This is to attest to the fact that Dr. Ben Weitz is a most capable chiropractor… I had twisted my sciatic nerves, falling on my side from the top of a two-step, front porch down to the cement driveway. … I could no longer drive my car because my right leg was affected. I could not walk unless I used a walker to do so. …
I was prescribed a medication to relax my sciatic nerve; it wore off in no time. It did not help my situation at all. … Dr. Weitz appeared to me to be someone I could trust to put my life into his hands, literally speaking, since a chiropractor works mainly with the manipulation of the usage of his two hands. From the beginning I felt very safe in his able hands. At the stage I was in at the beginning of my treatment, I was sort of like a basket case. I was getting around on a walker and was barely able to get around and do my essential needs. He took me and untwisted my sciatic nerves; I actually heard the sound of the nerves popping out of its twisted positions. From there on, it’s been an onward and upward climb; the usage of a walker to a cane, then finally on my own two legs without having to wince when I stood firmly on them. Also, I have been able to drive again…
Dr. Weitz is really an inspiration and I pray to God on my hands and knees every day that He sent him to me at the time he did; otherwise, I would not have known where to turn to. I really wasn’t in a really good place at that time of my life.
All I can say is, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!