
Detoxification and Healing with Dr. Isaac Eliaz: Rational Wellness Podcast 179

Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Detoxification and Healing with Dr. Isaac Eliaz: Rational Wellness Podcast 179

Dr. Isaac Eliaz speaks about Detoxification and Healing with Dr. Ben Weitz as part of the Functional Medicine Discussion Group.

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Podcast Highlights

8:44  Detoxification is a process that involves a preparatory phase, an exposure phase, a binding phase, a discharge and elimination phase and support and balance, all of which happen together.

9:06  The preparatory phase is helpful when you are going to do a targeted detox, which is often done in the change of seasons, such as in the spring and the fall.  It can also be done before or after certain disease treatments, such as after chemo or radiation in cancer patients.  With respect to diet, it’s a good idea to start preparing for the detox by shifting to an anti-inflammatory detox diet by eliminating allergenic foods and reducing exposure to toxins in food. It’s also a good idea for people to ask themselves what do we want to detoxify, to get rid of on both a physical level and on an emotional/psychological/spiritual level?  Detox in the spring is designed to allow us to be more active, to be stronger and it is more liver related and more muscle related. It’s preparing the body for greater challenges. Detox in the fall we are preparing for the winter, which is the more dormant stage. It relates more to letting go of the past and asking for forgiveness.

13:31  We should address the issue of biofilms because biofilms in the gut will bind and sequester toxins and metals, will protect bacteria and viruses, interfere with elimination, nutrient absorption, promote and protect coinfections and thrive in an inflammatory environment.  And biofilm and inflammation are mediated and rely on sticky cell surface protein Galectin-3. Galectin-3 is the building block of the biofilm.  We can break the Galectin-3 structure of the biofilm using PectaSol-C, modified citrus pectin, which is a nutritional supplement developed by Dr. Eliaz.  PectaSol is also a powerful binder to heavy metals and a prebiotic, so it helps to promote a healthy microbiome.  There is also a sort of biofilm in the body, which is atherosclerotic plaque.  There is a well known connection between gum disease and heart disease and this is related to the biofilm in the gums, which are Galectin-3 driven.  Galectin-3 promotes both gum disease and heart disease.  Dr. Eliaz explained that his patients with Lyme Disease will feel relief immediately when using modified citrus pectin. For optimal detoxification you all need B vitamins and cofactors and botanicals can help with elimination in the gut, bladder, lungs, skin, etc.  Dr. Eliaz has developed a product, Detox Complete, that includes these ingredients.

20:09  When we look at the detox process we see the rhythm between preparation, exposure, binding, discharge and elimination, and support and balance.  Support and balance requires a healthy microbiome, so taking a prebiotic and a probiotic may be helpful.  Some chemo drugs, like Adriamycin, will not work if there is a disrupted microbiome. When the microbiome moves from survival to harmony, it is a good thing, and a microbiome in harmony serves us well.  





Dr. Isaac Eliaz is an MD and acupuncturist and he has been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine since the early 1980’s, with a specific focus on cancer, immune health, detoxification, and mind-body medicine. He is the founder and Medical Director of Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center in Santa Rosa, CA.  He is the developer of PectaSol-C, the only researched form of Modified Citrus Pectin and other nutritional supplements which are available through EcoNugenics and his professional line, Clinical Synergy.     

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations, including remote consults via video or phone, specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com. Phone or video consulting with Dr. Weitz is available.



Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            Hey, this is Dr. Ben Weitz, host of the Rational Wellness podcast. I talk to the leading health and nutrition experts and researchers in the field to bring you the latest in cutting edge health information. Subscribe to the Rational Wellness podcast for weekly updates. And to learn more, check out my website, drweitz.com. Thanks for joining me. And let’s jump into the podcast.  Thank you, everybody for joining. I’m Dr. Ben Weitz in case you didn’t know. And this is the functional medicine discussion group meeting. And we’ve been meeting through Zoom since COVID started. I enjoy these zoom meetings. But it was a lot more fun meeting in person and personal relationships. And so I’m looking forward to the point when we can get back to that. So I hope you’ll consider joining some of our future meetings. In October 22nd, we’re going to get a tutorial on the GI-MAP stool test with Dr. Jeff Ingersoll of Diagnostic Solutions. November 19th, Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis will be joining us for some yet to be decided gut related topic. And we’re not going to have a meeting in December. And I haven’t worked out the schedule for 2021 yet, so I guess I better get to work.  I encourage everyone to participate tonight. And so type your questions into the chat box. And I’ll either call on you or ask Dr. Eliaz your question when it’s appropriate. And if you’re not aware, we also have a closed Facebook page, The Functional Medicine Discussion Group at Santa Monica that you should join so we can continue to conversation when this evening is over. I’m recording this event and I’ll post it on my YouTube page and I’ll include it in my weekly Rational Wellness podcast. And if you haven’t listened to the podcast, you should really check it out because we have excellent interviews with many of the top doctors in the functional medicine world.

And our topic for tonight is detoxification, transformation and healing with Dr. Isaac Eliaz. I want to thank very much, Clinical Synergy, ecoNugenics, which is the proper name for the company.

Dr. Eliaz:               For doctors, the doctor line is Clinical Synergy.

Dr. Weitz:            Okay. And so I want to thank them for sponsoring tonight’s event. So Isaac, can you tell us what the promo is for tonight? There’s a couple of specials for everybody.

Dr. Eliaz:               Yeah. I mean, so I think that companies, there’s going to be an email going out, there are two different codes because of some limitation of the website.  So one is the 15% discount on all Clinical Synergy products.  This is a professional line.  But then I asked them to make a special promo for our liquid probiotics because it’s really on a class of its own compared to any other probiotic.  And I’ve been importing it from Europe for years. It wasn’t available in this country. And then we reformulated, we added our POS, pectic oligosaccharides so I asked the company to buy six and get six free so you can really try it yourself. Give it to patients. It’s the kind of products that once you try, you don’t stop using. It’s an amazing, it’s really, I’ll share when I have some section, there are some products that are hard to explain until you try them. It’s like talking what is sugar until you taste sugar. It’s theoretical. It’s really at a class of its own. So I really, so I asked them to do a special code so people can get a great deal on it, you buy six and you get six free.

Dr. Weitz:            Great, everybody’s going to get an email. In fact, you may get one from Dr. Eliaz’ company and from me as well. And in case I wasn’t clear, if you have a question, type it into the chat box, and that way everybody can see it as well. So, Dr. Isaac Eliaz is a medical doctor and acupuncturist, and he’s been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine since the early 1980s with a specific focus on cancer, immune health, detoxification, and mind body medicine. He’s the founder and medical director of Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center in Santa Rosa, California. He’s a developer of PectaSol-C, the only research form of modified citrus pectin, and many other incredible nutritional supplements which are available through his company, Clinical Synergy. And perhaps most importantly, besides caring for his family, his patients and his business, Isaac cares for humanity and the planet. And he’s such an incredible human being that I’m honored to know him. And thank you for joining our meeting tonight.

Dr. Eliaz:               Thank you. I love the opportunity to come to your group.  I’d like it in person better, it’s true. We have some great evenings that are very crowded with people I already know.  But Zoom meanwhile is filling in, you know?

Dr. Weitz:            Yeah.  So now you’re going to share your screen and you’re going to do a presentation?

Dr. Eliaz:              Yes. So here we go. It’s okay. Can you guys see this?

Dr. Weitz:            Yep. Yep, we can see it.

