthly audiotape series, Functional Medicine Update and Linda Blodgett said that we could have free access till the end of the year! Linda said “Please have anyone who is interested send me an email with their mailing address and email address that they will want to use for logging into their online account that I will establish for them. I will email them the information they will need to access their new FMU account.” Send the email to: