
Ketogenic Diet with Dr. Josh Axe: Rational Wellness Podcast 107

Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Weitz Sports Chiropractic and Nutrition
Ketogenic Diet with Dr. Josh Axe: Rational Wellness Podcast 107

Dr. Josh Axe discusses The Ketogenic Diet with Dr. Ben Weitz.

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Podcast Highlights

5:05  One of the biggest benefits of a ketogenic diet is balancing insulin levels. And insulin imbalance causes inflammation, PCOS, Alzheimer’s disease, negatively affect brain health, and cause hormonal imbalances.  It also is very effective in helping clients/patients to lose weight. 

7:25  The main components of a ketogenic diet involve a macronutrient breakdown of about 70% fat, 20-25% protein, and about 5% fat. When your body starts burning fat instead of carbohydrates, you are said to be in ketosis.  This diet was created by Johns Hopkins researchers to fight epilepsy and to mimic fasting. Dr. Axe does not believe that the keto diet should be done for too long a period of time. It should be done for 30-90 days, like a long term fast or cleanse. And it can take 4-6 days of being on the ketogenic diet till your body truly gets into ketosis. Drinking matcha green tea, using adaptogenic herbs, keeping stress levels low, taking exogenous ketone supplements and taking other herbs that support thermogenesis like ginger and cayenne can help getting into ketosis.

9:33  If you are highly stressed, your cortisol levels will cause your body to produce more sugar from protein.  If the person has thyroid or adrenal fatigue and they are highly stressed and go on a ketogenic diet, they likely won’t do well on it.

10:18  Dr. Axe usually has his clients on keto consume 30 grams of carbs per day or less.  He does not like counting calories, so he will tell them that they can only have one serving per day of carbs and it’s either blueberries, beets, or carrots and that’s it for carbohydrate rich foods per day.  The carbohydrate rich foods are grains, legumes, fruits, and the starchier vegetables, like beets, carrots, potatoes, yams, butternut squash, etc.

13:15  Dr. Axe said that exercise is not required to follow a ketogenic diet and you can lose weight following a keto diet without exercising.  But exercise will help to lower stress, increase your metabolism, burn up carbs, and help you get into ketosis more easily.

14:23  Dr. Axe explained that it is o.k. to have small amounts of alcohol while following a keto diet, such as a 3 1/2 oz glass of dry farmed red wine once or twice a week.

14:58  Dr. Axe pointed out that there is a right way and a wrong way to follow a keto diet. He said that he saw the ultimate keto recipe posted on Pinterist and it involved taking conventional shredded cheese, fried in butter, with bacon in the middle, and then you more cheese fried on top, and you have a keto quesadilla. But that is not healthy on any diet. Dr. Axe recommended eating real, healthier fats like avocados, coconut, tahini, almond butter, grass fed butter. ghee, olives, etc.  Dr. Axe goes through a 30 day keto meal plan and has lots of recipes in his Keto Diet book that make it easier to follow a keto diet. 

16:51  A ketogenic diet will not be detrimental to your microbiome if you do it the right way with lots of fermentable fiber and fermented foods. If you do keto with loads of vegetables and you include some nuts and chia, flax, and pumpkin seeds, and berries, you will be getting plenty of fiber. You want to include some fermented foods like sauerkraut. You also want to include plenty of spices and it can be helpful to include matcha green tea, turmeric, ginger, and the supplement, triphala.  Dr. Axe pointed out that some ancient civilizations, like Eskimos and the Hadza lived on a keto diet and they had very diverse microbiomes.

19:00  The most beneficial nutritional supplements to take while following a keto diet are: 1. Probiotics, esp. Soil-based Probiotics, 2. Collagen protein or bone broth protein for tissue regeneration, 3. An organic green powder, 4. Adaptogenic herbs like ashwaganda, 5. Exogenous ketones, and 6. A multivitamin/mineral or drink celery juice or some other green vegetable juice.