Dr. Eliaz:              Okay, so good evening, everybody. And we are going, let me see if I can kind of clear the sharing button to the bottom. Good. Okay, so tonight, we’re going to talk about detoxification, transformation and healing and multi system holistic understanding and critical applications. So we’re going to cover a lot of ground today. And I’ll do my best not to get lost in too many details and a certain area that I will go through quickly, because you guys are experts in it, maybe more than me, and you’ve heard a lot about it. But I want to give you both a bigger understanding of what detoxification is and we usually learn and think about, but also give you today, try to be as practical as I can.  Okay, here we go. So what we’ll cover today is we’ll about a deeper understanding of detoxification, how to design a balanced and powerful detox program, detoxification, the relationship with the microbiome, which would be very relevant for next month’s lecture, intensive seasonal detoxification. I’ll talk a little bit about the difference between a full detox, which this is a perfect timing from a Chinese medicine point of view. Fall started three days ago, and compared to spring detoxification, and both in daily detox strategies, and how to avoid detox pitfalls in the healing crisis, which is really something that you really don’t have to see at all.  And again, we’ll talk about Galectin-3 and its role specifically today in detoxification and in the microbiome and gut health.  And detox challenges as the use of therapeutic apheresis, it’s a lot of my life’s work.  It’s a part, I’m part of the establishment of having NIH grants, publishing with institutes like Harvard, with the leading conventional doctors.  So part of my background is that in one level, really I’m kind of out of the bell curve when it comes to my esoteric and holistic understanding kind of growing with this approach, since I was a teenager from being in Korea and meditating and doing yoga, and spending years and years of two months in retreat and learning from great masters in Tibet and treating them and being a creative person and the same time, being a solid researcher that publishes regularly, and works with always dozens of leading research institutes in over 60 different patents and NIH grants, and really collaborating with the people at the top of conventional medicine, with the people in the real top interesting, they’re very creative, the ones that are really there that have gotten there, they’re often very creative, I learned a lot from them.

                                So when we look at a detoxification, we want to really see it as the process. And the process is the preparatory phase, an exposure phase, a binding phase, a discharge and elimination and support and balance and they of course happen together, except for the first stage, the preparatory phase. And this is more when we do a targeted detox, which is very often done in the changing season, the spring and the fall and done before certain disease treatments, let’s say for cancer after, for example, what do you do after chemotherapy?  What do you do after radiation?  But we won’t talk. My main focus in my medical practice is cancer, but we won’t talk about it in the context of cancer.  Today is more about the gut, because also the large intestine, it relates to the lungs, to the fall season, so it’s a good season to talk about the lungs. So when we look in the preparatory phase, we really want to have the body mind scope, we really want to go all over. So for my diet, it’s a good idea to start preparing for the detox so if you’re about to do a detox yourself or recommend to your patients to do it, it’s going to take a few days a week or two, and start shifting to anti-inflammatory detox diet, eliminating allergenic foods and reducing exposure to toxins in food, in products, in environment and the idea is one, we are reducing the toxic load in advance. And we are freeing our detoxification enzymes, our detoxification systems, so they can actually help us in the detox process. The GI support is very important because the large intestine, the intestine in general, large intestine specifically, are really our main elimination organs.  And we really need our microbiome, we really need our intestinal barrier and elimination to be ready, so when we excrete into the gut, there is no reabsorption. It’s a very important stage that we really want to emphasize. Let me just move the picture of everybody to the bottom, that would be good.  And very important, many people detoxify.  But not too many people ask themselves, what do we want to detoxify?  What do we want to get rid of?  So when somebody prepares for a detox, I would ask them, “What would you like to get rid of, on a physical level, on an emotional level, on a psychological level, on a psycho spiritual level?”

                                And in this sense, the fall and the spring are very different. This spring, we’re coming out of the winter, out of less movement, and we are preparing for longer days, more activity during the summer.  So detox in the spring is designed to allow us to be more active, to be stronger, and more liver related, muscle related. It’s preparing the body for greater challenges.  The fall season prepares more for the dormant stage.  It’s interesting to know now we are between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and Jewish New Year is a time when we kind of, it’s a season where we weigh what we did good, our deeds, our positive, the negative deeds and we balance it.  That’s very much the fall season, the mental season, the judgment season, and we look at it and we ask for forgiveness, we let go. So detox is also a process of forgiveness, of letting go, of discharging.  So especially in the context of the fall, it relates more to the past, to letting go.  We’re moving into the darkness, we’re moving into the end of life, from a seasonal point of view, from the annual cycle point of view, and this year especially is a year when we ask, “Oh my gosh, what a year.  What do you want to really let go of?  So this is the detox part.  And towards the end, when I summarize, I’ll talk a little bit about the transformation and healing. That’s another power that is not often the event recognizing detoxification. Also the part that I will not be able to cover here, which are how every organ responds to the detox cycle. I talked a little bit about it in my book that I’m finally going to come up out with, which is going to be called The Survival Paradox. It really explains this.

                                That’s not good. Okay, for the moment, let me make sure there’s only one slide here, okay. All right. So, after we prepared, we want to expose the toxin intersections. And here today in the context of the colon, we really want to address biofilms because it’s a key strategy in day to day addressing chronic infection and in detoxification, because biofilms will bind and sequester toxins and metals, interfere with elimination, nutrient absorption, promote and protect coinfections and thrive in an inflammatory environment. And biofilm and inflammation are mediated and rely on sticky cell surface protein Galectin-3.  Galectin-3 is the building block of the biofilm.  It’s like the structures, it’s like the skeleton of the biofilm.  So it’s important to really understand the importance of biofilm and the role of Galectin-3 in this specific context.

                                So when you look at binding, there is a great advantage to using PectaSol, modified citrus pectin, and the reason is because modified citrus pectin not only breaks the Galectin-3 driven structure of the biofilm but it’s also powerful binder to heavy metals and a powerful prebiotic, and specifically if you want to address more issues like toxins within the gut, not only systemically, then you can combine it with alginates, which have a different profile of binding, which I will get to soon. I just want to mention this so that I often talk for an hour and a half and I forget to be practical. So today I made a point of being practical.  So once we have the preparation, once we have the exposure, now we are ready for the discharge and elimination. And I’m not going to talk a lot about this, because you guys are experts in it and this is such a popular topic with different SNPs and different changes in the liver. But in general, if there’s an imbalance where phase one is overactive than phase two, which is common, we get stuck with a lot of toxic material in the circulation.

Dr. Weitz:            By the way, Isaac, when we have toxins, how often are biofilms involved? Are they involved a lot of the time?

Dr. Eliaz:               In general, from a gut point of view, they’re involved all the time. And the biofilm, we really look at the biofilm as a concept inside the gut. But in the body, the “biofilm” will be atherosclerotic plaque. When you look at people with heart disease, the connection between gum disease and the heart relates to the biofilm in the gums, which are Galectin-3 driven, so you see studies that Galectin-3 promote gum disease and heart disease. So yeah, so this biofilm structure are available in inside us, it’s where different viruses can hide, et cetera, et cetera. So we need to think about it. But I will get into a whole section on biofilm. So we’ll get to it, because we have to look at biofilm as a microenvironment. And what Galectin-3 does, by creating pentamers, it creates microenvironments or what we call in Chinese medicine, book structure, isolated book structures, areas we no longer have control. It’s also a place for us to box and isolate things that are hard for us, toxins, heavy metals, that we don’t want to deal with for a good reason and toxic emotion, toxic traumas.

