Entries by drweitz

Drinking Soda and Juice

The average can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar (one teaspoon = one packet = one sugar cube). Drinking soda and juice are probably not your best health options for a number of reasons.  While soda is clearly the least healthy beverage due to sugar or artificial sweetener content, as well as the preservatives and other […]

What To Do About Low “T”

Before you reach for that testosterone gel because your libido is reduced and/or you have been diagnosed with low “T”, think about a few things.  The first thing to consider is that most cases of ED, ie., erectile dysfunction, have more to do with inflammed, clogged arteries than they have with testosterone levels.  Inflammation on the insides of […]

What to do About Heartburn (Reflux)

You relax on your sofa after dinner and watch a movie.  Then you start tasting acid in your throat and you feel like your food is coming back up on you.  This is often referred to as Heartburn and it is often diagnosed as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).  More than 50 million Americans experience  this […]

Magnesium Prevents Stroke

  A recent meta-analysis of studies on magnesium reveals that  the increased intake of magnesium is associated with decreased risk of stroke.  (Larsson SC, Orsini N, Wolk A. Dietary magnesium intake and risk of stroke: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. Am J Clin Nutr 2012;95:362-6.)   Magnesium supplementation has been shown in other research to […]

Kidney Disease From Pain Killers

You’ve probably been told that over the counter pain killers, esp. NSAIDS, like ibuprofen, and Tylenol, are extremely safe.  Well, not exactly.  More and more evidence has been accumulating over the last few years about how dangerous these drugs are.  NSAIDs (non-steirodal anti-inflammatory drugs) increase the risk of high blood pressure and chronic heart failure, irritation and […]

Fish Oil Increases Effects of Weight Training

A new study documents the beneficial effects of fish oil supplements for elderly (average age 64) women who are also engaged in a strength training program.  This adds to the growing list of impressive benefits of fish oil supplements. (Rodachi C, et al. Fish-oil supplementation enhances the effects of strength training in elderly women. Am […]

Eating multiple small meals

I advocate eating a small meal or snack every 3 hours or so throughout the day. This allows blood sugar levels (and insulin levels) to stay more consistent through the day and reduces the carbohydrate cravings that result from big dips in blood glucose.  This facilitates the process of achieving and maintaining optimal bodyfat levels. […]

The Plastic Code

The Plastic Code   Plastic bottles and containers are categorized based on what they are made of and how they can be recycled. This is given a number contained in a triangle on the bottom. This code allows us to know which ones are unsafe and to avoid.   1 (PET) Polyethylene terephthalate is used in many […]

Reduce Toxins in Your Home

We should reduce or eliminate toxic chemicals in our homes, since these chemicals may cause birth defects and increase our risk of chronic diseases such as autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma, diabetes and cancer.  In addition, many of these toxic chemicals are endocrine disruptors.  Endocrine disruptors interfere with hormones and have many potentially negative effects. In fact, […]

Prescription Drugs Kill

For the first time in history in the United States, drugs exceeded car accidents as a cause of death in 2009.  ( see http://www.latimes.com/health/la-me-drugs-epidemic-20110918,0,3886090.story)  This increase in drug deaths is fueled mainly by an increase in deaths cause by prescription narcotics.  Some of the prescription drugs being abused the most are pain killers and drugs […]