22:18  The ketogenic diet is difficult to stay on long term, so Dr. Axe recommends doing it for 30-90 days and then adding back in some healthy carbs, say 30-40%.  That’s about 100 gms of carbs per day, which would be a serving of blueberries, a half a sweet potato, and one serving of rice.  Some people also do well cycling keto, such as doing keto and then adding some additional carbs every third day.


Dr. Josh Axe is a Doctor of Chiropractic, a certified doctor of natural medicine, and a clinical nutritionist. He has the No. 1 natural health website, Dr. Axe.com, with over 17 million monthly visitors, and he created a supplement company, Ancient Nutrition. He has written several best-selling books, including his new book, Keto Diet, and Eat Dirt.

Dr. Ben Weitz is available for nutrition consultations specializing in Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders like IBS/SIBO and Reflux and also specializing in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors like elevated lipids, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure and also weight loss, as well as sports chiropractic work by calling his Santa Monica office 310-395-3111 or go to www.drweitz.com.


Podcast Transcript

Dr. Weitz:            This is Dr. Ben Weitz with The Rational Wellness Podcast, bringing you the cutting edge information on health and nutrition from the latest scientific research, and by interviewing the top experts in the field. Please subscribe to The Rational Wellness Podcast on iTunes and YouTube, and sign up for my free e-book on my website by going to drweitz.com. Let’s get started on your road to better health.  Hey. Rational Wellness podcasters. Thank you so much for joining me again today. For those of you who enjoy listening to The Rational Wellness Podcast, please give us a ratings and review. That way, more people can find out about The Rational Wellness Podcast. Also, check out the YouTube page where we have videos that are not included in the podcast.

Our topic for today is ketogenic diet with Dr. Josh Axe. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, medium protein and very low-carb diet. By severely restricting carbs, your body gets used to burning fat for energy instead of carbs. And this can facilitate the loss of body fat. When your body is burning fat, it produces ketone bodies in the process. This means that your body is in ketosis. Dr. Josh Axe is a doctor of chiropractic, certified doctor of natural medicine, and clinical nutritionist. He has the number one natural health website, draxe.com, with over 17 million monthly visitors. He’s written several bestselling books including his new book, Keto Diet, Your 300-Day Plan to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones and Reverse Disease, which is what we’ll be speaking today.  Dr. Axe, thank you so much for joining me today.

Dr. Axe:               Awesome. Hey, thanks for having me Dr. Ben.

Dr. Weitz:            Excellent. So, Dr. Axe, can you tell us how you became interested in a Functional Medicine approach to health?

Dr. Axe:                Yeah. So for me, I got into the natural medicine space through a health crisis in my family. My mom growing up was always into fitness, but we were never into nutrition or natural health. And so she was surprisingly diagnosed with cancer at 40.  We lived in that medical model.  We were always getting put on medications, and my mom decided to go through all the conventional medical treatments.  So she had a mastectomy.  She went through rounds and rounds and rounds of chemotherapy. And I remember her losing all of her hair. Just being so sick.  And she went through all those treatments, and then she was diagnosed as being cancer-free and healthy but really, after that, she seemed sicker than ever.  She got diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, got put on multiple medications.  And she was just sick and tired all the time.

And that’s really, essentially, what inspired me to become a Functional Medicine doctor and a chiropractor, and nutritionist, and want to learn natural medicine. And so, I went to school, started studying to become a doctor. And about a year before graduation, get a call from my mom, and she says, “I’ve got bad news. I’ve just been diagnosed with cancer again. What do I do?” And I said, “I’ll be home.” I flew back from Florida back to Ohio where I grew up. We sat down and prayed together. And we felt led to take care of her all naturally. And so, she started juicing vegetables every single day. We started doing natural remedies like reishi mushrooms, and turmeric, and vitamin D. She started getting chiropractic adjustments every week. And using essential oils like frankincense.  And also doing positive affirmation.  We worked on her spiritual and emotional health.  We followed this plan for about four months.  We went back to Columbus, Ohio and redid a CT scan with her oncologist.  And they called us the next day and they said, here’s what their exact words were, “This is highly unusual.  We don’t typically see this, but your tumors have shrunk by more than half.  We want to see you again in nine months for another scan.”  She went back nine months later, complete remission.  And now, my mom’s in the best shape of her life.  She just turned 67, and she’s running 5Ks, and she water skis, and feels better now in her 60s than she did in her 30s.  And so for us, that’s a big part of what inspired me to start practicing natural medicine.