                                But Galectin-3 for example, gives you an opportunity to open it up and clean it up. So when we look at this, so in many levels, phase one activates a lot of this toxin from a liver point of view, and phase two, gets it ready for elimination, for excretion, of water soluble waste. So really, we really have to understand the concept of discharge and elimination. It’s a key, key, key concept bigger than just phase two. Phase one and phase two is just an expression of it. What do I mean? If we look at discharge and eliminations, discharge is making something that is toxic evident to the body, for example, heavy metals. And you can see why I’m a proponent of modified citrus pectin because not only it will break the biofilm in the pentamers of the Galectin-3, and will release some of the inflammatory ligands and neutralize them, it will bind to the heavy metals also, which we published a number of papers on, you get something that addresses both phases.  It’s like for example, in Lyme patients, they will feel really good with using modified citrus pectin. They will feel a relief immediately. They don’t get this aggravation, because it addresses both of it. So for my philosophical point of view, you are opening the drawers, and you’re throwing everything into the kitchen flow. That’s discharge. Elimination is cleaning up the mess. So we have to be equipped to do both of them in a balanced way. And then you’ve got the different B vitamins and cofactors, et cetera, that all of you are very, very knowledgeable, but also you want to make sure you’re taking botanicals that helps in elimination, gut, bladder, lungs, skin, all of them.  And I’m not talking about this specific formula as it is called Detox Complete. It’s specifically designed around this philosophy of supporting the different organs that there is. I’m having some… Okay, here we go. Let’s make sure I didn’t skip two slides, I didn’t.

Okay, so as we look at the whole process as a movement, we can see the rhythm between preparation, exposure, binding, discharge and elimination, and support and balance. And when it comes to support and balance, we want to also realize that we are bombarded with pesticide and agriculture toxins all the time. We want to make sure we eliminate them as part of the support and balance on a short term and on a long term basis, and we support the microbiome and that’s why I’m talking specifically about this prebiotic and probiotic. Well, okay, cool.  Okay. So I want to talk a little bit about the microbiome and its whole movement from survival to harmony. Maybe it’s a great place to look at our body. If we look at our body, we have it in every range… I don’t know why they say 39 trillion cells, I have no idea why. But if you look at the literature, let’s say around 50 trillion cells, trillion, not million, not billion, trillion, which is a million times million, or million times 1,000 times 1,000. It’s hard to comprehend the number.  Now, you know how many reactions every cell of this 50 trillion has every second? There is argument in the literature between hundreds of thousands and 1 million reactions a second in every cell.  Every cell in this amazing body, these 50 trillion cells producing million reactions.  I mean, we can’t even comprehend the number.  Basically, we are right now, it’s 10 to the minus 18.  And if we just wait a little bit longer, we’ll be more than Avogadro’s number.  And so it’s really incomprehensible, and all of these cells are working in harmony. And within it with a microbiome, there is an argument how many creatures are guests in the microbiome, some people say 100 trillion, some people say 1.3 of the amount of cells, like, 50, 70, 60, 70 trillion, a lot of them. And they work in concert with us. We have a symbiotic relationship between our microbiome that have been developed over generations, over evolution, and it’s actually multi generational. And the microbiome serves us really well. Just to give an example, if we take a drug like Adriamycin, which is a very common anti cancer drug for multiple cancers, and we take antibiotics, the drug will not work because we disrupted the microbiome.  Our microbiome knows to activate the drug that we’re using for our own to fight diseases outside our bodies. That’s the level of the wisdom of the microbiome. So when the microbiome is in harmony, it serves us well. But it has an ability to become aggressive when it feels threatened. Right? If we look at our survival reaction in reaction to danger, we either survive with fighting or with running away. So the flight response that we have in the running away is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. It’s immediate as we know, but if we relax, it will go away. If we are constantly under sympathetic pressure, we start getting metabolic changes, increase in cortisol, increase in glucagon, increase, say of course, in epinephrine, adrenaline, norepinephrine. And as a result, insulin spike and everything goes into a mess. Metabolically, our survival protein is Galectin-3. Galectin-3 is in charge, is our alarm and it sets off the alarm. And as such, it allows us to respond to injury very quickly. But the response is devastating. It’s just like there’s something dangerous and you start a fire to burn it and then you get and make a fire, kind of what we’re leaving right now in California, because the injury repair by Galectin-3 uses inflammation and fibrosis.

                                So in infections, Galectin-3 will respond within minutes, respond very, very quickly, before any cytokine or before anything else. Now we have to remember we are not the only one who wants to survive. The microbiome also wants to survive. So the moment the microbiome senses stress, danger, it will activate itself through Galectin-3, right? We know Borellia, Lyme disease, Candida, they know how to do it. The moment they sense suddenly, we feel our rash from Candida in five minutes. It knows, it senses it, it uses Galectin-3. It affects insulin receptors and it starts spiking things like interleukin 1b, interleukin 6. And I will share a study on it a little bit later on it is a mega, mega study that we are about to submit to a high impacting period or journal in sepsis. So when you address a microbiome, you got to understand this movement from survival to harmony.

                                So for example, when we talk about Lyme disease, patients with chronic Lyme, if they got heavy antibiotics before, it’s so much more difficult to handle. I used to treat a lot of Lyme because of family members were in Lyme, but they are all completely 100% back. So I’m back to more cancer, I just take very difficult cases, and all of them turn around, all of them. And I just never use antibiotics, because they understand this movement from survival to harmony. It’s built within our ability to survive with 100 trillion organisms as long as we respect them.  So from this point of view, I want to talk about this lecture. So when it comes to the microbiome, there’s another crazy phenomena, which is time and space. What is good for us in the gut is going to kill us if it goes through the gut, right? If we get the same bacteria coming through the gut, into our circulation, we are dead very quickly. It’s called sepsis. And again, it’s enhanced, and it’s created by Galectin-3. Ben, make a point for me to share the study towards the end, okay?

Dr. Weitz:            Okay.

Dr. Eliaz:               Just to give you guys a sense of how dramatic it is.  It’s really a landmark study that will be published shortly. So who are we? Who is a microbiome? It’s a high complex and diverse and dynamic really community. I like a lot to use bees as an image of the community as a ex beekeeper who is about to start doing it again, about 100 trillion microorganisms, several thousand different organisms with millions of communication links, and includes protozoa, fibroid, bacteria, viruses. It’s not only bacteria we tend to forget. Common core microbiome really is a multi generational, the interpersonal variations are maintained over generations within family. Fascinating.  So the structure of the microbiome is weak, really a glycobiome. There’s really highly glycosylated mucus in its epithelial interface. And it’s separated really, it’s a thin layer of host derived glycoproteins and glycolipids around the surface. So for example, from the image of Chinese medicines, if there are any Chinese doctors in the audience, or people interested in Chinese medicine, we really look at the digestive system in Chinese medicine as not being part of the body, because you think you can eat something, it goes through the digestive tract and come through the anus, and we never interacted with it. It’s these boundaries that are so important in creating the separation. So the mucosa associated microbes are important for nutrient exchange. They help us to absorb nutrients, communication with the host, immune system, and pathogen resistance. It’s a delicate balance. And of course, when we have dysbiosis, it’s thrown off. It’s thrown off if we take probiotics and studies in the wrong way in mega dosages. We also have to respect how we address the microbiome when we want to support it. So the glycobiome has evolved with mucus degrading enzymes and mucus binding extracellular protein such as Galectin-3. And these bacteria in mucus degrading enzymes, they disrupt the tight junctions. So the moment the gut is under stress, we are under stress. We have more aggressive bacteria, they bind very strong to the gut, and they create leaky gut.

                                I mean, a very multiple examples like Staphylococcus aureus, and different other bacteria that use Galectin-3 as their anchoring. As I mentioned to Ben before the lecture, COVID-19 spiking protein, now this is on the COVID itself. It’s not that is uses it, is practically identical to Galectin-3. So it uses a structure practically identical to Galectin-3 to attach to the surface, and in normal tissue, Galectin-3 highest density is in the lungs, so right there. And when we talk about Galectin-3 in a few minutes, you will understand a little bit better what I mean when I talk about this glycosylated mucus because what happened, Galectin-3 is able to bind to carbohydrates, so glycoprotein, glycolipids, all of these structures use Galectin-3 to bind, to create a shield. The pentamer is a biofilm, it’s literally a shield. I mean structurally, it’s not an esoteric thing, we know the structure. And then you bring new blood supply, you create an hypoxic environment, you have sticky molecules like integrase, you have lipopolysaccharides. So galectins will now carry the labor polysaccharide and create a toxic inflammatory response. It’s all happening, really exciting to understand.

                                So the loss of biodiversity is a loss of balance between our self survival cooperating because if you think about it, survival is a basic evolutionary for all of us. If the microbiome realizes that for its survival, it has to support us because when we die, the microbiome dies, it’s going to be synergistic. But if it feels threatened, it’s going to behave differently. We all went through this situation. When we are relaxed and friendly and suddenly we are threatened, boom, we’re ready to fight. So really, so dysbiosis changes the permeability of the gut, but [inaudible 00:32:05] endotoxin translocation LPS, which is specifically carried by Galectin-3, and systemic inflammation.

                                So really maintaining a healthy diverse microbiome can balance, target and avert a toxic biofilm in the gut because of the potential membrane, promoting its integrity and reducing systemic inflammation.  Oops, a moment, here we go. So the most important factors in creating balance in [inaudible 00:32:34] from human epigenetics and microbiome, the expression, the stress related to expression, early life conditions, maternal microbiome, nutrition, preterm birth, C-section, breastfeeding versus formula, genetic factors, hygiene, diet, antigenic foods, high fat, high sugar, fiber, different medication like antibiotic, stress, toxic exposures, inflammation, lack of exercise, infection, and issues of the nervous systems, the gut, brain connection, we’re all very aware of it. I know a lot of people are talking about it. And again, lack of exercise is a stressful situation, because mitochondrial function is not functioning well in your gut into one block and you’ll get more anaerobic glycolysis happened in the synthesis, so you can see how different things can end up in the same place.

                                But this process can most of the localized [inaudible 00:33:32] systemic effects. And gut brain connection is one very good example because when we have dysbiosis, we have lack of short chain fatty acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, vitamin biotic factors, getting mutagenic [inaudible 00:33:49] component if they get absorbed in the systemic circulation, because of leakage in the lining, and you’ve got endotoxin that is released into the gut and now actually it’s moving into the system. And it can cause an inconsistent production of neurotransmitters, about 200 billion neurons in the gut. And it causes immunodysregulation both on the localized and the systemic level.

                                And that’s why in functional medicine, naturopathic medicine in the spleen, stomach school in Chinese medicine, we recognize the importance of the gut in digestion. And also it’s hard to really change it. So I want within this to really look a little bit and understand the role and targeting of Galectin-3. Again, the focus today is our lecture about detox and the microbiome. But again, we’re a little bit extended because we don’t have to stick to such to a pinpoint approach.

                                So really, Galectin-3 is startikng alarming from setting the alarm that something is wrong to driver of chronic disease. If you think about what a survival protein does, any [inaudible 00:35:06] in order to survive, our cells have to develop normally. It’s survival, if you look at Darwin’s survival of the fittest, we have to reproduce. So Galectin-3 plays a role in intracellular development, for example, embryogenesis of the kidneys, and it kind of finishes when we are born, [inaudible 00:35:31]. But then extracellularly, and through membrane receptors, cell surface receptors, when we feel that there is a danger, the cell gets a signal, mRNA starts producing Galectin-3, it’s back in vesicles, it’s shipped out of the cells. And we got trouble.

                                Usually it’s done by macrophage, but also cancer cells are able to do it in extracellular matrix and [inaudible 00:36:06] stem cells can do it. So it really will activate the initial immuno response to acute infections. So for example, the study that I mentioned before, we just finished the studies. It is an integration of evaluating patient who are being hospitalized in the ICU with sepsis with no pre existing condition like kidney disease, heart disease, cancer, and they have no signs of kidney damage. And they’re hospitalized in the ICU, and at the same time, we did an animal, a study on the most translated sepsis model, sepsis AKI, acute kidney injury, which is a huge problem that is overlooked in medicine, that is called a cecal ligation puncture, you puncture the cecal, and enema starts getting an infection within a minute. So [inaudible 00:37:10] for this, and my approach was that Galectin-3 will spike before the cytokine, and indeed, Galectin-3 spikes within minutes, it peaks in two hours, two hours, and it’s down in eight hours.

                                If I take these animals, and I give them PectaSol for one week before the injury, even not after, before, I reduce the mortality by three fold. I lower the Galectin-3 level spike after two hours significantly. I lower dramatically the level of interleukin 6, especially at 24 hours. And I prevent kidney injury dramatically. And this study is done as part of my development of developing a Galectin-3 apheresis column that can pull everything out, because it’s what a septic patient is in the hospital. If we look at the septic patients, the level of Galectin-3 at admission within the study will determine one, who will die from sepsis later on in the ICU, and who will get acute kidney injury, highly significant, kind of mind blowing. Remember, clinically no signs of kidney injury. You don’t know. You don’t know who is going to die. Galectin-3 will tell it to you in advance. Why? You understand why people have [inaudible 00:38:43] CP.

                                I mean this is just one example of category we never talked about, sepsis AKI. We always thought it’s a chronic thing, actually it’s an acute thing, because it will instigate recruitment infiltration of immune cells to site of infection. And then you get your mess, your immune response, your cytokine storm. I mean, talking about cytokine storm for years. I mean, you guys know. I lecture about it to you guys. And now suddenly because we can’t treat it, we can’t turn the damn Galectin-3 off, it goes crazy. And it drives systemic inflammation, profibrotic, proliferating [inaudible 00:39:21], echo the inflammatory in molecules, promote biofilm establishment that drives cancer growth. How can it do it and can it do such a different thing? It can do it. I’ll show you in a moment. I’m in the slide now.

Dr. Weitz:            How quickly does modified citrus pectin work? If somebody were in an acute situation and starting to go into a cytokine storm and they were given modified citrus pectin, could it have an effect at that point?

Dr. Eliaz:               It’s a great question. So for us, it’s my other pocket, I have in my medical device. I want to be very dramatic. But MCP will make a difference. For example, we have a very well known environmental, he shared the story. And I forgot his last name in the San Diego, which had a strong infection in his head and was going into sepsis, didn’t respond to antibiotics, and the doctors were ready to amputate it. And he went on high dose, high dose PectaSol with the probiotic, and within 24 hours it resolved. Because this animal study’s showing the power of it. So you just take it, take 20 grams a day, you just load your body. But of course, when somebody is under total storm in the ICU, they can’t take anything already. But that’s really the value of this.