Dr. Weitz:            Just out of curiosity, did the oncologist ever call you and say, “Hey, Dr. Axe, what did you do?”

Dr. Axe:                No, no. Of course not. Well actually, on that call, they kind of said, “What have you been doing?” And their long-winded response was, “Hmm.” Was what it was. And at the time-

Dr. Weitz:            They really thought about it deeply.

Dr. Axe:                Exactly. Now another thing what my mom was doing as the time though diet-wise, all the vegetables she did were green vegetable juices, she was sort of doing a form of the keto diet. We removed all sugar, all grains from her diet. Her only source of carbohydrates was, she was doing about a half a cup to a cup of blueberries a day, some beets and carrots, and that was really it in terms of carbohydrates. And so, that was another thing that we felt like was pretty important as part of her treatment plan.

Dr. Weitz:            Great. So what is some of the primary benefits to following a ketogenic diet?

Dr. Axe:               So, the keto diet, big benefit there is balancing insulin. And most people, of all the macronutrients we eat, we overconsume sugar and carbohydrates are the most. We know different organ systems have to deal with different macronutrients, and so your kidney and your stomach, and to a degree, your liver, have to do with protein digestion. We know that fat digestion’s primarily your liver gallbladder, but your pancreas, in a big way, is responsible for carbohydrate digestion. And so for that, most of our pancreases are just worn out. So, when you can balance insulin… When people think of insulin, they tend to just jump to diabetes and think that’s what it does, or if it’s imbalanced that’s the disease it causes.

The truth is, research today is showing insulin imbalance causes severe inflammation. It causes PCOS, that’s polycystic ovary syndrome. In fact, Alzheimer’s disease is called type three diabetes because of insulin issues. And so, and then most hormonal issues, whether it be cortisol or progesterone or estrogen or testosterone, those hormones, a lot of times are at certain levels because of where insulin is at. And so, again, I think it’s really critical that we keep insulin balanced. But again, the benefits can be especially neurological in brain health. It can be big for that. Digestive health. Certain types of hormonal health, especially PCOS and fertility. And weight loss, of course. Probably of all the things, probably it’s most well-known for its ability to help people lose weight and fight diabetes.

Dr. Weitz:            I just did an interview with Dr. Bob Rountree, and he was talking about fatty liver disease, which is also related to insulin sensitivity. And that’s a tsunami of problems that’s coming down the pipe that is going to be the leading cause of liver transplant.

Dr. Axe:                Absolutely. So again, as you can… insulin resistance is a huge… And most people don’t think, unless they have diabetes, they think, “Oh, I don’t have insulin resistance.” Most people are sitting in that sort of syndrome X, that level of not full-blown diabetes, but most people, if they’re carrying an extra 20 pounds of body fat especially, there’s a great chance that they’ve got insulin issues.

Dr. Weitz:            Absolutely. So what are the main components of the ketogenic diet?