                                And the problem is that we’re not aware that our chronic disease are often small, tiny insults, infectious, emotional toxins on a continuum and each of them does a small damage and we never recover. When I talk about Galectin-3 and maybe I’m going, not really off topic, I mean I talk a lot about it in my book. Really I use a Buddhist concept. It’s like a bird flying in the sky or like riding in water. You want to respond and to have no leftover debris once inflammation goes away. Galectin-3 prevents this from happening. It keeps going and then suddenly, the cytokine that was so necessary in the short term become pro inflammatory and cause all of this damage.

Dr. Weitz:            Will the Galectin-3 be given intravenously?

Dr. Eliaz:               No, MCP. I mean, there’s work on drugs with it. But the much quicker way to do it in such a situation is to pull it out with apheresis. But for right now for ICS, I mean, for me, MCP is my key supplement right now is what’s going on, definitely what I mentioned. Again, this is just for doctors. It’s a limited lecture. So if we look at the Galectin-3 structure, we can see the N terminal structure. When I point with an arrow, you guys can see it right there. Ben, can you see the arrow?

Dr. Weitz:            Yes.

Dr. Eliaz:               There you see the ligands, you see the ligands. That’s the carbohydrate ending, galacturonic acid ending of different proteins, different ligand. People are aware of lectins. Galectin is a galectin binding protein. Lectin in general is a carbohydrate binding protein. So galectin specifically bind to carbohydrate, and then it creates these nasty pentamers, either by a pentamer binding straighter pentamer or by using ligands. So if it can bind to dozens and dozens of different ligands, it can have such diverse effects. That’s why you understand, we do research on one of these ligands on one specific one, let’s say VGF, a VGF receptor that causes VGF. So you take a VGF receptor, it will cause VGF, which will cause new blood growth for cancer.

                                Well, that’s only one ligand out of dozens at MCP, the Galectin-3 can carry. Well guess what, it can carry it anywhere in the body. Crazy, you know. So one thing which is amazing, a paper that was published in October 2019 that kind of made me commit to putting more energy into my medical device and putting it out because I realized, oh my God, I can save millions of lives, even if I just want to meditate now and not work as hard and I’m working hard because raising money is tough is that we realized we there was a study that showed people patients during CABG, during coronary artery bypass graft. But that’s a study, it’s 1,200 patients, 23 ICUs in Europe, no pre existing conditions. Most patient was CABG, just suddenly they find out that for the first time, pressure, they don’t have any and often they’re not sick before and they are rushed into doing a coronary artery bypass.

                                The levels of Galectin-3 before the surgery is that no kidney disease, no heart disease known before will determine who will get kidney injury in the ICU afterwards and who will end up getting cardiac remodeling, cardiac fibrosis and chronic kidney and heart problems and mortality. The level of limit is before the surgery, but then they did a study on mice and they stopped the circulation to the kidneys for a short term. And they stopped the circulation to the arteries, to the legs. Nothing happened when they stopped the circulation to the legs. But when they stopped the circulation to the kidneys, Galectin-3 got excluded. It went to the heart, it mobilized macrophage, and it created heart damage. When they use it on mice or you call knockout mice, it cannot do Galectin-3, or when they gave our MCP to this mice, no damage to the heart. But here was a crazy thing. With the [inaudible 00:45:39] mice, and they injected to them bone marrow that could produce Galectin-3, and they created the damage to the kidney, the signal from the kidney damage, remember when I talk about the alarming, the signal from the kidneys travel to the bone marrow, cause excretion of Galectin-3, the travel to the heart mobilized macrophage into an inflammatory macrophage and caused heart damage, really looked like a landmark study.

                                It was in one of the American Heart Association journals. It was important enough that the editorial board commented on it how important is the study? This is why when I told Ben there’s so many papers now. So Galectin-3 lattice formation promotes establishment of biofilms because it’s a dynamic extracellular J like polymer formed by cross linking with surface glycoprotein, glycolipid. So all of these different glycolipids can attach to the Galectin-3 pentamers, galectins, glycoprotein and glycans, and the references are in the bottom.

                                Okay, so Galectin-3 promote adhesion and invasion of pathogen. Elevated Galectin-3 expression in damaged epithelial gut lining will bind to pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, allowing for tissue adhesion and invasion, and pathogen will exploit Galectin-3 to augment the capacity to colonize and survive. That’s a survival. You can see what I’m trying to convey when I teach. And it’s not something as convenient as giving protocol. I want to think it was the image, the survival image. You can see the pathogens also want to survive. Now, this is part of what’s going on in our country, this divisiveness. It comes from a survival response, from creating different realities, different micro environment. If any of you didn’t see the documentary, The Survival Dilemma, you got to see it. But how’s the social media is creating what is happening now. Why? It creates micro environments of people that have the same thought and have the same belief, that surrounds themselve in isolation. And why they do it? Because they can advertise the same thing to this group.

                                And then this group doesn’t like the other group. And that’s why we are in a losing proposition situation. And that happened between us and the environment, global warming. It’s all the same. It’s a survival reaction. It’s a fighting survival reaction. So if we can recognize it, it becomes very, very important. So Galectin-3 will drive this cycle of dysbiosis because it will affect the leaky gut. It will promote I-1 and interferon alpha, it will promote IL-17 and, IL-6 [inaudible 00:48:42] alpha. All this is well published. And again, it will overburden the liver and will cause multiple toxic effects. The liver is a fascinating organ. It gets both venous blood and arterial blood. And it’s part of its rolling, dealing with past stuff and detoxifying and dealing with the future generation, the only organ that has this kind of behavior.

                                Okay, so what affects citrus pectin, what it does, it binds to Galectin-3. It takes out, it dismantle or blocks in advance like what it did in our study with the mice, this ligand that causes the inflammatory response, and then it breaks down the pentamers into monomers and it breaks their microenvironment. So this is from again, one of American Heart Association journals. So in the context of the biofilm, it will disrupt the biofilm to expose toxin infections. So again, it’s fundamentally different than regular fiber because it has a much lower molecular weight. It has a low level of esterification. And it’s of course, it’s clinically proven so really when it comes to MCP, there’s only one MCP, only PectaSol. I don’t want to go in great detail about the detail of MCP, we don’t have time, but the neutral sugars, the arabinose, xylose and rhamnose are very important for the immune system and for detoxification, and also MCP has 10% of monogalacturonic 2, which is an immune enhancing compound in [inaudible 00:50:32].

                                So, when we combine it with sodium alginates, we get a wider range of detoxification because alginates are powerful in binding to radioactive isotopes as is PectaSol. We published a paper on it, it binds to dioxin like compounds, pesticides, heavy metal, toxic bile and preventing reabsorption. So when you combine them, you get detoxification in the gut with the alginate and you get systemic detoxification with PectaSol. So MCP will inhibit the critical step for biofilm hosted [inaudible 00:51:10] because the Galectin-3 and the ligand, it’s what really promotes biofilm [inaudible 00:51:16] adhesion. I want to go a little bit faster on this so we have time for question. So, we see these are some of the sticky, these are some of the ligands that are bound to Galectin-3, ligands that are synced neuroinflammation, fibronectin and cell surface adhesion integrations and by the way, will affect the thyroid function in different proteoglycan intensive process. How it happens, I don’t go spend a lot of time with it, but initial adhesion, attachment adherence and then the process stopped with EPS, with extra cell polymers that are producing in the whole site.