Dr. Axe:                So, a keto… Now, here’s the other thing too. There’s a right way and wrong way to do keto. So, keto tends to be about 70% fat, 20-25% protein, and about 5% carbohydrates. That gets your body in state of ketosis, where your body starts burning fat for energy because it doesn’t have carbs to burn for energy. And the other thing important to note about keto is, is that it was created by John Hopkins Medical researchers to fight epilepsy. And to mimic fasting. So think about it like that. The keto diet, for me… By the way, the keto diet is not a lifetime diet.  The keto diet is a long-term fast or cleanse. That’s why most of the time it can be done for 30 days or up to 90 days. Most people, unless somebody has maybe MS or Alzheimer’s or certain forms of cancer, those people may do it for longer periods. Or severe obesity. But for most people, if somebody’s looking to lose 20 pounds, or somebody’s looking to get rid of diabetes, for most of those people, the keto diet should be done 30 to 90 days. And then transitioning into just generally adding some good healthy carbohydrates back in. But it’s really meant to be like a long-term fast or cleanse. But the key is, your body’s getting into ketosis where your body breaks down body fat. That body fat is turned into ketones, which then your brain and other parts of your body can use as fuel.

Dr. Weitz:            From what I’ve seen, it’s not easy to get into ketosis.

Dr. Axe:                No. It does take typically four to six days for a lot of people to get in. There are secrets and ways I cover in my book, Keto Diet. Some ways to get into ketosis faster, such as using certain types of healthy caffeine like matcha green tea, using adaptogenic herbs, keeping stress levels low, keeping those cortisol levels low, taking exogenous ketone supplements, taking other herbs that support thermogenesis like ginger and cayenne. So there are ways to get into ketosis faster, but it does take at least four days for most people, if not six days, to get into that state.

Dr. Weitz:            I think if your cortisol levels go up because you’re stressed, that’ll cause your body to produce more sugar from protein.

Dr. Axe:                Absolutely. And that’s a huge deal. The people that I see that don’t do well on the keto diet, are the people that have… At the same time they’re keeping their stress hormones are very, very high. And, because I had somebody ask, “Is the keto diet good for people with thyroid disease like hypothyroidism?” The answer is, it depends. For the people that are to, with the diet, keep the stress hormones low, yes. Those people will do well on keto if they have thyroid disease. But if somebody has thyroid or adrenal fatigue, and they’re doing keto and they keep stressing out that entire time, they’re just going to create more problems for themselves.

Dr. Weitz:            So, do you have people actually count a specific number of grams of carbs? I saw in your book you said 5%, but that’s kind of hard to figure. How did they determine how many carbs they should be on?

Dr. Axe:                I have most people do 30 grams or less a day. Some people, if they’re athletes, can do 50 grams or less a day. But I… it tends to be… I’ve never been one into counting the calories. It’s more eat these foods. And eat some of them liberally. Eat your avocados liberally. Eat your coconut liberally. So, that tends to be how more I have had patients do it in the past. I found that hey, you add an extra stress on weighing everything, measuring everything, journaling everything. Some people want that. 20% of people may like to do it that way. But 80% of people, they just want to know what foods can I eat and not eat. Or I tell people, “Don’t eat carbs. You can have one serving of carbs a day, less than 30 grams and it’s either blueberries, beets or carrots. Outside of that, just don’t eat any carbohydrate-rich foods.”

Dr. Weitz:            And basically, carbohydrates are grains, legumes, most fruits and the starchier vegetables, right?

Dr. Axe:                You got it. And some squashes I think are fine. I think if somebody’s doing some spaghetti squash like a serving of a cup, that’s going to be fine for most people on the diet, versus if somebody’s doing butternut squash or sweet potatoes, of course. That’s going to get them out of ketosis for sure. Just too carbohydrate rich.



Dr. Weitz:                          I’ve really been enjoying this discussion, but I’d like to pause for a minute to tell you about our sponsor for this podcast. I’m proud that this episode of the Rational Wellness Podcast is sponsored by Integrative Therapeutics, which is one of the few lines of professional products that I use in my office. Integrative Therapeutics is a top-tier manufacturer of clinician-designed, cutting edge nutritional products with therapeutic dosages of scientifically proven ingredients to help our patients prevent chronic diseases and feel better naturally. Integrative Therapeutics is also the founding sponsor of Tap Integrative. This is a great resource for education for practitioners. I’m a subscriber to Tap Integrative. There’s videos. There’s lots of great information constantly being updated and improved upon by Doctor Lise Alschuler who runs it. One of the things I really enjoy about Tap Integrative is that it includes a service that provides you with full copies of journal articles and it’s included in the yearly annual fee. And if you use a discount code, Weitz, W-E-I-T-Z, you’ll be able to subscribe for only $99 for the year. And now, back to our discussion. Here is the link to TAP Integrative.



Dr. Weitz:             How important is it to exercise while you’re following a ketogenic diet?

Dr. Axe:                It’s not. It’s really not important. I mean, people may expect me to say it’s very important. Listen, I believe everybody should be moving. Everybody’s healthier doing some form of exercise, whether it be intensity, high-intensity interval training, or yoga or Pilates or barre or weight lifting or cardio, whatever it is. But what I encourage people to do is just move 20 minutes a day. If it’s that’s walking, that’s fine. But what I tell my keto… people I care for, is “Hey, just move 20 minutes a day.” But I don’t… I think people could lose lots of weight if that’s their goal, or balance their blood glucose levels and insulin levels very easily, even if they aren’t exercising if they’re doing keto the right way.

Dr. Weitz:            But doesn’t exercise make it easier to get into ketosis?

Dr. Axe:                It does. Yeah, absolutely. So again, I think movement is going to support your body in doing that. In fact, movement helps all kinds of things from lowering stress hormones to elevating your metabolism, to start to burn up any of those carbohydrates that might be in your diet. So, yes, it definitely can.

Dr. Weitz:            Good. So, can you drink alcohol while you’re following a keto diet?

Dr. Axe:                You know what, you can in small amounts. And it depends on the type of alcohol. Beer, absolutely not. Maybe some dry farmed red wine. Probably one glass or less a few times a week.

Dr. Weitz:            Now what if the glass is about this big, and you fill it to the top?

Dr. Axe:                Right. So we can stay, I think the-

Dr. Weitz:            Have you seen some of the sizes of some wine glasses?

Dr. Axe:                I have. So we’ll say three and a half ounces or less.

Dr. Weitz:            There you go. So what are some of the biggest problems people have trying to follow a keto diet?

Dr. Axe:                Well one, knowing what… Let me say this. I think one of the things people have to know too, and I alluded this earlier, there’s a right and wrong way to do keto. I was on Instagram and I saw somebody post the… Or maybe it was Pinterest. They posted the ultimate keto recipe. And they said you take conventional shredded cheese, you fry it in butter, put bacon in the middle, and then you fry another shell on top, and you have a keto quesadilla. That’s not healthy on any diet.

Dr. Weitz:            Right.

Dr. Axe:                It’s pure conventional beef and butter. That’s… No, that’s not good. Versus eat real, healthy fats. Eat avocados. Eat coconut. Eat tahini. Eat almond butter. Eat grass-fed butter. Do ghee. Eat olives.

Dr. Weitz:            Can you fit some hummus in there?

Dr. Axe:                Yeah. I think a little bit of the hummus is fine. People do fine if they’re just eating that with their vegetables. But I think that’s a big thing to know is that you got to get a lot of these sources of healthy fat in your diet. And that’s what’s important. So knowing, and in my book Keto Diet, I go through a 30 day meal plan of what a keto breakfast looks like, keto lunch, keto dinner, keto desserts, keto snacks. And so we have all those recipes in the book as well. But I think if you have the recipes in the 30-day meal plan like I have in my book, it’s actually… I don’t think it’s that difficult to follow then.

Dr. Weitz:            No, I appreciate the fact that you emphasize the importance of doing it a healthy way with avocados and vegetables, because that’s one of the things that really turned me off to the whole idea of the Atkins diet which was kind of the progenitor of the keto diet, which people are eating bacon and cheese and all this unhealthy food. And I just, it was like, I get it. I understand how fat could be healthy, but there’s just no way that eating pork bacon can be good for you.