                                So, biofilm also sequester heavy metals. So biofilm bacteria sequester heavy metals, EPS and polysaccharide bind to heavy metals and bacteria in the biofilm adopt a more toxin resistant phenotype than free swimming bacteria. Very important, the moment we break the biofilm, we reduce the toxicity and the dangers of the bacteria and there are various mechanism to protect against heavy metals such as efflux pumps, where they can kind of throw the heavy metals out of the cell similar to drug resistance in cancer. So in treating biofilm, you need to address release of heavy metals. So the advantage of the binder, remember in the beginning, the advantage of the binders of always using PectaSol, you are binding to heavy metals, it’s well published. I think we have four or five papers that we know high affinity to lead, to mercury, to arsenic or to cesium, to uranium. We published a paper on family with high uranium showing increased excretion from the gut.

Dr. Weitz:            Is there any question about mcps ability to actually bind? Can MCP actually physically bind the metals?

Dr. Eliaz:               Yeah, of course it does. There’s no question about it. We actually proved it, we actually showed it. It’s well known because of its side chains, definitely. But it has to be at lowest esterification. That’s why PectaSol is unique. You have to change the structure to allow room for the metal structure to bind to it because of the hairy sides of the pectin. Like a few slides ago to these ones where RH, AR, AR, AR, these are the areas where the heavy metals but it has to be challenged is if you’re esterified, there is no longer a challenge. So that’s the issue see here with the esterified, like here, here it’s esterified, there’s no more charge. So it combined is neutralized. And this is why it needs to be. That’s why it’s so important, a low esterification, let me just try to move fast enough to where we were.

                                So for example, studies showing that MCP reduced proinflammatory cytokines, so this is in the nervous system and microglia cells treated with LPS, it’s significantly new counts, significantly it reduced compared to control interleukin 1b, interleukin 6, very significant. Again, these are the nastiest cytokines, it will cause problems. And specifically for the microbiome, our MCP was shown in a number of published papers with the USDA. Again, it’s an independent papers. Most of our papers are independent, I mean, I did microbial effects against multiple strains of staphylococcus ROs including MRSA and additive and synergistic, but to say that the effect is combination of MCP and safer toxin, which is very important in Lyme. So this is all published papers.

                                MCP demonstrated enhanced lactobacilli growth. That’s a prebiotic quality of it, in human fecal culture and anti-adhesive effect against Shiga toxin producing e. Coli, inhibiting binding to cell and reduction of the cytotoxicity of the Shiga toxin. So again, the multiple action of pectin inhibits inflammation in fibrosis, protects vital organ and insists and regulates immune function, inhibits adhesion and establishment of biofilms, support healthy microbiome and intestinal integrity and bind systemic toxin heavy metal. It’s more in the context of today. We didn’t touch cancer, autoimmune disease, all that stuff. That’s not the topic today.

                                Okay, so environmental [inaudible 00:56:31] agricultural toxins, we have to be aware of, and one thing that I neglected to be aware of, but in the last few years, is the critical role of pesticide glyphosate. One of the big issues with pesticides is that they will accumulate in the ground. So for example, in Israel, where DDT is a pain since the 60s, you still find high level of DDT in adipose tissues of breasts 50 years later. That’s a problem with pesticide, so many countries now are banning glyphosate. Mexico just joined the list. United States, it’s incredible. It’s like in United States, in 2012, 1.1 billion pounds of pesticides a year. 1.1 billion pounds, which means between three and these days, it’s more so four pounds of pesticide for each of us a year.

                                I mean, just imagine, just put it in grams. Put it in grams, two kilograms. So every day, we have to take six grams of pesticides. That’s how much it’s put in the ground. And it’s going to get to us at some point, because it will accumulate. So again, a lot of political pressure but so now, the WHO is taking, the position is stronger about the danger in non Hodgkins lymphoma and I’m going to go a little bit quick so we can cover everything. A strong correlation with thyroid cancer with increased level of corn and soy that are genetically engineered to be roundup ready. Look at this, you can look at the correlation between this and the thyroid cancer. Kind of crazy, right? And connection with autism in the Central Valley is very, very, very clear.

                                So wait, how did I get here? Oh from here. So glyphosate also can insert itself into protein synthesis. It’s a glycine analog. And it’s a glycine analog, it has an effect on leaky gut, causing celiac like disease. And also, of course, it’s a narrow excitatory effect because glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and it exchanges with it because it’s so similar in structure. And as you can see, and then it will bind to become an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. So there’s an argument is how much glycine can really inhibit glyphosate. There’s literature that say that it can exchange with it, but it can definitely prevent the binding of glyphosate to the mucous membranes of the gut.

                                Because glyphosate is water soluble, it’s very well absorbed. Look, how small it is. It’s nested like a tiny, like the smallest amino acid and so you can understand why it’s absorbed so easy. So, glycine will help to prevent the attachment to the gut. And this, so we created a formula with four ingredients that kind of addresses the issue, which we integrate into the detox program and we also integrate into the daily life. And we’re trying to address both pesticides, a lot in the gut because we get them all the time. And we are using a whole kelp that has iodine, and other trace minerals to allow to exchange with bromide, chloride and fluoride. The formula, we really include kelp, which is I mean, is as organic as we can get, and it’s very clean, and it has a standard dynorphin. The amount that we have in a daily dose is about, it’s about 600, 700 micrograms, so it’s really a dose. It’s the right dose. It’s not very high, and then it should take double, it’s 1200.

                                We use regular citrus pectin, which is highly branch, it’s different than MCP, because we wanted to bind to fit soluble toxins and pesticides. Many pesticides are liquid soluble. We use glycine and we use sodium alginate because sodium alginate is a different profile and it works very well with citrus pectin. So it will help, and sodium alginate will help to absorb glyphosate when paired with a positively charged molecule. And in this sense, I will talk about what you can add to it in a moment.

                                So these are some studies showing how kelp enhances intestinal barrier function again and prevent LPS, which is negatively charged and kelp is positively charged. So from a gram negative bacteria, it’s important for us to try to protect it from creating a systemic effect. This is research about glycine links to a higher level of glutathione. So, glycine really increases the production of glutathione in a significant way and also helps survival in patient following [inaudible 01:02:31]. So when you look at, so this is when we look at alginates, when people kind of take [inaudible 01:02:39], which is a herbicide, there is a significant improvement in survival with alginates and alginates is an efficient biopolymer for example, a lot of herbicides like [inaudible 01:02:53]. So it’s really used for toxic swamps.

                                So the combination with high molecular weight kicked in helps to do it in the gut. When you take MCP of course, you have the systemic peeling effect and that’s why we combined the glypho detox together with PectaSol together with probiotic. Citrus pectin is well established, it can bind to DDT, to DDE. All of these are fit solubles. So you can see the difference in the dosages in adipose tissues in the liver, in the kidney and the brain of the different DDE and DDE prospecting, very significant, all of them statistically significant in animal studies.

                                And also in general, fibers enhance the fecal expression of dioxin isomers and specifically peptins do it very well. Now it’s interesting when we combine alginate with chitosan, which is, which is available in the shell of seafood. And the chitosan is positively charged. So when you combine them, you actually can bind to glyphosate and remove it from water. The reason why you don’t just chitosan is because it doesn’t bind to herbicide at all. These are different published papers. So combining them, it’s a good thing. In my next formulation of this product, we’ll be adding this into the formula.

                                So the next, so now I want to talk about specifically about the next generation of symbiotics, prebiotics plus probiotic. This is really my favorite product that I’ve been importing from Denmark for years. And now I reformulated together with using pectic oligosaccharide I showed you all the research right on our POS, take this as the POS so we are adding it to the fermentation process. So why this product in a class of its own, because it’s not like another peel or another, it’s actually live food. The eight different strains of probiotic are fermented on organic molasses. So the molasses is what allows them to grow. There is no more sugars left.

                                It’s fermented on 19 different organic herbs, and it’s fermented on the pectic oligosaccharides. And what you get is you get a live product. Of course, it’s different than kombucha in the power but it’s along the same principle. And you’ll feel the difference in your gut from literally the first dose, the first dose. For the people that makes a difference, it’s something that they say you don’t leave your house without it. So it’s composed of probiotic, prebiotic that create this synergistic effect. And it really is life. It is energy on its own. It’s grown, everything is grown bio dynamically in a bio dynamic farm. And we use organic berry juice, not just flavor, but actually the juice all organic from different berries.

                                So very unusual product and because, so it’s really not about the number of bacteria. There’s the issue of loading the gut with tones of certain bacteria that may not be the right for a person. But it’s about allowing the gut to heal itself. So the different probiotics can be probably it’s a typo, different lactobacillus I’ll show you pectic oligosaccharide in 19 organic herbs in their organic molasses. So during the fermentation process, we produce two types of organic carboxylic acid, lactic and acetic acid, eight strains of life connected probiotic, the herbs and the pectic oligosaccharides. And the lactic and acetic acid lowers the pH below 3.5, where harmful bacteria cannot live. Lactic acid is used as a signal substance to the body to promote our unity and acetic acid promote peristalsis so you get normal bowel movement. It acts as a fuel for muscles and brain and antimicrobial and fungal and the organic acids help to keep the intestine tight and is a source of nutrition for intestinal cells.

                                So these are different bacteria, bifidus, [inaudible 01:07:38] lactase, lactobacillus acidophilus, [inaudible 01:07:40], rhamnose and salivarius and lacteus streptococcus and thermophilus. And these are some of their unique properties and ability to adhere to the intestinal causa, resistance to intestitnal bile, this form LMD is almost exclusively the L active form. So they really offer very, very, very nice synergistic qualities.

                                And these are different herbs that they are growing. So the herbs are there, the herbs are not in the formula, you don’t get herbs but it’s cultured on the herbs. So these are very organic of course. It’s a large selection of different detox in digestive herbs that really support the digestive process. The idea really is to feed the bacteria with a nourishing food similar to my [inaudible 01:08:40], the mushroom box where I grated herbs.

Dr. Weitz:            Some of these herbs like oregano have antimicrobial properties.

Dr. Eliaz:               Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Dr. Weitz:            Won’t it kill the probiotics?

Dr. Eliaz:               No, no, they don’t because they are really just in the fermenting process and you don’t want to look, it’s a good question. Absolutely not. We check this, the spores are active. But it’s really, really got to look at it as a whole formula, not as one is one ingredient or another. This comes really from the digestive schooling in the European herbal from a coffee, it’s different than the Chinese but you can see the licorice, which we had in the the level of the stomach, the pomegranate, which has metabolic function and has warmer qualities but a lot of spices, dill, oregano, parsley, pepper. I mean these are edible herbs that we use, rosemary, and we know just like we know about curcumin, these are digestive herbs, these are the digestive system so we are extracting this active and allowing the bacteria to activate it.

                                And I think about it’s really similar to the concept of renewal of the microphyte, and then the POS prebiotics stimulate the activity of prebiotic. And they also help to produce short chain fatty acids, like acetate, again acetic acid that are present. So these short chain fatty acids are very important as energy sources. And they’re very important for the physiological function of the gut. So we get, so the kind of signature that you take it and you just feel a difference. So this is something about our studies with pectin oligosaccharide, dietary fibers are known to be prebiotic and low molecular weight and esterification enhance the effectivity of the PectaSol. So this is from a published paper, the first report of POS selecting for higher lactobacillus levels during mixed batch fecal fermentation. So when you ferment feces is that POS specifically stimulates the healthy bacteria, very interesting study. It was done on pigs with the USDA.

Dr. Weitz:            Oh, wow.

Dr. Eliaz:               I’m just going to proceed a little bit quickly. These are some other studies showing again, that POS in [inaudible 01:11:33] was additive effect and synergistic in two strains and organic molasses. Again, so this is the product and it can be taken. It could take in a one to two tablespoon twice a day. It’s very good to combine with PectaSol. It’s an ideal combination. I actually put it in my PectaSol. You can put it in different drinks.

Dr. Weitz:            Now since PectaSol is a binder, is it okay to take other nutrients with it?

Dr. Eliaz:               Yes, yes. It’s not a problem because it’s really nutrients, I mean, if you want to take it 10, 15 minutes before food so I won’t take it like if you take a multivitamin, which you take with food, but even 15 minutes before food, it’s enough. It doesn’t interfere with the absorption of calcium or magnesium because of the high affinity for heavy metals. And we’ve published on it. It’s a very good question. So this is again, what we discussed today, the prepare, expose, bind, discharge and elimination. And the system and I know we covered a lot and time went by really quickly.

                                And so now I want to talk to you about something that I specifically specialize with, which is therapeutic apheresis. Therapeutic apheresis is a process, it’s a medical procedure that involves removing whole blood from a patient, separating the blood into individual component, meaning the first thing that we do actually is this is not as good of a description, we separate the cells from the plasma, and then we take out specific components from the plasma, then we put them together, and then we return them.

                                So from a research point of view, I have a company called Eliaz Therapeutics, where I’m trying to develop the Galectin-3, a column just for Galectin-3, which is related to the antibody, because if selectively we can remove it, we can affect AKI sepsis is our primary target, also CKD and NASH, which is a huge problem and enhance immunotherapy and good for lung fibrosis. So it’s a single apheresis. And we are now in the development stage. We’ve been doing it for eight, nine years, seven, eight years. And we are hopefully with the right fundraiser will be in clinical trials in about a year. And one thing that we’ve done to prove our concept so these are the different ligands, some of them that came attached into the Galectin-3. As you can see, lipopolysaccharides will enhance sepsis, collagen, elastin, laminine will enhance fibrosis, here we’re marking one and three and CD-45 where if you block them, you will shut down the immune response covering desmoglein and integrins wherever they are.

                                Maybe we didn’t put the integrins with the sticky molecules and cancer metastasis, et cetera, et cetera. So what we do when you use a blocker, you are exchanging with the ligands. When you use an apheresis model, you are pulling out the whole thing with all the ligands in it. So get rid of everything. And that’s why it’s so powerful and it works so quickly. So for example, we did a study with Harvard when we injected MGH in special pigs that are developed for xenograft transplant. And in this study, we wanted to see if we create inflammation in the skin by injecting something called complete foreign adjuvant similar to BCG, you create very big inflammation. And you can see this as an active group there is no inflammation, look at the tissue compared to the control group. Look at the redness and lack of resolution in ulcers and look at the tissue, very dramatic. This was published, we published this with me being first author and the last author, the other with Harvard in the Journal of Clinical Apheresis, the main apheresis journal, so two different papers we’ve done.

                                In the clinic we use in different way for life. In the clinic, I’ve pioneered the use of LDR apheresis, which is an FDA approved device that is [inaudible 01:16:10] space for hypercholesterolemia. And I use it for inflammatory conditions together with supplement, together with special IVs. In cancer therapies, it helps chemotherapy, radiation immunotherapy. My biggest focus now is chronic kidney disease, degenerative diseases. I’ve now turned about eight out of eight chronic kidney disease patients, some of them on dialysis or pre dialysis, all of them together with MCP. So really, for the people who can afford it, we actually don’t charge a lot but the fee costs thousands of dollars. It really makes a difference and of course, in muscle activation in pandas, in mold exposure, detoxification, amazing results.