Dr. Axe:                Totally agree. And it’s not. In any setting.

Dr. Weitz:            So, will a keto diet be detrimental to your microbiota?

Dr. Axe:                So the answer is, not if you’re doing it the right way. It’s important to remember, certain civilizations lived on keto. Eskimos lived on a keto diet. Sometimes the Hadza possibly did. We know sometimes people lived on keto diet. But the thing is, you got to be getting the right fermentable fiber in your diet. That’s key in probiotic rich foods. So when you do keto, you got to get fiber. So again, one serving of berries a day, and then loads of vegetables and some nuts and seeds like chia and flax, pumpkin seeds, almond. But getting the fiber in your diet, and then getting some of those fermented foods like sauerkraut in there, and all the vegetables. If you’re doing loads and loads of vegetables, and then herbs or spices. Doing matcha green tea. Doing tumeric. Doing ginger. Doing supplements like triphala which is an ancient Ayurvedic yoga gut digestive support.  But doing those types of things, your microbiome will be healthier than ever. In fact, there’s an animal model study for people with ASD, autistic spectrum disorders. And they found that actually, their gut microbiota dropped especially the bad bacteria which improved behavioral outcomes, their overall digestion, their memory, their focus. So, if anything, it’s actually going to have a great benefit on the gut microbiota if people are doing loads of vegetables, herbs and spices and fermented foods.

Dr. Weitz:            Cool. Do you have people measure to see if they’re in ketosis? Use those urine dipsticks?

Dr. Axe:                Most of the time I don’t have people do it. Now if somebody’s having some issues, absolutely. And if somebody loves to measure things, that’s great. What I’m looking for is how you’re feeling. And are your symptoms changing? How do you look? And so people noticing, oh, I can tell my face is leaning in. I can tell I’m leaning out here. I can tell my energy now is better. I can tell my hormones are… I have people more so listen to their body than I do using the strips. But I think using ketone strips can be great.

Dr. Weitz:            What are some of the most beneficial supplements to take when following a ketogenic diet?

Dr. Axe:                I think number one would be making sure that we’re getting plenty of probiotics. So getting quality probiotics, especially the soil-based organisms, those SBOs. So I would look for a good quality soil-base probiotic supplement that also contains herbs and spices like triphala and ginger that support digestive health. But a probiotic supplement would be number one. Number two, collagen. I think collagen is critical for tissue regeneration. When people go keto, I not only want them to balance insulin and to lose the extra body fat, I want them to regenerate and heal. And so in that case, I’d say number two would be a collagen protein or a bone broth protein. Bone broth protein’s probably even the best, because that also has hyaluronic acid and glucosun and a chondroitin. So a scoop of that a day in a smoothie.

Dr. Axe:                The third supplement I would say would be… I think you want to stay alkaline. I think doing lots of greens. So something like chlorella or spirulina or organic super greens powder of some sort could be great for people. Just a couple more. I think taking adaptogenic herbs can be good. I think ashwagandha is one of those that can be very good to help keep those cortisol levels lower. And for some people, exogenous ketones, if somebody really wants to amp up the weight loss and get into ketosis faster. For a period of time, I think that’s another good one that people can consume.

Dr. Weitz:            Probably minerals too, right? Because there’s a lot of electrolyte imbalances that result from a keto diet.

Dr. Axe:                That’s the other thing I was going to say. In fact, one of the things I have a lot of people do when they’re on the keto diet is drink loads of celery juice. But celery juice to get the minerals. Lots of steamed spinach.

Dr. Weitz:            The cure for everything. Celery juice.

Dr. Axe:                Listen. I do want to say this. I’m not… And by the way, I’ve never met the guy, Medical Medium. He seems like… Obviously a lot of his stuff has a very, just polarizing effect in terms of the way he markets.

Dr. Weitz:            My wife read it. Had her first dose of celery juice, got sick as a dog, concluded this must be good for me. So now every time I go to the market, I have to call ahead and have them stock up on celery.