                                I myself make sure to actually get this treatment. I got one yesterday. It’s really a proven regenerative treatment. For the people here who use regenerative medicine or use different biologicals in what they call asimilar biologic, tissue biologics, it’s a completely different response when you do the apheresis and then you do the regenerative treatments, and so the apheresis protocols that we do specifically do IVs that we introduced during the apheresis and immediately after. And it also allows drugs and compound to better reach targets before chemotherapy, before immunotherapy.

                                We know now that immunotherapies, checkpoint inhibitors, if the patient Galectin-3 levels are high, for example, they will not work. So here we are moving just a little bit of Galectin-3. We are moving about 70%. But we’re moving a lot of other inflammatory and growth compounds. So that’s an example. So I actually, in most centers, the doctor just prescribed I look at every big, so what I’ve found, it’s called the signature. So you can see like the large intestine, this patient has a tumor in the large intestine used to. You can see the accumulation, crazy, right there.

                                And this is a picture from today. It’s not as good but enough you can see. The bubble, this is just a bubble. But you can see this circle with empty and this kind of line going up. So when I come back, it’s clearly for me, I tend to see this visually, but that’s the esophagus and the stomach. So as the patient, how is the stomach doing, and they say, “It’s my last place where I’m suffering.” So whatever came out, these are all debris. These are all growth factors, inflammatory factors. It’s unreal, I’m going, I now presented in the three last International Society for Apheresis conferences. And now they’re finally realizing this stuff is good for inflammation, but I’m going to present these pictures, like in 2021, I got to start collecting them.

                                It’s unreal, the signature, how you can see the patient problem like the big and people know by me, I will diagnose them just by the way the big looks, you will see a kidney shape, you will see a heart shape. It’s unreal. Anyway, this just came today, I rush to put it in, this [inaudible 01:19:27] because it is just mind blowing for me. So you have to be open, no concepts, just open your mind. And so I also discovered this specific device can cause an anaphylaxis in certain patients that they weren’t able to solve it for 25 years. But now they move to this device. I was able to solve it very simple just by giving high dose magnesium sulfate IV. It moves you from a sympathetic, from a survival mode to a biased mode. The patient no longer responds.

                                So now we just submitted the paper. We got accepted with revision that we just submitted, seven cases in the biggest center in the country for apheresis that could not handle the treatment, even with IV steroids. All got an anaphylactic shock. They use my protocol. Not all of them are tolerating it. So we basically saved the life of seven patients. So this is a presentation. This is a picture when I was teaching meditation retreat in Israel before the COVID about a year ago. And so this is my email for any of you who need my website. And this is for Clinical Synergy. If you need any help, please call us and the company will help you. And I just finished at eight. But if any of you still want to ask me any question, let me just-

Dr. Weitz:            Well, we have some questions here. So I’ll just go ahead and ask. Somebody asked about spore based probiotics versus other probiotics. What do you think about the bacillus strains?

Dr. Eliaz:               You know, I can’t say that I mean, explain the different strains, I must say. I’m a great believer that for probiotic to work, we got to respect and nourish the microbiome. That has been my approach. So that’s really what I presented, and you’re welcome to any other strain. But really, once you try it, usually I don’t see it on a product and push it like this. But I tell you that a patient of mine was so anxious about this SynerGI that they will come and buy supplies for six months, because I have to bring it from Europe in case it runs out. It just changes your gut. And why? Because of this synergistic, and I think with the [inaudible 01:22:02] issues, loading a gut with too many probiotic can be an issue, if it’s not the right profile for the patient. When you give the gut the right food with a little bit of bacteria, which is of different properties, you allow the body to readjust.

Dr. Weitz:            Well, just to play devil’s advocate, and one of the arguments for spore based probiotics is because they’re encapsulated in a spore. They get all the way down to the large intestine without getting broken down, whereas other probiotics get killed on their way down.

Dr. Eliaz:               This is why the SynerGI is the probiotic are in a spore form. So when we tested the activity, it takes 24 hours and then they get activated. So they actually don’t get killed in the distance.

Dr. Weitz:            So these are like lactobacillus and conventional strains. How do they end up in a spore?

Dr. Eliaz:               It’s something about the process. We’ve actually analyzed it, and when you give them the active conditions, they get activated and start growing. So we haven’t had an issue. And one of the things that you see with him from a clinical point of view, not like a gut bacteria expert. One thing that I’ve seen more dramatic with this is for example, patient with ulcerative colitis that are bleeding in the rectum. You will see an improvement in the first 24 hours.  So it goes all the way to there. It changes the motility, you got to look at this as changing the health of the gut. It’s a difficult concept.

Dr. Weitz:            That’s amazing if you can see positive improvement in somebody with ulcerative colitis in 24 hours. Somebody asked about histamine access and does modified citrus pectin help to reduce histamine?

Dr. Eliaz:               It will indirectly. And the reason is because the histamine reaction is often cytokine storm driven. And it’s going to come through the roof and for example, not only histamine, but for example [inaudible 01:24:34] response with ACE2 receptor with the COVID is Galectin-3 driven. So yes, definitely. So you will see decreasing allergic responses, and I think it’s one of the mechanism why we see improvement in Lyme patients, definitely.

Dr. Weitz:            Somebody asked, can you speak about the role of Chinese medicinal mushrooms and inflammation?

Dr. Eliaz:               Yes, it’s a great topic. So, Chinese mushrooms are very rich in oligosaccharides. And they’re very important in regulating the inflammatory process and the immune response. And that’s why they are so essential especially now. I mean right now is what all we are going, my two main products are MCP and medicinal mushrooms. And specifically, my reason why I use mushroom in ImmuneMax because I grow the mushrooms on herbs that are immune enhancing antiinfectious and antiinflammatory. So it’s very similar concept. So this is the one thing that I never skip.

Dr. Weitz:            Somebody asked how to get PectaSol and mix batter. And David Trader made a suggestion. And he said that he found that by first putting eight ounces of water into a shaker bottle with a nettle ball, and then adding the PectaSol-C. That helps. But do you have any other suggestions?

Dr. Eliaz:               So that’s a great, that’s one way. Remember, it’s a saccharide so it doesn’t get broken with heat. So what I do is I put a tiny bit of regular water. So as I put the PectaSol, and the lime one dissolves better. And I put a tiny bit of regular water and then I put hot water. So it’s not boiling, but it’s hot. And you don’t touch it, because the PectaSol is such small grains, that if you right away shake it, it will clump. Let the water absorb for two or three minutes, and then you can add then a little bit more water, you stir really well and you add more water and it will dissolve perfectly. The trick is not to mix it right away, to let it absorb the water first.

Dr. Weitz:            Interesting.

Dr. Eliaz:               Then once it’s warm, and it’s not too hot, it’s like around like 40 degrees centigrade, that’s when I will add the SynerGI into the mix.

Dr. Weitz:            Great. So I think that about wraps up the questions. So I thank you so much for joining us.

Dr. Eliaz:               Somebody asked me about mixing with applesauce. That’s actually a good idea, not a problem.

Dr. Weitz:            What was that? Mixing with applesauce?

Dr. Eliaz:               It’s not a problem at all. So thank you, everybody, for tolerating me with so many details.

Dr. Weitz:            No, it’s great. We really appreciate it. And thank you, everybody, for joining us, and we’ll see you next month.

Dr. Eliaz:               Take care. Bye bye.

Dr. Weitz:            Thank you.

Dr. Eliaz:          Bye. Thank you.

Dr. Weitz:            Thanks.


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