Dr. Axe:                I was actually recommending celery juice before that guy ever came out with the celery juice book or whatever he came out with. Which at least it’s better than the book before, not by him. Two years ago, it’s the grapefruit juice diet. At least this time it’s celery. So, but I do think some vegetable juice that’s mineral rich, especially celery, cucumber, spinach, ginger, lemon, that sort of… I think can help. But, you’re right, a multi-vitamin mineral can also be great for people that are looking to… That they’re on keto.

Dr. Weitz:            Now, you talk about using the keto salts. But isn’t the whole idea to get your body to produce those ketones?

Dr. Axe:                Yeah again, I’m not… Anytime I’ve done keto in the past, I’ve never used the salts or the exogenous ketones. Again, it’s just a supplement there for people if they want to see, get into ketosis faster, or they’re going to do it for 30 days and want to sort of reap the ultimate benefits. I think it’s fine thing to take. But do I think it’s number one on the list? No, by any means, in terms of supplements. But again, a lot of people I have do it without it.

Dr. Weitz:            Now since the ketogenic diet is hard to stay on long-term, once your recommendation for them to do it for 30 or 60, 90 days is over, what should they do then long-term?

Dr. Axe:                So, I recommend eating a healthy amount of carbohydrates. And so I think, realistically, now what we think of as normal is not normal. I think what the normal amount of carbohydrate consumption is probably close to, let’s say, 30% maybe. Maybe 40. But it’s not 50, 60 or 70.

Dr. Weitz:            You mean Big Mac, fries and Coke is not a reasonable way to eat?

Dr. Axe:               That’s not it. That’s definitely not it. So, I do think that keeping that protein around 25%, keeping the fat around something like 40%. What does that leave? 35% probably for carbohydrates. So, I do think about a third of your diet at carbohydrates is fine. It’s probably 100 grams or less is probably going to be about 100 grams a day for most people is great, and that’s three. It’s a serving of berries. It’s a half a sweet potato. It’s one serving of rice. It’s the right amount.

Dr. Weitz:            And I saw in your book you also talk about keto cycling as a way to sort of integrate some keto diet into your-

Dr. Axe:               I think for some people if they sort of liked being on keto but they wanted sort of a break, to be able to go out with friends and be able to do something long-term, keto cycling can be great. It’s sort of carb cycling meets keto diet. My wife actually did this. I hadn’t thought of it necessarily until my wife said, “Hey, I’m going to try this.” She did keto 30 days and then she started doing sort of these just a carb day every third day. And she said she actually felt better doing that than actually full-on keto, and she actually, the result she saw were just as good and long-term, better. She noticed, and my wife is a chiropractor. She’s a fitness instructor, yoga instructor. She’s super healthy. But she ended up losing just a few… Just leaning out a little bit more and getting her body to kind of ideally where she wanted it to be doing that. So I think the keto cycling as we cover in my book, is a great thing for a lot of people to do.

Dr. Weitz:            Cool. Well, thanks for the interview, Josh. How can our listeners get a hold of you and find out about your books and your supplements?

Dr. Axe:                Sure. Well, you can follow me on Instagram, Facebook and draxe.com. Here’s the new book that just recently came out, Keto Diet. You can see it here. You can buy it on amazon.com. In fact, it’s been ranking as one of the top-selling health books the past three months. International best seller. But in this book, we have 80-plus recipes, 30-day meal plan, and also a keto cancer plan and others. So people can check out this book here, and check it out on Amazon, read some of the reviews there we have. And then-

Dr. Weitz:            No, I read it.

Dr. Axe:                Awesome.

Dr. Weitz:            It’s an easy read. It’s great.

Dr. Axe:                Awesome. And then draxe.com. It’s D-R-A-X-E dot com, my website. But I want to say, Dr. Ben, thanks so much for having me on your show.

Dr. Weitz:            Thank you so much, Josh, Doctor Axe.

Dr. Axe:                All right, God bless.


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